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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 450 KB, 416x556, ribbonholicxcerisebunnycharm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10896562 No.10896562 [Reply] [Original]

last one hit bump limit

>> No.10896581

Does anyone have one of those google docs for lists of indie brands / brands for specific Substyles? I remember there were a ton of them a while back but the links broke or something.

>> No.10896582

Why is so much not catalogued on lolibrary? Even (non old school)main pieces from big brands can be missing sometimes. Does lolita not have enough dedicated autists?

>> No.10896583

Feel free to add it yourself. It's not hard.

>> No.10896590

I’ve actually been hoping this situation would come up on cgl so I’ll give my 2 cents…
Lots of people have tried to upload items to Lolibrary but have basically been rejected because of a few reasons:

1. Mods most likely will not see your draft
To create an Lolibrary item you have to make an account, Which will give you access to the Catalogue where you can create drafts. Drafts cannot be added to Lolibrary unless a mod manually checks your draft and says it’s okay. As of me writing this there are over 25 pages of drafts. I’m almost 100 percent sure that they don’t check all the pages of drafts because I have had drafts just sit on the site for months, and they don’t delete or do anything with the drafts if they deem it’s not “suitable” for their website.

2. They won’t Accept LM photos
You may have noticed this on Lolibrary before but they almost never upload photos with pictures from lace market or any other second hand market place (excluding wunderwelt and closet child) it’s kind of like a unspoken rule on their site, if you want to upload items featuring pictures from lm you have to manually ask the seller if it’s okay to use their photos which is pretty inconvenient.

3. They want you to upload items in a specific format
I’ll keep this short but in summary they always want you to upload items in a specific way. I’m sure you have seen the way they do it: -Big Text- -Measurements- -Big Text- -Notes- [Brand Comment] “bla bla bla” and they basically never accept drafts that don’t do it this way, it’s annoying AF.

>> No.10896592

>any other second hand market place (excluding wunderwelt and closet child)
i've absolutely seen photos credited as being from mercari and yahoo auction on entries

>> No.10896593

I was gonna include mercari and yahoo auctions so thank you for reminding me, the point was they don’t accept lm photos.

>> No.10896594

They do if you get permission. Or if its your photos, submit them yourself. Its not an unspoken rule they specifically say they need permission and even when you do the google doc to add photos to entries it asks you the same thing.

I have made multiple entries and they have been published and have seen that sometimes they get published after someone adds to it to make it fit. Make sure you put your item to pending when you are ready to have it checked

>> No.10896596

I've had entries go through but it would take a really long time, months like you said. My drafts were pretty complete but when the mods approved them they had added/rewritten like 1 or 2 minor details. It made me wonder if they were holding off on approving it until they could find that last piece of missing info. If so, I feel like this is a weird approach because there are already tons of published stub entries with barely any info on them, I guess those are ok because they're presumably made by mods? I'd much rather they put out more incomplete entries because then at least people can confirm the item exists and add it to their wardrobe. Like, I'm not going to be torn up about it if the brand comment is missing.

>> No.10896597

nayrt, and this is my first comment on the subject. I've added photo's and brand comments before and those were added but I've never made a new entry. Is there a guide/template on how to make one? I think I still might have some items that are not on lolibrary. And do they accept pictures of an item when it's being worn by someone, as long as you have the permission to use that photo?

And I agree I would much rather have that incomplete (but accurate) entries are put on lolibrary than have to wait until some information threshold is met. Then people can add the missing bits and pieces.

>> No.10896599

> Is there a guide/template on how to make one?
I may do a yt video on how to make a complete Lolibrary listing for new releases for brands like AP sometime. If it’s an obscure item or vintage you don’t wanna add to much for your description or they may not accept it. Here’s one item I uploaded for reference: https://lolibrary.org/items/ap-whipped-magic-tiered-op

>> No.10896603

Thank you, and I look forward to the video if you have the time to make it. I think a lot of people just don't feel qualified to add info to lolibrary.

When the holidays are over I'll have a look at how many of my items are still not on lolibrary (mostly from 2000-2006).

>> No.10896604

if you join the lolibrary server there's a whole guide available for making good quality listings.

>> No.10896632

When is the best time to make a big order from fril and mercari? I mean around what time of the year do people post the most things they don't want? After new years?

>> No.10896640

there isn't one- most actually good or rare items are snatched up quickly. i would recommend using a warehouse like buyee, tenso, or global rakuten, and just consolidating the packages.

>> No.10896647

>shilling buyee

>> No.10896662

Ia there any custom tax from Japan to Australia? I might travel there this holiday and I'm considering importing some things. AtePie ships through courier too, so I'm also considering this option if they don't have custom taxes for this modality either.

>> No.10896692
File: 272 KB, 474x821, IMG_1227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I tie waist ties using this method and not have the ends of the bow end up being completely different lengths? I'm always having trouble with this, especially on velveteen main pieces.

>> No.10896701
File: 123 KB, 600x626, tumblr_plrd3rLlXj1sdq62go1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between classic-sweet and true classic lolita?

>> No.10896702

Classic sweet is more sweet, true classic isn't sweet

>> No.10896710

Japanese lolitas keep posting "Christmas code" or "クリスマスコーデ". What is that?

>> No.10896714

It’s hard to explain the differences in styles other than the stuff that is very obvious. You’ll get an eye for differentiating styles as you explore EGL more. I would say this is more gothic than anything because of the corset lacing and shoes.

>> No.10896715

code is short for coordinate. they're posting their christmas outfits.

>> No.10896716

if you think this is gothic you should NOT be giving out substyle advice

>> No.10896720

people on here can never tell what style anything is, they're all retarded sweet wearers. if it isn't cotton candy pink, they're like teehehe it's gothic

>> No.10896721

To be fair, I think classic is genuinely one of the hardest styles to identify, in part because it seems to have a lot of little crossover elements with other sub styles. Also, classic seems to be the least popular and least defined of the major sub styles. Someone else mentioned how there’s also no real defined space to discuss classic either, so in fairness no one really knows what it looks like outside of people who wear it. Most people seem to think it includes everything from gingham “country” Lolita, and the way through those prints from brands like haneuli.

I’m not super experienced with classic, but there are some innocent world pieces that do seem to straddle gothic and classic? Are pretty much everything from brands like VM considered classic? Genuinely curious because I’ve never actually been in a comm with a classic lolita.

>> No.10896725

Pure classic is so boring, I only like gothic-classic and sweet-classic. Basic classic is so stuffy

>> No.10896729

Are you the same anon that shitted the oldschool thread with your retarded opinions? We get it you have a vendetta against sweet, go cry in your box.

>> No.10896731

This is a classic coord with a large gothic influence, a hint of country in there because of the fairytale theme. I’m not sure how you would argue against this being more gothic.

>> No.10896740

you mean the anon who thought an old school sweet coord was classic? obviously not

>> No.10896741

Kek wtf is this nonsense?

>> No.10896742

Which elements are specifically gothic for you? The corset is not something exclusive to gothic, especially one like this that looks more like a folk-like corset.
The colour scheme is not the average gothic scheme, and the socks, shoes and accs all scream classic. Even if this Coord were all black, it would still not be gothic.

>> No.10896745
File: 60 KB, 500x500, IMG_7694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Which elements are specifically gothic for you?
I think I got the corset idea from those ero lolita corset dresses, which made my mind go to gothic. The tights reminded me of mmm’s cross ribbon socks: https://lolibrary.org/items/moitie-cross-arch-lace-ribbon-otks-2021 Obviously we could fight forever about if this coord is gothic inspired or not, but I think most of us can agree that this is a classic coord.

>> No.10896758
File: 167 KB, 1588x1588, Cat in uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find decent/great quality JK uniforms? Thank you in advance

>> No.10896826

Where to get cheap basic accessories (hair or jewelry) that aren't complete garbage? I don't mean special ones that make a statement, just basics

>> No.10896841
File: 70 KB, 480x645, harvest festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corset lacing = gothic
No..? If anything corset lacing is histoical or folk inspired... Things that aren't specific to gothic or any other major substyle really. But most of the time folk inspired dresses range between sweet and classic.

>> No.10896847

Idk what styles you’re into but I just go to the kids section in Ross and can find cute bracelets and necklaces there. If your not a sweetfag like me you can probably hit up a thrift store and get accessories there.

>> No.10896849

Nothing about it is gothic though...even the sweetest AP dresses sometimes have bodice corset lacing. And the crisscross OTK design is a very generic one almost every brand has done. Hell I would call >>10896701 bittersweet over calling it gothic, and bittersweet isn't even real.

>> No.10897173

How does anyone find good deals on fril or mercari? Do you just religiously stalk every tag that could be related to something you want?

>> No.10897176

My trick is just…
> go to the original mercari.jp website
> search the Japanese spelling for whatever brand you want
> go to the price tag and search ¥300 - 7000 (roughly 50 - 60$ usd max)
> lurk until you find something good

>> No.10897181

This is a bittersweet coord (ie, sweet with more mature/classic vibes and elements). Not sure when or why the hell bittersweet started being used for sweet coords in black colorways when the term was already being used for mature sweet, but this is what true bittersweet lolita is.

>> No.10897183

I've never heard bittersweet used like this before. Just black colorway sweet and people mocking the idea that it's a thing.

>> No.10897185

When it was coined in 2008, it was specifically supposed to NOT be used for black colorway sweet (since the creator hated all the overtly sugary stuff AP was churning out at the time), and stuff that's more under the "sweet-classic" category instead, which imo always fit the name "bittersweet" way better than OTT sweet pastels but with black.

>> No.10897186

Interesting to know since I do dress sweet but it's probably more like this, I hate sugary prints and cutesy motifs and never wear pink. Never knew it had a name like this.

>> No.10897191

Okay but bittersweet implies that the coord has sweet elements. Where in this coord does it have any resemblance to sweet lolita? The coord is inspired by little red riding hood and is taking a darker form of a coord like >>10896841 shared. Everything about this coord screams Classic.

>> No.10897195

I think its the bow cape. There's just something about the silhouette and overall look that feels cuter and more girlish than what classic is usually going for.

>> No.10897198
File: 920 KB, 699x867, chesschoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me and my bestie on the way to the classic meet

>> No.10897202

Everything about this coord is sweet lolita. The ONLY visible classic elements are the shoes and tights, which would be suitable for nearly any substyle so calling them classic is a stretch.

>classic lolita almost NEVER uses prints, especially not that kind of bold border print
>frilly capelet with bigass bow
>big headpiece
>tacky country basket
>bold and busy coordination
>big cupcake skirt
>looks like something Meta or Baby would put out, both sweets brands

Corset lacing and folktale elements aren't classic. They are very common in sweet and even gothic.

And it's missing some of the most important elements of classic
>generally muted colors
>elegant and simple coordination
>minimal accessories
>a-line skirt
>focus on construction rather than print

>> No.10897209

IW did have an era where they did prints, even kind of flashy border prints that really toed the sweet line and relied on classic construction elements to not be straight up sweet, but otherwise you're correct.

>> No.10897214
File: 192 KB, 445x450, IMG_7384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this is actually coming from a ott sweetfag but I guess I’ll bite because I have nothing better to do.

>classic lolita almost NEVER uses prints, especially not that kind of bold border print
This may be true for bigger brands like IW and VM but Classic lolita has definitely had prints in the past, like >>10897209 mentioned. The kind of Classic your thinking of is the “Grandma’s Wallpaper” Classic which was popularized by big brands and eventually became the default classic, even if that isn’t true.

>frilly capelet with bigass bow
Lol are we even looking at the same picture? The frills on the capelet are pretty standard for lolita and can be found in almost any substyle imaginable, same goes with the bow on the cape which really isn’t big compared to most sweet substyles.

>big cupcake skirt
Have you seen a cupcake petticoat before? The petticoat she is wearing in the picture is pretty standard for lolita and isn’t limited to sweet, when I think of a sweet petti I think of one that’s actually shaped like a cupcake and not the most generic petti that can be used for pretty much anything.

>looks like something Meta or Baby would put out, both sweets brands
This is a genuine question, in what universe is meta a sweet brand? Meta has a whole meme surrounding the fact that their styles for prints are all over the place and they have almost never been able to stick to one style.

>> No.10897221

Nothing you're saying is wrong but the coord is still vaguely sweet more than it's anything else. Even if you call it classic it's sweet-classic

>> No.10897226

> Nothing you're saying is wrong
> vaguely sweet
Thank you for proving my point

>> No.10897232


>> No.10897298
File: 1.02 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20231229_050315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of these category debates are just differences in point of view. To a classic lolita, the dress on the left looks sweet because they be familiar with the dress set on the right from VM which is similar in vibe but much more subdued. It all depends on your lolita journey and what you've been exposed to.

>> No.10897301

But these are both gothic?

>> No.10897305

What's wrong with buyee?

>> No.10897336

I have 74 cm waist. Can I fit into excentrique S/M corset skirt sizes? I only see it this size pop up secondhand, never the M/L size. I'm starting to give up.

>> No.10897355

...the one on the left IS sweet though...

>> No.10897358

Lot of LARPers and lolitas at hearts in this thread nonnie. Either that or its just really shitty bait everyone keeps falling for.

>> No.10897360
File: 160 KB, 768x1044, IMG_7710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no more fuel to add to the fire nonny. Give it a rest.

>> No.10897361

ok my b. I was just scrolling through the front page and saw the post. didn't realize that it's part of days-long trolling.

>> No.10897375

Would the greater lolita community be bothered if someone committed suicide while wearing a coord? Would how messy or aesthetically pleasing the body ends up being affect how bothered someone would be by it?

>> No.10897378

Firstly, takes your meds. But to answer your question; I feel like the lolita community would try to forget if something that serious were to happen, to hopefully clear up the image of the community (even if it’s beyond repair already to outsiders). But if the suicide is caused by cgl or behind the bows styled bullying then that would be incredibly damaging to the whole subculture as a whole, not just the online community. Now that you mention it, if that were to ever happen I wonder how cgl would change if at all.

>> No.10897381

I'm not considering it because of cgl. I felt that it would be nice if I was able to participate in something I loved one last time. Lolita till I die and lolita while I die, even.

>> No.10897382

It used to be more expensive than other shopping services but they removed a lot of fees sometime this year and now I find it costs about the same as other popular ones...
Only complaint I would have is that I feel they could use less packaging. Although they don't use ridiculously oversized boxes so it's not too much of a problem
I'm also curious why some people disapprove of buyee so much

>> No.10897383

I can guarantee that you won't be the first person that ever offed themselves while wearing a coord. But if you die, that means no more lolita ever. If you love lolita, then live.

>> No.10897399
File: 397 KB, 640x754, 19E1E117-20C4-44B0-97C4-81E81B7B66BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name for this style of hat?

>> No.10897402

VM calls this their "Elegant Ribbon Canotier"

>> No.10897411


>> No.10897413

supposedly they're sometimes rude to secondhand sellers or will talk the price down and pocket the difference, but i don't know if that's heresay.

theyre not the worst for the current price rates (supposedly they were pricier in the past), theyre convenient for shops that they partner with (mercari) and consolidating orders for shipping, and the add to buyee extension is also convenient, and sometimes have good international shipping coupons, but they're incredibly slow on some websites (closetchild for example) so you can easily have the item bought out from under you while they're processing the order request. and because of their bad reputation, there's a decent amount of sellers that reject/cancel orders from buyee, if you aren't prevented from
ordering in the first place.

tldr: it's very easy and user friendly for newbies, but more seasoned lolitas often prefer to use alternate services unless there's a coupon running because of their sketchy reputation.

>> No.10897415

Why would you use buyee with closetchild instead of just buying directly?

>> No.10897420

Nayrt but closet child only takes PayPal and credit card so maybe if they’re in a country where those don’t work? Buyee takes Alipay and some other money transfer methods. Otherwise I agree, closet child is super easy to order from it takes a few minutes to set up an account and order.

>> No.10897423

i don't know, it's just something i see people do.

>> No.10897489
File: 631 KB, 1665x1100, IMG_7711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good deal for a mmm blouse from 2000? It’s never been worn btw

>> No.10897943

What shopping services are best for using fril? My go to ones all say they can't purchase from sellers there.

>> No.10897964

seems awfully wrinkled for never worn

>> No.10897965

if it's been folded or hanging in a closet somewhere for the past 24 years, that's a normal amount of wrinkles for something to have

>> No.10898004
File: 3.90 MB, 1676x2216, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot for the life of me figure out if this dress is a very dark navy or if its black but the lighting makes it look blue

>> No.10898046

Why do some people refer to jirai kei as girly kei? I understand the meaning of jirai isn't positive but I thought of it as a reclaimed slur (?) Plus everyone I've seen use this term isn't japanese.

>> No.10898048

Jirai kei is just trendy girly clothes with a certain makeup and styling to make you look mentally ill uwu. Girly kei isn't really much of a real term but jirai isn't a real style either so who cares

>> No.10898074

I think its black with blueish lighting? Some proxy services can ask sellers questions on your behalf so you can always try asking what the color is.

>> No.10898080

jirai is a style now in japan. brands are marketing dark ryousangata as jirai currently(since ryousangata changes with trends). jirai started out as makeup but it refers broadly to that black/dusty pink combo ryousangata clothing combined with "sick" makeup. also it's not a fucking slur, even if it was used in a derogatory way. and it's not even reclaimed, it's basically being used as an indicator to dudes who want to sleep with "crazy bpd" women. just always take into consideration that non-japanese will always make random stuff up about japanese trends, even other asians.

>> No.10898122

Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I know it's not a slur, it was a comparison. But thank you and the other anon for your replies!

>> No.10898234

Does anyone know where I can purchase a sax x white old school style headdress? I've tried new indie, brand, as well as second hand markets without any luck.

Only place I'm left with is bodyline and I can't bring myself to pay the 5000 yen shipping fee. Thanks in advance anons.

>> No.10898236

>order stuff with shopping service
>shipping starts at 6000+ yen for a 2kg package

>> No.10898246

If you’re in the states that’s accurate for pretty much all shipping methods now other than seamail that takes 2-3 months. Some shopping services don’t offer it.

>> No.10898247

Uhm…source? anon what in the world are you talking about?

>> No.10898248

>Bittersweet lolita are for the ones who enjoy wearing black dresses detailed with elegant floral print, sweet print, etc. Bittersweet lolita is not over the top candy-fru-fru Angelic Pretty macaroon cup cake swirls makes me want to puke sort of style on black fabric.
Here you go nonnie: https://egl.livejournal.com/12264316.html

>> No.10898249

How do I stop being wobbly on chunky platform heels? I always feel like I might snap my ankle if I'm not careful

>> No.10898255


If you want to make this point you should probably actually read the article because just above that part you quoted is this

>Bittersweet lolita, it means enjoying sweet prints on black, but also having a flair of goth/darkness behind it all. Or really just wearing prints on black is what started it all.

And then she shows a sweet lolita outfit in black. Its literally a baby blouse with a strawberry print skirt. She just is being NLOG and trying to justify her shit but it was always sweet lolita in black. Nothing mature about it.

>> No.10898257

bittersweet isn't even real, some bitch just though she was super spechul for not liking AP. it was just as cringe then as it is now. lolita doesn't need to be as segregated as many of us seem to believe, the only style that was ever extremely different was gothic, because a lot of gothic wearers in japan associated themselves more with non-lolita goth than with other lolita styles. compartmentalization is a disease.

>> No.10898261

>classic never used prints
JetJ would like a word

Also, muted colors are common in classic, not required. Red and black are completely normal, and there is a focus on some construction detailing here with the corset lacing. Personally I think this is one of those coords that just doesn’t fit neatly into any one substyle, but to say that muted colors are an incredibly important element in classic and that it doesn’t use prints is ridiculous.

>> No.10898276

you need to improve your ankle strength. google ankle strengthening exercises. flexing and pointing your toes is an easy one you can do while sitting

>> No.10898277

Baby currently has some in stock


>> No.10898285

It literally looks like a red/black standard Baby coord, anon. And it's still sweet. Baby sweet is more antique fairytale style than AP but it's still sweet. Like how IW is also more storybook style but less cutesy for the most part and is still classic despite looking nothing like MM.

>> No.10898307

What are the chances of getting the milky planet jsk set from the ap japan?

>> No.10898380

Ah thanks anon! Don't know how I missed those. Could have sworn everything was sold out.

>> No.10898560

Anyone know shoes that fit the MMM blue? I normally pair my MMM with black, but I am on a look out for some blue shoes

>> No.10898564
File: 1.73 MB, 1284x1599, IMG_2485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta's stripper heels in navy are on the darker side, but the undertone matches Moitie blue pretty well imo

>> No.10898576

MAM Maxicimam has some too

>> No.10898670
File: 108 KB, 749x495, IMG_2289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here has a physical copy of GLB 15, can I please get a photo of either this page, or the separate pattern page for this IW headdress, if there is one? I'd like to translate the text, since I'm not great at understanding patterns without instructions, and this image is too low res to do that.

>> No.10898728

I use Japan Shopping Service, they've never given me problems.

>> No.10898737

How can I find people wearing specific pieces nowadays? I want to find Moitie's velveteen ribbon op being worn, but Instagram isn't helping...

>> No.10898742

How long does Atelier Pierrot usually take to ship out packages? I placed an order exactly one week ago and got an order confirmation but haven't heard back since.

>> No.10898754

the instructions don't give you alot
Knit the main body
Knit the edges and thread the ribbon (6mm) Sew the fabric to the back of the main body.
Knit the flowers. 4 large pieces (5 long treble crochet into each chain), 2 small pieces (3 treble crochet into each chain)
Knit 4 leaves
Make a rose flower by combining and . Cross the two leaves and sew down the center to make it look like four leaves. Add flowers (2 large, 1 small). Make two of these and sew them on both sides of the main unit.
Cut a 55cm long 15mm satin ribbon and sew them on both ends of the back of the main unit.

>> No.10898835

Why did people seethe so hard about bittersweet lolita back in the day? Obviously it's not a whole substyle but sweet prints in black colorways do have a very distinctive and cool look, and it feels like the look got shit on by association

>> No.10898856

Where’s a good place/brand to buy jirai/ryousangata clothes?
I was thinking of going on Mercari and looking up some Ank Rouge but don’t know where else to start. Devil inspired also has sets but I’m scared the quality is gonna be a plasticy polyester

>> No.10898857

Also samefag but any good Twitter/IG ryousangata for inspo please

>> No.10898858

yamikawa_109 on IG is an aggregate account for ryousangata & jirai fashion, so you can find lots of other accounts through it and through clicking their tags. and dearmylove_official on IG is an affordable fast fashion brand with a wide range of sizes, so that could be good for filler pieces.

>> No.10898859

because people were trying to treat it like an entirely different and new substyle when it was just sweet prints but in black. it was still just sweet lolita.

>> No.10898862

>advocating for fast fashion

Do you even go here? Gross.

>> No.10898863

I mean...that's what jirai is. it's mass-produced fashion for NLOGs with mental illness. They want to wear this ugly shit for 6 months and then toss it once the next trend comes.

>> No.10898865

What do yall think of the new atepie lucky pack?

>> No.10898925

Why do people say JSKs are so much more verstatile and that OPs are boring to coord? I get that pairing with a blouse adds an extra element, but every other aspect of coording (outerwear, jewelry, hair accessories, socks/tights, shoes etc) is exactly the same

>> No.10898927

While you already answered your question (blouses open up more options), JSK straps can also be shortened or made longer so you've got that as well

>> No.10898928

I get that it adds more I just dont get why people act like OPs are boring or there's nothing to do by comparison.

>> No.10898933

You can choose blouses with different collar styles (round collar with or without a stand, square collar, high neck), different sleeve lengths, different sleeve styles, or even a cutsew instead of a blouse. I don't think OPs are boring at all, they can be almost just as versatile if you have a short sleeved OP with detachable long sleeves and a detachable collar.

>> No.10898934

it's a cope from fatties who can't fit ops

>> No.10898949

What is the best way to contact hoyoyo customer service? I tried to order something from them and its been almost a week and they still haven't bought it. I emailed them a few days ago but 0 response.

>> No.10898950

It’s a good deal! There aren’t any real duds, it’s just a matter of cross checking the least popular colorways of the dresses in the preview.
>One person will get a bordeaux Midnight Reverie JSK in there lp while I paid full price like the sucker I am.

>> No.10898954

This is the most CGL take.

>> No.10898958

Wouldn't risk getting one of their costumey pieces. Since we can't choose the colour, I'm sure I would end up getting a random clown costume instead of a proper lolita dress.

>> No.10899027

I mean that’s not incorrect. The only reason why OPs are somewhat unpopular is because they’re typically very small in the shoulders and best and almost never have shirring. Notably OPs with shirring tend to sell higher like castle mirage. To be fair though, not being able to fit OPs doesn’t make you fat. First off they’re genuinely pretty small, and second if you’re like me and have even slightly above average shoulder width they’ll never fit properly no matter how thing you are. But I find OPs to be very cute and fun to play with, plus fewer layers overall.

>> No.10899030

What is the difference between a sleeveless OP and a JSK?

Or a JSK with short sleeves and a short sleeved OP?

>> No.10899039

Does any other lolita discussion site survive? Aside from here, reddit and livejournal. Even if we have to stretch a bit the definition of "survive", like in livejournal's case. Or is everything 100% shitcord now?

>> No.10899058

The difference is what the brand calls it, honestly. If they call it a JSK they intend it to be worn with a blouse, if it’s an OP then they intend it to be worn without one, that’s all. You can still wear it however you want.

>> No.10899066

Sleeveless OP= intended to be worn without a blouse, but if you can (depends on the neckline/collar) then there's nothing stopping you from wearing a blouse underneath.

Jumperskirt with sleeves=intended to be worn with a blouse, but if you can make it look good without one then there's nothing stopping you from not wearing a blouse.

I often wear blouses under short sleeved dresses if the dresses don't have a collar themselves

>> No.10899072

>when a brand releases a short sleeved OP with a collar and calls it a JSK

>> No.10899074

Does anyone know how often Maxicimam restocks?

>> No.10899076

Was it meta?

>> No.10899078

Seemingly at random, honestly. They’ve responded to my messages before so you could try asking them directly.

>> No.10899141

Where are the big head friendly girlies getting their wigs from these days?i dont want to pay over the top prices for cheap chinese shit

>> No.10899159

Is an 80cm dress to short for someone who is 165cm?

>> No.10899188

depends on where you want the dress to fall, but yes, probably. i'm 160 cm and find that anything shorter than 88 cm is too short for me

>> No.10899194

for what fashion? sexy stuff like gyaru or punk or jirai it's fine but not for lolita.

>> No.10899200

ayrt, I have some 88cm dresses and I can wear them but going shorter than that is probably a bad idea. Was just eyeing an oldschool dress thats super short sadly

Yeah lolita

>> No.10899201

What's the best place to buy Japanese band shirts secondhand?

>> No.10899202

eh. i own a 84 cm dress and i'm nearly 167 cm. just wear tights (not otks or utks) and some bloomers, and be careful. you could also make or buy an underskirt to add a small amount of length but i feel like adding too much space between the bottom of the dress and the underskirt looks like shit.

>> No.10899203

Nayrt, I'm 165cm short and can wear a 86cm dress with bloomers. Does not look strange or inappropriate on me.

>> No.10899204

Same anon, I'd wear a 80cm dress with shorter bloomers and longer socks.

>> No.10899234

Do you peek the bloomers or just wear them under?

>> No.10899268

NAYRT but I'm 174 cm, would I be able to wear a 89 cm dress without tights?

Also, does anyone have recommendations for tallita-friendly tights?
>inb4 use bloomers to keep them in place
I do but it gets uncomfortable after a while

>> No.10899269

You dont have to wear tights but you'll need bloomers for sure, and probably at least otks or it'll look unbalanced.

>> No.10899271

I'm okay with the showing the bottom 1 or 2 cm of the bloomers. More than that and I find it can start to look unbalanced. For shorter skirts and dresses I just wear shorter bloomers and longer socks so there isn't a huge gap of naked leg.
My bloomers don't have to show, but if they do it's just the bottom 1 or 2 cm. I also make sure that my dress or skirt doesn't overlap with my socks (hiding the beautiful lace at the top of the socks), that would be a waste. I try to find some kind of balance where, regardless of the skirt length, there is only a bit of bloomer peek (if any), there's only a bit of bare leg showing, and the lace on my socks is visible. I have several different skirt lengths, and therefore also have different petticoat lengths, different bloomers and sock lengths.

This is just personal preference, I don't generally care if someone else shows their legs.

>> No.10899278

I wanna get a corset to go with a gothic dress I got recently but I've never gotten one before. Any gothic wearing anons have advice or things to pay attention to when looking for one?

>> No.10899280

Stop with this stupid bloomers and tights conversation. if your 174cm your going to need a dress that’s at least 95cm for it to look an appropriate length without tights. It’s also important to note what substyle your in, if your sweet then yes bloomers and tights are going to be your last resort if your wearing 85 - 90cm long dresses. I remember airymichelle (175cm+) made a video about tallita-friendly tights options so watch her video if your interested.

>> No.10899282

>95 cm
I like old school and ETC/JM type stuff. I'm fucked, aren't I?

>> No.10899284
File: 60 KB, 287x500, IMG_7785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayrt and there is still hope for you. Bloomers peaking is still something you see in oldschool lolita. plus if your wearing more solid colors, it actually makes the length of the dress/skirt a bit less noticeable if your wearing matching socks/tights. I’m less then 160cm tall so I can’t speak on personal experience, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.10899289

modern ETC runs pretty long, usually past the knee on me and i'm 167cm

>> No.10899293

I'll keep that in mind, thanks anons

>> No.10899347

I have a Pink House gobelin skirt I want to sell - it's a more fitted A-line skirt, so I doubt it'd be appropriate for Lacemarket. Is there any chance of it selling on Keimarket instead? Is there any demand for Pink House at all, or would I have to price it very cheap for it to sell?

>> No.10899366

As of me writing this there’s only 1 PH thing selling on kei market so I doubt that there is any demand. Pictures would also be helpful.

>> No.10899409
File: 79 KB, 480x640, IMG_3048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured as much, Pink House doesn't seem all that popular in the west. This is the skirt I'd be selling.

>> No.10899413

Considering that the skirt has lacing I think that you would have a better chance on lace market.

>> No.10899417

I've seen pink house before on kei market, but in my experience kei market isn't widely used anyway. personally I would list it on depop or mercari

>> No.10899458

Why do so many people act like Taobao is a cheaper alternative if you "can't afford brand". Maybe for some accessories, but Taobao dresses that look even half decent (and plenty that don't) cost about the same as what I pay for most of my brand dresses secondhand.

>> No.10899459

I just post questionable stuff on lm, let the mods move it if they don't like it

>> No.10899462

I'm wondering the same. I'm getting back into lolita after a few years and every platform seems abysmal. My local comm is still full of elitist ita weirdos.

>> No.10899480

How is La Pafait quality compared to Jesus Diamante? I see they both sell secondhand for roughly the same price, but can I expect the same quality from La Pafait?

>> No.10899487

It’s hot glue mess desu

>> No.10899547

la pafait isn't even the same type of hime gyaru as jd. everything is handmade by the staff and only weebs ruined the market for second hand items over the last few years. it's cheap and a hotglue mess like anon said, it's sub bodyline quality. it's not worth it at all at it's current price, especially the accessories which can be hand made.

>> No.10899548

Is there anywhere I can find cool gothic shoes/pumps that don't have very high heels? Platforms are fine as long as the heel isnt that extreme. I mostly wear gothic but my shoes are really basic because I can't do heels and most shoes that really make a statement are too high and I know I couldn't walk in them

>> No.10899560

ah wow I came here to ask exactly that. I've checked most stores related to the fashion and no luck. Meta heels are super high, but I have been considering them because the sole arch is actually quite low.

I've also considered CCF's princess ballerina without the ribbons, but I feel that their sole arch is a bit too high.

I've checked antaina but their shoes have higher archs. I really wanted a blue heel to wear with my gothic pieces.

tldr; I need help too.

>> No.10899594 [DELETED] 

How do I steal her look beside photoshop? It looks like she uses shading to make her mouth more catlike, are there any tutorials for that? Tips for the eye makeup also welcome~

>> No.10899595
File: 285 KB, 1080x1341, Screenshot_20240115_210820_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I steal her look beside photoshop? It looks like she uses shading to make her mouth more catlike, are there any tutorials for that? Tips for the eye makeup also welcome~

>> No.10899611

Might want to try gothic men shoe brands. They are more likely to not have high heels

>> No.10899619

it's meitu makeup and crap. none of it is real.

>> No.10899656

besides an aegyosal maker eyeshadow stick this is 100% shoop. you can find the aforementioned shadow sticks in any asian makeup shop.

>> No.10899674

For that style of lipstick you can look at tutorials for douyin makeup trend, especially ones that emphasis the outer corners of the mouth. That's what makes it look like a cat mouth.

>> No.10899676

Do you gulls wear lolita to family gatherings, or is it inappropriate?

>> No.10899679

I do, so long as it's a normal party like a cookout or game night and not something formal with a special dress code like a wedding or funeral. For birthdays, I try to use discretion based on the person - I feel like the guys tend to not care, whereas for the ladies they may want all the focus to be on their own outfit, so I try to dress normal for the ladies' birthdays.

>> No.10899681

sometimes. Not to weddings and funerals though. And not if I know the person whose birthday it is wouldn't want me to wear it.

>> No.10900405
File: 3.03 MB, 1080x2400, IMG_20240121_233806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the dress and the boots at the top. How many feathers is too many feathers? Also considering adding feather trim to some bloomers or an underskirt

>> No.10900472

Is there some kind of trick to zipping JSKs? Once I zip them they fit fine but zipping takes like 10 minutes of struggle every time

>> No.10900475

not even, apps have the tear bag makeup now, there's no way to tell.
it looks more like shoop. meitu has a lot brushes you can use anywhere on your face now. either way it will look awful in real life so anon should just use apps instead of wasting time with real makeup.

>> No.10900478

Honestly I don't think those boots suit the dress very well, something lace-up with more details and hard edges would look way better. Feather motifs could look good but if you mean to use the examples in your pic, most of them would look silly

>> No.10900480

sounds like it doesn't fit? are you hooking it at the top before zipping?

>> No.10900488

i just pull mine over my head, lots of lolita brands use weirdly stiff zippers. i have a few JSKs that pull over my head just fine and fit with room to spare but the zipper won't go up past the waist seam without a lot of effort. once i get it past that seam the rest goes up easily but it always gets stuck right there.

>> No.10900489

They feel comfortable when fully on so I think they do? All of them are over my bust and waist size too. The zipper just has trouble above the waist seam like the other anon said

Thanks anon

>> No.10900495
File: 50 KB, 480x640, btssb utk lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for lace trim to use on a few diy projects like utks, dresses, bloomers, headdresses etc. what should I search for to find similar lace as the ones brands use? and what sites should I be buying from? I'd like to avoid taobao if possible because I always have trouble with it.

second where can I get some decent quality socks (preferably durable and comfortable similar to brand quality) to make my own utk and otks? some of the socks I've tried get holes in them very quickly and I'd like to avoid that if possible.

>> No.10900497

How long does it take to get verified on Lace Market? I used to have an account but couldn’t remember the email I used since it was so long ago and I didn’t realise I wouldn’t be able to buy anything until I get verified.

>> No.10900520

You can't escape Taobao for laces. No one in the world has so much stock/variety and for so cheap. And I tried quite hard to find similar stores in Japan, as China's shipping got quite expensive since covid and never really went down (Japan's costs half as much with epacket). But when it comes to laces you either deal with Taobao's bs or perish.

laces.taobao.com (or https://world.taobao.com/dianpu/57955164.htm)) is probably the best place to start. Most of my lace is from there. Other places I bought from recently:


>Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed.
>The File field has been cleared.
The fuck? Well then

>> No.10900532

best site for circle lenses? i usually use candylens but they started selling chinese brands and i don't want to go blind.

>> No.10900552

rakuten has decent stuff as well

>> No.10900560

When people say skirts shouldn't be more than 1-2 inches above the knee, are you supposed to measure from the top, bottom, or middle of the knee?

>> No.10900561

top, but it really doesn't matter enough to whip out a measuring tape and actually do the math

>> No.10900598

moody, they use the exact same materials and specs as western color lenses do.

>> No.10900608

Took me a couple of days to get verified when I added a new PayPal address to my account. You can always message them on FB if they're taking too long.

>> No.10900630

what if I ballet-wrapped the boots in some black ribbons? I decided to preorder a Marble bolero and high neck blouse instead so no wrist feathers kek

>> No.10900918

How tight are JSKs with corset lacing supposed to be? When I have them tighter they feel kind of tight around my ribcage when I breathe, but when I loosen them the bust kind of gapes

>> No.10900923

there's no universal sweet spot that works for everyone; how tight you want the lacing to be depends on your personal comfort level. however, if you lace the laces too tightly, you'll notice that the bodice fabric can start to bunch up and look unflattering. if you lace them too loosely (especially with back lacing), they can look oddly gaped open and ill-fitting. you should have a maximum of 3 inches of lace showing (0.5"-2" is best) to create the intended look.

>> No.10900937

So… I have a bunch of yen burning a hole in my pocket. What’s the best website to score deals on burando these days? I want some nice simple filler pieces and I don’t want to spend much on them because if I feel like they are too expensive, I won’t actually wear them.

And if it’s through a SS, what is the best one? I’ve used buyee and japonica market before

>> No.10901124

Do shoes with a shiny finish last longer than matte in a high humidity environment? I need to replace a CCF pair that is falling apart after a few years (and I've used them like 5 times). I live by the sea so it's always very humid :(

>> No.10901130

yes, in my experience patent fake leather and vinyl don't experience the same peeling issues that matte PU does

>> No.10901263
File: 965 KB, 910x910, fghjklkjhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you wash hoopskirts!? cant find a way to remove the hoops

>> No.10901292

How do people wash Usakumyas?
I've done an OxiClean soak and used regular detergent with a toothbrush and she still looks dirty. I've washed her multiple times. Her strap she comes with also isn't getting whiter. Her fur has some spots that look more yellow or gray I think it's dust accumulation. Is there anything else I should try? Also, how do people make her fur fluffy again? I've heard that I should brush it but with what and how its short?

>> No.10901312

Spot clean is easiest with cold water and Oxiclean, but you can try to remove anything detachable and put it in a laundry bag on delicate wash instead.

>> No.10901341

she might be yellowed from age or from the soaks, have you tried using bluing? it can really help refresh dingy whites

>> No.10901347

Asking here instead of the ita thread: I have a 72 cm waist and broad shoulders, but a lot of my favorite releases are 20+ years old (many of them with no shirring). I find most pieces overall have the same listed maximum measurements as mine, or are a couple of centimeters smaller.
Is there any hope? How difficult would it be to alter a piece in these circumstances without it looking like shit?

>> No.10901355

i have the same measurements. some stuff actually runs larger than advertised, and sometimes there's enough seam allowance to let out an extra couple CM, but ultimately your best bet is learning to do simple alterations

>> No.10901359

I think it’s better to know what brands/substyles you like rather than immediately heading to the alteration stage. A question I would ask is what is your favorite lolita brand and work from there. I have some 20+ year old MMM pieces and there way bigger then the Lolibary measurements.

>> No.10901374

no, I haven't I'm scared it would affect the rest of her like the bows, logo, and white eye paint.

>> No.10901375

it shouldn't, but it kind of depends on the release. the logo and paint should be fine, it's only meant to stick to fabric and won't affect screen prints or polyester embroidery thread. the bows you can remove and sew back on if you're nervous!

>> No.10901382

I'm pretty sure old MMM listed either the measurements of the actual mannequin or the 'ideal' body measurements

>> No.10901383

a lot of old school brands don't factor shirring/elastic into the official measurements either, but that doesn't seem applicable to anon.

>> No.10901384

I like Meta, Baby, IW and ET/JM/MILK the most, with the occasional AP or VM piece.
Particularly worried about skirts, as even the shirred ones are listed as being 68 cm maximum, and coats, which all seem to be either too tight on the chest or too short on the sleeves.

>> No.10901400

old vm and iw skirts do run pretty tight in the waist, can confirm

>> No.10901413

nayrt, I have a lot of older btssb skirts and if they say 68 cm max, then that's most probably true. I have skirts that have smaller max measurements than the stated max measurements, but sadly not the other way around. I have a lot of skirts with listed measurements of 60~68, but are in fact 58~64/65.
Same goes for the length, maybe the listed measurements include the height of the waistband for some of the skirts. But all of my older ones are at least a couple cm shorter than listed.

>> No.10901423

That sucks, I'm tall too which is even worse.
How difficult would it be to slightly increase a skirt's maximum width like this?

>> No.10901426

You have to take into consideration that the really old skirts often have a significantly smaller hem circumference so adding 7~10cm to the waistband will take some of the poof out of it. The lining is also much smaller (there is tule attached onto the lining for poof) so you can only wear a weak petticoat under it, but that is also all you need (weak petticoat + tulle in the lining) for that old school poof if you're at the waist size range the skirt is made for. Some skirts are also not intended to be worn with one. I also don't know how tall you are, I'm 1.64m and would not recommend the shorter older skirts for anyone above 1.65m. The 45cm long skirts (might be listed as a 2~5cm longer on lolibrary) are about as short as I would wear.
So to sum it up your problems are hem circumference, lining circumference and length. Consider the cost of having the alterations done, or the time invested doing it yourself, and if it's even worth it. It might not look right on you afterward, even if the alterations were done well. If I were you I would consider looking at pieces that are less old (these tend to be longer), or that have a fully elasticated waistband, I would also consider making them myself even copying the design you like (if it's for your own use, and not for commercial gain, I think this is okay) so it fits you properly from the start.

>> No.10901429

How hard would it be to adjust detachable sleeves to have more room in the arms

>> No.10901430

with all of these alterations questions that I see here I suggest you post them to the sewing thread instead.

>> No.10901431

>sharing a thread with cosplayers
No thanks

>> No.10901432

if you really need to, you can expand the hem circumference by adding an extra panel or bustle to the back, but honestly IME you probably won't need to do that unless you're working with a particularly fussy cut. 5-10cm can often be easily added before the silhouette is impacted, sometimes far more depending on how you do it. i've even altered a-line pieces with success. bell shaped skirts almost always have a lot more gather than you'd expect, and no one will stare at your ass long enough to notice if the back of the skirt is slightly less gathered.

there's not much you can do about length, though.

professional alterations are definitely expensive, but anon said this is just a matter of a couple cm, and alterations that small are extremely easy to DIY.

>> No.10901435

>just a matter of a couple cm
she wants a skirt that might go up to 65cm completely stretched to fit a 72cm waist. Lets say 1cm ease, that makes it 8cm extra. And if she wants an elastic panel in the back for flexibility it will be more. Adding a panel or bustle in the back would be going overboard though, anon is nowhere near big enough to need that.

Also why even bother with the alteration work if it's going to be too short anyway? These are probably solid color skirts with white, cream or black lace so pretty easy to make or have made in your size. I wouldn't bother buying and altering old short and small btssb just to have some of that old burando if I was too tall or wide for it.
I have no dog in the race (I have all of the skirts I want), I just don't want anon to be disappointed when she finds out the skirt looks like a mini skirt on her or she bought one that doesn't fit a petti. Definitely not worth it imo considering todays prices for old school skirts.

>> No.10901440

new anon but ia with all of this. >>10901435

You're already 'tall' and I would say anyone over about 160cm risks being too tall for a lot of old school skirts. They can be fucking tiny by modern lolita standards and MANY are more like the mini skirts AP and Putumayo used to make. Then take a too-short skirt and try to make it wider somehow? Good fucking luck, especially since lots of old pieces have complicated built in linings and pettis. I've been in the fashion long enough to have bought all my oldschool stuff when it was new and one of the big things I've learned is if it's too tight or too short don't even bother buying it. It's just buying a problem.

There's plenty of modern options for that style of lolita that would actually fit properly. Or you can commission a replica if there's some old piece that you just can't live without. Or learn to sew your own stuff from scratch and use the otome no sewing patterns.

At a certain point you have to accept that there will be many lolita items you'll never own and/or never wear, especially old pieces, and focus on finding the items you CAN own, wear, and enjoy.

>> No.10901444

>if it's too tight or too short don't even bother buying it.
>focus on finding the items you CAN own, wear, and enjoy

I absolutely agree. I understand if anon is at that point where owning a lot of their favorite brand, and even specific pieces, feels like magic. Once you get all of that stuff though you will get used to it, the magic will fade once you look at the stuff inside and out in detail. No-one has unlimited budget and time, so you probably will end up selling whatever pieces you don't reach for because they're not comfortable or too short for you.

If you want old school you should still start with pieces that fit you as is. Look for fully elasticated skirts that are long enough for example.

>> No.10901449

When does a skirt become too short?

>> No.10901452

I'm taller than that, so definitely not.

Thank you anons, I guess I'll stick with JSKs and get better at sewing.
Are JSKs without shirring, coats and long sleeves also a waste of time? Just getting everything out of the way before I get my hopes up.

>> No.10901454

depends on how tall you are and what style you're wearing. The idea that the skirt should be knee length is not very accurate, and lots of older skirts are intended to be a little bit above the knee. But there is definitely a limit to it, and some skirts will be too short on some people.

>> No.10901456

>Are JSKs without shirring, coats and long sleeves also a waste of time? Just getting everything out of the way before I get my hopes up.

jsks depends more on your bust size, since there usually isn't that much difference between the bust and waist measurement in jpn brand jsks. Being tall you also need to take into account the waist seam will probably not sit on your waist but higher. But this might be fixed if you get the shoulder straps altered.
With older blouses you are probably going to bump into the shoulder width problem (you mentioned having wide shoulders iirc), although this does vary by brand and by release. I don't know any alteration fix for that. As for outerwear your best bet is probably those old btssb capes. Worst case scenario it's just going to end a bit higher on you than intended, but I don't foresee any problems.
Basically you need to know your bust circumference, shoulder width, waist circumference and go from there.

>> No.10901457

It varies by substyle and cut of the dress/skirt. Your ass shouldn't hang out of your skirt even if you bend over. You shouldn't be able to do any sort of lewd zettai ryouiki shit with the top of your OTKs.

I'd be careful of items with long sleeves, they'll probably be too short. Look at worn pictures first before you buy anything like that.

>> No.10901459 [DELETED] 

I'm 165cm and some skirts hit a bit above my knees and I wonder about if its too much

>> No.10901461

i'm 165cm and mainly stick to jsks and short sleeved OPs if it's something i know i'll have to alter. it's pretty easy to add side gussets or a shirring panel to a lot of designs, but it depends on the dress. solids and stock prints are the easiest to work with, but you can also harvest original print fabric from accessories or waist ties (or do a solid shirring panel that matches the base color of the dress). there's a lot of rude opinions about alterations out there but clothes are made to fit people, not the other way around. if you like something and it doesn't come in your size, you don't have to settle for something you like less if you don't want to. it's always okay to tailor your clothing.

re: coats and blouses. sleeves vary, but i've had success with old MM and VM coats and modern japanese indie blouses. depending on the design some sleeves can be extended by adding another tier of lace to the cuffs or simply wearing wrist cuffs.

>> No.10901462

it really depends on the brand and release, some old school skirts are plenty long, particularly classic brands or releases.

>> No.10901490
File: 628 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20240130-120152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I never owned a hoopskirt before, is there a good reason to get them besides showing them off in an ero coord? They seem like kinda bulky and like they'd look unnatural under a dress, but in some photos they look fine? When would you want a hoop skirt instead of a normal petticoat?

>> No.10901493

Good in summer and warm climates to allow for more "airflow". Lots of volume. Packs down completely flat and then springs back out to its original size without damage or loss of poof. Can be worn under normal pettis for even more volume.

>> No.10901494

Less hot, less layers, won't deflate over time. You can get a slip to put over it to hide the "lines"

>> No.10901496

Do you often have issues with dress length at your height?

>> No.10901498

i did when i wore sweet, but since switching to classic and gothic full time i've been able to keep my knees covered or only just exposed (i don't really buy into the no knees ever rule, i just don't like exposing my thighs personally). i have a shorter torso though, so your mileage may vary

>> No.10901517
File: 16 KB, 240x320, D8804F25-18C8-46DB-83EE-2442D6C6FA30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me coord this dress?

>> No.10901538

Nayrt but I'm 1.64m and I have had some issues with some old school sweet pieces just being too short. With skirts it's pretty easy for me to foresee if it's going to work if I can refer back to the lolibrary measurements (although those are frequently off by up to 5 cm). Dresses are far more of a gamble. Some ended up more mid thigh on me. It's a good thing my shorter friend and I frequently get together and try on each other's new items, it has prevented me from buying a lot of stuff that looks fine on her but is too short for me.

>> No.10901630

Gotcha. I take it the ones on 42lolita with the layer of tulle over the top is probably not enough to hide the hoop lines right?

>> No.10901631
File: 20 KB, 333x250, bdabf844-0859-5470-b747-151b2381c04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What petticoat should I buy for this skirt? My wunderwelt one is too long.

>> No.10901632

I would style this like any other sweet coord; I would do a short sleeved blouse (Pink or white)
A more casual coord would look better with this JSK imo.

>> No.10901879

Is there any chance someone with a bust measurement ~3cm above the listed max on lolibrary could fit into Baby's Red Riding Hood Coat OP unaltered?

>> No.10901880

Depends. I've found some dresses and tops with listed max bust measurements a few cm below mine fit fine. Not sure if it's just inaccurate measuring or just that your chest can be squished down a bit before it becomes too much. Since there's no shirring it's a gamble though, you can't know until you try

>> No.10901881

If you intend to wear it as outerwear you have to take into account that coats need a lot of ease because they go over other clothing, the coat most likely won't fit without alteration unless there is a big difference between stated max measurements and actual max measurements.
Alterations might be possible if you can find a fabric of similar weight, material and color. But to be able to do that you need to buy it first.

>> No.10901882

>But to be able to do that you need to buy it first.

"it" referring to the coat.
Anyway, buying anything that needs to be altered and requires you to buy fabric is kind of a big gamble because that's usually not so easy unless it's a simple black or white cotton broadcloth. It can be difficult to find a similar enough color.

>> No.10901899

you may be able to move the buttons over but it really depends how much extra space there is to work with.

>> No.10901900

talk to people who you know have done alterations, they might know an exact match for what you need offhand.

>> No.10901911

Is the red colorway of Melty Berry Princess (2022 rerelease) safe to wash at home? The tag says to dry clean only but I don't trust the dry cleaners in my city.

>> No.10901926

Just look for another coat at that point, what makes baby’s so special?

>> No.10901927

nayrt, I'm guessing because this was once considered an iconic piece, maybe still is.

>> No.10901928
File: 15 KB, 240x320, 4ED524EE-284C-4649-94EC-713465E1C752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red riding hood falls more into the OP category than the coat category. it’s more of a button-down dress with a hood (in the style of a coat) than true outerwear.

>> No.10901935

You could try to wear it open layered over another dress, sort of like Pink House style.

>> No.10901937

It’s very cute but if you don’t fall under the measurements I’m sure you can find a OP very similar, I don’t understand why every giraffe or super sonico lolita immediately alters every rare or old brand piece in sight.

>> No.10901938

You're supposed to be ~5cm under listed measurements for an optimal fit. If you're 3cm over then it's more like you're 8cm over. You might be able to get it on your body, but it won't be comfortable.

>> No.10901939

Don’t own this release, but based on my experience with other red cotton AP dresses it should be fine. I wash my 2022 red French Cafe and older red prints at home.
If you want to be cautious, try dipping the waist ties in water or even run a cycle with just the ties before you wash the dress. Use color catchers too, although I’ve never seen color rub off on my color catchers when washing AP prints.

>> No.10901943

nayrt, alarm bells start going off in my head when I read that someone who is much bigger than the ideal measurements for a piece wants to alter it, and has no experience altering. I have seen so many terrible alterations. And even if the alterations themselves are done well it might look terrible on the person because they're much too tall or they've taken a lot of the poof out of the piece (aka flat butt syndrome iirc it's called). We've gotten a few of these posts lately and I just want to tell them, respectfully, please buy things that fit you without alterations and save yourself the disappointment and frustration if it ends up being impossible. I don't mind alterations that are done well and preserve the silhouette. But these people don't have those skills, because otherwise they wouldn't be asking here. I remember what another anon said "if you're buying something that needs to be altered before you can wear it, and you don't have matching fabric, you're just buying a problem".

>> No.10901944

Seconding other anon's suggestion of a more casual coord, the print is very summery to me so I'm thinking lightweight materials and red fruity accessories.

>> No.10901945

Thanks for the input nonny! Unfortunately it is the OP, so no waist ties to test with. I'll try hand washing the KC first to see what happens.
Color catchers aren't sold in my country, which is why I'm so worried :(

>> No.10901946

no, i think i'm going to continue chopping up my brand. if you know what you like and it doesn't come in your size, there's no reason not to alter it unless you personally don't want to. lolita isn't public property. roll back the entitlement

>> No.10901948

lose weight, fatty.

>> No.10901950

ayrt, I don't see brand as "public property", and again I have no problem with alterations that are done well and preserve the silhouette. I don't care if you sell it or not. My comment was intended to discourage people who are new to lolita and new to altering from buying stuff they don't know what to do with, and they will be frustrated and disappointed with because the idea in their head didn't work out.
The only reason I can think of why you still got angry at my comment is because your alterations are crappy and you look like crap in it.

>> No.10901952

my alterations make me happy and that's all that really matters to me. i just think it's annoying how you gulls act like alterations are some cardinal sin.

everyone has to start somewhere. i'm not saying buy some rare dream piece as your first project, but it's not difficult at all to find a cheap or damaged piece to practice on. or pay someone else to do it for you, i guess, but i think every lolita should know how to sew. you'll need to fix your dresses sooner or later.

besides that, the dress OP was asking about isn't even a difficult one to alter, nor was it a major alteration. that's assuming the official measurements are even accurate.

>> No.10901953

>92cm bust

ok anachan. you have to be 18 to use 4chan.

>> No.10901955

>i just think it's annoying how you gulls act like alterations are some cardinal sin.

I already said I don't have a problem with alterations. I also don't see you deny that your alterations are crappy. Whether they make you happy or not is besides the point.
"you gulls" you're here too, stupid.

>> No.10901957

i mean, i'd post them to let you decide on your own how good they are, but i'd rather not out myself.

that aside: whether or not the dress makes you happy is the entire point. if you're willing to accept a similar dress that comes in your size, that's fine, but sometimes only one dress will do. if that's the case, anon deserves advice on how to make that special dress fit.

>> No.10901982

If you're happy with something that was done badly or looks like shit on you that is not a good thing, so "as long as you're happy " is kind of sad and delusional.

A similar dress isn't the only option though. "No dress" is also an option. I think more people need to accept that not everything is made for them and that's okay. Not everything can be altered to fit everyone, alterations themselves have limitations, sometimes it makes no sense to buy and alter a specific piece.
If anon is new to lolita and alterations (it sounds like it) the kindest thing to do is be realistic. If they can't find matching fabric and can't find someone who is experienced in alterations then I suggest they don't buy the dress.

Being dependent on someone for alterations isn't a good thing either though, so they should learn to sew and do their own alterations, but should should start on something cheap, (maybe even damaged) and less iconic.

>> No.10901983

It's kind of annoying when we have a lot of people asking "will this fit me?" when the answer is most likely no, and asking "can this be altered?" when the answer is nearly always "it depends". They should post to the sewing/alterations groups on fb and discord instead. The sooner they learn about the limitations the better. They shouldn't be looking at the second hand (or new) market and assume everything can be altered for them. That's a recipe for frustration and disappointment.

>> No.10901986

What is the best way to clean Q-pot jewelry? I have one with a jelly-type surface and another with a textured clay surface that trap stray fibers and dust like crazy. How do i clean them so that they aren't ruined? Very scared to cause damage.

>> No.10901988

Original asker here, thanks to those of you who had helpful input but this conversation looks to be spiraling a bit. I asked knowing it would be a long shot, mainly just looking for someone else to talk sense into me before buying something I can't use. I'm not new to lolita, nor was I planning on doing any alterations myself but rather commissioning a professional, and even then it was unlikely. It is a cute piece but there are other dresses out there for me.

>> No.10901990

I will also say that "Super Sonico lolita" gave me a good laugh.

>> No.10901991

alterations anon here: i'm glad you're happy and would rather save money. i only mentioned alterations because it's a button up, so there was a solid shot the buttons could just be moved over. i've modified several coats this way-- the buttons can be moved back to their original place later, kind of like how some people will move the strap buttons on JSKs.

cry about it! i just bought another rare dress to cut open.

>> No.10902000

>i just bought another rare dress to cut open.

I'm genuinely curious what you got, please share with the group.
I still have no problem with alterations in general, yet you keep replying as if I do which suggests I touched a nerve.

>> No.10902011

like i said, it's a topic a lot of people on here are excessively rude about. you weren't the only commenter, and the others were much less polite.

however if you're genuinely curious and don't mind hearing a little bit of sperging, my throwaway is attached. hit me up and i'll send pics of my work!

>> No.10902015

you reply to such ita shit on reddit kek

>> No.10902016

is anything on reddit not ita shit.

>> No.10902019
File: 259 KB, 999x1631, Screenshot_20240205_191353_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an event later this year that I need to wear a mask for, and I decided I want to wear a Kitsune mask. I haven't settled on an exact look or design yet but it will be going with formal attire, black/red color scheme. Is there anything I should look out for while shopping or anything in particular I should avoid? I won't need it until autumn so if there's a better time to order one I can wait (North Eastern US if shipping location matters).

>> No.10902043
File: 32 KB, 480x640, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How stupid would it look to wear a short sleeve OP over this type of blouse with shirring on the sleeves?

>> No.10902048

I tend to avoid that combination, it looks a bit strange to me if both the short sleeved OP and the blouse have elastic gathering on the upper sleeve. There might be exceptions, but for me it's a general rule.

>> No.10902049
File: 42 KB, 478x720, 390582098209582039542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wear my short sleeve OPs with that type of blouse, it looks weird without a blouse underneath, or with a blouse with straight/short sleeves.
Baby styles it that way too, like the Milky Sugar JSK.

>> No.10902061

Is there any good Lolita media out there on Tik Tok or Youtube that I can watch. I've been lately realising that all the big Lolita youtubers only post dry and boring ass content lately. I also got Tik Tok recently and all of the Lolitas on there are Itas and there is barely any good content. Do you know any good content creators on there? Someone who dresses WELL please?

>> No.10902068

I run a luxury press on nail brand. Would anyone like to see some lolita inspired nails? Any particular prints or designs that would be intriguing? like imagine the perfect set of REUSABLE nails to match your favorite coord !! :) I was thinking of doing a set inspired by Memorial Cake and Sweet Cherry Margeurite! If there's any interest, I'll definitely make some to sell!

>> No.10902074

ribbon milky sugar has tiny sleeves though.

>> No.10902075

We recently had a thread about this. My personal recommendations would be Tyler Willis (Funny, Well Dressed, Entertaining) or Neo Cynical Princessism (Also Well Dressed) and she recently made a closet tour video two days ago.

>> No.10902078

I wouldn't recommend the latter but the former is tolerable imo.

I would recommend instead;

I mostly wear old school so that's obviously the type of content I prefer seeing, but if the youtubers who wear that style mostly have videos I think are incredibly boring then I simply won't recommend them. What's considered entertaining or watchable differs per person, so there's no point in arguing.
If someone is a beginner/doesn't dress well yet but they have videos I think are entertaining then I do recommend them.
There have been channels I've enjoyed a lot in the past that are now inactive/deleted and have been for some time that I have not included because they are inactive/deleted. I tried not to include any channel where their last video was 1 year ago or more. If any of the channels I linked is now inactive that's an oversight on my part.

>> No.10902079

clarifying some things; I don't mean to say that all old school youtubers mostly have videos that I think are boring, just that I won't recommend a channel I think has boring content even if they're wearing my preferred style.

>> No.10902080

Tylers personality is grating as fuck and her recent style choices aren't exactly great either

>> No.10902083

I agree, but it's still more watchable imo than someone who makes boring and cringe content purely for clout and has the on screen personality of wet cardboard. At least Tyler has some things to say I want to hear from time to time.

>> No.10902084 [DELETED] 

I get why people think neo is cringe and I'm not a big fan either but honestly I wish more people made content kind of like hers. I don't mean the nostalgia aesthetic thing but like, trying to make more "artistic" videos with lolita at all. The clothes are so beautiful and unique I think there's a lot you can do with that visually besides just talking about it.

>> No.10902085

I get why people think neo is cringe and I'm not a big fan either but honestly I wish more people made content kind of like hers. I don't mean the nostalgia aesthetic thing but like, trying to make more "artistic" videos with lolita at all. The clothes are so beautiful and unique I think there's a lot you can do with that visually besides just talking about it or just showing coords plainly

>> No.10902086

Is it bad to wear different kinds of fabrics together?

>> No.10902088


Her personality is why I watch. She feels more real.

>> No.10902092

>trying to make more "artistic" videos with lolita at all.

ayrt, I think the pitfall with artistic lolita videos is that it needs to meet a quality threshold in order to be palatable. But if done well it's very memorable. Below that threshold it soon becomes painful to watch and can come across as try-hard.

Other types of lolita video concepts are more forgiving. Everyone who is well dressed, can speak into the camera in a calm and understandable voice and has a topic to talk about that hasn't been covered a million times, a topic that they are knowledgeable about, has a much higher chance of having a watchable video.
There's so much more than just showing coords and talking about clothes. But I do like lookbooks/coord challenges and reviews from time to time.

>> No.10902094

Only if you're concerned about Deuteronomy 22:11.

But actually, no, it's not only fine, it's common. The main important thing to keep in mind is that all the fabrics are of good quality.

>> No.10902097

I wish Kulain posted more often I remember liking her Iron Gate 2021 review

>> No.10902109

Also it's kind of weird to me if you're wearing a thicker fabric dress, like velveteen or corduroy, but then you wear a light/sheer polyester blouse. Like wearing longsleeves but then wearing ankle socks. But maybe I have the autism and this doesn't actually bother anyone else but me.

>> No.10902128

>But maybe I have the autism and this doesn't actually bother anyone else but me.

I don't think it's the autism. Winter on top (thick velveteen jsk with sturdy cotton blouse) with summer on the bottom (ankle socks with sandals) just looks weird. Some exceptions may apply.

Some people take it too far imo, by not wearing fruit prints in winter.

>> No.10902135

definitely seems autistic to me. normies do this all the time to layer and stuff. complaining about long sleeves and ankle socks is the most autistic take.

>> No.10902136

It looks ridiculous and makes no sense, stop being an ita contrarian. No one that looks good does this.

>> No.10902140

eh, I know plenty of non autistic people who aren't into lolita who think styling the upper body in winter appropriate way and your lower body in a summer way is weird.
Long sleeves with ankle socks isn't a problem. That's a misrepresentation of the argument. I frequently wear long sleeves in summer to protect my skin from burning. But I use breathable light weight fabric, not a turtleneck cutsew/sweater made of thick knit material that you might wear when it's actually freezing. If you want to wear a velveteen long sleeved OP in boiling summer heat, please go ahead.
TPO (time, place, occasion) applies to fashion in general, including lolita fashion. When dressing consider the time (time of day, time of year), the place (an opera house, someone's house, a hiking trail, another country, etc) and the occasion (wedding, funeral, birthday dinner, grocery shopping, etc). Considering the lolita equivalent of a thick cable knit sweater with Hawaii shorts weird doesn't make you autistic, lol.

>> No.10902144

Anyone had buy fron tokyoalice.jp? You need a SS right?

Also what happened to the second hand market that there's so few old school pieces around?

>> No.10902149

Tokyo Alice looks to good to be true, Whimsical vanilla chan for only 100 bucks?

>> No.10902150

Somehow I get the feeling you're on the "purchase price" page - as in, Tokyo Alice will buy Whimsical Vanilla Chan from you for 100 bucks.

>> No.10902168

I used to be able to buy via email from there years ago. Dunno if they've changed it.

>> No.10902198

Thank you so much anon this is actually so helpful!!

>> No.10902201

There's a limited selection of items listed on the purchase section, are those the ones they have in stock as well?

>> No.10902203

For dresses with elastic straps or sleeves, which is better, folding over the hanger or skirt clips?

>> No.10902217

you have to check the Rakuten shop. hopefully this link works https://search.rakuten.co.jp/search/mall/?sid=252790&l2-id=item_SP_SearchHeaderIn_nrm

>> No.10902221

It did, thank you!

>> No.10902245

I get so bored of most sweet YouTubers, I can enjoy them in moderation but I can't maintain interest in their prints and accessories they get excited about

>> No.10902247

NTA but that's like saying shorter skirts don't go with long socks or thick tights(so basically all of lolita). Seasonal appropriateness is based on HOW you wear something not the fabrics, especially since many things are polyester now, a poly chiffon is going to be warmer than cotton in terms of keeping heat in. Your comparison of situational considerations has nothing to do with seasons.

>> No.10902251

Is AATP supposed to be sweet, gothic or classic?

>> No.10902253

there's nothing inherently summery about shorter skirts imo so I don't agree with this. Fabrics are relevant, you're not going to be comfortable wearing thick jersey knit cutsew, a wool coat or velveteen OP in summer heat.

>> No.10902259

I would never call it gothic, but I'm a Boz fag so you should know where I'm coming from.

>> No.10902289

all aatp looks sweet to me. obviously it's not ap-style sweet, but it isn't gothic or classic, and the cuts still read sweet but with darker motifs

>> No.10902292

Some of their simpler solids don't look that sweet to me.

>> No.10902301
File: 261 KB, 442x444, notburando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay if pieces from a coord like shoes or a bag are not BURANDO if they go with the main pieces? Found these that would go well with a coord and look good enough. Keyword LOOK.

>> No.10902303

Most brand shoes aren't great quality to begin with, its not a necessity at all. You can find lolita appropriate shoes that weren't made by a lolita specific brand. The shoes you put here look like they might be cheap/poor quality though, where did you find them

>> No.10902304

Ali... but honestly was just browsing to see what was there. Will likely just go out and find appropiate shoes locally. Finding size 4 shoes is hard as it is.

>> No.10902305

Yeah you should really not buy shoes on ali. Stuff there is mostly garbage and/or Taobao. There are some taobao brands that supposedly make decent shoes though, like antaina and angelic imprint. I can't vouch for them since I've never had these myself but you might wanna take a look at those.

If your feet are a really small size you might wanna check out kids shoes from japanese brands too, though I don't know too much there either. If you're just looking for basic mary janes its not hard to find in normie stores but anything more elaborate is gonna be difficult.

>> No.10902306

I was hoping to find something more elaborate but simple mary janes will be.

>> No.10902308

lolita is cheap $30 shoes off ali are fine.

>> No.10902312

is 69cm waist too big for old moitie

>> No.10902364

I buy most of my shoes from ali, unless they are super cheap they are the same as most mall stores quality and brands have never really been known for quality shoes.
There would probably be some interest in this, but you'd do better to pick more popular prints like Honey Cake or Milky Planet.

>> No.10902391

ugly “swothic”/bittersweet

>> No.10902400

Try cotton candy feet. I'm a size US 4.5 and their size 33BR me perfectly. They go as small as size BR32.

Only thing I will say is there shoes have very little grip on the souls, but other than that I have no issues with them comfort and quality wise.

>> No.10902533

How much times takes for the mods on lacemarket to verify the account via email? or is better via facebook?

>> No.10902560

they're much quicker on facebook, sometimes they just ignore the e-mail requests.
also there's a new thread for questions

>> No.10902640

this is probably too late but lucypop and conomi/arconomi!

>> No.10902993

What are some good taobao brands for accessories? Headdresses, wrist cuffs, socks?

>> No.10903017

Ruby Rabbit has a lot of cool tights. I think I want a bonnet from Soufflesong or Infanta but I need to do more thinking because they're like $30-$40 :'( I am trying to find very plain pieces that I can customize that are worth the money but it's hard. I just put a bunch of hairclips and stuff in my aliexpress cart and then went through and tried to find the ribbons and charms they used (or ones I like better) since a lot of times you can find all the parts to make the same accessories yourself on aliexpress too