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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10788696 No.10788696 [Reply] [Original]

Dare we start a new one?
Anime Fest/Anime Matsuri are only 2 weeks away.

Last thread

>> No.10788746

Going to Anime Matsuri but idk which costume I want to bring, Amelia Watson or Jinx from Arcane.

I haven't been to Matsuri since I was young, but is it a known party con? Can I get sloshed and hop room parties?

>> No.10788751
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Going to anime fest because sunk cost fallacy of wanting to use all my props and costumes but it'll probably be shit

>> No.10788752

I have nothing to do the last week of July and am considering going to either Afest or Matsuri, but don't have a room & don't know if either is worth 6 hours of driving to day trip

>> No.10788907

you have a costume-related mask or you gonna use a regular one?

>> No.10788950

idk if they have room parties but I'm planning to go to liquor store ahead of time

>> No.10788964
File: 321 KB, 714x670, 199208D6-69FD-42A3-A45E-F88006F746FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colossalcon Texas in a month.

If you see an Urukanye and a Pipkin Pippa cosplayer, that’s probably me and my friend. I’m probably also bring Kamura Village Monster Hunter because I don’t have time to work on a real armor but want to celebrate Sunbreak anyways.

>> No.10788969

fuck I wanna hang out wit Pipkin cosplayers, drink and say the Glowing CIA word

>> No.10788975

I have a costume related mask for each cosplay

>> No.10788995

TX threads on /cgl/ always devolve around HURR MASK HURR VACCINE so enjoy the first 10 posts not being complete shit. I'm planning on San Japan and maybe Frontier, but hey, months out.

>> No.10788999

Fuck Masks and Fuck Vaccines

If your con requires it I ain't goin'

>> No.10789005

I don't have a problem with covid testing or masks but requiring vaccines is a death sentence for a con here and I don't want to go to an empty con lol

>> No.10789007

>If your con requires it I ain't goin'
Thank you for being a normal reasonable person. So many whiny bitches always trying to debate bro the con into changing the rules instead of just going to a different con. You are appreciated.

Again totally normal response. Thank fuck for people like you two nonnies. I actually prefer empty cons tho not gonna lie. As long as the programming is decent the fewer crowds the better. Only downside is empty AA and dealer's hall when the sellers give you the stink eye if you look at their wares for too long and don't buy something.

>> No.10789011

going to colossal Texas. I decided to cosplay genshin characters but undecided on what to do for 3rd cosplay.

super excited though!

>> No.10789014

Just fake your vaccine card. Most of the senpai squad fuckers have fake vaccine cards or write in fake doses/boosters on their legit card. What’s stopping you?

>> No.10789024

Cosplaying genshit is kind of cute if someone is underage and retarded but pathetic when actual grown adults adults it

>> No.10789038

why is it better when they're underaged anon

What do you want to tell us

>> No.10789040

That children are expected to be retarded like puppies so it's okay when they act retarded?

>> No.10789052

I mean if this is Burger King Rei, you can probably stop by and say hi to my cosplay group anyways.

Otherwise just come up and say hi anyways, none of us are going to be against it.

I want to mating press Raiden Shogun, Mona is fine too

>> No.10789092

I want to mating press venti uwu

>> No.10789129
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>going to afest
>won't be able to finish all my props in time
It's over

>> No.10789682

Covid literally doesn't exist lol

>> No.10789701

Going to Bell County Comic Con as my first con, what should I expect?

>> No.10789752

A bunch of fat greasy ugly need losers
I hated every comic con I've been to

>> No.10789791

Gonna have to second this. If your expectations of an event are anything more than "stuff to buy" and "panel room", avoid comic cons at all costs.

>> No.10789794

Real shit? What's the ratio between anime and western media you typically find at Comic Con?

What cons do you recommend for Central Texas area?

>> No.10789795

Even if those are your expectations unless you're maximum onions overload anime cons usually have better art and merch. Also less old fat bald autistic retards.

>> No.10789800

>What's the ratio between anime and western media you typically find at Comic Con?
It depends on the location and other factors but in current year at least 30% anime since shit sells good.
And are you not able to drive? Like afest and colossalcon TX aren't too far from Waco to drive back home every night

>> No.10789814

I'm pretty new to the con scene so I just went with something that seemed small and local to see if I'd enjoy it. Do people cosplay much anime in Comic Con? I was planning to do a Levi Ackerman and Kazuma Satou cosplay.
I might check out colossalcon, but afest seems pretty far for me.

>> No.10789828

>driving from Waco to Dallas every day
>in this economy

It has to be cheaper to to book a shitty motel somewhere close by.

Speaking of Afest I am expecting it to be very sad. They seem to be super aggressive about promoting their hotel block which is never a good sign. They are also being very militant about covid which will probably piss some people off.

>> No.10789835

Gonna be honest with you, fampai...I travel around for these conventions pretty often, so can't really give a rundown on all the specific ones around there. That, and it depends on what you're looking for. Ikkicon, while not amazing, I can commend for upgrading to the Kalahari so I'll be around for that one next year at least.
For some reason, I was trying to skirt around this point, but yes. The difference in energy between weeb crowds and those at general western events (no matter the age) is unreal.
Whoops, missed this before. Since I'm pretty much certain I wasn't accepted for a staff position this time, it's looking like Colossal Texas is a skip unfortunately.

>> No.10789844

Thanks for the heads up, I'll check out Ikkicon too.

>> No.10789857

>one less janny at CCTX


>> No.10789867

>Speaking of Afest I am expecting it to be very sad. They seem to be super aggressive about promoting their hotel block which is never a good sign. They are also being very militant about covid which will probably piss some people off.
Good things for me. I'm not old and bald so I prefer when the people at a con are younger, only old people are schizos about not wearing masks. Hotel fuckery means more people will be from DFW rather than tourists.

>> No.10789939

I hope those old farts who play Battletech show up. I'd like to play a demo match again and maybe watch them play out a game.

>> No.10790029

>afest and colossalcon TX aren't too far from Waco to drive back home every night
You're insane as far as Animefest is concerned
that's 3 hours a day for 4 days.
That's 12 hours of driving.
That's more than most commuters do in a week

>> No.10790031

I mean most people i know that live in dfw area drive over 2 hours a day for work, at least an hour each way. I guess Waco is kind of a rural shithole so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.10790096

I used to have a comute like that
and because of it you couldn't pay me to drive 12 hours over a weekend.

Not to mention 35 is a shit hole and you will undoubtedly get stuck in a backup at least once a day.

>> No.10790121

Smaller con but it should still be good. Not a lot around there but it is right off of I-35.

>> No.10790127

I wouldn't drive every day for the cons but I do that over the weekends sometimes. Not too bad if you make the trip worth your while.

>> No.10790143

Waco is over an hour in CLEAR traffic
It's never clear traffic

>> No.10790298

Something tells me you complain about loli on twitter

>> No.10790429

Have you driven through Waco in the past year? It takes nearly an hour to get through due to the construction. You have to take a loop to cut it down to 30 minutes.

>> No.10790430

yeah dude I saw someone get tboned in the construction zone shit was wild

>> No.10790729

It has actually improved. They are finishing up the last bridge section by making the concrete barriers but the bridge itself is finished. Once that last bridge section is done they should be done with the I-35 expansion in Waco.

>> No.10790984

any femanons wanna hang at afest?

>> No.10790987

Ngl dude I went to AX meetup and I can't imagine any woman who isn't a meth, crack, or heroin addict to be willing to get within 10 feet of any of you. Yall niggas ugly af or trannies, no cap

>> No.10790996

I got stuck on 35 a little south of waco for 4 hours once.
Guy got out of his truck ON the highway to try and fix it, and a big rig ran right into him.

>> No.10791003


>i went to the ax meetup because i have no friends
>y-you guys are so ugly etc

cope harder

>> No.10791010

Actually my gf was waiting in line for an event so I took like 10 minutes to walk over to where everyone was meeting up and look at them from a distance then I walked back to wait with her. Keep malding tho

>> No.10791029

Sounds like a cope there bud

>> No.10791129

Afest put up a panel schedule, but it's just names, times, and locations. Do they have descriptions posted up somewhere and I just can't see them?
I work for the DOT and this happens way more often than you want to believe. We literally had someone call in a complaint for running into one of our safety crash cushions that was behind cones because...because it just shouldn't be there, I guess. Road construction is horrifying.

>> No.10791136

people need a psychological examination before getting a driver's license.

>> No.10791199

t. tourist from /pcg/

>> No.10791209

If I see you I will remind you to take your meds

>> No.10791334
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I got my fabric for Uruka. My buddy’s working on Pippa and my Girlfriend might bring Himemiya Rie.

It’s gonna be a really fucking good time either way, I’m excited.

>> No.10791419

San Japan posted an " updated covid policy" but I can't find any difference from the first one they posted. What's up with that?

>> No.10791594
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>san japan crashing this plane with no survivors

kek another con killing itself cause virtual signaling

>> No.10791595


whatever changed doesnt really matter. they still going full covid nazis


>> No.10791615

Why don't they get that nobody cares about masks, people are fine with wearing masks. Nobody wants to get a covid test or show vaccine proof.

>> No.10791626

I'd rather do neither.

>> No.10791627

That's because you're a balding old man.

>> No.10791630

Amazing how you younger people have become essentially the puritans in reverse of the old people who use to be the puritans.

>> No.10791633

Amazing how you don't throw a tantrum over having to wear shoes when a business requires them but a piece of fabric over your mouth is somehow different. Meds.

>> No.10791637

Masks do == shoes you dumbass zealot.

>> No.10791638

*do not ==

>> No.10791669

I'm not even vaccinated
I'm just not neurotic about stupid shit
I'm not an old fat man so I can breathe fine with a mask on

>> No.10791671

Im a fit man and I can breath better with a mask off fag

>> No.10791673

Oh boy, "triggered about masks but pretending to not be triggered" is my favorite timeloop.
Wait, does timeloop get used here too? I don't know if that one's proliferated yet.

>> No.10791683

Anon don't you know everyone who posts on this board is a woman?

But seriously, who WANTS to wear a mask? I'll do it if I'm asked but I don't like it. They suck, especially in this heat.

>> No.10791687

>But seriously, who WANTS to wear a mask?
Insecure people who don't want people to see their face but still want to cosplay. Like me.

>> No.10791815

>>Insecure people

Find a new hobby

>> No.10791865

Far more common than you might think. Not even trying to justify it, but the fact remains.

>> No.10791888

Serious question, how autistic are you?

>> No.10791924

like these threads are shit now, the mask autism should literately be its own thread at this rate, or report/ban worthy, so we can actually have a discussion about the con

its almost worse than Matsuri shilling but t least matsuri is a con, not a pol shitpost

>> No.10792135
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Still debating to go to matsuri or afest. Why did they have to be the same fucking weekend

>> No.10792136

Yeah it's annoying. I recommend Matsuri cause Afest became too babyish. They overlord everything you do and dont let you have fun anymore. On the plus side, it's closer. Matsuri is way bigger, more food trucks, more party.

>> No.10792140
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Half of us are preparing for cons rn. No discussion because most of us got our own communities. For example, I just found out that we might have a Sakana with us.

>> No.10792162
File: 298 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20220726-160329_Guidebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this??? Who is this panel for? Who thinks this is appropriate convention material?
Does this person even actually have a medical license???

>> No.10792169

I don't think someone named "Dr. Fujo" at a Yaoi event is supposed to be an actual doctor

>> No.10792175

By "how to prep" do they mean they demonstrate taking HIV vaccinations

>> No.10792196

>Who thinks this is appropriate convention material?
This is a typical 12 AM panel

>> No.10792200

Look man if you have underage kids and you're letting them stay at a con past midnight they're already getting fucked 100% so they should at least know how to not get the AIDS alright lol
Bad parenting can't be helped

>> No.10792221
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1657195925671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason to go to AnimeFest this year if I don't give a shit about Nijisanji? I finally looked at the schedule this evening and there doesn't seem to be anything else interesting happening, and I don't feel like going to a con just to spend most of my time in the dealer room because I had enough of that at A-Kon.

>> No.10792222

Meh, if you're not going to cosplat is there a point of going to any con

>> No.10792225

I like showing up for music guests and people I actually give a shit about, like when they had Yoshitoshi Abe several years ago. Also, there's some autism fun to be had at community panels, but the ones at this con this year don't really appeal to me (a few stood out, but I don't feel like going to a con just for two panels, especially given how often I end up not going to panels I want to go to). There's stuff to do at cons beyond cosplay, especially if you don't get out that much, but there seems to be nothing interesting happening at AnimeFest this year and I wanted to see if maybe anons can point out something that I'm missing.

Nice quads!

>> No.10792252

I was thinking of going to that one with friends
Damn that sucks

>> No.10792266

I've been going to cons for 20 years and I've never seen a panel about how to prep an asshole for penetration.

>> No.10792276

Yeah even though the other anons pointed out it'll probably suck, I'll probably go anyways since I already got a ticket. Colossalcon isn't that far away from BCCC and happens in the same month if you're looking for another con in the area.

>> No.10792278

you the two same cosplayers that were posted in the phase connect discord?

>> No.10792298

I mean yeah it's a bonus if some jap shows up since it's always fun to shitpost irl and larp as a 4chan poster who has left his apartment

>> No.10792314

Nah, my group doesn’t use discord. We don’t support furries, but I know which ones you were talking about. The white girls who did Pippa and Uruka for Anime Central right?

I’m a guy, so I’m doing a gender swap of Uruka.. my usual forte is armored cosplays and prop making. Pippa’s usually a gothic Lolita, and Sakana’s huge into the Touhou scene in general. We’re all bonded over our love of Phase Connect, and Military shit posting.

>> No.10792377

>Is there any reason to go to AnimeFest this year
Only reason to go is if you are in the area. Only foreign guests are vtubers which are just going to steam into the panel room. Wait until next year when they should hopefully have some guests from Japan that make it worth going.

>> No.10792445

Why would you even go to a con not in your area
That's an extra $600+ of travel and hotel

>> No.10792717

Hopefully none of you antimask schizos are going to afest.

>> No.10792722

Hopefully you will be a whimpering coward for the rest of your life. (Actually don't have to hope anything, because it's quite apparent that's already the case.)

>> No.10792724


>> No.10792746


>> No.10792753

Please no, had enough of that last year with TX cons. Masks sucked last year but it was just a headache having to listening to pol level rants about them at these events.

>> No.10792885

Question for those of you familiar with downtown Dallas: is there a taxi service or something that's easy to catch? I'm set up in a hotel a couple blocks away and don't want to deal with buying new parking passes any time I go to the Sheraton or to get food. Preferably a service that doesn't require me to install something on my phone.

>> No.10792890

Get Uber or Lyft you boomer.

>> No.10792893

Just buy a day pass for dart

>> No.10792902

I'm not a boomer I'm only 38, still young.

>> No.10792920

The dart is a decent option, has an app that makes it easy to see routes and plan. It does stop around midnight though

>> No.10792925

>I'm set up in a hotel a couple blocks away
>I'm only 38, still young.

Then walk

>> No.10792949

first Con experience at matsuri, I'm old enough to drink and not a creep, how do I find after parties for matsuri, just vibe around the hotel?

>> No.10792977

Enjoy monkeypox going to a con run by pedos and inviting rapists.

Texas has lost what made it's cons and comms good.

>> No.10793004

Monkey pox is 99% spread by gay men.
Other stds are anons real concern
Mingle a lot, eventually someone will invite you

>> No.10793006

Dart is the dallas bus and train system and it's cheap

>> No.10793082

I've heard the artist alley at afest is usually good, is it worth swinging by tomorrow to check out? I already bought a badge and was supposed to go with a couple friends but they couldn't make it so now I have no other reason to go.

>> No.10793084

The AA at anime fest is definitely solid, especially for the size of the con. You don't even need s badge to see that, it's all out in the open.

>> No.10793095

And since you already have a badge you might as well hit up the dealer room too.

>> No.10793384

Nah Anon, it’s raining here by AM

>> No.10793396
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jesus fucking christ are traps suddenly not gay men, anon?

>> No.10793495

Anime Matsuri isn't particularly trap heavy for a convention

>> No.10793518

Which one of yall got the IP address at Afest banned?

also, >>10793495
>not trap heavy

>> No.10793522

>Which one of yall got the IP address at Afest banned?
Well I blacked out for 6 hours at a fest so could've been me

>> No.10793661

Ohhhhhh anon you scamp

Also, would anyone be down for a gongfu tea session this weekend? I got this badass cream oolong from thr UK I've been wanting to try

>> No.10793709

If you've been reading the responses suggesting Dart, be aware that their services don't run all through the night, so plan ahead so you don't get stuck.

>> No.10793832

>if you're at matsuri you support sexual harassment

Hate these fags

>> No.10793957

If anyone want's to hit up swizzle tomorrow lemme know, that place is the shit

>> No.10794065

What is honestly the point of these badges if the guards just go away after an hour? I bet I could sneak in certain panels without them noticing. Any one tried that? How did it go?

>> No.10794083

What? I've never seen unmanned doors

>> No.10794115

Does the AA have any table with those Pokémon terrariums? Or are they in the dealers

>> No.10794175
File: 237 KB, 640x499, 1683679237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup. im new to all this cosplay stuff, do i still have time to throw something together before colossal?
i'll say hi if i see your autistic asses there

>> No.10794179

I guess that depends on what cosplay you're wanting to do. Colossal is at the end of the month so maybe you could buy or closet cosplay something if you don't want to make something.

>> No.10794184

thats the rub. i really should've been on the ball about this shit, because even if i buy some crap from china it won't get here in time. i'll probably end up doing a closet cosplay as jacket (because wearing leather in texas summer heat sounds exactly like my idea of a good time) or run by goodwill and scrape together the goddamn shittiest battler cosplay anyone has ever seen

>> No.10794187

You could also do a Kiryu Kazuma cosplay if you're into Yakuza, he wears a pretty simple suit.

>> No.10794259

That'd be the GRB being mandated to have security by the City, but not having the funds to actually have decent security.

I wouldn't be surprised if those Future Doctors had a sheet.

>> No.10794265
File: 329 KB, 1093x1077, Illya thinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Anime Frontier? I've never been, but the only cons I've been to other than AM was Onicon and Ikkicon.

>> No.10794273

Just traveled hundreds of miles and payed hundreds of dollars to get to anime matsuri because I saw Vic was going there. Apparently there is no admissions but some panels require the pass. Except these fucking guards just fuck off after a while and I could have entered the artist gallery for free. Hell today I just waltz right in the larger c hall (with my pass hidden) where they was selling all the merch. Some black lady gaurd called me out but I pretended not to hear her and kept walking. She didn't even call anyone and I was free to walk to Vic.
Funnier still I walked back to the same entrance where the bitch was at and she sees me but pretended to not. At that point she didn't stop anyone to check for badges. I don't get it. Taking cosplay pics with hot girls, singing karaoke, and playing a few small games doesn't require the pass. But to spend money at the artist and merch tables does?!
Seriously what a waste of a hundred bucks I could have used on my waifu.

>TL;DR :
Bitch ass guards don't even do their job at anime matsuri. So if u feel like saving on admission go there and walk fast into the restricted zones. Small chance the dumbass guards will actually stop u
Damn dude I'm surprised you knew the place based on that vague post lol. Oh and that explains things. Except what do you mean that "future doctors had a sheet"?

>> No.10794278


Anon is right, ish, Houston is jewy as hell when it comes to paying for things. That means Houston First is jewy when it comes to paying for things. Everything the City does that isn't done by its own people are done by contracts. The lowest contract wins. Security guard companies traditionally pay like massive shit. Except maybe the really, really tacticool armed security guys.

So if you're looking for the most cheap contract for security - you're going to get the fucking dregs of the bottom of the barrel. So that's how the GRB had people not paying attention to the guests coming through the doors of the exhibit hall and reeking like weed.

Hell, even calling them security is a stretch. I'd bet their SOP for dealing with ANY kind of incident is to get the police involved. The unpaid volunteer at the escalator into the artists alley was more attentive than the security the HF is paying for the GRB.

>> No.10794280

First year wasn't terrible, but it's tiny. Smaller than ikkicon
They also had rookie mistakes because their staff were mostly ported from nyc.
Hopefully year 2 is better

>> No.10794284

Oof. I don't want to go another huge con like Am again - but that being said I don't want one too small....

I might give Anime Frontier a chance for Year 2 - but now I have to choose between Ikkicon or Onicon. That's assuming I go to either, really. I'd love to push for 3 cons a year - but I know it's probably not financially responsible to do more than two, tops.

>> No.10794321

Are the bros from last year doing colossal con? Looking forward to seeing them again if so (Diamond dog man).

>> No.10794331

Since I remember Diamond Dog as well, that means it's pretty much guaranteed I met you at some point...but unfortunately, no. Texas is gonna be the only one of the four Colossal's I don't make it to on top of that.

>> No.10794378

Is AnimeHouston any good? Seems slightly bigger than Delta H

>> No.10794394

It has reached that level. Delta needs to step up their game. Being at the Houston Marriott Westchase isn’t going to make it grow…

>> No.10794411


I'm sticking to DeltaH. It's more established. And judging by the community of Anime Houston, it seems like it's just a result of the Boycott AM not working out, and so they made a "rival" con.

I'm not going to drop the time and money on a hotelcon whose only distinguishing trait is that it's not AM.

>> No.10794476

>Anime Houston, it seems like it's just a result of the Boycott AM not working out, and so they made a "rival" con.
No, AH is part of a new, state-wide chain of conventions.

>> No.10794517

It's privately funded by Kopf The Rapist.

>> No.10794627 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one that was very turned off by the political group activly soliciting voter registration in the dealers hall line?

>> No.10794754
File: 597 KB, 500x530, NeatNeighboringBurro-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chain of conventions

That's not exactly much better. So then I would expect cookie cutter experiences? You have Anime Conroe, Delta H, Anime Matsuri, and Onicon. And kind, sort of, Comicpalooza. Each of them has their own "thing" and each of their fans can describe that sets each apart from the other.

Again, the *only* case I see that supporters on Fscebook state about it is that it is not Anime Matsuri.

>> No.10794762

It is most definitely cookie cutter with a different name slapped on. Anime Houston is the twin sibling of Anime Dallas, which is run by John Swasey. They literally use the same graphic designs and fonts and chose a complimentary color scheme. AH is just as small and dead as AD, but at least AD has a few years under its belt to have grown a little. I've never been to Delta to compare it to but AD at least at this point is reminiscent of how big ANT got before they bit the dust.

>> No.10794764

Okay anons - Onicon or Anime Frontier?

>> No.10794771

why would ANYONE go to Onicon?

>> No.10794773

Cosplay on the beach with weebs. Don't actually pay to attend.

>> No.10794781

I look at Oni-con and it just looks so boring to me, I might be the only one like this but any con with a simple venue layout disinterests me. With Oni-con it's you go here, go there, and you've seen everything.

>> No.10794782

It's sad how Oni-Con has fallen. It started before AM. They had great guests for a long time. They should have been the biggest anime con in Houston. They fucked it up then moved to Galveston.

>> No.10794807

Eh, aside from the con there's some really good restaurants and there's that little resort down the beach that makes good drinks. Aside from that, though, I'm not sure it's really worth attending for a full weekend - you could probably knock out all your shopping and see everything there is to see in a day. It didn't help that the last time I went in 2018, it was fucking FRIGID. Beaches were still nice, though

Iirc, they were at the GRB too, werent they? Go to any of Onicon's most ardent fans and they'll try to convince you the Leigh's, Houston First, and the City of Houston as whole conspired to kick them out and condemn them to being a small hotelcon. There's a lot of envy.

>> No.10794808

I will add though, out of AM, Onicon, and Ikkicon - Onicon seems to have been the one most friendly to loli shit. There was a great guy at a booth selling manga that introduced me to Oreimo and Eromanga Sensei, too.

>> No.10794822

Frontier. Oni has shit all going on, Frontier might be a corporate shill but at least they have cool stuff going on.

>> No.10794823

I just wish Onicon had more going on. It's in a very nice location with a good amount of shit in easy walking distance. And it's on the beach.

How the fuck did it get so shitty?

>> No.10794831

Oni con is so small unless you Re within an hour of it it's not worth the cost of travel.

Anime Frontier at thr very least had a huge dealers/artist hall and I'm hoping that as travel eases they might actually bring us japanese guests. Downtown Ft. Worth is nice too. Galveston is just sad and gross in the fall.

>> No.10794835

I don't know if I would say it's sad in the Fall or Winter. I think it's quite nice - I love cold weathers and beaches.

But that doesn't save Onicon from being a boring lobbycon. The fandom of it fucking sucks, too.

>> No.10794895

They were at the GRB at one point. The owner of Oni is a paranoid weirdo. He let it fall into disrepair into what it has become. He lost most of his staff a while back. No one wants to work with him.

>> No.10794896

I liked it most when it was at the Marriott, perfect size for the amount of people that the con had at the time. Delta H is smaller so it doesn't fill out the space nicely

>> No.10795090

Anyone else going to the genshit con next week?
I don't like wearing genshit cosplays at normal cons since I hardly see any other guys in them

>> No.10795553

Going out to the comic con in SA this weekend. Probably only going to swing by for a day or so. Surprised I haven't seen more promo for it given all the bigshots they pulled in for the guests.

>> No.10795558

They advertised on Google and the radio. Whoever runs their marketing department doesn't know shit.

>> No.10795559

Very likely.

>> No.10795560

It's a comic con
Run by old fat autistic ugly bald men for old fat ugly autistic bald men

>> No.10795627

I'm going to the comic con in bell county this weekend as well, good fortune be with you

>> No.10795811

That is looking like a nice sized con. Nothing big, some good guests and right off I35

>> No.10795815
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I'll be going again too bro, I'll keep an eye out for you and any of the party crashers from last year

>> No.10795967

Yeah, even though some of the other anons pointed out it'll probably suck, I'm still excited to go to my first con

>> No.10795970

>colossal con
>2 weeks out
>barely any talk of it
Did I miss something? Last year was fun

>> No.10795976
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Is this supposed to have decent attendance numbers

>> No.10796101

Sounds like a new event.

>> No.10796113

It's new this year and just a reskin of other Fandom cons for the Genshin hype. I can't imagine they'll break 4k across the whole weekend even with how popular Genshin is.

>> No.10796128

Please don't remind me, my cosplay isn't finished.

If anyone here actually goes to this can you report back? The group behind this has been running a ton of weird little events and they all look mediocre at best.
Anime Texas, Ecchi Con, Anime Athens and those are just the ones in TX

>> No.10796294

Prob have nothing but underage girls, annoying fangirls, the occasional guy, and the rest full of nerds.

>> No.10796579

At the tiny mall con in Lewisville. Not too bad for $15 entry. About 30 dealers and 30 artists. A lot more cosplay than I expected

>> No.10796646

Boomer linecon confirmed

>> No.10796669

Please spoonfeed me any cons happening soon that are near Austin/Central Texas? thanks

>> No.10796673

San Japan in SA next month

>> No.10796679

Colossal Con (Round Rock) is August 19-21

>> No.10796693

If you don't work for their advertising department, they should hire you. I'm sold. Ticket purchased. Thank you Chris Hansen

>> No.10796695


Dont go to San Japan. Prepare to meet the most annoying staff you ever have.


>> No.10796733

You sound obnoxious. Please stay home.

>> No.10796758

I really want to go to Anime Frontier, but I'm struggling with justifying the hotel costs. It seems like all the hotels that aren't out in BFE are in the 600-800 dollar range.... How is this right? In Houston it was like $450 for a hotel just down the ways on light rail!

>> No.10796763

What are you talking about? There are hotels within walking distance for under 200 a night.

>> No.10796764

Where? From Dec. 1-4, the cheapest one is $185 and that's only IF you prepay - which presents huge risks. Even then, that comes to being closer to $650-$700.

>> No.10796766

Meant for >>10796763

>> No.10796782
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>> No.10796821

Went to Bell County Comic Con yesterday, was rather impressed with it. Lots of people but being at the Expo center there was enough space to spread out so you could actually move around.

Biggest issue was the AA and Dealer's Room were mixed together instead of being separate.

If you are free today it is worth checking out or wait until next year.

>> No.10796827

I'm pretty sure not as obnoxious as them.

>> No.10796880

The Sheraton is literally $200/night and they'll be opening hotel blocks for the Fairfield and (I think) Omni soon. Chill out nonnie.

>> No.10796881

That's what I'm saying. Over the course the con WITH taxes it'll be like 700-800 dollars. I'm not saying it's that much per night.

>> No.10797031

Are you there for a week? I paid only slightly more than $400 for the weekend last year and the price hasn't changed so I have no idea what you're looking at but if you're whining about $700 for what I'm assuming is Thursday to Monday then I don't know what to tell you. Cons are expensive.

>> No.10797078

NTAYART but i think they are saying lodging + food + con badge + shopping/etc.

Like I get it, cons are expensive, but they dont even have the hotel block up yet (which is stupid but hey)

>> No.10797087 [DELETED] 

You went too anon? If you saw a bandaged levi cosplayer, that was me lol.
The other anons were kind of right though, there isn't much to do other than buy shit and walk around.

>> No.10797089

You went too anon? If you saw a bandaged levi ackerman, that was me lol.
I can see what the other anons meant when they said there wasn't much to do aside from buy stuff and walk around, but I had a lot of fun meeting people!

>> No.10798072
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Frontier hotel spaces went up today. Doesn't seem like much of a con rate but maybe that's normal for Fort Worth.

>> No.10798149

1. Inflation. Everything is going to cost more than last year. Thanks Obama(s vice president)
2. The going rate that weekend for the hotels in the area is over 200 a night so it looks like a pretty standard con room rate. I don't know where you are usually booking but 170ish for a downtown hotel is normal.

>> No.10798772

Is colossal con bad? Can't find anyone on this board even willing to talk about it.

>> No.10798776

As you probably know, this coming one is only the second in Texas, so I imagine barely anyone here went. Plus everyone I recognized is a fellow nation-hopper who goes wherever it strikes their fancy, making them less likely to get super invested in the "Texas scene". What I can say is, it's at the most stunning hotel I've ever seen. Not for being fancy, but the sheer scale and how much it offers. Waterpark is a great way to spend downtime, especially for anyone staying on site since they have free entry. The main event for ColossalCon, however, the nonstop partying, was almost nonexistent which isn't too surprising. The actual convention itself is the last thing on most people's minds. It's fine for what it is, certainly has potential to get better each time. Unfortunately I cannot be there to compare and contrast the experience this time.

>> No.10798788

I'm going to the one in roundrock. I'll post about it if the thread is still alive, but it's going to be my second con so don't expect me to know much.

>> No.10798799

I went to this one, it was actually kinda fun.

>> No.10798800

Anime Frontier and Anime Dallas are coming up in a few months, and I only wanna go to one. Which one would you guys choose?

>> No.10798819

They seem to push more for the family side than the partying side. Until CC TX takes over the entire hotel to allow the floors to be all party floors it isn't going to gain traction on its rep.

>> No.10798828
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I had a great time at last year's texas colossal and look forward to it next week! The venue heavily carried the con with how much there was to do at the kalahari with swimming and arcade, plus the anime con going ontop of it all. Attendance last year was a bit low but being a first time con and with corona still on peoples minds I couldn't hold it against the con. I'm betting this year's will be bigger and alot better with the outdoor pools being open. Honestly would recommend it I had a great time last year.

>> No.10798836

Frontier for sure. Everything I've seen about anime dallas is negative and it looks like asupwr generic small con

>> No.10798859

Dallas is okay and worth the entry fee but only if you're local and not investing too much money into it. For the full con experience, Frontier for sure.

>> No.10799290

Did Colossal Texas ever post their photoshoots anywhere? The website just says "coming soon"

>> No.10799296

Anyone bought SJ tickets yet?

>> No.10799300

Anime Dallas is trash, but Frontier is nowhere close to the full con experience. Don’t get anon’s hopes up. Only attend Frontier if you can do it locally. The con sucked last year.

>> No.10799357


>> No.10799383

Thats why I said only if you aren't investing in it lol. Dallas is fine - if you want to stop stroking yourself for a day and go outside - but it's not amazing at all, and Frontier was perfectly fine last year too; they at least had events going on and the sponsor cash made it at least look like they knew what they were doing regardless. If it comes down to the two, Frontier is better. Doesn't mean I'm saying it's amazing, just comparatively better.

>> No.10799400

I bought mine, but I'm a bit worried about the guest list. Teddyloid should be fun for other people, but I've already seen him twice, once at San Japan back in 2017 and up here at the Green Elephant last year, so him coming again is less hype for me. Nyanners and Ironmouse don't excite me because I don't care about VShitjo, and I don't care about the rest of the guests that were announced. So hopefully the community panels, so I'm really hoping that the community panels will carry the con as far as panels go. But this will also be my first con where I'll be cosplaying, so I might have other things to do that aren't my usual panel-hopping.

>> No.10799420

I put in a request for a photoshoot last minute which I'm waiting to see if it is approved since I'd be solo conning if I do go. Figure if they approve it then I can go 1 day it and if not I can just stay home.

>> No.10799437

Their covid policy is hilarious. Not only are they forcing masks under masks, they're also requiring vaccination passes (but not proof of any sort of boosters or follow up shots) so its all a massive medical security theater event.

Waste of time.

>> No.10799603

Windblume was pretty good for a small con. They had a j-rock guest, karaoke, cosplay contest on Saturday, and lots of panels. They had several Genshin VA guests, and a few cosplay guests. I thought it was funner than Afest in terms of things to do. Artist alley and dealers room were not too big, about what you'd expect from a first year Texas con. It had more panels than Akon too. Only thing, is it didn't have a lot of attendees, but it was still pretty good.

>> No.10799604

It was kind of shit though because genshin. Like every girl who started a conversation with me ended up being underage. I was on edge the whole con because of it. Wouldn't go again.

>> No.10799702

>it had more panels thanA-kon too

Are you high?

>> No.10799766

Since it looks like San Japan is bust. Somebody spoonfeed me on the rest of the cons are the year. It all looks really small or local.

>> No.10799782

After SJ nothing big comes back around in Texas until A-Kon. Ikkicon is moving to Kalahari so maybe it'll bring back some old glory.

There's a few beach cons this fall in Oni-Con along with Banzaicon but they look to be tiny AF.

>> No.10799786

Yeah he's probably high it had like 100 people who went weekend and maybe 200people a day extra at most
It was really small but there were actually some decent quality cosplays

>> No.10799787

This, SJ, Anime Matsuri and A-kon are definitely the biggest in the state.

Anime Frontier is very "corporate" so despite smaller attendance last year they had a sizeable dealers and artist area. They also pissed a lot of them off over promising attendance though so we will see how this year goes.

Ikkicon moving to the Waterpark will probably be cool. Ikkicon was never ad huge as the 3 above but I've always had s pretty good time.

This is also a theory but as we move into 2023 I anticipate any event with covid rules is going to see a decrease in attendees. After poor implementation at larger events they've pissed off people who think masks are useful and they pissed of people who don't by "requiring" them

>> No.10799795

>This is also a theory but as we move into 2023 I anticipate any event with covid rules is going to see a decrease in attendees. After poor implementation at larger events they've pissed off people who think masks are useful and they pissed of people who don't by "requiring" them
I'm willing to hold my breath.

So to speak

>> No.10799837

>going to SJ


>> No.10799838


SJ is no longer the biggest. Matsuri currently is. Fan Expo is still the king due to being all fandoms. Akon just got back a venue and they chose the smallest one they could find.

>> No.10799881

JFC can you read? I listed the 3 largest anime cons in the state because they are most comparable in size. Stop sucking John's dick and fuck out of here if you just want to add pointless AM shilling.

>> No.10799882

who? anyway I can tell youre a trigger little ludite so youre not worth talking to

>> No.10799883

Can't wait to hear that Matsuri is 80,000 people then people believe that bullshit. Every photo and video this year contradicts this.

>> No.10799884

Yeah man, just look all those people filled the george brown convention from one end to the other all three floors. thats just a fib man. yeah the dealer room was totally empty man! yeah Im so right despite not being there! haha

>> No.10799886
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>filled the george brown convention

This is 2022, too.

>> No.10799887
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Anime Expo Artist Alley 2022 with 2x the crowd that AM claims they are. There might be a difference.

>> No.10799895

>picks the artist gallery on the thursday

Nice bait kid. I was there. You werent.

>> No.10799901


>> No.10799906

Yeah me too and AX. I know which con is full of shit on their numbers. It wasn't AX.

>> No.10799936

John Leigh, owner of Anime Matsuri

>> No.10800003

If you guys see Levi Ackerman with bandages over his head at Colossal Con tomorrow, that's me.

>> No.10800007

Which one of the 45 of uou?

>> No.10800009
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Lol, I'm going to cowboyify him before going to the cowlossal rodeo thing

>> No.10800018

Tempted to swing by for a day or something but ehhhhh

>> No.10800019

Yeah I'm going cause it's close enough to drive and I had a lot of fun after going to my first con earlier in the month.

>> No.10800022

damn fucking rekt

>> No.10800043

Any of the detractors who still say it had 60,000 show up I call out that absolute horseshit. I've been to Comicpalooza where there were 60,000 people in the GRB. You could not move around on the floor being pushed around. At AM I could get around in a Mini if I wanted to.

>> No.10800063

Who the fuck wants a con where you have to shove around a crowd to look at tables?

>> No.10800074

>look at tables
Are you implying I go to cons for any reason other than to receive compliments and get requests for photos

>> No.10800078

You guys don't go to cons just to play dress up as an adult?

>> No.10800116

Get a lot if that in mosh pit traffic?

>> No.10800124


>> No.10800300

anyone at cc TeX still awake? so far I just saw the lobby bros

>> No.10800302

ICYMI: Footage of the tornado that ripped through the Kalahari's parking lot five months ago

>> No.10800303

I wish I was there, but my broke ass is just driving in from out of town day of lol

>> No.10800304

I wanted to go to another big con but CC tex is at a fucking waterpark and that's a hard no for me

>> No.10800310

Me and my girlfriend just got back from WaB.

It was ok.

>> No.10800312
File: 547 KB, 572x454, c57ebb032f12352d8631493fd43f901f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent a shitload on a 3 day pass to colossal but i honestly dont know if i feel like going anymore. i dont have anyone to go with, all the events they have planned seem really lame, and i didn't have enough time to put together a cosplay (i wanted to go as dante from dmc). luckily the hotel is really close so i didn't waste another 600 on a hotel. ig ill just pop in once a day for a couple hours or so to look around and buy some shit since i already paid for it. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.10800316

Honestly I can't imagine spending that much money on a con without having costumes already. Like, why bro?

>> No.10800318


>> No.10800319

Nah man I get it. In the future just so you know cons are pretty miserable by yourself, even more miserable with friends, and only fun with a gf.

>> No.10800358

If it makes you feel better I'm going with my friends anon. We're planning on having fun.

>> No.10800363

If it makes you feel better I know I'll be going with friends but will get left and need to find my own fun alone and then cope about a bad weekend when I don't meet anyone new to hang out with.

>> No.10800368

Decided against. RR is more drive than I really need right now. Xvjh4g

>> No.10800418

If it makes you feel better anon we can hang out, my friend couldnt make it so I went alone

>> No.10800422

Ha gay

>> No.10800424

If it makes you guys feel worse I'm already there with my gf

>> No.10800428

If it makes you feel any better I'm there fucking his gf.

>> No.10800433

On the topic of gfs, just thought I'd mention that this same tornado ripped through my gf's neighborhood before heading to the Kalahari. dw she's okay

>> No.10800437

Fucking hell it's gross outside

>> No.10800444

At least no lardass jannies here to make you wear the cuckmask

>> No.10800471
File: 1.80 MB, 2553x2896, A0D00E15-106C-44A6-9322-501649C200B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my gf heading to buy genshin stands

>> No.10800475

You're on the left and your gf is on the right I take it? Average zoomer couple.

>> No.10800480

I'm 50/50 on going since I would be going alone and don't have a badge yet so I'm not really losing anything by just staying home.

>> No.10800507

All you bought was a 3 day pass right? That couldn't be more than $200

>> No.10800515

Hotel rooms are at least $200 a night

>> No.10800555

My friends had to cancel maybe i should sublet

>> No.10800632

Yall are pussies, we got strippers and blow in the barn

>> No.10800635

Left the rave barn because bugs kept getting me ( I do not like bugs )

>> No.10800636

jesus christ ive seen more men dressed as women than actual women

>> No.10800637

I've not noticed that at all, the crossdressing game is very low this con

>> No.10800639

Most hobbyist cosplayer girls are college age or younger and highschool has already started and unis have either started or are about to. Especially in Texas it feels like there are more underage cosplayer girls than most places.

>> No.10800653

Like any of you could get either even in a barn. Wait till the rave when you're all seething about all the hot girls having bfs

>> No.10800657

You cappin
It's way too late for coke the hangover will fuck you tomorrow if you straight up
People go to raves for any reason other than to show off their gfs ass and enjoy single dudes seething with hirny jealousy? Couldn't be me

>> No.10800678

Anyone at colossal have space for one person for Saturday night

>> No.10800679

yeah probably, what happened?

>> No.10800682

hoping to see celeste-harley again (that rump roast). for those that know, know.

>> No.10800729

the only reason i didnt was because i don't want to risk anybody i know seeing me like that

>> No.10800777

I only stayed for Friday cause my friends didn’t wanna pay for an entire weekend

Add me if you’re serious


>> No.10800791

Is it just me or is cc tx very extra dead?

>> No.10800795
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works on my machine

>> No.10800805

Looks to be the same as 2021.

>> No.10800904

Lol at the ninja trying to troll panels with idpol unclench

>> No.10800910

I know what several of these words mean.

>> No.10800911

I was confused by the post, to be fair I'm drinking so they might make sense to someone else

>> No.10800919

San Japan used to cater to new and old fans alike. Ever since they moved to labor day weekend, they've strictly catered to the newfag anime fans and I miss when it was in the Marriott.

>> No.10800921

Outside the Dante and the Edward Elric I have no idea who most of these characters are

>> No.10800936

When it was cramp af with 20 dealers and a tiny game area? No thanks. The only thing going for it was being attached to the mall instead of walking 3 blocks to get to it.

>> No.10800938

When it still felt personal, yes. You could take your time going around the con and you could actually talk to the guests instead of having to walk a mile to get to your panel or having to wait in line for a guest to sign your shit and get out.

>> No.10800939

Oh yeah, back when they actually got Japanese guests too and not all this new dub actor bs.

>> No.10801522

Colossalcon was pretty fun, sunday was pretty dead and had weak panels though.

>> No.10801533

CCTX is a 2 day con stretched out over 3 days.

>> No.10801583

Why does Ikkicon keep moving venues? Last year at the Downtown Marriott was a clusterfuck with all those escalators plus the schedule was consistently out of date, cant imagine moving to Kalahari will improve things

>> No.10801591

is there ever a con thats good on sunday

>> No.10801605

Ikkicon has had a last minute everything is thrown together let's see what sticks problem for years. At least the venue is nice as the downtown Marriott was not meant for anime cons.

>> No.10801623
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Hey, Colossalcon Texas was pretty good this year. I wish it didn’t rain on Thursday and Friday so I could actually get more shoots out by the pool area, but I enjoyed what I could. I like how the /cgl/ groups were split between like two parties this year, and our only bond was really just both of us having REALLY FUCKING BAD STORIES over Burger King Rei.

I’ll admit that the con population was smaller this year but Colossalcon (for me) has always been the people and the venue and less about the panels if anything.

Anyways I’ll see you guys next year, we’ll probably still be doing Phase Connect, so it’ll be a retarded easy signal to find us.

>> No.10801626

Oh shit you were that Pippa? I met another anon cosplaying Phoenix Wright from here at the karaoke event as well. I was the Kiryu Kazuma that told you to take your meds.

>> No.10801628

I was the Uruka. My best friend did Pippa, her Fiancé did Sakana and my wife did Himemiya Rie.

I’m surprised a /cgl/ meet up wasn’t organized. I already had my shit set on fediverse but I was surprised that the discord Loud Speaker Deus Vult told me about wasn’t organizing stuff.

>> No.10801631

Yeah, I saw some other hololive cosplayers as well. Maybe next time cgl posters can set up a rallying point or something at the con. The phoenix wright i met was pretty cool and was really good at karaoke.

>> No.10801635
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, FB9FB544-EB4C-42A5-9909-DBB1F7EFC34F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We ran into a Gaming Dog and a Shark that didn’t know Phase Connect.

That was interesting. Here, have a part of a dog whistle shoot we did Saturday that made like three tiktoker’s seethe.

>> No.10801637

A real human being, and a real hero.
Did you hear about what happened at the rodeo thing? Some drunk bitch climbed the support beams and fell on her head lmao

>> No.10801640


I DID NOT FUCKING HEAR ABOUT THAT, or the fucking Barn Rave for that fact. I just knew anime con was a thing and had my boys show up.

>> No.10801642

People were getting way too hot because the barn had like no air conditioning, and then they closed it after that drunk girl hit her head lol. I was in there for a few minutes and it was a bunch of cross dresses and some "cow costume" girls with a few nerdy people in the back trying to dance, I pretty much left right before it got closed.

>> No.10801643

I was wondering if I missed out on some new meme since I kept seeing fuckboys in Cow costumes, but since it was Barn related, that quickly faded.

Yeah I don't think I go to cons that often like. Like Momocon and CCTX are the only two I can afford to go to nowadays. But like, Con scene is half a wreck at the given moment. I remember vibing out by the bonfire with my wife on Saturday shooting the shit with people, and the minute the LGBT cosplayers came in from after waterpark hours, it was just a fucking mess trying to talk to anyone without immediately stepping on glass or having the convo deflected to them. Killed the mood quickly.

>> No.10801646

Yeah that barn rave really felt like the LGBT containment zone lmao. When it closed they all spread out in a max exodus. This was my second con ever so I'm just starting in this hobby and I'm really enjoying it. On saturday night I was just hanging with some con friends at the water park. If you're hitting up CCTX next time we should say hi and shoot the shit a bit. You guys seem chill, I'd love to hang out with some cosplayers that I can go zero filter with lol

>> No.10801651
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Well, then. Glad to know I could still be there in spirit.
>LGBT cosplayers came in
>fucking mess trying to talk to anyone without immediately stepping on glass
Hmm. That sounds awfully familiar, seeing that the exact same happened last year. Scrawny brony (?) with high heels going utterly mental because I was saying "sure" and he lashed out like 5 times "DO NOT. CALL ME. SIR." Wouldn't be surprised if he was in that crowd from three nights ago.

>> No.10801806
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Yeah bro, I usually just do Momocon and CCTX because it takes me awhile to work on props and sew in general. If you follow the trail on instagram, you can probably message me and we can work out a meeting from there. But I'm always down to talk shop or just dick around with like minded folks.

Man, you gotta clean up your resume. Been hearing some funny shit Rei, and I know you can do better.

>> No.10801870

lgbt cosplayers really ruin any social gathering you try. cause one or all of them will get triggered if you say something they dont like. I usually just ignore them but they can be pretty invasive. I wouldnt have a problem with them if they were less annoying. you dont have to make politics your personality.

>> No.10801872

They do because they have nothing else

>> No.10801913

>Why does Ikkicon keep moving venues?
Because Austin event spaces would always rather book anything other than an anime convention. After a year or two, venues skyrocket the price to push an event out.
But also ikkicon doesn't even move around as much as many other shows. Akon moves around more often now.
Sheraton to anatole to fair park to ft worth to Irving
Moving to Round Rock might solve the problem for ikki

>> No.10801919

I'm not mad at all that ikki is moving to the kalahari. After colossalcon I can't wait to go to a bigger con in that venue. It's also closer and not having to go through Austin is wonderful.

>> No.10801923

>comparing ikki's move to akon

It doesnt stop ikkicon from looking bad

>> No.10801984

The Phoenix Wright cosplayer is my good friend, hell I was the one who convinced them to cosplay and find pieces for his outfit. I like to think he had a fun time.
I was the one that spammed him to get his ass back to karaoke Friday night so he could get his prize.
Honestly karaoke cosplay was super fun.

Over all CC was fun I meet cool people and had a freaking blast, besides stupid friend drama. Plus as always I spent all my money on 1 figure and tons of hentai. Panel lineup wasn't great but wasn't as bad as ikkicon this past newyears.(plus fuck that con someone pick pocket me there). And the rave in the Waterpark was chill rather than hype. Me and my Phoenix Wright buddy mostly drank at the grotto.

>> No.10802007

Yeah I really liked CC, was a fun time, I'll have to see you all there again next time

>> No.10802066

can’t stand cons like this, but would you say san japan is worth it despite the massive gaggles of newfags and children? considering going for the panels and maid cafe but don’t want to waste my time.

>> No.10802076
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I have never spoken out loud at a convention. I just stand next to my friends and message them on discord. I have ascended.

>> No.10802103

if i see an autist like you at my next con i'm going to come over and kiss you on the lips

>> No.10802253
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Gay :3

>> No.10802413
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As I was telling the seagull who found me on instagram, I don't mind opening up the guild hall for folks but I gatekeep comm members hard for quality control sakes. I got a little group outside of cgl going on, and I'd like to keep it as non pozzed in general. My point is you guys, if you can find me next year are good in my books to join us to hang out. For next year we're hosting a little mini cook out at CCTX, so I'm praying to god I get the lower balcony rooms since they're the same price at the 2 bed room 2 bathroom 1 couch arrangement. (Like 1.6k from Thursday to Monday)

If we do get the upper Balcony, I'm throwing the Neo Zeon flag on there as a signal though. Anyways, since CCTX ate into my PTO, there's no way in fucking hell I'm making San Japan (I love the Riverwalk and want to abuse it for shoots.) and no fucking way in hell am I flying out to Austin literally after Christmas for Ikkicon.

So I'll see you folks next CCTX then. My next step is pretty much lifting til Momocon anyways, girlfriend wants to do more Vocaloid couples cosplay.

>> No.10802526

Did anyone go to weebcon this year?
How big was the attendance? I don't know anyone who went, but they look huge. What gives

>> No.10802527

Me personally cosplaying makes me really horny so I fuck my gf most of the night and don't have time to hang out much with ppl

>> No.10802703

Any news on san japan, totally lost track of time and forget its coming up.

Anything worth being excited for or am I just going to be spending money and wasting time driving downtown for just the artist alley.

>> No.10802706

I'm just happy masks are required so nobody will know I'm ugly

>> No.10802708

Damn I forgot about that, all I have are shitty disposable ones I don't want to wear all day.

>> No.10802754

When I wear masks girls be like
>damn he cute!
When I don't they be like
>yikes he creepy

>> No.10802774

Considering how quiet this thread is I'm not expecting a good report.

>> No.10802804

Because every time SJ is mentioned people shit hard all over it.

>> No.10802805

Makes me think it's gonna be great desu
The old bald fat ugly men here have shit taste

>> No.10802810

Ah well. Guess I'll hit up SJ and report afterwards.
Maybe I can convince my sister to come with me or I'll just go alone and be awkward.

>> No.10802813

If you go you'll notice me. I'm the crazy guy.

>> No.10802820

It is gonna be pretty busy, you have the Riverwalk Parade of Lights happening at the same time in the lagoon area and Bad Bunny at the Alamodome. Parking will be terrible.

>> No.10802828

I'm the ugly guy with long hair.
If you see someone awkwardly asking a top speed cosplayer for a Pic because I kept seeing her all day but kept putting it off until then, but didn't realize she left her broom and hat with someone so she's only half in cosplay but poses for me anyways.

That's me.

If that was anyone here. Sorry. I'll buy you pocky if you call me out on it.

>> No.10802958

>no fucking way in hell am I flying out to Austin literally after Christmas for Ikkicon
Chill... next IKKiCON isn't until the latter half of January, you've got enough buffer time

>> No.10803018

Is is speed friending ever worth going, or is it as awkward as I imagine.

>> No.10803456

ngl it's kinda awkward, just walk in and find someone cool then leave

>> No.10803630
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>all those dumb anons willingly going to SJ: Covid nazi edition

Enjoy not having fun

>> No.10803635

whatever faggot. means i don't need to show off my disgusting pimply face.

>> No.10803638

It's not even just that. They're going to make sure it's always over your mask and they will kick you out of you put it down two or three times. They have a strike system. And the constant shouting they'll be doing at other people. It'll be less a convention and more of an animal farm.

>> No.10803639

*always over your nose

>> No.10803641

Yeah anon I'm sure they're totally going to keep those rules up and it totally won't just be ignored like it was literally everywhere for all of covid.

Grow the fuck up, jesus fucking christ. I still have to wear a mask all day at work, its not a big deal.

>> No.10803643

Let me put it straight for you. last year, they were the most covid concerned con in Texas. I've been to practically all of them. And this year, they increased their covid rules. I dont even care cause Im going to a better con but you have fun (you wont). I await you returning on Monday so I can say I told you so.

>> No.10803741

I'll say this, I went last year and not a single staff member yelled at me. They got the cops to politely t see ll me to put my mask on. The staff of SJ ard bitches, they're scared of me.

>> No.10803797
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If the numbers are accurate San Japan has sold approximately 13 thousand tickets. If I remember right last year had around 21 or 23 thousand people in attendance.

Masks would be enforced by police, all a staff has to do is flag you down as such and point out on the badge it can be revoked at will. I predict you'll see a Twitter video of such a confrontation but anyone who is spending the 90$ plus vaccine pass plus negative test is probably gonna comply anyway.

>> No.10803898

>break the rules
>get kicked out
Oh nooo. The poor super spreaders aren't going to be allowed in. How horrible.

>> No.10803929
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>later half of Ikkicon

Sorry bro, I gotta tool up for Momocon, and car payments don’t pay themselves. I figured out a few hidden places up in Roundrock to check out though, so I got an idea of where to go outside of Autism What-A-Burger.

>> No.10805185

Hah. Both afest and san japan nuked their own attendance due to virtue signalling

>> No.10805439

I wore my mask wrong around staff on day 3 and no one said a damn thing

>> No.10806350

Anyone here who is going or has gone to Anime Texas? Trying to decide if it’s worth going since I’d have to megabus down from ATX.