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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10764814 No.10764814 [Reply] [Original]

Day 2 hope everyone is enjoying the Con

Also RIP Goku Sanchez 2015-2022

>> No.10764816

Oops, old thread >>10763234

>> No.10764820
File: 518 KB, 671x680, unknown-1277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rave was fun, got a ton of photo requests, overall been a good con... So why do I feel depressed?

>> No.10764821

usually people post about things that are going on and cool cosplays but I guess it's all on discord nowadays

>> No.10764824

Midwest Con Goer's discord has a lot of the posting for ACEN.

>> No.10764825

yeah, discord doesn't have a public archive that's available for 5+ years after shit gets posted
so people go act epic in discord instead of on 4chan now

>> No.10764826

Are they also posting where coke and the bussy is? Missed out on both so far

>> No.10764831

I see I see

>> No.10764832

Yes and we have both.

>> No.10764834

Put clothes on, whores. I hate every one of you.

>> No.10764842

What’s the discord?

>> No.10764876

>they don't have the Battletech pods this year in the game room
>Can't hang out with the Battletech/MechWarrior boomers
I have nothing left at this con.
I just wanna hide in my hotel room till night when the game room is less packed, but the game room isn't even 24 hours this time.

>> No.10764885

Is it not? Guidebook says it is?

>> No.10764891

Isn't that the server with the (alleged) chomos?

>> No.10764892

Denny's dishing out the con shits in record time man god DAMN

>> No.10764893

looks like a lot of fatties at this con. can we have <200lb people only con?

>> No.10764897

Should of shamed them nerd

>> No.10764898

Alright whose the sluts that are down to fuck.

>> No.10764900

What's your cosplay nerd?

>> No.10764903

Once you're blindfolded a mouth is a mouth

>> No.10764909

I didnt see them at all I looked thru the whole game room.
If you see it please let me know :) I'm going to drink myself into a depressed stupor in my hotel room

>> No.10764910

Me but I'm a guy and I'm ugly and not even in cosplay

>> No.10764911

Same, want a blowy?

>> No.10764916

Hmmmmm maybe
Sell me on your blowjob skills like a used car salesman

>> No.10764919

Never failed to milk the nut and the best part is licking around the head before attacking it fully. Can't deepthroat, but can go as many times as you'd like.

>> No.10764920 [DELETED] 
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Another ambulance parked outside

>> No.10764921
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Another ambulance parked outside

>> No.10764929

Where the hell is the rave gonna be held?

>> No.10764933

Gonna do some dumbass shit. Wish me luck lads

>> No.10764934

Interms of cosplay, nothing crazy

>> No.10764942

Someone is ODing early.

>> No.10764943

It will be held in the large room down the hallway to the right of the main entrance, either yesterday, or on the first day of ACEN 2023.

>> No.10764944

Because conventions are a meaningless, short departure from the hell that is reality, and you're now less than 24 hours away from having to go back to it.

Also, enjoy your covid.

>> No.10764947

24 hours, you flaming retard

>> No.10764951

Yea, I was retard sorry please understand

>> No.10764959
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Yeah but like
Hekki hecchara

>> No.10764973

What’s the 21+ photoshoot meetup supposed to be

>> No.10764976

Old people cosplaying as still young enough to come to cons

>> No.10764985

Literally me

>> No.10764988
File: 98 KB, 639x586, 1649207196435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait there is geah cosplay at acen?

>> No.10764993

I wrote this post.

>> No.10765009

a few parties are up on snapmaps

>> No.10765030

that trans /cgl/ guy keeps orbitting me its kind of creepy

>> No.10765032

establish dominance by orbiting him back
he won't know what to do
or mess up his flow by orbiting someone else. he may be drawn into their orbit instead.

>> No.10765033

Aren’t there a few?

>> No.10765036
File: 1.25 MB, 1078x1666, 3ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you faggy pathetic excuse for a man there should be a rule no fucking ugly stick bitches under 200 lbs fuck you you fucking cunt kys NOW

>> No.10765038

Covid will take them out the soonest after the con. You wont' see most of them Next year.

>> No.10765043

Nah I had that shit twice
I am the faceleas fat man of the wu flu
Made.that shit my bitch

>> No.10765045

so the women of /cgl/?

>> No.10765066

I met some new people and hung out with them almost the entire con instead of my usual friend group, tried out a new video game and fell in love with it, brought my buddy to his first con, talked about batman comics in depth with some cool randoms at a party, pushed through my initial discomfort and had fun at the soap bubble, and even had my tshirt complimented a number of times. It had been a few years since I had been to a con before the plague (was planning on going to acen 2020) so it felt really good to come back and have a great time. Did you enjoy your weekend?

>> No.10765067

come to hyatt room 2136 premiere tower we have femboys ready and waiting

>> No.10765069

I didn’t suck any dick so no my weekend sucked

>> No.10765070

anon you can still find a dick to suck
start stalking the halls and propose to the first hot guy (or cute guy) you see that you'll suck their dick

>> No.10765071

I just didn’t find any dick that I wanted to suck I meant

>> No.10765077

Want yours sucked?

>> No.10765080

There's maybe two cute femboys here not including myself, just got shut down for noise too

>> No.10765083

How was the bussy tho

>> No.10765084

Hi Bee, was a pleasure having you with us. :)

>> No.10765085

that wasnt me lmao but very cute post regardless

>> No.10765116

First con after moving to the midwest so I didn't have my usual group and I confirmed I'm still autisitc and don't know how to meet people.

>> No.10765137

you could just say that you browse 4chan

>> No.10765139

I did not meet a single cute femboy this weekend
An absolute disappointment

>> No.10765141

Marle <3

>> No.10765145

Theres still a few hours left
Where's the overtime bussy at seagulls?

>> No.10765146

I have high standards for femboys
Only the best bussy is good enough for me

>> No.10765148
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Finally woke up
breakfast time

>> No.10765154

please tell me there is an i hop around here ..

>> No.10765158

I just need a starter femboy for right now though

>> No.10765163

Ok who invited the tranny last night

>> No.10765178


>> No.10765179

I missed the whole Acen controversy. Were people mad there's no mask mandate? Didn't just about every event require them anyway? I just wore mine the whole time anyway.

>> No.10765180

Which one?

>> No.10765185

It was about being swerved on restrictions with very low forewarning. For most people it's not very important, but for people who are a bit more at risk it can fuck them out of a nice chunk of change, and guests lose a bit of extra safety.

>> No.10765189

I had covid and went to the con to infect you all mwahahaha

>> No.10765197

Got my duck sucked in an empty conference room. Came in her mouth. 10/10 would attend again.

>> No.10765227

based architect. im so ready for colosal post-lockdown bikini cosplays

>> No.10765269

God yes fucking please

>> No.10765295

Finally home for the weekend, good seeing y’all !

>> No.10765312

Nah I had natural immunity AND the shot, the only way you're infecting me is by shoving your dick in my mouth. Get to work.

>> No.10765327

>Lose safety
If they didn't require N95 masks there was literally no change at all. If you are afraid of getting sick, you can only wear an N95 and not demand others do the same.

>> No.10765328

Did anyone else catch the guy dressed as Sam Hyde from Paradigm Shift 2077? Motherfucker had his notes and everything too, he came amply prepared.

>> No.10765334

Also shook Snacks' greasy hand like I wanted to do for years. Said I was an oldfag and he went into fake hysterics with his posse about how it's "oldfriend" now. Cool guy at any rate. Does a good rave.

>> No.10765357

Very nice. I managed to strike out with roughly 40 chicks between the rave and the formal and I couldn't tell if any of the cute dude's wanted to get topped. Dancing was fun though. Looking forward to doing this all again with folks next year.

>> No.10765365

This was my first con and was pretty fun will do again. Feels a bit sad that its over tho saw some cool stuff

>> No.10765366

It was my first too. I suppose it would be less special if it happened more often. They definitely had some cool shit. Hopefully next year is just as smooth aside from the drama I heard about.

>> No.10765384

I'll be there next year too to try all over again if anyone is interested in meeting up then. Based on how much of a fuck awful shot this was, i'll probably still be single by then.

Girl broke up with me last week and I gotta admit, compared to wizards of the coast, all the pretty ladies and femboys is pretty damn nice.

>> No.10765409

Have you considered installing tinder? 40 gives off a bit of impression of desperation (no judgement)

>> No.10765413

Hey man at least you're out there trying! I admire the effort of trying to hit up 40 different people in a weekend.

>> No.10765416

How can you strike out with that many women holy shit bro install tinder for your own sake here

>> No.10765418
File: 523 KB, 933x1154, 9B95E4A8-1537-4223-AD92-CE1A410EA1BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god there so many like 7+ alt girls at Acen and so few attractive guys, I hate that con guys r so gross while con babes r hot as fuck and here I am liking men

>> No.10765424

Were there significantly more femboys/traps/trannies at this con compared to years ago? I feel like Covid made so many cute faggy boys god bless

>> No.10765425
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Me and my group saw him and said hey. He seemed a little on edge though, like he couldn't tell who was gonna like it and who was gonna try and start something. By the way I was the RE4 Wesker with Chris Redfield, if anyone sees us posted on ig please lmk here. I forgot to hand out my tag and can't find nearly any of the 40+ photos we posed for.

>> No.10765441

Lots of trannies compared to previous years. Most of them made Chris Chan look passable my comparison.

Was it any of you guys I found covered in puke at the Embassy suites and helped get them back to the Crown?

>> No.10765452

saw you at the front of the hyatt should've said hi. you guys looked pretty good

>> No.10765453

Shoutout to bee for being the most well adjusted and normal cgl user, I don’t know how you ended up here but you seem cool and I hope you stick around

>> No.10765454
File: 433 KB, 954x2016, 20220522_123023_copy_954x2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good con. Finally found the only Death Stranding cosplayer at the con on the last day and at the final hour. Good time hanging with everyone. See you all next year

>> No.10765456 [DELETED] 

Tall one with shitty blond hair, didn’t seem to know anyone

>> No.10765470

Are you Cliff?

>> No.10765472

Gotta start the day with a bang, bro.

>> No.10765485

Yes, Cliff Unger

>> No.10765490

Figured i'd have a decent chance between the 2 raves and the formal. Was able to dance with a few girls at the formal but i've never hit on people before. This was a first. Either go all the way or don't try.

That and I figured i'd have a better chance if I was trying it with people with the same interest who were as awkward as I am. I said 40. Exact number was 46.

I may be retarded but i'll be damned if I don't try. I was the dude with the long ass hair, glasses, suit and red tie at the formal next to the Pegasus cosplayer.

>> No.10765491

It was rad as hell to find some Girls Frontline cosplays. I didn't see anyone around until the meetup. I think I scored pics with just about everyone over there.

>> No.10765493
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>> No.10765514

Are you Mexican by chance? I may have seen you

>> No.10765516

I'm white and had a white dress shirt. I think I know who you're talking about. That guy had some moves.

>> No.10765526

damn dude. if you're THAT ugly, it's time to invest in some plastic surgery

enjoy the herpes

>> No.10765529

Come on now, it can't have been that bad. I saw some ugly motherfuckers in there and even I knew I was better looking. It's mostly the hitting on people. I've never been to a convention or hit on people before. I'm not exactly working with a lot here.

I think the 4 girls who danced with me at the formal found the awkward jokes charming but that's more due to them than any effort on my part.

>> No.10765530

were all 40 of them hot or what? were any of them fat or ugly? if the latter rejected you too, i've got bad news for you

>> No.10765532

They all seemed pretty enough to me. I don't think any of them were fuck ugly. Though there was one I hit on that was actually a dude. I don't know how to hit on chicks, let alone dudes.

>> No.10765535

>long ass hair
barbers are your friend

>> No.10765536

Fuck barbers. I enjoy having long hair. Just take care of it so it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.10765551

lol I thought about and wondered if I should just start hitting up chicks on con and hoping eventually one would have to click
Thanks for testing out this theory and showing it was wrong

>> No.10765554

>thinking you can take care of your long hair without trimming it sometimes to correct length and cut off dead/split ends
your hair isn't as nice as you think it is

>> No.10765555

just saying most dudes I see at cons would benefit from a contemporary short haircut

>> No.10765556

ngl what is the deal with all the hot girls at these cons?
You'd be hard-pressed to find a single hot girl who likes anime - just look at anime clubs for example
You'd think a con would just be like a giant anime club but instead you have a lot of bizarrely attractive girls there

>> No.10765560

*most dudes with long hair

>> No.10765565

easy attention. you can be average/above average outside a con but throw on cosplay and bam now you're some nerd goddess. and lots of people will simp for you just because you're dressed in cosplay

>> No.10765591

Based women tbqh
Saw so many dudes acting like pathetic sniveling simps it was hilarious
Literally saw a girl telling a guy what a good gf she was for buying her boyfriend something from a dealer, while the dude was paying for said thing and “joking” about how said bf didn’t deserve it. Funny as fuck

>> No.10765596

anime isn't some niche nerd hobby like it was 15+ years ago. it's mainstream enough that normalfags have a passing interest in it. but it's still niche enough that it's not something you'll bring up in conversation out of nowhere unless they know they're talking with someone with a shared interest.

>> No.10765612

If anyone has pics from the gfl shoot pls share? Thanks!

>> No.10765624
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>> No.10765629

I don't have any group photos, Mostly just me with one or two of them at a time. The M4A1 was really cute. Her face in one of the pics was so confused.

>> No.10765635

It's a big enough event that it will draw a wider audience. Anime clubs are for the dedicated. Anime cons are for anybody who cares to attend. And like the other anon said anime is relatively mainstream now.

>> No.10765638

Almost every photo coming out has tons of empty space in the back to show there's few people around, if any at all. Obviously there were tons so I'm not sure why this keeps happening, but it's strangely depressing.
It's my general assumption that the quality of an event directly correlates with the number of crossplayers (since tons of them will be from around here, and they definitely were this time)

>> No.10765644

what is the point of Nahri

>> No.10765652
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 707CC487-2AFE-4D6C-B9CE-A9C2215DC0FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing such an issue

>> No.10765655

That isn't true at all unless you're asian.

>> No.10765666

jobber for a PUA set

>> No.10765693
File: 234 KB, 400x600, 69891f8c3e5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did you just say about my skirt, you little bitch

>> No.10765725

That cleanse the weebs guy was pretty rad. I forgot my body wash and he was most helpful.

>> No.10765727

To be my cute little spoon

>> No.10765731

>ngl what is the deal with all the hot girls at these cons?
Makeup, a wig, and a good costume does wonders in raising somebody's looks if they are average/below average as long as they are in decent shape.

>> No.10765735
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A few cases:
Girls who are there to promote their OF/social media, and pander to nerds specifically because they're easy money.
Fake nerd girls who pretend to like nerdy shit for male attention and validation. This is more common on the gaming side of things.
Girls who are just tagging along with their bf who is actually into the content.

>> No.10765737

This. Belle Delphine goes from a 10 with makeup to a 6 without makeup, shit's crazy.

>> No.10765738
File: 230 KB, 588x427, korra r u srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls who are there to promote their OF/social media
>mfw it's working

>> No.10765768
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, PDR_0281_cut3_4 (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to any eardrums I blew out. The Don drop-off loop makes for an amazing ampitheater. Was super cool to see all the awesome cosplays this year. Love the creativity and hard work! See you next year acen!

>> No.10765772

It's almost like liking anime has absolutely nothing to do with how ugly or attractive you are.

>> No.10765775

anyone have any more photos to drop?

>> No.10765840

So was it a sUpEr SpReAdEr EvEnT like faggot schizos were scared of?

>> No.10765841

im gona monkey your pox nerd

>> No.10765843

I'm so autistic that I blew my chances with every girl I talked to. Then I got high and went to the rave and everything was okay.

>> No.10765846
File: 973 KB, 593x741, the boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only able to find one with our Wesker and Redfield despite having posed for like 50 photos. Had to screencap it from a gallery, I really should have been giving out my insta. :/

>> No.10765893

Acen is perfect lesson of Pander to the Red, your sales are dead.

>> No.10765897

t. didn't go.

Neck youself, leftshit

>> No.10765931

Meanwhile, Fanime looks like a total flop. I don't think it's a red vs blue thing at this point. Any convention during a pandemic where the numbers are rising again is going to have a bad time of it.

>> No.10765934

Were you the juggalo that just sat down at the table with my friends on Saturday and tried to do openers then just got up and left when none of use really responded?

>> No.10765935
File: 441 KB, 1988x2048, FKdYyBVVIAUfgs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear women,
Please stop dressing as Venti from Genshin Impact.
I'm looking for cute femboys to creep on and groom, and you make it difficult to spot them at a glance.
Signed, Their Future Daddy.

>> No.10765938

Seriously every single venti is always a girl even his voice actor its messed up

>> No.10765975

I just drank. Getting high usually puts me to sleep and I needed to something to be bold considering it was my first time.
I didn't sit at anyone's table aside from me and the Pegasus guy. Mostly just went for when I'd see girls who were obviously by themselves or single. What kind of openers are we talking about here?

>> No.10766029
File: 2.59 MB, 4000x3000, 20220521_210839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see a ton of cosplays that made me go "Holy shit, that's awesome" this year

>> No.10766039

What does the reddit frog have to do with that?

>> No.10766043
File: 137 KB, 732x1019, 1653339488879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unboys your femboy
Deal with it

>> No.10766047

The real test is going to be Boston this week since they're going all in with both being fully vaccined and masks.

>> No.10766064

that sounds like a perfect con

you are me

>> No.10766071

curious to see how Anime Matsuri does later this year. I would assume well because everyone in Texas has a devil may care attitude.

>> No.10766072

There was already zero mask enforcement last year as well.

>> No.10766142

Imagine for a second. If you are a normal girl who happens to enjoy nerd shit, why would you want to go to an anime club that’s 90% greasy smelly autists?
Conventions are much bigger so the ratio of smelly weirdos to well adjusted fans is better

>> No.10766145

so Snacks sucked your dick, then?

>> No.10766147

I want to fuck WT Snacks

>> No.10766167

Meant numbers wise. Will AM stunt on all the other cons?

>> No.10766188

are you a whale?

>> No.10766203

fI'll be whatever you want me to be snacks baby

>> No.10766214

Doesn't look like the vax and mask policy are going to hit Boston hard.
You had one whiny faggot bitch on the forum until staff gave him the polite version of shut the fuck up.