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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 640x322, 95A96A2A-FCFE-4DEC-B848-98BD38E30B28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10744741 No.10744741 [Reply] [Original]

anyone going to anime central? if so, do you have a cosplay planned? any events you dont want to miss?

(also im the only female in a group of attendees and therefore cant stay in the room, so id love to pitch in if anyone has extra room in female only space)

>> No.10744753

I don't want to miss the orgy, again

>> No.10744764

Oh cool two threads in one day about top priority events. Since the Midwest scene is enormous, I will surely bump into tons of them there, which is also a bad thing as this area has the worst drama of any I've ever come across. Last year's Midwest did absolutely nothing to invalidate that stance.

>> No.10744768

>mask and vax requirement shit
Pass, rather would throw this cash at colossal con especially after the staff shit surfaced. I could see the mask stuff if it was like this weekend or maybe first week of april but this late in the game is a bit silly. Even Cleveland Fan Expo pulled back the covid requirements.

>> No.10744790

They said that there is no metrics to change their requirements further. Since they’re having a Con for the first time in two years, I’ll give them a pass. If they’re requiring it in 2023 and the stage of the pandemic is less severe, then I’ll change my view

>> No.10744810

Funny how with no mandates to hide behind, ACEN outright says they don't care and just want to have masks anyway.

>> No.10744812

I hope I can make it this year, have some family stuff going on around that time
sorry to hear wearing a piece of fabric and medical routines are so difficult for you

>> No.10744815

>what do you mean you don't want to take 3 injections just to go to an anime con?

>> No.10744816

I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was a specific series of Anime Central brand injections that had to be taken in addition to those required for human interaction
do those come with a free Anime Midwest flyer?

>> No.10744840

umm... you only need one lol. the mask thing really sucks, but have to do it to be compliant with cook county regulations

>> No.10744879

It's not difficult but ACEN has really no redeeming qualities to justify doing a mask with cosplay at the point to warrant not simply waiting a week to go to Colossal Con. I get hat CC is more of a party venue for a convention, but given ACEN probably won't have any guests of note this year CC actually looks to be more viable for cosplayers who don't want to overheat or screw up their face and cosplay.

>> No.10744920

I mean other than Collosal just being a garbage pale of con when it comes to cosplay. Most elaborate cosplays look bad next to a pool or in the African themed hotel. Oh yeah there is also uh... Um... The scrub grass field next the villas? Yeah let's shot there like every other jack off.

Like I'm sorry Colossal, any of them, are entirely non serious cons.

>> No.10744922

An incel who doesn't get invited to parties typed this post

>> No.10744923

All of my recent projects have a helmet or mask as a part of them so I'm unbotheted by them sticking to their policies. I can't blame them for not shifting back and forth on their ruling to minimize confusion.

>> No.10744924

Hey anon, no cons are serious.

>> No.10744926

I remember my first beer

>> No.10744928
File: 38 KB, 380x355, 1595644955862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most elaborate cosplays look bad next to the pool or the African Themed Hotel.

Before you continue consider the following
>Warehouse Loading Bays used for Group Shoots
>Shoulder to Shoulder skywalk

The only thing Anime Central has redeemable about it right now is potentially the dealers hall and *maybe* Soap Bubble, but if you're going to complain about "serious cosplays" in the Midwest, just go do a private shoot or something dude. Both Anime Central and Colossalcon are party cons, don't kid yourself into thinking ACEN is anything different.

>> No.10744938

There was a very salty post about "not being able to find parties" at Colossal last year. When several people (including myself) scoffed at how ridiculous that is, the faggot just doubled down like "PFFF figures all the virgins would defend their shitty event. Not like I cared anyway BAKA." So most curious seeing this now.

>> No.10744972
File: 382 KB, 2544x4000, 1631240266065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember that. Literally how do you manage to not end up at a party at colossalcon of all fucking places.

>> No.10744991

Are there rhythm games at ACen? Asking for a friend... well multiple

>> No.10744997

>garbage pale

>> No.10745062

Sir this is ACEN not an Anime Expo event...

CC is looking legitimately better because ACEN, while fun as it may be doesn't have really all that much going for it without oversea guests or guests that are willing to travel right now. If I'm going to a convention without the bonuses of that, I may as well go to a con where I can cut loose a bit.

> cosplays look bad next to a pool or in the African themed hotel.
Y-you know where ACEN is located right?

>> No.10745064

>Y-you know where ACEN is located right?
Yes, in a very affluent suburb in the Chicago Metropolitan area

>> No.10745150

30 minutes away from the city isn't Chicago. It's Rosemont. It has it's own name.

>> No.10745172

Just because it's by the big city doesn't instantly make it better. Rosemont and the event center is insanely bad to get any kind of pictures done that don't look like absolute ass half the time. Oh boy I sure can't wait to go do a shoot by the loading docks! because they require masks indoors, or how about that "park" or unkept forest wow.

ACEN is fun when it has a balance of guests, artists, and all that. Mask/vax mandate, without any official government mandate, is just excessive and enough to push me to Colossal con. Yeah the vendor hall is nice but that's not enough to redeem ACEN

>> No.10745187

Lol did you stop reading at Chicago or do you just not know what metropolitan area means?

>> No.10745194

any idea what the theme is this year?

>> No.10745198

Ah, it's the "I'm going to bitch about the mandate on an unmonitored, anonymous message board" posters again.

I don't give a shit about mandates or not but if you want to do something about it, go complain on their social media sites or something using an anonymous account. Stop circlejerking on CGL where it does nothing besides fill up threads.

You should stop responding, it just fills up the thread with more irrelevant posts

So the only events that are out are: https://www.acen.org/schedule-at-a-glance/, the meetups, and the drag show right? What's this "Anime Hell / Midnight Madness" thing?

>> No.10745200

My guess is either genshin or among us. What do you think?

>> No.10745205

>let's talk about ACEN
The thing is there is no government or state mandate so that's why it's brought up. It sucks but it's going to be a integral part of the thread since it's so stupid at this point.

>> No.10745214 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but it doesn't really contribute anything to the thread. It's like how I think Ryan Kopf is a rapist but you don't see me spamming kopfcon threads about it.

>> No.10745215

Yeah but it doesn't really contribute to the thread in anyway. The "you should go to collosalcon instead" posts are fine but the rest is pointless. Anyways, this will be my last post on the topic so I don't shit up the thread even more.

>> No.10745226

I mean that's fine but it's a legitimate complaint given the con is acting on it's own here with this thing, I think it's more than fair to weigh it against other cons around the area. ACEN really is going to be mostly a market place given what it's looking to be lined up as. I wanted to go to this but the issues with masks in late may in cosplay is just a con killer.

>> No.10745309

in the before times, yes. no idea what they'll do post-plague
Anime Hell is a collection of clips of weird (mostly Japanese) commercials, tv, etc. There's some things they used to ritualistically show like Rejected and Segata Sanshirou. It's very different watching it in a big room packed with people sitting on the floor than watching on your own.
Midnight Madness is kind of an anime dub parody thing? To be honest I usually always leave after Hell.

>> No.10745434

Ah yes colossalcon, which always has an ass dealers, ass artist ally, ass game room and disorganized ass panels. I'll give you night swim. Night swim is fun. Look if your not past your mid 20's collosal is fine time. Go drink yourself stupid and be a sex pest to people you want to convince yourself they are of age. Not going to tell any 23 year old not to have a good time. That said as much of aparty con as ACEN is, it at least has the day/night time split. I'm sorry I'm old. I just have no desire I'm being black out for 4 days straight any more.

Not even going to address your strawman about shoot locations at ACEN.

I have confidence ACEN will get guests

I also don't get why anyone is stressed out about masks. They are going to give up enforcement by late Saturday morning. What are you worried about?

>> No.10745437

Amount us wave broke before cons really came back
I'm ready to smoke a fat blunt as sailor moon. Good on you Illinois

>> No.10745474

The other nice thing about Acen is that it has so much of a nightlife to it that doesn’t involve drinking. My friend group is all mid to late 20s and none of us like drinking at cons, but we still find a ton of stuff to do at night

>They are going to give up enforcement by late Saturday morning.
That’s what I’m hoping for. I mean there’s so many people, how would they even enforce it? Also don’t really want a mask fucking up my makeup. I already had to cut a cosplay because there’s no way the makeup would survive a mask

>> No.10745509

Even con durring the pandemic the day most people wore their masks for the most part. To be respectful and show they are serious people and all that. Then in the evening anarchy. Now with mask restrictions even loser i expect day time cosplays to give up earlier too

>> No.10745512

>all mid to late 20s and none of us like drinking at cons
Mines the total opposite with people getting drunk to the point of throwing up and passing out. How do I join the sober party room

>> No.10745517

>The other nice thing about Acen is that it has so much of a nightlife
First time acen goer here. What sort of nightlife is there?

>> No.10745615

I feel for you nonnie, that sounds rough. I got “lucky” in the sense that I happened to end up in a group of friends where half of us have trauma from alcoholic parents. A few people in the group have a drink here or there, but they don’t get drunk.

I hope your friends outgrow the blackout drunk lifestyle. You can try branching out at night to find others who aren’t drinking. Find a late night or 18+ panel with a long wait line and chat up the people around you. If you hit it off with them, ask if you can sit with them during the panel/hangout afterwards. If that goes well, exchange social media info

There are raves both Friday and Saturday night. Panels and viewing rooms are usually going throughout the entire night. Late night panels can be a mixed bag, sometimes they’re a great time, sometimes they’re cringe. If it’s cringe just wander into another panel room. The game room used to be open pretty late, but last Acen they had moved the game room from the Hyatt to the con center, so idk how late that goes anymore. Also some absolute freaks come out at night, so even just people watching in the Hyatt lobby can be entertaining

>> No.10746279

Hm, looks like a couple of rooms opened up at the Hyatt. Is it worth booking there instead of doing something for half the price 10 minutes drive away? Not sure how much of the con actually happens at the Hyatt.

>> No.10746286

Incredibly worth it.

>> No.10746729

definitely worth it. look at google street view, there's not much around the hotel itself other than the connected hotels and the fashion mall, mcdonalds is a common pilgrimage and even that's far. you'll definitely spend most of your time in that immediate vicinity unless you're taking a tourist day.
just uh, don't sleep naked if you plan on evacuating if the fire alarm goes off.

>> No.10747270

I have a friend attending a trade show at Donald E for work this month and there is no mask mandate being enforced. So it's clearly not the convention center forcing Acen to require masks. Still, l don't see how it can be enforced when you can go maskless in the hotel lobbies/common areas of the convention center. Especially when it's not in line with the state guidelines.

Like previous poster said, I'm not stressed about it. I honestly don't give a shit about most panels/guests so I spend a lot of time hanging out with friends in the hotels anyway.

>> No.10747288

ACEN seems pretty clear in saying its a personal decision they made, that nothing is forcing them to make any kind of restriction or mandate but that ACEN just wants to.

>> No.10747297


basically the rule of thumb is if you aren't required to have a badge to be somewhere then you don't have to wear your mask. if any con jannies give you trouble in places like the hotel lobbies or in the con center outside the vendor area / panel rooms you can pretty much tell them to pound sand. they have no way of knowing if you're even an attendee you could just say you're staying at the hotel for unrelated reasons or just laugh right in their faces

>> No.10747315

Please book and if you can room with others, make sure you vet them properly. I roomed with some terrible people in the past and 1 person can fuck up your entire stay. Like this idiot who tried to flush a nick of weed down the toiler STILL IN THE BAG.

There is genuinely no better way to experience Acen than being able to take the elevator to your room, piss/eat something, then go right back down.

>> No.10747775

Got a room for myself since I'm usually a light sleeper and do have the spare cash. A bit pricy though so I might only stay one night on Saturday and commute the rest but we'll see.

>> No.10747810

Anyone have a link to the Midwest Clg discord?

>> No.10747839

Might be risky to do this but here ya go


>> No.10747847

Thanks anon!

>> No.10747917

only do makeup on the top half of your face, easy

>> No.10747986

Bitch I got photoshoots to do

>> No.10748467

Is there a tranny privacy invasion problem at ACen? Last time I went to a con I kept seeing men in the women’s bathroom. I should have mentioned it to hotel staff but I just assumed (rightly or not) that they wouldn’t give a fuck

>> No.10748494

And unless you're on the con floor doing them, you aren't required to mask, so what are you whinging about?

>> No.10748566

Because having to go back to the hotel room before/after every shoot to put on/take makeup off is obnoxious

>> No.10749216

I'm not a woman but I have a friend who's coming down that has her own room who you might be able to stay with. Our whole party is staying at The Rose by Hilton spread out across a few rooms. If you're in the midwest con goers disc try pinging figgyjam. Idk if she'll want a roommate but she's cool so you may as well ask her, as far as I know she has a room to herself.

>> No.10749219
File: 324 KB, 954x960, girl dm smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I bet you're a ton of fun at parties anon.

>> No.10750348

I live pretty local, like 20 minutes away. Never really thought it'd be worth since I'm not a huge drinker so I don't know if a room would really be worth when I can just go to my car or something for the same thing. Then again ACEN is about to be my first Solo con, so idk.

>> No.10750392

How do I find a place to crash Friday or Saturday night without Someone trying to fuck my :/ worried cause Im a cute trap & will be drunk and by myself and don’t wanna end up rooming with a creep u know :/

>> No.10750394

Post bussy or go back to >>reddit

>> No.10750400
File: 1.04 MB, 2045x2550, FD2CA141-CDC3-4282-9ADC-F8A0C6AAD00D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine now pls help me find a place to sleep where I won’t get raped :/

>> No.10750401

Huh, dunno what I expected. Well I dunno what you expected either, I think there's an ACEN discord group you can find on google that has roomshare requests. You can try there or just get a place for yourself if you don't want to get culturally enriched while in Chicago.

>> No.10750410

Wash your hair or get a wig

>> No.10750411

You don't have to worry about rape, you'll be fine.

>> No.10750417

This pic is hella old
Except I do, i have issues with many men in my life trying to sleep with me especially nerdy congoing types :/

>> No.10750421

>Soap Bubble
I haven't gone in a decade but am considering going this year. Is Hardcore Synergy still a thing?

>> No.10750426

>This pic is hella old
So? You still look like shit whether it’s an old photo or not

>> No.10750428

Then maybe stop being a fucking cringe lord who can't resist posting :/. Maybe you'd stop drawing attention of weirdo creeps.

>> No.10750430

he's an ugly fag, he probably wants to be raped.

>> No.10750435

Bruh I just want to find a place to crash fuck off

>> No.10750437

You're literally asking for this desu. It tends to happen when people call themselves "cute"

>> No.10750466

you can room with me but I can't make any promises and you have to wash your bussy daily, I don't wanna smell you

>> No.10750511

>I didn’t get compliments on my trashy photo and now I’m upset that people aren’t as obsessed with me as I am with myself >w<

>> No.10751274
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, 1628959851320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking photos like that you don't have to worry about anyone wanting to touch you. That shit made me nauseous just imagining the smell.

>> No.10751336

Is there a heavy sex scene here or something? All I've been seeing are horny posts

>> No.10751342

I hope not, cause this thread just makes me think there's nothing but cringe crossplayers obsessed with themselves.

>> No.10751343

First party con, anon?

>> No.10751345

We'll see!
Are party cons usually like this? What other ones are there?

This is like my 2nd con ever so I'm new to all this

>> No.10751354

If I bring a ton of joints, am not a sperg, and have decent cosplay. How good are my chances of making friends and getting invited to parties?

>> No.10751497
File: 111 KB, 1080x614, FB_IMG_1649806114190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking JEJ

>> No.10751547

is this the bussy destroyer?

>> No.10751559

Just join the Midwest Con Goers discord and ask around, like half the anons in this thread are already there. But from my understanding yes, ACEN has a lively "room party" scene. Can't say I've ever personally stepped into it though.

>> No.10751568

>Site sources for why vaccines/masks are ineffective and or dangerous on normie-media to change brands mind
>perma-banned for sharing “disinformation”
Ok anon

>> No.10751713

>nothing but cringe cosplayers obsessed with themselves
Well, it IS the Midwest scene.
Anyways, there is quite the room party crowd but you gotta know where to look. Be sure to make friends during the day so come nightfall you'll have connections to where the party's at.

Also it's Chicago so don't be shocked if people are getting up to shit harder than alcohol and weed. You might run into a nutter off their ass on god knows what so keep your wits about you

>> No.10751736

I lived here my whole life, I know there are plenty of coke heads, heroin addicts, and fuckos with fentanyl and shit. But good to know the plan to just be chill during the day and make friends wont be a wasted effort. I don't suppose /cgl/ actually tries anything themselves just because of people like >>10750400

>> No.10751738

Ftr /cgl/ is known for being the land of bait so try not to take any silly or outlandish posts you see too seriously.

>> No.10751739

I've been a basket weaver for a very long time. I know the drill, but thanks for the clarification.

>> No.10751815
File: 965 KB, 498x252, hahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 100% bringing coke. This isn't a shitpost I am literally bringing a fuckload of blow.

>> No.10751844

I dont care as long as you aren't a fucking menace to the people around you

>> No.10752019

I trust him more than the bussy guy to not be a menace. This guy probably throws fun parties.

>> No.10752108
File: 154 KB, 1091x1315, power_and_vergil_chainsaw_man_and_2_more_drawn_by_raider_fry__1a61270587c5889afe567250aea65ce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, I've yet to do anything to earn me a bad rep at a con.

Throw your disc out and I'll hit you up for whatever room parties we have. Assuming you aren't a complete autist.

>> No.10752125

Sure, why not. VTJ64#0064

>> No.10752129


>> No.10752131
File: 1.38 MB, 410x260, Yf2JO11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bring >>10750400, that work?

>> No.10752135

you didn't do it right faggot

>> No.10754394

Why is this thread so fucking slow? ACEN's only a month away.

>> No.10754435

neutered vaxpass mask cons never get much hype

>> No.10754660

Pretty much this. I’m a little hyped because Acen has always been one of my favorite cons and I’m excited to cosplay with friends again, but goddamn the mandatory mask policy is bumming me out. They already require you to be vaccinated and get a wristband after proving it, so I don’t see why we also need to wear a fucking mask when we’re all vaxxed. Hoping that staff is going to be super lax on enforcing that

>> No.10754665

As far as I know all that's required now is a negative test within three days prior.

>> No.10754668

You need the test within 72 hours or be fully vaxxed, then you still need to get a wristband and wear a mask. The proof of vaccine or negative test makes sense to me, but the masking seems like overkill

>> No.10754727

Because you are a retarded sheep who thought that accepting the societal pressure and getting vaxxed would finally end the 2 weeks to flatten the curve and go back to normal. You are going to die within 5 years just like all the other MRNA test subjects. Good riddance faggot. I hope they bury you with a mask and your vaxx bracelet on.

>> No.10754994

op here, thanks for the offer. i have a place over weekend nights but i dont have one thursday... so im still interested!! is there an active inv link i can use to join server?

>> No.10754999

You're the one spouting the same alt-right talking points that they all say, but go ahead and call someone else the sheep.

>> No.10755011

nice trips, how tights the bussy

>> No.10755172
File: 69 KB, 741x741, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAirwVNcUlyg3yHfAG-MtQdw (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope we can become friends at acen anons!! ! and my friends from the last acen i hope i can see you again ! i am 23 now so that means this is my first con that i can party without having to leave the con and i am super excited and i hope i find some room parties with my bestfriend

>> No.10755440

>flatten the curve
this never meant anything other than crisis management

>> No.10755496

Right, but what I'm saying is a negative test really isn't hard to get done. It's literally as simple as going, shoving something up your nose for a few seconds, and then getting a slip of paper from the clinic.

I also have a fake vaxx pass if I need it.

>> No.10755507

I'm calling the police

>> No.10755718

>fake vaxx
Based beyond all reason

>> No.10755966
File: 183 KB, 360x350, fuck you feds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756025

>What is fully vaccinated?
>Doesn't mention any of the multiple follow-up injections required to stay immunized according to Biotech Pfizer Moderna J&J AstraZeneca
*Breathes in*

>> No.10756081

Got a link anon?

>> No.10756082

Here ya go


>> No.10756085

I was at con alt delete this winter and they had a mask rule and nobody cared or wore one. I have a feeling this con will be similar.

>> No.10756086

Thanks anon :)

>> No.10756164

hoping the best for you anon!

>> No.10756269

This discord has some powerful schizophrenia going on to be honest
what was that thing about a guy bringing a real gun to a convention?

>> No.10756273

Then maybe don't share misinfo you brainwashed cuck.

>> No.10756276

Shit like this is the reason we still have mask mandates, because faggots like you always end up being patient fucking zero.

>> No.10756281

>site sources
it's cite you retard
also linking some retracted paper that is universally laughed at by experts is not evidence and is not going to be taken as evidence by anyone with a brain

>> No.10756284

No, actually it's because the event owners are self-righteous scum and love bowing to the crowd of cowards too afraid to look at their own shadows. Hence why actual venues now all say "masks optional" but the staff demand test, jab and muzzle. Also
>Excessive profanity in one sentence
You seem upset

>> No.10756286

you could have just said you were a retard and avoided wasting everyone else's time

>> No.10756290

Got it backwards bucko but that's okay. I'm not expecting much from the kind of brainlet who thinks preventative measures are for pussies.

>> No.10756330

bro its 2 years later no ones preventing or caring about anything move on

>> No.10756449

I don't concern myself with the opinions of limp wrist pussies such as yourself, but thanks for your (worthless) input, which is going straight to the trash where it belongs.
>passive aggressive tone
Tell me you're about to pop a blood vessel without telling me you're about to pop a blood vessel. Say mad, stay scared, stay home. No one wants you around

>> No.10756451
File: 564 KB, 800x430, top kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and it's fun.

If you're so scared of the wu flu stay home. It's been two years, I'm done with your shit. I'm not getting your rushed out piece of shit vaccine that seems to necessitate a new booster every six fucking months.

Look I guess what I'm trying to say here is... seeth harder faggot.

>> No.10756463

>there can never be another Midwest thread without a mouth breather who "did his own research" showing up to whine about vaccines and masks
Fucking awful

>> No.10756464

I don't mind wearing a mask because I'm ugly anyways

>> No.10756468

Die faggot, if your vaccinated you’re already on your way there just keep up to date on those boosters to accelerate the process

>> No.10756469

>showing up to whine
Irony levels: 100, Self-awareness levels: 0. Enjoy living in terror for the rest of your pathetic existence

>> No.10756473
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1631180293687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the reason nobody likes you, replace saying nigger with being mad about the vaccine and masks and that perfectly sums it up

>> No.10756474

Not reading that nigger. I call you a nigger because that’s what you are, a stupid retard gorilla nigger. It’s little faggots like you who I despise the most. I hope you die in your sleep with your gay little mask on.

>> No.10756475


>> No.10756476

>nobody likes you
Hm. People going out and having fun together means no one likes them, staying home alone because it's too dangerous does not. Interesting.

>> No.10756478

this years orgy theme is "no bussy left behind*

>> No.10756494
File: 131 KB, 717x880, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756498

Reisen is a pedophile rapist who brings guns to cons

>> No.10756499
File: 1.96 MB, 854x430, dfgdfgsdg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you also witnessed the meltdown at Anime St. Louis last weekend I see

>> No.10756504
File: 116 KB, 277x400, 1630458227321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.10756507
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 1634118334033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got that ass banned from every hyatt con

>> No.10756512
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>> No.10756515
File: 86 KB, 1122x1156, linkstare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, its TRUE??

>> No.10756524

I can't tell what I'm looking at here

>> No.10756546

Why did you fuck an underage girl? Post mugshot.

>> No.10756551

>the rapist is going to be at this con
guys how do i cope about the creepy guy who attends all the cgl meetups

>> No.10756555

He's literally not allowed inside of the Hyatt so it should be pretty easy to avoid him.

>> No.10756557

im not referring to reisen

>> No.10756566

nice name for a guy. hahahahahaha. I bet his dad is really proud of him

>> No.10756569

Seconding >>10756524. What's even going on there?

>> No.10756574
File: 3.24 MB, 498x498, happy-valentines-day-zonetan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys hear about this moonway guy? I hear he has a huge dick and is really handsome.

>> No.10756575

The what?

>> No.10756577
File: 291 KB, 1898x1346, town rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756595

why would anyone here give a shit about how he looks or what he's packing? go stroke your ego somewhere else

>> No.10756712

i can think of a few reasons (you are gay)

>> No.10756713


Some retard Astolfo femboy cosplayer brought a loaded gun into Anime STL last weekend. Said same cosplayer ended up having a melty over losing his phone while drunk at the con and claimed he had a gun and that he'd kill himself if he didn't find his phone. Turns out he really did have a gun on him at the con. Retard posted himself posing with it (in one of the con bathrooms at STL) to his snapchat feed>>10756512

Rumor has it that he was involved in a bunch of other scumbag activities at the con which included exposing himself to urinate in front of everyone in front of the con center (in broad daylight) with plenty of children around, along with urinating into the con center fountain. Shame about the discord. He's currently in there and the mods don't seem to care even though it seems to have been brought to their attention. Seems they enjoy harboring a predator. Sad!

If you see a tall Astolfo/Femboy cosplayer walking around the con, run! Do not walk!

Tf does that look like? It's a holstered gun you retards!

>> No.10756732

I think he bounced from the server or is just keeping quiet after his shit got called out.

>> No.10756734

Isn’t Reisen related to that Arby troon?

>> No.10756736

>man legally carries concealed gun at convention
only government institutions such as schools courthouses etc are actually illegal to carry a weapon at, retarded private businesses can not declare it illegal to carry a gun on premises, they can only ask you to leave if they catch you with one. Seethe

>> No.10756737

IIRC there was animosity between them and even Arby called Reisen out on his (alleged) bullshit. But I guess this is what you get when you make a 4chan based cosplay discord, you end up with a grab bag of schizos, perverts, and weirdos.

>> No.10756738

Proof on the pedo rapist stuff?

>> No.10756742


>> No.10756749

>retard gets wasted and threatens to kill himself with the loaded firearm he brought with him

I don't think whether or not he had the legal right to have a gun on him is the concern here

>> No.10756752

Concealed carry while drunk isn't legal
Concealed carry without a license isn't legal
Stop trying to be a sovereign citizen retard

>> No.10756753

not that poster but MO doesn't require a license (IL does)

>> No.10756756
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 3ebd94b340b8b018efa33c53df8b2ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midwest server
Everybody carrying on as usual
>Acen thread
Biggest tism storm of the year (so far)

Sasusa, /cgl/-kun... Betting good money right now everyone's gonna act like they're 100% a-ok with each in person too. And then when someone inevitably gets mad over retarded garbage, they'll wait till it's over to start back up here again. It's whatever, man. I'll just be around, keep on keepin' on.

>> No.10756779

fucking fag lmao

>> No.10756780
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, n4ahc3sevc041[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756794

2A fan here with a concealed weapons permit. I NEVER carry when drinking, especially not at a fucking con. That behavior is retarded and indefensible.

>> No.10756805

If this is the thing your hung up on enough to post about it incessantly in a 4chan thread. This is what you're talking time out of your day to do it, it really puts the tell on the lie that you're going to actually "enjoy yourself". You hate people and being social. You're letting something as a gay a con guideline ruin your time before the event has even happened.

>> No.10756840

No one is too scared to go out, vaccines and wearing a mask is a mild inconvenience at most for the protection it gives, and definitely not worth having a melty over because you want to rebel like a 5 year old.

>> No.10756841

>The protection it is
Ah yeah, the vaccine that doesn't actually prevent transmission or infection and necessitates regular boosters. Sounds legit to me.

>> No.10756844

You could have just said you were a retard and saved the time it took to type all that shit.

>> No.10756847

what's that smell

>> No.10756848

no rebuttal of his points?

>> No.10756853

I thought about it but then I realized someone has probably corrected you about shit like every vaccine needs boosters to be effective, and it's been shown by over 150 countries with independent research to be effective in reducing infection, severity, and spread
Or that it's been administered billions of times with no significant occurence of side effects after 2 years
So then I just call you a retarded faggot because if you're stupid enough to actually believe in some global Jewish conspiracy or whatever it is you picked up off /pol/, you're too stupid to be reasoned with

>> No.10756857

Yeah take that >>10756753 faggot, stop freaking out about someone having a GuN aT a CoN

>> No.10756859

You are retarded and coping. You falsely believe that the vaccines and masks help protect against the covid pandemic. The fact that you have a tantrum like a little retard baby and can't handle the conversation around the shortcomings of vaccines and masks proves how retarded and gay you really are, and should not be allowed to be alive.

>> No.10756862

He got arrested at CAD 2017 for groping an underaged female cosplayer at the rave. Got off with a slap on the wrist

>> No.10756863

God you're an insufferable faggot, just stay home with three masks on your face and some Fauci r34 on your pc.

>> No.10756868

i bet thats extremely common at raves

>> No.10756869
File: 52 KB, 600x480, 212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauci r34
Unff, tfw no silver fox bf

>> No.10756880

Hi reisen

>> No.10756911

Reisen is a psychopath. Stay away

>> No.10756926
File: 592 KB, 220x225, what the hell happened.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys what's going on in this thread is everyone excited for AC-


>> No.10756929
File: 308 KB, 500x658, Nagito0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bussy is rdy

>> No.10757002
File: 2.22 MB, 3072x4080, 1651138711037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to something slightly more on topic, I'm super close to finishing my main prop for my cosplay. Been working on it for about 6 months! By far the most ambitious prop yet.

>> No.10757034

Not that anon, but the main concerning part to me is that he was not only drinking with a loaded weapon but he had little enough control that he was talking about killing himself with said weapon when he couldn't find his phone if this anon >>10756713 is to be believed.

If he has so little control while drinking, there's no way in hell I would trust him with a concealed gun while drunk.

>> No.10757044

Even if he was "joking" or "trolling" that's still some weird shit that I don't think anyone want's to tolerate.

>> No.10757053

Yeah, rather not be in the literal crossfire if he's drunk enough and he or his conversation partner starts shit.

>> No.10757066

how's everyone's cosplays coming along? looks like I'll be working on mine down to the last minute

>> No.10757154 [DELETED] 

moonway, burger king rei, korobka are not to be trusted, they are fucking retarded and a threat to society. do not interact with them.

>> No.10757155


>> No.10757164

I wouldn't trust anyone in a cgl discord at all.
They're just full of poltards and incels thinking cgl is an easy way to get laid.
The only benefit is watching people have meltdowns over things most people can handle with no problem

>> No.10757167

who are you

>> No.10757172
File: 998 KB, 1612x1209, 20220409_124155_copy_1612x1209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, nurds. Will be doing Cliff from Death Stranding. Hope to see you all there. Hoping the weather is nice as well

>> No.10757199

Which is funny cuz I never see anyone actually asking to hookup or flirting/simping on there.

Won't deny a bunch of adult weebs not being able to handle some minor drama though. People get a bug up their ass and try to make it a whole server's problem.

>> No.10757214

what's the bussy situation like on that server? might have to join

>> No.10757231

Only ones I can think of that would unironically say they have a bussy would be (unfortunately) Reisen and Marles...and maybe Deku if he ever comes out of his egg.

>> No.10757256

Kurobka attempted to rape someone at Colossal last year

>> No.10757261

Actual rape or the fake "rape" that retarded liberals talk about?

>> No.10757302

I may be in the same boat as you. Ordered some supplies online and I’m not sure when exactly they’re going to arrive. I’m regretting not working on any cosplays throughout the pandemic

>> No.10757355

Compass gonna be lookin fresh af.

>> No.10757356

Literally none of what you just described happens on the disc except occasional /pol/ memes in the shitposting channel.

>> No.10757378

that's a nice fishbones

>> No.10757379


>> No.10757384

sounds like wishful thinking. look, if you want him to smash your bussy just ask politely

>> No.10757386

I see how Deku be eyeing them traps up and randomly DMing them.

>> No.10757422

Stop getting parties shut down because you got rejected.

>> No.10757534 [DELETED] 

Deku the type of retard to talk about "traditional marriage" and how gay people's existence is worse than the holocaust are then masturbate to traps

>> No.10758214

How bad will the lines be for the Hololive panels?

>> No.10758289

...probably pretty bad....?

>> No.10758301

I'm genuinely afraid to look at the thread.

I used to go to meet ups all the time but holy shit has /cgl/ been plugged full of insufferable incels that probably say /pol/ shit in public.

>> No.10758324

>I'm genuinely afraid to look at the thread.
you're the one that sounds like the insufferable incel

>> No.10758352

Why do I feel like I've seen this response copy-pasted at least 10 times in the last month

>> No.10758365

because you are an insufferable incel

>> No.10758371
File: 677 KB, 268x268, nah-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I keep saying it I'm right

>> No.10758400

tranny moment

>> No.10758412
File: 12 KB, 1342x222, Thursday Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, are there many people at the con on Thursday? I'm just an hour drive away so if there's anything interesting, I might as well drop by for a bit. Otherwise, lining up for autograph tickets is kinda meh.

>> No.10758472

Haven't been to a Thursday at acen, but usually Thursdays are just a registration booth and not much else. I don't know if people really hang out there the only time I've ever gone is just to pre-register

>> No.10758484

No but I'm saving up for midwest

>> No.10758485


>> No.10758527

See here >>10756713

>> No.10758529


My group checks-in to our hotel on Thursday every year. We go get a nice dinner before the weekend starts, walk around to get a feel for that year's layout, and then either chill out at one of the hotel bars or someone's room. There are a good amount of people around doing the same thing. No official events happening and not a lot of cosplayers, but I quite like Thursday - there's a general buzz of excitement along with the anticipation for the weekend to come.

If you're going solo, ymmv, but there's definitely opportunity to meet people and hangout.

>> No.10758759 [DELETED] 

Looks like guidebook is out. Some guest announcements are still TBD though.

>> No.10758762
File: 33 KB, 716x277, Guidebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like guidebook is out. Some guest announcements are still TBD though.

>> No.10758819

Ah, was wondering if there was any more.
Appreciate it

>> No.10758851

Guidebook has such a terrible layout I'll just look through the actual physical schedule sheets when they're handed out

>> No.10758882

lol, they probably don't hand those out anymore

>> No.10759105

I downloaded the app and immediately regretted it when trying to navigate that piece of shit.

>> No.10759108

Hello sir. I would like to do this so called chilling with others Thursday night of ACEN. Please provide your Discord name so I may apply to hangout.

>> No.10759113

join the server doofus

>> No.10759129

I'm sorry. But I'm shy. I am trying to break out of my shell and make friends. As I do not have many close ones. Who would you be on the Discord?

>> No.10759195

We're you at Youma for the one there? Probably even worse than that.

>> No.10759671

hopefully he stays away if he knows what's good for him

>> No.10759874

If covid-19 is so bad don't hold conventions. If your normal and not a fascist just don't worry about. If you go to a convention under communist guidelines you part of the problem or antifa.

>> No.10759993
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1628391018709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother there's been a mask policy in place since the start of conventions lmao

>> No.10759995

What’s everyone most looking forward to?

I think I’m most excited about doing photoshoots with my friends. I got into some new anime during the pandemic so it would be nice to meet some other cosplayers from the same series too

>> No.10760065

The meetups and the formal dance. Maybe some of the "how to cosplay" panels and the humor/improv stuff.

>> No.10760073

I am going to mating press baelz and make the holobronies watch me

>> No.10760077

If you don't want to wear a mask then stop bitching and just don't go, faggot.

>> No.10760083

heard this con has prime bussy, any truth to the rumors?

>> No.10760092

>formal dance
That reminds me! Rosemont usually seems to host prom the same weekend as Acen and I always thought it was funny to see the interactions between the prom teens and cosplayers

>> No.10760096

I signed up for the formal dance, fortunately my cosplay just happens to involve a suit. Unfortunately I don't know how to dance and I have no idea if anyone else in my group signed up.

>> No.10760098

>Unfortunately I don't know how to dance and I have no idea if anyone else in my group signed up.
They usually have lessons and desu I would say that a decent chunk of people don't have partners and get matched at the beginning of the lessons. Just don't be a creep and you'll be fine.

>> No.10760134

Do you really need to sign up? Every other con just lets you walk in if you're dressed right.

>> No.10760222

They charge you $15 for the dance unfortunately. I assume it's to cover for the instructor + the extra staff or something.

>> No.10760442
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x1271, Webp.net-resizeimage-2-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope someone cosplays this to trigger all the /pol/dditors.

>> No.10760452

I don't get it, qrd?

>> No.10760490

The character's name is The Mask.

>> No.10760492

But his movies were great, who would get upset at him?

>> No.10760532

Boomer leftist humor

>> No.10760534

jim carrey is a hack.

>> No.10760641

Alright lads, hit me up with the prop gun policy. Website says a zip tie to disable moving parts, which I know what they mean, but my prop is deactivated airsoft gun with no moving parts except a removable mag.

>> No.10760649

My guess is that means to disable moving parts if there are any. It sounds like what you need is just a zip tie somewhere and an orange tip I think

>> No.10760665

hey, i'm not an autist, definitely know how to have fun without being a jerk...would love to get some inside info about good parties at acen. delta5#7753

>> No.10760735

Why would anyone from /pol/ give a shit about a "The Mask" cosplay?

>> No.10760772

You cosplaying someone from GFL?

>> No.10761109

WT Snacks, nigger!

>> No.10761271

Looking forward to it being less crowded thanks to peeps who don't want to wear a mask or show proof of vaccination.

>> No.10761278

we'll still be there

>> No.10761299

Nah, I'm a visitor from /k/ throwing together a cheap prop gun and some shit I had in my basement.

>> No.10761348

Can't wait to see all you special snowflakes out and about!

>> No.10761399

that's only for walking through badge areas, not everything else
they couldn't even enforce no smoking in lines that wrap around outside

>> No.10761534
File: 1.69 MB, 428x428, TROLLING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to watch what, 200 staffers try and enforce a mask mandate on 30k+ people? All the same I did purchase some masks that are thematic for my cosplay so for the 10 minutes I wear them I'll still look good.

>> No.10761676

Right, there's so many people complaining about it but how the hell are they going to enforce it. I'm pretty sure Midwest last year had a mask mandate and I went and it was like maybe 5 to 10% of people were actually wearing them not counting people with like cosplay masks

>> No.10761677

it's pretty funny seeing the social elitism within anime cons lmao, accidentally clicked on this board. everyone has to look down on someone, huh?

>> No.10761699

Genuinely upset I missed smol Katsu this year. I don't think acen is going to be noticably smaller.

>> No.10761731

>accidently clicked on this board
why does he lie?

>> No.10761733

NTA, but I had a fake pass for a certain convention where a foreign variant started spreading in the US, I din't even get sick.
Some of us just have immune systems.

>> No.10761787
File: 243 KB, 291x326, unknown-716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally clicked on this board
>Proceeds to accuse others of looking down their noses at people while looking down his nose at us

>> No.10761878

So who did you piss off

>> No.10761885

Did you finish your cosplay yet, anon?

>> No.10761908

no >:)

>> No.10761980

My dude it's just luck. Sure there are things you can do to better your chances but it's ultimately just luck.

You're the type of guy who if there was a mass shooting at the grocery store you were at would credit their survival on the fact you were wearing your Adidas Ultraboosts that day so you were able to run a little faster instead of the obvious fact that it was just luck that lead to you not being shot.

>> No.10761984
File: 28 KB, 154x156, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10761995

Bondrewd helmet w/ a "#1 dad" t-shirt.

>> No.10762040

I am starting to regret not working on any new cosplays for the past two years of the pandemic

>> No.10762042


>> No.10762121

God, I've been away for a few months and I forgot how absolutely fucking retarded people are on this site.

>> No.10762187

Hey, don't insult retards by comparing them to us.

>> No.10762260

B-b-but they give me +10% running speed

>> No.10762465

did acen's formal get good? I remember it being basically a club dance that I had to waste time getting fancied up for last time I went

>> No.10762512


>> No.10762626


>> No.10762765

Where the fuck is "Hall F"? Their map with no key isn't horribly helpful

>> No.10762780
File: 751 KB, 828x1408, BCB21EA5-14F0-4326-B178-2107FD82B151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they completely folded.

>> No.10762782

ACen Discord is hilarious right now. Mods have stated this was allegedly not a choice by ACen staff and they aren't able to offer refunds or rollover at this time and you have people posting the most performative message of "I only intended to go because I felt safe with the vaccine and mask requirement and I am now unable to go."

>> No.10762783

I can't count how many times I've seen the same person say "literally telling immunocompromized people to die"

>> No.10762784
File: 42 KB, 612x445, istockphoto-92134547-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10762793

Cope and seeth motherfuckers! COPE. AND. SEETH.


>> No.10762803

Who's fault is it then?
This is why you never say things with finalizing authority, always comes back to bite you in the ass. Especially with Covid, the situation has been changing constantly for 2 years but you want to make your statements definative???

>> No.10762804

The working theory is that since convention center security belongs to the con center not ACEN and IRT was disbanded they functionally never had an enforcement mechanism. Which is fine whatever but why the song and dance about enforcement then? Unless this is a hair braided scheme to have their cake and eat it too?

We're Americans were all some degree of CHUD

>> No.10762810

damn, seems like all the prime bussy won't be coming now because of the news. such a sad day, I would have worn a condom over my head if it would make them feel safer

>> No.10762812

Wonder who really said what. Acen staff seems insistent it wasn't their call. Makes me wonder if the Convention Center pushed it on them. Or threatened not to host the con next year if they kept the mandate.

Honestly not too thrilled, but only because of all the seething it's creating. Although it is pretty shitty that ACen said that there wouldn't be any last minute pivot from the mandate. But at least I don't have to hide my mustache for my two mustache sporting costumes. Hooray.

>> No.10762817


If it was not ACen’s fault they they should be at least offering refunds or rolling badges to the following year, but they aren’t.

>> No.10762818

Probably because regardless of whoever's fault it is, ACen doesn't want to take the fall for every individual negatively impacted by this change rather than letting each person just lose money individually. They are a business, not your friend.

>> No.10762834

Honesty would have effected profits and ACEN lost two years of business due to covid. They are betting on people blowing a lot of hot air. Yeah they are angry but where else are they going to go? Anime Midwest who doesn't even care enough to give lip service? This is a class big business gamble.

>> No.10762839

Since we're by and large past the point of no return for hotel refunds? Probably nothing.

>> No.10762842

Have you considered people could just stop being limp dick cowards and go anyway?

>> No.10762849

I'm not even sure you could get out of a flight ticket at this point.

>> No.10762851

Wondering if people who got screwed into either going or eating the a big financial decision are going to show up and just start wrecking the place to hurt Acen and the Con center.

>> No.10762852

That doesn't help with any of the logistics of getting a room, or time off, ect ect if your local sure you can pop in but anyone else it's exceedingly difficult to just plan a con in 4 days.

>> No.10762857

Nah he means the rest of the people who aren’t complaining. Which is probably going to be the case.

>> No.10762861

It's amazing how many people just don't know anything about regulations, rules and contracts speaking with absolute positivity that they know exactly what happened, who is lying, and who's fault this is.

>> No.10762871
File: 103 KB, 620x719, AllegedACenStaffEmail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly faked but from an ACen Discord member claiming to have just quite the ACen staff today. Assuming this is copied from a real email and is truthful information, it appears that ACen is no longer able to enforce mask or vaccine mandates due to lack of support. This support may have been previously promised and removed on short notice, or ACen staff may have known about this beforehand.

>> No.10762872

who gives a fuck

>> No.10762873

People talking in this thread wondering what happened, perhaps? Good job showing how cripplingly autistic you are to not even be able to imagine someone being curious or bored enough to watch this nonsense.

>> No.10762874

Solipsism is a hell of a drug (and very common)

>> No.10762875

imagine being so gay that you care about things like this
what are you, a woman?

>> No.10762877
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x1280, 1647645813721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10762878

Imagine never wondering why anything happens. Just real knuckle dragger vibes.

>> No.10762915

>fags on Twitter seething about the mask mandate being lifted
If they're so worried about spreading the weakest variant of the virus then why even risk going in the first place? It's all performative. They don't really care about who gets sick or who's vaccinated or whatever, they just want the most eyes on them with a shiny gold badge that says "I'm progressive" even though they're going to an event where they'll be shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people, something they'd seethe at if it was any other event

>> No.10762918
File: 138 KB, 720x1031, 20220516_155758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we allowed to walk around with our entire ass out now?

>> No.10762921

wtf do you mean IRT is disbanded?

>> No.10762929

>It's another "tranny getting mad when he sees what a real woman looks like" episode

>> No.10762931

welcome to 4chan, newfag.

>> No.10762965

Is this your first ever con nonnie? Literally every con has cosplays like that

>> No.10762983

lmao the gun guy was Reisen?
All of that, the crime and the penalty, is extremely common for Jews

>> No.10762993

And how were the people whining about the mandates doing any differently? Instead of getting a "progressive" badge they get an "I suck Elon's cock" badge. One group being smaller than the other doesn't make it any less performative.

>> No.10763004
File: 1.10 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I see any of you doing this I will actually give you a wedgie.

>> No.10763008
File: 120 KB, 906x1200, 1647304318002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went into the ACEN discord. It was full of seething autistic mask people, I could have sworn my Dr Pepper turned into a onions latte from just reading their comments.

>> No.10763012

>If you're not with me you're against me
Retard mindset. I don't give a shit about what some fucking billionaire ledditor has to say.
I think the people who are whining about this mandate are Grade-A retards. If you cared that much about not spreading the virus then you wouldn't go to an event with tens of thousands of people

>> No.10763031

He's a creep but at least he's vaxxed and waxxed ... Ladies

>> No.10763033

Like you could even give anyone a wedgie.

>> No.10763034

Would be based desu

>> No.10763038

Could u wear a tailplug under a dress at Acen without getting called out/kicked out lmfao

>> No.10763065

im calling you out for being a weeaboo

>> No.10763066

If I see this I'm going to yank it out

>> No.10763076

That would classify as sexual assault or battery in most states

>> No.10763094

Is it easy to find dick to suck at cons if you dress like a whore?

>> No.10763097

Just remember to be upfront to people about it and you'll find surrounded with them

>> No.10763104

This is nothing new and honestly quite tame compared to some of the thot cosplay and rave attire I've seen there before. During the height of Naruto fandom every budding costhot was doing Sexy Jutsu Naruto and the skimpiest one I saw was a girl in a white micro bikini with cotton balls attached to the top and bottom to mimic the clouds. Like if you were close enough you could see labia peeking out the sides. Some ham planet as Raven is really nothing to gawk at.

>> No.10763105

But how else would they be able to virtue signal AND buy their cheap chinese knockoff Fumos?

>> No.10763149

When are retards ever going to move on from their gayass magic masks and shots?

>> No.10763150

Have a place to do it, and be direct about it. If they're in a group try to catch them when they're heading to the bathroom or something. Keep an eye out for the guy whipping out his phone too.

>> No.10763167
File: 51 KB, 1079x219, Screenshot_20220517-073854_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seething on the official discord is hilarious.

>> No.10763169

Why would they fold to the pro Trump Virus lobby days before the con?
They're just inviting bad PR when the con becomes a super spreader event and they just threw out the one thing they could point to to say they tried to stop it.
But that's ACEN, they are always retarded

>> No.10763170

Bets on what time slow mode will go back on? People are going to definitely start deliberately stirring shit again.

>> No.10763173

>they get an "I suck Elon's cock" badge.
So they're conservatives now.

>> No.10763178

Friend says 6 hours. They also hid the mods.

>> No.10763184

What if it doesn’t become a “super spreader event” and everything’s fine

>> No.10763188


>> No.10763189

>Why would they fold to the pro Trump Virus lobby days before the con?
Going from the leaked announcements, it sounds like they failed to confirm that security was available/willing to enforce the vaccination requirement so they just said fuck it and got rid of it all together.

Basically, somebody fucked up and somebody else forgot to double check until 3 days before the con when it was too late to do anything about it.

>> No.10763191
File: 26 KB, 383x504, WHY-pft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting logic from someone who unironically refers to the "Trump Virus lobby"

>> No.10763192

So whatever lawsuit from the loss of income could be documented as "Negligence on behalf of ACen." Fun.

>> No.10763199

Not to be retarded but how do I find blow at Acen
Usually my friends just give it to me but I’m on my own this year :(

>> No.10763200

So you're just reckless, got it.
But hey, if you want to get the Trump Virus, more power to you. Just don't be selfish and infect everyone else.

>Going from the leaked announcements, it sounds like they failed to confirm that security was available/willing to enforce the vaccination requirement.
Sounds ACEN tier retarded, just have people show their vaccine card when they pick up their badge. If they don't show it, they don't get the badge. How hard could that have been to enforce?

>> No.10763202

Have a local friend. You're probably fucked this year.

>> No.10763204

You need training and enough staff to deal with the tards who freak out when you say masks or vaccines required

>> No.10763205

Ask me how I know you’re 300 lbs

>> No.10763207

That's where you use convention security, and degree of separation if the problem is vaccine enforcement.
When some retard starts chimp out in he reg line, they can be ejected from the con for that.

Nice projection, go on a diet.

>> No.10763210


>> No.10763211

And a normalfag too, pathetic.

>> No.10763217

china lost, get over it

>> No.10763221

>Convention security
Con center pulled their security staff out and said they wouldn't take the risk of dealing with pissed off anti vaxxers and anti maskers
Acen doesn't pay their volunteers enough to deal with it either

>> No.10763225

Yeah if the leak is true it's not just that the con center staff pulled out, it sounds like they pulled out almost as recently as the announcement. In an ideal world, that staffing would be replaced with 3rd party security, but that's a whole other set of steps to take in 4 days.

>> No.10763228

Just use the police then, they just need them around registration and they'd only need to respond to any anti-vaxxer who gets belligerent.

>> No.10763230

Don't they already use 3rd party security for the raves?

>> No.10763232

No one wants to take the risk of dealing with belligerent potentially violent people upset about mask policies
Especially after someone brought a fucking LOADED GUN to anime St Louis I don't honestly blame them

>> No.10763233

I'm not sure. I'm rarely attending raves at conventions. If so, extending the work rented from that company may be easier, but still possibly an issue on such short notice

>> No.10763235

New thread >>10763234

>> No.10763236

LMAO do you know how expensive it is to hire police for an event? This is just flat out not a viable option.

>> No.10763252

You clearly don't since any major con already hires them for traffic control and to patrol the con during the night. It would hit their bottom line to rent them out longer, but it's a much better option than what they're doing right now.

Raves are almost never handed by con volunteers because you always have to deal with drug dealers, people praying on the underage and sneaking in alcohol. Plus, you have to deal with people just trying to sneak in, a while ago there was someone who sucker punched a staffer after being told to leave because he didn't have a badge. Fun stuff.

>> No.10763257

>they'd only need to respond to any anti-vaxxer who gets belligerent.
Said while the Acen server is melting down with cowards such as yourself about them creating "super spreader" events. But I would expect nothing less from your type

>> No.10763260

Uh you realize the number of officers needed to patrol the dealers hall at night and the number of officers required to stand at every entry point the entire weekend to check vax cards and then additional officers to roam inside and yell at people for not wearing masks is vastly different right?

Hired officers have rules around hours worked, overtime, etc. It would cost thousands more, so much more it is not an option.

BTW I thought all the lib vax lovers were part of the defund the cops movement? You cool with cops now that you want them to enforce your police state?

>> No.10763303

>Exposes himself as a Republican while posing several strawmen arguments.

>> No.10763304
File: 68 KB, 528x362, 20151013Syria_ISISfinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah my brothers, I shall destroy Lanata and his mask idolizing infidels.

>> No.10763316

Do you think the police work for hugs and kittens? You have to pay them to cover your event my dude.

>> No.10763349

But I thought according to the Chicago scene, and most of the types of weebs that are Acen attendees that cops were bad? Or are they only good/ok when they are enforcing things that YOU want?

>> No.10763351

Ah yes, the 6 or so traffic cops vs the bare minimum of 2 dozen or more to canvas the convention center and the hyatt for masks & masks.

>> No.10763352

Dont try to argue with them on this. They think in their utopia of "free everything" literally every working class person will be willing to give up their time, effort and health/safety for the good of the cause.

>> No.10763376

>You clearly don't since any major con already hires them for traffic control and to patrol the con during the night.
Officers typically charge above their standard rate for events (since it's not a recurring gig) so you're looking at 50-60 an hour.
2 cops per entrance
At least 3 entrances (for Acen, probably double that to handle the size, but let's lowball)
So 6 on duty cops per hour just for covid checks
360 an hour
Times what.. 40 hours across the weekend?
$14,400 extra
That's a hefty bill, even for a big show.

>> No.10763425

Who do you think makes up the police?

>> No.10763435

Libs love cops. Who do you think protects their neighbors?

>Working class
Their main job is to harass the work class...

Police as con security is beyond retard. First con to have murder bc some trigger happy cop got nervous when saw a black Dante cosplayer with a prop gun. Especially the CPD the department that had literal black sites.

>> No.10763459

>All this over planning and wasted cost.
You just need several cops at registration to enforce vaccines cards o get a badge. After that, if someone wants to flaunt mask policy they can be dealt with by the con.

But I see some of the others want to distract from common sense solutions.

>> No.10763469

isnt everyone a pedophile rapist on the chans?

niggaz dont play surrpriset there isnt a shootut at a con yet

>> No.10763474

prolly cause cunny is based

>> No.10764858

hey does anybody remember the groups name that played before demondice. that shit was hard

>> No.10764908