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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10695264 No.10695264 [Reply] [Original]

last thread >>10653676

the 'rhona is still here edition

>> No.10695266
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So, as I previously mentioned in the last thread, a few weeks ago we organized a "big" larp by hungarian standards here (and only know I have enough fucks to post about it).
The only kinda interesting part is to frequent larpthread readers that it used a more than a few concepts that are similar to US larps (pve, held at a camping site, lots of beginners, njk monsters and whatnot) though still far from US style.

Anyway, here are a few pictures.

>> No.10695267
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>> No.10695268
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>> No.10695269
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>> No.10695270
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>> No.10695271
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>> No.10695272
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>> No.10695273
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>> No.10695274
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>> No.10695275
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>> No.10695276
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>> No.10695277
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>> No.10695278
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>> No.10695279
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>> No.10695281
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>> No.10695283
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>> No.10695285
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>> No.10695287
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>> No.10695288
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>> No.10695289
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>> No.10695290
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>> No.10695294
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>> No.10695295
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>> No.10695296
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>> No.10695297
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>> No.10695298
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>> No.10695300
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>> No.10695301
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>> No.10695302
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>> No.10695304
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>> No.10695305
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>> No.10695306
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>> No.10695307
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>> No.10695308
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>> No.10695309
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>> No.10695311
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>> No.10695313
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>> No.10695314
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>> No.10695315
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>> No.10695316
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>> No.10695317
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>> No.10695318
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these were the better part of the pics, sadly most of the stuff wasn't photographed, as usual, but at least there were two people who actually know how to take photos, so there is that

>> No.10695468
File: 82 KB, 585x474, top or bottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on getting a viking helmet, partially for an event I'm crewing, partially because I'm just a slut for brain buckets. Stuck between getting a Gjermundbu or Tjele style helm, anyone got any opinions? I'm leaning towards Tjele, but the secret reenactor in me is obviously drawn towards the gjermundbu slightly more.

Other than "man painted green" every now and again, this is some good shit. I hope everyone had a fun time

>> No.10695601
File: 476 KB, 1153x2048, 245621988_6497826936924923_7378446249164041785_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the greenface guys were okay or okayish because at least they tried in various ways, far from perfect but a lot of them were first time larpers too, so I won't hold it against them.

With the exception of this guy. This guy was shit

Anyway most people enjoyed themselves, again with the few exception, mostly people who thought we will put under their asses everything, including the "plot".

>> No.10695611

>Local guard captain just about had it with underling's shit

>> No.10695612

close. Local head of the family (who are descendants of a heroic adventurer who basically funded the village) had it with his daughters shit who wants to go into adventuring

>> No.10695707

Thanks for sharing hungarian, I always enjoy your photos since it looks like everyone are having a good time!
Your players did good with costuming as well, good amount of serious characters.

Internal intrigues are always the best. How did it end?

Also this is now my new larpfu >>10695279 >>10695296

>> No.10695815

>Also this is now my new larpfu
she is one of the first timers. Technically second time because in september she was one of the girls who helped me as npcs in the hiking larp that I held for the portal organizers (the erasmus project one) seen here >>0681732
She and her friend noticed our larp out of nowhere, started commincating, and at the end put way more effort into their character and costuming than most "veteran" players. So yeah, pretty much larpfu (she made her costume from scratch too)

>Internal intrigues are always the best. How did it end?
It wasn't as much intrigue as conflict of interests. Also the end was bittersweet.
The guy on the photo was the head of the family, said family was the descendants of the founder of the village where the game was held (founder was a big mighty hero) he was a paladin of Helm, wanted nothing but peace and quite in his old days. His wife disappeared in the forest because of asshat fairies.
his daughter >>10695267 was the typical teen who rebels against everything, wants to be an advetnurer, also save her mom, frequently slips out in the dark to the forest to hunt monsters and became a hero and whatnot.

There was several problems that approached the village during the game, one of the problems was a wizard tower that was fucked up and produced a dimensional rift basically. Head of the family at the end went into the tower with a few mages and solved the problem, shutting down the rift. This had the consequence of them stuck in other dimensions and couldn't get back anymore, so he sent a magical message to the daughter at the end, that she was right, be an adventruer, because at the end it seems like he will be one too, but in another dimension.

>> No.10695816

>seen here >>0681732
fucked up the link >>10681732

>> No.10695822

>This had the consequence of them stuck in other dimensions and couldn't get back anymore, so he sent a magical message to the daughter at the end, that she was right, be an adventruer, because at the end it seems like he will be one too, but in another dimension.
A tale worthy of being retold at a campfire.

>fucked up the link 10681732
wow she can act as well! I'm going to Hungary next!

Seriously tho its great to see new players with such great interest for the scene, makes me motivated to do greater for myself actually.

>> No.10695854

>Seriously tho its great to see new players with such great interest for the scene, makes me motivated to do greater for myself actually.
also I can point and laugh at all the fucktards who put less effort into larping than a kid.

But good news is that she will come with us to the Landsknecht camp on Drachenfest next year

>> No.10696041

Runequest anchorposting

>> No.10696056

Check out Early Medieval on FB, get a Birka helmet so you can inevitably still go Kievan Rus after you played out the rookie levels as Norse vik

>> No.10696057

Good to hear the LKL could do with some extra talent. Hope they had some deserved growth over the 2 year hiatus.

>> No.10696064

we have plans but honestly the increased price of the ticket makes me wonder of how many of us could come.
One thing is for sure, we never have enough people

>> No.10696168
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Today I played dodge ball, but we incorporated swords in to the game.

It was much fun

>> No.10696354
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Happy belated Halloween, everyone!

Looks great! What's the basic metaplot/setting?

Gjermundbu, if you gotta be a vikaboo anyways.

>This guy was shit
Well, you DID say it was like an Amerilarp...

So... You played Jugger or Trollball? Neat.

>> No.10696388
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>Looks great! What's the basic metaplot/setting?
basic setting is Forgotten Realms
as for plot, there is a village which is namely a city because adventurer bought the rights to be a city so everyone can fuck off. Village has different factions in them and various artifacts that are mostly by now shit noone cared about. This stuff caused problems of the monster and bandit kind, that would be on the manageable scale would it be a really city not just a village and some grand thinking.
So some adventurer come in to do the adventuring thing (and fuck up things even more in the meantime)
That was the basic thing, obviously with a few more content and control layers.
Both the villagers and the adventurers were players, and mostly the enemy and unimportant stuff was npcs.
Sadly there are no good photos for most of the monsters, like the illithid, or the undead werewolf, or the two demons (one was on running stilts to give it a respectable size)

>> No.10696392

Oh hey it’s chin-chan

>> No.10696684

was this post really necessary?

>> No.10696886
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Go kiev, its the best style and less generic than other options.

>> No.10697001

Going to Legion this year, I know of one fellow 4 Chins coming: anybody else from the international scene who's been/coming?

>> No.10697026

sadly I missed the deadline for signup, but I'm on the waiting list. Hoping someone can't come

>> No.10697161

What's dat dere Legion? Is it on the old continent?

On a different note, does anyone have opinions on Curious Pastimes?

>> No.10697178
File: 95 KB, 720x320, Legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat as >>10697026 , probably gonna wait for next year due to work fucking me six ways to sunday which is a bit gutting.

It's in the Czech Republic. You all play members of the Czech Foreign Legion trying to get home from Russia during the Russian Revolution. Involves lots of trekking through snow carrying gear.

CP is kinda just a bit wank. It face checks basically every major problem with LARP as a medium. No real brief, the ability to just bring literally whatever the fuck you want character wise including inventing entirely new races, the classic "6ft dwarf" problem, having to spend skill points to read and count, way too many skills and calls, the list goes on. Basically just do Empire if you want a UK fest Larp that isn't complete dog.

>> No.10697183

>It's in the Czech Republic. You all play members of the Czech Foreign Legion trying to get home from Russia during the Russian Revolution. Involves lots of trekking through snow carrying gear.
worth to add, that it's easily one of the best larps out there, if not "the" best one, simply because it had so much reruns and pretty much optimized from an organizing viewpoint.

>> No.10697664
File: 157 KB, 740x544, santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a bit late to organise one this year, but would anyone fancy doing a /lrp/ secret santa? Fairly low buy in cost, and the threads are slow so I imagine it'd be a fairly small number of people. Could just be a laugh and small bits of kit are easy enough to add to most outfits.

>> No.10697702

Sure, anon, rev up dat dere signup

>> No.10698245

Maybe? Last time it kinda petered out, and some folks didn't get anything. I ended up sending stuff to folks who got stiffed just because.

>> No.10698777
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I tell you what, I'll do a signup and see what kind of reception it gets. If there's enough people I'll go ahead and release matches, say if 12-15 are interested. Probably cap the price point around £20-25ish so if someone acts like an asshole and grifts it's not a huge loss, and I'll be fine sending out one or two extra sets of gifts a bit later if that happens.

The form will probably be all the postage info, obviously, then what stuff you would ideally like and what stuff you are best able to give, and I'll hand match people to try and get as good a range as possible. I'll post up a google form this evenin when I'm home from work and we can go from there. I'll also try and avoid ridiculous postage by matching yanks, euros etc together as much as possible

>> No.10699152

I'm down.

>> No.10699286
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Hit me with that sign up, anon! Bring on the seasons beatings and Christmas cheer!

>> No.10699295
File: 222 KB, 1200x900, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, I'll probably see how many signups we get over the course of a week or so, then go from there: https://forms[dot]gle/hCFrU9KS1zwwNifz6

>> No.10699352


That all said, on top of the actual larp gifts, there will be clown stuff thrown in. You have been warned.

>> No.10699583

How do I know I am not going to get robbed and raped by a neckbeard?

>> No.10699667

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, anon

>> No.10699678
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>> No.10699969

Just got to have some faith anon. Also, thats a lot of effort to go to when you could just travel to whatever local shithole is full of crime and rob someone there. /k/ has had one running for years and it's never had any complications beyond people not sending anything every once in a while

I can promise, 100%, that I am not a horse

>> No.10700148

/k/has also had multiple instances of people unwittingly being fed edibles, cum, and combination thereof...

>> No.10700152

carry a gun

>> No.10700327

I mean, if you eat anything not in a sealed wrapper off an anon on the internet, that's entirely your own fault and out of my control as the dipshit organising this if it turns out to be laced with crack or whatever. Spirit of Christmas

>> No.10700666


>> No.10702933

I'm going to keep this open for another few days, probably until Thursday, then see if we have enough people to make it worthwhile. If you're interested it's a low buy-in so chuck your deets down

>> No.10703409

How many signed up so far?

>> No.10703481
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Currently we have three people, which isn't really enough to get a proper swap going, especially as they're across a fairly wide geographical region. I've got work until late today, so unless we get at least a few more signups I'll probably call it for this year unfortunately.

Other than that however, anyone had any events recently? Last weekend we almost got a big dump of snow mid-event, but it largely just turned into slush which was a bit of a let down.

>> No.10703591
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Had a small indoor event with designated seats. Had 0 time to make kit for it and just threw together some stuff I had in the closet due to having an insane few busy weeks at my jobs.

It was good fun though! An intrigue based fantasy game set in the 17th century.

>> No.10709362
File: 315 KB, 851x1082, Richard-Schild_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the verdict on Mytholon's shields?

I'm planning on getting one of these, since they're cheap, have an actual grip, and most-importantly: can be modified for use by left-handed people, which is pretty rare for larp shields of that kind. I'm a bit concerned about the fact that the whole grip construction is hard plastic, though. Is there anyone here who has held one of the things and can tell me if it's properly sturdy and robust?

>> No.10709834

Any of you lads play an instrument? I've ordered a tenor recorder, looking forward to playing medieval and renaissance dances and the like. Really want a shawm but they're not exactly readily available or affordable.
Already found "the Pennsic pile" so hopefully I can get right into it once it arrives.

>> No.10709967

I have one, feels pretty sturdy. Haven't used it in a fight, though, so I don't feel one hundred percent confident in shilling it.

>> No.10709990

>I don't feel one hundred percent confident in shilling it
No worries, "pretty sturdy" is already more feedback than I was expecting to get. I'm willing to gamble on it when the shield's back in store. I'll be sure to hold you personally and exclusively accountable if it turns out to be any less than perfect, thanks!

>> No.10710575
File: 57 KB, 513x650, b9b415b8eb7dd3f2144f0a4998f583b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys know where one might get a good quality cuirass like pic related is wearing?

>> No.10710727

Where are you based anon? I can only give some advice for bongland/ Europe.

Also, merry Christmas /larp/, I hope you all have had a great day and got some good gifts.

>> No.10710902

Paging Gropey.

>> No.10711890
File: 88 KB, 646x1000, UdsSGuardsCuirassieruniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are you based anon?
East Coast Burgerland. I'd still like to hear your input despite that.

>> No.10711932
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211228-212527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a damn shame. Would have been fun.

17th century huh? Where was this? What kind of system?

Multiple. I'm a classically trained percussionist, can play the hurdy-gurdy, a couple of woodwinds, and gonna start fucking with fiddle since my BF is getting back into it.

You don't need a true shwam. Start with a practice chanter for bagpipes. Sounds identical, and as much cheaper. Pic related.

Pre-1750 Calvary cuirass specifically, or any 18thC/early 19thC style cuirass? Try this

Merry Christmas anon. Hope you had a decent one.


Whelp, that's where I am from. Also, that uniform looks like ass. Not enough contrast to define the facings from the coat from more than a couple of paces. There's a reason uniform uses the rules it does.

>> No.10711977

I'd seen that one but I've heard that a lot of replica and larp armor is shit. If there're others, you guys know way more than me.

>Also, that uniform looks like ass. Not enough contrast to define the facings from the coat from more than a couple of paces.
Yeah, I know it would blur together, but this nominally existed, so I've never felt the need to revise it. We'll gloss over the fact that I also know about nil of color theory and uniform rules.

>> No.10712013

I have personally handled that particular cuirass, and it's good.

>this nominally existed,
What? Your link is solid grey with buff small clothes... And earlier jacket design?

>We'll gloss over the fact that I also know about nil of color theory and uniform rules.
We really shouldn't. It's exists for a reason

>> No.10712017

>What? Your link is solid grey with buff small clothes
Yeah. To my mind, its the same result. The facings pretty much don't matter for the Conti Cavalerie, but they are there, so mine blending in isn't egregious.

>We really shouldn't. It's exists for a reason
Then can you recommend a place for me to start learning, particularly in the context of 17&18th century uniforms?

>I have personally handled that particular cuirass, and it's good.
input much appreciated

>> No.10712061

You're really kind of scattered here, as there is far less wiggle room in aesthetics and designs in 18thC fashion compared to previous centuries. It's like comparing someone in WWI uniform to WWII: a few decades makes a huge difference. Let's narrow down at least 1700-1750, or 1750 to 1800.

Also, which game is this for? The only two east coast US, not!18thC fantasy larps I know of are Lost Stories & Dark tales which has an enforced costuming standard, and Lost Colonies which is typical Amerilarp puke with added leather tricorns.

>> No.10712423

I can't believe you truthshamed my leather tricorn. This is anti-sparrovian bigotry, you clownlord.

>> No.10712508

The awful uniform wasn't for a larp, I just used that picture for that reply because location is an an important clarification and it fit the theme. The real question was about the cuirass which was for a small larp thing for friends, and because I figured you guys would know best.

If you really want to know about the bad uniform, its for an rpg setting I'm writing. It is set a decade or so after a dudeauthor self insert is isekai'd into a pretty standard late medieval world with his k31.

>> No.10712975
File: 1.24 MB, 1664x2596, Fusiliers_de_La_Morlière_-_Fantassin_XVIIIe_siècle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where is/what is the game, and do you want some museum staff/LARPers to join?

>If you really want to know about the bad uniform, its for an rpg setting I'm writing. It is set a decade or so after a dudeauthor self insert is isekai'd into a pretty standard late medieval world with his k31.

Not I'm going to sugarcoat it, but this sounds awful.

>> No.10713501

>If you really want to know about the bad uniform, its for an rpg setting I'm writing. It is set a decade or so after a dudeauthor self insert is isekai'd into a pretty standard late medieval world with his k31.
Everything about this post is an abortion.

>> No.10714648

That's a pretty awesome uniform. Is that supposed to be pink or red?

>> No.10714763
File: 9 KB, 170x297, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official uniform warrant says "rouge", and period art shows both, but I would lean closer to a true red rather than pink, as aesthetic as the latter would be.

>> No.10717344

In the Netherlands, it's a larger social/narrative game. Has some action in it as well, but the main drive is the different ways the characters struggle to achieve their goals.

Aspiration is the main theme of the event, so it's a no brainer.

We've all been there anon. It's not too late, you can still find God before you go through with this...

>> No.10718481

Think you tagged the wrong post bro.

>> No.10719864

I want to make my own gambeson to wear under a suit of 150 dollar chainmail I found on some online site. I'd also prefer to make it using medieval methods but I'll settle for modern needle and thread if I must. I mean I'm probably gonna watch Netflix while I make it anyway. Are there any patterns out there you would recommend, types of cloth, etc?

>> No.10720228

What kind of gambeson? How much experience do you have? What's your budget on fabrics, filling, and where are you currently situatied?

>> No.10720244

>What kind of gambeson?
Uhhh the quilted kind
Basically none, as above implies..I did sew a giant stuffed mannequin once.

I wouldn't want to spend more than 100 dollars on materials. I likely won't be doing much action in it just ren faires.

>where are you currently situatied?
Northeastern US of A.

>> No.10720616

This is a pretty good guide. Have fun, anon.


>> No.10720641

Thanks anon

>> No.10720754

>You don't need a true shwam. Start with a practice chanter for bagpipes. Sounds identical, and as much cheaper. Pic related.
Interesting, I was thinking as much but wasn't sure. And ultimately I guess bagpipes are the logical conclusion anyway since apparently the shawm takes quite some breath, so I've read. I suppose a wooden practice chanter probably looks a lot nicer in garb than a plastic Baroque style recorder too.

>> No.10720796

I've been associating with my local SCA chapter just to get sewing tips and talk to people. they're cool, just not cool enough to buy armor about.

>> No.10721069

How do you join SCA anyway?

>> No.10721587

Paging Gropey

>> No.10722076 [DELETED] 

I enjoy your pictures a lot, Hungarian- how are the covid restrictions in your country? My event season begins in April; England seems to have abaondoned Covid tyranny, so I'm hoping the events will actually go ahead this year.

I'm starting a proper Arthurian knight character; going to be a questing knight, also entering tourneys etc. His name is SIr Gilderoy Brightstone; my house's heraldic device is a mermaid clasping a shining stone above her head on a field of teal and Mustard. I'm opting for a sword and shield build, does anyone have any advice on where to purchase (or how I might craft) a feather plume holder for my helmet? Once I've sourced one I'll rivet it to my helmet.

>> No.10722166

Got a friend who's looking for Regency garb. It's not an era I've ever costumed, so I'm not knowledgable on this--anybody here know any suppliers in the US?

>> No.10722185 [DELETED] 

>"Covid tyranny"
Just fucking do everyone a favour, and kill yourself. You're obviously too stupid to live.

>> No.10722197 [DELETED] 

kek, absolutely seething over my comment.
Always makes me laugh how irrationally defensive these delusional, paranoid, melodramatic cowards get when anybody dares refer to the mountain of damage the global Covid response has done.

Covid-19 is empirically just an exaggerated cold/flu; it was a cynical scam to make big pharma billions richer, and you are a naive, gullible fool for perpetuating the oppressive fear surrounding this damned virus.

>> No.10722206 [DELETED] 

NTA, but you're not winning over anyone with this /pol/tard rhetoric.

>> No.10722220 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 740x416, TheTroubleWithLARPisThatItsFullOfLARPers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it rhetoric implies there's no substance, but everything I said was objectively true.
If you disagree with a comment enough to bother replying, you ought to try and refute it, instead of just dismissing it out of hand...

The other dude is the asshole here, as he told me to kill myself

>> No.10722241 [DELETED] 

>Calling it rhetoric implies there's no substance

That's exactly what it is. I will ignore the rest of your idiocy, and hope you die drinking horse dewormer or whatever.

You are dismissed

>> No.10722242 [DELETED] 

>he told me to kill myself
You should. Hop to it.

>> No.10722270

Another for Gropey. Can someone contact him off 4chan?

>> No.10722524
File: 75 KB, 640x960, plume holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get plume holders online fairly cheaply from reenactment sites if you google them, that come with areas to rivet them, or just bang a cylinder together with spare metal for a basic replacement option. If you're in bongland, are you opting for Empire or a bad system? Also, pics of heraldry, ideally on shield for maximum bling.

>> No.10722571

Don't reply to a plaguerat who's too dumb to use the archive.

>> No.10722696
File: 2.29 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220125_042828389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in >>10720228 really has all the right questions. Gambesons are not difficult per se, but it does require strong basic skills and basic fitting. Do you by chance have a picture of the kind of design that you want to use? Earlier style early medieval gambesens will probably be easier, as they're mostly rectangles and gussets.

Don't knock baroque recorders, you can find fairly decent wooden ones for the 20 to $30 USD range. Tin whistles are also good. Pic related, tin whistle ($10ish), practice chanter/shwam ($15-20), baroque recorder ($20-$40)

Rule number one, you don't have to play with your local group. I hated the local group in new orleans, and had no problem driving an hour to Gulfport to play with them. A much better group that I just messed with better and had a great attitude.

What exactly you're looking for? Military, civilian? What's your budget? You can find some basic, fairly affordable 19th century stuff on eBay and Jay townsend, though it won't be as perfect as getting it from an actual 19th century clothier.

Just checked the archive, and I can't believe I missed that cringe.

>> No.10722880

How big is the recorder? I don't think I've ever seen anything but the plastic ones for kids.

>> No.10723022

>Do you by chance have a picture of the kind of design that you want to use?
I just want that diamond quilting pattern.

>> No.10723040

About 24". Real recorders are big enough to bludgeon someone.

Cute, but I mean the design of the actual garment. Do you have a picture that looks like what you're trying to make?

>> No.10723890

>What exactly you're looking for? Military, civilian? What's your budget? You can find some basic, fairly affordable 19th century stuff on eBay and Jay townsend, though it won't be as perfect as getting it from an actual 19th century clothier.

Nothing so specific, I'm simply trying to find a seller who carries that time period for my friend.

>> No.10723961

I'll give you some terms to help you find a pattern while Googling.

Aketon (Actually implies the fabric used, but it pops up with some specific sleeveless light weight stuff that's great)
Arming doublet
Jupon (over armour)
Bayeaux Tapestry gambeson
Maciejowski Bible / Morgan Bible gambeson

Also my autism insists that if you want to build a "viking" gambeson or half the 11th - 13th century gambesons you better just wear 2/3 layers of thick wool tunics and throw a quilted surcoat over it.

>> No.10724081

It doesn't really work like that anon.

>> No.10724187
File: 97 KB, 490x648, 8322-Steel-Mastery.com-09570-0-1-0-1-1-490x648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a picture that looks like what you're trying to make?
This is the closest I can find to what I envision. Sorry for late reply.

>> No.10724429
File: 1.27 MB, 600x3854, dsooki-c1cf9858-0918-49e1-a4ac-fde281579487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as you're literally giving me no other information, I will again say Samson and Townsend, but without anything else to work on, it's a crapshoot.

It's a very generic 14th century kind of deal. If you're not looking for anything to specific, this pattern might help you. Remember to give yourself allowance for quilting, or else you're going to end up with a garment smaller than your initial sizing. I would suggest investing in a real pattern though.

>> No.10724456

became an alcoholic, live in the US and be creative

>> No.10725297

Thank you very much anon. Would it be good to check the SCA website or forums somehow for a pattern? Or purchase one?

>> No.10726168

I've never read your thread, but bump.
(why does it say page 2 in the corner?)

>> No.10726551

Barbarianfag hither. So Drachenfest in the us, anyone planning on going? No idea what I'd be doing but defo interested in attempting to join the Thieves' Guild lol

>> No.10726776

I ain't going what with being European, but the guy organising it is a good guy. Sometimes a little American-Larp-Sceney but that's no surprise.
Not a bad bone in his body.

>> No.10726833

the quality of most larps comes from its players. So the US drachenfest is more likely than not doomed to fail.
Or the most proable scenario is that lot of people will go there because of the hpye then they will spam the webz about how awesome it was everyone should go there because it was the most awesomest awesome in the history of awesome, but from here all we could see is just some mediocre pictures and questionable stories

>> No.10727025

Then it'd be like real DF. A shitty Epic Empires but with the feat of just having a lot of players.

>> No.10727030

bold words for someone who is in shitposting range

>> No.10727066

As a bong I'm obviously not going, but going to keep an eye on it. If it's shit then easy US vs Euro memes can be made, and if it's good maybe it'll drag US larps up to an actually decent across the board standard, but one can only hope.

>> No.10727486

I'll pop by with our vikaboos to do it in real life distance as well.

Df is fun, it's not quality. Like a plate of French fries.

>> No.10727581

I can agree with that, it's a fucking mess, but on the other hand it's the kind of mess where everyone can find something awesome if they know where to look.

>> No.10727657
File: 168 KB, 1080x810, FB_IMG_1641049777328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove the US part, and you've described all LARP and history hobbies.

I see a websites are more for the local groups or the international base of it. If you're looking for patterns, reach out to your local SCA group, or maybe try the armor archive.

Anyone got more deets? Folks want to meet up for fa/tg/uy-/larpthread/ BS?

>> No.10727735


>> No.10727745

So something I've been pondering my orb over lately is how LARP will come back after covid. For my local games I've seen some older players, who were kinda thinking of dropping out of the hobby anyway taking this opportunity to stop. At the same time, some of the communities I'm in have seen a lot of growth lately with new player (groups, even) who'll come and join in the next few months when we're back on track.

I'm curious what this new player shift will do, and if it might actually have a meaningful impact on the community for the better or worse. I'm somewhat hoping to avoid the "Critical Role" effect. Where a lot of players consume the online LARP content in this case. And go out wanting to be perfect clones of Momo/LARPgirl/whatever LARP content creators. I think it might really depend on just how we're catching the new players and accommodating and guiding them.

How are you picking it up, and what's your outlook on it all for your local games?

>> No.10727825
File: 125 KB, 1006x829, legionarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here got any advice for Roman kit, ideally based around 50BC? Tunics are basically just big squares of fabric with a head hole, but I've got all the technical knowledge and sewing skill of a brick, and it's not a period I know a huge amount about as far as layering and clothing construction goes.

I know a few older players who are basically not going to show up at any events unless Covid is 100% gone, but they're in the minority. A lot of people are taking the break as a chance to create entirely new characters, which combined with a huge surge in new players here in the UK means that fest larps are going to be completely mental for their first few events. Think going from 2000 players pre-pandemic to 3000+ players now at a conservative estimate.

Most of the new players I've spoken with have done loads of research, and have better kit than a lot of schmucks who've played for years. This could be bias'd as they're the most likely to engage with larp discords and the like online though. In contrast, there is a severe undercurrent of dipshits who basically just want to play as geralt or dress as a plague doctor, and any kind of brief can go fuck itself, and who refuse to listen to advice. How the split actually falls is going to be one of the more interesting things that'll come out of the first few big events. As most larp influencer stuff in the UK is mostly restricted to big blockbuster larps, most of the games I go to seem to have avoided the "I want to hang out and dress as momo" thing to a greater or lesser extent. I'm honestly hyped to get back on the field, I've been loving the small events I've been going to but there's something about fests that I've really been missing.

>> No.10728095
File: 99 KB, 918x700, slingma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, as a follow on, are larp safe slings at all possible without being completely wank? Thinking of being a shitty auxiliary and just throwing rocks at people.

>> No.10728746

Anyone familiar with the NYC SCA chapter? One of my old LARP buddies has been talking about checking them out but I've heard of some of their issues. Is the creep/sperg factor that bad?

>> No.10729261

I don't think it's coming back where I live. The only larp within several hours of where I live was already limping along when covid hit, so that just speeded up it's demise. The game was already gonna die due to absolutely retarded decisions, dumb drama, never following through on promises and commitments, and the still to this day confusing decision to put all their resources in a scifi nerf ""'larp""" that nobody really asked for.
So if larp ever comes back in my area, it'll have to be started by me, which will probably just start more drama because the guy in charge of the collapsed larp just can't accept he failed and insists that they're gonna do "something cool, real soon™" for about 10 months now.

>> No.10729372

>the guy in charge of the collapsed larp just can't accept he failed and insists that they're gonna do "something cool, real soon™" for about 10 months now.
That is not at all an unusual span of time for a larp to be in the pipeline without outwardly visible progress though. I mean you might still be right but this doesn't say much.

>> No.10729643

Don't know about NYC chapter but the sperg factor in the SCA is always extremely high. Creep factor is typically exaggerated by scadians themselves who have a surprisingly high WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!?!? level nowadays. It didn't use to be like that, and I don't know what exactly happened, maybe people just feebled with age, but it's a palpable and debile shift.

The other thing to be prepeared for is a lot of obese, badly ugly people. Easily half of all photos of crowns, barons etc. are hard to look at. It's to the point where I've had friends refuse to join expressly for that reason.

>> No.10729644

>That is not at all an unusual span of time for a larp to be in the pipeline without outwardly visible progress though.
NAYRT but it's a pretty big red flag if the guy keeps insisting it's coming real soon. Ten months with no visible progress and a one-year timetable? Sure, everything will probably go off according to schedule. Ten months of "no no, I swear" and no specificity is pretty bad though.

>> No.10729660
File: 50 KB, 373x497, 52476592-1258439394303506-2557807162554318848-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's definitely a reasonable take, but my experience with this guy tells me it'll be like all his other grand promises. Lots of talk but little to no actual work. That coupled with all his bad decisions (which honestly I'd love to dive into but this ain't my blog) makes everyone leery of doing anything with him again. Plus he kept banning people that challenged him or made him angry, but didn't kick the guy who sexually assaulted a girl until the guy refused to pay his membership fees (but he did ban roleplaying drunkenness and fake alcohol, that's something right guys!? Guys?).

>> No.10729830

This just sounds like you should have usurped him long ago. Soak the drama hit.

>> No.10729929

>(which honestly I'd love to dive into but this ain't my blog)
Oh no I want to hear ALL the drama please

>> No.10729930

seconding. 4chan is not a blog but on the other hand it's meant for shitposting

>> No.10730440 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 540x360, 1644518660242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right I should just soak it.

Oh okay.

>very little lore available freely to players, so it's hard to understand the world and make characters (also what lore is known is pretty cringe imo)
>The guy in charge, let's call him S, insists that if any player wants to know the lore they can just message him and he can answer any questions
>people rarely get any answers though, so players just end up making their own characters
>this enrages S for some reason
>he tries to enforce a "character must be from one of my races/factions/etc" rule
>players push back, it's not an unreasonable rule but there's no resources for them to get info on, so will follow the rule once he actually posts the lore
>S insists that he will have it out in a month
>it's now two years later and the only bit of extra lore anyone has gotten was that the good guys did a genocide on all the snow elves
>one day S gets a job at a local game store
>business owner, let's call him K, gets really interested in the larp
>K starts helping S fund it, and from there starts getting say in how it all works
>all the faction leaders are replaced by npcs, and said npcs are played by K and his family
>get god mode abilities so that nobody can challenge their decisions
That really was the beginning of the end


>> No.10730442
File: 27 KB, 540x360, 1644518660242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right I should just soak it.

Oh okay!
>very little lore available freely to players, so it's hard to understand the world and make characters (also what lore is known is pretty cringe imo)
>The guy in charge, let's call him S, insists that if any player wants to know the lore they can just message him and he can answer any questions
>people rarely get any answers though, so players just end up making their own characters
>this enrages S for some reason
>he tries to enforce a "character must be from one of my races/factions/etc" rule
>players push back, it's not an unreasonable rule but there's no resources for them to get info on, so will follow the rule once he actually posts the lore
>S insists that he will have it out in a month
>it's now two years later and the only bit of extra lore anyone has gotten was that the good guys did a genocide on all the snow elves

>one day S gets a job at a local game store
>business owner, let's call him K, gets really interested in the larp
>K starts helping S fund it, and from there starts getting say in how it all works
>all the faction leaders are replaced by npcs, and said npcs are played by K and his family
>get god mode abilities so that nobody can challenge their decisions
That really was the beginning of the end


>> No.10731133

>all the faction leaders are replaced by npcs, and said npcs are played by K and his family

>ywn have enough larping family members to colonize an entire larp ;_;

>> No.10731729

>it's not an unreasonable rule
it is

anyway continue

>> No.10733620


>> No.10733800

I want to larp in the future, when everything calmed down a bit with the whole corona shit, but i already want to start putting stuff together. One of these things would be a drinking horn. I found one for 32€, but i don't know what to look out for with something like this.


Is it a good price-performance ratio?

>> No.10734034

That seems to be a roughly market-conform price for a drinking horn of that size. Maybe a bit on the high side, but doable. Certainly for Etsy standards.

But more importantly, drinking horns are shit. Get yourself a bottle or gourd that can be closed off and a mug that you can actually put down while full.

>> No.10734082

Starting to get my tunic pattern put together. It's a bit baggy, but I can just up the seam allowance. It fits decently and it's comfortable.

>> No.10734109

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.10734112
File: 2.97 MB, 1400x1760, tunic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although fabulous, this is a draft with some fabric i got cheap. Needs hemming and probably a lining. Extend the sleeves.
Side gores are a bit long, but I kind of like it.
I think it's about as fitted as I can get
something with unshaped seams.
I was going for a kosovorotka type chest seam, but it ended up pretty centered.
What I think I'm going to do it bring the hem up to the low waist and have the tabard section in the center extend down so that I can put some funny embroidery.
What I'd really like would be to get it fitted just enough to use as a regular undershirt, so there's a bit of taking in to do.
Took me a while to get the armpit gusset attached to the top of the side gore (because I got confused and made a few wrong seams.)
fuck I love band collars.

>> No.10734116
File: 530 KB, 2500x2436, proxy-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewter mugs are your friend, anon.

>> No.10734388

not a larper, just here to say that gambison looks super cool/comfy. what kind is it? are there patterns online?

>> No.10734433

IIRC it's just a standard mytholon gambeson, but you can find patterns for similar stuff easily. Most gambeson patterns doesn't differ that much anyway

>> No.10734936
File: 356 KB, 1500x2100, IF-442411_LARP_epic_armoury_degen_sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys handled the foam weapons by Iron Fortress? They are super cheap. Are they safe?

>> No.10735024

Not that guy but damn that's a nice mug

>> No.10735039

This mug is cool but I'd still recommend one with a lid. Lidded mugs are so effin' useful.

>> No.10735171

Anyone keeping up to date with Witcher School exploding right now? CDPR removed their license and the man in charge of the company seems to be taking the ship down with him.

>> No.10735180

in more detail


>> No.10735276


>> No.10735279

yes! ohmygod I forgot to check these threads due to work. Has there been any progress on runelarp?

>> No.10735349
File: 37 KB, 544x960, FB_IMG_1645737173484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's very soon, but any Ukrainian anons able to check in? Sound off when you can.

It is a great way to get into sewing, since it's literally just straight lines. With a thick, dense weave wool so that you don't have to hem it, and as you work on hidden seams, you can move on to linen.

Yes no. It really depends on the level of armor available or required. The key problem is that slings are really good what they do, and whopping somebody in the face with a bean bag flung out of a sling will still suck harder than a drunk groupie outside a Lynard Skynard concert.

Every group is different, it depends on who you hang with. If you don't like your local group, you can play with the one next door. There is no rule that says you have to play with your local group.


Horns are crap, and honestly no it's not worth the money. You could make one at the same level cheaper with just household tools.


That's... Interesting. Not my taste, but if it fits your game...

Generic pseudohistorical design probably filled with polyester. Quilted armour can be comfy, but only go for natural fibers.

The few pieces I have handled are a little light, but I haven't played with them enough to know if they wear well to hard use.


>> No.10735417
File: 148 KB, 686x872, runequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runequest guy here. It's still something I'm working on, but life has been kicking the shit out of me recently and I'm stuck on a good way to do runequests weird magic system, so it's been placed in semi-stasis for now. It's not been dropped, and I'll definately post updates when I inevitably get a boost of energy when larp season proper restarts. Just got to bash out more of the nitty gritty stuff that makes the setting stand apart without forcing people to learn a list of 20 different Orlanthi gods.

>> No.10735509

life do be like that.
maybe go with the list of gods in KODP, that is small enough.

>> No.10736257
File: 362 KB, 960x1200, 1644522452280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they cared about larping, Ballistanon

>it is
Yeah I guess you're right. The initial idea behind the proposed rule was to try and make it so all the player characters felt like they were from the same world as we had a string of players making pretty ridiculous characters, such as time traveling Neo from the matrix. But of course S twisted it until it was a negative.

>K convinces S to get rid of the pay-per-game method we'd been using, and switch to subscription method
>actually makes less money all together, and players are annoyed to pay for events they won't attend, plus all the poor college students have trouble scraping the entire cost at once instead of a few bucks here and there
>K and S want to incentivize people to pay for the subscription rather than make alternative methods or go back to original plan
>makes tiers of subscriptions, higher ones promising rewards of all kinds of props, weapons, costume bits, etc
>no one ever gets any of said rewards, and it's been 2+ years since initial promise
>still not enough support, so starts promising higher subs characters becoming important to plot
>eventually descends into just straight buffs to your character if you give money
>S refuses to listen to any complaints, even from players who were with him from the beginning

So what's the deal, people are mad cause a member of the team is part of a super trad catholic group?

>> No.10736276

part of a super trad ""catholic"" and right wing group and also uses the official page for the game as a spokepiece for their ideology among other things.

>> No.10736290

>So what's the deal, people are mad cause a member of the team is part of a super trad catholic group?

They are "Catholic" like the Nazis were "socialist". It's a cover, pretending that speaking out against their extremism is religious discrimination.

>> No.10736493

The tunic is not a final draft, only a fitting rough draft. I think I'd like to make it of white cottom and put some nice embroidery on it, then line it with something more substantial since it gets chilly.

>> No.10736575

If the influencer shit floods the UK too, I'm gonna neck myself. I already one lad who hooked up with an American influencer, that went predictably to shit. We don't need that kind of drama here. Hopefully the death of IG will keep the worst of it away, as TikTok is a harder avenue for larp vs still photos.

>> No.10736682

Odessa check in. We have electricity and wifi back and my wife and mother made it to Poland. Russians are fucking cucks. No word from my brother in Kyiv but he is a tough bastard

Worst larp ever.

>> No.10736736
File: 1.19 MB, 4160x1968, 20220227_114017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my new pig, his name is Salami. Be nice to him.

What's the most remarkable thing you guys ever bought for a larp?

>> No.10736788

Holy fuck Anon. Godspeed.

>> No.10736791

wha? theres larp INFLUENCERS now?

>> No.10736798

there are for several years now, nearly all of them retards as far as I know

>> No.10736803

Unfortunately. At least one already has a whole expose document floating around too. Influencers kill fun, fuck them all.

>> No.10736804

i mean, theres nerds like shadiversity and others talking about it but I woulf hardly call them influencers. that word conjures....different characters

>> No.10736814

>Worst larp ever.
There's nothing I want more in the world right now than to see somebody spray paint that on an abandoned Russian tank.

>> No.10736815

There are a few people legit trying to mix the influencer shtick with larp, down to the fuckboy styling and skimpy elf girl kit. Mostly Americans, at least one Brit. Haven't seen any Euros yet, but the magic school larp scene may have a few.

>> No.10736816

Now THIS would be a crowning moment of glory

>> No.10736819

haah, good luck to them with that. I think the larp crowd is the one geek group they cant gentrify

>> No.10736823

Truly hope so. I don't mind people who froth about larp on social media and post event pictures, but the whole sponsorship/advertisement angle in influencer culture bothers me. Luckily most craftspeople and events don't seem interested in pandering to that world.

>> No.10736825

yehehe right? makes me think of the only larp I ever heard off that made a profit.
of 20 SEK

>> No.10736834

there are US """larpers""" like larp girl or momo obrien and stuff like that. shit all of them

>> No.10736835

What if I don't have a social media account but I do want to dress skimpy

>> No.10736840

If you're doing it because you genuinely enjoy it, by all means go forth and flap those baps/bollocks

>> No.10736842

There are a couple in the UK like Empire and Labyrinthe that are able to support a few full-time staff members, but they are full and far between.
I've got a similar story to yours though! During the debrief of a small event a few years back, the head ref announced that due to the caterer scoring some sweet deals at Aldi, the event had made a grand profit of £7.35. Loudest fucking cheers I've ever heard from a small player party!

>> No.10736845

I do, I've admired LARP aesthetics since before I started cosplaying.

>> No.10736866

whats LARP aestethic? cus the cotton clothes you get from companies like epic armoury looks JUST ok.
I get mine from reenactors. real linen and wool stuff. tht looks good

>> No.10736894
File: 94 KB, 794x568, il_794xN.1964260095_55t0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lean more into the fantasy side than the reenactor side but most of my peices are handmade by crafters. The mass produced stuff that ive handled is rather cheap feeling and lacks character in my opinion.
Hard to put my finger on what I mean by "larp aesthetic" exactly but I really love peices like this if that gives you any idea.

>> No.10736980

Shad is a massive homogaymual though, he's managed to make enemies out of all of HEMA as well.

>> No.10736993

dunno why. seems to me he is just a nerd who shares his opinions and some times he is wrong

>> No.10736995

I see what you mean.
Yeah, making stuff for fantasy larps can be pretty fun too, since you can can get more creative.
love this shit

>> No.10736999

Kind of reminds me of the wicker baskets my mom loves to collect.
Something about the balance of power and elegance really does it for me.

>> No.10737003

half the times he is wrong and presents his opinions as facts. When he is wrong he is VERY wrong but vocal about defending it

>> No.10737004

That's still running!?

>> No.10737012

I just cant find it in my heart to be upset about it.

>> No.10737015

don't need to. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things because there are a shitton of other people who do the same. And at times he can be right to so there is that, but someone who doesn't know better won't know when he is right or wrong (but those kind of people usually doesn't have own opinions anyway)

>> No.10737053

Is every thread not a larp thread by cgl standards these days? Lol

>> No.10737155

speaking of youtube, any good (or mildly decent) larp related channels?

>> No.10737236

no such thing and likely will never happen above casual level

>> No.10737259

crafts and sewing count

>> No.10737268

Tod's Workshop is a good channel for several forms of medieval crafting and some general medieval trivia. The man nuances himself really well and flat-out says it when he's not sure (sometimes to the point of near-uselessness, but that's miles better than someone being wrong with confidence).

>> No.10737298

This... is probably *too* skimpy a costume, anon. You'd need to wear at least some kind of bikini thing to make this acceptable at most larps.

>> No.10737426

hm, yes. but you should post pics of you wearing it so we can make sure

>> No.10737428
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todd is cool. but he dont teach you how t omake things, like that harad-armrour guy further up the thread

>> No.10737430

Tod's Workshop, Morgan Donner, Bernadette Benner, and that one Polish chick who does the same spiel.

For men there's less costuming YTs that I know of. Just read a book, fag.

>> No.10737435

Daisy Viktoria and Bernadette Banner on youtube but other than that there aren't much channels that I'm aware of, though there are always a few interesting video here and there. As the other anon said, read a book and do some research, MTA is a good start, then you can look up patterns and whatnot, use search functions on various sites etc, though critical thinking is the most important skill you can have

>> No.10737440

this video is preddy cool

>> No.10737865
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>> No.10737964


>> No.10737968

>one lad who hooked up with an American influencer
>went predictably to shit
Did he date R-anon by any chance?

>> No.10738096

I needed some leather strapping quickly so I ended up buying some bdsm fetish gear and using that. Everyone complimented the leather and were curious were they could get similar hahaha.

>> No.10738566

Nuclear Snail has excellent advice for post apo costuming (that can also be applied to orcs and other rugged characters), as well as some tips for larping itself.

>> No.10739177

Quick question: Do any of y'all have experience with Epic Armoury's weapons? Namely their RFB wooden staff? I kinda wanna get it because it's cozy price and I really want a fighting staff, but I wanna know if it's good/durable etc first!

These guys look like AMAZING company.

>> No.10739181

You can have her as long as I get to have the six foot (?) tall Elf bae here>>10695290

Also the girl with the giant swords is me when I was like 15

>> No.10739303

>Assuming she's 6'
>Not assuming the far more likely possibility that the tiny one is 5'3

>> No.10739305

Bear in mind that I bought mine 10 years ago and it was second hand and at least a year old. Quality and durability may have changed.

I haven't used the RFB wooden staff, but I had their wooden quarterstaff model.
Back then, there was still a 180cm model, but it seems you can only find the 150cm anymore.

I used it for 8 active years, about 4 games a year. I was always actively involved in combat.
It has seen rain, freezing temperatures and snow. It lost some colour, but never cracked. Talc is your friend.
I eventually lost it due to lack of maintenance in the covid debacle.
The main thing is to never put it on the ground while idling. Rest it on your foot if you have a smooth surface there.
Tie a cloth cover around the back end if you plan to wield it as a spear. Use only the other end, then switch the cloth side when it gets weathered.

In combat, I would've appreciated it being about a hand length or two longer, as it only reached up to my eye. This seems to have been fixed somewhat, as the current standard is 190cm. The weight has always been delightfully light, which made it very forgiving. The problem is that it was already quite whippy at 180cm, and I doubt that has improved by reaching 190cm.
If you like your weapons to bounce, more power to you, though.

>> No.10739307

I got an Epic Armoury spear about fiveish years ago. It's very high maintenance for larp weapon standards and pretty much dried to death at this point. Very light and "whippy" as >>10739177 says. It's not that big of a problem when hitting people, but it's so light and flexible that anyone can effortlessly bat it away and close the distance. I wouldn't recommend it.

General advice when buying larp weapons: if at all possible, don't buy it before you've held it in your hands. Or at least a weapon of the same type by the same manufacturer.

>Tie a cloth cover around the back end if you plan to wield it as a spear
But smacking people in the shins with the butt of a polearm is an easy way to score free hits. Or at least provoke a block to then attack in the opposite corner with the head.

>> No.10739320
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Man, Drachenfest is expensive this year, but 9 days of larping also sounds great

>> No.10739346

>The problem is that it was already quite whippy at 180cm, and I doubt that has improved by reaching 190cm.
>Very light and "whippy" as >>10739177 says. It's not that big of a problem when hitting people, but it's so light and flexible that anyone can effortlessly bat it away and close the distance.
NAYRT but the thing is staff weapons HAVE to be really whippy or they're inherently dangerous.

>> No.10739353

Whippy even compared to other brands that I've wielded and faced*

>> No.10739355

That's a dubious claim at best.

There's plenty to say about the physics of long and rigid objects and the exact interpretation of what is or isn't "really whippy" and "inherently dangerous", but that would just turn into an exercise in semantics. At the end of the day, I see people consistently using heavier and more rigid polearms than EA's safely, and that's why I review EA's polearms as light and whippy. Any theoretical safety objection is a moot point since we already know it's not a problem in practice.

>> No.10739398 [DELETED] 

>don't buy it before you've held it in your hands
>at least a weapon of the same type by the same manufacturer.
This. I bought so much bullshit before I borrowed a Light Armouries 42 incher for an event and fell in love. I now have two of his swords and two daggers. But I recently felt a shield of his and, man, it's not for me.

>> No.10739399

Indeed he did, poor sod. Since you know, I presume you're either American or someone I know IRL. What game do you know him from?

>> No.10739474
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Here, I am the one wondering if I should quit larping.
I do have now enough stuff to easily create a kit for most game, the vehicle to go, and the time and ressource for,
but... I can't find any game that get my interest.
I think the fact that I have tried others activity kinda spoiled it for me. But seem covid killed the good ones, leaving only mostly the big one, in my area.

I understand larp as a activity that do a lot of things, with various quality, but really succeed in creating context and ambiance. That's the thing no other activity has or do as well.
It can do others things, but usually another activity specialize on it.

I mean, for exemple, there is a wargamy larp with helmet and obligatory armor, with a droplet of context to explain the fight. The intensity made it a bit dangerous for the body and the weapons. But in hindsight, Modern Sword Fighting do it better with clear rules and decent protections.

Group fight ? reenactment. Duel ? Hema.
Last time I tried larp fighting, I felt more focused on trying to not hurt people than trying to hit. It felt way less fun than before.
So, maybe I should just quit fighting roles and war focused game and try something else ? But diplomacy... fuck, it look like my day job. I don't want to do my day job.

So, I don't know what to do. the best time in my two previous Larp was just enjoying the fire, grilling marshmallow, and chilling in our camp with others. but else than that, I don't know what to look forward to.

Maybe it's just Mass larp that are at fault, but I can't find smaller games anymore. It's murderparty or mass larp
I had great experience with horror games in a mine, and abandonned hospital but those aren't done anymore.

>> No.10739588

Come on anon, succumb to peer pressure, you know you want to

>> No.10739589

same, bro

>> No.10739600

The "six foot tall" is actually closer to 5 foot tall. It's just photo trickery

>> No.10739625

I repeat that I think you should start your own larp. Be the larp you want to see in the world! Or something like that.

>> No.10739700

On one hand, I know I should. I have some idea that easily spark interest, and I would love to make or play them.
Like using the mine terrain to do a donjon crawler larp where you are the donjon creatures, and try to not get killed by adventurer, unionize and shit, not get killed by the boss.

On another... I am deeply aware that I need a entire team with total coordination to do that, (radio don't work in tunnels), that... should not be a first project.

>> No.10739705

and... as I'm drifting away from Larp, putting investment into titane legs, crossbows, polearm and stuff...

I really admire what Legion: Siberian Story did, with live but blank firearm and high level of visual realism to create a great... well, context, ambiance.

I'm sure there is a place for games with gameplay outside the usual foam and flechette nerf for larp.
A 40k larp did succeed in making people buy Rival nerf, but other than that...

I would like to see a SW larp with rival for blaster and plastic sport saber lightsaber for force user. one hit kill, no other melee weapon can work against.
Still, those op force user can be alone, hiding and hunted. Even for a all powerfull sith, you couldn't rule alone and need henchmans. keeping them alive and loyal could be fun.

Or a medieval-fantasy one where... well, most pj were non-combatant. or Plate armor giving pure damage reduction, meaning only professional fighter with polearm would be able to cause them arm, for example.
But if those have acute need to function, and a entire meta around that for non combatant to play with.

>> No.10739716

important question: are you actually part of the local larping community? as in have friends there and stuff? and by friends I don't mean people you know or shit like that but actual people you enjoy spending time with have a few more connection apart from larp and spend time together even outside of larp.

Because it's one of the most important thing with every hobby. If you can't share it with others or can't make a connection through it then it can feel shallow sooner or later.

>> No.10739727

Yes, I think this is a big part of the problem.
I have acquaintances on larp. I always find a handful of people I already knew on a Larp. Friends, part of the community ? nah.

There is no discord group for the local larping community sadly, only those created for a singular larp or faction.

I do have clubs for others activity, hema and reenactment, with a lots of friends and whose activity bleed heavily into larp, reenactment and stuff.
But those actually really present in the larping community are kinda more into romanesque, nordic stuff.
Others just stopped larping de facto, and kinda wait for someone to find one that could interest them.
Honestly, I find myself and them becoming more... difficult, too.

>> No.10739732

By difficult, I mean....
We have girls, they don't want larp where sexuals predators are not dealt with by the organisation. That's a fair bit of them, sadly.
We have people, let say they understand fantasy from history but looking at the worldbuilding of a antique larp and seeing Persia as worse than Mordor with custom being drow tier chaotic evil, and Greece as the ultimate pinacle of civilisation and progress... well they took it not well. Sometime you wonder if it's just history thrope bleeding too much into fantasy, or the orga having opinions.
Personally, I saw another larp themed as archaic antique, and thus forbid any metal armor. And found rapier and gambeson on the photos of the event.
That kinda killed my interest on it.

The guys still deep in the community tell us when I inquire for a larp about the quality of the organisation. I've found out myself that projects a bit too ambitious made by newcomers creating their first larp usually dont go well, so now I listen to them saying a orga is crappy.

So, I suppose we are getting way more difficult, but I also found larps to be... generally worse.

>> No.10739810

>drow tier chaotic evil, a
our larp is falling apart over drow because that's blackface now apparantly.
No, there has never been any blacks to the larp. this is all white people being offended

>> No.10739816

any larp that advertise itself as historic is a huge redflag 90% of the times. I do know some actual historic larps and such that's actually good but they never advertise themselves as such.

And I don't think that means you are getting more difficult but actually having standards and a clearer picture of what you want. Which is better then a player who thinks he wants to go to every kind of larp ever just to later find out he doesn't like most of them.

Also where are you from again?

I presume you are from the UK.

>> No.10739817

>I presume you are from the UK.
go further east, buit i will say no more.
I cant risk someone identifying me.
being blacklisted for being on the wrong side of histpry happens too easily here

>> No.10739819

Then my first bet would be Poland knowing the state of larp there or somewhere in the nordic region. Anyway I'm sorry for you, thank fucking god we skipped this kind of lunacy so far (instead we have entirely different kind, but whatever)

>> No.10740161

Difficult guy here. south east of england. Land of frog.

The Larp didn't really advertise as historic, just that those particular factions are 300 tier cliche, and that our team have teaching diploma or master on antique or byzantine culture.
I myself is a bit miffed when something happening in archaic antiquity allow us to go with any weapon avalable, rapier and saber accepted, but draw the line at metal armor, because of course the not-mycean, not-egyptian and not-chinese didn't have any.

Another simple thing : Pirate everywhere, and only the 17th century john silver pirates with flintlock hamfisted in settings they can't really well fit.
I think that if I try to pay less attention to the gameplay, and more get into the more... ambiance, and context of the world, well I kinda find that many world are half assed. they are usually fine when riding on a specific IP/universe, though, because the world has already strictly been established.

Maybe you can sidestep the blackface thing by making the drow grey like the elder scrolls dumner ? Seem a low effort move to calm the drama. And it's way easier to do right.

>> No.10740208

I'll be honest. Most larp is a shitshow partly for the reasons you already mentioned. (also you might want to point out to the organizers that bringing rapeiers to a classical era game is way more unauthentic than bringing an AK47 to a renaissance game)
The thing is you have to be very conscious about what you like about larps and what not then go for those things. One of the big mistakes I see is how people like the group they play with during the game but not the actual game. And then everything is a "blast" and "great" and whatnot, but the moment they are not with the group it all goes to shit. Granted it's probably not your problem, but the principle applies.
You can like the larp for the interactions for the challanges for the story or even for the preparation beforehand or whatever you fancy. But you have to be conscious about it and to some self-reflection.

>> No.10740356

Post dumb things you want to do for/at larp

>bait and switch players for a WW1 trench warfare larp, but have it slowly turn into a horror survival larp in the span of a few hours with werewolves and such

>make foam bottles, set up bar, and help players have "drunken brawls"

>go to medieval fantasy game with a star trek uniform underneath everything

>> No.10740479

>bait and switch players for a WW1 trench warfare larp, but have it slowly turn into a horror survival larp in the span of a few hours with werewolves and such
Honestly, a historical larp that actually commits to being historical instead of dropping it at the first opportunity they get would be a much bigger subversion.

You'd have to set up the bait-and-switch really, really well for me not to end up disappointed.

>> No.10740488
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>WW1 styled trench combat, with a lot of confirmed NPC's on the Facebook. But it's just the players being pulled out of bed to lay in a trench at night, with fireworks shooting above their head or dread silence. And day marches that feel like they're going in circles.

>Fun part: there are no NPCs. It's a nordic LARP about the uselessness of infantry combat in an outdated system. Game ends when the players finally go over the trench, Blackadder style.

>Illegal underground boxing ring with decent fights

>Not so much as an idea as that I've got it set-up for Epic Empires already...

On the bait-and-switch, I'm always a little worried about using them. Even though what I said above is also a bait-and-switch to an extent, the themes communicated to the players won't have anything to do with it.

A.k.a. "it's going to be a game about the uselessness of war, and interpersonal relations put under stress... yadda yadda"

>> No.10740494

I wrote most of a design doc and brief for a WW1 occult horror trench larp, just coudn't quite get the energy to work past a few limitations and finish the thing. It's definately an idea with legs though.

Other than that, Glorantha Larp is hanging over my head like a big bronze sword, but I made some more progress on it this week. I also had the idea of a weird surrealist larp that kind of riffed off of games like Cruelty Squad. Think all the NPCs dressed like clowns but being completely stonefaced about it, quest rewards being buckets of organs or IV bags, that sort of thing. It'd probably have to be a parlour larp to really get the aesthetic down, but its a fun concept to dream of. As >>10740479 and >>10740488 kinda hint at, its weird doing genre subverting stuff when at the end of the day you need to advertise it to an audience who won't potentially hate it when it does subvert expectations, capiche?

Seeing one more age of sail pirate at a larp thats strictly medieval or whatever is going to cause me to go postal. It's just one of those things that gets EVERYWHERE.

Legion is basically the only "blockbuster international larp" that seems at all worth it. Know some people who've gone and they all rave about it constantly.

NTA, but fuck knows how, its the biggest fucking mess of shit rules and gash kit that I've ever seen in my entire life. Having to buy extra extra supplements in order to actually have all the rules is insanity, especially when each book is like a fucking encyclopedia.

>> No.10740507

There's 3-4 people I know from here going this year to Legion. Although it's postphoned, what's keeping you? ;)

>> No.10740536

>what's keeping you?
not him but I simply didn't got a ticket, signed up too late

>> No.10740749

>Another simple thing : Pirate everywhere, and only the 17th century john silver pirates with flintlock hamfisted in settings they can't really well fit.
>Seeing one more age of sail pirate at a larp thats strictly medieval or whatever is going to cause me to go postal.
I blame the SCA for this, they're the original "I know we said pre-1600 but let's just allow these 1690 faggots in anyway because arrrr mateys" group.

>> No.10740785

I blame society and people being uncreative faggots. But then again in the ages old pirate vs ninja war I'm on the ninja side.

Also one of the little delights of Drachenfest when you can bully the blue camp pirates who constantly do the "we are better than everyone" things and then they do a lot of mental gymnastic to explain why they lose again and again

>> No.10741218

I agree, but if you're in London and want a larger larp that includes a decent amount of combat, it's either that or HMS.

>> No.10741229

>We have girls, they don't want larp where sexuals predators are not dealt with by the organisation.
To be fair, I'm a bloke and would rather not play a game full of nonces and serial weirdoes either. I've heard of too much nasty shit happening, and not all of it to girls or kids.

>> No.10741230

>Maybe you can sidestep the blackface thing by making the drow grey like the elder scrolls dumner? Seem a low effort move to calm the drama. And it's way easier to do right.
Yeah this. I've seen some damn good grey out there, while black tends to look streaky and patchy even if you use supracolor or other high quality paint. I've also heard of some larps where they go for things like "a band of black over the eyes" or facial markings rather than full-face, but those are mostly day games, not event based.

>> No.10741878

Anyanon had experience with adding sound effects to monster costumes?
I got my werewolf costume ready and hid a bluetooth speaker inside it, but since I have my claw-gloves on I can't use my phone to control the growl and snarl tracks. I could extend the tracks or make them loop, but I'd imagine that would reduce the fearsomeness of the beast.
Any ideas how to make it work?

>> No.10741889

>Anyanon had experience with adding sound effects to monster costumes?
No experience but I have brainstormed this before. To me, the easiest solution is to give the remote control to a monster handler instead of the monster himself.

>> No.10741914
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Money issues unfortunately, as well as it falling in the middle of a very busy time for me. Ah well, always next year.

As someone living in that cursed city, I regularly travel out to modestly sized, combat heavy larps a few weekends a month that actually have good rulesets. Think 80-100 people crew inclusive, and organising travel early keeps the cost down. If I want anything larger than that I just wait for Empire events desu.

Luckily most of the larp groups I interact with often have flushed a lot of those cunts out recently, good fucking riddence. I just want to have a good time, not watch my back for someone trying to creep on my mates.

>>10741889 is a good solution if you have a ref on standby. Otherwise, just concealing a small remote in a glove etc works fine, you can rewire noisemakers fairly easily and cheaply, and shit quality doesnt super matter for screams and growls.

>> No.10741941

>is a good solution if you have a ref on standby.
I'm suggesting to give the remote to another player rather than a referee. I toyed with the idea of using a sound system on Drachenfest, and their rules have a mandatory monster handler for each monster. They're mostly there to count hits, but if they're there anyway you might as well stick a remote into their hands. I figure the average ref is already busy during large combats.

Not sure what kind of larp anon is planning on using their werewolf costume at, but I'm sure there'll be someone on his side willing to pay attention and press a few buttons every now and then.

>> No.10742067

Huh, it didn't even cross my mind that this'd be a player monster. Very used to games where only crew get big monster costumes. How does it work at places like Drachenfest? I presume theres some limit to prevent everyone turning up as some big monster?

>> No.10742080

>I presume theres some limit to prevent everyone turning up as some big monster?
Yes, several in fact: cargo space, storage space, time, skill, and money.

If you have the time and skill to DIY a monster suit, the cash to fund what can easily end up being a four-digit project, storage space to keep it year-round, and enough space in your car after packing your tent, table, chair, sleeping stuff, cooking stuff, clothes, armour, weapons, food, friends, and all their stuff: go to town and build something cool.

The only limit I know of is that every camp may only bring one monster suit to the big final battle. I might be forgetting another because nobody at Drachenfest knows the rules of Drachenfest. Other than that it kind of regulates itself. People don't want to strut around in warm suits in the summer heat for too long, and they might sometimes leave them at home out of courtesy. Same with siege weapons: not all of them end up being brought to every siege.

Oh and all monster suits have to choose between only ever doing siege damage and only ever doing combat damage, so that means there's always situations any given monster suit isn't that useful.

>> No.10742135

it's very easy to do black drow wrong. I mean, like a actual tier blackface, or plain ugly. any error or patch of skin uncolored is noticeable and break the makeup.
It's not very hard to do a decent dumner.

I'm honestly rather happy to have those crossed off for me.
Stuff being covered by, or made by the organisation about harassement, sexual or otherwise usually mean shit organisation and personality. I mean, if they can't help but being nonce on their Larp, it's a big old red flag for others shittyness to come.
The one I've heard about, dug a bit, I usually find enough dirt that the first red flag is the least of my worries.

The think is : I think I kinda know what I am looking for, in a larp.
A proper ambiance, context that create involment, stakes for your actions, escapism, that sort of thing that only larps can do.
I don't know where(what larp or type of larp) to find it concentrated.
And I've done enough shitty one where my action is retcon because the orga didn't want that, or that end so badly that the players want to sue the orga, thinking they just pocketed the money and did a token effort at organising.

I have friends who did, and I should and want to try one day.

>> No.10743113
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What are the safety checks for weapons like in your community?

I bit the bullet and got the Epic Armoury smallsword. I'm not entirely happy. The tip has very little material before the inner rod, so forceful thrusting is right out. I bought the long (100cm) version, and the balance point is waaaay up the blade. The thing is also quite heavy, so tip control is not exactly like in the movies. I want to do movie stuff in larps. Oh well.

>> No.10743239

>What are the safety checks for weapons like in your community?
No one really makes their own but buy them these days, so the controls are laxer than before. But generally, the weapon inspector guy gets to whack you with all your weapons. so you are quite incentiviced to bring a safe one.

One time one guy brought a cooking pan stuffed with foam. he was not willing to be whacked by it. but that was a long time ago.

Damn shame about your weapon, bro

>> No.10743261

You do thrusts?

>> No.10743281

all the cool kids do thrusts

I did weapons checks in more than a few games

>> No.10743301

Tbh you should have just put a bunch of foam around an epee blade, they're very bendy and safe in the thrust.

Would probably be illegal because of retards but I unironically see no drawbacks to using an epee blade core, maybe with a fatter HEMA tip on it inside the foam.

>> No.10743377

>What are the safety checks for weapons like in your community?
I have strong opinions about this one. It usually goes something like this:

>The larp publishes absolutely nothing about weapon safety
Maybe if you're lucky "no stabbing even with stab-safe weapons" and "no throwing weapons with cores"
>The organizers appoint a safety tester to test all weapons
Sometimes two, which is even worse
>The safety tester publishes absolutely nothing about weapon safety
>The safety tester tests all weapons according to their personal sense of safety
>This can include (all from experience):
>>Unconditionally banning specific brands
>>Unconditionally banning specific countries of origin
>>Actively searching for reasons to ban weapons from players they dislike
>>Turning a blind eye to unsafe gear of their own
>>Enforcing all kinds of unwritten personal rules
>The weapon tester does a few arbitrary tests until they're satisfied
>The weapon tester makes an arbirary judgement
>You can never be reasonably certain your weapon will be approved again next time

I know it's difficult to write somewhat standardized weapon testing rules, but it's still absolutely beyond me why nobody ever seems to bother to try.

>> No.10743394

Joy of Larp. no standardisation whatsoever.

>> No.10743414

>he doesn't thrust

>> No.10743477

it's hard to do standardzied weapon testing when the weapons themselves aren't standardized

But I can write down (a little later) our weapon testing guidelines that we put out so the players will know beforehand how we will inspect the weapons

>> No.10743831
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>you should have just put a bunch of foam around an epee blade, they're very bendy and safe in the thrust
The absolute state of burgers.

>> No.10743851

Anyone gotten any good kit pickups recently? Went to a local reenactment fair a few days ago and got some nice bits and pieces. Probably my favourite is a pilgrim badge of St. Barbra, just a cool accessory piece.

It's basically just squeeze the weapon a whole bunch to make sure it has enough give, and poundage test ranged stuff.

That makes sense. Got any photos of the kinds of suits people have made? Always interested in seeing large scale projects like that.

Imagine not thrusting, baka my head. Places that even ban stab safe polearms from stabbing are honestly stuck in the 90s.

Don't do this

>> No.10743859
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Unwanted blogposting time!

I spent the weekend working on my ballista again for the first time in forever. I worked on the pulley system, so lots of finnicky mechanisms had to be made. Ended up with a reasonably simple mechanism for one-way movement with pic related.

I also managed to hit my thumb with a belt sander six times so it's hurting pretty bad now. Fortunately the last four times it only hit the band-aids from the first two times so it could've been worse lol.

I have a small golem folder from back when I was doubting between building a golem and building a ballista, but those were mostly saved because they were informative about their construction rather than good-looking. I can dump once I'm back at my laptop, if you'd like.

>> No.10743860
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This is her in her current state. Forgive the very poor tensioning, I was really short on time but wanted to see it working once.

It works! I was afraid the wooden catch mechanism wouldn't be strong enough, despite being made from stronger wood than everything else. In the end, the only metal part in the entire construction failed first. The aluminium hook I used as a temporary stand-in for the trigger system got pulled apart when I tried to pull back the bowstring. No harm done though, it's fairly replaceable.

I'll be working on it a bit more in the near-ish future. There's some small finishing touches on the pulling mechanism that need doing, then I'll build the trigger system and the stand. I hope to get all of that done in the weeklong holiday I'll have soon, so that I'll only need to do sanding and woodstaining in the summer vacation before DF.

>> No.10743877

Heh, I thrust in hema, and use bendy plastics spearhead in reenactment.
But I have nothing that allow a good thrust in larp.

>> No.10743964

>Fortunately the last four times it only hit the band-aids from the first two times
Lmao, sand-aids

>> No.10744118

>reenactors get stabbed with blunt steel weapons all the time
>larpers cant stab each other with foam and latex cpvered fiberclass rods
>because someone in the 80s using a shitty home made boffer that broke stabbed someone

tbf, I dont trust 90% of my fellow larpers to be stab-safe, haha

>> No.10744125
File: 752 KB, 1000x750, spear_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't do this
fuck you

>> No.10744132


>> No.10744147

I never larped before, but it looks like a lot of fun.
So, i found out, that there's a Larp event in may, which i want to join.
What exacly do i need for it?
I already bought a sword from mytholon for 20€, but no holder, because im not sure if it fits.
I also bought a drinking tube. Do i need something else, except Clothes, like small bags or something? i know my question is dumb, not that i overbuy myself with items i dont really need,

>> No.10744152

well, you probably need sleeping equipment and such.
A small satchel or purse https://www.etsy.com/no-en/listing/474216352/early-medieval-belt-pouch-01-t-frue-h3-c?click_key=fca0746b1c5490c47ead80f6cf20d2df292a0932%3A474216352&click_sum=87fd8e2e&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=medieval+purse&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1 like this, could be handy.
You can easily make yourself a scabbard, I reccomend you get one, cus wearing your sword naked looks bad.
good boots it important. Wear your army boots and use this technique to make them look ok: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzHLQ7ILBKQ&ab_channel=MikeEverest

>> No.10744164

Honestly always enjoy seeing this project Ballistanon, it's looking great.

Just get a thrust safe spear. The head is all super soft foam that crumples on impact, and the core has a fortified tip to make sure there's no chance of it coming loose.

Depends on the game/setting desu. Having good soft kit and Sleeping stuff is the most important thing, but its hard to give any more advice without knowing what the aesthetic of the game and the brief is.

>> No.10744395

>Just get a thrust safe spear
Like this one >>10744125, right?

>> No.10744532

any archers who can tell me, how you carry your bow arround? are you holding it all the time or do you strech it over your shoulder?

>> No.10744807

Holding all the time, usually unwound as well unless it's high risk

>> No.10744817

Or get one from freyhand, if you can find it. They have sort of disappeared

>> No.10744819
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anyone know which larp this is from?

>> No.10744849

>unwanted blog posting
Ballistanon people may not want to hear my inane rambling, but I always enjoy yours. Impressive work!

>> No.10745370
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All I do is work these days. Between regular museum stuff and the filming, I haven't even gotten together with my tabletop group. Gimme dat sweet sweet blogpost.

>Fuck you
At least your pic has protection.

>> No.10745371

Forgot my trip

I dunno, but definitely euro.

>> No.10745376

Gropes, do you use makeup?
Nothing wrong if you do btw

>> No.10745379

Not often, and yeah they did lighten me up for some shooting at work. It did rub off on my fat neck from my helmet strap and coat collar.

I'm apparently too dark for the "look" they wanted.

>> No.10745380

Whoever did your makeup needs to be fired. This better have been for a distance or background shot.
>I'm apparently too dark for the "look" they wanted
You're like, barely olive tone. Wtf.

>> No.10745438

Too dark? You wouldn't look out of place in central Europe

>> No.10745473

To be fair, the clothing and helmet dinner number on my neck, and then I rubbed my eye. It was for some shots where we were not in focus so it wasn't a big deal.

Yes, but the director wants anglos to look fish belly white.

>> No.10745725
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Please, god, tell me there are any swedish or nrowegian larpers here who knows about any good games this year!?
It's a fucking desert out there right now

>> No.10745772

Ok lads, i want to creat something from my own hands, so i dont have only-shop items. i thought about creating at least 1 or 2 things, like a brooch and a cloak. But, im a low fag, with 0 skills and im kinda scared to fuck things up.I also dont have a workshop or the right tools for it, to creat fancy looking once. I found a "DIY" tutorial of a "Leaf of Lorien" out of a energy can, so i gonna give that a try. hopefully its ok, to use materials like that, for larp stuff, without getting judged. Wish me luck. I also gonna try to update this once in a while.

>> No.10745830
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i need to give this, way more tries. I also think about, sticking multtiple layers together, because how thin this is.

>> No.10745836

Tbh looks pretty good man, and don't sweat it. I don't what the community is like where you're from but in my experience it's always been easy to just get in touch with folks.

Maybe ask around on the Facebook if somebody would like to teach you how to use a sewing machine to make a t-tunic and a hood in exchange for a crate of beer? It's what worked for most noobies that I know of atleast.

>> No.10745876

>the director wants anglos to look fish belly white

They're just sticking to historical accuracy.

>> No.10745878

>multiple layers
just give it a filling, like something liquid-ish that later hardens, like clay or something similar

>> No.10745934

>definitely euro
I dunno dude, it says BURGLAX right there on the shield...
(More importantly it also says something about Bicolline in the small rim text, so I suspect that's the answer)

>> No.10747105

American LARPers, why do you still do what you do? I thought American LARPs were never going to be good, ever (see: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/79844832/#q79905783 ). I also thought the pandemic would have been the perfect excuse to end American LARPing forever.

>> No.10747106

Bicolline. Pretty sure I've fought him, and I know who that woman is, though only in passing.

>> No.10747110

If you want sword balanced in the hand, look at fakesteel. Only problem will he weapons checkers panicking because they're heavy.

>> No.10747178

thanks. shame its in canada, too far away

>> No.10747235

That's a wonky looking dick.


Good catch.

One of these days I'ma head back up, and we'll have a fa/tg/uys larp meet.

>> No.10747512

It's worth the trip for the GB

>> No.10747529

If I was rich, yeah.

>> No.10747909

who here in Lou KY and wants to fart around in the woods

>> No.10748185

Gonna go with some friends to Twin Mask in Southern California later this month, anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.10748256

Fine, but I'm wearing my worst kit and pretending to be Ordo the entire time.

>> No.10748470
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First time /cgl/ poster here, didn't even know this place still existed kek
I'm an /sp/fag, I want to get a american revolution outfit for the World Cup this year, wear it to bars and shit.
How's this in terms of quality/price? I'm sorta shooting in the dark here, is $250 about right for a full outfit?

>> No.10748744
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I want to make my cloak, like pic related, but can't find a template that is 1:1 like this. I thought it would be a normal viking cloak (just a normal rectangle), but it looks different. it also looks different from the LoTR Ranger cloaks (no ribbon to hold it together, no center connection). Anyone knows what exacly type of cloak it is?

>> No.10748936
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I only have a cursory knowledge of the period, but pic related already has me thinking that this is going to be halloween store quality at best. I'm sure one of the Yank namefags will have some actual recommendations for where to get stuff, but look for stuff thats high % wool if you're looking for actually nice kit. However, that'll almost certainly run you more expensive. On the flip side, it'd probably woudn't be that much more expensive, and you woudn't have something that most likely you could get a almost-identical copy of for ten quid off amazon.

Honestly, it kinda looks like just a rectangular cloak, pinned weirdly with a pennanular. It's hard to tell from photos like this though, as it could honestly be any fucking weird ass shape that some dipshit thought was "historical".

>> No.10748943

Didn't historical Vikings use circle cloaks? Have I just imagined that?

>> No.10748976
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>come home from school
>put on pc for some music
>see messages in larpgroup chat
>sit down to read chat and answer stuff
>tfw end up browsing armor for an hour
larp season cant come soon enough

How good are deepeka's stuff? I plan on painting it to make my other stuff match.

>> No.10748986

I would have said it looks okayish but the backplate looks criminal.
Also straps and rivets also look shit, it's an instant redflag for me, because if they don't care about that then they probably cut corners elsewhere too

>> No.10749022

Ohh good catch Hungarian, yeah it definitively looks too cheap now.
Guess I should just wait until next year with armor purchase.

>> No.10749039

/sp/fag again, didn't see that. Buying it mostly as a gag to wear to sports bars when we play england in the WC, but it would be nice to get something of decent quality to wear if I ever go to a historical fair or something. I'll keep an eye out for better materials and check this thread once in a while in case those yankfags ever show up with advice, thanks.

>> No.10749185
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Just got my new 1779 ordinance chapeau du soldat for my Gatinois kit!

Come to Va. We're planning either a 17thC trek or a 16thC pilgrim hike.


18thC professional here... Holy Jesus fuck, that is barely a $30 Halloween costume, and looks absolutely nothing like American line infantry. Except the vague colors.

Save your money, or buy a coat from Townsend.

Looks like a rectangle, just a very thin / sheer fabric.

Not to my knowledge.

Hungarian is right, it's cheap Pakistani costume stuff.

>> No.10749253

Hey guys. Does anyone have a good source for what clothing looked like in 1450's northern Italy?
What weapons and armor were common to the wealthier towns? What firearms looked like at the time?

>> No.10749299
File: 287 KB, 1100x1518, 15th C Italians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the mid 15th C, you'd be looking at doublets and hose. There's an Osprey on medieval Italian soldiers that would be a good starting point, pic related. Firearms of the time had started to look more like modern guns, imagine a banded pipe on top of a wooden chassis, most likely with a wick mechanism rather than a striker. As far as weapons and armour go, this was very much the period of mixed armours, so plate with chain voiders for nobility and other fancy lads, with breastplates and helmets with chain accompaniment for your high tier footsoldiers and maybe padding and helmets for low tier chumps. Weapons wise pick your poison, shields were falling out of fashion, but any mishmash of polearms would most likely fit. If you have any more specific questions I can probably answer better.

>> No.10749426

>it's cheap Pakistani costume stuff

>> No.10749479

hope they've grown

>> No.10749660

Why oof? Anon is right, Deepeka is literally a costume and collectible company out of northern India.

>> No.10749687

Good enough for now, anon, thanks!
For a specific question, did they incorporate slashes in fabrics by then?

>> No.10749692

nah I was just thinking about how close I was to making a mistake

>> No.10749728

very and of the 15th at best, mid 15th no or just as an exception

>> No.10749747

left out words because I are smort (and also tired)

So to explain a little better, slashing didn't really came until the very end of the 15th century and even then it just popped up here and there. As far as I know it pretty much started as a german thing and with mostly the landsknechts (well not excatly started with them but they started to make it famous) but even then it's rather the very early 16th century when it is catching on.
HOWEVER italian and german fashion is... well, lets just say around that time there were a lot of contested territorry, and some parts of northen italy to this day looked uppon as southern germany by some people

>> No.10750171
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Secret ballista update before the thread dies!

I've got a week off, but for various reasons I couldn't spend as much time on my ballista as I wanted to.

I spent some time finalizing the tensioning mechanism! Unfortunately this picture is old, and I forgot to take a new one when I was done. I've made some decorative end caps for the rod that holds the catch system, drilled holes for the large handle on the right side, and slapped a few decorative chamfers on it. It's disassembled now and I -should- have no reason to put it back together before the final assembly step.

Then I cut my axle to size and started work on trimming it down. I've got some lovely old wooden wheels, but the axle connection is... weird. It's a tapered hole that starts at 20mm on one side and tapers down to 14mm on the other side. That means trimming down a 22mm rod A LOT without a lathe to make life easier. My arms hurt but at least I got somewhere.

Then it was down to making the legs that connect the shooty part to the wheels! I've got a design worked out (read: in my head and a few shoddy sketches that don't solve all design problems). Unfortunately, at the first cut I wanted to make my (only two-year-old) reciprocating saw died on me. I'm getting a new one tomorrow, but I'm still sad about the time loss and the fact my project suddenly got about 20% more expensive.

More updates soon! Hopefully with better pictures this time!

>> No.10750177
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Unrelated but I also added some decorations to my armour. It's incredibly conspicuous and I'm sure it'll do me more harm than good to broadcast to the battlefield which camp I'm in, but I love the look of it. Not a top quality paint job but it looks good at a small distance.

>> No.10750187

>before the thread dies!

then it's time for a new thread

