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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 144 KB, 675x900, FFdTUGYaQAAd6Ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10713867 No.10713867 [Reply] [Original]

random cosplay pic


>> No.10713878
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>500 Wake up
>5 - 630 Gym
>630 - 650 bathroom routine
>650 - 710 breakfast
>710 - 750 Housework
>750 - 950Study
>950- 1010 Break
>1010 - 1110 Housework
>1110 - 1310 Study
>1310 - 1330 Lunch
>1330 - 1530 Study
>1530 - 1550 Break
>1550 - 1750 Girlfriend time
>1750 - 1850 Dinner
>1850 - 2050 Study
>2050 - 2130 Get ready for next day and bed
>2130 - 500 Sleep

Do this 3 times a week, work all day 2 times a week and go to university 2 times a week.

When am I supposed to live?

>> No.10713986
File: 490 KB, 720x1519, Rangiku_Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm spamming at this point but a girl from a former parallelclass of mine looked like Rangiku from Bleach

At least you have a girlfriend

>> No.10714016

I doomed myself. I have concluded after a sexual experience that I can only have true sex, excitement and an orgasm if both person's during the sex are in costume.

>> No.10714029

Why is this board's movement is based on lolita rather than cosplaying?

>> No.10714032

More lolitas frequent this board than cosplayers

>> No.10714035

Covid has slowed cosplay down and devolved into coomer bait threads people either ignore or argue in. Lolita has actual discussion. They still argue, but arguments usually stay on topic.

>> No.10714037

That and Lolita attracts more of the scrote turds to shit up our threads. I think cosplayers used to get more of this before it went more mainstream and I guess we’re just next on the list. Ugh.

>> No.10714048

It's literally because there haven't been many cons. They are bored as fuck.

>> No.10714138
File: 430 KB, 1818x1311, 1638339230765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post bait in another board
>people call it out as bad bait
>thread devolves into infighting anyway
I've mastered the art of EMP bait

>> No.10714139

I knew you'd be here nonnie, that was indeed horrible bait

>> No.10714175

The best worst part is that it works sometimes. The best worst part is that I can't post bait on several boards at once anymore because I kid you not some retard on public 4g wifi got permabanned trying to set up raids on /a/. Actual faggot
milanoo sissies and that fujo overdose trip deserve to be gatekept though and thank god they actively are

Still though... way to ruin it for the other wagies. Set up raids on your own trash wifi. And why make your base of operations /a/?

>> No.10714191

That's the state of all boards these days.

>> No.10714204

that's not even an accomplishment anymore. baiting is easy as fuck.

>> No.10714206

All women are sluts and I hate them.

>> No.10714227

Good job. That was a test and no one has taken the bait. Now if you can do the same for other obvious bait posts and instead drown them out by talking about other things and bumping relevant threads this place would be at least 10% better.

>> No.10714229

Bait posts like >10714037?

>> No.10714233

>The best worst part is that I can't post bait on several boards at once anymore because I kid you not some retard on public 4g wifi got permabanned trying to set up raids on /a/.
Fuck that shit happened with my landline connection a while back, I was rangebanned from a whole bunch of boards for like two years. Worst part is that one of those boards was /k/, which for many years was my main board.

>> No.10714234

kill yourself

>> No.10714238

I just want to focus some time on hobbies. I have a horrible sense of impending death that drives me to take on as many interesting hobbies as I can but now I can't do any of them because I need my GPA to be high enough to be accepted into medicine. I've learnt the basics of piano, violin, figure drawing, Japanese, prop making, gardening/farming and video editing but I don't have the time any more to perfect these skills nor can I take on any more new skills. Life is just an endless grind and I can't see it getting better.

>> No.10714242

You're still in school. Wait until you're done with that shit so you can get an easy job where you can relax. You are going after a job where you can relax right?

>> No.10714243
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By the suggestion of an anon, i'm going to repost my text that I made a whole thread for.

I'll try to sum things up, /cgl/.
I'm a cosplayer since 2017, but my fetish begun when I got interested in Power Rangers in the beginning of 2019. I commissioned my Ranger costume on that same year and had it delivered on march 2020.
I've always been someone that isn't used to a 'social life, a 'sex life', or a 'sex routine' of hanging out with peopel, aside from the cosplay world. Masturbation and erotic roleplay are the ways I get off. But, the physical element is obviously needed, and since i'm bisexual, I decided to venture out there.
For many reasons, trying to find a cosplayer girl into cosplay as an erotic thing is hard. Most of them are married or dating, plus, I strongly believe it is not my right to attempt to sexualize them to fulfill a fetish that isn't theirs (and I got a reputation to hold as well, people in my cosplay community like me a lot). Therefore, I only had one option: men.
After engaging in many conversations with 'closeted' male cosplayers (people who cosplay regularly and have a fetish on cosplay but do not voice it out), i've found a lot of people, but very distant from me. I found a guy locally, not exactly a regular cosplayer but he had a Spider-man suit.
We tried to do things 'regularly' - aka naked. Didn't quite work out besides him sucking me off. But when the costume got on, oh boy, things started to work out so hard. I had a confidence boost, an excitement boost...oooh, it was completely different.
Besides a few things (the fact i'm inexperient, that i'm a horrible top and i definitely have more of a submissive in me) that will most likely make it a 'one night stand', I feel happy...relieved? Reflective, but with a positive mindset?
Not sure if I should get medical treatment for the fact I don't have an interest in naked bodies, only in costumed up bodies.
Just felt like voicing it out, folks. All comments will be appreciated. Thanks.

>> No.10714245

I'm really inferior to everyone on /cgl/. I got nothing. I'm the most boring person you can imagine. I've got very little social life. I have no job. No motivation. And everyone else seems to be doing so well, they really have their lives together, and an interesting hobby they care a lot about.

>> No.10714246

I want to be a doctor. So no.

>> No.10714247

That's rough buddy

>> No.10714248

I have a friend that's on that same path. It looks like hell but if you're doing it because you want to help people I applaud you for your sacrifice. Good luck with your future rotations and maybe when you're on call and have to stay up you can use one of those hobbies to keep you awake.

Or you can go for dermatology and make bank on easy mode.

>> No.10714249

As long as you don't let your fetishes control you or push you to control others and you're happy, it's fine imo. Seems like you're already self aware enough not try to force others into it unless they want to.

>> No.10714253

My girlfriend has lupus and I've been able to personally experience the hell that it put her through. Always thought about being a doctor but never acted on it until I met her.

>> No.10714259

No idea where you live but this sounds hard

>> No.10714281

It's not lupus

>> No.10714296

This time, I assure you, it is definitely lupus. Took 2 years to figure it out, but definitely lupus.

>> No.10714319

you're like me except i enjoy all the hobbies for more than just the end goal or perfecting them. it's the journey that you need to learn to enjoy, otherwise you'll hate your life

>> No.10714431

I feel you kinda. I don't deem myself a boring person but I'm not able to do much of what I want or do much at all due to severe mental illness. Do you like cgl though?

>> No.10714440

I'm not even sure how much I like cgl. I do cosplay at conventions, but I'm not one of those people who passionately plan their cosplay a year in advance and work hard and consisently on it, which I feel like most cosplayers on cgl resemble. I do think about things that would be nice to cosplay though. Maybe I wish I weren't so lazy with working on cosplays. There are some things that I really want.
When it comes to j-fashion, it's not something I wear. Nor do I deepdive into everything that's avaible and think about things that would be nice to wear. I have been a bit interested for a few years, and I used to think the reason I didn't look more into it was that I couldn't wear it anyway. But I'm not sure now, I've been reading many threads about it now, and I still haven't felt the passion to really research and learn and recognize designs. I would like to be a person who was into j-fashion, would like to wear it, but I lack the motivation to actually learn at a deeper level, and maybe I lack the courage to dress like a person I feel like is too cool to be me.

I wish you the best of luck with recovering from your mental illness. And I don' think it makes you inferior if the reason is you can't do things are your illness. It's not at a fundamental level then.

>> No.10714442

I have slipped into doing literally nothing all day. I feel no desire to do the things I eant to do, let alone need to. Someone help me get out.

>> No.10714443
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I'm turning 26 this year

>> No.10714444
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>> No.10714445

I enjoy learning things and becoming good at them. When you become good at something is when you can earn praise from others and I love praise.

>> No.10714448
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, 17451265812814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are vagina and anus so close to each other? Kinda gross desu.

>> No.10714449

Why are lesbians almost all ugly? Even the feminine ones are ugly.

>> No.10714451

I still recall the time a gull asked me to post my face to prove I wasn't ugly so I took a selfie and posted it. Then I got ripped to pieces by gulls saying, "So you just managed to take a picture with perfect lighting?"
"As if you took that just now."
"We can see its edited."

Still makes me feel good to this day.

>> No.10714453

I was tempted to respond with a "cool story bro" but it'd have been meant literally.

It's actually great, I was grinning reading your post and still am. What a great experience.

>> No.10714568

been losing weight to fit in lolita again, almost there, feeling good

>> No.10714572

Gratz! What is your routine? Just dieting or actually working out?

>> No.10714580

You lost as soon as you posted your face on 4chan.

>> No.10714598

Why are balls so weak and made to exist on the outside? Nature dumb but at least vags are self cleaning.

>> No.10714607

29 in my case
>and made to exist on the outside?
Heat kills spermcells

>> No.10714615

Yes and there was nothing created to protect them like having thicker skin, surrounded in bone or just not being susceptible to heat. Testicles have to be the most awkward, weakest and unprotected part of a man's body I dislike.

>> No.10714622

What's the appeal of crossplay? Is it gay?

>> No.10714624

Same as the appeal for cosplay. For some it's a fetish, for others it's just expressing love for the character, and for more it's for attention. Personally I like it because it's a fun challenge. I can't pull it off myself with my bodytype but I admire those that can pull it off well. Women crossplaying men the most. I don't like them when they don't try like putting on a dress but keeping your beard or put on the clothes of a male character but expose your tits.

>> No.10714652

>I dislike testicle because they're weak and unprotected

What is this?

>> No.10714656

I don't understand your question. It's an opinion. They're weak, ugly hanging sacks of flesh that brings a man to his knees if you barely tap them or they can get twisted up and cause health issues. The male body would be much better looking without them imo.

>> No.10714657

I've just never heard of a woman voice her dislike of them based on their vulnerability. Sure they're ugly I can appreciate that but usually the vulnerability argument is a male opinion.

>> No.10714671

That goes for the penis as well, kek

>> No.10714676

What a fucking blessing

>> No.10714678

Everyone on /cgl/ is an aspie who uses 4chan as an outlet for their mental disorders because they can't afford therapy. You're fine anon. Being boring is better than being mentally deranged like most of the posters here

>> No.10714682


>> No.10714747

>usually the vulnerability argument is a male opinion.

Unless it's about testicles.

>> No.10714757

I've learned how to adequately prod, anon. Also I can always summon LGBTQIA+ protection and shield myself from being cancelled. I just wish more people were into it. Specially girls. Guys are too easy to get.

>> No.10714759

I've accidentally knocked em around a couple of times in rough housing as a kid and teen and it ends up being a buzzkill. Same during foreplay they asked to be played with but I can barely do anything with them because a squeeze or a flick and they'll be crying. You can slap and beat a dick off, even use teeth but balls just fucking suck all around.
Dicks I don't mind as much but I think that's thanks to the exposure of reading hardcore BL at an age I really shouldn't have.

>> No.10714765
File: 29 KB, 450x570, 667a0883-8280-522b-b7c6-042ca9718093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you:) I started doing calorie tracking, and walking more as well. I've got pic related coming in the mail, its motivating me a lot

>> No.10714771

Even though lolita is getting popular online again, its through people who refuse to research the fashion. CGL is dry as fuck, and we hardly get any new members. It's winter break, you'd think we'd have a reasonable newfag/larper influx, but any that we do get also refuse to do any research on the fashion. It makes me feel so alone. /CGL/ has always been a sort of dead board for as long as I've known it, but it seems especially bad now.

>> No.10714776

People don't like things which require research. People want to just buy, wear, throw out, move onto the next trend.

>> No.10714780

TikTokers want their wishlita dreams fulfilled immediately and don't bother to look into anything past that. At least be thankful they aren't driving up the secondhand market even more.

>> No.10714804

With covid being around is escorting still a good way to support an expensive hobby like lolita/cosplay?
Asking for a friend's friend.

>> No.10714807

Whoring yourself out is never a good idea.

>> No.10714817

Is a woman cosplaying Astolfo considered crossplay or genderbend?

>> No.10714818

Just follow covid-rules
Be vaxxed and such

>> No.10714819

For me it's not crossplay per se that appeals to me, if what I do can be considered crossplay, but rather that I usually find female characters much more inspiring and probably prefer their design too. When I cosplay male characters, it often feels more like a chore to keep gender balance in my cosplays. It may also be a factor that I tend to watch more media with a female majority cast, so there'd be fewer chances to find a male characer I really wanted to cosplay.

>> No.10714925

I have balls of steel.

>> No.10714947

Sure you do. It's always funny how many sayings in terms of masculine power revolve around balls when they're actually weak as hell and then pussy is a term for weakness when infact it can take a pounding.

>> No.10714952

I've nevrer lost a roshambo match. Where do you live?

>> No.10714966

>it can take a pounding
It just needs a half hour of stretching and deep breathing and wd40 and..

>> No.10714977

Come at me.

>> No.10714983

It can shit out babies and take dick poundings. We can try the same with your nuts if you like, I just need to make a bad dragon order for you.

>> No.10714985

Looks like they're making a joke, you're taking banter waaay too personally. My appendix could tko your appendix

>> No.10714986

Lol what? It only needs that much time if you've got some psych trauma issues causing vaginismus. Normal women do not need that much beyond some normal foreplay

>> No.10714991

As am I, I'm not actually going to that God forsaken site.
This anon however...

>> No.10714994

Crap. I'm in southern europe.

Not that anon but this talk of dicks and births reminded me of this.

>> No.10714996

Sounds like you're having some boring sex

>> No.10715000

>I don't understand symbolism

>> No.10715001

Well that was a fun read.

>> No.10715021

>women realise their right to not be forced to be housewives and prostitutes
>women now willingly choose to be housewives and prostitutes

Like pottery.

>> No.10715046

For context on the cash part.

>> No.10715087

Was feeling tired of lolita lately, even considered selling all my dresses. Then I received a brand new MM piece today and holy shit it's so nice, both fabric quality and construction wise, reminded me of why I joined the fashion in the first place. I hope they make a full comeback.

>> No.10715100

It's about having the choice to be or not to be a housewife. I don't know why people don't understand this.

>> No.10715103

I don't think you understand the irony.

>> No.10715317

>>10714035 is correct. Most of the cosplay threads are unbearable now. Every thread just devolves in same revolving door arguments about should people even be going to whatever particular con? Or who is or isn't a cuck or a retard for going/ not going. It's honestly demoralizing to look at. Especially if you don't check the board often and that all every cosplay/con thread still is for the last two years.

>> No.10715332

You're having interest fatigue. Set it aside for a while and do something else.

>> No.10715400

hope you gulls are keeping up with your NYRs if you made one this year

>> No.10715404

I found a dream shoe of mine by baby and its even in leather but it’s a size S and I wear size M, crying now lol

>> No.10715686
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>find some real leather tea parties on a non-lolita secondhand site
>bid and win
>only ends up costing $20 with shipping
>so excited waiting for them to ship
>a week passes
>seller messages me saying they have lost the item

>> No.10716225
File: 2.05 MB, 3840x2970, 1109824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a cute Beidou at a con today who was clearly interested but I did not get her contact info and now I'm laying in bed at home with deep regret.

>> No.10716231


>> No.10716240

In New Orleans

>> No.10716407

Trying a longer armscye measure, but if this works the way I want it to then I’ll be set. Not working on anything super complicated, I can feel that I’m on the cusp of it all coming together right. I’m going to make it and nobody can stop me.

>> No.10716711
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>> No.10716712

damn I dropped my text.
I live with my sister in a rather small flat for college while she is unemployed, and I'm so tired of her.
She is so sensitive it drive me nut, asking her to do something is a 8/10 risk of her getting super angry and defensive. She like me a lot and want to do most of social activities with me but she often treat me weirdly around my friends and insist on going with me to place but she often make us arrive late because she took to much time prepping herself. Even some childood friends told me that their where happy to see me without her ( weirdly enought she as friends of her own but I rarelly see them unless we go to the museum to see an exibhition I like per example). She get angry at weird shit like me eating snacks without her when she is away for a few days, but always eat large part of my snacks and refuse to pay for it when we split grocery bills ( like I understand that she doesn't want to pay for it but don't eat so much of them ).
I think the worst is when a friend told me the few first time she saw us she tought that my sister was my girlfriend ( since we look physically not alike at all ). I remember it happening a few time in the street and my sister saying some people gave us bad look probavly because of it but I'm so tired. Like fuck I want to have a girlfriend, I want to not have to share all my hobbies with her, I just don't want to be seeing her every weekend morning vegetating on the toilet seat while reading stuff on insta. Please god give her a job I swear.

>> No.10716885

>who was clearly interested
What makes you think that

>> No.10716887

what the fuck is wrong with being a housewife?

>> No.10716895

I'm definitely exaggerating, but I appreciate that she reached out to me while I was minding my own business looking at merch, complimented my cosplay, and insisted on getting a picture with me rather than just of me. I could have at least had more of a conversation and made a friend, but I just quickly went back on my way.

>> No.10716922

>Yeah, she was totally into me, she asked for a picture and everything. Probably could rawdogged that slut but I had other things to do
The absolute state of cgl

>> No.10716928

Nothing, men and fake feminists hate women having the option to carry out their motherly duties full time.

>> No.10716931
File: 202 KB, 1170x1131, 64FB2A83-3A54-4784-A7FB-0C030073AE77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i tell if i’m fat :( i see a different person in the mirror every day

>> No.10716932

Nothing. My partner wants to be a housewife and I'm happy to support her. I think it's probably one of the respectable professions someone can do.

My point is about the irony of radical feminists today. Instead of being "enslaved" by men, women have just enslaved themselves in the same ways in which they criticised men for. For a rational person this would bring about some pause for thought and perhaps some reflection on what a good life actually looks like.

>> No.10716933

Calliper test.
Energy intake vs energy output

>> No.10716947

Blur face and post photo

>> No.10716965

It's not just feminists, it manosphere people are who convincing men that women who want to be housewives are gold diggers. Men today do not respect family structures and are only interested in playing video games 24/7 and looking at porn. Many woman observed this behaviour and gave up.

>> No.10716966

I feel like this every day

>> No.10716992
File: 2.07 MB, 1170x1526, 93D0EFA1-55D0-4092-913D-03912D87E731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the quality :/

>> No.10717003

Speaking from a radfem side to lend a view from here, it's from generations of being forced into such a position without choice that created this backlash. Not to mention its still very much like that in several households and normal oppression in many many parts of the world. There is a fear of being taken advantage of and many have experienced this in just normal relationships. Too often men are taught not to look after themselves, household or even children. It's "women's work". It SHOULD be a partnership but there's this, and I know many hate the word, toxic masculinity that drives these men not to "lower" themselves lest they be seen as weak by other men, fathers, brothers, friends, etc. We see how you beat and ridicule each other if you show slight hints of "weakness" to the point you drive yourselves to carry an emotional weight on your shoulders that drives you to suicide or worse, suicide-murder.

And like the other anon said, while several of us would be glad to be housewives, we don't want to do it for men that only see us as appliances, broodmothers, and fuck toys. Especially for several (not all) men today that rather do nothing and expect someone to take care of them like their mothers did and then threaten violence if they don't accommodate. Yes there are crazy women of course and yes there are those that claim feminism without really knowing what it means, but while men have driven themselves to depression through these deeds, women have been driven to madness. We really need to stop looking at one another as lesser beings.

>> No.10717008

You have fat, but you're not fat if this is really you. Also hard to tell in such a dress but arm and leg size says you might be a bit overweight. Nothing a bit of activity 3 times a week couldn't fix as well as cutting down a bit on junk food. Otherwise you look normal.

>> No.10717011

Let’s consult the /cgl/ scale

Normal weight
/Cgl/ fat <- you are here
/Cgl/ obese
Morbidly obese
Hecking chonker Keanu chungus
See Dr Now now

>> No.10717013

Hey, I'm only 200lbs overweight

>> No.10717015

Dang what brand makes real leather tea parties? I’d buy those new

>> No.10717018

I agree. Men have dropped the ball just as much as women have. Women decided they didn't need men to provide financial, emotional or mental companionship anymore. So men stopped pursuing financial, emotional or mental growth since there is no incentive. What do you get as a man for being a strong renaissance man in the modern day? Not a lot. No more than the guy who does the bare minimum. You get the same calibre of woman. I think I lucked out in finding my partner. What I've experienced is girls fall into 3 categories mostly. First is your radfems, they view men at best as useful idiots to supply them with their needs. Second is psuedo-feminists, they will pretend to be feminists because that's trendy but will immediately abandon any views for the 'right' guy as if the feminism was a farce just to fit in. Third is overt pro-men, these girls are so hungry for male validation they will pretend to care about men's issues or even go so far as to belittle women's issues in comparison.

>> No.10717021

I think from the male perspective there is a fear of being taken advantage of as well. You become the provider, you take on the overtime, you take the more difficult profession so you can give more and then you are backstabbed in a courtroom.

Men ridicule each other because it's just how we bond. I think there is a stark difference between bullying someone and playful insulting. I think definitely there are unhealthy levels but those masculinity checks create good quality men.

It's no coincidence that as masculinity has come under attack than more and more men are refusing to 'become men' so they just stay mentally as teenagers. They play video games as an escape from reality, they rely on women as their surrogate mother, they shy from challenge, they refuse to take responsibility for themselves or their actions which leads to emotional outbursts and mental anguish. They dont understand why the world won't accomodate their needs because they never accepted or were taught how to provide for themselves. Because what is the incentive of becoming a man in the modern day? The current cultural zeitgeist is so hostile to masculinity that there are very few reasons to 'become a man' especially if you live in a cosmopolitan area.

I fully agree that men and women should form partnerships. But something I've noticed about a lot of girls that I've been interested in is that there seems to be some sort of intergenerational maternal guilt. Like girls feel bad and feel guilty for doing traditionally feminine tasks since it's like a betrayel of feminism, their maternal lineage and their education of "women don't have to be housewives anymore, so girls go out there and be what you want to be". That education has demeaned the status of mother, wife and home maker to the bottom of the barrel. My partner admitted to this feeling despite wanting to do girly, submissive and feminine things.

>> No.10717038

thank you both for the honesty, also the scale gave me a good giggle lol. i’ve always been pretty active, i do multiple forms of dance, but i recently started new meds that made me gain like ~20 lbs which is kind of a nightmare. i guess (not to sound too much like /fit/) its just time to look at my diet more and maybe crank up the strength training! thnx again gulls

>> No.10717039

Probably slightly overweight or in the upper end of healthy based on BMI but I'm basing this purely on your knees and thighs.

>> No.10717043

>I think from the male perspective there is a fear of being taken advantage of as well.
Very true, though I must note that the key difference in being taken advantage of with us is more physical and being the naturally weaker of the two genders it becomes a fear for one's life more than material. I think that's why women who fo take advantage of men don't see it as a big deal to them because we're "only" taking your money, homes, cars, and emotions. Doesn't give them any right to because these type of women are likely to end up beaten for it anyway in the end.
>Men ridicule each other because it's just how we bond.
Playful ridicule or other rough forms of love is fine, but what I'm talking about is the habit of making other men conform to ideals through violence and hate. I'm talking about the boys and men who get beaten by others for wearing colorful clothes, displaying feminine habits, to the point the fear makes it harder for them to really be themselves. Or at worse, outright kill another man for loving another man. Or another race. Anything that seems like a "threat" to masculinity. Too many times have I and other women been the ear and shoulder to cry on from confused men that come to us because they fear their brothers and fathers. Women can be just as brutal but tends to be on a manipulative and social scale. As radfems (at least on the side I'm on) we try to call out these women as well and hopefully lead them done a better path. I do as much here online as I do irl.

>> No.10717045

>It's no coincidence that as masculinity has come under attack than more and more
It really is because both men and women has seen through history and within their own families what "masculinity" is capable of. There really should be a push for more positive masculinity which I hope is something the MRA is working on. Support your brothers, be responsible when it comes to sex, you have a right to say no too, not just to the girl/boy but say no to you libido as well. Father your children instead of leaving yet more single mothers which women and the children end up getting more hate for than the father that just wanted a lay. "Daddy issues" is associated with women when it's the missing dad that was the issue. Not the child, soon to be adult's fault.
>Like girls feel bad and feel guilty for doing traditionally feminine tasks since it's like a betrayel of feminism
I've seen this too and have gone through the same issues myself. I don't want to be seen as the weak, meek housewife, I'm so much more than just that. Thanks to lolita and some actual feminist friends I've been able to learn and enjoy that feminity the a clear conscious but it's a struggle that does very much exist, more so with normal women. A push to be sexy but too sexy. Cool but not too masculine. Feminine but not too girly. But people forget you can be both if that's what suits you or just one of those things. Man or woman.

>> No.10717048

I mean, but these things are a threat to masculinity.

Being feminine is the opposite of masculine. So that's an obvious attack on masculinity.
Being homosexual (there are way better arguments against homosexuality) invites feminine mannerism. Most men don't really have issues with gays, I don't anyway. I have issue with the stereotypical, flamboyant, hyperfeminised caricatures that gay people conform to. It's annoying and modern homosexual culture as a child of modernist/post-modernist philosophy is simply unsustainable and ultimately dangerous.

You can't have a society which has good quality men with all the tendencies that you desire like strong, independent, intelligent, etc. Without accepting there is a human cost to creating them. The reason men become strong, independent and intelligent, etc is from this competition and challenge that other men give you. Don't want to get your ass handed to you? Get stronger. Don't want to be the butt of every joke? Get funnier. Don't want to be the nominal retard of the group? Get smarter. Want to impress the girl you like with a nice gift? Get richer.

The weak men are those who refuse to participate in this cycle and are the ones as you said, go cry to women. They can recieve acceptance and reassurance without actually having to improve themselves because they use women as emotional tampons. Those men tend to become your "nice guys" and social manipulators. But note there is a difference between wanting a female perspective and just having a cry because girls tend to view things more socially and emotionally. I talk to my girlfriend all the time about things I think about and ask her opinion as a woman because it's interesting to challenge my own views and I will say I have become a lot more conscientious of others because of it.

I think a lot of men lack the emotional intelligence to understand how self-improvement works which would alleviate a lot of the anger issues men have.

>> No.10717052

We literally can't see your body shape here. You're wearing a tent dress and pulling it away from yourself.

You're probably not fat, just stupid.

>> No.10717062

yeah probably. i’d rather be stupid than fat and smart though. unfortunately i have several anachan brain worms just to be completely honest.

>> No.10717076

Why do I get turned on by girls calling themselves stupid?

>> No.10717092

Budding bimbo fetish

>> No.10717109

I don't even like bimbos.

>> No.10717112

bro shes so hot you guys are so trash post your fucking coord then you dumb bitches nocap

>> No.10717118

God, I fucking hate my feminist, grade-A piece of shit female relatives. Fuck them.

>> No.10717239

I bet they rule.

>> No.10717245

I bet they pity their neck-beard incel relative who has no prospects and no relationship

>> No.10717292

I played college sports

>> No.10717308


>> No.10717312

We were ranked actually. I didn't it gud until I graduated though lol

>> No.10717477
File: 321 KB, 600x670, puketoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally kicked my sister in the cooch as a teen and she fell down in pain. Next day she punched me hard in the left nut and twerked at me. It sucked.

>> No.10717588
File: 53 KB, 1080x360, IMG_20220112_090535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texting with a girl abou a week, bought her a cosplay and didn't even get a date or a shot, hell she will probably won't even send me a selfie
She was on a dating app and her status in facebook was single, turns put she had a boyfriend, why the fuck do you girls even do that

I just want a cutie gf to dress her up and take pictures of her and help her become a pro

>> No.10717628

i'm a qt who wants to be a pro!

>> No.10717640

>bought her a cosplay and didn't even get a date or a shot,

>> No.10717642

I think you meant "bait."

>> No.10717645

girl why the fuck are you standing on a railroad track, that's dangerous

>> No.10717647

you look average but you're wearing an extremely unflattering outfit. no high-waists or UTKs unless you're thin and flat-chested, switch to normal JSK cuts and tights or OTKs

>> No.10717660

I live in mexico

>> No.10717683

why just the left one?

>> No.10717686

>Buy a girl things after 1 week of texting

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10717779

>goes to Comic-Con Lisbon
>"I will talk to people and make friends with likewise minds"
>Spends the entire convention being silent with my friend doing the talk for both of us.
Why do I keep lying to myself?

>> No.10717793

>go to con and cosplay
>talk to a metric fuckton of people about just about anything, make a lot of random connections
>still can't flirt for shit so I don't even try because I know how on edge people are at cons
>(understandably) don't meet any romantic prospects

i'm so pissed you literally can't believe. not even joking, do I just hire a tutor for this shit? I don't have an issue with talking or connecting with people, I just don't want to look like a fool and/or be creepy since I know that's common. It's actually soul-sucking, especially since my IRL friends are all shook that I'm still single since I'm conventionally attractive and have hobbies/a life.

>> No.10717806

do you work out and have otherwise normal social skills? flirting literally just boils down to "conversing and joking with another attractive person alone".

>> No.10717820

How do I get my girlfriend to be more vocal in sex?

I've tried my best to encourage her. Explain why I like it to her. I've led by example. I'll prompt her. But she never will do it by herself. Then she asks why we don't have sex as regularly because it feels like I am doing everything and it's draining.

>> No.10717821

Just a $50 buck aliespress shit its around the same i spend going to the movies or for a dinner date, i do have money to spend im not ugly im your averange joe with little acne, college degree and job, i just suck at social stuff

>> No.10717824

>she asks why we don't have sex as regularly
>its draining
You're a massive candyass tell her you like to be pegged and get out of the closet

>> No.10717879

I work out, take care of myself, and have enough rando skills/interests to talk about stuff on a pretty large variety of topics. I'm just uncomfortable making sexual comments/compliments because I'm self conscious about looking weird or creepy. As it turns out, that's probably the one thing that works.

>> No.10717963

Shes no stranger to having trains run on her

>> No.10717974

How the fuck would anyone here know

>> No.10718001

Most people here are girls.

>> No.10718023

Poor femcels with a body count of only ten

>> No.10718028

Spend your money on a gym membership and plastic surgery you fucking moron.

>> No.10718049

Is she making zero noise now or are you asking her to perform like a character from a mindbreak hentai?

>> No.10718056

She makes no noise. Maybe some gasps but mostly silence.

>> No.10718067
File: 25 KB, 400x395, 1561171038111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it supposed to be higher?

>> No.10718069

>making sexual comments/compliments
You don't need to at all to flirt. Flirting is mostly about making chicks laugh and making them attracted to you. Innuendos are unnecessary because if she wants to fuck you, it'll happen and you'll find yourself in a room alone.

>> No.10718070

Is she otherwise participating? You said you feel like you're "doing all the work" but that's not the same as just not being vocal.

>> No.10718081

Define participating.

I always take the lead and always initiate.

>> No.10718083

this is so strange if i found out my boyfriend was asking strangers on 4chan for advice about our sex life i’d run so far so fast… can’t you just talk to her???

>> No.10718084

Well after you initiate does she seem to say like "harder" or request certain things, or does she lay there like a dead fish

>> No.10718089

>see injured bird on side of road when walking to work
>Nothing I can do for it but I message my partner to pick it up and take it to the vet before it overheats on the road and dies. They know I love birds.
>say they'll get ready as soon as possible and come get the bird since they aren't doing anything today
>they basically fuck around at home for over an hour playing with our cats and making breakfast and then did some errands before they got to the bird
>bird is dead
>I'm furious and upset. If they had just left as soon as they could, the bird may have lived or at least not had to die by roasting alive on the sidewalk.
>partner doesn't understand why I'm upset, "It's just a bird."

Am I being retarded?

>> No.10718090

She doesn't say anything unless I specifically ask her and she usually just responds with mhmms. She doesn't make any requests.

The only request she makes is for more sex.

>> No.10718092

I have. I have asked her why, if there's anything I can do, etc. She's bashful around sex talk so it's hard to get anything out of her.

>> No.10718109

Is she like, one of those weird people that use the word aromantic or whatever the fuck they call it when they don't actually like having sex or are they just averse at leading it?

>> No.10718111

While I do think it's a bit of an reaction, it's not exactly without reason, and it is a shitty thing to do when the bird is right there dying.
Maybe they just didn't think you would be this... hurt by the bird dying? I'm not sure if that's the correct wording.

>> No.10718116

I'm not even sure if I'm more upset by the bird dying or the fact they ignored me and lied saying they would leave as soon as possible.

>> No.10718142

I'd be upset by that too, especially knowing you were there suffering while watching the bird die. But I also wonder how difficult and emotional you are to deal with. If I were them, I personally wouldn't want to pay vet bills for a random bird, and maybe they thought you'd be unreasonable about that fact.

>> No.10718145

In my country, you can take wild animals to the vet for free of charge care as long as they are not a pest. If they are classified as a non-native pest then they get put to sleep, again free of charge. There's no cost.

>> No.10718147

Oh then they just suck. Fuck them

>> No.10718164

No not at all.

>> No.10718222

Maybe you two just aren't sexually compatible? She wants someone who will always initiate, you don't. She makes a small amount of noise naturally, you want someone who makes more.

You've also danced around whether or not she's an active participant in sex, which makes me think she is involved, just not in a way you want.

>> No.10718256

embrace that shit, you could be living the real life emotionless_sex hentai tag

>> No.10718368

>The only request she makes is for more sex.
Stupid idea but what about you start to "rape" her
With that I mean, start to have sex with her without asking her first

>> No.10718443

Finally bought a couple MeLikesTea pettis in preparation for actually going to meets again in a few months when it's not freezing and people stop getting COVID

>> No.10718449

>Completely forgot about new $600 limit
>Already sold $300 worth of stuff

I HATE this new limit! Why $600? I wish the IRS would go after people who actually have money and not nerds with weird taste

>> No.10718466

some anon is making threads for random ass cons haha. I wonder if anon is able to fill up the whole catalog with them

>> No.10718473

Women dont want to work hard jobs. They chose that a long time ago, even during the feminist revolution.

>> No.10718474

Either your dick is too small or she's not into you. You can't fix that except by improving yourself.

>> No.10718475

I still can’t connect sex and romance. I don’t understand. It’s so frustrating to not understand how normal humans work. I want love without sex, but what I want even more is to understand sex and desire it. Therapy hasn’t changed anything. Going to the doctor and getting all kinds of tests done hasn’t changed anything. Wtf.

>> No.10718479

Do people really need to enjoy sex in order to be loved? I guess I could have sex for love, but having to actually enjoy it is not something I can do, and I don’t think I could fake it either. Hopefully there are people who don’t mind someone who just lays there crying during sex.

>> No.10718511

as someone that lived with their parents and then lived with roommates, it's hard to make sounds during sex even when i want to or when no one is around because you're so used to not wanting other people to overhear you because it's mad fucking embarrassing

are other people overhearing an issue in your situation? or maybe causing a mental hangup?

>> No.10718518

Why do you want to desire sex if you naturally don't? Do you want to desire other things you aren't into?

>> No.10718520

I don't understand, can't you just be friends with people then? Or try finding other asexual people?

>> No.10718522

>Hopefully there are people who don’t mind someone who just lays there crying during sex.
Kek oh honey, those are not people you want to be in a relationship with

>> No.10718527

I can’t stand most asexuals

>> No.10718656

is a bust size of like 110cm/waist of 80cm fatty-chan?

>> No.10718661

talk to your doctor if you’re worried about your weight and health, not /cgl/
t. an anachan who recognizes how retarded we are

>> No.10718664


>> No.10718678

Chubby, not huge or anything.

>> No.10718729

in lolita terms, yes, as it's made for tiny asian women. by western standards, nah, sounds like probably a normal bmi

>> No.10718766

Yes. If you can’t fit into jp free size, you’re fat.

>> No.10718770

>tiny asian women
You really don't have to be tiny to fit into lolita or Japanese free size. Just short and not morbidly obese.

>> No.10718778

or tall or have big boobas

>> No.10718884

As if you're any of these, chode.

>> No.10718894

>have my first con since the pandemic started next month
>not excited at all even though I put in a lot of work on a new costume for it
>gained some weight over the holidays and can't seem to shake it again
>want to get started on another costume but don't have the spare cash to throw at it right now
>someone has been causing drama in one of my convention friend groups and everyone is annoyed as fuck at them, whole literal second group chat constantly shitting on them
>don't really care about the con at all

>> No.10718896

i'm AYRT, i can fit in free size and general lolita burando no plus size with a chest binder

gotta get back to the gym though for real

>> No.10718904

Just date your sister

>> No.10718906

probably could lose a bit of weight but it shouldn’t be hard.

>> No.10718960

it's probably the attractive part then, making people laugh is pretty easy for me, I think I just lack the "spark" part despite being conventionally attractive.

>> No.10718962

I think the female super sentai outfits look better but im muscular…

>> No.10719050

What's up you lunatic bitches.

Reminds me of how Trini was a man in the japanese version.

>> No.10719061

>violently ill with the flu
>miss one of my wishlist dresses on closetchild for an unbelievably good price last night


>> No.10719146

what dress?

>> No.10719180

I hate demisexuals (a.k.a. the vast majority of the population, no matter how much they insist otherwise) so much

>> No.10719228


>> No.10719231

this person is like popping off on another thread about how they would get raped because demisexuals don't know how to separate love and sex
not sure why this person has such a huge thing for one night stands and general hookups but you do you

>> No.10719233

Or maybe I’d just like to have love without sex. Ever thought of that, demisexual whore? No, you haven’t, because sex is the only way you know how to love.

>> No.10719235
File: 539 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220116_173223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cross lace bustle by moitie

>> No.10719250

i'm actually asexual myself who is outright repulsed and uncomfortable with sex but you can keep shoving your narrative

>> No.10719251

At least you’re actually asexual, unlike that whole ace-spectrum bullshit that’s full of people who love to fuck. Such as demisexuals, who think they’re somehow close to asexual when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

>> No.10719290
File: 310 KB, 986x1455, z2z3n8gcuv781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a boomer thing to continuously lie with a straight face about things that have clearly happened? After the abuela apology scene in Encanto I got to thinking. It's not like they lie more than other generations, but it's a very unique type of lie.
>you should believe me because i'm older/your parent/more experienced
>and even if you know for a fact i'm lying i'm going to remain in denial in hope that you'll change your mind
>wow you're being very disrespectful and rude by pointing out my lie. you'll be grateful for me once i'm dead
Well, at least the embroidery on Mirabel's skirt is very pretty! I know next to nothing about embroidery but I wonder how costly (or time consuming) it would be to make a faithful recreation of her blouse and skirt.

>> No.10719337

Think I found a fellow radfem in my comm, want to talk to her about it but need to find out if she actually is a radfem first so I don't get kicked out of the comm lol

>> No.10719349

It's just a generational gap. Zoomers and Doomers are a lot more careful about stating anything as fact in my personal experience and are very quick to admit they were wrong since basically everything can be verified with the internet in a few seconds.

Whereas Boomers and Gen X lived in a time before the internet where there was no real way to verify information other than through other anecdotal verification. I think this is the reason why old people tend to believe random bullshit that doesn't make sense and why old wives tales exist. Because they got told something by someone they trusted, they had no way to verify it and so therefore just took it as fact. It's why they're so confident in random bullshit. But now when they try to pass that information on to the younger generation who can instantly verify things, they're not used to the idea that word-of-mouth comes second to the internet and view it as threatening since their expectation is that people should trust other people. When you verify an old person's information, you're saying to them, "I don't trust you."

>> No.10719354

>getting kicked out of a comm because you're a radfem
I don't want to live in this timeline

>> No.10719361

>genuinely complimented a cosplayer i knew from a game in passing
maybe one day i'll have a full conversation

>> No.10719376
File: 659 KB, 900x1250, 1619954706169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turning 30 this year
I'm gonna turn into that 30 year old dude that goes to cons by himself

>> No.10719381

We don't want you to live either.

>> No.10719406

Troon or handmaiden? Either way kys.

>> No.10719437

You can use that to your advantage, if you want to buy something moe you can tell the vendor "my daughter loves this stuff" so they don't look at you weirdly

>> No.10719473

>does a closetchild haul of basics and accessories and one nice main piece
>goes to sleep
>wakes up and sees they updated and listed my DD like new for a good price
>i missed it

kms kms kms

>> No.10719475

Just take a look at this chart.

This chart is actually pretty good for planning, but it's a bit unrealistic. If you want to go to university full time, you have to make a lot more money than this chart shows.

The chart assumes you are making a salary of $35,000 a year. If you're making more than this, you'll have to divide your salary by the number of hours you work. This will give you the number of hours you have to work each week.

If you want to go to university full time, you'll have to make more than $35

>> No.10719479

I kind of wish I were into lolita so it'd have a purpose to look for lolita on online marketplaces and stores. What's really the point if you can't buy anything anyway and don't care for what you find.

You forgot your chart

>> No.10719846
File: 102 KB, 340x368, psgchildhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so depressed I'm gonna shit myself, but at least my cons are back.

>> No.10720393

I came out as demisexual yesterday and my parents weren't being supportive at all. They told me that it's just normal, when they don't know how alienating it is to be demi in a world where hookups are the norm. I'm so depressed that even my own parents don't accept me for who I am. My sexuality is valid, right?

>> No.10720397

kek nice b8

>> No.10720398

It's not bait. I just want to be accepted for who I am. :(

>> No.10720413
File: 131 KB, 610x298, becoming a wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turning 30 this year

>> No.10720425

>sister has a new bf and I'm already imagining him falling for me in my fantasies and I dont even know what he looks like yet
I hate being a bad person inside.

>> No.10720456

What's wrong with turning 30? Unless you're in poor health you're going to feel the same and do the same things as usual. Start worrying when you're about to push 60 and don't have retirement plans.

>> No.10720461

clean living tricks you into not feeling it till 40 and its really gonna hurt when it does

>> No.10720464

Clean living tricks? I dont understand. There's going to be some annoyances of course as you age but nothing to fret over unless you're in poor health.

>> No.10720465

I mean, if you are healthy and had didn't wear your body down you will feel 20 into your 30s, but then around 40 no matter what your age will hit you all at once.

>> No.10720467

I see. Still nothing to worry about other than just being prepared. You kids get so anal about aging.

>> No.10720468

Some of us are less chill about feeling our body dying around us than others.

>> No.10720476

When did this board become so reactionary? When did the scrotes win?

>> No.10720480

real gulls moved onto greener pastures
this board hasnt been fun in years and is dead

>> No.10720485
File: 134 KB, 352x400, 1642634354538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent a professionally scathing message to my JP proxy about the supremely shitty packaging job they did on my latest order. At the time of sending the message, I felt righteously frustrated about the fact that their carelessness led to me being massively overcharged for shipping, but now I kinda feel like a timid meiwaku asshole who should have just silently decided to switch proxies. I'm not used to complaining about subpar service, especially not to a foreign company.
I personally hate serving customers at my job and I hate being a customer myself. Why does my life have to revolve around the exchange of goods and services

>> No.10720486

There are no greener pastures.

>> No.10720487

Keep thinking that, the less involved the better.

>> No.10720492
File: 21 KB, 612x358, istockphoto-931105634-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's an inevitable part of life that everyone who doesn't die before then will have to go through. Most don't shrivel up with a hunchback at 40 and looking to the future as something negative is just going to make it even worse for you when you hit higher ages. Soon your life will just be a constant dread and before you know it, you're on your death bed crying about how you wasted it being upset about the future instead of living and enjoying the present. Nerd.

>> No.10720494

If there was somewhere better to be, you wouldn't be here.

>> No.10720496
File: 342 KB, 350x906, hamako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I become a beautiful and happy old lady worthy of being a stock photo. I'm going to dress like pic related.

>> No.10720498

You say as if you can't be in multiple places at once.

>> No.10720500
File: 25 KB, 450x299, 6109-08536525en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yea.

>> No.10720503
File: 48 KB, 800x600, CK5CK644EBHFBAB7XILD2QVC5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman is 84.
No excuses.

>> No.10720511

No excuses for what? Everybody gets old and get sick with age. Even people who make perfectly healthy choices.

>> No.10720521

I don't even care so much about getting sick and dying I just don't want to lose my youth and beauty. Its hard to imagine a point to existing while old and physically repulsive.

>> No.10720523

is the only thing you value in your life your superficial appearance? Sad

>> No.10720524

No, but like having legs and arms I consider it a prerequisite to valuing my quality of life since I've never not had it.

>> No.10720527

you said you can't imagine a point to existing. That's not the same as just having a lower quality of life.

>> No.10720528

Clearly that not what anon meant.

>> No.10720537

Stop projecting, lardass.

>> No.10720541

For me it is I'm incredibly vain and had a fucked up childhood so its one of the few ways I was blessed.

>> No.10720550

then what did they mean? We were talking about bodies breaking down from old age. not just exercising or dieting to avoid being a fattie. just because some 84 year old won the genetic lottery doesn't mean that a 60 year old is "making excuses" if they have arthritis and shit

i'm underweight but nice try. also completely irrelevant because we weren't talking about being a fatass at all

>> No.10720878

apparently there’s a seagull that’s dating/fwb with a pedo. I won’t name him but he’s Filipino and from norcal so if that rings a bell with any gull be careful.

>> No.10720895

It turns out I actually really like doing makeup, especially eye looks, as artwork and not doing it to follow insta baddie trends or appeal to men. I'm having fun :)

>> No.10720903

you underestimate just how many asian pedos there are in norcal. this hardly narrows it down, sadly

>> No.10720914

>Filipino and from norcal

>> No.10720936

Uh, well, I mean, we age. Why are you so sure you're going to hit 40 and just clonk down. I know people in their forties who can give most twenty year old's a run for their money.

I guess if your family is prone to poor health or something I could see that being something to fret about. I fret about diabetes for that reason.

>> No.10720938

It's actually not that bad so long you don't click the feels thread. So much I'm reminded to close the thread & not click it again for another long, long while.

This is why I don't come to the feels thread anymore.

>> No.10720958

I feel like nothing I could do would make me a half decent lolita, no matter how much weight I lose or how much surgery I get. Lolita fashion is one of the only things in this shitty world that makes me happy and I feel like there's nothing I could do to avoid being posted here as an ita because I'm trans... I feel like PGP encrypting all my future lolita photos just so some retard thinks I'm an ita for being trans or a few milligrams overweight. I already wish I was dead

>> No.10720960

If you actually cared that much then you'd just wear the fashion without posting pics of yourself for attention. But seems like you'd rather keep throwing a pity party for yourself.

>> No.10720965

Being an ita is the least of the your worries. Get help.

>> No.10720968

Thought so.

>> No.10720969

I figured being a trans lolita is just a pity party cancer existence after all.
You need to be more militant and just help us in our self-destruction

>> No.10720970

YWNBAW. Just some repulsive, uncanny-valley, obvious imitation. Sad that your porn addiction drove you to this point.

>> No.10720971
File: 125 KB, 828x847, AB0188E9-0FAC-423F-A538-4B34C76E5438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not filipino plus I rarely interact with people. characters in my light novels are my friends

>> No.10720972

But you already do it to yourself, hon.

>> No.10720975

Tranny mental illness on full display kek

>> No.10720978

I feel happy now

>> No.10720987

I'm here to offer a different perspective as someone who's not a terf. Firstly you should stop browsing here, it's digital self-harm. Secondly people vastly overestimate cgl's significance in the lolita community, like, even the biggest lolita threads will struggle to top 120 posters, and if you're actively posting people to ita threads you've automatically lost all credibility with your opinions because you're definitely unstable. So no one should take anything here seriously at all. Third nearly everyone with any kind of social media presence gets posted to the ita thread at least once, so it's something you're just gonna have to accept if you're posting to SM. Good luck.

>> No.10720990

>everyone with any kind of social media presence gets posted to the ita thread at least once
speak for yourself, ita

>> No.10720992

Is there a point in having a boyfriend if he doesn't make me feel attractive, desirable or appreciated for all the effort I put into the relationship, never gives back beyond paying for my shit, doesn't fuck me and barely spends any quality time with me? Because this is the situation I found myself in and I feel dead on the inside

>> No.10720994

Seems like you've already made up your mind and you just want confirmation.

>> No.10721000

Not really, I just want to hear others' opinions. The situation is weird because I love him regardless and genuinely want to be with him, but feeling left out and uncared for is incredibly shitty

>> No.10721006

you sure he's not autistic?

>> No.10721008

Absolutely no point to having a bf if he does nothing but act as a drain on you. I'm sure you love him and it'll hurt for a while, but if you ultimately want a happier life then it's best that you leave him.

>> No.10721013

Actually I feel boring so I'm looking for a nice and handsome friend just like me. Who wants to be my friend?

>> No.10721014

no one? that's sad..

>> No.10721027

I've actually had my suspicions, but he's never been diagnosed or sought out any help. I don't even know how one would cope with being in what feels like a one-sided relationship, if your partner does have actual issues with communication and intimacy.

To be fair, I feel like I'd be unhappy either way. I think he's a great person, and he does make me feel better sometimes - mostly when he buys me gifts or very rarely shows affection, but that makes it seem like I'm only with him for the money, which is not something I would ever want.

>> No.10721074
File: 36 KB, 306x425, 1415889149966_wps_20_EXCLUSIVE_VIDEO_AVAILABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon who posted the image here, NTA you responded to though. My "No Excuse" post was meant to be "There's no excuse not to strive to be your best even at an older age." Genetic lottery or not, it's meant to be encouraging.

>> No.10721166

>tfw no BF to cosplay with

>> No.10721252

Girls be like "I want a cosplay bf". But then "hurr durr you're not going out dressed as Hitler."

>> No.10721268

I'm a homo not a women

>> No.10721362
File: 680 KB, 3850x2800, 1601800494695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case...

>> No.10721363


>> No.10721370
File: 11 KB, 300x272, 300px-Mike_Wazowski-Sulley_Face_Swap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna vent here. I'm so fucking upset this is the third fucking time I've lost my dream dress because some stupid japanese classic lolita bitch has a fril/mercari account and can instantly swipe my DD, it's a coveted dress but I've literally cried three times everytime I've lost out on it, I feel physical fucking pain over not being able to get it, I want it so badly and my shopping service this time was 2 minutes late to purchasing it for me before it sold out. I'm so frustrated and I don't know why the universe fucking hates me so much.

>> No.10721378

I'm in hysterics because I just found out there's an indie brand with the same name as a cruise ship that caused a major covid outbreak back in 2020.
>Ruby Princess

>> No.10721384

no one is buying from your shitty brand.

>> No.10721520

kek that anon thought they were slick

>> No.10721560

people still think Im 25

>> No.10721685

I'm 25, people think I'm 18.

>> No.10722284

looking for cute girl

>> No.10722285
File: 9 KB, 294x274, I picked your mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back to /v/ anon. This isn't vidya.

>> No.10722288

where da menhera at

>> No.10722290

die scrotoid

>> No.10722291

cope troon

>> No.10722292

ntayrt but they have good accessories, idk about their other pieces
bought generic striped socks from them before

>> No.10722297

any cute girls want a nice lad :)

>> No.10722332

Sounds like you’re his side squeeze.

>> No.10722473
File: 358 KB, 593x720, miyako 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally same wataten bro. Wanna be friends?

>> No.10722476

I've bought so many brand dresses on a whim that I don't like, but am tempted to just throw them away because
A) I don't want to spend the time and effort re-selling them,
B) I don't want them sitting around my house taking up space, and
C) I don't want my friends to realize just how many things I've impulse bought.

I know just throwing them away is drastic and a waste of money, but I also think it'll give me a lot of relief.

>> No.10722491
File: 795 KB, 919x1587, 1583441453852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never ended up getting into cosplay even though it looked fun
>years pass
>try VRChat and end up having fun LARPing as characters in that instead, satisfies a lot of my past desires for cosplay
>also get friends from there who did the same
>covid didn't have any effect on that
Feels good bros.

>> No.10722667


>> No.10722676

>t. too dumb for a degree so he joined the army

>> No.10722684

UT fuckin sucks bro even our own students know it. We're a nerd filled engineering and other STEM school now no one cares about sports.

>> No.10723008

Glad to hear something wholesome in here. Have fun bro.

>> No.10723026

Will happen to me next year

>> No.10723028

Never cosplayed before, but I volunter

>> No.10723373

The army pays for your college, dumb hoe.