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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 817x427, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10698453 No.10698453 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay and Jfash feels go here. Previous thread >>10695247

What was the last thing that made you happy?

>> No.10698526

watching a movie with a girl on hyperbeam. this kinda weird

>> No.10698593

she went emo and went offline. I didn’t do nuffthing

>> No.10698594

Hyperbeam looks useful. Is it better than 144p quality over discord or do you not have enough friends to know soup?

What movie was it?

>> No.10698599

>Is it better than 144p quality over discord or do you not have enough friends to know soup?
HOW U GONNA CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT BRO. yeah I dunno movie was love simon.

>> No.10698613

I was fucking around looking at indie lolita brands and fell in love with this dress that a dead? brand had. they last posted on facebook in 2019 lol. I messaged them asking if i can order from them. I really hope they can still make me something.
It’s “phantom and the maiden” if anyone knows anything about them

>> No.10698743

I may be getting my coworker’s wife into classic lolita hehehe
I showed him some pic of an ott dress i just bought and his eyes went wide and he said his wife would love that.
I sent him some links to give to her of innocent world and related brands. Feels good to recruit people, i hope she likes it

>> No.10698760

Got to go through the trauma of my rape with my therapist today. I feel weird afterwards. I'm meeting friends this same evening, and my stomach is turning because my best friend there was in the next room over and she must never know, I don't want her to know, I feel like shit

>Inb4 not related
It happened at a con, okay? I'm meeting my con friends.

>> No.10698778

>It happened at a con
What con?

>> No.10698810

hey you do what you must. You deserve kindness and love and I hope your recovery will be swift

>> No.10698815

Nobody "deserves" kindness and love, incel.

>> No.10698817

>What was the last thing that made you happy?
I got the last dress on my wishlist! I'm freed from the curse of secondhand sales for now

>> No.10698832

>What was the last thing that made you happy?
Alcohol last monday

>> No.10698839

I doubt that this is the right place for it but screw it

I might simp for at least two costhots the next weeks
Anyone interested in which ones?

>> No.10698840

>What was the last thing that made you happy?
Hard to tell
Especially if it's in any kind related to this board

>> No.10698843

do tell my dearest anon. which cosplayers are you simping for

>> No.10698845

It’s not your fault. Relax. Take some time to just chill out and then give yourself permission to have fun with people you care about.
Been there before. You’ll get through it; trust me.

>> No.10698846

To the anons who suggested mugort and vit C as a way to rush your period, it worked! Started 3 days earlier so thank you.

>> No.10698859

soup are you a lesbian i have a strong overwhelming feeling you are actually a woman and you have trolled us all. if so fly high my crazy queen

>> No.10698864 [DELETED] 

It’s so hard to be decent to TikTok itas who complain about “classism” and having to put in effort when told not to buy shitty Amazon costumes. Just stop being lazy and poor.

>> No.10698868

I posted my selfie in the last thread bro. I grew up with 3 older sisters so that might have messed up my vibe i dunno. few more weeks on /r9k/ should undo the harm they inflected on me.

>> No.10698874
File: 10 KB, 268x188, wtfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Open LM
>Look at old item up for auction
>Click who is the active high bidder
>Listed in the description for their profile is "just about anything that can stretch 39" in the waist and 50" in the bust"
>Waist measurement on item is 23"

This poor fucking item is going to be destroyed.

>> No.10698876
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 6277fdb7d5dbd27cd83b7fa63dbacdeb813588665482062ebe95e4a9c2b51e8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shirring is going to be stretched beyond recognition
Fat fucks like her really should disclose how damaged their clothes are from being overstuffed and strained to hell

>> No.10698878

If that really is you you're handsome but it's a shame you're so annoying

>> No.10698893

I'm not really sure how this happened but I don't really have any people I feel close to anymore, my bf aside. I interact with people fine at meets or talk to old friends and it is fun, but... something just feels distinctly different. It's like the conversations take a lot of energy/feel like a chore, or I don't really 'click' with anyone.

It's honestly making me feel quite down.

>> No.10698912

Same. This board is a cesspool

>> No.10698917


>> No.10698919

>fag voice
as expected. can finally filter you at least.

>> No.10698920

FUCKKKKKKK girl kept asking if I was ftm yesterday too

>> No.10698925

>What was the last thing that made you happy?
that i might be going to a con with a friend i don't see often(met her irl 2 years ago and saw her over the summer but she lives across the country). also excited to see other lolitas at the con, hopefully

>> No.10698926
File: 167 KB, 1080x720, 1340270335312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a creep

>> No.10698927

>What was the last thing that made you happy?

I fell in love with a dress from an indie brand and ordered it yesterday. i wasn't sure if the brand was still active. but to my delight they messaged me asking for my measurements and they'll be making the dress for me~

>> No.10698928

What the fuck is that

>> No.10698929

An old photo of soup. He's retarded now, but he used to be a lot stupider when he started posting 10 years ago

>> No.10698933


>> No.10698934

the internet is forever soup

>> No.10698936


>> No.10698937

I'm cringing you ruined my day aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.10698945

that's what you get soup

>> No.10698946
File: 11 KB, 273x273, 1626288970859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw can never look again at ghostface cosplayers because i've never seen the movie and someone told me ghostface kills people in the movie

I'm too innocent for the cosplay ciruit.

>> No.10698948

grant imahara is that you

>> No.10698955

For it's density, signal hill is a small place

>> No.10698959


>> No.10698960


>> No.10698963
File: 61 KB, 980x850, 90D40728-3B03-4F9C-BF28-7F4536404A57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can never look again at ghostface cosplayers
What do you have against the Wu?

>> No.10698964

There’s this very particular kind of guy which becomes a bit socially inept after watching too much anime, but looks kind of cute and isn’t a total asshole so girls who also like anime and have low standards stick with them until they realize they are annoying as fuck and it isn’t worth it

You sound exactly like this type of guy.

Yes, this may be oddly specific and have too much to do with my own life, but who cares, this is a feels thread anyway

>> No.10698965
File: 90 KB, 591x1280, 3ECC735F-159A-44BE-83AB-E28F1E1449DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is ganging up on me tonight what gives. It’s kinda hot
explain it like I’m soup

>> No.10698967

>There’s this very particular kind of guy which becomes a bit socially inept after watching too much anime, but looks kind of cute and isn’t a total asshole so girls who also like anime and have low standards stick with them until they realize they are annoying as fuck and it isn’t worth it
>tfw that was basically me when I was young enough to date girls from anime conventions
(I've actually learned not to be completely autistic now but I'm old and gross and not successful enough to make up for it.)

>> No.10698968

All your voices are adorable

>> No.10698980

My gf is getting really into lolita! I'm so excited about it, I've loved the fashion for years but since accepted I'll never wear it myself. This is pretty much a dream come true cause I get to come up with coords and buy pieces for her that she loves, cause she's been interested in it for a while but never obsessed about creating the perfect wardrobe like I have.

>> No.10698999

too sleepy to come up with an annoying response will revisit tomorrow. goodnight anons sweet dreams today was fun

>> No.10699013

Bro imagine the chicks you could pull if you just worked on your personality.
You got lucky with good looks so why not elevate yourself to a higher level?

>> No.10699075

>Bro imagine the chicks you could pull if you just worked on your personality.
>You got lucky with good looks
Soup did you forget to fill the name field

>> No.10699076

tfw no soup bf

>> No.10699095

Way back in 2013 in Sweden, doubt you were there.

Thank you. Considering that I've repressed it for 8, soon 9 years we'll see how it goes. I'm not sure why >>10698815 reacted so strongly to your wishes of kindness and love, but thank you. I've got my needs covered by both family and friends. None in my family knows though, as only my 2 closest have heard the rape story. My family is nonetheless taking care of me since I started going to the therapist due to a deep, seemingly random, spell of depression. I've never been before, but apparently dealing with this old trauma is what ended up on the docket. Next will probably be my shame for not telling my family and that shit. Fuck.

I've returned to this thread to read your initial sentences like three times now. It's just words from a stranger, but they make me feel things. Thank you.

>> No.10699096
File: 55 KB, 400x299, 1490672810566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buying stained clothes because some lolitas are fucking incompetent and don't bother to learn how to wash their brand
>Or just pigs
It's gross but it makes me happy giving clothes a mean stain removing/washing session and restoring them

>> No.10699119

/pol/ pls go

>> No.10699153

most of the idiots with stained brand set it in too long ago for you to fix it. just admit it, you're just going to wear stained crap anyway you cheap cunt.

>> No.10699156

That's not true. You just don't know how to get stains out.

>> No.10699165

Lmao you clearly mad because you don't know how to launder your clothes. I've bought plenty of "stained" brand that came out just fine. Cope and seethe.

>> No.10699167

Nah I just think he's handsome but exceedingly annoying.

>> No.10699168


>> No.10699194

it's okay anon I'll keep my autistic posts on /r9k/ from now on

>> No.10699204

Kek I’m anything but a cheap cunt. Im just out here trying to save clothes from being disgusting like you~

>> No.10699206

Lolita helped me learn to do my laundry properly lol

>> No.10699271

I started doing some mindfulness meditation and other stuff since quite a while ago and my personality changed from severely depressed and toxic to very loving, caring and kinda motherly.
I had this acquaintance extremely mad at me, cursing and trying to have a fight, and I kept incredibly calm and empathetic and we ended up hugging tight for a long time and becoming good friends.
You wouldn't believe how good even the seemingly "worst" people actually are and how much they're suffering.

>> No.10699273

Nta but really, really don't tear yourself apart for your past decisions about it. You did the best you could at the time, and the fact that now you're able to look back and feel like you could have told people sooner, but that's because of the extra distance you have and progress you've made since then.
I know it's cheesy but forgive yourself for however you reacted, it's not the kind of thing you can expect yourself to respond to calmly and rationally, and handle perfectly. So stop holding yourself to that impossible standard over it.

>> No.10699325

K soup

>> No.10699386

I’d say I’m average looking cause no deformities but not annoying at all. I just post random stuff sometimes cringey stuff but I wouldn’t call it annoying. maybe in a couple of years when I gain some weight I could be decent looking. Imma be so swole if I could stay motivated to eat and lift

>> No.10699389

Sorry you think an anon has to be self posting in order to give anyone any form of compliment

>> No.10699412
File: 44 KB, 647x369, gdfbfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate spicy food and now it is having it's revenge.

>> No.10699414

>coping this hard
Live in the real world dude, it's honestly embarrassing

>> No.10699416

I expect him to kill himself eventually.

>> No.10699425

I don’t think I’m the one coping

>> No.10699427

i bought some expensive knee high boots for lolita and they came!! and they almost fit!
but i can't zip them up my calf. the zipper ends up 2 inches apart because my fucking calf is huge.
because i do too many squats. I'm definitely not fat i have a 68cm waist. my legs just hate me.
i have been trying to lose a little more weight but pleaaaaase nonnies. let me fit into them soon ;_;

>> No.10699431 [DELETED] 

Blog post.

>> No.10699432

was there a point to this comment hahaha it's the feels thread

>> No.10699435

Post feet.

>> No.10699437
File: 379 KB, 960x2080, EC391290-787E-4297-8689-B7D4931E4436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me! Can it be done? This is as high as it will go.
(but also my legs are extra swollen today because i was hill climbing the past week)

>> No.10699445

Nice boots. What does the other side look like?

>> No.10699449

the other side is fine there is no zipper, only the zipper on the inner part

>> No.10699450

It's best these don't see the light of day

>> No.10699451

i mean obviously i wouldn't wear it outside until it can zip up all the way

>> No.10699455

Are those bows or straps on the front?

Hush you. They look great.

>> No.10699459

they are bows on the front! it is jetj actually. thanks i think they are cute too. i will be able to zip it up someday soon

>> No.10699465

Have you tried using a hair dryer to stretch the fabric?

>> No.10699468

i haven't heard of doing that! i will try that thank you~ still determining whether it's made of genuine leather or faux leather but i think it works for both

>> No.10699471

>tfw I'm trying to research various historic japanese cultural things but the results are always flooded with anime weeb stuff

>> No.10699473

Mm. If it's leather get it wet and wear them till they dry, if it's pleather too much dry heat will annihilate it so you should be careful.

>> No.10699475

Like what?

>> No.10699476

Enjo Kosai

>> No.10699477

I’m still recovering from something that happened years ago, and I don’t even know if it should count as trauma at all even though it feels that way for me. I was dating someone who seemed so sweet at first, but soon she started pressuring me to have sex with her, trying to make me feel guilty when I didn’t want to. “No” was never an acceptable answer to her. But I know it wasn’t her fault. She was demisexual, so she wanted sex with me so badly because she loved me, and I couldn’t provide what she needed most. I still feel guilt, but also resentment, and I know I shouldn’t. She did nothing wrong. I just miss going out with her in matching coords. I miss talking to her about the newest releases and getting excited together. But I couldn’t handle the constant pressure, and she couldn’t handle not getting her needs met. I feel like a worthless human being who will never deserve to be loved again. If I couldn’t give her what she needed most, how can I make anyone happy?

>> No.10699481

As in like researching it's origins? I'm not sure what you mean by historic now.

>> No.10699482

>She did nothing wrong
Yeah, no. Pressuring someone who doesn't want to have sex is wrong, coercive, and creepy. It doesn't matter if you're dating or not.

>> No.10699491

Scarlet Hakama. Turns out thats the name of some anime character.

Ushiwakamaru. Some anime character flooding the images page.

kamui. Oh look, a bunch of naruto stuff I don't care about.

These are names of items in a japanese game i'm helping port over, so i'm trying to get an idea of what they mean, but a bunch of unrelated anime stuff gets in the way a little bit.

>> No.10699494

If you add -anime or -manga to your search you will pull significantly less results that are irrelevant to your desired outcome.
I would also reccomend using scholarly because you might find educational resources about the historical significant side of your interests.
Learn to googlefu

>> No.10699502

You could try searching Wikipedia directly for some of those things. Wiki's notoriously not the greatest source but at least it'll give you a general overview and maybe alternative terms for some of the things, and you might find more in-depth info by looking at the source annotations.

>> No.10699512

Scarlet Hakama:

Ushiwakamaru: he’s a famous commander and that FGO anime character was based off the dude. Here’s his Wikipedia article

Kamui: common word. Frequently spelled 神威 in JRPGs. Here is the Wikipedia on it.

You’re lucky these are common phrases, but you’ll have a hell of a time if there’s slang or a modern reference. Your best bet will always be searching using kanji/hiragana. Western sources never have the full story so they’re shitty resources. But if you can’t read Japanese, your best bet is going on google.co.jp. When you type in romaji, it’ll recommend search terms in Japanese. Then Google translate the results. Or go to a dedicated forum for Japanese learners. You’re gonna have a shit time if you don’t know Japanese

>> No.10699514
File: 15 KB, 212x77, unknownn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that first one is useful. I figured out most of the rest though.
Only thing i'm struggling with now are some of the mask items. These 3 specifically, i'm not sure if they are generic anime faces or if they are based on something specific. any idea? The names are weird. "pun mask" "yoyo mask" "Kachin Mask". Not sure who translated the names or what the original japanese text was.

>> No.10699544
File: 18 KB, 824x154, 8E0D08AF-0A67-4679-8591-BAF70ECDF671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a girl tells you she loves you after talking for a couple of days that’s bpd right. I’m so screwed I don’t know how to respond. I need to stop adding girls on /soc/ when im feeling lonely

>> No.10699577

if she isn't joking yes, run.

>> No.10699597

>Have soul crushing life for reasons outside of my control
>Come up with an idea that will be a life-changing breakthrough
>Work hard on it
>Someone else comes out of nowhere and does it faster and better
>It means little to them and they have things and contacts beyond my reach
>Rinse and repeat for years
I have gone from angry to broken to angry. I will not attack these people but I really want to. Just beat the shit out of them as physical embodiments of obstacles in my life. And ask them who the hell told them to do what they did.

>> No.10699646

I'm tired of being lonely and not having friends. I want someone to prattle about lolita, 2hou and edgy anime with me. I'm getting old too, fuck.

>> No.10699651

>Have never really posted cosplays/weeb things on social media actively, only to group chats with weeb friends I already have
>Didn't plan on starting either because getting validation from random people might get addicting don't want to base my self-worth on what randos say on the internet
>Find a small fandom I'm very passionate about
>Start posting cosplays and other content
>People are excited and react super positively
>Validation from randos does get addicting
>Basing my self-worth on what randos say on the internet now, just like I feared

I'm a fucking idiot. Human interaction was a mistake.

>> No.10699661

What is your opinion on Darling in the Franxx?

>> No.10699680

go make yourself a friend anon >>10596293

>> No.10699685

Not necessarily bpd but definitely unhinged behaviour. She was on soc for a reason. Fucking run

>> No.10699724

Doesn't have to be. Some people just don't hide their feelings like autists

>> No.10699778

I dunno she’s cute and I care about her even tho we haven’t known each other for very long but I dunno if I wanna do the whole relationship thing again or yet.

>> No.10699790

Be cautious. I've gotten into a relationship with someone who confessed after like 3 weeks before we really knew each other and we ended up not only being incompatible, but they were toxic too. It depends how casually they treat relationships as well. They're infatuated and probably unable to assess whether you'd work outside of that infatuation period.

>> No.10699791


>> No.10699827

you don't have the capacity to care about her, you don't know her. caring about someone isn't just caring about the idea of them. you are just as stupid as she is. you can't love someone you don't know and choosing to toss those words around makes her stupid.

>> No.10699840

>tfw eating out of cans from the campus food pantry

>> No.10699852

>Some people just don't hide their feelings like autists
Yeah, no. If you think you're in love with someone after only knowing them for a few days you're either childish, naive, mentally ill, or desperate. It's not about "hiding" your feelings. Love is a strong word that shouldn't be thrown around with people you BARELY know.

>> No.10699855

there’s nothing wrong with caring about someone you just met. heck people care about others they read about on the news. don’t call my friend stupid

>> No.10699857

you want me to Uber u some food bro

>> No.10699862

i hope she causes you kill yourself.

>> No.10699866

so much for you pseudo intellectual posts. It’s okay to be wrong about stuff sometimes it helps build character. maybe if you weren’t so toxic people would fall in love with you too

>> No.10699868

Can you send me some booze too?

>> No.10699871

Stop responding to trolls autist.

>> No.10699873

are you 21+

>> No.10699939

Fuck off you bitter cunt

>> No.10699941

>tfw feel immensely alienated from girls even for the times I don't deserve it
>being mentally ill and autistic really doesnt help matters much
>wish I could be a girl and wear dressed but know I'd have to sell my soul or get reincarnated if that was possible
>cant get along with most guys either unless they're losers like me
>managed to have one gf when was highschool but it turned into a sham organized by classmates
>feel very wrong and guilty when having to take charge, dont like being dominant or anything like that as a result and prefer to voluntarily isolate myself
>dont want kids either because I doing this world a favor by not spreading my inferior genes
>actively made an effort to stop being like this but it felt like I was lying to myself and feels unnatural
>feel like a defective male
>only people I can deal with and enjoy being around (outside of my grandmother) are the crazy female spirits who kill me, mind break/mind controls me, genderbends me, etc. Since I was a child
>they basically told me they marked me and that I belong to them, even in death
I dont know what to, I'm just considering letting spirit/demon/whatever girls take me since it feels like the only way I can be happy while everything doesnt seem to help at all

>> No.10699964

If you have money, go to therapist, you seem to believe you have no agency over your life and that you are condemned to live a shitty loser life forever, but this isn’t true.

Idk why you guys go to such extremes. I too have been in love with shitty people who manipulated me and mined my self steem, I’ve also had people that I fancied asking me out as a joke for everyone to laugh at and felt as if I was broken. Go to a therapist, learn your self worth and not to give a shit, no one else defines your value, high school doesn’t go on forever, adults are also shitty, but they tend to be too busy to scheme crazy stuff only to make others feel bad. Make the best that you can with your life, be proud of yourself.

>> No.10699968

>wish I could be a girl
but youre a gay man. boohoo

>> No.10700019

I'm 26, but yeah you do have point and that I should look into therapy. Though it's real hard it to go full "not give a shit" always had trouble with it since I had a fear going too far with it but at this point I'd welcome it with open arms because outside of the semi /x/ getting haunted by times of me getting shat on by former friends, all the drama with them, and the circumstances with my ((ex)) feels like it fucked me too hard or either i wound up giving them too much power over despite me being not being around them anymore. God, this is annoying

I definitely entertained that thought be I'm not that comfortable around guys in that context either... I have a feeling I might just be bi or something now that I think about it

>> No.10700023

So you're both unhinged kek

>> No.10700026

she hasn’t been talking to me granted I didn’t message her either. she’s offline but changed her pfp. what makes you think we’re unhinged? (´・ω・`)

>> No.10700032
File: 95 KB, 828x1012, D56227C0-B5C2-43DB-B2C4-E51BA63F4332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhhhhh shit I fucked up. I was gonna draw punpun but this thingy popped up and it sent automatically wtf oh yeah I forgot to mention she asked for my number on the first day and I couldn’t come up with an excuse not to give it so I did haha

>> No.10700034

Yes, it’s hard as hell to feel secure enough with yourself not to care, but therapy will help you. It helped me, I’m not completely there yet, but am in a way better place than I was in the past, the important thing here is not to give up on yourself or your worth.

>> No.10700059

Tfw I was hoping AP Paris' tea party would be virtual again so I could attend but it's in person now...dying in side wishing I was European. I guess I'll console myself with near zero customs fees and sub $5 gas prices.

>> No.10700060

Don't like.
I will try it when my crippling social anxiety lets me.

>> No.10700068

WTF bro you literally could've just said you don't know her well enough to feel comfortable giving out your number.
You both sound at the very least socially inept.

>> No.10700164
File: 258 KB, 591x1280, 45DD367C-CA61-49BF-B51C-5942F84BAF32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the cat expert anon at? I wanna know what kinda cat this is it’s so pretty

just pretend the other person has social anxiety too that’s how I do it

>> No.10700166

I am severely depressed and morbidly obese

>> No.10700194

I'm sorry anon. Getting on anti-depressants which suppress your appetite or at least put it back to normal plus seeing a nutritionist should help if you can do it.

>> No.10700205

I've never had bangs, but they're the only way to look cute + save my wretched fivehead :(. I usually have my hair up in a ponytail and my hair is super frizzy. Can I even wear bangs with frizzy hair!??!?!?! What do, anons?!?!

>> No.10700246

it's a long haired calico. she is very pretty.

>> No.10700251

ohh a calico so it's a girl cat. ty anon

>> No.10700269

Is your hair curly?

>> No.10700275

Not quite curly, but wavy. Was down to my butt until I got the tips trimmed last month. I really don't know what to do with it besides maintenance. I started using argon oil, which is nice, but that's it.

>> No.10700308

do you what type of hair you have based on the curl scale? like 2a, 2b, 3a? it might help you figure out what you need based on where you land on that scale

>> No.10700310

just my two cents but a lot of antidepressants have the opposite effect of an appetite suppressant, similar to antipsychotic it’s common to gain ~15 pounds

i don’t doubt they exist and your experiences might be different but stimulants are the things that really suppress your appetite. >>10700166
i think the better advice might be go to therapy, possibly get diagnosed and identify why you are obese and work through it. it’s easier to stop impulse eating when you’re a happy, whole person.

>> No.10700366

>be me
>go on medication cause hormones are out of whack
>couple of weeks later
>poop smells getting worse
>had a meetup last week
>meetup at restaurant
>I need to go poop
>poop smell is bad like all the others now
>two lolitas walk in
>they chat about everyone else's coords
>they comment about the rancid smell in the bathroom
>did not move in my stall
>they leave
>breathes a sigh of relief

>> No.10700422

>at a con this weekend
>cosplayer I've seen a few times, think he is a gull too
>go to say hello and see if they want to hang out
>says okay
>turns out to be actually really nice
>says to me that he is going to go back to his room to drink and watch anime
>ask if I can come and he says sure
>get to his room just him and myself
>sit on his sofa
>proceeds to offer me some beers (I don't really drink that much)
>asks me about anime and stuff but not really into anime
>puts on some shows about some blonde afro guy who fights with nose hair and something about singing girls who fight monsters and also lolita dolls(?)
>sit closer to hime
>asks me if it is cold he can turn the heater on
>o-h no, I'm okay
>this goes on for about half an hour while he drinks an entire 6 pack
>"Okay that was fun, let's go back to the anime con"

Y-you too....

>> No.10700469
File: 2.91 MB, 344x640, catoos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the cats finally let me pet her

>> No.10700601

>try on baby OP i just got
>the same thing as usual, fits beautifully it's just the fucking chest being too small again and won't zip up in the back around my chest

i hate being a booblita
is the only way to avoid OPs entirely, and just stick to the good ol JSK+ blouse or skirts??

>> No.10700602

not always (male calicos do exist) but most likely 99% of the time yes

>> No.10700603

if only k8 did this

this sounds nice anon. hope he sees this.

>> No.10700609
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My Weeb co worker showed a few of my teammates him and his hairy legs dressed as cardcaptor sakura years a go at a con

>> No.10700613

Um duh how new are you? Check the measurements before you buy. Anyone with large boobs, wide ribs or shoulders is going to have a bad time with brand OPs.You can add gussets to some pieces but sleeves are such a pain I would pay a professional to do it.

>> No.10700646

anon! i was in the same boat(frizzy, wavy-ish, only ponytails for years, then getting bangs a few months ago) learn your specific curl pattern like >>10700308 said and research how to take care of it(it may or may not be curlier than you initially thought, though, as frizziness often steals a lot of texture) to try and get rid of the frizz. i think the solution is to get it not-frizzy by finding a wash/styling routine that works for your hair, then get the bangs, i'm sure they'll look gr8
>t. 3b hair that looked like hell until i started conditioning it right

>> No.10700647

massive w

>> No.10700648

>at a con
>dressed as a magical girl
>madoka cosplayer with her family comes up to me
>looks like she's in middle school, seems nervous as shit
>"can i get a picture?"
>"yeah no problem! cool costume" etc
>kid is super excited, mom takes a picture of us and she leaves beaming
wholesome. i remember being a 12 year old weeb like that too and never imagined i'd be one of the cosplayers on the other end of it.

>> No.10700661


>> No.10700687

>mom telling me all the time how fat i was growing up
>i move out and lose weight because i dont stress eat from living with her anymore
>she says concerned that i lost a lot of weight when she sees me

Yeah fuck you mom lol what did you expect honestly

>> No.10700703

Met up with a female friend I'm pretty interested in for the first time since the pandemic started, and I am still into her. However she lives in the opposite side of the country and I know I don't wanna deal with a long term relationship. So why do I always have this huge pit of regret in my stomach every time we part ways without me making a move

>> No.10700714

I want a woman to show me her pussy so I can call it beautiful.

>> No.10700720

Today is a good day! Been working on losing weight and I bought and old school btssb blouse with no shirring. According to the measurements I knew it would fit but it didn't really hit me until i tried it on. Only lost 20 lbs but that 20 lbs took me from not fitting into brand to fitting into unshirred brand. Hopefully I can lose another 20!

>> No.10700836
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Nobody ever replies to my posts

>> No.10700846

thanks for the updated cat facts anon
yeah it was nice. she started bumping her head into my legs so I knew she wanted pets
which one is ur post lil buddy I know what it’s like not to get (you)s

>> No.10700867

>get randomly banned on paypal despite doing nothing wrong, not even the email could describe what it was and treated me as if I was a business and not a private customer
>means I can't use Mercari ss anymore because they all only take paypal, not even sure if I can get my orders shipped out
>to top it off, Baby took the Elizabeth whitexwhite listing off the website meaning they're not going to release it again


>> No.10700985

larping with a guy on r9k that we were in love, he directed me to this board/thread

>> No.10700987

Opening a new PayPal is like the easiest thing in the world. Use a throwaway email and get a banking app that will give you an account with a routing number if you need to get verified asap. They want your money more than they want to keep you off the app unless you did something you're not admitting.

>> No.10700990

Just ask her if she is single anon.

>> No.10700992

I lost 130 lbs and overall its better day to day but fuck some days i really still want to kms because i still hate everything about how I look, but now i also have extra skin!! its so gross. and it fucking sucks that i worked so hard only to find out i still cant fit in like any of the OP's I'm interested in. so dumb and i feel ripped off

>> No.10700998
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Thanks for the replies, guys. I didn't even know there was a universal scale for measuring something like curls. I had no idea what these numbers/letters were. I'm a 2a with portions up front going up to 2c. I guess this is a good starting point for me to do some research.

>> No.10701004

I definitely didn't, I only use it for a few things like SS invoices and ebay. I went back through my transactions trying to figure out what could have tripped the system but I can't find anything. Unfortunately tho in the email they said I can't sign up with them ever again. Hopefully the AUP department get back to me and unlock my shit.

>> No.10701009

What kind of crazy person poops at s public bathroom?

>> No.10701014


>> No.10701035

I want, or should I better say need, a cosplay gf
Damn, I'm so desperate, gonna simp for some costhots next month

I know that feel

I do
If the toilet looks clean

>> No.10701051

update on this, i talked it over with a mutual friend who said it definitely was not a platonic thing, which i guess i realized more once i verbalized it, so now im a bit terrified of what comes next. i think i'll stay quiet just in case until she says something clear about it.
also waiting for thanksgiving to be over so i can see her again, and for my family to finally leave my house so i can sew. i think i figured out my lineup for an upcoming possible con and im excited to hunker down on some costumes and maybe a coord- i usually cosplay at cons and haven't ever worn lolita to one.
how are you gulls feeling about this thanksgiving? dressing up? looking normie for family?

>> No.10701052

the thing she said wasn't platonic was the things that happened between me and said friend to make me wonder, not my feelings. sorry im retarded kek i still don't know how i feel about her in all honesty

>> No.10701072

Too bad I'm still working

>> No.10701088


Sometimes it's not even stained but covered in cat hair and smells like smoke (even though they literally say that it comes from a pet and smoke free house???). So I always give my stuff a hard 4 hour deep soak. Even if you can't see the stains, that water sure does spoil fast. You'll be amazed how brown/green it gets.

Always wash your brand, ladies.

>> No.10701099

>Always wash your brand, ladies.

New age trolling on cgl lol

>> No.10701137

good morning /r9k/ gf I hope u slept okay

>> No.10701155

good morning i did hope you did too

>> No.10701166

The recognition my cosplay got at AnimeNYC. It wasn't a crazy amount or anything but it was a lot more than I was expecting. Vindicated all the hard work.

>> No.10701178

sure did was thinking about u. gonna hop in the shower then I’ll take you on a picture date today

>> No.10701189

I got banned for using my account in a different state, but I just made a new one.

>> No.10701209

hey babe sorry im at work till 11 will talk to you when im out

>> No.10701218

I understand this, I'm a warship enjoyer and the number of Azur Lane and pictures from the Russian scam game that fill any search is incredible

>> No.10701220

oh okay cutie have a good day at work. I'll show you my favorite spot when youre off work. love you

>> No.10701250
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hey boyfriend i love you so much oops i accidentally attached a photo to this post

>> No.10701294
File: 112 KB, 956x710, meandyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so silly gf fine I'll add you

>> No.10701323

I've always heard that there's cosplays guys like, and there's cosplays girls like, and this past weekend was the first time I've seen this shit in action. I'm sorta built and I usually cosplay muscular shonen characters, and 99% of the people asking for pics are guys which I didn't find unusual until now.

This past weekend, I had a cosplay of a pretty boy from a VN (outfit was a suit+tie) and 99% of the people asking for pics were girls. I didn't realize how huge the gender disparity was until I actually thought about it. not going to convince me to cosplay only pretty boy characters but found it pretty interesting.

>> No.10701407

I think it’s about time I leave this site and try and be normal. Find a normie gf with normie hobbies. Maybe I’ll be happy if I just conform and hold in my urge to be autistic

>> No.10701424

You do know that soaking clothes can turn the water due to the dye in the fabric bleeding right

>> No.10701432

Who were you cosplaying as?

>> No.10701439

No ty. I learned my lesson when I posted once and got random hate on here lmao

>> No.10701465

I want to dye my hair a peach color and cut it short but I'm afraid of being ita for it :( I'm a sweet lolita with long brown hair rn but i hate having long hair. I kept it long because I wanted to wear it naturally w lolita, but I haven't done that in months due to depression. I know cutting my hair will make me feel refreshed and overall better about myself, but will i be looked down on in the community? I usually wear sax, pink, lav, and yellow coords...

>> No.10701480

The anon knows, they keep posting it all over cgl every few months

It's just a troll. If they make some newfags ruin some old dresses that can't be washed, then we basically just increased the rarity and likelihood that the western market won't have a dress any longer. But whatever. Haha. It's not even harmless trolling. That or they are really just this dense (maybe don't even own brand)

>> No.10701481

I'm going to be real with you, but buy a peach wig first and try it out with your coords.

Peach is my least favorite hair color with sweet lolita, because pinks nowadays tend to lean towards cool hues.

Regardless, unless you're going to redye your hair every week a pink color and then bleach your roots routinely to white every other month then you might not realize how much work it will be to maintain it.

Just buy a wig.

>> No.10701602

Thanks for the suggestion!! I totally get you. Good advice all around. I may just cut my hair and keep my natural color.

>> No.10701695

i’m about to start working every day at a job that has a business professional dress code. i’m thankful to have landed a job straight out of college, but it’s depressing knowing that monday through friday i’ll be working in an office where i can’t look and feel like my most authentic self

>> No.10701708

>i can’t look and feel like my most authentic self
Cringe and cliché.

>> No.10701716

i would say either what >>10701480
said, or to cut/dye your hair and just wear a natural colored wig for lolita.

>> No.10701717

aw fuck, meant to say "what
>>10701481 said", my bad

>> No.10701734

moot was right. This board really is a shithole

>> No.10701739

NTA but some of us actually express ourselves through fashion and styling. Get over it.

>> No.10701743

hello mod

>> No.10701822

happy thanksgiving gulls. hopefully you're able to dress up this year

>> No.10701829

>doing electrolysis for about 8 months now
>areas treated still hairy as shit constantly
>if i go 2 weeks without seeing electrolysist i go crazy at self repulsion because the hair keeps coming back and i have to keep it long enough for her to treat
>1/2 the time go every week, 1/2 the time every other week, not like i've been slacking
>also expensive
>not showing signs of working
>getting really at my limit
and no i dont have pcos and i'm not a tranny

>> No.10701832

i'm not burger but happy thanksgiving to you too soup

>> No.10701833

Damn, maybe try a different person for electrolysis? I've wanted to try it but I just go for threading

>> No.10701834

i don't think she's the problem, she's licensed and everything and seems to know what she's talking about. i dont' know. i just dont want to switch so i'll wait longer and see. but it feels awful.

>> No.10701835

Cliche and cringe it might be but I get what OP means. At some point it feels wrong when you're unable to express yourself through your fashion. I suppose I'm lucky that I find ways to express myself in a way I enjoy with a more professional dress code even if it isn't lolita.

>> No.10701889

>haven't drank in nearly 17 days
>can't get interested in anything
>just sit around waiting to get tired
When does this stop

>> No.10701900

i thought i was in the same boat but ended up being in a full time work from home position, if that’s something you can do. my office is only open to people that got the vax, and while i did actually get it i refuse to answer any of their surveys about me getting it so they can’t make me go in. then they decided they’ll just keep me at home because i work well. devilish

>> No.10701974

I’m incredibly sad

>> No.10701986

>everything i want to buy secondhand is from europe that takes like months to ship to US

i just want nice socks for a new coord quickly...

>> No.10702012
File: 8 KB, 307x212, 1487442184521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw watching newfags spend stupid amounts of money on dresses I got for under $150

>> No.10702031

Not cat expert anon but this looks like a long haired calico/tortie, also looks like she’s polydactyl

>> No.10702033

You are hired to work, not to dress for attention.

>> No.10702035

This. I dress professionally for my job, I work in an office. My reputation and having respect matters and gossip is a PITA in the office to deal with.

>> No.10702038


>> No.10702061

>40 year old ouji in comm
>keeps asking me out on dates
>tell comm leaders
>"anon, he's just a friendly, outgoing guy!"
I hate how much leeway female lolitas give men in the comm just because they're thirsty for ouji dick. He's 40, balding, and literally lives in his mom's basement.

>> No.10702075

thanks non burger fren
oh mitten feet very cool.

>> No.10702079

>He's 40, balding, and literally lives in his mom's basement.
thats disgusting

>> No.10702102

You don't have to "dress for attention" to wear what you like, idiot. How dare anon post about being sad in the fucking feels thread.

>> No.10702105

He's also a manlet and every girl in the comm (except for a couple of REALLY short girls) are taller than him.

>> No.10702133
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_2021-11-26-19-06-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this on the hot topic app and just stared

is this fashion really popular enough for this to be happening again??

>> No.10702138

has anyone successfully distanced or closed themselves from all online and offline lolita communities before, including cgl? (even if you're here now you might've done at one point). i sort of don't want to have negative associations with wearing lolita just because this fashion seems to have so much drama that i don't have the mental energy for rn

>> No.10702154

I bought 15 pairs of otk/tights and 5 pairs of lolita shoes, super excited for them to arrive because i’ve just been making do with 1 pair of shoes this entire time lol

>> No.10702163

>successfully distanced or closed themselves from all online and offline lolita communities before, including cgl?
Yes. I was pretty active on cgl between 2012-2018 and then I left. I didn't start sporadically checking cgl again until this year. Even now, I only check here like 1-2 times/week.

>> No.10702178

punpun didn’t die with aiko

>> No.10702181

Cried for like 5 hours straight yesterday because I'm severely depressed, and my situation is bad and I keep trying for the past 6 years to improve it and it literally just gets worse every single time and I'm afraid I'm going to die early and contrary to what I said, I don't really wanna die.

>> No.10702188

lets run away together aiko. i wont do u what punpun did to aiko

>> No.10702205

Same here. My situation is much better after escaping from my abusive ex-girlfriend and spending two months in the psych hospital but I'm still severely depressed even with two antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy. Trying to lose weight and get back into wearing lolita regularly again. Discovered one of my lolita friends lives very close to me and that makes me feel hopeful especially after we went to a meetup together, my first since 2014

>> No.10702222

I had a private home meet with some lolita friends last week (because fuck our city’s mask mandate). Since we’re all adults, one of the conversations that came up involved sex and that was good topic. After the meetup was done, I changed out of lolita coord and washed dishes. My partner overheard the our little convo and thought we were all prudes. They slept on the couch that night.

>> No.10702224

just ordered kamikaze girls! i've seen the movie but never read the book so im excited to :)

>> No.10702226

This seems extreme unless you’re making it seem less than it actually was.

>> No.10702227

congrats on your autism.

>> No.10702230

>Since we’re all adults, one of the conversations that came up involved sex
this is such an immature thing to say. i know 18 is technically adult but still.

>> No.10702247

The secondhand embarrassment and cringe of it all

>> No.10702251

Where did you order it from?

>> No.10702270

Amazon :) did you know you could get it shipped within 2 days if you have prime?

>> No.10702342

I got weed. havent smoked in a couple of years

>> No.10702345

>never smoked
>got diagnosed with spinal arthritis
>friend says arthritis is eligible for medical marijuana card
>decide to try it because literally nothing helps the pain
I was scared the shit was going to trigger my anxiety but it was the opposite. Lessens my anxiety and arthritis pain. Now I know why people smoke.

>> No.10702347

>got diagnosed with spinal arthritis
oof that sounds painful. that's nice that you had a good experience with your first time. do you have any particular activities you like doing when you smoke?

>> No.10702349

drawing, another thing i thought was bullshit before trying it was that it helps with the creative process. as long as i dont do too much really helps with releasing some mental blocks that keep me from finding something to draw.

>> No.10702352

what comm is this? My local comm leader hated men so I stopped showing up.

>> No.10702353

oh that's dope. in my case I write stuff that I think sounds really cool but after i revisit it when im sober it's all really dumb haha

>> No.10702364

i've always worn my lolita at home. but as of late i want to become a lifestyle lolita and wear it outside/to events

this christmas eve i'm going to see my father and then my grandparents in january and my mother pretty much urges that i don't wear my lolita to either of these because she's just looking out for me and doesn't want me to be sad when none of them understand. i really didn't care about them not understanding but her bringing it up just made me sad and rethink everything.

i don't really know what to do, should i not wear it? i don't really care if no one understands it and i have support from my mother but idk
yeah i'm a younger adult

>> No.10702368

Plenty of lifestylers don't wear lolita to family gatherings. If it's something that's going to upset your family members or cause a big to-do then it's not really appropriate. There's a reason we invented different clothes for different environments and purposes. A job interview has a different standard of dress than a rock concert.

But, this depends a lot on your family, your coords, what style of lolita you wear, and your own personal style that your family is used to seeing. I've always worn fancier clothes and bold fashions, so me showing up in a classy classic coord isn't going to shock anyone. But if your family has only ever seen you in jeans and a t-shirt they'll think you've lost your mind if you show up in OTT sweet.

>> No.10702369

who the fuck has an entirely normie family. disgusting.

>> No.10702370

Honestly it would be a dick move if you know it’s going to cause an uproar/big confusion and you wear any kind of ott fashion anyway to this sort of event. You only see this family once a year it seems. and it would be considered attention seeking behaviour to derail family catch up time… into questions about your clothes.
Unless you don’t give a fuck about grandma, just wear classic or something, or don’t go. Or you can get them used to it by slowly introducing lolita elements to your outfits so eventually you can just wear whatever you want and nobody bats an eye

>> No.10702373

I consider myself a lifestyler. At christmas I typically wear a lolita dress styled “normie” - no petti, minimal headwear, etc.

I wore lolita to a family event once, and honestly it made the focus for some people to be on my outfit, and I felt like it detracted from how I wanted to focus the holiday— which was definitely not talking about my appearance.

As a lifestyler, I don’t wear lolitas to situations that I deem to be “not about me”— like attending a wedding, professional event, etc. But my day to day life? Absolutely, wear what I want

>> No.10702375


i guess i wasn't thinking too hard into whether it would cause an issue. too personally versed in the mindset that "it's literally just clothes who fucking cares enough" that it's sometimes hard to take a step back and think outside that mindset because not everyone is going to think that it's JUST fabric on a body. in fact i hate outside attention but ding dong i'm an idiot and the fashion inherently does that

as for it causing an uproar, i definitely don't believe that would happen since i'm far from ott (casual sweet pretty much)
but yeah i'm not gonna wear it at all, better safe than sorry for sure

>> No.10702385

Based comm leader

>> No.10702386

A large percentage of people. That's why they're called normies.

>> No.10702401

>got a good deal on a cute KC
>matches most of my wardrobe
>place it with other KCs in my meticulously organized closet
>go to wear it for a meet and it's gone
>dump out and reorganize all my KCs and headwear, still can't find it, give up
>see the same KC listed on fril for the same price, reminded of my missing one

rip in pieces my favorite Angelic Pretty KC gulls, my closet ate it.

>> No.10702411

About 50% of bi women are just straight women desu

>> No.10702444

About 50% of "lesbian" women are also straight women

>> No.10702447

I've met far more "straight" women who turned out to be bi than the other way around.

>> No.10702462

just got in my taobao shoes order and i don't care what anyone says about taobao. maybe i got lucky (i only bought ones where there were review photos and legit seeming reviews), but they look amazing, feel pretty comfortable and the quality is not bad at all. also they are all genuine leather so fuck yeah. just buffed them with my leather conditioner

>> No.10702468

When people shit on taobao they mean everything EXCEPT shoes and bags honestly. Ap shoes and bags suck, taobao is better for sweet pleather stuff at a reasonable price and some shops like antaina will do real leather.

>> No.10702469

This honestly. Why do so many women call themselves bi when they only ever date men and can't imagine themselves in a same-sex relationship or even just on a date with another woman? Like, drunkenly making out with your bestie once doesn't make you bi.

>> No.10702470

Ahh makes sense! I also ordered some lolita taobao blouses so we will see about those when they come in. If they suck for lolita i can wear them to work at least. I have seen one taobao dress irl that looked pretty cute and the material felt decent too.
I just lost weight and burando blouses are now baggy on me so hoping taobao can come through on that end

>> No.10702476

lol i know way too many straight lolitas who call themselves bi. the “i haven’t met anyone i like yet!” excuse doesn’t work if you’ve fucked a dozen men but haven’t dated a single woman

>> No.10702477

a lot of girls up in Seattle call themselves gay and date men, predominately. I've learned it's an attention-thing.

>> No.10702495

Anon this isn't a Seattle specific thing

>> No.10702521

Opposite situation here

>> No.10702522

That's based

>> No.10702523

I wish my comm would stop having meets at a boba tea shop, I hate how that shit taste

>> No.10702524

Hi, baldy!

Same. Boba is so disgustingly sugary and overpriced to boot.

>> No.10702532


>> No.10702540

I still can't get over Chris Chan raping his mom and saying it was "bonding with her soul" kek. Of course people who say that shit have no issue with rape and incest.

>> No.10702548

ntayrt but
>Ap shoes and bags suck

not to mention overpriced to hell and back. really don't understand why everyday tea parties are like $130+

i love their bags though

>> No.10702553

>I just lost weight and burando blouses are now baggy on me

Try older blouses or a different brand. A lot of new AP blouses and cutsews these days are very boxy and oversized in the fit, especially the torso, but many older ones have a more tailored fit. BABY blouses also have a more tailored look as well.

>> No.10702560

go to a boba spot that lets you adjust the sugar level. I like getting oolong milk tea with lychee jellies

>> No.10702598

There is a girl in my comm who used to brag that her parents or now exboyfriend would buy her everything her heart desired now a decade later since her heart never desired fitness she cries about not being able to wear her massive wardrobe. It feels good to watch her suffer a bit.

>> No.10702603

Same boba is gross and overrated. Hate how popular it is.

>> No.10702607

I get schadenfreude from watching lolitas in my comm suffer too. There was a girl in my comm who was sleeping with a bunch of guys who would give her money/buy her brand as gifts. It was glorious to watch them figure out that they weren't exclusive with her and dump her whoring ass.

>> No.10702609

I'm never fucking buying anything off of lacemarket ever again. I don't care if it's dream dress, it's just not worth the months worth of anxiety because of shitty irresponsible sellers that seem to pollute this fashion.

>> No.10702613

if you don't mind, what happened exactly? did your seller take forever to ship an item or so?

right now waiting for a seller to ship shoes, giving me no update, saying they may possibly send it out friday and seemingly never did.

>> No.10702622

The calories on a cup of those things

>> No.10702638

I feel your pain anon, I got a dress from someone on there and it was covered in stains. And the seller is now ghosting me. Really debating opening a PayPal dispute over it. It’s like the girl wore it to a buffet and spilled food all over it

>> No.10702640

It took a month for the seller to ship a dress, which came with undisclosed damages. We agreed on a partial refund, but seller panicked and sent a full refund. We decided I'll send them back the remainder once the funds are processed. They cancelled the refund to avoid the back and forth (without notifying me first) and promised to send back the appropriate amount. It's been over 10 days and now they're no longer responding to my messages and wiped their social media account. Earlier this year I had a seller accept my custom order and disappear for nearly 6 months, only to reappear, promise to ship and proceed to give no updates afterwards. I feel like the unluckiest person ever.

>> No.10702643

Wtf is there to debate about? Open a dispute and say that the dress has stains that the seller didn't tell you about.

>> No.10702659

>Didn't bother wearing gloves while applying resin to a prop
>Got some on my hands
>Enter rash
Hopefully this clears up by Friday.

>> No.10702668

If you just get milk tea with tapioca every time, definitely overrated; there are good tea shops though like GongCha that have a good variety of toppings and teas and let you pick the sugar level (anything more than half sweet is just pure sugar at most boba shops in burgerland). I really like yogurt teas with jellies. It reminds me of yakult or calpis. It's definitely more of a dessert or a treat desu and lolitas have a habit of only wanting to eat or make sweets cause they're considered cute or can be made to look a certain aesthetic more readily than savory food. I'm glad my comm despite being full of good bakers generally prefers to eat real food when we go out together.

>> No.10702669

If she wasn't cheating on anyone there's nothing wrong with sleeping around. Idk what's with the tradfems on this board lately.

If she was stringing them along and lying then that's fucked up. But that's because she's dishonest, not because she's promiscuous.

>> No.10702674
File: 385 KB, 1200x675, 57AB9B87-F838-4780-B475-C5B68BC3D838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think sex is a bond between souls, don’t you

>> No.10702676


>> No.10702690

Thank you i will do this! I actually do have 1 baby blouse that fits so will try more.
It is my old iw blouses that don’t fit, am very sad because they are structured so nice but too baggy now. I don’t have any ap blouse because they always did seem very boxy. but i will look at older ones too!

>> No.10702693

Damn anon thats rape that chris chan did to his mother, not sex
Are you ok

>> No.10702694

>Idk what's with the tradfems on this board lately.
>Implying lolitas haven't always been sheltered.

Got news for you.

>> No.10702695

Rapists and people who have no issue with raping someone often use “bonding souls” as an excuse to make it sound okay as long as it’s with someone they’re close to.

>> No.10702703

tradthots and radfems both hate sex, where do you think you are?

>> No.10702707

uhh, I live in Alabama, claiming to be bi or gay is social suicide here. No one would fake that.

>> No.10702712

It's very predominate, here, whether or not it's Seattle specific.

Everyone here is virtue philatrophist LGTBQ power trippin'

Just look at our idol, Bill Gates, who rapes women and gets away with it because of ~*philantrophy*~

>> No.10702733

I could be reading this wrong but
>watch them figure out they weren't exclusive
sounds like she told them they were exclusive and that she wasn't seeing/sleeping with anyone else.

>> No.10702780

>have a backlog of 30+ pieces to sell
>too tired from work to deal with flaky buyers
>also slightly afraid I'll miss a small issue and get crucified
Every day I get closer to donating the pile to goodwill so I can move on.

>> No.10702789

What type of items are you selling? Why not sell bundles for a slightly discounted price if you're willing to goodwill them?

>> No.10702793

Local swap meets are usually good for this. But otherwise, you can just post them to local communities.

>> No.10702812

just sell each piece for ridiculously cheap on depop and put something about the pieces being in "as-is" condition. seen tons of sellers do this on depop.

>> No.10702816

This desu.

Tea shops that just pump in gross sugary syrups and powders are going to make stuff that tastes like garbage. They’re hard to find but if you can find a good boba shop that uses actual, quality tea, you’ll enjoy it a lot more. At my favorite boba shop, I can talk to the owner about the different varieties of tea as well as where he sources them from. It’s also worth trying other toppings like jellies and getting stuff without milk. I personally like stuff without milk because I’m weak and always forget my Lactaid.

>> No.10702822

It's disappointing that syrups and powders are the norm for boba places. The city I live in easily has dozens of individual boba places as well as eateries and cafes that sell boba and I've only found 2 places that use real tea so far, one of which is an actual tea store.

>> No.10702827

Eugh. No thanks. Tried it. Made me sick since it's still sweet as fuck and way too much. I hate both.

>> No.10702834

I like going to happy lemon. they import their tea leaves from taiwan and all stores use the same ingredients so you get the same taste no matter which of their shop you go to. they have 3 base tea leaves that they use to make their drinks oolong, green and black. for their milk tea it's just their black tea with coffee mate powder and a bit of condense milk so if you're lactose i dont think the condense milk would affect you too much. for the sweetener they use sugar water that they make inhouse it's just brown or white sugar melted down with boiling water. you can adjust your sugar levels and can even do 0% if you want to use your own sweetener. unlike most boba places they use real taro for their taro drink so it's a bit more bland but healthier. if you never been to happy lemon before I suggest trying their salted cheese series. it's like a cream topping they put on top of their teas. you can even go into one of their location and ask for a sample of the salted cheese and they let you try it with their green or black tea. this has been a paid sponsor by happy lemon. come to happy lemon where everyday is a happy day (:

>> No.10702836

Be the no sugar with grass jelly… or no sugar with cloud/cheese foam topping master race (may not find if you dont have lots of asian people in the area)

If they say they can’t do zero sugar in the milk tea it’s a shitty tea shop and they use premade mix

>> No.10702837

>if you're lactose i dont think the condense milk would affect you too much
You sure are one dense motherfucker

>> No.10702840

>cloud/cheese foam topping master race

>> No.10702841

Those both sound gross hard pass.

>> No.10702842

sorry you have no taste anon

>> No.10702844

I have a hard time believing you have tried every single possible tea and/or topping combination at every large tea chain or small shop. You also don't have to add toppings, often the toppings are made in a syrup that adds some sweetness or they contain sugar themselves. If whatever you are ordering is "sweet as fuck" regardless of the drink, you're ordering shit that contains sugar. Ask them for no or less sugar, it's that simple. If they can't do no sugar as an anon mentioned, you're going to a shitty place only making stuff from syrups and powders that start with sugar to begin with rather than real tea.

I like unsweetened green, white, and herbal teas for example, and most decent tea shops will have multiple varieties of tea you can get with no sugar. If you are only getting sugary gross stomachache-inducing messes in a cup it's because you're ordering that.

Sorry if you don't live somewhere with a decent tea shop anon, that is annoying if your comm members only want to go to a place they like but it doesn't have options for everyone. Like imagine if someone was a type 1 diabetic and would be physically ill from trying to drink boba for the first time because it's one of those shops where half sweet tastes like full sweet or they don't adjust the sugar. Side note: did you know there are some boba shops that do 2x sweet drinks? What the actual fuck? Heard of a story of a girl in China chrowing a tantrum because her boba was just full sweet instead of 2x once. Crazy shit.

>> No.10702845

Can both of you just shut up and accept that I just don't like boba already. I'm not going to read your novel entry about tea. I don't care about your personal taste and never asked for recommendations.

>> No.10702846

That sucks, anon. I have some friends a couple cities over that have a tea shop like that (ie specializes tea that’s not boba) and they also make boba. Their boba is fucking vile. I have no idea how they fuck it up because they have legitimately good teas in stock and decent food.

>> No.10702847

I'm happy for you!

>> No.10702848

I get upset when I see people with their comms on Instagram. It makes me really sad that the comm around me is so dead. Even when someone tries to hold a meet, not a lot of people are interested. And most of the meets that do happen now are cheap itas who want to do cheap ita things.

I just want to hang out with some well dressed lolitas and not go to fucking chain restaurants and shit.

>> No.10702850

No one said you had to like it, but you were sort of generalizing all tea from a shop as "boba", so people offered options for you to hate your life less since your comm keeps going there and even acknowledged your annoyance was valid to a degree.

If you don't like just tea generally though you truly do have shit taste, that's not personal preference, just pure facts. Most of the world likes tea. Tea good. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

>> No.10702852

Move I guess. Or make more friends. Travel to nearby comms. Get your friends into lolita and dress them well. Or just enjoy yourself in lolita alone/with decently dressed normie friends.

>> No.10702854

sorry you take everything so seriously anon

>> No.10702856

Wtf is with the boba spergs in this thread? I love boba but I would never write a fucking essay about why someone else should like boba.

>> No.10702858

itt: anons think any and all tea=boba and the two cannot exist separately

>> No.10702860

Nice samefag.

>> No.10702861

I literally only said I don't like boba and milk tea and I'm not the original anon that was complaining about my comm. Just let me be already and quit sperging.

>> No.10702863

Gotta love how dumbasses like you have to cope when more than one person has an opinion that differs from yours by crying samefag

>> No.10702865

no anon we're giving you many different options here. you're going to pick one and you're going to start liking it. there's no room for negotiation here. put down that starbucks or sodie pop and pick up one of the many boba drinks listed. you know how it is with itas and how they get bullied into having good taste. same shit here buddy say you like boba or you getting bullied.

>> No.10702866

>just let me be already
>keeps responding to bait

lol u r seriously getting upset about boba kek

>> No.10702869

if anon stops responding I blame you desu

>> No.10702893

Nta but the fact that op or whoever replied to soup in the first place shows who the real dumbass is. No offense soup but fuck off. Newfags giving you (You)s doesn't mean anyone likes you now.

>> No.10702896
File: 244 KB, 828x1458, A9B6F3F0-5763-4EB9-AC05-A6ABE5A14DA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate seeing this ugly aliexpress shit everywhere

>> No.10702901

THEY DIDNT EVEN RESPOND TO ME WTF what do you mean no offense that's straight up targeting me bro

>> No.10702907

I am targeting you soup because you make yourself a target by being a namefag. You know you're desperate to be the center of attention.

>> No.10702909

so you gave me attention because I like attention? anon called me dense but I see you flirting with me over here.

>> No.10702924

Lgbt clout

>> No.10702929

Saw a super cute oldschool skirt pop up but it’s a 65 cm max waist. I was about to feel like i’m fat and get sad for having a waist a few cm bigger.
but then i remembered i’m 5 foot 3 i don’t need a 65 inch waist. Lol guess you gotta be careful of not getting a complex in lolita but also not getting too fat

>> No.10702970

5'3, 65" is relatively easy to get down past. You just need a better diet / lifestyle

>> No.10702971

Unfortunately, realized that I just barely missed the mark for growing up into a psychopath being that I was a legit child psychopath. There's just a lot of hesitancy to label children as psychopaths, since they can be redeemed but "still need to manage the symptoms."

Fuck. Well, whatever. I somehow ended up not completely fucked up, just a bit I guess.

>> No.10702999

I have a 60 cm waist and sometimes I'm jealous of people with more "normal" size waists because they have an easier time fitting into newer lolita pieces. I bought a couple of skirts and I was swimming in them. They also kept slipping down so the waistband of my petti would peak out. Even buying normie clothes is a pain for me because of Amerifat sizing. The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.

>> No.10703012

I know i COULD do it, my waist is 68cm currently so it’s doable. I might try actually but i know i don’t need to feel upset at myself. the skirt wasn’t a dream skirt and everything else in my closet fits me well. I’m already starting to size out of some brand.
I exercise every other day and eat keto, i have been losing slowly. I wish people weren’t keeping on getting so fat and making the sizes go up.

I guess tailoring or custom is the way to go? I am starting to size out of brand myself so idk what it’ll be like when i lose more. I did order some custom pieces from indie brands, fingers crossed it’ll be nice when it arrives. I am pretty sure le carrousel can do a 60cm waist for you but it’s casual classic.

On the bright side if you get stuff tailored it looks so much better at least!

>> No.10703139

I have to wonder… how much do I need to catch up?
You see, my ”normie” style is extremely butchy, and I have donned a buzzcut for years.
It’s been well over a decade since I have applied makeup or walked with heels.
Personal skincare consists of scrubbing my face clean with plain soap and water.
I don’t even know how to pluck my eyebrows.
Yet something draws me to lolita, and feminity in general, over and over.
But then, something keeps pulling me back.
One day, I painted my nails, and put on some mascara and lipstick, and it felt great.
But then came the shame and guilt.
Shame… because in my youth, people used to pick on me for being girly and small and anxious, yet too ugly and chipmunk-voiced and prudish, all the time.
I always were the one to be ridiculed aloud or walked over, so I retreated in a shell, made of flannel and cologne.
I hate to say that it worked.
But it did.
People mostly left me alone, finally.
Maybe I look intimidating this way (which would be surprising), or maybe it’s because people just expect ugly women to dress like this.
Guilt… because my sexual orientation does have a huge influence on my style.
I’ve always been out as a lesbian, even back in my femme days.
But I didn’t feel femme enough amongst fellow femmes, probably due to my inner insecurities more or less warping my self-image.
In those moments I felt incredibly inadequate.
As if I had no right to talk to them or even look at their way, because I’m attracted to them while being the ugliest one in the room.
So, I turned to butch, and my insecurities vanished overnight.
Not sure what happened, but I felt more recognized amongst the comm, more respected and valid.
I don’t want to be that ugly femme again.
I don’t want to seem like I’m giving in to the whims of society.
I love lolita style, but I’m worried about my anxiety resurfacing.
Where should I start? Should I even?
TLDR: tomboy wants to try lolita style.