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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.44 MB, 1544x1255, ala22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10663819 No.10663819 [Reply] [Original]

Now relocating to the Long Beach Convention Center on January 6-9. Are you going? What events are you looking forward to? What are your hopes/expectations for this con?

>> No.10663910

>Are you going?
No because it's getting cancelled.

>> No.10663911

Not if newsom gets recalled and we get a REASONABLE governer who realizes there’s no point in forcing people to cower inside their houses and behind masks

>> No.10663919
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>> No.10663921

They just cancelled LA Fleet Week which takes place *gasp* in Long Beach. That's a sign ALA 2022 has a high chance
of canceling from all levels of government.

>> No.10663929

>Are you going?
Heavily on the fence about it. On one hand wouldn't mind a new venue as Ontario was fun but man it gets old in a very few hours. On the other hand, hotels around that area are stupid expensive unless chancing a motel+train in. Might pass on it this year and just go to another con that month or something.
>cheapest hotel walking distance is 450 for the weekend
>next cheapest one 2.5 miles away is 300 for the weekend
It also being the first year at a new venue, not sure about it being worth it vs. a wait and see. These prices are turning into AX level costs...

>> No.10663933

>during FLU season
>implying they won't jump the gun
If LA comic con happens, I'll got to ALA but not holding my breath to either.

>> No.10663936

Special elections usually have low Democrat/left-leaning turnout and this recall especially has a lot of support from Republicans. I voted no but the possibility of him being recalled is nonzero.

>> No.10663948

In the chance this gets cancelled, where in LA can I hang out to meet and make friends with other cosplayers?

>> No.10664289

Try the itasha meetups that seem to be happening every weekend in the post-pandemic dystopian future that is now.

>> No.10664293

How were the previous years? Haven't gone before and considering going 2022.

>> No.10664308

It's pretty hard to say what ALA will be like as the con is in a completely new location, this one being much more expensive. ALA when it was in the Ontario convention center was known for it's fun parties, decent vendor hall, cheap hotels around it, and ease to get to. I really am not sure how this is going to play out being on the beach+possible covid restrictions so no one really can answer the question. I wish I could say I am getting my hopes up but looking at the hotel prices as others have done, it's kinda hard to justify. The old location had a pretty bland convention hall but at least the hotels around it were stupid cheap

>> No.10664330

I've been to the long beach CC before for another con and the hall isn't that great desu. You'd only like it if for whatever reason you really wanted to go to a hot topic.

>> No.10664396
File: 137 KB, 585x451, ispricehikekillingyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price hike on badges at the end of the month

>> No.10664581

Why are they raising prices when they'll have to refund everyone who bought a badge by November?

>> No.10664650

The right wing crazies that want to recall Newsom had to beg a judge to extend the deadline to gather barely enough petition signatures. Not enough Republican votes along with the candidates that the they are throwing are all terrible choices for the state is a good sign the recall fails miserably.

>> No.10665081
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>> No.10665110

Fuck off cancel-happy wokefag. People like you are the reason why everything gets canceled and we can't have nice things.

>> No.10665168

>Let's turn California into the next Florida or Texas
Fuck off! Why don't you move to Sun Belt region if you desperately want to exercise your freedumbs? California is doing just fine without Republicans fucking things up.

>> No.10665278

STFU nigger, can't you wait another year of having no weeb sausagefests?

>> No.10665369

>I voted no
Fuck you, leave. You're why this state is so shitty to live in.

>> No.10665370

Genuinely kill yourself and no we aren't. Are you a woman? If you're not you pass.

>> No.10665374

fewer deaths and long term illness is the point.

>> No.10665444

hell yes since I'm a nocarz and to get to ontario with public transit I'd first have to travel 10 miles to downtown just to get a train going 10 miles and more back in the opposite direction...LBCC is much simpler. I could take the train or a couple buses one of which is long beach transit.

>> No.10665785

Newsom is the only reason why there isn't a spike in cases compared to the south. Why don't you move there since you're so desperately want to attend cons right away? The rest of the state can wait another entire year of no conventions if it means returning to normal.

>> No.10665987

we aint never going back to normal

>> No.10666211

Well this the new normal. Deal with it.

>> No.10666241

think you just agreed there buddy

>> No.10669338

My hopes are that it doesn't get CANCELED! But that hope is quickly diminishing with delta now mu? :(````````````````````````````````

>> No.10669347

If LACC and SDCC Nov. edition don't happen, than RIP ALA.

>> No.10669456

Who drew this catgirl's femurs to be longer than her torso and head? Her legs look detached from her body

>> No.10669511

Everything is most likely last minute, can you blame them?

>> No.10669717

The artist just sucks at anatomy. A fuck-up that big has nothing to do with it "being last minute".

>> No.10669719

The femur is the longest bone in the body

>> No.10670534

>Who drew this catgirl's femurs to be longer than her torso and head? Her legs look detached from her body
Right? And why does this maid looks so familiar?

>> No.10671126

You people people are crazy if you think we'll be having cons in 2022.

>> No.10671503

dont know, but the maid looks god awful. proportions, colors, style are bleh.

>> No.10671523

This. It’s hilarious how many of them are freaking out about Californians living in other states. Yet they admit they want all the benefits of higher taxes (better infrastructure, an electric grid that works, an area that draws a diverse enough crowd to maintain top tier Asian restaurants and convention scenes etc.) but they want all the so called “freedoms” of living in a fuck all do what you want kind of state. California has a lot of real problems that’s absolutely true, but the pandemic response ain’t it. You want to live in a covid hot zone? Go move to Florida it’s cheaper anyways.

>> No.10671663

That was how CA ended up with Schwarzenegger, so the possibility can't be ruled out until the results come in.
This desusenpai. If I recall correctly the lighting is kind of meh.
Probably starting to get desperate. Given the fact that they likely entered into a contract for the convention center and the fact that no con happened this year, they're possibly needing emergency funding as an organization and hoping enough stays to keep the lights on. Notice how they've been particularly tight lipped about their covid management plan/safety measures. They really should come out and say it if they're in trouble. ALA is a lot of good memories for a lot of people.
2023 at the earliest. At the absolute earliest and I've been saying that since last year. Nowadays that's even a bit iffy.

>> No.10671665

The same remark was made when Otakon wanted to hold their con. Then they announced it with the mask mandate and they made these same people feel better.

>> No.10672792

>Newsom doesn't get recalled
So there is still a chance that ALA 2022 could still be cancelled.

>> No.10672838

I'd put it at like 1/3 chances of being canceled tbqh. There'll be masks but shit is basically plateaud right now.

>> No.10672840

>Newsom rig shenanigans


>> No.10672851

There is word going around that Comic Con's November Special Edition event will be limited to professionals only.

>> No.10673701

We've had cons this year

>> No.10674900

Not yet in California and I doubt SDCC Special Edition and LACC happens.

>> No.10675109
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Her crotch is at some point near bottom of purple part of dress but yes it looks uncanny.
Dunno but it reminds me of this. Where the legs are drawn long like someone jammed Barbie legs up a different doll.

>> No.10675114
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Huh even the 3dpd legs are destroying my brain.

>> No.10676873
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>> No.10676900
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no wonder their new website sucks ass. it takes forever to load.

>> No.10676904

isn't arcane the maid cafe that's run by that predator/creep? can't remember his name but he got called out a while back.

>> No.10676913
File: 72 KB, 750x920, here-for-the-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't arcane the maid cafe that's run by that predator/creep?
not sure? but we're listening.

>> No.10677691

The Arcane Maid Cafe owner is also the owner of Anifest LA. I was AA'ing at CC (Coast Con) before the pandemic and there was an incident with Anifest setting up a table to promote their own convention without the permission of CC.

I am not sure if the owner of Arcane Maid Cafe is a predator, but most likely a creep. Why else would a grown man "own" a maid cafe? I bet he exploits these young women as well. To me, the way the owner handled the criticism about his behavior rather like a typical narcissistic sociopath.

You know who else was a narcissistic sociopath?

Gabby Petito's boyfriend, Brian Laundrie

Just saying.

>> No.10677926

IIRC the owner openly supported a child predator/rapist and got called out for typical con creeping and hiring underaged girls as maids? He also refused to pay any of his maids in the past,

>> No.10677949

if you have an fb account ... just search for "anifest coast con" there should be a post about most of the tea that happened with the arcane maid cafe and anifest ( shoudl be from like 2018 or 2019). there was definitely more stuff that the ceo of anifest/arcane did because the list of offenses went way before coast con that year. iirc, there was also stealing a mailing list from another convention and spamming it with their own convention, stealing artwork from an artist from another country and putting it on a tshirt that anifest gave away to promote their event. if i can remember anything else, i'll update haha

>> No.10677955

There is no way in Hell that cheap bastard agreed to pay any of his maids. And if he did, then he was scamming them the entire time. Maybe if they work his shitty food stands, then maybe, but anything outside of that, i highly doubt it.

>> No.10678045

so he was scamming them, good to have confirmation.

>> No.10678102

"Don't worry meido, you won't get paid, but you'll get great EXPOSURE."

>> No.10680763
File: 229 KB, 938x1111, f30fj3j93jf9a0sjf9a0sfja0sjfa09s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh even the 3dpd legs are destroying my brain.

Just saw this. Think Drew is actually seeing this or just a coincidence that the legs are cut off now lol

>> No.10680877
File: 243 KB, 499x263, beari-king-anifest-2018-drama-cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think did it better? I think Maid Beari is way better than Maid Nagi.

>> No.10680886

I recall a humorous quote:
>How dare a woman expose her ankles, lest she distracts a man as her legs must converge somewhere somehow.

>> No.10680888
File: 140 KB, 371x361, better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank 4Chan! This birthday hat makes this horrendous artwork much, much better!

>> No.10680889

So horrifying that they turned her into pyramidhead

>> No.10680895
File: 143 KB, 478x638, bigtea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, you are going to need way bigger cup for the amount of tea that Anifest Convention and Arcane Maid Cafe have brewed in the anime and cosplay community in last few years.

>> No.10680922
File: 248 KB, 1023x607, King Lin Google Docs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget about how Drew (Anifest and Arcane cafe owner) :

> is BFF's with King Lin, serial predator,creep, and rapist. Both Drew and King Lin are very similar. They both rank their "talent" and give priority to those who they deem are higher ranked in their system.
> Allowed King Lin to continue photographing the Arcane maids even AFTER the arcane maids who, at the time, even TOLD Drew that King Lin was C R E E P I N G them out. But ... Drew just continued to defend King Lin.
>Drew plotted to make Arcane look like a victim when the King Lin situation exploded on fakebook
>Steals artwork and sells it or gives it away to promote Anifest and Arcane cafe, which is basically stealing you dumbfuck!
>Exploiting, harassing, and abusing members of the cosplay and artist community.

>> No.10681320
File: 49 KB, 640x640, ebbb47527c58bb02ab809cdb19d00291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Beari

>> No.10681511


Oh no, it is worst than a scam.

I heard that the Arcane maid's have to pay for Drew's rent and car if they want to be a maid.

Not only that, I also heard he made one of his maid's pay $1400 for 1-bedroom in his house that he rents for $2000 lol.

What an asshole!

I hope your shitty maid cafe and anime convention burn in HELL!

Choke on King Lin's jizz, you POS.

And pay your own rent you fucking parasite!

>> No.10682645
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long lines at the Arcane Maid cafe

>> No.10682654
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so many orders

>> No.10682665

hi drew KEK

>> No.10682690
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Nope, it me, Maid Beari.

>> No.10682805
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Drew after all the money $$$ he made after the 626 night market.

>> No.10682830

yikes, drew and crew in thread. i remember when he tried to promote his shit anifest here too

>> No.10683868

>LA County now requiring vaccine proof or negative tests just to go in-between hotel and con-center
Fuck me.

>> No.10683886

Who the hell is Drew and wtf does he have to do with ALA?

>> No.10683891

>the only reason the lines were long is because they were severely understaffed
>the maids looked exhausted. there was only one maid smiling! ugh
>took me an hour to get a couple taiyaki and some boba teas
>taiyaki was okay, but hella small compared to the pic
>they also ran out of boba and didn't bother to tell people until they got to the head of the line

>> No.10684156
File: 280 KB, 470x612, nagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more maid Beari, only Maid Nagi now, losers ....

>> No.10684164

NGL this cosplay looks pretty bad. mayb eit's the lighting, but ... who she supposed to be anyway?

>> No.10684191

he's the owner of arcane maid cafe who was mentioned upthread for being a creep, scammer, etc. he tries to advertise his own con here every year by spamming threads like this too. they're collaborating or something with ala this year.

>> No.10684275
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 10553472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Andrew Kim aka drew,drewlastname , DLN

Owner of Arcane Maid Cafe, Anifest, Trinkslot, AnimeOC, etc.

Just a high conflict, toxic and manipulative individual that you should avoid at all cost especially if he sees you as a threat to him.

You have been warned.

>> No.10684332

what happened to Maid Beari? Are Drew and Beari still dating? Or did she finally dump his dumb ass.

>> No.10684573

Nope, didn't you hear?
Drew dumped Beari for Maid Nagi in 2019 lel
She prob got fired from Arcane Maid Cafe too kek

>> No.10684584

who do u think is cuter? nagi or beari?
how old is nagi btw?

>> No.10684662
File: 1.12 MB, 625x781, Screenshot 2021-10-09 at 12-32-15 Dreamland Maid Cafe Facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$100 says Drew sends Maid Nagi into Little Tokyo for Animarket today to spy on the other Maid gang. KEK

>> No.10684664

Nagi - she younger, just the way Drew likes em lel

>> No.10687512

I'm feeling a bit optimistic about the vaccine card mandate. Maybe, this will keep all the normies away and bring us back to the golden days of anime conventions like in the late 90's to early 2000's that i've heard so much about.

>> No.10687577
File: 15 KB, 306x306, 1626638531421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Golden days of anime cons
>In California

Only thing that's gonna be golden in Cali is the homeless man pissing in the background of the masked n fully vaxxed aliexpress My Hero Academia cosplay photoshoot.

>> No.10687683

Maybe he found out that Beari is a disgusting closet lesbian.

>> No.10687684

That's going to suck and I'm staying at the Hyatt only a few steps away.

>> No.10687738

>Only thing that's gonna be golden in Cali is the homeless man pissing in the background of the masked n fully vaxxed aliexpress My Hero Academia cosplay photoshoot.

I think you mean, the only thing golden will be the golden pee comin' outta that homeless man's penis ...

Also, can't wait to see all these n00bs in their aliexpress cosplays lel

>> No.10687792

or maybe Drew found Maid Nagi and realized that he's into transwomen. And then kicked out Beari because she's a real woman.

>> No.10688412
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>real woman

>> No.10688415

I'd beari her dick in my mouth

>> No.10688423

I wont be injected so depends on how closely they look at my totally legit injection card.
dont forget your 5th dose or you arnt considered fully vaxxed!

>> No.10688424

>better infrastructure
>electric grid that works

>> No.10688476


>> No.10688522

Closet? Lol.

>> No.10689363


DREW ... STFU, we know this is you.

>> No.10689431
File: 81 KB, 944x937, 81324241_2456342641299935_2903467844228349952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes a cutie but man there's like no one home upstairs lmao

>> No.10691059

>masks required announcement made

>> No.10691573

More than likely. They announced Vax mandate or negative COVID test. Hint: I got the Vax.

People who think COVID is political are dumb. Not naive, they just don't know real science. So, I am glad that at least 95% of those people are not showing up.

I currently have a few rooms that can be cancelled days before the start date, so if it all does get postponed again, then it's just an easy cancellation without having to pay anything.

However, with these mandates for con, it appears as though there is little in the way of another postponement.

>> No.10691636

>Long Beach

>> No.10691646

They just killed their attendance, I know a gigantic number of people who are not going ala anymore.

>> No.10691771

No u don't

It is really retarded to hold onto this shit still tho

>> No.10691913

>I know a gigantic number of people
Just you?

>> No.10691915

Masks won't kill the con as much as the new venue with lack of affordable hotels is. I know far more people who dropped ALA due to the inability to find reasonably priced accommodations over the mask thing. Pretty sure most everyone expected the indoor mask policy to be a thing from day 1.

>> No.10691943

And the con will be better for it. Scrotes and antivaxers go hand in hand

>> No.10692293

>inability to find reasonably priced accommodations over the mask thing.
This. Also hotels are much more stingy compared to Ontario. Say goodbye to stuffing 8 people into one room and those hotel parties.

>> No.10692343

This so much.
The Long Beach Convention Center is not exactly easy to get a reservation for. A smaller but somewhat promising con (Anime California) got absolutely wiped out by trying to use it as a venue. I'd say they should've extended their contract instead, but who knows whether they'll ever accept another con again after arson-kun.

>> No.10693099

Animanga was held at the Ontario Convention Center. I'm sure ALA could've renewed if they wanted to.

>> No.10693103 [DELETED] 

>Now relocating to the Long Beach Convention Center

It's fucked

>> No.10693111 [DELETED] 
File: 709 KB, 2412x1068, REMove goblin ala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop. There are people on the ALA Social Media BEGGING for the staff to power trip and enforce masks being over noses and shit. As if staff doesn't have a hard enough time wrangling weebs as is. Worse, the power tripping staff that'll act like morons about it and start harassing guests over it. But that's besides the point. Most anyone can get a test a day or two before. And anyone can make a fake vax pass now. The real issue is the shitty area, shitty venue, and shitty hotel prices in Long Beach.

While I know Ontario isn't the glory days of ALA, I really liked it since it was so isolated and away from foot traffic. Unfortunately, Ontario airport and surrounding hotels are a covid check-in spot set up by the government for anyone coming in from China or Hawaii. Has been since 2 weeks after ALA 2019.

>tfw had a really bad "flu" after ALA 2019, but just dealt with it.
>haven't gotten the Rona or another flu since.

Natural immunity ftw

Beari, dress up from Metal Gear and shoot guns with me :D

>> No.10693501 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm really not sure I understand the move to LB. It's where small cons go to die.

Maybe the cancellation insurance payout is better for LB? Maybe they're hoping to get cancelled.

>> No.10694358

>Maybe they're hoping to get cancelled.
If that's the case, then it should have been announced by now.

>> No.10694795

>Move to the worst convention center in Southern California in hopes the county will suddenly lockdown by Christmas so they can get a huge payout.
What kind of of dumbass thinking is that?

>> No.10694818

>I'm sure ALA could've renewed if they wanted to.
The con itself hasn't had the best wrap with the hotels in the area nor the convention center itself IIRC. Nearly every hotel has had some major incident and the arson being probably the final nail in the coffin for it's wrap and renewal talks.

ALA probably was looking at options as the ontario convention center was pretty much always packed, LB being the new location though is just stupid. The hotels are insanely priced and the cheapest option I could find that doesn't look like an absolute bed bug inn is around 750 dollars for the weekend. This is completely excluding walking multiple blocks or ubering and paying out for the inflated prices for eating around LB. So basically I am now exceeding AX prices for a con that most likely will no longer have the 'not give a fuck' attitude that ontario had in terms of parties due to it's location.

I hate to say it as it was probably my favorite con in LA but I can't see this con being anything close to what it was before relocating. I simply can't justify the price and don't want to book 4 people into my room just to make the hotel and overall con cost worth it.

>> No.10694836

Any word on swap meet yet?

>> No.10694859

SDCC Special Edition and LACC are still going full steam ahead. I don't think they cancel, but it'll be a hellish weekend for everyone. Expect hotel staff to crackdown on overcrowding and room parties. Also they'll have staff at the entrance to check for room keys.

>> No.10694864

>Expect hotel staff to crackdown on overcrowding and room parties. Also they'll have staff at the entrance to check for room keys.
This is pretty much the reason I am going to skip ALA this year. There is a way more than 50% chance the con will be a bust due to it's location.

Ontario was a shitshow always but it was cheap enough to where 500 dollars could actually get you a hotel like best western, badge, and some food/booze; possibly some cheap merch too depending what you went for. This is the complete inverse to where it is now being that 500 dollars can't get you a hotel that's close enough to the con unless you're willing to risk some motels with questionable reviews. The chance that is greater than 90% of hotels by the con not accepting any kind of additional room sharing along with party rules being capped kills what ALA's saving grace was from a so-so con to a really fun time. It's odd because I never thought I would actually be considering LACC to be not only cheaper but a better looking option compared to ALA.

>> No.10695063

>This is pretty much the reason I am going to skip ALA this year.
Every con hotel is going to be like this going forward for the unforeseeable future.

>> No.10695119

Anime Midwest didn't have this problem nor did AWA from the looks of the thread. Prob just an LA thing

>> No.10696432

So is ALA going to check vaccine status at the door?

>> No.10696472
File: 15 KB, 819x70, 1635340175191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swap meet is not happening

>> No.10696487
File: 58 KB, 584x649, 1596146320721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck did ALA just intentionally try to neck itself? I was giving the benefit of the doubt up till now but HOLY SHIT. Are they just trying to look for an excuse to get away from the con scene?

I'm actually impressed at this point that one con could fuck it up at this level

>> No.10696558
File: 86 KB, 342x276, 1636129575439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking some minimum wage hotel staff is gonna care or scrutinize how many people are going into a room
>what is airbnb

>> No.10696640
File: 147 KB, 750x545, 930j09j029jj390j2nko23jio4u39042j342n42io34jhio23h420384h2038b4n2j3l4h2kj3l4h398h2394h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Long Beach Convention Center just had Complex Con.

Line wrapped all the way up to Ocean Blvd. when I drove past the LBCC this past Saturday.

I guess people really wanted to see Lupe Fiasco and ASAP Rocky lmao.

>> No.10696641

Long Beach is G H E T T O.
Don't matter if its right next to the ocean either.

>> No.10696808

How about you just stfu and buy or sell your shit on offerup?

>> No.10696809

I don't know anything about this convention, but if it had 50k people each day, that's not going to look good for ALA.

>> No.10696810

>Oh no, I need to interact with other human beings to try to sell off my useless weeb shit at a loss.

>> No.10696813 [DELETED] 

While I'm not a huge fan of LBCC at all, I'm not entirely sure why not having the swap meet is the make or break for people.

Last few times I've gone to it at ALA, the line is huge, the offerings up for sale were usually not even very good.

>> No.10696864

>the offerings up for sale were usually not even very good.
It's because people who sell shit at the swap meet treat it as their own late nite vendor hall and price their shit at amazon/ebay prices...
One guy I saw even had a sheet of all the stuff he was selling and it was just a list of the current amazon price.
When my group got a few tables at the swap meet, we sold nearly everything because we treated it as a place to just unload shit we didnt care we only got 10$ for because we knew people aren't looking for deals, they're looking for steals.
Seeing people dolly in with like 4 full crates of stuff and leave with 4 full crates of unsold stuff, while my friend and I had 2 crates of stuff and left with a 1/2 a tote bag's worth of stuff unsold is just pathetic...

>> No.10697063

Has anyone tried to hassle to bargain a deal with anyone selling at con swap meets?

>> No.10697563
File: 33 KB, 463x403, 1406516546559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to think of a scenario that could fuck over ALA in terms of not enforcing the mask thing. Animanga pretty much didnt give a fuck, but it wasnt shut down. If ALA doesnt enforce/cant due to the amount of people going, can this screw the organizers over? Different county, but just wondering

>> No.10697613

>can this screw the organizers over
Only if someone got sick after con, tested positive for Covid, and then they somehow traced it back to con.

>> No.10697619

Damn near impossible to do.

Thing that is going to/already doing so to fuck over this con is the venue location+hotel costs. More friends of mine are just skipping or doing LACC at this point. ALA was mostly made decent and forgiven for the 'meh' of what it offered was due to being cheap as shit, hotel parties, and enough of a turn out of wide variety of cosplay. Paying AX or Fanime level prices for something like ALA just is dumb.

>inb4 airbnb
looked months ago all pretty much shit
>inb4 drive/train
Driving parking is shit not to mention need to change, train in cosplay is just asking for trouble

>> No.10699613

There's no way ALA could get 50K attendees for 2022.

At it's peak, it was only ~15K

Anime Expo has over 100K+ on average for recent years pre-pandemic

>> No.10699666
File: 260 KB, 1039x988, Screenshot 2021-11-19 at 11-11-05 ANIME Impulse ™ アニメ インパルス.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget about Anime Impulse

>> No.10699711

>Mfw seeing images of badge pickup from Anime NYC
I don't feel so good

>> No.10699742

>Cosplaying in front of a bunch of chink normies who never watched a single anime in their life
No thanks Satan.

>> No.10699935


>Cosplaying in front of a bunch of chink normies who never watched a single anime in their life
>No thanks Satan.

At least Anime Impulse doesn't work with that gross guy Drew, the owner of Anifest and Arcane Maid Cafe.

Gracias Satan.

>> No.10699946

Actually if you look back a year or two, Anime impulse did work with Drew sadly. The incidents when the rapist was allowed to creep on the girls happened at Anime Impulse, and they continued to work with him for at least a year or two after the news broke. Eventually he caused too much trouble and they stopped working with him.

>> No.10700204


So what kinda trouble did this Drew guy cause with Anime Impulse? And why should we even care lmao.

>> No.10700228

IIRC he was pretending he was an Anime Impulse director or owner, which obviously he wasn't, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm sure there were other things ofc, like being a sexual predator and art theft, but that's pretty much run of the mill for the people who run cons anyways kek

>> No.10700253

pix or it didn't happen.

>> No.10700260

Ofc there's not going to be screenshots about stuff like this, are you some idiot? anyone directly involved with the ability to get screenshots is under NDA lmao. Take it with a grain of salt if you don't want to believe it, but you can look up how arcane was consistently featured at Anime Impulse since Anime Impulse was created, then suddenly went poof.

>> No.10700262

I might go to this since I havent gone to a con in forever and it’s relatively close. nobody better try to fight me or I’ll sue

>> No.10700264

I've seen some screenshots of stuff like this. There was a huge infographic type thing a while back, but not sure where i put it with screenshots and explanations, etc.. will try to find it

>> No.10700385

Just a heads up, the hotels and restaurants surrounding the LBCC won't allow entry if you didn't get your booster shot. Even if you got both doses, a single shot, or negative test, you will not be allowed entry to anywhere else.

>> No.10700388

>Even if you got both doses, a single shot, or negative test, you will not be allowed entry to anywhere else.
They are going to lose a ton of money and support over this.

>> No.10700397

What's the closest airport to this con if I wanna fly into and what is the closest hotel?

>> No.10700507

Long Beach airport (LGB)

>> No.10700722 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 549x1024, vax card 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just print out a fake vax card and fill out the data. It's not even hard, and restaurants (let alone a convention) is not going to have the ability to check it's validity. Make sure to use decent card stock. Just don't try to use it for anything government related.

3rd booster can suck the fattest part of my dick.

>> No.10700751

Thanks anon, do you ha e a pdf scan off that full ones

>> No.10700766

Any source on this? Cause this barely makes sense.
Cause 18+ boosters just got approved days ago.
That leaves about a month for people to get it. Plus if you got Moderna or Pfeizer, you're only eligible if its been 6 months...
A lot of people couldnt get their pokes until mid May, so only allowing business only from the minority of people who got it early or threaded the timing needle is retarded.

>> No.10700776

my ex told me she does this and she works in healthcare. pretty over the top for something so simple to do desu

>> No.10701024 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 4000x2672, peace bonded lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's in two parts.

You got an email or some sort of drop box? Don't want Hypochondriac narcs to get pissy.

>> No.10701026 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 726x1206, covid card vaccine vax pass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have at it.

>> No.10701027 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 1161x1957, covid card 2 vaccine vax pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra info

>> No.10701028

They're just lying or making shit up to virtue signal to other antivax peeps and convince them to make fake vax cards.

Imagine being such pussies they have to fake the card instead of just dealing with the consequences of their choices or doing what they want anyway. Guess they're still as chucked by big vaccine as they were afraid of being.

>> No.10701133
File: 68 KB, 474x960, 242505264_10224388015822016_2755229925527544133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Anime LA is working with Anifest and Arcane Maid Cafe?

Did they actually kick out the founder/owner of Anifest? Forgot his name again? Anyone have a summary of all the things he was accused of?

I remember it was something like he harassed some artist alley artists and threatened them after they called them out for stealing artwork and selling it to promote Anifest.

I think they also sold bootleg merchandise which is why they got kicked out of Anime Impulse.

He was also called out for harassing "his" maids.

>> No.10701192
File: 69 KB, 1282x812, jceg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h t t p s : / / ca.ltddir.com/companies/japanese-cultural-exposition-group/

Corporation ID: C4051229
Date of Incorporation: 2017-07-31
Status: Active
Type: Domestic Nonprofit
Jurisdiction CA
Address 13337 SOUTH ST STE 159, CERRITOS, CA 90703
Registered Agent Name: ANDREW KIM
Registered Agent Address: 13337 SOUTH ST STE 159, CERRITOS, CA 90703
updated on 2021-10-27

>> No.10701295

What does the JAPANESE CULTURAL EXPOSITION GROUP and ANDREW KIM anything to do with ALA?

>> No.10701304

Andrew Kim is Drew, the owner of Arcane. That's what he has the maid cafe registered as, kek

>> No.10701336
File: 1.47 MB, 1873x1254, drew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Kim aka Drew
Founder,owner, and CEO of Arcane Maid Cafe, Anifest, and Maid Nagi

>> No.10701348

doesnt even lift looks like a bitch

>> No.10701352

Nah, Drew Drew's just got a HUGE head compared to his tiny body.

>> No.10701357

Like a retarded kid?

>> No.10701360

I wonder if the MaidNagi simps know that all their hard earned dollar$ are going straight into Drew's pockets lmao.

>> No.10701525
File: 51 KB, 600x600, 78686A95-8F4A-4A57-9BD6-43FD959DB7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew also runs and owns Trinketslot.com and sells his bootleg merch and stolen designs on there too

>> No.10701533

>MaidNagi simps
what simps? she's a literally who outside the threads where people shit on drew.

>> No.10701534

Is just going to LA Comic Con next weekend a better option than going to ALA at this point?

>> No.10701539

>what simps? she's a literally who outside the threads where people shit on drew.
could you please define what "a literally" is por favor?

>> No.10701541

Tfw found Maidnagi is actually friends with a girl I met at ALA and fucked there
Tfw the girl is now working at a maid cafe

>> No.10701666

>Still planning to attend a con in the county with the strictest covid restrictions ever

>> No.10701711

use urban dictionary for slang you don't know, dumbshit

>> No.10701742


looks like we got some MaidNagi simps coming in to rescue her. Too bad their english is just as bad as MaidNagi's

DREW is that YOU! lmao kekekekekek

>> No.10701750 [DELETED] 

the fuck are you on? calling someone a literally who means they're a fucking nobody

>> No.10701753
File: 254 KB, 1216x670, spoonfeeding dumbasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate drew as much as any sane person does but get your shit together and get with the times anon. a literally who means that she's a nobody.

>> No.10701760

It's unfortunate that this will be my last ALA for a while.

>> No.10701773
File: 1.10 MB, 1195x595, Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 09-56-23 Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Nagi is definitely enabling Drew Drew, whether she knows it or not.

>> No.10701774
File: 784 KB, 892x549, money$$$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like @maple_syrup_steve ... poor bastard. who know how much he's donated into drew's wallet.

>> No.10701778

She streams on Twitch and gets an average of 100 viewers.

>> No.10701779

Is that a guy in drag?

>> No.10701796

Just a reminder that Drew Drew literally bullied a member of his fb group by saying that they had a "learning disability" because they called him out on stealing artwork to print t-shirts for Anifest

>> No.10701799
File: 88 KB, 604x960, 3892374923h3u24ih23i_98939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a reminder that Drew Drew literally bullied a member of his fb group by saying that they had a "learning disability" because they called him out on stealing artwork to print t-shirts for Anifest

>> No.10701801
File: 125 KB, 1440x969, 89203942u04h9j290342039_9390303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget drew also hate people with Autism.

He had this publicly posted on his FB profile before he got called out on it.

>> No.10701803

He made a chart about interacting with people, he has no right to complain about autism. That is peak autism right there.

>> No.10701813


>Don't forget drew also hate people with Autism.

Wait. You're telling me this Maid Nagi bitch doesn't have autism or some learning disability?

How come she pronounces words like remembers as "reNEMber" and her "TH" sounds like a "Duh".

Maid Nagi's gotta have some kinda speech impediment, which is probably some kinda speech impediment. Am I wrong?

>> No.10701824

>People simp for this

>> No.10701830
File: 56 KB, 396x410, u92387492939847_888823923f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems to have a decent amount of followers on IG. maybe Maid Nagi is somebody ...

>> No.10701856
File: 61 KB, 616x660, titan-con-responds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew also talked his buddy Dave from TitanCon into spamming TitanCon's email list. Ps there's a law against that.Definitely not a good look for a non-profit.

>> No.10701857
File: 426 KB, 361x1021, bootyhunter93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave Hernandez, TitanCon Founder/CEO with Arcane Maid Cafe

>> No.10701859

I remember that shitshow, I think that was the moment Titancon died.

>> No.10701860

Yet Anifest and Arcane still going ... why?

>> No.10701861

wonder how much booty Drew had to give up for that TitanCon mailing list

>> No.10701890
File: 2.56 MB, 337x190, 823974hhh28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew also made his Arcane maids join the cosplay competition at Coast Con just to promote Anifest in 2018.

>> No.10701893

And Nagi loves to talk shit the homeless in Los Angeles, especially Little Tokyo.As if Texas doesn't have homeless either.If you don't like the homeless here, go back to Texas you goddamn boba liberal! Instead of checking yourself out on your streams to make sure you look aesthetically appealing to your shrimp simps, why don't you try being entertaining for a change.


>> No.10701901
File: 223 KB, 669x1019, coast-con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this before or after Drew and his maids trespassed during Coast Con 2018 to harass attendees about their shitty Anifest convention?

>> No.10701906
File: 92 KB, 604x960, 2903248203j2_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagi is just brainwashed by Drew into believing in the same elitist views of society as him.

Plus, not everyone is lucky enough to have a 15 yr old deviant art that's sold more artwork than an entire family's net worth.

>> No.10701929

I'm not a maidnagisimp I was just posting that I had sex with Aikichune. She's been super worried about being pregnant and I think she is because lately her pics had visible weight gain on her stomach.

>> No.10701989

First off, the last ALA was in Jan 2020, that's almost 2 years, so Maid Ai would have had the kid already. Secondly, isn't Maid Ai a lesbian?

>> No.10701991 [DELETED] 

Y'all falling for Drew's bait so hard, Drew spam posts every thread that he gets called out in so it gets deleted by jannies later. That's how he keeps covering up his tracks.

>> No.10701992

Y'all falling for Drew's bait so hard. He spam posts about Maid Nagi in every thread that he gets called out in so that he can get jannies to delete it later.

>> No.10701996

Why? is this maid nagi slut some kind of special snow flake that can't be mentioned or something?

>> No.10701999

Well, i hope you used a condom with Maid Ai because i guarantee Drew Drew stuck his little penis in that too. Probably before you since Maid Ai's been in Arcane since 2016.

>> No.10702006

No, she's just a mediocre nobody. Drew uses her as a punching bag in thread to distract from himself and then marks it as vendetta

>> No.10702044

my... my dude. You know it's "Deviantart" as a proper noun right? As opposed to a deviant piece of art. They're not two separate words.

>> No.10702082

>Talking shit about homeless people
Majority of those bums put themselves in that position. They deserve to be ridiculued.

>> No.10702086

Why the fuck did she move from Texas to LA?

>> No.10702095

>See news story of another Covid strain
>Much more contagious
>Can bypass immunity
>Current vaccines are worthless against it
ALA 2022 in danger?

>> No.10702554

She's not a lesbian. You can ask her yourself
We'll see

>> No.10702641
File: 139 KB, 640x643, 14-miaowx3-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drew also removed the watermark from an artwork without telling the artist and selling the shirts for Anifest in 2018

>> No.10702642
File: 1.37 MB, 280x281, 89987987979797u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10702646

They don’t know how much protection against it the vaccine provides yet, what are you talking about? Stop trying to freak people out.

>> No.10702650

Anything can happen between now and the end of the year. Don't be surprised when everything starts shutting down again.

>> No.10702721

Does this douchebag not realize that the Anime community is a place where a lot of us with autism and learning disabilities go to seek refuge from the rest of the world.

Fucking awful ... especially since this guy is also organizing Anime related events and therefore in a position of authority and power within the community.

>> No.10702739

Man, did this guy at least aplogize for putting autism and learning disabilities on blast like that?

>> No.10702870
File: 98 KB, 540x960, 19989723_10203291325399716_1847814422905079943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt it, drew mostly stays in the shadows nowadays since a lot of people hates his ass for just a long list of things.

back in the day though, you could some times get a facebook post from him lying about getting permission from an artist to remove their watermark without permission in order to print t-shirts to promote your dumb anime convention.

>> No.10702874
File: 78 KB, 513x543, beari-anifest-drama-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or he'll get one of his Arcane cafe maids to make a public apology for him.

>> No.10702876
File: 83 KB, 640x1074, 2342342362435u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot of the artist MIAOx3 responding to finding out that someone is removing their watermark and printing their artwork onto t-shirts.

Drew obviously didn't even bother to tell the artist that he was going to print their artwork because he knew what their answer would be, NO! or pay me.

>> No.10702894

>Thread is about ALA
>Gets diverged into another con's drama
Good ol /cgl/

>> No.10702897
File: 41 KB, 526x275, 259234997_2234547576685253_9166980934205583677_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going?

>> No.10702898

This isn't drama, it's about ALA enabling predators like Arcane Maid Cafe to prey on more victims in the community.

>> No.10702900

Probably just Drew trying to deflect

>> No.10702905


>> No.10702925
File: 94 KB, 1080x1753, 20233028_367998330269677_648501255115132411_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew is also BFF's with King Lin - serial predator and rapist of the Anime community

>> No.10702928
File: 35 KB, 526x275, 245801276_4205453296190719_5147591231120127999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to this?

Do we need masks?

>> No.10703151
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored, decided to dig into the con drama a bit ... chronological order
>started with disproportional maid art on ALA website
>Arcane Maid Cafe's owner gets called a creep/predator
>Arcane also owns Anifest
>runs non-profit JCEG
>hires underage girls for his maid cafes, but doesn't pay them
> is BFF's with King Lin
> Allowed King Lin to continue photographing the Arcane maids
>plotted to make Arcane look like a victim when the King Lin situation exploded on fakebook
>Steals artwork and sells it or gives it away to promote Anifest and Arcane cafe
>Exploiting, harassing, and abusing members of the cosplay and artist community.
>makes maids pay for his rent and car payments
>Drew likes money
>maid beari vs maid nagi
>spams threads on 4chan to promote
>collaborating with ALA this year
>Drew dumped Beari for Maid Nagi in 2019
>Beari is a disgusting lesbian
>harassed some artist, threatened them
>I think they also sold bootleg merchandise which is why they got kicked out of Anime Impulse.
>He was also called out for harassing "his" maids.
>Drew doesn't lift, has huge head,tiny body
>Maid Nagi simps donating to Drew's pockets
>Drew also runs Trinketslot.com and sells bootleg merch
>Is Maid Nagi a literally who? or not?
>Maid Nagi enabling Drew, Arcane Maid Cafe
>Nagi streams on twitch
>Drew hates people with Autism, also made a flow chart
>spammed TitanCon mailing list without permission
>Nagi hates homeless, but came to LA from Texas
>made his Arcane maids join the cosplay competition at Coast Con to promote Anifest
>trespassed during Coast Con 2018 to harass attendees about their shitty Anifest convention
>Aikichune getting a tummy, could be pregnant
>Drew has deviantart
>Drew removed watermark without telling artist and selling the shirts for Anifest 2018

>> No.10703153

>Do we need masks?
What kind of stupid question is that? Of course!

>> No.10703155

I hope omicron reeks havoc in December to the point it forces ALA to cancel. I really don't want it at the LBCC.

>> No.10703156

There was something like this, but actually useful. It had all the conversations and screenshots and short explanations. I'll try to find it!

Good job though on parsing this shitstorm.

>> No.10703167

So is Maid Nagi a part of Arcane Cafe?

Will she be at ALA?

>>bored, decided to dig into the con drama a bit ... chronological order
>>started with disproportional maid art on ALA website
>>Arcane Maid Cafe's owner gets called a creep/predator
>>Arcane also owns Anifest
>>runs non-profit JCEG
>>hires underage girls for his maid cafes, but doesn't pay them
>> is BFF's with King Lin
>> Allowed King Lin to continue photographing the Arcane maids
>>plotted to make Arcane look like a victim when the King Lin situation exploded on fakebook
>>Steals artwork and sells it or gives it away to promote Anifest and Arcane cafe
>>Exploiting, harassing, and abusing members of the cosplay and artist community.
>>makes maids pay for his rent and car payments
>>Drew likes money
>>maid beari vs maid nagi
>>spams threads on 4chan to promote
>>collaborating with ALA this year
>>Drew dumped Beari for Maid Nagi in 2019
>>Beari is a disgusting lesbian
>>harassed some artist, threatened them
>>I think they also sold bootleg merchandise which is why they got kicked out of Anime Impulse.
>>He was also called out for harassing "his" maids.
>>Drew doesn't lift, has huge head,tiny body
>>Maid Nagi simps donating to Drew's pockets
>>Drew also runs Trinketslot.com and sells bootleg merch
>>Is Maid Nagi a literally who? or not?
>>Maid Nagi enabling Drew, Arcane Maid Cafe
>>Nagi streams on twitch
>>Drew hates people with Autism, also made a flow chart
>>spammed TitanCon mailing list without permission
>>Nagi hates homeless, but came to LA from Texas
>>made his Arcane maids join the cosplay competition at Coast Con to promote Anifest
>>trespassed during Coast Con 2018 to harass attendees about their shitty Anifest convention
>>Aikichune getting a tummy, could be pregnant
>>Drew has deviantart
>>Drew removed watermark without telling artist and selling the shirts for Anifest 2018

>> No.10703410

Thinking of doing a Gantz cosplay. Would a "Death Game" Series cosplay gathering be a good idea? Squid Game, Kaiji, Gantz, Alice in Borderland, etc?

Only thing is the 20 min time limit.

>> No.10703762
File: 986 KB, 1100x614, 1637199829406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omicron now detected in LA

>> No.10703873

pray the dang an ronpas don't show up

>> No.10704055

>What are your hopes/expectations for this con?
Being delayed to July, lmao.

>> No.10704062
File: 346 KB, 655x697, 1636597283015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AX decides to do another virtual con
>ALA takes its place on July 4th weekend

>> No.10704092

Almost there, still haven't gotten a ticket though, kek

>> No.10704108
File: 783 KB, 1127x5811, anifest-art-theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anifest Art Theft
Is this what you're looking for?

>> No.10704147

Same. Putting my money down that Newsom activates his emergency powers and shuts down the state by Christmas.

>> No.10704150

This infographic has Drew :
- being accused of stealing art
- printing the stolen artwork to give away for Anifest
- lying to the artist about what he did with her artwork
- removing the watermark from the original artwork

But this infographic is missing Drew's :
- verbal abuse and harassment of the autistic and disabled
- illegally obtaining and spamming the Titan Con mailing list
- harassing attendees at Coast Con with a bullhorn
- unauthorized entry and solicitation of Anifest at Coast Con
- using a cosplay contest to distastefully promote Anifest
- trolling anyone that says anything about him
- threatening and harassing members of the community that try to expose his
antics to the rest of the community
- enabling a rapist and predator to continue preying on unsuspecting cosplayers
- and more, but i can't seem to think of them atm ... but at least this is a start.

>> No.10704202

Good. Cull the weak.

>> No.10704212

I’ve seen this before, but this is just a small part of the whole info graphic.

>> No.10704220

i remember seeing something like this too ...

it was way bigger though

still don't know what it was about, but it was HUGE

>> No.10704231

>3 months ago

>> No.10704235

looks like another bad Winter for Anime conventions in LA

>> No.10704236

>>10663819 (OP)
>3 months ago
> and ... this artwork is still fugly

>> No.10704238

>>10663819 (OP)
>3 months ago
And the maid's legs still look non-proportional.
Those black shoes have got to go, too.
Who designed this? Some dude? lmao

>> No.10704269
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1638638658654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10704296


Anime Los Angeles should really look into this guy if they're really working with him.

Fucking awful.

>> No.10704305

>Let's cut out the guy who brings us money

>> No.10704325

Disgusting, time to call for boycotts

>> No.10704326

This has to be this Drew dude

>> No.10704331

A maid cafe? doubt it. ALA prob just doesn't know about this Drew guy. They most likely have a board of directors that no one even knows.

>> No.10704340

Lets get this trending so they notice. I got you senpai

>> No.10704347

>enabling a rapist and predator to continue preying on unsuspecting cosplayers
this is incorrect, the cosplayers knew king lin was a rapist and a predator, complained to drew and told him they were uncomfortable, and he STILL allowed king to photograph them.

>> No.10704349

people before profits please, ALA

>> No.10704351

what do you expect?

they're media brosss

>> No.10704353

screw covid, i wanna know more about this anime drama lol

>> No.10704396

where's the proof?

>> No.10704418
File: 3.66 MB, 7200x6256, anifest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the full version

>> No.10704765

Fuck that, more doomer shit about how ALA and Anime Expo will get killed by Covid.

>> No.10704919

Right, as long as these god damn maid cafes survive the apocalypse - it's all good.

>> No.10704923

here you go

>> No.10704925 [DELETED] 

wtf is this?

>> No.10704926

>>>10704396 (You)
>here you go

what are we looking at here?

>> No.10704950

did you even bother opening the image? you've been spoonfed enough

>> No.10704954

Back in my day, we talked about the con on the threads, not on d*scord

>> No.10705005

After not cosplaying for a while I forgot what website was the one that listed the gatherings for different series for cons.
Was it cosplay . Com? Or something else because I’m struggling to remember.

>> No.10705037

>all these cons that may or may not be happening
>guaranteed retard lines due to needing vaxxpass for booster #8 and mask check
>hotels also hiking prices
>no good guests
>half the panels cant happen because lel covid
>same price
con dream is ded. time to move to TX.

>> No.10705039

>can still get and transmit covid with all 20 boosters
it makes zero sense. proof of negative should be necessary for anyone trying to go anywhere.

>> No.10705055

Spotted the old person

>> No.10705061

YEE HAAAAAW - now it's a PARTY!

>> No.10705505
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x1331, Newsom.ProsecuteShoplifters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shuts down the state

>> No.10705869

Anime Los Angeles is less than a month away

>> No.10705871

It needs to be 2 more months away , that Anime NYC image is still fresh off the press lol

>> No.10705873

>Anime Los Angeles is over a year away

>> No.10705876

...I'm still feeling iffy about this new location in Long Beach, but ALA is my favorite con, so we'll see. This is really going to test ALA's adversity.

>> No.10705880
File: 1.53 MB, 1566x895, anime-nyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda wild seeing cosplay in my news feed lol
too bad it was for the wrong reasons
hopefully this will give us an idea about omicron

>> No.10705883

gdi there's gonna be so many demon slayer cosplays at ALA

>> No.10705885 [DELETED] 

>the new variant rose to double digits this week, including a newly confirmed infection in a Long Beach resident.
>Long Beach
Uh oh...

>> No.10705886

Uh oh spaghetti-o's

>> No.10705887

Anyone know if there were any con parties at Anime NYC?

Will there be the usual hotel parties at this ALA?

or am i dreaming? lol

>> No.10705889

>Will there be the usual hotel parties at this ALA?
Fuck no, the hotels already have zero tolerance on room parties and will automatically evict anyone breaking the rules.

>> No.10705890

There's more to conventions than parties ...

>> No.10705893

The convention closes at like 7PM everyday, so what do you suggest we do instead?

>> No.10705894

I'm pretty sure ALA has a formal dance and a masquerade that both start at 7PM, so they'll most likely be open later than 7pm.

Or, you could roam the beach around the convention center.

>> No.10705896

Just don't go to the Maid Cafe at ALA ..

>> No.10705898

>Just don't go to the Maid Cafe at ALA ..

why not go to the maid cafe?

>> No.10705899

Not super sure, but there's some stuff about the maid cafe working with ALA this year. Something about the owner being a creep ... or something like that.

>> No.10705901

Drew, the owner of Anifest and Arcane Cafe is accused

Screenshot proof of art theft and harassment of artist :

Other things Drew is accused of doing, but no screenshots:

>- being accused of stealing art
>- printing the stolen artwork to give away for Anifest
>- lying to the artist about what he did with her artwork
>- removing the watermark from the original artwork
>But this infographic is missing Drew's :
>- verbal abuse and harassment of the autistic and disabled
>- illegally obtaining and spamming the Titan Con mailing list
>- harassing attendees at Coast Con with a bullhorn
>- unauthorized entry and solicitation of Anifest at Coast Con
>- using a cosplay contest to distastefully promote Anifest
>- trolling anyone that says anything about him
>- threatening and harassing members of the community that try to expose his
>antics to the rest of the community
>- enabling a rapist and predator to continue preying on unsuspecting cosplayers
>- and more, but i can't seem to think of them atm ... but at least this is a start.

>> No.10705902
File: 613 KB, 546x1010, screenshot-39390293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a better picture?
It's hard to tell whether this Drew guy is a creep in this pic... although the shirt says a lot.

>> No.10705905

You've seen this right?

>the full version

may help for

>Other things Drew is accused of doing, but no screenshots:

>> No.10705906

O M G , i've never seen this
hold on, i need some time to look this over . :O

>You've seen this right?
>>the full version
>may help for
>>Other things Drew is accused of doing, but no screenshots:

>> No.10705908
File: 2.79 MB, 1713x1155, anifest-ceo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this guy really likes maids kek

>> No.10706079

What's this have to do with ALA?

>> No.10706085

here we go again ... just some con drama, don't waste ur time

>> No.10706097
File: 2.64 MB, 2180x1719, anifest-ceo-copyright-infringement-harassment-bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anifest CEO Caught Removing Watermark & Printing T-shirts without an artist's permission or knowledge
>Anifest CEO sends disturbing messages after Allegations of Watermark Removal
>Anifest CEO Censoring Posts Alleging Anifest commited Copyright Infringement
>Anifest CEO Scams MIAOWx3 using "FREE" Giveaway Argument for Copyright Theft

>> No.10706098

Where's the proof that he stole the design? It says that the Anifest CEO asked the artist and she said yes on the infographic

>> No.10706100

Who is to say these screenshots are real too, right?

>> No.10706106

>More omicron cases popping up all over So Cal
This con is one step closer to death.

>> No.10706108
File: 610 KB, 897x1223, anifest-ceo-autism-learning-disabilities-anifest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anifest CEO Descriminates Against Learning Disabled & Autistic

Drew's First Impressions Flowchart for Success

Example #1
>Do you suspect that this person has autism or a learning disability?
>YES leads to ABORT

Example #2
> Is the person disabled in anyway to prevent them from doing so?
>YES eventually leads to ABORT

There is blatant discrimination against the disabled and those with autism by the Anifest CEO both privately and publicly as shown by his "Flowchart for Success"

>> No.10706110


Maybe you should just start another thread for Anifest instead of using this ALA thread for this nonsense

>> No.10706112

Nice harem this dude has going lol

>> No.10706128

don't care still going to ALA

>> No.10706129
File: 2.61 MB, 1144x2519, anifest-ceo-trespasses-coastcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anifest CEO Caught Trespassing, Unauthorized Solicitation & Disturbing Attendees

> Anifest were uninvited guests who took it upon themselves [Anifest] to set up an industry table at Coast Con. This is a liability problem. The Coast Con staff has been working closely with our school to provide us the necessary documentation for applications that all registered attendees, artists, vendors, etc. must fill out and sing in order to attend.When these forms are not filled out, and guests attends uninvited, we are held liable for any mishaps or emergencies that may occur.

> It is stated on our website under our Code of Conduct: "Commercial business or transactions including the following: selling of food or beverages, illegal substances requesting unauthorized donations, distribution of flyers, cards without consent of Anime Academia or Coast Con is prohibited."

> They violated our Code of Conduct in which we state that "Loud music or noise via speakers, amplifiers that may disrupt attendees or functions of Coast Con are prohibited." We received complaints that the people promoting AniFest were within close proximity of attendees, guests and artists while using megaphone speakers to promote their event which made it difficult for some of our artists and customers to ineract, discomforting our attendees and even causing great discomfort to an attendee with hearing impairments.

>> No.10706130

<continued> from >>10706129

>This, among other complaints regarding our cosplay contest, personal accounts and overall misconducts has brought us to the decision that we are blacklisting AniFest from attending Coast Con in the future and/or any events hosted by Anime Academia.

>We will make it perfectly clear.

>We neither support nor condone any future endeavors that AniFest is involved in. They are not welcome to Coast Con as a result of their inconsiderate actions, violation of our guidelines and disrespect for our event, staff volunteers, guests and attendees.

>If you are considering attending their event, we ask you to please reconsider or bring up the issue to their organizers. Our community deserves more respect than we were shown on Saturday.

>We hope you all understand our decision and will do our best to continue to provide you all a fun and exciting event, free of any disturbances in the future. Thank you all for time and support.

>-Coast Con Staff

>> No.10706131

Anifest CEO Trolls Cosplay Contest to Promote Anifest
>Anifest CEO and Arcane Cafe maids enter the cosplay contest in order to promote Anifest w/ the Anifest CEO ultimately recording the situation

>Hi guys, my name is Beari and I'm one of the organizers for Anifest - nice to meet you all! I just wanted to say, Hello! I'm Anichan from Anfiest so if you see the character from that event .. that's me!

>> No.10706132

The Anifest CEO sounds like a very shitty CEO.

>> No.10706137

So are there any good spots around the LBCC to eat/drink? IS THERE A DENNY'S?!

>> No.10706138
File: 3.75 MB, 553x7484, anifest-2018-spam-titan-con.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember seeing all that Anifest drama here. Anyways, I recently got an email from them basically advertising their event.

>I don't remember ever giving them my email. Bottom of it said that I received the email because I attended an event they were a part of. I searched through my email for gaming, anime and comic stuff ) and the only event I used this specific email for Anime Expo 2016.

>Edit: So I logged into EventBrite that I used for AX 2016.The only events I had used it for were old college events and AX 2016. BUT apparently I had used it to sign up for TitanCon in 2016 and 2017. Anifest wasn't a thing at the time. According to their about page, Anifest wasn't realized until 2018 so there was no way they were at TitanCon to promote their event and me signing up there ... Unless people running TitanCon are just going into Anifest without consent.

>Same here I randomly got an email from them and it low key freaked me out desu especially since i never game them my email ever

>> No.10706140
File: 356 KB, 568x3746, anifest-ceo-counterfeit-goods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anifest CEO Caught Selling Counterfeit Plushies

>> No.10706146

counterfeiting, spamming, harassing, stealing ... is this guy still the CEO or Anifest or what? lmao.

>> No.10706147

His name is Andrew Kim, but goes by Drew.
He's the sole owner Anifest Convention in Southern California and is also the owner of Arcane Maid Cafe.

He usually says he's the photographer of the Arcane Maid Cafe.

Wears black all the time.

Pretends to still be in his 20's even though he's 35 years old.

>> No.10706148

Likes to surround himself with maids so that he can use them as leverage to work with others in the industry.

It's the only way that he can seem cool and fit in.

>> No.10706149

So this guy really is trying to build a harem lol

>> No.10706150

Does he pimp out the maids?

If so, how do I get in touch lmao

>> No.10706151

It's a harem, not a brothel.

He keeps all the maids to himself kek

>> No.10706152

So a sex cult like NXIVMN?

n i c e e e

>> No.10706154

NXIVM was also an MLM as well as a sex cult.

Do these maids get money for bringing in other maids?

>> No.10706155

lmao, that would be insane if it was an MLM scheme and sex cult.

From some of the things I saw on that rap sheet, i wouldn't be surprised if this Anifest CEO guy was the Jeffrey Epstein of Anime.

>> No.10706157
File: 28 KB, 338x257, nagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that make Maid Nagi the Ghislaine Maxwell of Anime?

>> No.10706168

And genshin impact cosplayers. So excited to find out which groups will be the worst kek

>> No.10706226

Why does Nagi look like a man in drag?
No cheap eats around DTLB.

>> No.10706228

If Maid Nagi is Drew's main hoe, then who is Drew's side hoe?

>> No.10706229

What's wrong with this bitch nagi's pronunciation?

She can't pronounce TH-words LMAO.

"The udder day, i went to Little Tokyo to talk to da udder maids about the maid cafe"

Is this bitch 10 y.o. or something?

>> No.10706232

Maid Nagi: "I fink I want to go to little to Tokyo to talk to da udder maids for danks giving."

>> No.10706233

I see why Drew likes this dude Nagi, he's dumb as a door knob

>> No.10706365

come on, the problem isn't Nagi

>> No.10706369

this is a wild thread

>> No.10706371
File: 199 KB, 1024x683, nvxim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the maids get branded like NXVIM?

>> No.10706399

Yeah there’s one relatively close to it

>> No.10706586


any more?

>> No.10709101

i can't believe this Omicron strain. Either that, or the media is just over blowing it?


>> No.10711147
File: 141 KB, 845x883, rslaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods delete new ALA thread
>decide to keep the drama filled one