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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10595479 No.10595479 [Reply] [Original]

Confession, nonny

>> No.10595484

I honestly don't really care for taking pictures of myself, or my coords. I sometimes do, but when I do, I don't post it online. Sometimes I edit the pic so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing or put a sticker over my face, but I still don't post it. I get wanting to show off your coord, but idk if I sound like a boomer it just seems like taking selfies , with a secondary focus on your coord seems a little narascassitc, but I don't judge those who do

>> No.10595490

I know a famous lolita. When she posts on COF, IG etc., I see comments saying how jealous they are of her clothes and looks. She puts forward this perception of a perfect life but I know how depressed she is. She does nothing all day other than browse social media, game and doesn't have a job. I really like her but get a little frustrated seeing the lies she puts out about her life.

>> No.10595493

I miss bpd-chan :(

>> No.10595527

>famous lolita

>> No.10595530

I wish I had more lolita friends! Our last friend finder thread got deleted. Should I make a fresh one?

>> No.10595535

That's social media. Also most influencers literally are that. Everyone wants to idolize them, but they are literally just Neets that do nothing all day.

And if it's on instagram, half of them don't even look like that and they shoop their photos. It's normal, anon.

>> No.10595540

i feel that. i just want one lolita friend who i can write nice letters to and exchange handmade gifts with (and talk elsewhere obvi but letters are nice). but friend finder stuff always falls through

>> No.10595553

i have had good luck with friendfinder.

>> No.10595594

I struggle with making friends with other lolitas who are into the substyle I'm into because they have always turned out to be really competitive, jealous people. I just want friends man

>> No.10595598

Here's my confession:
I just can't stand/talk to newbies anymore. Like if you ask me where I buy my things, I'll probably flat out ignore you. I don't want to be anyone's chauffeur into the fashion. If you get a print name wrong, I'll also ignore you. I can't deal with the amount of people who mix up things like Romantic Cat vs Princess Cat or Toy Parade and Toy Fantasy. I know this is very "get on my level" or maybe elitist, but I just can't.
I don't even want more people interested in lolita. I wish there were -less- people in lolita.

>> No.10595605

Ugh and newbies get pissed when you don’t hold their hands and spoonfeed them. You can say “I don’t think your outfit is lolita because xyz) and they’re like “well why didn’t you link to places I can get xyz then?!!”

>> No.10595609

I recently told a girl her dress was an AP replica. She immediately refuted it. I asked her where she got the dress from and told her the lace was all wrong. I tried to tell her to look at stock photos. Eventually she did a 180 and immediately was all "omg noooo you're right" and admitted the dress was given to her and she didn't even know it had a name.
Like what the fuck? Why would you even deny that it's a replica in the first place when you admit to knowing nothing about it?

>> No.10595615

As a newbie I do ask stuff like what the best way of shipping is with for example buyee

but besides I've done a lot of research in lolita itself so I feel pretty confident about other things

>> No.10595618

I think AP‘s business model is smart and pissing off some customers is part of the loss they’re willing to accept for all the FOMO and hype customers they get. We‘re in a pandemic with no place to wear lolita to and some people losing jobs, yet they’re constantly selling out. I love to see them thrive, even if it means missing out on a piece of plastic or some socks once.

>> No.10595630

I'm really pissed that girls are gatekeeping very hard even if the male turns out to be alright and not a fetishist

>> No.10595634

>not all men wah
All it takes is one. More gatekeeping pls

>> No.10595635

The only thing I'd say is elitist is ignoring people if they get a print name wrong given that it's unreasonable to expect people to know the names of every print that gets released by a brand ever even if they've been in the fashion for years.

>> No.10595638

that's very unfair to believe that a man cannot have stereotypically feminine interests with no ill-intention
do you think there's something inherently wrong with being male and liking egl?

>> No.10595644

The ideal man in egl is one who just shuts up about the supposed elitist meanie women and just wears the fashion well.

>> No.10595653

the ideal man doesn't exist, they're all garbage and should stay the fuck away from this fashion. You'll never look good or maybe MAYBE in aristo or as a crusty ouji at best

>> No.10595654

This is a new level of bootlicking

>> No.10595655

I don't care if a man wears lolita, I'm just sick of them inserting themselves into female spaces and getting asspats for it.
There's a reason for the gatekeeping too, for every 1 "good" male lolita there's 100 fetishists who just want an excuse to parade their fetish in front of women. It's not my or any other lolita's job to interact with every guy and figure out if he's a "good" one or not. Men should be gatekept hard. If you're male and like egl, just be a lonelita.

>> No.10595658

I don't know, I'm freaked the fuck out to go to my first meetup/tea party because of this even though I already have a friend on the inside. She's very good and has given me the not-ita stamp already but who wants to get bullied and feel embarrassed especially after investing time and money into something they like?
I'm trying to remember that even the mommy of lolita is male and nobody hates him and calls him a sissy, but then there's this gatekeeping going on which is freaking me out, alright?

>> No.10595664

How do you know if anon is man who likes egl?

Don't worry, they'll tell you

>> No.10595667

Very suspish that you’re so worried about it, if you’re one of the “”””””good ones”””””

>> No.10595673

kek, how do those pleather AP boots that crack after a couple wears taste?

>> No.10595674

You're in the wrong place if you want to be made to feel better about that. In fact you literally couldn't have picked a worse audience for your insecurities.

>> No.10595675

Fucking hell, men can't make it not about yourselves and how oppressed you feel because of being a bit of a minority in an interest group for one second can you? Wait until you hear about women in STEM or who like videogames kek

>> No.10595678

Mana would never have an issue with feeling bullied for not being female and wearing lolita because he knows that egl female only spaces are important even though he is the creator of the fashion. Good men, that care about the fashion, embrace the skeptism because it literally serves them and allows GASBs to be filtered out.

I say this as a person with a close male friend who wears lolita, he knows hes not a creep but has no issue with being not invited to spaces if lolitas prefer it girls-only

>> No.10595682

>all men are garbage mentality
lmao nice one you sound like a butthurt bitch
>You'll never look good
Yeah obviously not every lolita out there is a petite Japanese girl with flawless skin and features. Does that stop any of the big youtube girls and plus size lolitas from doing this?

>It's not my or any other lolita's job to interact with every guy and figure out if he's a "good" one or not
Nobody is asking you to do anything besides not hating a person you don't know about.

Yeah I was bullied a lot growing up thanks

Prefer the objective truth over pampering from my friend. Trying to tell if this place is just particularly mean because 4chan or it actually represents the honest majority

last I checked muh ebin gamer girls were worshipped real fucking hard. I don't care about being minority I just don't like the hate maybe

yeah that's bullshit. If it were the other way around there would've been major aggression

>> No.10595683

Mana didn't create the fashion either. It was cultivated and created by young women, mana just popularized one substyle or the fashion overall by being already otherwise famous and enjoying it himself. Even being aware of the large role he plays in everything though, he's not an entitled baby like some men wanting to wear lolita are.

>> No.10595685

>muh gamer girls were worshipped

This is just an outright lie. The gamer gurl meme even stemmed out of angry men thinking women, and especially pretty women (which to nerdy men is any one that isn't fat or missing limbs), couldn't possibly enjoy "male" hobbies like videogames. Nowadays egirls and streamers and shit have sort of shifted that perception and twitch simps and whatnot are a thing but you have to be a literal child or delusional to not remember the days when girls were treated like outsiders in any nerd community besides like anime.

>> No.10595688

>last I checked muh ebin gamer girls were worshipped real fucking hard. I don't care about being minority I just don't like the hate maybe

oh. He's an incel. Ebin. It's great to know, since that explains why you're bringing up that pauvre you were bullied as a child as if every poster in this board can't say the same thing. Literally this isn't /fit/, coplay and egl are hobbies that essentially are bullying graduate hobbies, as are games. Everyone who is a lolita is bullied, you aren't special and if bullying bothers you don't wear loud, frilly defiant clothing.

It's no ones responsibility to make sure you are a creep.

>> No.10595689

Calling women who are wary of men/jaded because of you guys being nasty pervs 95% of the time a bitch is pure whiny male bitch baby mentality. You came here to get (You)s and attention from girls like all the other insecure men who get excited over annoying or making women uncomfortable. Fuck off already; if you wanted to just wear the fashion you'd wear it and join a comm and talk to the leaders in the local community to let them know you're legit, not beg for sympathy on cgl.

>> No.10595704
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 4e5b1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sound like a butthurt bitch
>proceeds to reeee for a whole post
like clockwork

>> No.10595708
File: 76 KB, 625x605, ee8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's like pic related; all the men whining about how they're safe and they're the good ones are usually the ones to look out for

>> No.10595709

>Trying to tell if this place is just particularly mean because 4chan or it actually represents the honest majority
I'd say it's an honest look into what lolitas think but can't say out loud. If you go to a meet, chances are everyone will be polite to you even if they really have an opinion like one of the posters you're replying to. Obviously you can't say "I hate men and trannies" on Facebook or irl since it's tied to your face and reputation but here you can freely speak your mind.

>> No.10595718

I gain 40lb during pandemic and I feel like a pig. Oink oink

>> No.10595719

oink oink piggu <3

>> No.10595722

It's okay piggu-chan, just focus on your health and doing what is good for your body and you'll be an appropriate size in no time! Rooting for you!

>> No.10595724 [DELETED] 

You are. Learn some fucking self control. That’s disgusting.

>> No.10595726

I’ve done the opposite! Lost 40 lbs.

>> No.10595727

I've gained 40 and lost 20 so far oink oink

>> No.10595738

I need ur address to send them back to you, witch!!!

>> No.10595746

Nayrt but I kek'd anon, that was pretty cute

>> No.10595775

I cackled

>> No.10595875

Today I confirmed my six degrees of separation to Mana. Y'all wish you were me, except you probably are without knowing it.

>> No.10595878

wtf happened to bpdchan, I kinda miss her

>> No.10595885

She was annoying as shit but I kinda did

>> No.10595888

Remember she kept talking about how she would get panic attacks and disappear

>> No.10595893

She's probably just busy with her onlyfans, leave her alone

>> No.10595910

Whenever I sell something on LM, I like to look up the person homes on google maps. It's fascinating to see how the majority of Muricans I sell to live in big houses whereas the typical European lives in an apartment or small townhouse or even commie block. I had one girl from Europe living in a literal castle, that was the most impressive home so far. I can't be the only one who's doing this, right?

>> No.10595913

Now I'm going to have nightmares tonight, thanks anon.

>> No.10595916

I actually do this if the buyer is in Europe because I wish I lived there and I like living vicariously through Street View. I'm not really curious about American addresses, they pretty much all look the same.

>> No.10595927

that's kind of weird anon

>> No.10595929 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.10595932

You know what? Maybe you're right about me looking for approval. I need to just go for it and do what I like. Other lolitas can probably tell pretty quickly whether I'm in for the right or wrong reasons.
And you're right about women having to be weary because of the sissies and age players.
Thanks anon. I was really being a sperg. I spoke to my friend and calmed down.

Yeah probably they will be polite and if I don't act like a sperg like I probably just did, some, maybe most of them can even have a good impression of me after the meet.

My bad, yeah. Lack of confidence and paranoia are not pretty

>> No.10595933

I understand, but it was kind of a normal progression for me. I have a habit of double checking addresses on google, especially if I'm unsure of how to write it on the parcel. When I'm unfamilar with the addressee's language or if someone lives on a college campus for example, the address can be confusing and I want to double check. And just one one click - and viola I'm on google maps. It kind of turned into a habit I'm afraid.

>> No.10595935 [DELETED] 

You are unhinged. Seek help.

>> No.10595936

>I look LM buyers homes up on google maps
>I stalk LM buyers who got things I want
>I look LM buyers measurements up
It's too much. What can we do to get some kind of privacy on LM? A petition? Mass emails to mods?

>> No.10595942

I recently realized my LM name is the same name I used for a different website a decade ago and when you google it, pictures of my 12 year old ita ass self come up. I wish we could at least change our names...

>> No.10595944

Making an account with zero ties to any of your other social media will fix that at least a little, but for most of us it's too late for that

>> No.10595945

Well, if you don't like your home being on google maps you can contact google have it blurred. Otherwise it's free for everyone to see and if I sell something to you, yes, I am going to check.

>> No.10595946

She will but only after she kills and scalps everyone she has ever Google Maps stalked.

>> No.10595948

i mean, if it really bothers you then get a PO box. that's not me saying that anon isn't a creepy fuck, but LM can't do anything about it. unless you expect them to somehow be a package middleman, in which case you're expecting way too much of random web devs.

what they can and should do is remove public purchase history, because it's pointless and weird.

>> No.10595949

Yeah they should blur or hide usernames on purchases kinda like eBay does if possible. At least for complete sales. It weirds me out when people overanalyze who bid how much on a dress.

>> No.10595950

Can you please stop talking shit about me. I don't stalk people and I don't look up social media to see what someone's measurements someone might be. Only the first point is true for me.

>> No.10595952

>what they can and should do is remove public purchase history, because it's pointless and weird.
That would be nice

>> No.10595953

Idk why there's such a harsh reaction to this? They already know where you live, what's the difference between that and knowing what the place you live looks like? It's not like she's planning to break into that girl's castle.

>> No.10595954

Nayrt but that is arguably the weirdest one since you're using info they don't have publicly available by choice on LM or sm.

>> No.10595956

I just think it's funny to make fun of her weird behavior.

>> No.10595957

I hope she is okay.

>> No.10595962

i despise that shitty artist and their shitty takes but this one is spot on

>> No.10595964

you can lose them anon i believe in you! please do it in a healthy way and don't starve,
pigs are intelligent animals and so are you <3
(they're also kinda cute)

>> No.10595965 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself stalker freak

>> No.10595967

i get it but also it's weird anon. i mean i do it sometimes but that's because i am weird

>> No.10595968

I’ve done this a few times for buyers with excessive bad feedback. they all lived in bad areas

>> No.10595971
File: 455 KB, 831x1438, GNB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When purchasing decals for my electronics, I always use dress prints from various brands. Recently I got a custom decal for my 3ds and used Ghost Night Bride.

>> No.10595974

sometimes i want to create outrage before i kms. i want to do something scandalous and fun in lolita and rile everybody up to go with a bang. i'm thinking of livestreaming myself jumping like rorochan. but that's just bad thoughts i have on days where my mental health is at its worst or when i come home from working a full shift or even laying down hugging my heating pillow at night to feel a sense of human warmth. i'm so sad gulls.
hug me.

>> No.10595975

wanna know something funny? even if you did your best to "create outrage," hardly anybody would care. there's your hug.

>> No.10595976 [DELETED] 

I think about doing the same thing like burning rare items on stream or something like having my pets shit/piss on them.

>> No.10595977

We already had a lolita who tripped balls and jumped out of a hotel window

>> No.10595980

Seek help. Please.

>> No.10595982 [DELETED] 

I’m bulimic and I have similar fantasies about doing a livestream where I just repeatedly binge and purge in lolita before offing myself at the end of the stream.

>> No.10595983

i know that. I just don't even know anymore i have many self destructive thoughts. the other day i was staring at the tracks as the train came to bring me home and i kept thinking "i could jump right now, i could even livestream my suicide and splatter the whole platform with my blood and shredded frills". Maybe i want to be remembered? I don't know anything anymore all i know is that i'm not sure i want to keep on living some days? Lolita is a form of comfort but not enough to keep me going

>> No.10595984

Probably going through an episode. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.10595987

I feel as if i found friends. I don't have suicidal thoughts as often as before but i feel the same on some days and have those bizarre dark thoughts about offing myself on stream in my cutest outfit. But why? Why do I think about that? I'm somewhat close to graduation but it all feels meaningless. I don't even like that job no matter how well it pays. Life is just working, back pains and agonizing thoughts about myself. I can't do this anymore and I hope i die in a 'fun' way

>> No.10596017

To a point, I understand this kind of elitist attitude. If someone doesn't do their homework before joining a community it makes them seem dumb and lazy. At the same time tho, I get super nervous in social situations. I've been a lolita actively for over 5 years and yet I still misname prints, or kumyas or just forget things. It doesn't mean I'm any less dedicated in the community and history of it...

>> No.10596020

i agree with your first point about ignoring/not talking to newbies

my confession though is that i've been in lolita for over 10 years and have like 70 main pieces but can't retain names of prints and pieces to save my life, even ones that i own. i remember many of the big ones like sugary carnival, iron gate, so on, just because the names come up a lot. but most of the time if you point to something in my closet and ask what it's called i won't be able to tell you

>> No.10596023

I barely fit into my dresses before the pandemic, but now I've bloated into a disgusting fatty and my wardrobe hangs unworn. The worst thing for me is, I'm still small enough to lose all this weight in a matter of 4-6 months but I just can't find the will. I don't want to stop eating, it's literally the only comfort I have and dresses just don't feel the same. I'm a lonelita too, so there's even less motivation in the form of peer-pressure or belonging somewhere...

>> No.10596026

You have to keep in good health for yourself, not others. At the end of the day you need to love yourself enough to treat your body well and no one can love or hate your body in or out of shape but you. Like Momoko said, we're born alone and we die alone.

>> No.10596032

i don't think i'll ever go to comm meets again because people take candids to upload to the page and i looked like a fucking cryptid in one of them. i don't think i'm particularly ugly but something about gross candids really fucks with me. and i don't want to be THAT person to dm them and say "hey can you take this down" because i'd look crazy.

>> No.10596033 [DELETED] 

Lara that you?

>> No.10596034

nah. i was just hunched over in a really unflattering way. in the middle of doing something. you couldn't even see my face, it was just the pose that i hate so much.

>> No.10596063

NAYRT but that's where I was about a year ago mentally, and where I've been on and off for years. Intrusive thoughts are a common symptom with anxiety disorders, and they're terrifying (I personally can't handle knives) but you are who you choose to be. I fought the fight and used an online service to finally find medication that worked, if that isn't what you feel ready for or want I just wanted to let you know that there are things far worth the fight.

I guess my confession is I dropped like 10lbs during that time which made me underweight; I've gained it back and I know I'm healthier now but part of me misses how petite I felt.

>> No.10596071

Different anon, but I know exactly how you feel because I was there a few years ago. I really sincerely hope it gets better for you because I know how awful it is.

>> No.10596084

Want to kill ourselves together nonny?

>> No.10596116

Not sure if anyone else has said anything like this, but here we go...
I don't think lolita fashion should be worn by children. If you are under the age of 16-18, please leave. If you are helping people dress their 10-year-old children in lolita, please stop. The fashion is meant for adult women. The whole point is that adult women can dress however they want regardless of their age and be interested in "cute" things that would normally be seen as only for younger girls. If you are 13 or whatever it's still socially acceptable for you to like cute things and you probably can already buy cute clothes at the store. Lolita fashion is not for you. Literal children wearing our fashion only supports the idea that we ARE wearing children's clothes, which is wrong because the clothes are clearly adult-sized.
I get so grossed out when I see super young people dressing in lolita or getting dresses custom made to fit middle-schoolers. I can't be the only one, can I?

>> No.10596118

You are the reason I will not sell on Lacemarket anymore. Rethink your actions, stalking bitch. Why the fuck are you all so unhinged?

>> No.10596128

it's weird, but I wouldn't really care if she googled my home as long as she doesn't show up to visit me.

>> No.10596130

>telling girls what they should wear
>in lolita fashion
the absolute irony

>> No.10596131


I actually think people who can get all of the names right are just the ones that have been in the fashion long enough to memorize them, but not long enough to see multiple variations of Romantic Sugary Airy Princess Cat Toy Parade Dream Melty Moon Night Parade to get them mixed up in. It's probably easy to look at lolibrary at once and see the difference between two or ten cat prints, along with memorizing how they look different. Wait until you've actually lived through "yet another cat print, what year is this?" ten times, that's a different story.

>> No.10596132

I lost like 5-10 lbs then got injured. Gained 25 lbs really fast and now trying to lose it again. I honestly didn’t notice it until it got nice out and I tried to wear shorts RIP, lolita had covered up my sins with shirring

>> No.10596133 [DELETED] 

How in the fuck do you not notice a 25lb weight gain in a year? Are you retarded?

>> No.10596134
File: 31 KB, 376x478, 6D87DC01-BB75-407E-AF6B-9BF4A2B28725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pandemic has turned me into an anxiety-ridden schizo. I legitimately hear and see things and being terminally online makes it worse. I can't be anywhere alone and I constantly feel like I'm being watched or followed. Every day I go through the motions of a morning routine, picking out my coord, brewing tea and coffee, and after a certain amount of time I just become consumed by my thoughts. I have been catatonic for hours or panicking because I'm afraid I'm in a simulation or my life isn't real. I just can't do it anymore. I want to kill myself because my life is so unbearable and full of fear. I exercise and read and work, but when I'm not completely immersed in an activity, I lose my grip on reality. I don't want to go on anti psychotics again because they make me feel like a zombie. I don't want to go to the hospital because I'm scared I'll die of COVID or get drugs put in my food or become infertile through contact with a vaccinated person's bodily fluids. I don't want to end up a crazy drug addict but I pretty much already am and my mind is broken. I don't react to anything properly. I'm entirely desensitized to sensational shit because of how often I go on these Vietnamese rice planting forums. I literally just shitpost on boards to get retarded crazy thoughts out of my head but I can't escape them. I'm realizing they're with me forever. I can't stop fantasizing about killing myself or being dead. And I can't ever be sober from weed or alcohol because that means I'll have to feel everything 100%. I have to put on a face with my online presence but IRL I talk to myself so I don't feel lonely or threatened by paranormal spirits following me. I just stare at the wall sometimes or lay down with my eyes closed watching my thoughts pass by. Every single day I get dressed in sweet because it makes me and my inner child feel safe, then I gradually slip back down the hole and can't get out. I'm so stuck.
>the 2 voices in my head that never shut the fuck up

>> No.10596136

This was weird but I tried and it’s very interesting. 2 buyers had beautiful apartments in the city, 1 lived in a shitty duplex and 1 lived in a McMansion in a suburb. Huge house with no yard. It’s interesting to think about, I am picturing McMansion as a younger college kid who lives with her parents and the others as a little older and cooler

The only time I ever looked up a buyer was when their address was missing parts, a couple people failed to put a zip code or city on their LM

>> No.10596137

You need to start talking to neighbors or find another one person household to visit.

>> No.10596143

Get on your meds. I’m saying this in an honest and worried way— This isn’t your fault but you will need anti-psychotics to help keep you stable. If they don’t make you feel right, work with your doctor to get another med. (I went through 5 meds to get something that worked, and I don’t take anti-psychotics. Many tries is just part of the process to find the cocktail that works for you.) This isn’t a reasonable way to live and you deserve to have a sane and comfortable life.
Please, Anon. Get in touch with a doctor and get it sorted out.

>> No.10596146

I used to do this at my old job, where I took payments frequently. I’m nosy. I don’t normally check addresses unless they’re from my home town now— mostly to see where they are and what they’re around, more than anything else.

>> No.10596150

I did this once for someone I sold to on another site (not LM) to check something about the format of their address that I wasnt sure had come through right. They lived in a really cute cottage in the French countryside.

Sometimes I wonder if people do it to me. I live in a shithole while Im saving for something better so it would be embarrassing if people are searching my place desu

>> No.10596152

That's cool, anon

>> No.10596153

I know that feel, sort of. I'm horrifically un-photogenic. idk why, I know I look fine irl and I've had plenty of people tell me I'm pretty. But I look like a fucking ghoul in 90% of the pictures ever taken of me.

At a certain point you have to come to terms with the fact that you won't always look cute and sometimes you'll look horrible. You can't spend your whole life avoiding things you enjoy on the off chance someone sees you looking weird.

>> No.10596155

Thank u for kind words, anons

>> No.10596160

Please start taking your meds and don't worry about the hospital. I just got out after being admitted from surgery for 3 weeks and have been in and out of the hospital frequently since even before covid started. Hospitals take a lot of precautions and I amazingly haven't gotten sick with it once.
I know the side effects from meds suck big time but you deserve to not suffer like this anon. Please remember that you are important and your well being is important too.

>> No.10596163

Shrug I can't really be bothered to remember the names of prints I don't care about. The only ones I remember are ones I want/have/or are popular enough for me to not ignore.
I'm hella biased though since I tend to prefer oldschool sans prints and there's really only a handful of prints I like.

>> No.10596166


I sort of agree with your first point, but I'm a classic grandma lolita so I hella don't care about prints. And I'm biased, but that's perfectly fine. What grinds my gears is newbies saying every nonprint is classic, and every black nonprint is gothic.

>> No.10596174

Then explain why Shirley Temple was one of the first lolita brands

>> No.10596178

I normally don’t tell people to take meds as their first option, but it sounds like you should really take your meds please. And talk to your psychiatrist about possible alternatives.
Have you considered lower THC weed or CBD oil? I know it’s not good to cold turkey weed and alcohol, but there might be a chance they might be making your psychosis worse? I’m not 100% sure but I remember there are studies that prove high thc weed can make psychosis worse and cause someone to develop psychosis if their genetics are predisposed to it. You can find these studies on Google.

>> No.10596180

I don't mind buying used socks.

>> No.10596182

This— I don’t do weed anymore because it messed my psychotic symptoms up really badly while I was up medicated. Get off the weed, get in your meds. Talk to your psychiatrist. You might consider a different medicine.

>> No.10596183

Rationally, I know I'm only about 10 pounds overweight, but I feel like such a fat disgusting pig that it's pointless to buy cute clothes. What a waste. I don't want to be seen anymore, I don't even want to go outside. I've been trying fasting as much as possible lately but when I break and eat even 500 calories in a day I want to cry. I'd probably purge if I wasn't so deathly afraid of fucking up my teeth. I would do pretty much anything to lose weight. My face is already pretty mediocre too, and every man I date cheats on me, and I can't even say I blame them, nearly every woman is more attractive than me. I'm bombarded with pictures of cute egirls on social media all day long and I know that no matter who I'm with, he'd rather be with someone like that. I never want to be seen again. I want to disappear. I wish I had the guts to kill myself, but when I've tried before I guess I just halfass it or get lucky. I want it to be over with already.

>> No.10596186

I need you to know Anon that being just a little overweight means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Even being cute— though I’d bet good money that you’re cute enough.
Fasting like that isn’t healthy at all. See a dietician if you need food advice for weight loss, but just consider eating what your body would need, and exercising a few times a week.
What shitty men do is usually nothing you can control. But the best advice I can give is to look at each of those men very carefully and see what the common thread in them was. And avoid that at all costs, since it apparently turns them into blundering morons who can’t keep it in their pants. (Also, stay single for a bit! It’s healthy to distance yourself from gross nonsense.)
Everything does get better, Anon. I promise. And as cheesy as it sounds coming from someone on /cgl/ of all fucking places— You really just got to love yourself a bit. Treat yourself with kindness— the world rarely does it for you.

>> No.10596188

Anon, don't starve yourself, it'll make it worth. You didn't gain weight in one day, why are you expecting to do it quickly?

>> No.10596190

Went from starving to being bulimic as fuck to eating mostly animal products and some select carbs and things, and lost weight as I restored my metabolism and health. Perhaps try looking up a traditional foods diet. Has helped me so much! I used to eat a "normal" diet full of processed crap marketed as healthy/low-cal!!!1!11 shit and it only made my metabolism and health worst. Combined with starving/low calories, my metabolism was so bad that I was constantly sleepy/cold and would gain weight at 800 cals a day. It was miserable. Anyway, basically what I am saying is that you should work on restoring/fixing your metabolism and being healthy. The weight will normalize when you do that, as your metabolism will be fixed and you will be getting necessary nutrients and your body will be satisfied.

>> No.10596192

Not eating is just going to make your body go into survival mode and slow your metabolism down. Then you're going to be so hungry that eventually you'll break leading to overeating. Bad idea through and through.

>> No.10596193

People who believe this have zero self control

>> No.10596220

Read about minnesota starvation experiment

>> No.10596250

I don’t launder or dry clean my dresses before selling. I automatically assume all brand is filthy when I buy secondhand and you should too.

>> No.10596253

Even if it isnt visibly filthy wash it you never know what fun color the water will be. I see the claim that east Asian women do not sweat and thus don't need deodorant but after dozens of second hand items from japan that has to be a lie

>> No.10596259

I think they do sweat, it's just that their sweat doesn't produce an odor

>> No.10596271

I've spent a of time in gaming rooms at anime cons. They absolutely are capable of smelling.
Yes an unwashed vidya nerd has a may different diet and hygiene level but they are capable of smelling just like everyone else

>> No.10596272


Asians do sweat - you need to sweat to maintain homeostasis in hot weather, it's just not as smelly as white people sweat.

>> No.10596282

just like black people sweat smelling even stronger than white people sweat?
jesus we must really stink to asian people kek

>> No.10596286

kinda sounds like you're just seething that some kids can afford to (on their parents' dollar), t b q h. i started wearing AP when i was ~14 because i loved the style. you sound like the kind of unhinged who would vendettapost about a kid like that.

>> No.10596292
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's kill ourselves together Suicide Club style <3
this movie is a comfort movie to me, strangely enough

>> No.10596294


Made a fresh one for y’all.

>> No.10596295

I love this fashion so much. I wake up so excited on days I know I'll be wearing lolita and get so sad when the day ends. I never want to take my coords off.

>> No.10596298

I’ve never noticed that, but I’m sure if black people stink more than white it’s probably because they season their food. Same with Indians, and other cultures who use a lot of spices and garlic. Japanese people probably “don’t stink” because their food is less seasoned than other cultures. White stink probably comes from the higher consumption of dairy and meats.

>> No.10596304

makes sense. that said korean people enjoy very spicy food.
also thanks for the reminder my pale ass needs to start eating less dairy (and carbs) fr

>> No.10596309


There's a real genetic component to it actually. Look up the abc11 gene. The dairy/carbs is more up in the air as is with all nutritional components, but there is no doubt certain spices can definitely enhance BO.

>> No.10596376

Walk through a crowded Japanese store in summertime and then tell me that. They smell like shit not wearing deo or antiperspirant

>> No.10596383

My confession is that I feel awkward and ugly in half my coords idk why sweet meme is being pushed so hard by all my friends.

I prefer gothic and classic but my friends always say how cute I am in sweet so it reinforces me buying stuff I feel bad in. Wish I could sell all my sweet and move to gothic but the gothic brands don’t have many releases these days, nor does BTSSB sell too well

>> No.10596402

Just eat some damn vegetables when you are hungry.

>> No.10596404

This. Even with the gene, there's still dietary factors and not all Asians have the gene that keeps them from stinking.

>> No.10596417

I had a dream last night where Milky Planet got rereleased but I was in a coma and I woke up months after the mto ended

>> No.10596502

Why are you so swayed by your friends? If you feel more comfortable with gothic and love the way it looks, you're wasting your money on sweet. The fashion is literally meant for self-expression.

And plenty of gothic is released all the time, it just doesn't get as much hype on social media. Atelier Boz keeps releasing new and old pieces every 3 months, Moitie is churning out accessories and wardrobe fillers, Atelier Pierrot keeps doing its thing and stocking other brands like Sheglit and Marble. Gothic has turned a bit more refined and mature, but it's very much alive.

>> No.10596503

That is sad, anon. You should wear what makes you happy if only because it is a waste of money to buy $300 dresses you don't personally like. You can sell the Baby, it might take longer than AP, but people do like it.
There is no point in this frivolous hobby if it doesn't make you happy!

>> No.10596514

Boz doesn’t look good on me, Sheglit is too tight, and AtPie has those stupid high waist cuts or boob ruffles.

I love Moitie and would kill for an all black normal length release that isn’t the ugly cross front lace jsk. Maybe I’ll look at marble thanks

>> No.10596524

>doesn’t look good on me, too tight, stupid high waist, stupid boob ruffles
.. I think the problem might be something else nonners

>> No.10596529

Okay got it, so you don't actually like gothic, you just like some Moitie.
It's better you stay where you are. Maybe you'll even realise soon you don't actually like lolita fashion at all.

>> No.10596531

Agreed. Sounds like >>10596514 is too fat for goth brands.

>> No.10596554

I just started getting into lolita fashion a few months ago and my first JSK and blouse came in the mail the other day. It was really nice to wear something this nice for what feels like the first time in my life! Because my parents are chicken farmers and generally didn’t believe in fashion over functionality, I grew up wearing very plain hand-me-down clothes, so it’s a brand new world for me.
Now I’m just worried to ever post any pictures online or go to a meetup once COVID restrictions are better because I don’t know how to do stuff like styling my hair or wearing makeup yet. It makes me feel like I’m a failure of a woman because I never learned any of this stuff and I’m only getting started now at the age of 24.

>> No.10596563

Sometimes I reply nayrt even when I am ayrt

>> No.10596564

We all start somewhere. I learned real slowly and only at like 29 do I feel like things are really coming together in a way I like.
Just start watching tutorials and reading articles. Most of the fun is learning to get better. The people you meet will like to see you grow over time too. Don't worry too much!

>> No.10596565

I come here to shitpost because I keep getting banned from the farm

>> No.10596568

Don't feel bad. I started wearing the fashion when I was 25-26. I never wore make-up in my daily life and I still don't. I practiced doing make-up for lolita until I eventually had one "go to" look.
You're never too old to start, anon. And you didn't fail as a woman. Make-up and hair and clothes are just things the media tells us we need to be pros at to gain any respect. Don't be too hard on yourself.

>> No.10596587

kek that's a true confession right there

>> No.10596593

Nayrt but kek

>> No.10596607

You have no idea what you're talking about. Japanese people don't stink because 95% of asians don't have apocrine sweat glands.

>> No.10596647

Have you ever been to japan in the summertime lol

>> No.10596708

They still stink

>> No.10596710

This post doesn't have apocrine sweat glands either but it still stinks.

>> No.10596719

I'm Chinese, my brother gets a weak BO smell but compared to nonasian guys they are like 50x stronger for some reason. I've been to Korea, Japan, and China in the summer (usually early or late) and have never smelt strong BO. The only times in my life I smelt strong BO was in middle school passing by the boys locker room you could smell the reek coming out of the door along with Axe, and the one time I went to an anime con. Maybe I just got lucky when traveling but I always thought it was a guy thing specifically and that guys smell magnitudes worse. When I sweat, the amount is very small and no smell but I always thought it was because I was dehydrated.

>> No.10596732

testosterone actually does make you more stinky. Which is why middle school boy's locker rooms are cesspits, puberty is making them extra smelly and middle school boys generally don't have the best hygiene.

>> No.10596733 [DELETED] 

This is true. Smell a pair of men’s underwear and then women’s and tell me men aren’t worlds stinkier. Even when I’m on my period there’s no comparison

>> No.10596735

even tho i'm vaxxed i hope to continue wearing well coordinated masks as an accessory even if we somehow outgrow the need for them. even a thin lace one like the mmm ones would be enough to mask my unshooped hideousness at meets

>> No.10596748

I'm 30, I started to buy more lolita and soft lolita/otome items when I went to Japan and when I got back home, I decided to buy more lolita and jfashion items. I felt a failure for years and years don't worry anon, there is always time to starting loving yourself and wearing lolita, with or without make-up. Toned down coords are preferable when you go bare faced or very casual lolita imo.
I wear mainly larme kei or Axes/Amavel style things with the occasional animal theme or florals, I plan to get animal eared blouses and dresses in these styles because items that are sweet lolita with the same features are too attention grabbing for me or not suitable for daily usage. I don't know what styles do you want to wear anon, just shared my experience in case it would be useful for you.

>> No.10596757

youre valid

>> No.10596825
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 8FqJxFGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm petite and skinny but cursed with cankles FML. No matter how skinny I get they don't go away. I wish I could hide them better but I feel like they're a massive hideous target even when I wear boots.

>> No.10596828 [DELETED] 

your probably not actually skinny
cankles go away when you become underweight

>> No.10596844

Mana forgive me, for I am having sinful thoughts. I’m suddenly feeling FOMO over otome nostalgia

>> No.10596850

tea-length dresses are a thing, so they can cover your cankles, though they can look pretty bad on petite girls

>> No.10596885

same, I love the print but I don't think it suits lolita very well desu. Still considering picking up the skirt or op for normie wear

>> No.10596890

I did it once with an efamous lolita who always looked rich and her address sounded really interesting, so I looked it up and she's literally living in an ugly commie block. Had a healthy kek, but never did it again.

>> No.10596892

3/4 of my wardrobe is paid with fraud and malware spreading. It's so addictive, I just can't stop.

>> No.10596895

Tell me more anon

>> No.10596900

if she's from central/eastern europe that's not as much of a dunk as you think it is

>> No.10596908

>bombarded with pictures of cute egirls on social media
In the nicest, least judgemental way possible anon because this isn't a moral failing - you are doing this to yourself. It's VERY possible to maintain SM without ever seeing a single egirl if you just don't follow them or their adjacent pages. How can you expect to repair your sense of self-worth and self-esteem when you facilitate this atmosphere of competition and comparison?

Plus FWIW none of the egirls you're looking at actually look like that irl.

>> No.10596910

It is a little thing but one time I bought a friend a gift on Lace Market and she saw I bought it and completely ruined the surprise. I would love names censored after winning an auction.

>> No.10596911

Same, I want the red skirt so bad. I was afraid the quality would be shit bit it looks fine.

>> No.10596912

Nice try officer

>> No.10596914

Maybe you are desensitized to it from your own stink

>> No.10596915

Hi Felix

>> No.10596917

I genuinely believe that the hype for men in lolita started with Hubba Hubba Marc

>> No.10596919

Ugh, same. I hate it so much.

>> No.10596920
File: 58 KB, 400x585, 01d41042ba787b804b99859581230ad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like his music that much. I just want to become Mana.
It is an obsession at this point.

>> No.10596931

i wanna dress my bf up as mana and then touch his butt

>> No.10596935


>> No.10596965

My confession is that I have so much admiration for lolitas who can pull off classic. IMO it's one of the hardest substyles to get right, not least because it's the one that actually looks like it's from another era as opposed to just being an out-there substyle. It's so deceptively simple and elegant! All the fussiness of sweet without any of the loud motifs, i.e. room for error in your coordination. I ended up feeling more comfy in toned-down sweet, but seeing good classic lolitas gives me butterflies.

>tldr: man I just really love classic lolita

>> No.10596974

Anon you're literally me. Mine are genetic and they've never gone away on any of my family members. I hope no one notices them as much as I do.

>> No.10596986

I'm a classic lolita (not necessarily a good one, mind you) and I really admire the people who wear sweet (especially out and about) because it really reads more as an altfashion! I can pass as someone in vintage fashion or just more formal normiewear, but seeing sweet lolitas (especially when they have a theme going) makes me so happy.

That being said, I feel like classic suits me more and I wish there were more classic lolitas because I also love looking at (well done) classic, but looking at other substyles makes my heart soar.

>> No.10596999

big agree

>> No.10597203

Ayrt mine are genetic too inherited from my father who doesn't have to care since thick legs are considered manly. For the most part I would say people don't notice nearly as much as we do. The only people who tend to care are the ones already preoccupied with disliking them.
At least you can take comfort in the fact that our cankles are sturdy supports and great for kicking.

>> No.10597217

I want to fuck the living shit out of Mana and be his little dress up doll.

>> No.10597223

Every time I see a post that starts with someone’s pronouns I already know it’s going to be the dumbest shit.

>> No.10597237

Are you lesbian??? Mana is so femme

>> No.10597238 [DELETED] 

He’s got a 13 inch cock as thick as a coke can and causes women to ovulate just by walking past them go fuck yourself

>> No.10597247

Nevermind I'm joining the club. Where do I sign?

>> No.10597264

shut up

>> No.10597269

I have hirsutism. I grow slightly sparse but noticeable hairs on my jaw chin and neck so I have to do hair removal daily. Like I could grow a 7th grade pube beard if I wanted. I've been checked for PCOS and hormone imbalances which came back negative. I'm 99% sure it's because I'm mixed with two hairy ethnicities. I'm finally starting IPL but I'm very insecure and I feel like no one else gets it.

>> No.10597273

I always thought the spergs whining about modern brand being made for fatties were annoying and bullshitting, but I just bought my first recent JSK and wtf. I'm not even that small, but the giant panel of full-back shirring makes me look frumpy as shit. Going back to buying pre-2009 pieces

>> No.10597276

I know this is a joke but fr a dicks that big are not fun to fuck at all

>> No.10597282

And I feel bad because I have three hairs on my chin I have to pluck every two weeks or so... I’m sorry anon.

>> No.10597309

I feel you anon! I have PCOS and have to remove facial hair at least every other day or I get that 7th grade pube facial hair too. Saving up to get it lasered soon but in the meantime masks have been a godsend. I hope IPL helps you!

>> No.10597360

I bought and tried to alter an OP into a JSK and failed miserably. It is harder than simply sewing an item from scratch. There is no saving it but I'd be embarrassed to sell it even for scrap bc it's an older well liked print. Plus it wasn't a size related alteration so it wouldn't even appeal to bigger people on the secondhand market.

>> No.10597361

You could always try turning it into a skirt. Should be relatively easy.

>> No.10597381

I got diagnosed with a chronic disease recently. It causes a lot of pain but I still keep pushing my body even if it hurts me because I feel too fat. All I can do is obsess over what my arms and legs look like. The quarantine has really fucked with my head, I haven't been this obsessive about my body in ages.

>> No.10597396

Distract yourself and try doing dysmorphia related worksheets or something

>> No.10597419

I have thin body hair on my arms and legs but my neck, chest area and boobs and my chin have very dark hair dye to mild PCOS. Yes my neck hairs grow like a sparse beard.

>> No.10597421

Due to*

>> No.10597428 [DELETED] 

I would kms if that happened to me...

>> No.10597430 [DELETED] 

Yeah obviously. Average length but thiccer than average is best. Try not to be so autistic next time

>> No.10597435

I did something similar recently, except I hoped a friend with more sewing ability could help me. I shouldn’t let non-Lolitas near my dresses. I’m currently trying to modify the sleeves into cap sleeves, since she fucked up the sleeves so wildly. Mine isn’t a popular print (not a print at all), but I am annoyed to have my brand damaged like it was.

>> No.10597441
File: 906 KB, 360x264, Snappy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into this because I wanted to dress like the pictures of my great grandmother. She was a classic southern belle.
I will always wish southern belle was a substyle

>> No.10597450

>try not to be so autistic
>gets worked up over a simple passing comment

>> No.10597451

The only reason I wear lolita is so I can have romantic, emotional, and spiritual sex with my boyfriend who thinks I look super sexy in lolita.

>> No.10597452 [DELETED] 

>implying I’m worked up

Stop being so autistic

>> No.10597455

If you were vocal that you agreed women had the right to gatekeep their spaces/that men typically take advantage of them and did not act entitled to them, they would be more accommodating to you being in those spaces.

Getting upset about it is telling.

>> No.10597457

You look up people's home addresses and post on 4chan? You are setting yourself up to be on a watch list, Anon. Remember, they save everything.

And yes, that is beyond creepy.

>> No.10597461

>You are setting yourself up to be on a watch list, Anon. Remember, they save everything.
You honestly think the govt tracks what addresses people look up anon? The average person is not anywhere near interesting enough to keep close tabs on like that kek.

>> No.10597463

It's not an implication if you outright say it nonny
If you didn't care so much you wouldn't have felt the need to respond angrily

>> No.10597478

Im glad im not the only one getting lolita related anxiety dreams

>> No.10597537

Yeah it's really annoying. Hopefully I don't have much weight gain (average sized, petite for western standards) and severe hair loss because that would be way worse for me. I solved hair loss with a seborroic dematitis shampoo but not many women have it easy as me because some unfortunately have bald spots.
>at least I can fit almost any type of burando both lolita and non lolita except unshirred items for ants
>I gained a bit of fat in my lower body and no one notice because lolita and soft lolita items make me look slender and cover the problematic parts
>I lost some weight but I have big hips and thighs still

>> No.10597568

I had exactly the same dream this morning lol except they cut bat shaped silhouettes around the hem, and it was horrible

>> No.10597789

Horrified at the thought of people thinking I’m trans/TIM/sissy and wearing lolita as a fetish. I’m just a faggy gay and like lolita because I like the clothes.

My friends know I’m not a sissy or w/e and I’m cool with events being women only etc, I’m just paranoid that I’ll be lumped in with pervs. Yes I do shave, look feminine, etc, so I guess it’s just me feeling extra paranoid courtesy of being cooped up indoors

>> No.10597802
File: 182 KB, 760x454, QwfophqPVQl1rzFmXk0TXiEuIEaX9JgRBzFKMGua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just do ouji then? it's pretty flamboyant on its own.

>> No.10597805

I do sometimes, but ouji honestly looks best on either really tiny men or women. There’s a reason, for example, you don’t see Mana in ouji. Also ouji brands often have weird sizing for men, even if it’s a men’s cut.

I know I’m doing a lot of complaining but some ouji pieces are ugly af. A lot more cute pieces you can wear if you have lots of JSKs.

>> No.10597807

Why not Kodona?

>> No.10597812

Kodona and ouji are the same thing anon. Kodona was just a one off term coined for western ouji but there really isn't a difference.

>> No.10597826

I’m the same way. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that I’m pretty or beautiful, and I’ve overheard people saying it about me when they didn’t know I was listening but for the life of me I can’t take a good picture. I’ve seen the worst candid photos of me from meets and it always hurts.
I once heard that the things that make you look pretty irl vs in a photo are really different. Luke Kiera Knightly looks weird in real life but her face being angular captures the light well so it photographs well. And I personally know a model who looks amazing in photos and plain and dumpy in real life. Something about the flattening affect of photos makes her cheekbones and face look amazing. Even non-professional photos we take together on our phones look great so I know she’s not editing my pictures. It’s so weird and I wish I understood it better so I could stop looking like trash

>> No.10597830

brolita here and yeah, ouji sizing is designed primarily for asian women and the occasional tiny twink. Lolita brands are actually much more forgiving size-wise and more pieces have features like shirring or adjustable straps.

I've been wearing lolita for 10 years and I've never been called a sissy or trans or anything. A lot of that is bc I only interact with people irl or here rather than posting on FB or insta. I'm not interested in attention whoring on the internet and people irl know I'm not a creep. But it also comes down to how you present yourself. ime the key is I'm a) not trying to "pass" as a girl, I don't wear wigs or feminine makeup or LARP as a frilly princess b) I don't dress like a sissy.

I wear mostly punk looks, and even when I'm dipping my toe into other styles like sweet I keep it more on the edgy and/or decora side rather than the princess side. Essentially I'm aiming for a Takashi Murakami vibe rather than an Imai Kira vibe. Cute, bright, and flamboyant, but self-aware.

>> No.10597839

It's alright, life is life. I've made my peace with it.
I'm also saving up for laser treatment! I'm very glad that laser exists, I feel like my skin would be wrecked by shaving every daily through my 20s. My skin is relatively healthy atm, I've perfected a routine for myself.
It's so good knowing I'm not alone in this! I don't have an extreme amount entirely all over, just where it counts a.k.a my head pits pubes and legs.

>> No.10597847


>> No.10597859

I've had high cheekbone model friends and I've seen Keira Knightley in real life (in a play on Broadway) and I agree with this. Personally, I found that I really started liking pictures of myself more after I bought a proper camera and learned about the effects of different lenses. They make a huge difference on the ways faces look.

>> No.10597867

I joined RC solely for a confidence boost. Whenever I'm feeling particularly fat I go read some ita's screeching about not being able to find any burando to fit her 110cm waist and it makes me feel so much better.

>> No.10598096

Never related to something so much. Also love it when people are complaining about not being able to fit into old-school and I know full well that I can

>> No.10598099

Holy shit. I’m fat and not even I have a 110cm waist. I’ve been fat since a kid and I’m finally doing better since I went to therapy, but god damn...

>> No.10598100


I think that anyone that wears Lady Sloth was poor as a child or has a bad maternal relationship because only they would accept that tackiness

>> No.10598102

God someone please let me know how to get out of this hell hole that is the "looking OK in the mirror and selfies but like an absolute troll in pictures taken by someone else." Even in an unposed, quick selfie taken on the go I look decent enough, same with the mirror, but have anyone take a picture of me and I look like the most awkward, graceless, constipated retard you'd see on articles about the mentally challenged. I'm scared of being labeled a catfish at this point even though I really don't want to be catfishing anyone. I have no idea how to fix this, what to do, where to start, and if it's even possible. It's like I'm literally putting on an uglifying filter as soon as anyone snaps me.

>> No.10598104

Dear god is lady sloth ugly. Every print is just a new level of tacky

>> No.10598133

maybe you'll give me a discount if you see the house i live in

>> No.10598171


I'm convinced that unless you intimately know the person you'll look like ass in 90% of the pics other people take of you. It took a long time for my bf to learn my angles and boy do I appreciate him for it, but it's the sort of practice even a sort of good friend doesn't know.

Also if you think you look terrible in photos, I'm sure that other people think that as well. If nothing more, we can all look shitty together.

>> No.10598187

My neck has slight red irritation or scarring because I have to shave daily, I cannot use creams because I have sensitive skin and waxing doesn't work because I have to grow my hair a lot and they would be too visibile unfortunately. Guess later I have to use some treatment because I cannot always shave my neck and chest all the time. I'm 30, hopefully my skin looks good because I don't tan and use sunscreen.
I don't shave often legs and armpits, it's because I use tights and rarely sleeveless tops. Its still cold here where I live so I can shave less.
>My leg and arm hair look thin so it's hardly noticeable, I remember when I went in Japan I had a slight leg hair growth like few mm and no one noticed it because I used long skirts lol
Just wear artistocrat. Its suitable for especially for guys or any gender person that are tall, lanky and not petite, also someone who is crazy tall and has big shoulders would look amazing in aristocrat.

>> No.10598202

I've decided not to buy any lolita clothes until I'll lose weight. It would be my treat for reaching the goal. Instead of byung bigger dresses, I'll look forward fitting my old ones

>> No.10598205

Doing the same but for my "good waist" of 70-75

>> No.10598209

Kek same here. Seeing gulls ree about not being able to fit into unshirred brand makes me ufufu

>> No.10598220

I just went to RC, other than ok posts I saw a post about to not bodyshame and to embrace any queer person and every ethnicity. I'm ok with this totally but I won't accept ita looking, ill-fitting, heavy or drag queen makeup that doesn't match lolita or any jfashion, tasteless fetish BDSM accessories. Stop this acceptation of terrible things into lolita or also jfashion, it's not the gender or race or the body I care, I care about a good looking coordinate even if experimental and free from trash or cosplay.
I also saw a post about "is idol lolita a substyle" ok no honey, lolita is becoming already a substitute to cosplay with all these super OTT coordinates, don't try to accept this thing as lolita. Or that person wanting to shoehorn drag queen trash makeup into lolita sigh.
Wish lolita communities online were more strict about what to wear and not wear as they were in the past.

>> No.10598223

As a person who went from 70 to 66, I recommend this channel called momomi. She has a good amount of waist and ab workouts.

>> No.10598234

Thank you anon!

>> No.10598272

my most visited boards are /cgl/ and /fit/. there are two wolves inside of me

>> No.10598543

I'm still shocked that of all the livejournal-era itas, meow-tan now has her own store and no longer dresses like crap

>> No.10599149

It’s been well over 10 years anon, did you expect her to be ita forever?

>> No.10599152

>she has her own store
rich parents
>no longer dresses like crap
rich parents

>> No.10599153

Man. All of you oldies are coming back to the scene, huh. I wish we had a FB group for lolitas that have been in the scene for a long time. I really couldn't care less about a lot of new releases for lolita, comparatively.

>> No.10599157

being rich can’t stop someone from being an ita

>> No.10599159

>I wish we had a FB group
someone pls make one. admission question should be "what was your LJ username"

>> No.10599161

Agreed. And I think we should be screened for whether or not we were/are an active lolita. I've had to send a photo to a moderator for a group before to prove I wore it, before I could join. That should almost always be a requirement imo

>> No.10599166

but it certainly gives them an advantage, as well as the decade that has passed inbetween

>> No.10599169

you don’t have to be rich to improve over a decade

>> No.10599188

The decade probably did more to help her improve than having rich parents, along with the relentless critique offered by cgl

>> No.10599190

again - it certainly gives you an advantage

>> No.10599192

which work outs did you do most of the time? and how much per day/week if I may ask?

>> No.10599216

This is so stupid
I can't even remember my LJ username anymore but not everyone used to use LJ anyway and there are younger gulls into lolita nowadays

>> No.10599325

I’m too scared to wear lolita outside I feel like such a little bitch kek. I’ve always worn alternative clothing but lolita is some next level shit

>> No.10599334

I made a playlist. I did all the videos contained 5 times a week at night :> I followed this for 3 months.

link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd6QirbztSz86gPk6LuyQChjkYQzOENsA

>> No.10599336

>younger gulls
exactly what we're trying to avoid

>> No.10599361

Honestly, yes, considering how shitty she dressed even when she was finally getting brand and not wearing fanplusfriend.

So? I wish I had rich parents so I could a store and dress up funky at the mall. Those were the days.

>> No.10599362 [DELETED] 

Fuck off normie.

>> No.10599365

you can just dress funky at the mall now, anon. everyone is wearing masks. no one will bother you.

>> No.10599514

I like to stalk my buyers previous purchases on LM so I can make them a custom resin charm that fits into the bulk of their wardrobe

>> No.10599518

Oh that's a good one, crafty and kindness

>> No.10599524

Time to start your own southern lolita brand.

>> No.10599528

Hard to hear, but I hope you can imagine yourself wearing lolita and surrounded by girl friends someday. We're here supporting you to stay healthy and keep up the dream.

>> No.10599560

this is so sweet ily

>> No.10599567

Aah yes, the lolita community, always so nice and welcoming

>> No.10599589

thank you anon!!

>> No.10599605

i literally can’t stop myself from judging people’s worth based on their coords. even the girls in my comm that i like who are nice people and have never done anything to me — if they’re beautiful i want to be good friends and if they’re ugly i just think less of them and think smth like “holy shit fatty let the shirring breathe” in my head and i hate my brain for it but i guess that’s what years of stalking /cgl does to ur brain lmfao. i need therapy. anyway we are all going to hell :/

>> No.10599649

Maybe block the site for a bit if you don't want to be like that. Honestly taking breaks from this place can do you wonders.

>> No.10599895

ayrt, thank you, i really might. i came here over quarantine more and more originally just to be entertained and laugh at the arguments/drama in threads but i really probably do need a break. i appreciate the reality check anon <3

>> No.10599922

That's called the halo effect, I've always it effects the less intelligent more dramatically. You're just a slave to your basest impulses

>> No.10599927

Yeah, I totally get it. It starts out being something you can make fun of but if you spend a lot of time here it starts to sink in. I get anxious that this is how people are, but in reality this is the vent for people's bullshit, not their default. I take breaks when I start feeling that.

>> No.10600114
File: 476 KB, 428x226, 1615729794987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate angelic pretty bags and I have no idea how they keep selling out
Those shits start peeling the second you use them and their stuffed bags have been shit too

>> No.10600135

I think because to noobs 300 for a dress is a lot, but 200 for a purse is cheap. they're used to buying Macy's dresses and Michael Kors purses.

>> No.10600169

secondhand shoes are 100000x grosser then secondhand socks. same for weirdos that try to sell worn wigs

>> No.10600223


>> No.10600226

Ugliness is something which you can't control yourself, you can only improve it a bit with make-up skills, but it totally makes sense judging fatties imo. Having poor impusle control and not caring about their health at all but wanting the shortest shortcut to look pretty aka shoving yourself into pretty dresses that were not made for such masses of lard. Yeah, I'm not going to applaud for that.

>> No.10600230

I think it depends more on where you stand in life instead of how smart you are, i have the same as op but I know that it’s just because I’m afraid and insecure of being that person to be fat, ugly or ita
It’s self projection of your insecurities not being less intelligent

>> No.10600231

jesus fuck talking about intelligence i meant to respond to >>10599922

>> No.10600233

Do you not know how to wash a damn wig
Not everyone is a filthy pig like you

>> No.10600254

I'm genuinely thinking of making a "womens only" lolita group and pretending I have no idea what trans, sissies, and enbies are so I can openly call them men. If a girl in my group sides with trans people, I'm going to kick them out.

How do you think that'd be handled, though? Should I make something like that private?

>> No.10600258

>mommy of lolitas
Wow, get the fuck out of the fashion. I hope you feel nervous.

>> No.10600313

This idea has been tossed around and tried on this board multiple times and has always flopped without fail. Sorry anon but no self respecting lolita is going to join a cgl group. They're usually filled with itas and larpers.
Genuinely if you're so bent on having a women's only group, just make one with a group of friends.

>> No.10600325

I'm going to start it locally. It's easier to bully men out of spaces in person than online.

>> No.10600329

you have to be dirt fucking poor to stoop as low as buying peoples matted sweaty rats nests. a new wig is only $40 and more readily available new than a lot of socks. there’s literally no reason to be so disgusting.

>> No.10600355

unpopular opinions is saging so i'll put it here:

90% of the time i think wigs look like shit, unless it's a prisila wig or something that cost more than $40 off of amazon. i'm sick of wigs being the default. i think learning how to style your natural hair in a cute way is so much better.

>> No.10600363

Extensions are the real deal.

>> No.10600388


Completely agree with this. It shocks me that so many people are willing to put so much time and effort into their makeup, but then when it comes to their hair they just throw on a wig and call it a day.

>> No.10600390

Being able to style your natural hair can really fucking elevate your coordinate and it's unfortunate that not many people seem to.

Extensions are good too, but idk how useful they are for those with already long hair.

>> No.10600414

Maybe it's because I think a lot of full wigs look bad without a decent amount of makeup (at least on myself, but ponytails or pigtails usually look fine when they're well matched to someone's hair color), but I've never liked the way I looked in wigs so I just wear and style my natural hair. I'm black and usually have braids, and there are a ton of styling tutorials available that go really well with lolita, especially classic and sweet since things like faux bang updos that look nice with classic, or space buns or interesting pigtails and ponytails that would look god with sweet are super common.

>> No.10600416

Extensions can be good for giving your hair more volume if you have thin hair.

>> No.10600478

I rarely wear my lolita pieces in "lolita" style anymore.

>> No.10600479


>> No.10600487

At the start of quarantine I gained a little bit of weight and i was struggling to fit into any of my brand. So I decided to start lifting weights and running.
Im so happy that I started working out more, but now that my arms are so swole I look absolutely ridiculous

>> No.10600525

I'm ten pounds overweight and trust me that is not the reason your boyfriends abandoned you. Just try to take care of yourself and get therapy.

>> No.10600568

same. i have like 60-70 main pieces but just wear them casually with solid tights/cardigans/subtle pettis. it's so much easier. they see a lot of wear but i can count on one hand the number of actual proper lolita coordinates i've worn in the past like two years

>> No.10600574

I’m drunk. Cheers anons!!!!

>> No.10600614

I hope you post on IG because I want to follow more people like that. Simple coords are still “proper” (especially if you’re still wearing pettis).

>> No.10600638

Anon most people sell their wigs after wearing them 0-3 times they're hardly sweaty or ratty not everyone is as disgusting as you with their wigs.

>> No.10600712

That's pretty much how I wear mine, too!

>> No.10600722

one of my dream dresses is on the way, I'm going to be trying out a new substyle soon, I am getting thinner and soon I may be able to start selling my jewelry, because my lovely friend is going to be renting auction space and wants to feature some of my peices. life is feeling so good right now that I almost can't believe it.

>> No.10600731

You should probably stay away from buying anything used if you're this put off by used wigs. You can clearly tell if they're ratty or matted so you're just an idiot if you end up buying a nasty one.

Hard agree. Almost every single wig I see just looks tacky and really elevates the coord to full costume territory.

>> No.10600735

My legs are hairy as fuck under my otks

>> No.10600754

i am very confused about why you think worn shoes are grosser than worn socks...? pls elaborate

>> No.10600825

I'm dress my boyfriend in lolita and separately I peg him and I'm scared he'll eventually trans or leave me for a guy.

>> No.10601247

We know, it shows.

>> No.10601324

That is bf goals anon.

>> No.10601478

>Implying we don't say those things irl.

>> No.10601498

Me neither.

>> No.10601627


>> No.10601912

If you see this anon, I just want to thank you. I've been looking for exercise videos where I don't have to keep switching between standing up and being on the floor. This is perfection

>> No.10602516

New thread >>10602515