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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10574450 No.10574450 [Reply] [Original]

The ride will never end edition

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All cancelled con talk, doom talk and speculation shenanigans go here since it’s kinda gone out of hand.

Anime Los Angeles 2021
Katsucon 2021
Seishun Con 2021
Anime Milwaukee 2021
Con Nooga 2021
Anime Crossroads 2021
Anime Magic! Texas 2021
Eville Con 2021
GalaxyCon Richmond 2021
MidSouthCon 2021
Triad Anime Con 2021
Anime Boston 2021
Anime Detour 2021
Sakura-Con 2021
No Brand Con 2021
Lvl Up Expo 2021
Momo-Con 2021
Mississippi Anime Festival 2021
A-Kon 2021
MTAC 2021
AnimeCon Arkansas 2021

Pensacon 2021
Unicorn 2021
Anime Houston 2021
Puchi Con! 2021
MegaCon Orlando 2021
Anime Frontier 2021
Fan Expo Dallas 2021
Anime North 2021
Tekko 2021

>it’s a virtual con kek
Arizona Matsuri 2021
Naka-Con 2021
RetrieverCon 2021
Aselia Con 2021
Zenkaikon 2021
Tora Con 2021
Setsucon 2021
Castle Point Anime Convention 2021
AnimeNEXT 2021
FanimeCon 2021
Anime Expo 2021

>heard it through the grapevine
ColossalCon 2021

>Press F(?)
Otakon 2021

>> No.10574468

Uh yeah.

>> No.10574680

>heard it through the grapevine - ColossalCon 2021

Not impossible, but I'm calling BS on this. I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't try to postpone it, especially since Colossal Ohio gets more attendees than East or than TX likely will.
If anything they'll postpone Ohio and eventually cancel East or Texas.

>> No.10574867

Because of course

>> No.10574888
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Anime NYC don't you fucking cancel.

>> No.10574895
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>> No.10574896

>it’s a virtual con kek
Welcome to the new norm.

>> No.10574942
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Anime Impulse 2021 cancelled

>> No.10575007

I was just thinking the other day about how interesting the Corona is. The justification for all these measures is to protect the health of everyone.

To save the lives of old people who'd die anyway from a barely-lethal virus, we destroy everything enjoyable about living, separate people from their friends and family for a year and counting, annihilate people's livelihoods in cases like small businesses or cons, and all around make everyone miserable. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if suicide rates were way up after putting everyone through hell for what's looking like an eternity. I've researched it and I know drug overdoses sure are because people are so desperate to escape from all this.

I hate how people think that all that matters is the death count from the coronavirus and ignore the big picture. This isn't "protecting everyone's health" at all, everything is way worse than if the lockdowns had never happened.

>> No.10575150
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>also be a gay chubby chaser weeb
>go to anime cons
>see cute chubby guys all over the con
>aside from 2 blips who ended up becoming good friends of mine, 98% of them are all straight
>go to bear cons
>see cute chubby guys all over the con
>90% of them are taken with boyfriends, cheating behind their wives’ backs, into chasers or total fucking divas

>> No.10575192

>Americans thinking their precious conventions are ever coming back
I wouldn't be surprised when the US government passes laws and mandates that will make gatherings of over 100 people illegal and a felony.

>> No.10575203


Schizo posts like these really drive home what a shithole /pol/ has made the internet into

>> No.10575219

I wasn’t posting in the other thread but it’s funny how many of us there are. All the cute chubby guys I seem to meet at cons are straight, taken, or both. I just want to find a hot Fat Thor cosplayer and buy him a beer. Someday, when cons happen again...

I’ve thought about going to a bear con but I’m an otterlet at best and yeah, I would expect it to be mostly taken guys and drama/attention whoring. I remember watching that Kathy Griffin “life on the D list” episode several years ago where she went to a bear convention and said something like “bears are stable and grounded” and if that was true then, boy things have sure changed in this modern age.

>> No.10575384

>all states are opening
>california still cucking itself


>> No.10575386

Newsflash. Anything you hear on the internet that doesn't follow along with your views doesn't make it /pol/.

>> No.10575453

it's like everyone's pretending they've never heard of a basic trolley problem
>some hundreds of thousands of people _may_ have their health adversely affected
>hundreds of millions of people definitely have their entire lives adversely affected
>children aren't socialized
>the economy collapses
>government seizes even more control over citizens' lives
why is saying neither are good but one is clearly worse controversial?

>> No.10575461

>pretending you actually care about the greater good.
Sorry (not) your president lost. Can you funnel your Replicunt tears into my cup? They're delicious.

>> No.10575479

Nah, too busy laughing at the kids in cages and that 2000 dollars we didn't get.

>> No.10575779

>Cons are never returning in the USA
>Americans are banned from traveling overseas to international conventions

>> No.10575791

I get what you're saying and sympathize with the mental and economic toll lockdowns have, but weebs going to cons are already poorly socialized and that has nothing to do with the pandemic or kindergarteners lol

>> No.10575808
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>Cons in my area still scheduled for late this year that have a good chance of happening
>Looks like I'll be fully vaccinated by then along with my state
>Can feel myself ALREADY procrastinating cosplay for cons months and months away

what the fuck gulls. ive been in a pandemic for over a year and i only did two cosplays and i didnt even build them myself. i have like three WIPs i could 100% start doing now and im not. what the fuck.

>> No.10575816

Classic trolley problem is that both are bad and neither is worse. The controversial part of a trolley problem is whether you let the train go along it's established path (which kill hurt more people), or make a choice to change things that will still kill people but fewer/just one. In the case of the COVID trolley problem more people objectively die uncontrollably and are left with lingering chronic health issues without safety measures, VS the whole country being alive with some inconveniences (which could easily be mitigated with government aid if certain politicians didn't hate/not care about poor people). You can argue about the intensity of those measures (lockdowns lasting too long and stuff), but if the government had had just been giving out regular stimulus checks like other places did, the economic problems would not have been so intense, and lockdowns' worst issue would be it being harder to safely visit friends/family or entertain oneself because of limiting large groups, which is just not worse than death no matter how much you pussies can't stand not attending a con.

>> No.10575818

>Thinking any cons are happening this year because hurr durr everyone will be vaccinated from Covid by then
I'm not anti-vax in anyway since I get my annual flu shot, but I'm not taking any of the Covid ones since it's been rushed and now many people are dying after the second dose. Also, we won't know the full on side effects and how long they last. I wouldn't be surprised when the vaccines starts wearing off late summer to early fall, then positive cases start going up again and we're back to square one with the lockdowns.

>> No.10575819

>many people are dying after the second dose

>> No.10575850

I honestly don't even care if I die after the second dose, if I die from that then I'd definitely be dead from the actual virus itself. If I die from the vax at least it'll be pretty quick, the couple people who have died did so within 24 hrs of feeling weird.

>> No.10575863

I googled this as well and while I found one recent article of someone under 50 (she was like 40s) passing after the second dose, a Utah mother, I found a study on both two dose vaccines and based on the data only 3% of non elderly people who experienced any side effects died. And only a little over half of people experienced side effects at all. So 1.5% chance people could die if they have an adverse reaction I guess? My math may be bad but I think it is even lower if I took into account info beyond just what the abstract lists and if we knew anything about the health status of those studied who did die and if the death was even directly vaccine related, and if the deaths were caused by allergic reactions or not.

My 80 year old grandma got the Johnson one and was fine also. If your worry is the 2 dose ones since mRNA technology has been studied for a while but not used as much yet, go for the traditional Johnson vaccine. Doesn't limit infection as well but has really good rates of lowering the chance of a hospitalization from COVID which is really the main goal anyway.

>> No.10575896

Your script is 6 months old.

Europe is seeing a massive resurgence of covid while America is trending down.

>> No.10575897


If we really wanted to protect everyone's health and keep hospital systems from being stressed we would force obese people to lose weight.

If we can force people to stay home and close their businesses why can't we do the same for fat people? In the name of public health!

The ongoing heart disease deaths for the past few decades makes covid a barely noticeable blip.

>> No.10575983

Newsflash, your Schizo /pol/ shit is already outdated

>> No.10575984

Stop worrying about fat people and worry about yourself

>> No.10575991 [DELETED] 

Fun fact, 78% of people within the USA who had to be hospitalized due to COVID were overweight or obese.

>> No.10576003
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>chubby guys
I thought those only exist in /co/

>> No.10576031

It's the Astra Zeneca vaccine that people are dying from. 23 elderly people in Norway took the AZ vax and died. Some countries already banned it and are opting to get the Sinovac from China which also has the effectiveness as Moderna and Pfizer.

>> No.10576032

Because obesity is not always overeating.

>> No.10576035

Anime Impulse is the one con where I get to look at cute Chinese normie chicks all day.

>> No.10576037 [DELETED] 

Yes it is. You can’t just magically be exempt from the laws of physics.

>> No.10576038

>3% of non elderly people who experienced any side effects died
That's not a good percentage rate, I would rather take our chances of getting the virus and develop antibodies for it.

>> No.10576039
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>> No.10576040

fat people only hurt themselves, they can't spread fatness lol. apples and oranges here

>> No.10576044


I think the actual number was lower if you look into the details, but it's not far off from COVID death rates depending on how healthy you are, and the vaccine doesn't seem to give anyone swiss cheese for lungs and other permanent defects like COVID.

>> No.10576049

I know what study/info the anon is talking about and they interpreted it way wrong, but actually the latest data from the CDC around March 8th puts deaths reported after people got the vaccine at 0.0018%. And every death reported is not always directly due to the vaccine. Less than 2 one thousandths of a percent chance, even at the highest estimate.

>> No.10576051

>Your feelings are more important than science!
>Rush Limbaugh says that smoking doesn't cause lung cancer, that's a myth
>Cosmo said that obesity isn't unhealthy, that's toxic to my self-image and also racist

The right and the left are exactly the same garbage now. Everything is so fucked.

>> No.10576062

they can strain the healthcare system, and do in fact.

>> No.10576090


>> No.10576094

>And every death reported is not always directly due to the vaccine
lmao, so now context matters again? very convenient

>> No.10576098

Even if every reported death is directly due to the vaccine, the number is still 0.0018%. Extremely low.

>> No.10576101


Context almost always matters to some degree in life, what is your point?

>> No.10576108

So you aren't actually worried about the vaccine killing anyone, you just want to argue over nothing, got it.

>> No.10576171
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>no Chien Po from Mulan
What the actual fuck?

>> No.10576662

Crunchyroll Expo just announced they are going virtual.

>> No.10576768

I agree, postpone is more likely than cancel, unless they think that they can’t move it to a point where it won’t get in the way of East or Texas. Everyone is saying they will move it to a week before East like they tried las year, but I don’t think they will. August maybe, but I can’t see them moving it to September.

>> No.10576786

I guess if Blerdcon happens, all of the "no cons until 2022" virtue signalers will have a change of heart, and suddenly it will become totally fine for conventions to go on as planned this year.

>> No.10576846

Prime last year tried to move it to the same week as dragon con. 2 weeks before East. They will try to postpone it and find out people double booked for prime and dragon.

>> No.10577279 [DELETED] 
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>Eggman ranked below Steven Universe and the dad from Gumball

>> No.10577306


Stop wasting time posting about California. We all know they're going to stay shutdown indefinitely.

Texas/Florida will have to serve as the benchmark. If they can't throw a big con without restrictions no one can.

>> No.10577367

They'll throw big cons and then Covid cases go up and then people and the government will question why. Covid is never going away.

>> No.10577425

Still waiting on that Super Bowl spike. Still waiting on Texas/Florida to have off the charts covid cases over Cali

>> No.10577598

At this point I'd rather deal with the unstable, drama queen twinks than chubs.

>> No.10577662

Maybe because all the simpletons in those states are not getting tested after a huge gathering event.

>> No.10577669

Gay Chubs can be unstable, drama queens too

>> No.10577697

Imagine a virus so deadly you need to get tested to know you even have it.

>> No.10578164

Well how can cons operate with only a 25% max attendance?

>> No.10578180

With less lines

>> No.10578482

this. keep preaching

>> No.10578582

What are the odds of Anime Matsuri happening this year? Maybe the runners are callous enough to keep it running, but will the city and venue allow it?

>> No.10578585

Go back to /pol/ and /x/ smoothbrains, being asymptomatic and unknowingly spreading it to others is a thing. People like you are the reason why it's gotten so bad and all cons are cancelled in the first place.

>> No.10578592

nayrt but i sincerely hope people like you stay inside forever

>> No.10578722

Every fatass and grandma who can realistically die from it has taken the vax already (at least in America)
>but muh 0.0001% crazy incident where a healthy person dies from it
Same thing has happened with the flu for centuries.

>> No.10578750
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The owner already said it's good to go. No cancellation. I'm more worried about Afest and San Japan.

>> No.10578762

Almost every convention organizer says their convention is "good to go" right up until the day they officially postpone or cancel their con. I'm not saying this will happen with AM, but you should take anything a con organizer says with a grain of salt.
With that said, AM certainly has a shot at being one of the first large cons to happen, considering it's in TX, and considering the organizer is someone that probably doesn't care what the virtue signalers say about him, since most already hate him.

>> No.10578941

Ikkicon happening in May, too. They made the announcement right after the state was announced opened, so it's definitely going to happen, too. New hotel, as well.

>> No.10578964

If you mean the Leighs idk about other virtue signaling but the husband is literally a creepy pedo. Maybe only the lolita gulls have hangups about this since he targeted lolitas at least once or twice with his shitty behavior but that's why many TX lolitas will always avoid AM, at least if they go to cons for lolita stuff.

I think it's fine for cons to operate at at least 75% capacity if they require attendees to provide proof of vaccination/or not be vaccinated but wear masks though that's harder to enforce (CDC is recommending masks at least until the population is vaccinated to a certain percent I think, even for those who've been poked already, so no vaccy proof but just mask wearing seems more likely to be a good in between). Maybe less capacity if it was mask free to have room to social distance.

>> No.10578967

just stay home if you want everyone to do your requirements.

>> No.10578979

I'm planning to stay home because I don't want to attend AM cause of the aforementioned pedo anyway, and you couldn't even pay anyone with a brain to attend Ikkicon.

But I was just speculating what stuff cons might consider and what would seem cool to go to, not what I think everyone has to do. If we're lucky and enough people are vaccinated it'll just be a completely normal size con with no requirements. But since they probably want to avoid potential liability from anyone who gets sick and stupidly blames the con I suspect they are likely to have some restrictions unless vaccination rates in the country get above 70 or 80% which is pretty likely by mid to late summer.

>> No.10579282

I am glad all these conventions are getting canceled, I hope sakuracon never comes back.

>> No.10579312
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>Gov. Newsom hints that he could get rid of CA's color tier system by the end of May and allow businesses to operate closer to normal capacity
>Cons in the state are still cancelled

>> No.10579350
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Something tells me that New York is so financially fucked right now to the point that everyone in NY is trying to hashtagMeToo Cuomo into oblivion. So basically NYCC and the rest of broadway well are crossing their fingers now

>> No.10579358

yeah that's not gonna happen. i predict another huge spike here after spring break

>> No.10579796


all you covid sympathizers need to be shot. but since that would be illegal, throwing you into a mental asylum would be the next best thing. then you can social distance and mask up all you want in there

>> No.10579877

Name a single "superspread spike" that can actually be tangibly traced back to a single moment or event.
>Fourth of July
>Back to School
>Super bowl
All didn't have any definitive effect on the long term waves.

>> No.10579958
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>Even Fauci said that life could be mostly normal by November

At least we'll have theme parks at 25% capacity

>> No.10580024

blm protests

>> No.10580179
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>animecons.com constantly update everyone on which cons get cancelled
>stopped because they know what was going to happen anyway

>> No.10580272

Mardi Gras.

>> No.10580396

They actually said that blm protests almost cured covid. Im not fucking joking, that was in a new york article.

>> No.10580678

Mardi gras 2020? There wasn't nearly enough testing to determine anything tangible at that point other than the same kind of conjecture that falsely predicted spikes for other events. I was also there and neother me nor anyone I know got covid from it.

None of the lockdowns even started until about a month after which is a timeframe in which the average covid case comes and goes anyway.

>> No.10581685
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>The city of San Diego has agreed with the Federal government to convert the San Diego Convention Center to house migrant children for the next several months
>LA is thinking of doing the same
Socal is never getting their cons back.

>> No.10581692

>Kick out homeless people
>They have covid
>Bring in illegal children
>They also have covid
>No matter how hard you clean and sanitize the entire Convention Center, there will be bits and pieces of Covid still lingering
If I was CCI, I would start looking for a new city to host my events.

>> No.10581715

I’d be less worried about decayed COVID bits than about piss and general stench. That’s a lot harder to get rid of than dead viruses.

>> No.10581725

>Salty gulls are salty because their cons are cancelled
Be glad that you're still alive and we're making the country a better place for everyone.

>> No.10581756

They’re more salty over cons being cancelled not because of the pandemic but because of assholes being assholes

>> No.10581829

>that was in a new york article.

The fuck is a "new york article"?
The Post? The Times? The New Yorker?

>> No.10582075 [DELETED] 

>I'm planning to stay home because I don't want to attend AM cause of the aforementioned pedo anyway, and you couldn't even pay anyone with a brain to attend Ikkicon.
Pussy add bitch.

>> No.10582085

Kek, I am vaccinated masterrace and plan to go to the actually enjoyable cons in my state when they happen, mask free with my bf in our lewd/sexy couple cosplays now that we've got hot bodies from quarantine workouts. I can handle waiting because cons full of greasy weebs aren't my only social interaction for the whole year. Fite me you sad ass scrote.

>> No.10582177
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>> No.10582238


It is NYC 2021, of course they are going to cancel.

>> No.10582253

Why do you think lots of people are trying to hashtagMeToo Andrew Cuomo out of office?

>> No.10582323 [DELETED] 


And meanwhile China laughs at us as they continue to have cons and performances with safety measures in check.

Accept it, you geek life is no mroe and it's best you find some acceptance in mind crushing work and using THAT as a motivator.

>> No.10582324

I don't know how you people can still believe cons will be the same when there is so much new laws and regulations that will prohibit such events from returning to its former glory.

>> No.10582327


And meanwhile China laughs at us as they continue to have cons and performances with safety measures in check.

Accept it, your geek life is dead and it's best you find some acceptance in mind crushing work and using THAT as a motivator.

>> No.10582349
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>You will now need to provide a vaccination card before you can get your con badge

>> No.10582353

poland wanted people to have vaccine passports. Wouldn't shock me if there is a push for this soon.

>> No.10582357
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And it wouldn’t be as bad and (maybe) go back to normal by the end of 2020 if assholes just stopped being assholes

>> No.10582358

I hope that shit doesn't fully fly here in the US. There are thousands of people who can't get the vaccine due to allergic reactions from even taking the flu vaccine and have not been vaxed in years because of it. There will be lawsuits left and right. Are we just going to deny their rights to having a normal life because they can't get the vaccine?

>> No.10582508

No wants it


>> No.10582528

It was Denmark.

>> No.10582586

>It's been a year, even California is opening up, and schizoid Doomposter is still trying to get attention like a vagrant with a cup of change
Here you go. Here's your (you).

>> No.10582682


Just because things have opened up doesn't mean we are getting any events anytime soon. Better to cut your losses and move on with your life than to pray for hope.

>> No.10582683

Masks don't protect against pandemics, anon.

>> No.10582784

Here's another (you). Don't spend it all in one place

>> No.10582852

I wonder if we're going to see hybrid cons come about where they will have virtual content combined with in person events but with a badge cap. Either that or host cons in outdoor areas like parks.

>> No.10582855

Vidcon is already going with a hybrid format for their fall event. The faggots are still charging for digital tickets but anyone who goes to Vidcon deserves to be swindled

>> No.10582876


There's a chance here in NC.

>> No.10583056


Fuck you.

>> No.10583541

Ban all conventions since they are now deemed as super spreader events.

>> No.10583851

Ban holidays too. Family get togethers kill people.

>> No.10584024

Never mind. Animazement cancelled.

>> No.10584113
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Nope. Restrictions won't solve the pandemic. Only isolated island countries can use that strategy or ones with heavily restricted borders.

Things won't go back to normal until people take their lives back and force them. People have gotten to comfortable giving up their freedoms.

If we're not fully rolling back restrictions in two months I'm done with this bullshit.

>> No.10584141

you act like they weren't banned

>> No.10584253
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>Scientists say the only way to get back to normal is to vaccinate children
>Anti-vaxxer parents are already denying their kids vaccines
>Never going back to normal
RIP conventions and cosplay

>> No.10584325

the vaccines are not yet approved or allowed for kids under the age of 16. In the US anyway.

>> No.10584330

Pfizer has begun trials

>> No.10584343

Still not yet approved though. I can see COVID vaccination requirements for public school being a thing in the fall. The same way other booster shots are for kids already. Anti-vaxxers can only avoid it so long unless they do private school or their kids will be forced to learn virtually.

>> No.10584363

Animatic Con 2021 Postponed

>> No.10584426


lmao kids have been going to school here in the south for like half a year now..

>> No.10584428

Schools in nicer areas or less densely populated ones are not at full capacity. Many older or at risk teachers still have to teach remotely or have semipermanent subs, and educators were only recently added to priority groups.

I think the kids will be fine desu, just maybe fucked as far as their lungs until they grow a bit more and those cells replace themselves. Children's bodies are pretty elastic, they'll bounce back. I'm more worried about the teachers. Not supporting good teachers is a huge part of why the public school system needs improvement in much of this country and the pandemic has showed even more the way no one values them enough.

But school and kids are just a whole other beast. I have no kids nor do I work at a school so it doesn't affect me and I kinda don't care so long as the rules in place are not actively hurting people.

>> No.10584450
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>Instead of having Comic Con, San Diego decided to house illegal minors in their convention center instead
I guess California has their priorities

>> No.10584492


>I think the kids will be fine desu, just maybe fucked as far as their lungs until they grow a bit more and those cells replace themselves.

Bro what is this dramatic shit.

90%+ of everyone under 40 will be fine without issue.

>> No.10584498
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Went to a Swap Meet earlier. It reminded me of going to cons for a bit

>> No.10584540

Blerdcon plans to happen this year lol.

>> No.10584598

>Comic con confirmed for SDCC at Thanksgiving this year
>Even my office is discussing reopening
COVID is over, I’m so happy that everyone can go back to whatever miserable shit we were doing before

>> No.10584662

Good, I hope it does happen.
The insufferable SJWs that constantly whine about any events taking place during the pandemic will change their tune and cheer Blerdcon on.
After that most of them will be too scared of being called out for their hypocrisy to ever question another event happening again.

>> No.10584704

I live in SD and even I don't think that'll get off the ground. Who knows if Sleepy Joe has an under the table deal to keep illegals caged up in there until next year even though the timeline right now is 3 months.

>> No.10584708

>July 2021
>The city and Federal government announces that they have extended the illegals staying inside the San Diego Convention Center until the end of the year
>CCI is forced to cancel their November event
>Every capeshit nerd goes bananas
Oh lawd if this happens, I'll vote for Biden to stay for another 4 years.

>> No.10584801

Good? And if you can't get the vax for a medical reason, have documentation for that as well. Ezpz

>> No.10584858

> good?
you're one of those nuts that will be responsible for the normalization of submitting medical records to go to the grocery store

>> No.10584883

Nayrt but a con and other entertainment is optional fun by private entities, not a necessity (and access to neccesary things like college or public school do require vaccine documentation at times) if you don't want to provide proof of getting or being medically unable to get the equivalent of the chicken pox shot you needed for kindergarten and summer camp, maybe you don't want to go to the con that bad.

>> No.10584886


If covid is just a bad flu, why is it some horrible issue that people provide confirmation of a flu shot to go on a glorified weaboo field trip?

>> No.10584938

Every single person that peacefully gave up any resistance to the government lockdowns is responsible.

They government knows they can lock people down indefinitely without any large incidents of violence, they can definitely demand vaccine passports as a norm.

They will enforce walking around in public as a privilege

And half the people in this thread will cheer it on.

>> No.10584950

Kek no one tell this retard about booster shot and meningitis requirements that have existed for years

>> No.10584952


When was the last time we locked down entire countries indefinitely for that?

It's a brave new world my friend

>> No.10584959

Those and other diseases, in part thanks to vaccines, are not a great enough risk to justify a lockdown to reduce their spread (though when certain problems are large risks, there are extra measures like localized quarantines, school being out if too many kids get sick with something contagious, calling in doctors or setting aside time for a school nurse to do lice checks when even one kid has lice, telling parents to keep their kid away of they have chicken pox and the like) but are a great enough risk to have legal or institutional measures to reduce their spread for the benefit of everyone. Those measures are proof of vaccination to attend public school, college, travel abroad in school or other programs, and other similar requirements.

How is proof of vaccination to attend school, travel abroad if a business wants to require it, or even attend a con if a business wants to require it somehow awful or an overreach? You're not entitled to a con, travel, or certain other things. Even things you ARE legally entitled to like public education has vaccine requirements. Please explain how rules that encourage vaccination to reduce the need (or perceived need if you don't think they work) for lockdowns are somehow any different than rules that reduce the need or perceived need for people in other contexts to go to great lengths to avoid illness?

Also from the perspective of some businesses, it is just easier to require vaccination than require masks. It is easier to just not sell a ticket to an event or for a flight or chartered bus to someone without evidence of vaccination than it is to sell it and try to enforce masks during said events or travel, which is difficult if some people don't want to wear them and puts employees at risk of violence or abuse and mistreatment at the hands of the people who don't want to adhere to policy when trying to enforce it. Easier to just say "vaccine or doctor's note please" at checkout and avoid the stress and liability.

>> No.10584989


>> No.10585080

"Financial reserves"

IRS is coming for their ass now. A non profit should never say those two words ever.

>> No.10585125

But thats 8 months away from now, surely all the terrified normalfags would've been vax'd by then. Why are they complaining?

>> No.10585146

This article (along with others that I've seen) seem to be complaining more about the fact that it's being held on Thanksgiving than they are about covid stuff.
Because all anyone should ever want to do on Thanksgiving is spend the entire day with their family. Actually, not just the day, but the entire weekend. And anything and anyone that deviates from this is weird and wrong.
When in reality plenty of people don't do anything out of the ordinary for the holiday other than eat turkey, and most of the ones that travel to see family fucking hate it and want everyone else to suffer like they do.

>> No.10585196

You clearly have no idea how NPOs or businesses work. You can't run at a constant yearly zero to operate. This applies to non-profits too. Do you think NPOs run down to zero every year because they're required to? GTFO dumbass.

>> No.10585212

>Con on Thanksgiving

lmao, which guests, vendors are even taking their holiday off

>> No.10585217

Also, i dont mind a huge swath of normies getting filtered out by their need to attend their thanksgiving celebrations.

>> No.10585242

Of course they'll be doing a virtual thing that no one cares about. Another one to add to the "it's a virtual con kek" list for the next thread.

>> No.10585244

Why do all these cons even bother with virtual events? Nobody likes or asked for them. Seems like a waste of money.

>> No.10585248
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 1514855235157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lame and good at the same time
>Thanks for continuing to do the right thing!
>Big sad but thank you for taking precautions to keep the community safe
>Bummer. But better safe than sorry.
>Glad to hear it! Truly better safe than sorry. Here's hoping we'll be back in 2022!

>> No.10585250

They'll have no problem selling out their vendor space. With all the revenue that they've missed out on because of the pandemic, plenty of them will choose making money over nibbling on mediocre turkey at their grandparent's house.
But yeah, guests, forget about it. This is not likely to be a star-studded event.

>> No.10585273

Mad because I called out your fraud and the IRS paying you a visit?

From your strong reply totally not proportional to the poat you are replying too, you are either comic-con staff or a tranny.

Mmmmmmm that sweet reward check is going to be nice. Should have hired a better pr lawyer to watch your social media posts.

Seethe harder you cape shit troon.

>> No.10585351


The vaccine isn't good enough anymore. Haven't you read the news? We have to move goalposts to variants and full elimination.

There is a large swathe of the population (~30%) that would be upset at anything but indefinite lockdown and closure of large events. They are pushing for a new normal. States like California/Massachusetts will be in some form of lockdown for at least another few years.

>> No.10585356

non-profits aren't not-for-profits, idiot. non-profit just means they aren't expecting a profit.

>> No.10585424

CDC is estimating that 90%of Americans will be vaccinated by April. Dragoncon might still go on in September. They might implement badge caps so get your badges now just in case.

>> No.10585437


What don't you understand, that doesn't matter anymore. Vaccine is worthless in changing our lives.


Boston is having their OUTDOOR even in OCTOBER and capping it at 20K people.

This is no longer about safety. This is about optics, do you think Dragoncon organizers have the guts to push forward?

Keep in mind Georgia has already had a 40K indoor event in the GWCC in February, but they didn't cancel because it was a mostly conservative event (cheerleading competition).

Do we have any conservative con organizers in Texas or Florida, those are your only outs.

>> No.10585459

I mean, 20K people is more than enough for an event to still have good vibes, and the Boston Marathon also has the precedent of previously being a terrorist attack target so wanting to be extra careful about every possible thing.

>> No.10585461

>CDC is estimating that 90%of Americans will be vaccinated by April

Nothing like that has ever been stated. That's not even close to being a possibility.
First of all, "by April" would mean by the beginning of April, which is only a few days away at the time of this post. I'm gonna assume "by the end of April" is what you meant.
Only around 16 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated right now. There's no way that number will jump to 90 percent in a month.
Most if not all Americans should be eligible by the end of April, but it's still going to take at least a couple of months to actually get vaccinations into people's arms.

>> No.10585473

It's certainly true that there are many convention organizers that like to virtue signal.
That said, almost none of them are going to make the choice to lose out on a ton of money (and possibly go bankrupt) because they'd rather virtue signal and look "good".
Money always trumps everything.

>> No.10585475


16% sounds low, but maybe it's right for people who got both doses, but judging by the amount of doses we have administered that number will spike soon as a bunch of people will hit their 2nd dose at once.


>U.S. administers 145.8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines: CDC

We need ~400mil doses to fully vaccinate all adults in the US, and things are only ramping up.

I'm hopeful we'll have everyone who wants one covered by late May/early June, but I doubt this will convince forever lockdowners.

>> No.10585538

cause they're trying to bring in money while keeping their virtue signal status of not holding a physical con. its stupid, I know

>> No.10585555

>Close vital vaccine site to host SacAnime
Glad to see anime cons are a priority over saving lives.

>> No.10585559

>Comic Con wants to have an in-person event on Thanksgiving weekend. Yet they get criticized for it.
>Have to close a vaccine site just to host an anime con. Yet they are also getting heat for it.
Cons are dead. We are never returning back to normal.

>> No.10585565

Take the meds doomer

>> No.10585566
File: 130 KB, 960x876, FB_IMG_1617062234252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It went from highly to likely happen to TBD

>> No.10585569

Welcome to the post-Covid world where mass gathering events will now be frowned upon.

>> No.10585582

And Time. I might as well just look up youtube vlogs from the people who attended those cons.

Oh yeah, cosplay music vids.

>> No.10585659

I've heard rumors they've been really aggressive and money-hungry for a long-assed time (even BEFORE CRX and TwitchCon), but this just takes the fuckin cake

>> No.10585660

>he doesn't know how to use the Three Seashells

>> No.10585715

I hate to break it to everyone, but ALA 2022 is going to be cancelled.

The CDC is warning everyone about an incoming 4th wave of COVID since variants are looking to be vaccine resistant. The state of California has already cancelled early 2022 events. It's pretty much over for anything that is above a small-sized con in CA.

>> No.10585786

doom doom

>> No.10585826

Always thought SacAnime was shitty. This just reinforces my point.

>> No.10586048

What a cunt

>> No.10586075

I've literally been right every single time, because I FUCKING LIVE HERE. ALA at best is gonna be moved, but don't be surprised if it gets cancelled again.

>> No.10586128
File: 769 KB, 1100x457, 1617143049020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you plan on losing all your quarantine weight for con season 2022?

Or are you still bulking?

>> No.10586150
File: 280 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210330-165743_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? The Rose Parade is still scheduled to go on.

Also, pic related, if you leave an angry tweet on SacAnime's Twitter regarding the closure of the vaccine site to host this shit con.

>> No.10586154

not be a dumbass and watch what I eat. Not like that whale!

>> No.10586169

>watching news
>"a vaccine center in roseville will be closed down to accommodate an annie-may convention"

>> No.10586171

How do you do blow up like that in only two years?

>> No.10586172

I wish to learn her secrets. My glutes refuse to bulk up.

>> No.10586189

Anyone even going to this SacAnime?

>> No.10586196

Medications and Cheesecake

>> No.10586350

the world is healing

>> No.10586354

eat less and walk more

>> No.10586647

I have a gym at home and work. So yay!

>> No.10586710

>This is no longer about safety. This is about optics, do you think Dragoncon organizers have the guts to push forward?
A lot of these cons will go belly up if they cancel for a second year. Even Dragoncon with its huge reserves cant hold out forever. I could see Dragoncon postponing the event to Columbus Day but not outright cancelling.

>> No.10586713
File: 263 KB, 481x445, animinneapolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here going to Animinneapolis? The only other anime centric con I go to is detour and it's cancelled again.

>> No.10586798

>All these cons trying to come back in the middle of a global pandemic
>4th wave and newly discovered variants just around the corner
Fuck it, just close everything. At least Uncle Joe wants us to stay home and collect more free non-taxable money.

>> No.10586808

>The state of California has already cancelled early 2022 events.
What events? Even the Rose Parade is still going full steam.

>> No.10586834

doom doom

>> No.10586843

I've complied and worn my masks, even got vaccinated, if shit is still going to be shut down I will vote all red next election cycle.

>> No.10586848


>> No.10587008

Financial reserves equivalent to between 3 months and 2 years of operating expenses are considered the norm for non-profits. Nonprofits actually need to generate a profit to insure continuous operating. Do you even know what legally defines a nonprofit?

>> No.10587010

She's fatter in the first pic than you'd think just by glancing at it. Beyond that, probably a bunch of booze.

>> No.10587019

The fact that she is holding a probably alcoholic beverage in every photo makes the booze a likely culprit.

>> No.10587134

>May 7th
>only a couple of weeks after the floyd trial should end

>> No.10587270

>Be white
>Cosplay Japanese anime character
>Get called out for cultural appropriation
Cosplay is dead

>> No.10587272

do that shit in japan and no one will bat an eye

>> No.10587282

No one who matters cares.

>> No.10587285

lol try saying that when you have trannies beating up on women

>> No.10587747

Hardly anyone cared pre-pandemic, now everyone of these cancel culture nuts are out of the wood work ever since George Floyd sacrificed himself to the SJW gods. Don't be surprised when these weirdos start harassing you while you're having a photo shoot.

>> No.10587758

Kek imagine thinking 2020 was the year woke culture got popular online. That kinda dumb cultural appropriation obsession has been common forever.

>> No.10587773

It blew up last year because people stayed home and began "researching" woke culture in the wake of Floyd's death. Why do you think the Washington Redskins is now the Washington Football Team.? It's the new trend! Being non-Asian cosplaying anime characters that have Japanese or Asian influences won't be safe for very long. Enjoy being ridiculed just for dressing up.

>> No.10587777

I'm black so I have an immunity card, I'm just gonna keep cosplaying all my favorite fit tan anime girls. Feel bad for the rest of you lot though, good luck.

Also I shit you not this has been some annoying bullshit everyone was complaining about forever desu, it was not purely post George Floyd at all, you've just been in a bubble if you weren't exposed to annoying wokeshit and 3rd gen Asian Americans whining about cultural appropriation for consuming pop culture before this (along with black people doing the same for hip hop and "black" culture too)

>> No.10587818

I got my popcorn ready to watch what happens on social media

>> No.10587903

>Washington Redskins is now the Washington Football Team
i thought this was a joke but i just looked it up. they couldn't have chosen an animal or something as a mascot instead of... nothing??

>> No.10587928

I heard it was partially a marketing stunt to sell limited merch and they were originally planning to choose a different mascot but maybe they just never got around to it?

>> No.10587931

I wouldn’t call the redskin thing a trend. Maybe them finally doing something was a trend, but native people have been pointing out what a racist name it was for decades. If it’s a trend, I don’t care.

>> No.10587957

cons are not coming back.

>> No.10587964

Stop being a paranoid loser. The stupid things will come back. Give it a year and you’ll be set.

>> No.10588033

Take your pills, Alice.

>> No.10588056
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>It blew up last year because people stayed home and began "researching" woke culture in the wake of Floyd's death

>> No.10588076

>Try to start up cons in an attempt to return to normalcy
>Get criticized because the majority believe it's irresponsible to host mass gathering events in the middle of a never-ending pandemic
Looks like they're dead to me

>> No.10588079

They’re already back.

>> No.10588137


>> No.10588187

"The majority" is going to quickly become "the vocal minority". We may be there already.
Many people have and will change their outlook once they get the jab. Once we get to the point where everyone (in the US, at least) that wants the vaccine has gotten it, there's going to be a major shift.
Yes, there will still be the sniveling little cunts that come and post "I can't believe people are thinking about going to a con in 2021!" whenever there's talk of a convention happening. That's when you tell them to shut the fuck up and lock themselves in their room for the rest of the calendar year while we go out and have some fun.

>> No.10588539

desu i don't care anymore

at this point I just throw cosplay parties at my house. if lamos don't wanna come they don't gotta come

>> No.10588618

theres been multiple cons that are being held within the next month or so, unfortunately.

>> No.10588669


wake me up when it's not with bitch ass rules

>> No.10588683

Cons that are trying to get off the ground this year are also getting criticized and slammed by those that actually work in the industry. It's not just a bunch of whiny liberal nerds.

>> No.10588920

>BREAKING: Dragon Con threatening to move out of Georgia in response to new voting bill passed
Uh oh...

>> No.10589017

Cool fan fiction, anon.
Dragon Con isn't going anywhere.

>> No.10589028

So just another bunch of liberal whiny nerds

>> No.10589092

So what's the point of still having in-person conventions if everything you can do at a con can now be done online virtually?

>> No.10589116

Can you fucking just shut up and die. I'm so sick and tired of you fucking losers. If you dont want to go to a con just sit the fuck at home and dont go you fucking freaks.

>> No.10589117

By all means let them. Please, accelerate.

>> No.10589128

This is bullshit
But this is worse

>> No.10589138

Sorry I meant this post

I'm very drunk

>> No.10589156

No one likes online cons. Inb4
>I do
Just watch a youtube vid lmao.

>> No.10589192

what pandemic?

>> No.10589203

It's literally the same hobo-tier loser that's so desperate for attention that they've been posting the same thing here for a year now

>> No.10589880

You don't have to like it since it's the only option you have until the day you die.

>> No.10589932


>> No.10590298
File: 54 KB, 700x745, 1612138532539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California just announced a full reopening of everything by June 15th, it'll mostly be normal operations with a mask mandate
>mfw AX probably could've happened in some capacity

>> No.10590330
File: 69 KB, 1292x730, ax 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.10590355

AX should have moved to Texas or Florida. What's their response already?

>> No.10590384
File: 233 KB, 820x1206, 1529780058910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More information:
>All events uncapped starting June 15th as long as vaccinations are shown or attendees show proof of testing
>If no vaccinations or testing, cap is 5000
>Restrictions will be revisited and may be gone entirely by October 1st

>> No.10590470
File: 278 KB, 1186x2046, 643CB4DE-2655-4C32-8692-6E1DBDBE7ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10590512

It would have been an expensive shitty version of ALA.

>> No.10590514

>>Restrictions will be revisited and may be gone entirely by October 1st
Back to strict lockdowns in the fall.

>> No.10590578

What are you going to do with your life post-pandemic, doomposter?

>> No.10590579
File: 105 KB, 1044x956, 1614065082446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not wrong. The offerings would've been almost non-existent with such little time to plan.
But I still would've gone. Fuck

>> No.10591108

>Vaccines only last 6 months
>New variants will appear when the vaccine wears off
RIP 2022 conventions

>> No.10591125

RIP ALA 2022

>> No.10591134

Katsucon and Magfest are coming back

>> No.10591145
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, 1547918606440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>January 2022
>Headline reads LBCC Migrant Children Center closes down to host Anime Convention

>> No.10591310

I've heard Katsucon might still be happening this year but it will be Summer Katsu in July or August.

>> No.10591739

As more and more of the population gets it (I got my first dose today) the question is going to become less "how many cases" and more "how many deaths." When 80% of the population has the vaccine and you get little to no deaths anymore in the summer, restrictions will end even if the virus isn't "extinct." New strains also make viruses less deadly over time and none of the detected strains even seem much "worse," just less studied.

AX could've honestly fucking happened this year in some capacity.

>> No.10591743

>AX could've honestly fucking happened this year in some capacity.
How? When the LACC is about to house illegal migrant children.

>> No.10591873
File: 694 KB, 848x1093, IMG_5699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ColossalCon is actually fucking happening

>> No.10591878


I'm still waiting on the spike from Georgia hosting a 40k person event indoors in February.

It was a cheerleading competition (so heavily leaning red) so the actual people who care didn't give a fuck

Or the spike as a result of the Superbowl.

Or spring break.

>> No.10591880
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>> No.10592050

>AX could've honestly fucking happened this year in some capacity.
I agree, but damn, they would've have some shitty Youtuber-tier guests and programming.

>> No.10592052

>The city’s contract with the federal Health and Human Services Department, which oversees the Office of Refugee Resettlement, would last 90 to 120 days, until Aug. 2
Who could've guessed that Doomposter was not only starved for attention, but also illiterate?
The cities are desperate to start hosting conventions again after October 1st.

>> No.10592166

Katsu is looking for staff for both events so we'll see something happen in summer and winter. Check their FB page.

>> No.10592464

Wont happen. Cases plummeting. Media is trying to make their corpse emperor biden look good. "Vaccines are working guys, and thats a good thing!" When really the warm weather always brings diminishing numbers of flu cases. Saw it last spring. Then fall will come, suddenly cases, omg strain 820 is back and it could affect your guinie pig! Its all so tiresome.

>> No.10592738
File: 38 KB, 337x343, 1574649986555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing the federal government gets anything done efficiently and on time

>> No.10592779

Here's your (you), poor thing. Remember to spend it wisely

>> No.10593004

Don't be acting like a bitch when Cons slated for later on this year and early 2022 start canceling.

>> No.10593150

>Forgetting the type of people who chair and staff colossalcon


>> No.10593679

Type of people? Excuse me anon, but that bald manlet Donnell stepped down, and I'm totally sure that the lady that "replaced" him is totally not a figurehead at all!
But yeah, sarcasm and manlets aside, I think Colossalcon's organizers didn't really have much of a choice regarding whether or not to hold the con. If they cancelled they'd probably be on the hook for breaking contracts.
We're going to see this happen with other summer and fall cos. The force majeure days have come to an end.

>> No.10593982

Just bought my ALA 2022 badge. I can't wait to be autistic in public again.

>> No.10594359

>Buying a badge to a con that has 50% chance of happening
You fucked up

>> No.10594459

>Prior to the pandemic, everyone looks forward to cons and constantly talk about it.
>Now whenever a con tries to start up in an attempt to return to normalcy, those same people that once look forward to cons shun the idea of them even occurring
So all it took was a deadly global pandemic to kill conventions and cosplay.

>> No.10594622

it's gonna be cancelled lmao

>> No.10594850

No, it’s really just the one asshole that doomposts in the threads relating to LA cons. They just want attention

>> No.10594889

Who here going to metrocon?


>> No.10595057

100% if they don't fucking lame it up with restrictions

>> No.10595151
File: 2.97 MB, 306x205, 1599628243170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need proof of being vaccinated or negative test result to attend cons
Whatever you say

>> No.10595162


I'm talking masks, closing earlier, 'social distancing'... Which they very well might keep ugg

I don't care about the vaccine requirement.. already got mine

>> No.10595216

>I don't care about the vaccine requirement.. already got mine
>Being proud of becoming a human guinea pig for a rushed unproven vaccine that already has killed thousands
You fucked up

>> No.10595226

any decent con would refund badges

>> No.10595228

neck yourself schizo

>> No.10595246

Cons don't have unlimited resources. Refunding badge would mean going bankrupt for some of them.

>> No.10595259


Yeah man they're just going to let doctors, some of the most valuable human capital we have available die in excess to a bad vaccine.

>> No.10596048

Then these organizations shouldn't even think about holding their conventions for the next 4 years.

>> No.10596089
File: 1.88 MB, 480x264, wonder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest possible question
will cons accept AMVs that were cut in 2020 / 2021, since they could not have been submitted during covid years
or is that a stupid question and no one cares when you actually cut a vid

can't wait to find out spoilers don't work in seagulltown

>> No.10596605

It's going to be gratifying seeing a
section when the next thread gets made.
It's going to be a fairly small list, but it's still a step closer to normalcy.

>> No.10596722

In the past I'd look forward to conventions because they'd let me at least pretend to be social. As they keep getting pushed back though, I'm forced to start being more communicative with people in my life and making them closer friends. Even if they aren't as into weebshit, dropping the fantasy of some perfect friendship/romance happening at a con might be better for my personal growth.

>> No.10597325

I'm so excited for AX Lite 2.0. I hope this becomes the permanent replacement for the actual Anime Expo since this Pandemic is suppose to last another 30 years according to scientists.

>> No.10597523
File: 2.97 MB, 1600x1589, 14D14A01-6052-403D-AA08-AF7ED085BF12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren’t for assholes being assholes

>> No.10597570

Covid varients have shown that they can resist against the current vaccines. Also, I just read that someone who attended Wrestlemania in Florida tested positive 3 days afterwards, so whoever went likely got COVID since so many were unmasked. The days of conventions and mass gathering events are over.

>> No.10597611

Pretty soon every single disease will start getting listed as a "covid strain" even if they all have 99.999 survival. The common cold won't exist and will just be replaced in people's minds with "covid."

>> No.10597634

Katsucon should host a "hang out on the grounds of the Gaylord" event even if Station Unity aka Summer Katsu doesn't happen.

>> No.10597638

Like the flu, once we get to a point where treatment is mostly successful, it won't matter that there's resistence to vaccines.
Arguably we're already there, the public just doesn't know it

>> No.10597680


blah blah, yeah like it's possible to control this thing with a porous land border.

We have hundreds of thousands of people a year flowing through the southern border largely undeterred. How the fuck does a lockdown strategy work in that scenario?

New Zealand/Taiwan still have the occasional week long lockdown when someone fucks up with the hotel quarantine.

There is a reason the only countries that have beaten this are island nations..

>> No.10597740

I for one want a Canadian/UK style shelter in place lockdown where you can be arrested just for leaving your house to go for a walk.

>> No.10597818

Canadian here, no you do fucking not. I wish I could get away from the governmental incompetence. We are surpassing USA in per capital new cases and no stimulus checks are getting issued.
Most 18-25 year olds were shoe horned into getting a degree, but if you graduated or are a student you aren't eligible for CERB, which is very conditional and that you have to PAY BACK.
Obviously people are doing risky shit now. It's fully unsafe and we have no idea how to deal with this situation.
We have literally no head of state, because JT makes promises he can't and/or won't keep, gives out misinformation and thinks the entire population is cattle or a class that should be herded through pretty words and something sparkly.
Our economy is in shambles, food prices are growing and everyone is tripping because we can't comment even on YouTube videos about new enforcements.
Our healthcare system is thoroughly corrupt to the point that I'm not sure that I'll be able to get the help I need if I require it since I don't know the right people.
I wouldn't wish Canadians' situation on anyone, shit's fucked.

>> No.10597822

>be me
>live in Columbus, OH all my life
>look forward to Matsuricon & Ohayocon every year
>cancelations for damn near every con worldwide
>Feels bad man
At what point do we start protesting for the right to cosplay? Clearly there are places to protest, and when enough people show up, sometimes they're bigger than cons. If hotel security guards aren't armed, they're no match for an OG Ya0i Paddle

>> No.10597824

>we can't comment even on YouTube videos about new enforcements
Sorry to hear about that northern neighbor. Has anyone told you about how Pro-Censorship Google has always been? That's the least surprising thing I've heard on this site since there were only two boards. Learn to proxy, git gud n00b, etc.. and tell the world what's going on

>> No.10597831

I would rather migrate to Canada than continue living under the dictatorship of Biden and Harris. You guys have it better up there. At least your government got its shit together better than the Democrats that currently control the USA.

>> No.10597835

You've got Colossalcon in Ohio coming up soon, anon. Granted, it sounds pretty terrible with all of the restrictions they'll have in place, but yeah.

>> No.10597866

No it doesn't. We love in a dictatorship too, it just has less black people here. Our government very much does not have its shit together and it is abundantly clear that we are fucked. That's why we can't leave the country anymore. Literally where were you when over the winter holidays every fucking official was caught going on vacation to some tropical place???
People are forced to go to Covid infested hotels after landing to Canada. 50$ for a plate of food that's delivered at 10pm and is cold doesn't sound humane anon. I just wish I was able to eat Campbell's Chunky without my roommate asking what the occasion is because that shit is expensive as fuck to buy. Look it up.
I'm tired of having our prime minister make stupid statements like "whatever vaccine you get is the one you deserve".
I'm tired of having to deal with economic refugees coming in without having to quarantine.
I'm tired of waiting for the border to open so I can see a doctor that won't threaten to list me as a faker if I ask him to do a test panel because I've been feeling ill and the symptoms fit an early onset illness that runs in my family.
I'm fucking exhausted of living in this dictatorship and knowing that unless I do something amazing I will be unable to flee to the States. I wish I could get unemployment or CERB but as a recent graduate all I can get is a student loan deferral of a few months that still accumulates interest.
It's honestly so bad and it's so tiring.

>> No.10597890

"We will have to make decisions about who will live or die">>10597831 here you go, wonderland for ya

it's really bad, all info keeps getting scrubbed so its kind of disheartening to do. It used to be manageable but now it's on another level

>> No.10597901

>"We will have to make decisions about who will live or die"
USA has that problem too.

>> No.10597903

>Wanting to flee from a place with Universal Healthcare and a government that actually cares about its people to third world shit hole that is on the brink of economic collapse
Stay where you are Leaf.

>> No.10597907

>Canadian government caring about its people.
yes thats why our old age people are being beaten to a pulp.
it's why it's legal to lie about where products come from, unlike the States (our farmers markets are full of grocery store products)
the universal healthcare looks like this even precovid:
We have to pay for parking with that universal healthcare and dental is not included. Also going between provinces will mean that you are SOL for medical aid unless you pay.
They dont care about what is in our food: see like 100s of other cbc documentaries on it.
And the third world shit is bad. We have a lottt of homeless people and the economic collapse is going to be much worse in Canada if USA goes through one.

I'd rather try my luck in a "third world" country that has a lower infection rate than the place I'm now

>> No.10597915


>I'd rather try my luck in a "third world" country that has a lower infection rate than the place I'm now

Jesus fuck you really are a retard.

Third world countries have better covid infection rates because guess what. Unless you test for it, you won't have high infection rates!

And especially in countries with completely different demographics where your population is largely young, it's barely a blip on them over their dozens of other higher causes of death.

>> No.10598036

I wish the American government had the balls to be like Canada
>Leaving your residence to go to a con or any other event
>Risk getting detained and arrested by Police
This is how it should work here.

>> No.10598056

I've been trying to get a test for months, they don't test Canadians that want to be tested

>> No.10598219
File: 319 KB, 828x795, AE3F550E-C13A-4492-BEA2-49975AE991DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pain. praying tekko will still be on in december i havent had shit to look forward to for almost 2 years

>> No.10598359

Well prepare for another 2 years of nothing. 2024 is likely when cons and indoor events will be back to full capacity

>> No.10598545
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>> No.10598563
File: 15 KB, 486x567, Chair pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop by little Tokyo in Los Angeles from a Yosemite Trip
>The entire shopping plaza is packed to the gills
>Almost nil social distancing
>Block long lines to get into the figurine stores

NGL it kinda reminded me of a convention.
Also driving home to San Diego from LA(i know its in anaheim) also reminds me of Wondercon

God i miss cons

>> No.10598638
File: 1.81 MB, 540x262, 1618521379022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomposter is a stupid asshole that has a grudge against cons, ignore him.

>mfw I'm supposed to be in Yosemite right now but I'm at home finishing up stupid work and school shit
I hope you enjoyed your trip, anon. Universal Studios just reopened and some of the ride queues look like a clusterfuck.

>> No.10598672
File: 1.45 MB, 1125x2436, 700B3CAA-6804-4B6E-A998-6B07EB18AB4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if Otakon is foreshadowing anything.

>> No.10598814

Canada is AT war within their government right now because of regulations even the police won't comply orders.

>> No.10598881

This. Today there was a cut to a few of the internet providers which took down several essential services. Today is also the day we had harder restrictions put in, so you know. Things are getting scary in the north.

>> No.10598891

>there was a cut to a few of the internet providers
>harder restrictions put in
TO seagull here. You wanna cite some of these for me?

>> No.10598913

I just have a grudge against holding cons and other mass gathering events when we are still in a global pandemic that is likely never ending in our lifetime.

>> No.10598915

No, you just don't get enough attention and are most definitely a Socal fag

>> No.10598917

Try going to Quebec, gull. The provincial borders closed today

>> No.10598923

>Canada is AT war within their government
Lol wut? I thought you Leafs love the fuck out of Trudeau?

>> No.10598938

I was in Little Tokyo today on the last day of my trip to LA. There were masks, and some of the weebier shops actually had a waiting line outside because they only let a few people in for a fixed amount of time.

I bought some Japanese shot glasses for me and my brother to toast to my quest of finding an actual life.

>> No.10598991


>> No.10599142

Not anymore
