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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10485390 No.10485390 [Reply] [Original]

Hikizuri Edition
Old thread >>10282783
Anyone transitioning into awase yet?

>> No.10485394

Is it more "okay" to dress as Geiko, Maiko or Kabuki characters? Somehow I think Geiko would get their feathers ruffled because you're dressing as their Job / profession but it might be more Okay to do kabuki characters because it's theater / dressing as a character.

>> No.10485409

There are "geisha" kimono renters where you can do the experience in Kyoto so I doubt anyone would really kick up a fuss. Of course you'd have to do it well and authentically and that can get pricey. A Maru obi alone is expensive. The cheap antique ones are useless because the gold thread in old ones usually harden and crack with age.

I'd like to dress more in kimono. I've been collecting different components since about July and have actually started preferring it to wearing Lolita. I'm looking for some simple iromuji and tsukuri obi for a easy day to day look so I can wear kimono even on my more lazy days.

>> No.10485506

I want Sou to resume with their dollar auctions of the good stuff, I just want some nice stained silks and looking through the auctions was a nice daily routine for me. I guess it will once shipping to the US is go again, since they had the auctions while most of EU was shut down.

>> No.10485557

I beileve you're right, that's what I was thinking. I beileve once they reopen Japan Post the auctions will start up again. Hopefully by December--or not! Who knows?

>> No.10485560
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I'm going through a a furisode and Hakama phase right now, I think they long sleeves and versability of Hakamas are gorgeous

>> No.10485568

I didn't realise they did them! What sort of thngs do they have? Is it simply the things they've had sitting in their warehouse for too long?

>> No.10485571


>> No.10485635

Antique/vintage sometimes brand new dead stock
Kimonos of all kind, Haori, zori/geta, kanzashi, kimono hangers and kimono accessories, obis of all kind, basically everything. But please note some items are stained but they will usually tell you.

>> No.10485639

Excellent thanks! I usually get things in their sale so am excited for the auction.

>> No.10486473

I love hakamas so much, it's so beautiful!
I think I'll buy one for my next meetup, I'm looking for some coord for my new geta and tabi.

>> No.10491587


>> No.10492624

Sou has posted a test auction! We should be expecting their regular auctions any day now I hope!

>> No.10492627

Where is it? I'm finding that all pages bar the home page aren't loading for me right now. I really want some tsukuri obi and iromuji for lazy days.

>> No.10494033

As someone new to this how are traditional dresses cosplay?

>> No.10494039

Nvm didn't see the OP. I thought it was for cosplay

>> No.10497626
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Very late, but did /cgl/ like the Animal Crossing and Sou Sou collab?

>> No.10498693

I'm not sure if anyone posted about it in the previous thread but I really liked it! I think it's a good way to promote.

>> No.10498782

They're cute. I wish they incorporated something animal crossing related like the leaf logo though.

I wish this thread was more active. I don't want to post personal pictures to out myself but how about, when I see them, I share kitsuke I like?

>> No.10498853

Is wearing wafuku counts as cultural appropriation?

>> No.10498964

Not at all.
Cultural appropriation doesn't even exist to begin with.

>> No.10498988

It does

>> No.10499022

Most Japanese people are very happy to see wafuku being done by westerners, as long as it's tasteful and done respectively. If you get some fat weeabo painting their face white with a satin AliExpress furisode then that's a problem, yes.

>> No.10499039

No, there's a lot of Japanese people and organizations who work hard to introduce wafuku to foreigners. They're delighted for anyone experience and appreciate the beauty of these items. These are not sacred garments or religious traditions, they are simply fashion clothes.

If you are confused about matters of cultural appropriation, it would be a good idea to learn the difference between open and closed cultures/traditions.

Open- Things that outsiders are encouraged to partake in
>examples: wafuku, Indian weddings and garments, dia de los muertos, food and especially restaurants, European traditional dress, festivals, shopping and tourism, visiting temples open to the public, experiencing authentic cultural dress from native tribes

Closed- Things that outsiders are discouraged from
>examples: religious stuff like sage burning, garments like yarmulke, visiting temples NOT open to the public like LDS ones, doing parodies of other cultures' funerals or ceremonies, "sexy" or costume versions of cultural dress

>> No.10499061

That reminds me, anybody ordered from Sou Sou from europe in here?
I looking to buy a thing or two.

You can always blur / crop out your face if you're shy.
You definitely should post things you like though.

>> No.10499197

Me and my mom did it when we were in Kyoto. You pay money and they dress you up, do your makeup, and then do a little photo shoot in different poses. Then they give you all the photos on a CD. It was super fun and the ladies lived us, they got a big kick out of us gaijin doing it because their main market is usually I think high school graduation type photos.

>> No.10499225

I do. Prepare for customs fees. I'm actually stopping buying from them now as I've never not had to pay them and they don't mark down.

>> No.10499233

>how about, when I see them, I share kitsuke I like?
please do!

>> No.10503117

i have a yellow/cream colored kimono with red and purple designs on it, would i be able to coordinate it with darker colored obi and accessories to make it more appropriate for the season?

>> No.10503153

It depends on the designs, are they floral/natural or geometric?

I'm sure you could pair it with an obi with pawlonia or some late autumn flowers to make it more seasonal, unless it's very strongly another season. Post pics?

>> No.10503308
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What's the weirdest design you've seen?

>> No.10503311

i remember it has chrysanthemum and plum flowers in it and some geometric shapes. i will post a pic when i get home later.

there's a company called gofukuyasan that i follow on instagram that does really out there designs, one being a barcode obi. i suggest looking them up if you're into that!

>> No.10503339

I'm a giant noob to kimono,
I am living in japan and thinking about taking a kimono wearing course?
I am looking at many places and the prices are around 40000-50000 yen for about 10 lessons.
are these courses worth it, do they seem like a waste of money? would you recommend just learning stuff online and buying clothes with the money.
just wanted to ask the general opinion about these types of courses.

>> No.10503341

I would HIGHLY reccomend going to a course. If you try to teach yourself (and have any sense of aesthetics), you will realise that you'll come across a whole bunch of issues that you have no idea how to fix, because wearing kimono needs a lot of understanding on how the fabric sits on your body.

Once you do a course, you'll realise there's a whole bunch of details you'd never notice on your own, like where the seams are meant to match up, how to make the skirts taper properly, how to fix the inside of your ohashori, the exact shape of nijidaiko musubi, the ideal length and wingspan. They'll also teach you things like what obi is appropriate to wear with what kimono etc. "TPO" rules.

You can easily find great recycle kimono for 500-1000¥ at flea markets and in places like book-off, they often don't know what they're selling and don't know how much it's really worth.

You don't need to go to the most expensive or most in depth course, but any course will greatly benefit you. Or risk the kimono police snickering at you on the streets!

>> No.10503582

I love gofukuyasan. Does anyone know if they ship overseas?

>> No.10503891

okay thanks for the detailed advice anon.
I'll sign up for a course then!

>> No.10503973
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>> No.10503974
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>> No.10503975
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>> No.10503976
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Only a small dump for now. I'll finish with this - this is my latest purchase.

>> No.10504691

What a gorgeous hiki, anon!

>> No.10512379
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I'll share some twitter accounts to see kimono-related stuff. With the lockdown I can't wear anything, so I just go there to get my fix.

She post regularly killer coords and her everyday kimonos. Perfect to get some ideas and inspiration.

She's promoting kitsuke around Osaka. Post traditional and modern take on kistuke clothing. Good if you want to modernize or get some new ideas.

She's a professional that hold a kimono shop in Tokyo. Regularly post shootings and nice stuff.

She's promoting kimono wearing and post YT tutorials. You need to speak Japanese to understand them, but her twitter has some very nice pics of kitsuke.

>> No.10512386

Thanks anon for those links!

Query - where do prove get their geta from? I need some pokkuri but the oens I've found are either too small (I'm 24.5cm) or cosplay quality

>> No.10512387

*Anons, no idea why I wrote prove

>> No.10512794

They don't have a huge selection but they have some pokkuri. It's good quality and serious despite their name.

I'm jealous, you know how to walk with those? I'd love to try it looks so beautiful.

>> No.10516051 [DELETED] 

Any anons have orange obi kitsuke inspo? I somehow ended up with a beautiful orange fukuro obi and orange Nagoya obi and I haven't been able to come up with many ideas for either.

>> No.10516052

Any anons have bright orange obi kitsuke inspo? I somehow ended up with a beautiful orange fukuro obi and orange Nagoya obi and I haven't been able to come up with many ideas for either.

>> No.10520029

i love pairing orange with green!! i also think it does well if you have any taisho or early showa pieces it really brings out and holds saturation.

>> No.10525882

Either it doesn't and you are wrong, or you are tight, it does, and in such case don't you dare to go to an university unless you are from England, Spain, France or Germany

>> No.10526091

>tfw no 和美少女

>> No.10526624

Are you saying that these are the countries that invented universities or what? The oldest one’s in Italy

>> No.10533569

not them but I would say good posture is #1 and tons of practice

>> No.10533573


Honestly I found this particular insult a little obtuse.

>> No.10541669

Why don't you wear your own region's/ethnicity's traditional garb instead of wearing the inferior East Asian traditional garb?

>> No.10541799

why are you on /cgl/ anon? /fa/ is a little far from here.

>> No.10541803

You can't make me wear yoga pants don't even try

>> No.10544158
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I would have looked really weird taking tea ceremony lessons with molotovs instead of a fukusa stuffed in my belt.

>> No.10544197

can we stop replying to /fa/gs trying to neg us and talk about kimono? has anyone bought anything recently?

>> No.10545535

>Can't wear anything because lollockdown since 6 months in my country
>When I try something on I get slightly depressed
>Weather is very very bad, so getting out is a gamble
>Barely used the getas I bought for summer
I wear them inside to get used to walking with them, but that's it. I'd like to buy new ones though.

>> No.10546313
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>> No.10546314
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>> No.10547377
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>> No.10547380
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>> No.10547384
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>> No.10548798

>be anything non asian, can't use chopsticks, watch anime, or use Japanese styled image boards
>be anything non white, can't use the internet
Guess you should just fuck off, then.

>> No.10549616
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>> No.10549618
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>> No.10549619
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>> No.10549620
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>> No.10551901

Hopefully this is the right thread. Does anyone have recommendations for jinbei? I want something comfy and breathable to sleep in or to use as roomwear. I'm in Europe if it matters, happy to order from Japan though.

>> No.10554470

How many furisode is too many furisode to own? Especially because I have basically no occasion to wear one despite constantly finding ones I like. I'm the right demographic to wear them at the very least but it's hard to justify having too many if there's no time/place to wear them to.

>> No.10554484

So, i have really beautiful kimono and obi, both made out of brocade (?) fabric. They look and i guess are expensive (it was a gift to my family by a very distant Japanese relative-in-law)
What would be a proper occasion to wear it? Its not like a yukata i can wear to a con...

>> No.10554848

It depends on what type of kimono and obi it is. Put a picture up and we'll tell you.
Just wear them. Like with >>10554484
just wear them. As long as you are wearing it well, it doesnt matter. Enjoy your clothes.

>> No.10554851


>> No.10554893

Where do people wear their fancy kimono? It's not quite like lolita where you can wear it daily for something mundane like grocery shopping, especially an extravagant kimono like a furisode.

>> No.10554895

Perhaps not food shopping no, but I wear my furisode when doing to things like classical music concerts, going to museums or events. I wear iromuji/ komon when going to places like walking around town or going food shopping. I try to wear kimono at least once a week.

>> No.10555433

Im a guy, so the rules are different for me, but i usually wear my formal and semiformal attire to events and special occasions. My dojo does an exhibition every once and a while, so i wear it to that. I have also worn my formal things to japanese art exhibits at museums or japanese gardens. Its kind of hard to find excuses to wear them.
I try to wear kimono as often as possible, even though i do not go out much.

>> No.10558282

Summer markets.

>> No.10558363

it's just a modern/academic term for "having basic respect for different cultures". Some folks exaggerate it but that's the nature of language- it certainly exists.

>> No.10558366

/fa/gs aside, I always assumed folks who trolled these threads and weren't anglo did already have a local folk costume interest. I know I've certainly come onto kimono from my preexisting folklore nerdery...

>> No.10558923


>> No.10558935

Unless something has religious symbolism why should anyone care that someone's wearing clothes from another culture? Especially when kimono makers want more people to appreciate and wear kimono.

>> No.10562995

Mah boy, no one cares. I don't care if someone starts to wear a Mariachi outfit, and most people with half a brain actually get happy when you show interest in their culture.

It's nice to see people wearing your ethnic clothes outside your country. It shows that they care and would like to know more about your culture, which is nice the last time I checked.

People who say otherwise are rich white girls form California.

>> No.10563031


No, it's just white girls with nothing better to do trying to police what others are interested in.