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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10446741 No.10446741 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all are babies so here's a thread.

Went with some of my good friends in my local comm to some nearby mountains! The forecast said to expect scattered thunderstorms, but we lucked out with some very beautiful weather. It was so good for the soul.

Jsk: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse, socks: Devilinspired
Beret: off brand
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet

>> No.10446742
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Also apologies for any reposts, just went back a few days to where I didn't recognize most posts.

Is it just me, or is it way too hot to put on a full coord?
I would love concrit as I am a little lost on how to use my small lolita wardrobe to bring this coord to its full potential (except for the shoes, they are my only non-sneaker shoe where I am quarantined atm).
Accessories: Taobao + offbrand
Blouse: Offbrand (Lauren Conrad’s Cinderella collection)
Dress: Oojia Dream Sky (I bought this second-hand ages ago when I was a baby lolita and didn’t realize how terrible replicas are)
Shoes: Offbrand

>> No.10446743
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First time posting here, already preparing for Halloween I love my giant witch hat, but it's kinda heavy and I'm still looking for a good photo spot in my new apartment

Blouse: H&M
Dress: Moi-même-moitié
Otks: Killstar
Shoes: Funtasma

>> No.10446744
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Finally able complete my bear skirt coord in a way that I actually like! I got this skirt last December and hadn’t been able to do a good official coord for it and did a trash “make do” one. My little huggy bear son is actually a bag that can fit my foldable wallet! I also decided to try out a border for this photo. Let me know what you think!

Coord Breakdown

Skirt: Magic Tea Party ~ Bear’s Paradise
Beret: 7seven miles (taobao)
Bolero: Eesilly Verse (taobao)
Blouse: Yaoulanxiang (taobao)
Bear Bag: To Alice
Tights: Five Small 6 Produced / 五小六出品 (taobao)
Shoes: Sosic Shop

>> No.10446745
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Wanted to wear pink
Top, skirt, bag, wrist cuffs, headbow: Angelic Pretty
Socks: innocent world
Shoes: bodyline
Accessories: off brand and AP

>> No.10446746
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Excuse the mirror photo please.
Metamorphose brand whore post ~~~
Trying out no makeup and natural hair due to my lack of motivation.

Dress, blouse, tiara, headdress, socks, wristcuffs, extra af brooch, necklaces, corset: Meta
Shoes: taobao
Tiny hair bows: AP

Concrit allowed and appreciated c:

>> No.10446749
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Some simple coords I did earlier this month. The skirt, jsk and shoes are all Bodyline. The otks are Angelic Pretty. Parasol is Btssb. Blouses are F+f and off brand. Hope you like em. <3

I have other coords but that's for another day.

>> No.10446750
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Never posted here Just a simple coord nothing too fancy~
Blouse, headbow, dress, and handbag: AP
Wristcuffs and shoes: Aliexpress
Pink bow & socks: stores irl (not sure)

Concrit welcome!

>> No.10446751
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Just going to get groceries!
concrit welcome <3

skirt, shoes: Emily Temple Cute
blouse: Angelic Pretty
OTKs: Baby
Rest offbrand!

>> No.10446752
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Recently met some friends for coffee and decided to wear my dream dress again
Concrit welcome, this was a very casual attempt, but I’d like to build on it

JSK, Headbow, Necklace: Innocent World Lotta Revival
Blouse: Handmade
Parasol: BtSSB
All else: Offbrand

>> No.10446753
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Went for a walk near my house.

Jsk: crucis (taobao)
Cutsew: emily temple cute
Shoes: bodyline
Beret, bag, socks: offbrand

>> No.10446754
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I received belated birthday gift from a fellow local lolita today~ Immediately after work I decided to go out casual lolita.

Sorry for my arthritis braces, I couldn't find other color than black atm. If anyone know where I can other colors, especially white or p9nk, please lemme know!

Op: Alseep Towlet
Shoes: Skechers x Sailormoon
Glasses: H&M
Bag: Doughnut

The rest offbrand

>> No.10446755
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In Canada we don't say "I love you", we say "I'm going to Tim's, you want anything?"
Concrit welcome

OP/bowLady Sloth
BagAngelic Pretty
CuffGhost Girl Goods
Necklace Sucre et Sel
Can't see em but pin and ring Tooth decay
OrderSour cream glazed and a medium ice cap made with chocolate milk

>> No.10446756
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Blessing your eyes with some P I N K

This Lovely Bathroom OP is probably one of my favorite lolita dresses I found her in a Closet Child in Osaka
I hope that I can go back to Japan soon

Dress: Angelic Pretty
Bonnet and Shoes: Bodyline
Accessories: Nile Perch, Princette Party, Swimmer, Handmade

>> No.10446758
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My coord from our last park meet-up
picnic was yummy

>> No.10446760
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I discovered this navy headdress I'd forgotten I had, so of course had to find a dress to wear it with. Maybe I should make an inventory of my accessories...

Dress: Soufflé Song
Blouse: Infanta
Headdress: Alice and the Pirates
Socks: Innocent World
Shoes: Antaina

>> No.10446762
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My new dress just arrived! I’m so happy with it! Have been waiting since March I think! But so worth it!

Coord rundown:
Cat: angelic pretty
Jsk, headpiece: Alice girl
Rest: off-brand

>> No.10446763
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Hey there!
It was my very first time out in a full coord and I'm quite nervous to post this Concrit is of course welcome, since I'm also not 100% happy with the OTKs yet, but I still wanted to share it!
But it was a lot of fun and two girls even came up and complimented my outfit, that was so sweet!

JSK is from Lacemarket, it said Xi Xi Mao Lolita but I can't find it online and the tag is in Chinese
Blouse: Thrifted and offbrand
Headdress: Blood Storm Club Body Line
Belt: thrifted
OTKs: Claire's
Shoes: Demonia
Choker and earrings: Handmade

>> No.10446764
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Are they... you know? *mimes swinging a sword around*

I wanted an excuse to wear my kumakumya pelt over my shoulder like a 17th century monarch being painted while surrounded by all of their belongings.

Blouse: Lost Tree
Shorts: AATP
OTKs, shoulder beast: BTSSB
Brooch: ShyLapin

>> No.10446765

I like that she still calls it her dream dress even after owning it. It shows that the excitement hasn’t worn off.

>> No.10446766
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Princess vibes only please excuse my naked face and wrinkled dress. It came in the mail today and I really wanted to wear it if anyone has any advice to style this more old school that would be greatly appreciated!

Jsk: btssb- babydoll
Socks and shoes: bodyline
Blouse: offbrand
Accessories: handmade

>> No.10446767
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Finally worked up the courage and decided to post a coordinate I was pretty proud of for feedback. I'm really into dark reds lately... I think I want to collect more red fruit accessories to pair with this next time, or maybe a faun fur collar.

Coord breakdown:

JSK, Headbow - Haenuli's Enchanted Faun in Black

Blouse - Sentaro

Wristcuffs - Strawberry Witch

Petticoat - MeLikesTea's Cotton Candy Organza

Wig, flowers, earrings, necklaces, socks, shoes - Offbrand/Handmade

>> No.10446768
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Still pretty new to the fashion but I just received this new dress in the mail yesterday! So I decided to wear it out! I would love some constructive criticism!

Jsk and blouse: When camellia blooms - from devilinspired

>> No.10446769
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I bought Sugary Carnival from a friend in my comm, and created a flatlay when it arrived!

I wanted to try pairing the lavender colorway with black pieces for a bittersweet look, which I completely admit is rather controversial, but I’m fond of the result. I want to purchase a black headbow to balance out the top half of the outfit, but if you have additional concrit, please let me know!

JSK: AP Sugary Carnival
OTK, KC: AP Cotton Candy Shop
Shoes: Bodyline S535
Purse: AP Dream Star Tote Bag

>> No.10446770
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Hi sweeties!

I have recently re-watched Outlander from season one, because the fift one finally came to Netflix! It has clearly affected my outfit choice and this one became a little Outlander and historically inspired simple look for running some errands.
It was a rainy day, so just some quick mirror selfies from this coord.

Blouse~ H&M
Dress~ Heaven's Atrium
Belt, leather pouch, boots~ Vintage

>> No.10446772
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This is a bit of an experiment, so concrit is welcome! Fairy kei is one of my favorite fashion styles, so I decided to try a hybrid with lolita. I was inspired by the pretty dino on this shirt and thought she'd probably have an extensive makeup collection.

Shirt: Creamypop
Skirt: Dreamy Girl by Angelic Pretty
Detachable collar: Milklim
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Rings: Angelic Pretty and magicalgirlme
Other Accessories: BB&B, Fancy Surprise, offbrand, and handmade
Socks: Angelic Pretty

>> No.10446773
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Content Warning: Firearms/rifles/pistols

Repost- I do apologize for not seeing the request for a CW, I posted this before work, and just now got off work, and did not see the mods requests. I am sorry the post upset anyone because I did not have that warning.

I do very much love these photos/JSK and wanted to share, as this has been a dream dress of mine. I didn’t get to see anyone’s comments, so I hope you will be willing to share your opinions again. Thanks.

Jsk/headbow/tights-Lyre Ivy Gorilla Cats/Military Cara
Blouse- Lady Sloth

>> No.10446774
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My first coord! I think. I'm a newb.
Dress and mask: made by me.
Blouse: Berlington coat factory for $9.
Shoes: I don't remember:(

Ran out of fabric to make a headpeice.. The necklace is a red matching ruby stone but flipped, ops.

>> No.10446775
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Haven’t had a chance to try on my new Misty Sky Brilliant Sky JSK yet. I have had the socks since the first release all those years ago and have never worn them!

JSK: Angelic Pretty
Hair Clip: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: TaoBao
Shoes: TaoBao

>> No.10446776
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Hello everyone !

I organized a little tea party yesterday and here is my coord. ^^
A friend of mine (a muggle) told me that the shape of my outfit was weird. I think it is because I don't wear a long petticoat under the skirt (I need to buy one).
What do you think ?
Concrit are welcome :)

Skirt and bonnet : triple fortune
Socks : abilletage
Shoes vivienne westwood
Corset and blouse : aliexpress
Necklace : violet fane

>> No.10446777
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After years, I've had a professionel shooting yesterday it was really fun

Headdress: Promise of Nostalgia
Blouse: Alice Girl
OP: Taobao
Underskirt: Taobao
Tights: Offbrand
Shoes: Bodyline
Bag: Milk

>> No.10446778
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I haven't worn HD in a while and wanted to test out my new camera lens, so I did both yesterday

Blouse and skirt: Metamorphose
Nurse cap: L. Hanajiki (Taobao)
OTKs: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Antaina

>> No.10446779
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A pink old school look to play tourist in my home town concrit welcome!

>> No.10446780
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time of bathroom selfies is over, now it's time for cryptid jungle photos

jsk+apron: alice girl
blouse: soufflesong lucky pack
flower crown: musefleur (etsy)
shoes: antaina

crit okay unless it's about the hair color

>> No.10446781
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I had this coordinate in my head for a long time and my tights arrived *slightly* off pink but... maybe I can live with it.

Honestly this is one of my favourite outfits. Pink and black with is my favourite combo

Apron: peiliee shop
JSK: Antique doll by Angelic Pretty
KC & tights: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Demonia
Wig: Lockshop
Everything else: Offbrand

Also, we all know the star of this photo is my cat

>> No.10446782
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I got this dress in the mail yesterday. Woo! Ice cream.

KC: Indie
Blouse: Indie
Accessories: AP & Indie
Socks: Offbrand
Shoes: Bodyline

>> No.10446783
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I've not worn Venice Cats since Feb 2018

Some day I will make more accessories to go with this dress but not today!

Close up of accessories in the comments

>> No.10446785
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why not feel free on the handlebars of a Lolita motorcycle? any resemblance or reference to Kamikaze Girls is pure coincidence.
. Dress jsk Berry Garden and Otk Angelic Pretty
. Antaïna shoes
. unbranded blouse and hat

>> No.10446786
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Today I went out to a park with a friend. I really love my parasol and it definitely saved me from a sunburn today

JSK: Innocent World - Adelaide
Parasol: BtSSB
Hat: Handmade
All else is offbrand

>> No.10446787
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Held an online meet today where we chatted and played scattergories. Managed to get lots of people all across the country and beyond to join which was great! I wanted to save this dress for a proper meet but god knows when that'll happen.....
Concrit always welcome,

>> No.10446788
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Gave up my pastels and wore kuro for the first time for our walk across this beautiful cemetary. Everything is either Bodyline or offbrand (shockers!)

>> No.10446789
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Dreamy dollhouse arrived today so threw a quick coord together to try it on. Every pink I own has a different undertone and it is the bane of my life

>> No.10446790
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First post here, first time taking a picture of one of my coords. It's pretty simple, since the OP does all the hard work for me, but I like it all the same. Wish I had fixed that crooked bow before taking pictures though. Took a separate picture of the hat to show off the faux wax seal on the ribbon. <3 Concrit welcome! I'll eventually need a bag to go along with this look and really pull it together. I feel like an OP is almost cheating LOL.

OP: Dear Celine "Magic Lesson With Professor Cat"
Hat: Custom by SakuraFairy on Etsy
Everything Else: Offbrand

>> No.10446791
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I thought i had left cof for good, but here i am.
Once in a blue moon i bother posting here. So. Hello !

>> No.10446793

Such a good dump! Thank you anon!

>> No.10446794
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"trust no on𝖊, not 𝖊v𝖊n urs𝖊lf"
CW: Sword

OP: Your Highness- Judgement's Oath

Sword: IDK got it in like 1568 or something

All else offbrand

A bit experimental, concrit appreciated. (I can't wait to get a new light so I'm not so edgy-looking and you can actually see the dang colors im wearing. more coord shots in comments)

>> No.10446795
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No problem! Almost caught up.

Went to the local apple orchard’s lavender fest today! The lavender cider was so good. Pardon the shoes, I have a lot of health issues and couldn’t walk in my heels all day. Concrit welcome!

Dress: handmade by me
Hat: decorated by me, base hat off brand
Wrist cuffs, socks, blouse: off brand
Mask: off brand

>> No.10446797
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This is an old photo back from May that I'm deciding to post because I haven't had time or really a reason to wear lolita atm and I wanted to post something for my first post sometime soon, sooo yeah. This is my very first sweet coord I've put together and I wasn't going out in it so that's why I'm not wearing any makeup. Also, I know the image quality isn't great, had trouble trying to focus the camera, sorry about that.

JSK: [Sweet Cherry Deer Heart Belt Jumperskirt by Souffle Song]()

Petticoat: [Sweet Bell Shape Tulle Ball Gown Petticoat by Classical Puppets]()

Head Piece: [Sweet Cherry Deer Hair Band by Souffle Song]()

Blouse: [Secret Garden Chiffon Short Sleeve Blouse by Souffle Song]

Wrist Cuffs: Imitated Flower by Dawn and Morning Dew

Shoes:[ Charm Ribbion High Heel by Cotton Candy Feet]

Wig: Sweatheart Milky Pink by Lockshop Wigs

>> No.10446798

I like how her “muggle” friend realized that the shape was off but she, the supposed non-muggle, did not

>> No.10446799
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Wearing this because of tacos.

Jsk, headdress, it's: Moitié
Blouse: It Is Time-Taobao
Shoes: Offbrand

>> No.10446800
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There's 98 days left until Halloween, less if you count the while month of October like I do.

>> No.10446801
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After 1 million years of isolation, I finally was able to go do something enjoyable! My local steampunk community was planning on a group outing to see the Alphonse Mucha exhibit at the Paine Art Center and Gardens in Oshkosh, WI, but ........... stuff happened and everything ever got canceled. Thankfully, the exhibit was extended until the end of August, so my roommate and I went using the utmost safety and care. If you want to see more photos of the exhibit, check my Instagram! The art center was built in the 1920's to look like an English Tudor Mansion and it's just

Hat: my bff Deborah Olson, Milliner Extraordinaire
Hair Flowers: Paradise Rose Shop
Necklace: my other bff Muses Jewelry
Capelet: can you believe it's a window valance?!?
Gloves: antique
Mushroom purse: vintage
Mucha skirt: Silversärk
Everything else is offbrand

Edit: it is 90°F today so....no blouse today. And only updos. Just.....too hot for anything else.

>> No.10446802
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Dress, headbow, purse, socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Demonia
Blouse: taobao
Wig: Dreamholic

>> No.10446803
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Hello! I want to share a coord I wore today. I would love some feedback.

Jsk & kc: AatP
Wristcuffs: Bodyline
Everything else is offbrand.

>> No.10446804
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Why is the headbow that goes with this dress a completely different color? I wish I knew

Jsk, KC, socks, and star brooch: Angelic Pretty
Bolero: Metamorphose
Shoes: Sosic Shop
Wristcuffs: Bodyline
Earrings: Kudos Workshop
Necklace: Dolly House
Heart bag: Loris on Taobao

>> No.10446805
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Casual coord for tacos and gelato. I recently got this cutsew and wanted to wear it, so Promenade de Paris was pulled out of the closet.
Almost everything is Angelic Pretty except the Usakumya phone case from Baby, and offbrand shoes and necklace.

>> No.10446806
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>yes, I know she's been posted, I'm going chronologically and for continuity's sake

Well.... This coord ended up a bit.... er.... louder than initially intended. OTT country is a thing right? Let's just say it's a thing. Maybe all of the cartoony strawberries are a bit much?

Concrit welcome and very much appreciated.

Dress & Hat Bow: BTSSB Strawberry's Heart Drop
Blouse: Ank Rouge
Usakumya Pouchette & Socks: BTSSB
Hat: Red Maria Lolita (additionally decorated)
Accessories: Handmade
Bag: Taobao
Shoes: YRU

>> No.10446807
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My coord from last week's Innocent World fall preview tea party. I had a matching mask in my bag but it was too hot for proper outfit photos and I forgot to get pictures with it on, oops. I definitely need a more bell-shaped petticoat but I loved how my hair turned out!

JSK, blouse, gloves, wristcuffs: Innocent World
Bag: Victorian Maiden
Cantonier: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Alice and the Pirates
Rings, earrings: Merci Mel
Choker, brooches, tights: Violet Fane and off brand

>> No.10446808
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Hello there, I came to haunt you, I accept cookies in exchange

Shoes are bodyline, tights from local hosiery shop, everything else is taobao.

>> No.10446810
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This was one of my first handmade jsks. As much as I love the pattern on the fabric, I haven't worn it much.
Concrit welcome

Shoes: TUK
Blouse: taobao but I bought it second hand and the tag is in Chinese so I don't actually know the specific brand
Accessories: offbrand, sorry I couldn't tell you, its a mix of second hand generic items.

>> No.10446811
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Fantastic dolly again! Con crit welcome, the ivory colourway is the hardest to coord for me

Why AP put white on the ivory colourway must just be to annoy me (or so I can justify these socks)

>> No.10446812
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Took my son to check out planes today and wore my new Strawberry Doll set

>> No.10446813
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If I could wear only one color in lolita I think it would be pink
I always admire coords with only one main color and I wanted to try it myself~
Concrit is always welcome.

Dress/Headbow: Angelic Pretty - Memorial Cake
Blouse/Wristcuffs/OTKs/Bag: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Wig: Lockshop

>> No.10446814
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Did i do some fast little wristcuff only for this ? Yes . Yes I did

Tried to balance the coord since i still didn't get my blouse

Jsk - souffle song
Wig - Alice garden
Shoes - the night rainbow
Headress , thight - offbrand
Wristcuff , ring - homemade

>> No.10446815
File: 262 KB, 1080x1553, FB_IMG_1595929462477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A witchy coord I wore today. I really liked the light at this little chapel when I went there last week, so took a few pictures there again.

This coord doesn't make any sense (witches and crosses?!?), but I hope you like it anyway^^


JSK: Angelic Pretty

Cutsew: Orsay

Socks: Enchanted Dream Couture

Shoes: offbrand, modified by me

Hat: offbrand, decorated with bows by AP and AAtp and a handmade brooch

Necklace: Bijou Brigitte

Magic sphere: My mighty Photoshop skills^^

I'll a a selfie in the comment :-)

>> No.10446816
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Outfit inspired in one of my favorite ship of all the times

Yesterday's online meeting was "Power Point Party" themed and I talked about this ship so I wanted a coord inspired by them!

JSK: Twinkle Sky - Angelic Pretty
Blouse and ankle socks: H&M
Bag: Sunako creaciones
Headbow and rosette: hand-made
Shoes and wristcuffs: Bodyline

>> No.10446817
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White Rabbit themed coord!!
Coord stuff
JSK: and Romeo
Wristcuffs: Bodyline
Collar: Sentaro
Tights: Red Maria (Taobao)
Shoes: Antaina (Taobao)
Bow rings: Cat Tea Party (Taobao)
Everything else: offbrand

>> No.10446818
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I'm really nervous to post here because I know lolitas can be picky. I've been into lolita fashion for a long time but I've been scared to share my outfits because I feel like I'm going to do something wrong but I wanted to try! So here's my first post in a lolita group ever. Con crit is appreciated since I'm sorta new but please be nice, I'll seriously cry. I think the style of lolita I like may be out of fashion too so maybe consider this a throwback? I also do cosplay which is already an expensive hobby so I can't really afford firsthand brand, so I put this together with more affordable options.


JSK: Bodyline Chocolate Strawberry in mint
Everything else: off-brand

>> No.10446819
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Today's coord. I tried matching all the different reds on this dress...that was a challenge. I hope you like it!

>> No.10446820
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when I first started in lolita I loathed black x pastel prints with a passion. how the tables have turned.

jsk, socks: AP
hb, wristcuffs: Btssb
shoes: vw x melissa
blouse, tights, macarons: offbrand

concrit definitely welcome, I like this coord but I'd also love to upgrade it.

>> No.10446821
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Whimsical vanilla-Chan coord. I tried to create a coord idea I got in my head in 2013. I couldn’t do it then because I actually didn’t own vanilla Chan. I’m not sure who made my headpiece, it was a lovely gift from the seller who sold me the JSK. No concrit was just a fun thing to do on a gloomy Sunday!
Coord rundown:
JSK: angelic pretty
Bolero: bodyline
Everything: swimmer, stardelight, taobao

>> No.10446822
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Back at it again at Krispy kreme
Fully just got dressed to go to Walmart and get groceries with my mom today. I rlly need to get some more accessories! my arms look so naked! concrit welcome!

Skirt and mask: handmade
Blouse and shoes: Bodyline
Beret: Amazon and some diy
Wig: dream beauty on aliexpress

>> No.10446823
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my coord for an unboxing video I did today I've always found this jsk difficult to coordinate, but I thought "I'll try coording it with a bolero before I sell it." now I think I've fallen in love with it again!

JSK, and almost everything else: Angelic Pretty
Wristcuffs: Belladonna
Wig: Alice Garden

concrit is always welcome~
(none of my pinks match and I'm not sorry)

>> No.10446824
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todays casual coord for an online video call with my local jfash group!!!

I'm v glad I got to wear this dress, I havent had a chance to coord it with this hat!!! concrit is okay!! I'm lacking in the accessories department lol so if u have any suggestions thatd be amazing ty!!

jsk: handmade
blouse: Xilia
socks + bracelet: Taobao
shoes: bodyline
hat: a gift so I'm not sure where but decorated with lace and bows by me!!

>> No.10446825

Thanks for posting these, anon. There are a number of coords that were already posted like the drag queen one so if anons could keep the discussion to pics that haven't been posted it would be appreciated

>> No.10446826
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i had a great time at a social distancing picnic with my comm today! i just wore this dress the other day to run errands but i wanted to wear it again for the picnic, so i tried to coord it a bit more OTT with the new wig i just got. im pretty happy with how this coord came out but gentle concrit is super appreciated!

headdress: meta
wig: dreamholic
necklace: minori
jsk: innocent world
apron: vintage
blouse: taobao
tights: welovecolors
shoes: lullaby

>> No.10446828
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A bittersweet coord

Dress by Diamond Honey, Taobao mostly everything

Close up of accessories is in the comments, batcat pendant is made by @boutiqueclay, an etsy seller I found on Instagram

Flower and crown ring from Claire's Accessories

Heart bracelet was a gift

Concrit welcome:3

>> No.10446829

Every time I see this girl I feel a little sad because I think she has potential and has a good eye for coording, but her main pieces always fit her wonky. I think that she needs a more supportive bra or to buy different dress cuts that will flatter her more. This IW jsk doesn’t look super good on her bust.

>> No.10446830
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Floral outfit for meeting with friends.
OP "Monica's Garden" by ZeeYeStudio.
Purse by "My Inspiration".

>> No.10446831
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It's not even close to Halloween but I haven't worn this hat in a long time, and it just radiates witchy vibes! The nice long ribbon on the hat was hiding in this picture, but I'll try and capture it next time ヾ( `ー´)ノ

x Hat: Antique Beast

x Blouse: Swankiss

x JSK: Angelic Pretty

x Belt: EATME

x Shoes: Axes Femme

>> No.10446832
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really loving Yasmine's cursed kei.
are you spooked yet?
JSK: Angel's Heart
Blouse: Atelier Pierrot
headpiece: Bodyline
shoes: Bodyline
socks: Alice and the Pirates
Parasol: Atelier Pierrot x Lumiebre

>> No.10446833
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Did a quick coord for my afternoon walk. The dress is Infanta, shoes are Bodyline and the necklace is Btssb. The rest is offbrand.

>> No.10446834
File: 67 KB, 1080x810, FB_IMG_1595930686041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if one door closes and another opens, your house is probably haunted.

JSK: Lady Sloth
Sweater: Killstar
Bag: Blackcraft
Shoes: ASOS
Tights: H&M

>> No.10446835
File: 68 KB, 764x956, FB_IMG_1595930756717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our community had the first 'live' meeting in 2020 and it was such a lovely time! I can't wait for the next one This is the coord I wore:
JSK: Innocent World - King of Lolita
Blouse: Angelic Pretty
Hairband (yes, tiny, but it's there!): Innocent World
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else is offbrand! Concrit is welcomed (however I know the picture is busy with the angels tgat are covering the not so flattering background...)!

>> No.10446836
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I finally finished upcyling this dress after what feels like forever, Bodyline L352!
I realized the tiered skirt and long bodice was really similar to another dress I upcycled, so I took the same approach with this one and attacked it with lace!
The pastel plaid and vintage lace together reminded me of the 1830's, so I used some of my favorite elements of the era for styling inspiration like puffed sleeves, big floral bonnets, and face framing ringlets! All I'm missing is a lady in a top hat to sweep me away...(Gentleman Jack anyone? ) Though the apron is actually 1940's! So are my background curtains...I love 40's florals.

Coordinate Details-
Blouse, (base)dress: Bodyline
Bonnet, wristcuffs, underskirt: Handmade
Apron, bag: Vintage
Boots: Funtasma
I'm also wearing a Timeless Trends overbust corset for a victorian silhouette, alongside the usual petti.

>> No.10446837
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Accidental "cosplay" of meyrin from Kuroshitsuji cause Shanghai doll has a mandarin collar.

Shanghai doll op: angelic pretty
Shoes,hair barrette: angelic pretty

>> No.10446838
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I’ve really been missing dressing up and going to meets, so I invited some of my close friends for a mini tea party at a local tea house!

Dress: Honey Cake by Angelic Pretty
Blouse, rings: Off Brand
Wrist cuffs, socks, head bows, rings: Angelic pretty
Shoes: Bodyline
Backpack, bangle, rings: Btssb
Wig: Tasty Peach
Petticoat: Me Likes Tea

>> No.10446839
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Hello everyone hope you are fine

Today i decide to take some pictures after making a twin with another Lolita.

Other pics on comment

>> No.10446840
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OP, bow: BTSSB
Shoes: Unif

>> No.10446841
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Need to get a floor length mirror so I can take photos of myself in my coords instead of just flat lays

Anyways here’s a coord with the beautiful Wendy op by aatp

Op: Wendy (Alice and the pirates)
Tights: yidhra
Shoes: sosic
Headpieces: offbrand from aliexpress
Purse: offbrand
Bows clips: detachable clips from robin by angels heart

>> No.10446842
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Hosted a last minute virtual meet today. I really wanted to wear lolita, but needed an excuse to. Haha. Concrit welcome!

Headdress: To Alice
Blouse: Bodyline
JSK, wristcuffs, and OTKS: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Shoes: Secret Shop
Accessories: Dolly House, Dleesnow, and StarGlazedDelights

>> No.10446844
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This was a coord I wore for a lovely day at the Park of Roses with the local comm. Despite the crazy heat, it was SO nice to actually get out and have an in person meetup again.

JSK, headbow, & wristcuffs - Bodyline
Wig and pink hair bows - Dreamholic
Jewelry - bb and b
Blouse and mask -handmade

Concrit welcome

>> No.10446845
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Hello everyone!
I haven't done an OTT coord for a while, but I'm really happy with how this turned out!! Kind of a "Swan Lake magical girl" look, I guess!

Advice on your favorite accessories/pieces for OTT coordinates would be appreciated! I'd like to try branching out!

Headpiece: diy'd by me!
Overdress: Etsuna Otsuka
JSK: Citanul
Tights: Red Maria(?)
Gloves: vintage
Shoes: off brand

>> No.10446846
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A simple park and ice cream outing with a friend by day and hosting an international virtual meet by evening. Fishnet tights are not only great for temperature control but for puns when wearing sailor style. Details in the comments.

OP: Dear Celine
Gloves (with anchor bows added): Victorian Maiden
Headbows: Meta & Innocent World
All else off brand

>> No.10446847
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JSK: Atellier Pierrot Cape: Axes Femme Headdress: Taobao Bow: Atellier Pierrot Blouse: Taobao Rose Bracelet and Necklace: Handmade Lace Tights and Shoes: Offbrand Rose essential oil perfume: Not pictured but, I feel, integral to the look. No concrit today. I know how my hair looks. It is incredibly windy and my hair sucks to begin with lol.

>> No.10446848
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Our community had it's first meet yesterday, which was also the first ever lolita meet I attended. Hoping for may more!
Originally I planned to wear a bigger petticoat, but it did not arrive in the mail in time.
Concrit welcome!

Coord breakdown:
Jsk: Alice Girl - Victory in Cards
Everything else: Handmade, Offbrand

>> No.10446849
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I got dressed up today to do nothing, LOL. I wear this dress too often, but I still love it to bits. <3 Concrit welcome! Rundown:

Headbow: Meta

Blouse: MAM

JSK: Meta

Wristcuffs: AP

Socks: Offbrand

Shoes: Offbrand

>> No.10446850
File: 67 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1595931873567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~Hi there miss, can I play you a song?~
beret- offbrand
vest and pants - Prince's Coronation, Princess Chronicles
socks- Alice and the Pirates

>> No.10446851
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an absolutely excellent day for a moped ride in lolita. found a sunflower field extremely close by and you know it had to happen, lads.

JSK: Bramble Rose
Blouse: Axes Femme
Shoes: Sheep Puff
Moped: Yamaha

all else off brand. concrit appreciated, i know the necklaces may not match but i never take them off lol

>> No.10446852
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Mercator Antique Shop... I want it in every color and I love seeing how everyone coords them. I want to do a more OTT version of this in the future. Was really debating on whether I should have went with white and gold accent OTK or the matching ones? If white OTK, I would wear with mint shoes but this JSK isn’t quite mint and isn’t quite sax. It’s weird. Thoughts/concrit?

Also this blouse is so hard to put on because the buttons are on the back... like why I broke one while struggling to put it on, have to sew it back now.

Jsk + Headbow + Socks: AP
Blouse: Aatp
Shoes: AP
Bag: Offbrand (target lol)
Necklace: Vivienne Westwood
Hair Accessories: Taobao

>> No.10446853
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Please forgive the low poof and lackluster hair but it was LITERALLY 99 degrees out

Skirt, ETC, cutsew skirt and parasol AP, headbow and shoes Bodyline, mask and matching bow made by a friend Concrit ok!

>> No.10446854
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First picture in sweet..

>> No.10446855
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/end dump

To celebrate my birthday I decided to wear some of my first lolita items~ Merry Rose was my first burando. I remember I was so hesitant even though it was during their half price sale, and look at me now buying new releases

Dress, headband: Innocent World
Blouse: Dip Drops (an old no longer existing gyaru brand)
Tights: no brand
Shoes: Sketchers (the sides of the shoes has a nice scallop pattern not shown)

Fotd in comments.

>> No.10446881

This looks so cute and comfy

>> No.10446883

Love the little pops of red in this. Red and pink is such an underrated colour combo

>> No.10446935

>why is the headbow a different color

That's not the matching headbow, that's why.

>> No.10446937


Yeah, looks like someone pawned a mint headbow off on her with a sax dress and she isn't smart enough to realize the colorways are different?

>> No.10446944

I-is this bodice supposed to be fully shirred? Stuffed bodice + stuffed skirt make you look like a turkey, it's not a good look. I wish alterations were more common in lolita.

Why is only her main piece lolita? Especially with such sweet print? It looks awful

>> No.10446954

Very nice, you're looking cute, king

>> No.10446956
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The facts are clear: you are all very cute! :3

>> No.10446961

It is the matching headbow actually

>> No.10446963

There’s no mint colorway of that dress, it’s supposed to be sax

>> No.10446972

Yeah, headbows kinda do that sometimes. I have a pink ap set whetre the front of the headow has faded to white with like a blueish undertone, no idea why, maybe sun damage?

>> No.10447016

She’ll probably chalk it down to “muggles” not knowing anything about lolita. My boyfriend got me that same corset from AliExpress and in addition to being completely the wrong shape for lolita, the quality is absolute trash.

>> No.10447148

these look so good. i want to hang with them.

>> No.10447202

The same dress, vastly different feeling to the coords. One is so OTT cute the other is elegant cute. I love the versatility of lolita.

SO rare to see good handmade.

>> No.10447251


In the grand scheme of things this is simple as fuck and not especially "good" desu

>> No.10447283

What dress is this?

>> No.10447296

Dreamy Baby Room

>> No.10447308

i love how she's altered the dress but something about this is just so... off. the black roses on the headpiece, the shoes, and the wristcuffs are just so strange. the dress feels so mature but there's aspects of it that go against that.

>> No.10447341

this is cute otherwise, but i hate it when both handmade and brand has a long solid trim. it just looks cheap

>> No.10447361

Wow where is she that landscape looks beautiful

>> No.10447364

Did she happen to say where she found the fabric? I don't have fb or else I'd look

>> No.10447395

You've obviously never seen the matching headbow, it looks nothing like that. It has a star clip. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the mint Toy Parade headbow.

>> No.10447406
File: 2.00 MB, 2592x1944, ddl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks more like the Dreamy Dollhouse headbow to me, the blue "A" dead center seems to also appear in her photo. Regardless, OP is an idiot and so are all these overly defensive WKs. The Dreamy Babyroom headbow is easily viewable on google FFS.

>> No.10447460

That headbow is from Toy Parade. You can see the toy elephant and presents on it

>> No.10447765
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New dump incoming, starting from where we left off.

Hello everyone hope you are fine.

A new coord, floral inspiration.

Others pictures in comment.

>> No.10447768
File: 95 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1596060755069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I would like to share my very casual summer outfit with you :) At first I had cute white polkadot tights on me, but it was just unbearably hot, so they had to go down :D

Jsk: CEL- The sleeping beauty

everything else is offbrand

>> No.10447770
File: 127 KB, 1080x810, FB_IMG_1596060781443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi sweeties!
Luckily it was somewhat warm enough again for a little while and got to dress up! Yay!
This was my outfit for visiting a few exhibits at a museum center with my daughter. Something comfy and simple.

Hat~ Handmade by me
Dress~ Innocent World
Belt & shoes~ Vintage

>> No.10447772
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Hi!! I want to share an all black coord I wore today. I would love some feedback.
Jsk: Bttsb
Kc: Innocent World
Blouse: handmade by Kuroneko Majo
Wristcuffs: handmade by a friend
Everything else is offbrand.

>> No.10447776
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I'm continuing Polaire Woods Alice in Wonderland challenge with a bit of a scandalous ero punk coord for the red queen. I think I pulled it off but concrit is always welcome!
I'll put a close up of my makeup and accessories in the comments.

Bodice: Thrifted but the tag says lolita rose
Skirt: upcycled from a pendleton wool pleated skirt
Hat and crown: also Handmade by me
Tights and shoes: target
Everything else: Offbrand

>> No.10447778
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596060974130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keepin it caj (like casual? How do u spell that? Cas? Casz?)

Jsk: leur getter
Socks: Jane Marple
Headbow, purse: innocent world
Shoes, Cardi: offbrand

>> No.10447784
File: 100 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596061080696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First full coord to post, and it just happens to be with my dream dress. I am a huge fan of ravens so when Lady Sloth put out the preorder I jumped on it immediately! Sadly it arrived while I was in bed recovering from some surgery, so here I am finally wearing it for the first time!

JSK and bonnet: Lady Sloth
Blouse: taobao
Shoes: Demonia
Bag: unknown - got it ages ago
Raven skull mold: found on etsy, forget the store name but there are several selling similar ones

Wore some silver stockings but looking at these pictures they seem too dark. Suggestions welcome!

>> No.10447786
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596061563329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my most recent co-ordinates. I fell in love with the dress after looking at it online and procrastinating on whether or not I should order it! I don't usually wear pastel colours, but I still like it. It is currently winter here in Adelaide, Australia so I went out with my lacey umbrella and long trench coat.

JSK: Alice Girl "Dreaming Cage" in the light blue colourway.
Blouse: Taobao
Socks and shoes are off-brand

>> No.10447788
File: 141 KB, 1080x1805, FB_IMG_1596061649972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second Co-ord! Hey its your DIY girl Cass , I made everything in this co-ord except the socks but i did make the sock toppers! This is my Angel Bear jsk made with Daisy Kingdom fabric from 1997! It also has gold star trim to match, the husbando took the photos so they aren't the best lol!
Jsk: handmade (*KiKi Shoppe* working tittle I'm thinking of opening a plus lolita brand)
Blouse : handmade
Wig: Alice girl
Socks: welovecolors (ivory)
Shoes: handmade/diy

>> No.10447789
File: 101 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1596061766666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another OTT Sweet look, I just got the blouse, shoes, and tights in the mail so I wanted to try them out!! Concrit welcome: especially if anyone has suggestions for a choker necklace that would go with this? I felt like I needed something above the blouse collar so I grabbed the pearls, but I think some sort of choker would look better!

Skirt: AP’s Milky Planet
Blouse: Chess Story
Tights: Red Maria
Shoes: Sosic Shop
Accessories: Handmade/Offbrand/Taobao (mainly stardust_artwork and Little Bow Peeps, wristcuffs by Peacockalorum)
Wig: Arda Wigs

>> No.10447790
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I had to run some errands, so I decided to make it Fashion!

Salo, Bunny ears: Chemical Romance (taobao brand)
Blouse, shoes: Bodyline
Socks, necklace: AP
everything else is chocomint, offbrand and handmade!

>> No.10447791
File: 79 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596061992634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received my very first skirt and i just had to wear it !

I am not 100% satisfied with this coord tho i need to think of other ways to coord it

Skirt - violet fane
Blouse - surface spell
Headdress -atelier pierrot and homemade
Tight and shoes - offbrand

>> No.10447793
File: 152 KB, 1048x1048, FB_IMG_1596062116938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone hope you are fine

I made a twin with a lovely Lolita

She's made a good job on the picture

Thanks Caroline

>> No.10447795
File: 95 KB, 1080x1337, FB_IMG_1596062326808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A somewhat casual coord I planned a while ago to twin Cosmetic Bunny prints with a friend.

Shoes are Bodyline, beret + belt offbrand & the rest is AP.

Concrit welcome as always!

>> No.10447796
File: 109 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1596062381953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incredibly proud to be showing off my first full coord, and I couldn't be happier with the result! I've been talking with wonderful lolita mentors and getting plenty of help and advice in other fb groups and areas, and have finally reached a point where I am near completely satisfied with how I look. Feel free to give concrit or any recommendations for accessories!

Dress: Unnamed lemon JSK from taobao shop 'Lulu's Garden'
Blouse: Aurora + Ariel
Petti: Aurora + Ariel 16m
Bags: Crossbody lemon bag from taobao shop 'Milk Tea Bear, lemon tote from lacemarket'
Wristcuffs: Taobao
Hat: Taobao
Legwear: Taobao
Shoes: Taobao
Jewellery: Necklace from etsy seller, ring included as a gift with socks.

(Small edit: the shoes are actually dark brown instead of black, and look darker in photos than in real life!)

>> No.10447797
File: 97 KB, 1080x810, FB_IMG_1596062418425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*~*Elegant Gothic Fruit Paradise*~*

OP: Moitie
Otks: AatP
Shoes: Moitie
Gloves: Moitie

We found a relatively remote area on the beach to take the photo! Excuse the messy hair.. the wind completely took over :D

>> No.10447798
File: 93 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596062468628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of casual... Kind of? ....maybe? ....okay, not really lol. Pay no attention to the shoes... I'm such a sucker for prints with gray kittys. They remind me of my sweet 18 year old kitty, Bonezy, who passed away 2 years ago. I like to wear coords with gray kittys as memorial or tribute to him. I miss my sweet baby

Concrit welcome and very much appreciated.

Dress & Socks: AP Dream Cat Go Round
Blouse, Beret & Brooch: AP
Accessories & Bag: Taobao
Shoes: Club Exx

>> No.10447799
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596062533322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this dress to the tailor way before the Covid19 outbreak. Almost 5 months later I was finally able to retrieve it, so I had to do a coord with it!

JSK & blouse: Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Everything else: Baby, The Stars Shine Bright

>> No.10447800
File: 262 KB, 1080x1668, FB_IMG_1596062575251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore a ~scandalous~ blouseless coord to go on a graveyard picnic with my friend last week.
JSK: A+lidel
Choker: Atelier Pierrot
Headdress: BTSSB
Rosary + ring: Neant glass

Concrit welcome!

>> No.10447804
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596062661122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small break, be back soon. I also skipped one because it keeps telling me it suspects malicious code in the image file. I'll try to edit it slightly and see if that works.

Simple monochrome cream and black coord for an interview (with a vampire??? who knows) All i know is that i was vibing in my summertime corduroy. Is it a Sin™? probably. regardless, it looked good in the youtube video i recorded today so thats a plus if nothing else after rambling for 12 minutes. I even did pincurls (accomplishment in energy)

JSK: Lolita Princess (Taobao)
Bag: Ahcuahcum Muchacha
Personality: Spice World
Aesthetic: Polaire Woods (ultimate inspo desu)
Concrit appreciated

>> No.10447813
File: 83 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596063767805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monochrome Minnie Mouse Look

Blouse & JSK: Baby the Stars shine bright
Headbows: Angelic Pretty

>> No.10447814
File: 80 KB, 1080x596, FB_IMG_1596064046027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helllllooo and good afternoonnn :3 my cordinate today :D
jsk : the nightmare castle of aatp
blouse otk : taobao but the blouse i have custom
hairdress : handmare by myself :3

>> No.10447817

aren't you just copying the links? don't tell me you're saving the images to your computer.

>> No.10447818
File: 143 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1596064067011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coord for going on a socially distanced picnic yesterday at the park with my partner! I was pleasantly happy with how few people were at the park and it made for a very quiet and much needed relaxing time
Op: Emily Temple Cute
Mini hat, wrist cuffs, bloomers, face mask, earrings: handmade (The Menagerie of Misplaced Memories)
Parasol, socks, shoes: offbrand


>> No.10447823
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My phone, it's just easier for me this way. I don't have a desktop or anything.

self twinning with my favourite print ever aatp released the same fabric in two different dresses—operalia and operetta bouquet. my goal it to collect it in every single colour, cut and fabric.

>> No.10447825
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Hi lovelies
Went to visit a exhibition with my partner and just got my hands on this dress, so I had to dress up

Dress and wrist cuffs: angelic pretty ~ lucky key
Anything else: taobao

>> No.10447841
File: 107 KB, 902x706, 1557010502485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing gods work, anon

>> No.10447846

>it must be lolita, the tag says it is!
oh my

i do not like that sweater with that dress.

>> No.10447883

this would be her best coord by far if she didn't use that fucking gray lipstick

>> No.10447889

Isn’t that OP flocked? Why would you sit in the sand with a flocked dress eugh

>> No.10447905
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10447395 it’s my photo soooo

>> No.10447936

She made a constructive criticism video and claimed she has experience coordinating... lol what a mess.

>> No.10447945

What an ugly fucking blouse.

>> No.10447947

>Aesthetic: Polaire Woods
she wishes

>> No.10447954

Nayrt. Here's your (you), fat selfposting ita-chan. Your headbow is discoloured because it's been improperly stored, but it doesn't matter much because your coord was awful.

>> No.10447959

These seem fine?

>> No.10447961

Nvm. I'm an idiot and thought this was the ita thread...

>> No.10447964

What the hell is this normie shit and what Karen did she mug for those early 2000s department store necklaces

Polaire is not just a shooped fat chick in a corset. She is somewhat overweight and relies too much on shapewear to squeeze into lolita but has gorgeous antiques and handmade

>> No.10447966

Jesus christ, who shat in your petticoat?

>> No.10447982


I'm just another anon chiming to say, indeed that's a gross groady headbow with a lot of built-up muck on it.

The trouble with washing it, you have to remove the metal pieces, they may or may not have rusted/will rust before/after washing, which means ripping some of the seams open, tossing it into the washing machine, then re-inserting the metal bits, and then sewing it back up. If you're lazy you can certainly put it in a bra bag and toss it in the washing machine, take your chances.

Uh. Good luck anon. But at least we know why the headbow is a different colour now.

>> No.10448023

Who would ever have thought that that
Was Grizabella, the glamour cat

>> No.10448057

Ita detected

>> No.10448060

Why is it stained like that

>> No.10448082

Yikes I didn’t know
I just got this set so i didn’t realize it was that bad. Thanks for the advice! I’ll try that

>> No.10448083

No idea
I got it secondhand and the person I bought it from mentioned it was in a storage facility so I’m guessing improper storage. The dress was fine when I washed it but I wasn’t sure what to do with the bow

>> No.10448087

Well you might have to throw it away, hairbows can't be washed.

>> No.10448088

Don’t listen to this anon lmao

Yes you can wash it, just make sure you dry it thoroughly

>> No.10448112

maybe they got hairspray on it and over time it did this?

>> No.10448132

Lots of lolita stuff is really hard to wash, you don't want to risk damaging the clothes so many people just don't. Especially with very expensive main pieces. If you're always careful to be very clean when you wear it and have underclothes i don't see the issue..?

>> No.10448157

can't tell if bait or just gross

>> No.10448160

Uhhh, the issue is your body still transfers dirt and sweat and bacteria into the clothes. Most clothing is absorbent and holds smells and even non smelly germs.

Wash your fucking clothes, people.

>> No.10448387

Wash your fucking clothes, nasty ass. Underclothes or not, your clothing accumulates scents and dust/dirt from your environment, and sweat can and will soak through your undershirt, especially in places where you're not covered and your skin comes into contact with the fabric. Even putting sweat aside, the oils and flakes of skin that you naturally shed throughout the day get on the interior of the dress, even if they're invisible, even if you can't smell them yourself. You could smell awful and you just don't know it.

>> No.10448390

Lolitas who don't post on COF that you'd like to see posted?

>> No.10448450


>> No.10448451

There's actually a lot for me because I don't have IG, but I don't know anyone's names.

>> No.10448482

>Lots of lolita stuff is really hard to wash,
Not really, if you take the right precautions. If you're really worried about it, at least dry clean you super expensive pieces. But most stuff, especially if it's polyester, hold up really well to gentle washing.

>> No.10448541

this is so cute!! especially love the bear bag.. good fit

>> No.10448542

Anon, please wash your stuff. If you are afraid of machines do a soak in a bowl or tub. You can use water and light detergent with a color catcher and then flat dry the item.

>> No.10449328
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>> No.10449332
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>> No.10449334
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>> No.10449335
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our favorite shit poster decided to grace us with her top tier coordinating skills

>> No.10449338
File: 240 KB, 982x1248, FB_IMG_1596341143173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color balance is wonky and I hate the entire thing, thanks

>> No.10449339

I really like this, actually.

>> No.10449342

i love everything about this

>> No.10449391

Sugary Carnival does have metal in the headbow, try to clean it carefully so it doesn't rust. Mine is clean but with rust stains

>> No.10449402

I hate the vest and I'm pretty sure she's wearing her wristcuffs upside down, but otherwise not terrible.

>> No.10449403

This isn't even lolita, why?

>> No.10449408

It happens so much to me, too lol

>> No.10449409 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 648x679, 1556054531534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to these threads

>> No.10449416

Also if it's hot why tf wear long sleeves

>> No.10449425

I think they are more likely lace bracelets going by how thin they are and I think she is doing an omarge(sp?) to the sailor moon punk version so I get why she is wearing a vest jacket.

>> No.10449436

The color balance is perfect, what are you talking about.
The only thing I would change is those heels, would have been nicer as platform Mary Janes or lace up boots.

>> No.10449459

bitch u stink

>> No.10449471


Headbows can be washed, but to avoid the metal rusting/rust stains you do have to learn how to take them apart and put them back together so that you can wash them safely without the metal bits inside.

It's definitely a worthwhile skill to learn, especially if you always buy secondhand. The only way "always careful to be very clean" works is if you solely only buy firsthand and sell off your clothes as soon as possible so you don't have to deal with cleaning them. Or if you just don't care about being a dirty mess covered in other people's skin flakes, now that you know there's at least some cglolitas that don't wash their lolita clothing at all...

Heck, simple sewing skills and learning how to fix your own clothes is just a very useful adulting skill. You'd be able to make even your normie clothes last longer if you know how to fix them up rather than throwing them out just because a button fell off or something.

>> No.10449474 [DELETED] 

Wtf wash your clothes, nasty ass. You wouldn’t wear unwashed normie clothes, so why wear unwashed lolita?

>> No.10449514

I can't decide if I like her style or not. She's obviously cute and I think she's fantastic at accessorizing, but something about her coords reads so Taobao-core even when she's in full brand

>> No.10449523

It's just the socks and the shoop I think.
But yeah it's basic but she's at least well coordinated? I'm just glad for any non ita coords on CoF at this point.

>> No.10449525

I've seen people detatch the headbow from the headband too. The headband doesn't get cleaned this way, but it's much easier.

>> No.10449533

this isn't true at all. we've discussed again and again that proper washing isn't what causes rust. are you the same idiot who doesn't think jpn is humid?

>> No.10449647

you've got some low standards anon

>> No.10449661

NAYRT but I think it was sarcasm

>> No.10449662

i'm a dumbass that mostly just wears barettes and hats, but since quarantine i've gotten a few KCs, how do you dry them without the metal rusting? hairdryer?

>> No.10449701

You're either self posting or a stupid newbie. Match your blouse to your legwear and your shoes to your main piece and try again

>> No.10449704

why not just hand wash the headbow and then blow dry the part with metal in it to prevent rust?

>> No.10449708

It looks fine in this coord, lighten up.

>> No.10449722

...that has never been a strict rule...

>> No.10449723

Absolute autism. There are other ways to color balance. I think those boots are hideous but they do match and balance the horrible red blouse perfectly.

I really don't like the jsk, if I had it I would only wear it with neutrals and red

>> No.10449726

Gives me a Mario brothers vibe

>> No.10449828

You sound like the newbie here, there's no absolute rules to coording you ignoramus.

>> No.10449986

>our favorite shit poster
Looks like a newbie who desperately wanted to make a first coord out of the only items she owns. It's all so 'this item is lolita and the colors don't completely clash so it's a good coord right?'. Especially the blouse and those shoes don't fit the dress at all.

>> No.10449988

The colors are balanced, it's just that the colors she decided to balance are way too loud and bright.
I get that it's the main colors in the dress as well and it's a matter of taste, but it just looks so busy and cartoonish to me to dress in all bright red/blue. If the blouse and matching socks were white it would look really cute.

>> No.10450008

whats the point in having this thread if people aren't gonna dump images, just let it sage already

>> No.10450016

I think you mean homage

>> No.10450018

Ah thank you very much for your help.

>> No.10450036

I dislike derailed cof threads too, but for real? The image limit is almost reached and there's still room for a lot of posts. Why wouldn't the cof thread be for discussing cof posts?

>> No.10450072

because theres 30+ new coords to discuss and i'm tired of reading about the same opinions on blue and red-chan's garbage coord

>> No.10450215

Then someone needs to dump. There's still room for 19 more which is enough to generate discussion.

>> No.10450244

Then why don’t you post instead of bickering

>> No.10450317

If you've posted in the Tyler tag group then you'd know her

>> No.10450338

I prefer the Weibo dumps at this point.

>> No.10450725

Ok we get it you're a larper

>> No.10450880
File: 126 KB, 1080x1327, FB_IMG_1596602271162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, one more dump to fill the thread.

Whew, it's been a while since I last posted. Yes, it's July. Yes, I live in the states. No, I'm not insane lol. Our comm is doing a challenge where we take fake vacations to a randomly generated destination on a randomly generated month. Well. I got Narva, Estonia. In December. With ac and the fan going in my room I was fine, but it felt weird putting on this much fluff in the dead of summer. I figured it would be appropriate though for both occasion and style, as I'm "in" Eastern Europe and near the Russian border (where I imagine it's even colder). Emphasis on bunnies for added fluff~ Apologies that I didn't steam my skirt properly; it does seem like it's trying to jut out from my coat and attack someone. Concrit welcomed as always!

Coord Rundown

Skirt, KCs, OTKs, boots, blouse, bag: AP
Coat: Offbrand
Muff: Offbrand modified
Usakumyas: BTSSB

>> No.10450881
File: 61 KB, 769x925, FB_IMG_1596602276813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your great coords + months of quarantine has taken its toll on me so here I present to you a.... punk coord? I really wanted to step outside the norms of the lolita looks I usually see, so concrit welcomed and wanted, please~ Does this still classify as lolita? I also opted to not use a wig for these pics but I'll probably use one in the future for more volume since my hair is thin.

Flatlay in comments.

JSK: Diamond Honey Rabbit and Cat Fight

Poncho/cloak: Putamayo

Shirt, shoes, and all other accessories off brand.

>> No.10450882
File: 129 KB, 1080x1512, FB_IMG_1596602457750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello!! I want to share another coord I wore.
I usually don’t wear sweet, and I would appreciate concrit.

Jsk: Lief
Kc and socks: Iw
Wristcuffs: bodyline
Rucksack: Btssb
Everything else is offbrand.

>> No.10450883
File: 82 KB, 744x960, FB_IMG_1596602484837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did steam this dress but I can’t stay wrinkle free to save my life haha. I want to do something different with my shoes/socks concrit welcome!
Jsk and hp: crystal dream carnival ap
Blouse: devil inspired
Socks: off brand
Shoes: bodyline

>> No.10450884

You obviously don’t own screenprinted velvet

>> No.10450885
File: 77 KB, 900x900, FB_IMG_1596602571238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for today. I haven't dressed up in a while but it felt good to take some time to wear lolita today.
Blouse: Little Dipper
Wig: dreamholic
Everything else: various taobao brands and other offbrand

>> No.10450886
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596602621294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pepsi bottle... coca cola dress.... i dont give a damn."

Blouse and JSK: Axes Femme
Hat: Taobao
Ring and Hairclip: PastelOddity (Etsy)

Concrit appreciated as always

>> No.10450887
File: 59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1596602781813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i too late on the honey cake just got it in the mail and decided to coord it with blue and red instead of just red! there’s still so many other ways to do it, but i hope you guys enjoy my first attempt originally thought of doing buns to resemble a bear, but decided to go for odango usagi vibes~~ my socks are a soft blue, but the camera couldnt quite capture it. concrit appreciated!

JSK: AP Honey Cake
Blouse: Daydream Shop (tb)
Socks: Offbrand tb
Shoes: Inmyname (tb)
Headband: Baby
Bag: AP

>> No.10450889
File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596602851205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there!
I usually don't post in here, cause I'm always a little scared, but I really loved this outfit, inspired on a musical that I love so much, SIX! Inspired of Anne of Cleves. I really loved the harness, to make it a little bit more punkish
Hope you guys like it

Shoes: glitter bang
Socks: AP
Dress: miho Matsuda
Coat: some old bodyline
Belt: petrus brand
Harness: desejos synteticos
Crown: taobao

>> No.10450890
File: 55 KB, 538x960, FB_IMG_1596603038129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time ever wearing a coord without a hat, and my hat-loving self feels like a HEATHEN. But I did it to twin with Célia who is a lovely person and has been a pleasure to talk to! I’ll comment the twinning pic she also posted.

Coord Breakdown

Dress: Alice Girl ~ Strawberry Rabbit
Headwear: Sweet Dreamer
Necklace: BobbysUnqiueBoutique (Etsy)
Blouse: Orchid Lane / 幽兰巷 (taobao)
Legwear: Taobao (unknown)
Shoes: Romance Shoes

>> No.10450891
File: 97 KB, 640x1315, FB_IMG_1596603065193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fun coord I threw together for my trip to the local Daido Nippon Market and into work. Lol I felt so pretty and my coworkers got to see the real me. They loved it.

Jsk/Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand

>> No.10450892
File: 59 KB, 960x950, FB_IMG_1596603117065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel depression creeping at me, so I put on my Lolita armor!
Kc and wristcuffs: sweet dreamer
Blouse: your highness
Jsk: taobao
Socks: taobao
Shoes: off brand

>> No.10450893
File: 121 KB, 1080x1620, FB_IMG_1596603186197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another mostly handmade coord! Featuring an apron I recently made, using a pattern from otome no sewing 6.

Concrit welcome, I think this coord would be better with a long sleeve rather than half sleeve, but I'd love to hear other ideas!

Jsk: handmade by me
Apron: handmade by me
Brooch: handmade by me
Blouse, tights: offbrand
Shoes: rivers
Bonnet: handmade by someone else

>> No.10450894
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596603263740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer coord!

This beautiful tree bloomed yesterday on my block, and I just found it perfect to match with my lemons dress! And I loved it!

Sorry about the pictures, my grandpa took them and he was a little far

I'll put a bonus pic at the coments, with all the accesories

>> No.10450895
File: 60 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1596603329251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt like an alien in this one ngl but a very cute alien!!!

Jsk: Dreamy Planetarium by Angelic pretty

>> No.10450898
File: 122 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1596603429305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me again! The lemons are taking a backseat for now for another fruit: pumpkins!

This is my second completed coord, since I figured building a couple at once was a fun idea to do and hasn't really failed me yet! Again, I give resounding thanks and appreciation to my wonderful mentors and other seasoned lolitas who helped along the way.

Dress: Unnamed Halloween-themed JSK, Taobao (''Unibesater')
Blouse: Black blouse with gold accents, Taobao (''Strawberry Witch')
Headwear: Black headdress, Taobao
Legwear: Black and gold printed tights, Taobao
Jewellery: Sparkly jack-o-lantern earrings (Claire's)
Accessories: Orange heart choker, Taobao ('Unibesater')
Shoes: Black and gold tea parties, Taobao
Bag: Pumpkin crossbody bag, Taobao ('Morning Glory')

I know I would probably do good with some kind of appropriate rings, but have been struggling to find ones I like. I do plan to get a pumpkin necklace of some kind! I should also note that I know my darker brown hair somewhat blends in with the headdress, but I prefer to go with natural hair in my coords where I can.

Like before, concrit and advice are welcome! I'm eager to elevate my coords and make them as great as they can be, so I love to hear thoughts from others :)

>> No.10450900
File: 120 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1596604178320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm stumped for summer coordinates, I just think, ''What would I wear if I was an Anne Rice vampire in New Orleans?'' and poof! Coordinate ideas.

Coordinate Details-
Skirt: Xiu&Xiu[Taobao]
Blouse: Thrifted with a detachable collar from a vintage blouse
Hat: 1940's vintage
Everything else: Thrifted or offbrand

>> No.10450901
File: 93 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1596604223767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't worn a more classic sweet coord in a while. It's unusual not to put every accessory I own on my head
Concrit is always welcome.

Dress/Headbow/Tights: Angelic Pretty - Day Dream Carnival
Blouse/Bag/Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Taobao
Wig: Lockshop

>> No.10450902
File: 114 KB, 1080x1156, FB_IMG_1596604270463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's casual coord for just... walking. a lot. I somehow ended up walking for over two hours, no this wasn't planned at all I just got carried away XD
Concrit welcome,^^

Skirt, barette: Meta
Blouse: Liz Lisa
Bag: ETC
Rest is offbrand/normie

>> No.10450903
File: 124 KB, 1080x1085, FB_IMG_1596604338899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/end dump. I might be able to start up a new thread tomorrow night unless someone else wants to pick up where I left off.

Hey everyone here is my cookie casual coord~
Concrit is always welcome~
Dress: Angelic Pretty - Cream Cookie Collection
Beret, Socks: offbrand
Shoes: BtSSB
Bag: BerryQ

>> No.10450905

>classic sweet
It’s still pretty sweet considering the hair style + accessories.

>> No.10450910

This challenge sounds like a fun idea for a meet

>> No.10450913

that's... not classic sweet at all. just because a coord isn't ott sweet doesn't make it something else

>> No.10450936

Tragic this is so cute especially with the background but the shoes were the wrong color of blue.

>> No.10450949

Maybe she meant classic as in traditional/ typical vs OTT

>> No.10450954

This is not classic sweet but ok

>> No.10450955

Yes she's long enough in the fashion to know that that's not classic lolita

>> No.10450957

Then she should be smart enough not to use the word classic, which she should know would be confusing, and instead use traditional or something else. Either way she’s an idiot.

>> No.10450962

So cute but the warmer looks so dirty.

Apron is uneven.. but good effort I guess? I like the wall.


I love the shape of the skirt.

Minus the accessories and change the hairstyle then it could be classic sweet, also please someone tell her to get those wrinkles out!

I love how her hair matches.

>> No.10450968

>classic sweet
This is just sweet lmao

>> No.10450971

I don't think she's a native English speaker

>> No.10450974

That was my first thought, too.

I don’t know this girl but I do know plenty of sweet lolitas who’ve been into lolita for 5+ years and still think that AP in jewel tones is classic lolita.

>> No.10451132

Painfully average with a mop on her head. Brush your hair and stop wearing sneakers it looks like shit.

>> No.10451271

>I don't give a damn
I didn't notice until she pointed it out and now I'm wondering why she went to the effort of getting a coke glass to go with the coke dress and still left the bottle in the pic.

>> No.10451373

I wish the posing was better,she looks very sacred or unsure

>> No.10451378

Must be the same people who think casual lolita is any non-ott coord.

>> No.10451603

I think they just wanted to be edgy honestly

>> No.10451650

It's a meme dum dum

>> No.10452591


>> No.10458970

That's obviously toy parade you dolt
t. AP Sperg

>> No.10459081

I'm not a fan of the socks and the belt, but other than that, this is perfect.

>> No.10459144

I don’t usually care for sweet lolitas but she’s quickly become a fav of mine. I love her messy hair, it adds a pixie or ethereal element to her coords.