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File: 143 KB, 960x694, 6a0c6e7e9f892d8a33f8b68762df2e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10063410 No.10063410 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10053752

Ask all your lolita and other jfash questions here. For any cosplay questions, your best bet is the cosplay help thread.

>> No.10063417

Anon, if you want a corset/stays for support under your pettis, you're going to want something custom-made. I also wear a corset often for support with scoliosis and to help me with pressure problems, and getting a custom one completely changed the game for me. Please disregard the other anon's suggestions, those places they suggested make off-the-rack fashion corsets, not what you are looking for. Those corsets are more intended to temporarily create a curvy figure for a cute outfit. The best of them can provide some waist reduction, but that's not what you want anyway. If I understand correctly, you want something that won't necessarily affect your shape much but will provide long-term support and help distribute the weight of your clothes in a more comfortable way. Is that right?

If I'm right about that, the best thing you can do is to look up Lucy's Corsetry. She's put together a huge number of reviews, information about corsetry, and (my favourite) guided galleries. Pretty much any info you want about corsets you can find there. I'd recommend her guided gallery on Stays and her one on Asymmetric Corsets - even if asymmetry isn't your problem, a corsetiere who can make corsets for people with that issue will almost certainly be very well-informed and skilled enough to accommodate your needs. Good luck anon!

>> No.10063484

Thank you!

>> No.10063669

Just for the record, Lucy is a consultant for and recommends Orchard. They are indeed a budget off the rack option but they are fully steel boned and decent quality for support in the type of pressure reduction/re-distribution that the previous anon said she needs. Some people do need a custom or to get a corset with a particular silhouette but many really don’t so please don’t be so quick to dismiss other options.

>> No.10063679

I know that. She's also been a consultant for Timeless Trends and sells them on her webshop. Doesn't mean either of those corsets would be right for this specific anon just because Lucy worked on them. If that anon's body is THAT sensitive to pressure, a corset that's a little too long/not quite the right shape/is as bulky or heavy as orchard's work is likely to be much more uncomfortable on her than it would on an average person. Any little pressure points caused by the waist tape or an imperfect rib shape could be enough to make her give up on the idea of support wear altogether. Obviously I am not her but I do wear corsets for similar reasons, and I wasted almost a thousand dollars on OTRs before I gave up and went custom. You're completely right when it comes to someone who wants compression for some medical reasons - like anxiety, for example. Even for minor scoliosis, an OTR is usually enough. But when pain or pressure is such a huge issue, it's so much more important to get it right and personalised, or at least made by someone who is happy to tweak it until it is perfect.

>> No.10063891

Does Atelier Pierrot mark down packages?

>> No.10063892

Yup. One girl apparently had them mark it down to 20$

>> No.10063898

She wanted 18th cebt stays and you suggested modern corsets. Your opinion was pretty invalid in the conversation.

>> No.10064521
File: 880 KB, 1026x1314, SmartSelect_20181226-063204_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this dress from? The post was tagged with angelic pretty but I don't remember them putting out something like this?? I want it so bad

>> No.10064619
File: 110 KB, 280x373, 01d17aa6-8c72-51e2-bdf7-fdf9c904e920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the three Wonder Queen jsk cuts, which one fits the smallest? I have pic related and it's a bit too loose on me.

>> No.10064836
File: 944 KB, 2000x2000, image-mainvisual_02_5ac1d71e30c88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the beret is AP? The dress looks like something released by the brand HEIHEI

>> No.10064937
File: 65 KB, 484x645, 60899f4e-a210-549d-8fe8-1078852a0ff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have wear photos of princess cat peplum in pink? finally managed to get it and I'm at a loss on how to coord it like the dumb weeb I am.

>> No.10065339
File: 31 KB, 412x550, 119070995_o6_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idiot and posted in the previous thread even though it's dead lol.
Can anyone give me size advice for this Moitie piece?
I'm in love with the long JSK cut and the measurements are:
But is this flat the measurement or suggested min/max body size?
Cause I'm a 86cm bust and 66cm waist, should I risk buying it or just go for the OP cut (which I like less)?

>> No.10065341

I own the short JSK. The waist measurement on it is about 80cm max, bust is about 90? The official measurements are completely inaccurate. If the long and short JSKs are the same, your bust might be a bit of a squeeze, waist should be fine.

>> No.10065357

Why do you buy something that you don’t know how to coordinate? I’m honestly curious.

I’d coordinate it like any of the other slightly more dressy pink/black things. Try looking for worn pix of the similar colorways of Cinema Doll jsk or even Wonder Story or Wonder Party to get some blouse/shoe/legwear/headwear style inspiration maybe? I’d coordinate it like that, then add some pearls, pink, black bow ring and then matching pink, black or white lace accessories.
The dresses with pink, black and white are some of the most versatile and easy to coordinate so practice with some collages maybe if your wardrobe doesn’t already have things to wear with it?

>> No.10065388

I have an idea of what to do with it but I'm interested in seeing what other people have done versus the cookie cutter black x pink. Good idea though, I'll take a look into that.

>> No.10065396

How do I order from ACDC Rag? Do I need a SS? Do they ship directly to the US?

>> No.10065400

Op is probably worse because the best is roomy and you only have waist tied. This has corset lacing so you can cinch better. But mind that the long jsk is ega and so it isn’t that full skirt wise.

>> No.10065443

>Why do you buy something that you don’t know how to coordinate? I’m honestly curious.

nayrt but I do this all the time. Before buying a dress I only have a vague idea about what I will coord it with. If it fits my aesthetic and I know I have other pieces in matching colours I don't think too much about it. I thought that was normal... maybe only works for toned down styles though.

>> No.10065723

Thanks... it appears to be sold out

>> No.10065924

Is there a german lolita comm? If yes, how are they?

>> No.10065940
File: 44 KB, 300x400, metaoldemblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally wear gothic and I am struggling to coord an ivory skirt recently. When I pair it with other ivory items the outfit looks very monochromatic. Should I try a red blouse/cutsew? Any coordinating advice welcome.

>> No.10065946

Thank you for posting the actual measurements . I think I will take a gamble and order it!
I own only one other Moitie piece, the recently re-released long Cross OP, which I ordered in size 1. This actually fits quite well and has similar bust sizing, so I guess the JSK might fit ok if I wear a thinner blouse and shapewear underneath.
This might also be a good motivator to get my ass back in gear and start exercising again, hopefully shed a few centimeters on my torso.
I'm such a chubby little hobbit rn.

I was afraid of that too, cause my boobs aren't very large and the bust sizing of the OP seems very generous.
I love that the long JSK doesn't have a very full
skirt, I've been really loving EGA and Moitie as of late so this particular cut is right up my alley.

>> No.10066011


Oh man. Dark tops with lighter skirts can go wrong really easily. Most people try to avoid this combo, ivory skirts tend to be less popular because they're hard to coord.

The traditional option is to go with white x ivory, treat ivory like a very light yellow colour of its own and balance white and light yellow throughout the coord.

Another option is to go with a white blouse and then add another colour, eg a red cardigan or a bolero. Then balance all three colours (ivory, red and white) throughout the rest of the outfit.

>> No.10066017

I'm building a wardrobe up from nothing, should I focus my money on basics (blouses/accessories) or build around main peices with a lot of styling flexibility?

>> No.10066019

Didn't you post this exact question before?

>> No.10066027

The answer is both: Find yourself a main piece that appeals to your taste and is versatile, and buy additional garments (blouse, socks, accessories, etc.) to wear with it. If you need to research the kind of blouses that match best with certain JSK cuts, please do that before you start buying blouses.
Later you can add another versatile main piece, and then some new accessories in a new color to mix up the basics you've accumulated which will also allow you to introduce a main piece in a new color; assuming you want color variety in your wardrobe of course.
The basic guideline regarding color is to match your blouse and socks to the color of the lace on your main piece, and match your hair accessory(s), bag and shoes to the color of your main piece. Color matching is a bit more complicated if your main piece is printed rather than solid, but I can say for myself that this is what I did when I was a beginner.

>> No.10066392
File: 112 KB, 372x499, 6d46102df4.jpg.500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the taobao brand pic related is from? I found it on Lolita wardrobe and they listed it as 'pure love series' but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.10066451

Looks like Crucis aka Southern Cross (name depends on who is translating)

>> No.10066584

I bought two Atelier Boz pieces for the first time and the blacks don't match any of the other blacks in my wardrobe. It really bothers me. I want to wear my Roland jacket but I just feel like the black is too off and doesn't match anything else I own. It's like a weird off-black, almost gray?

Would it be a bad idea to attempt to dye it?

>> No.10066631

Bless you anon!

>> No.10066647
File: 98 KB, 500x750, bullion135537474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related considered qi/china inspired?

>> No.10066648

If you dye it, you will always have to be careful it doesn't transfer to your other clothes or skin

>> No.10066649

I think nice blouse is extremely important. In pictures you might not see it very well but you will notice the difference in person and when you're wearing it if you buy a cheap blouse.

>> No.10066690

If a dress is sold out on VMs site but listed as available on Wunderwelt Fleur does that mean I can buy it or has it just not updated?

>> No.10066704
File: 39 KB, 614x457, 483956ad-30ae-4414-8264-9039a7995920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for a couple years and have only recently started wearing the fashion again, could you gulls recommend some secondhand online shops besides closet child / maidenclothing / wunderwelt and the usual auction sites or is there nothing new I'm missing?

>> No.10066708

You can buy it. They have seperate stock.

>> No.10066710
File: 39 KB, 750x1000, 03_002_RCW-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fril.jp and mercari.com/jp and lacemarket

the description literally says china jacket

>> No.10066937
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, 26221509_1170471849753603_7084282271074615296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like this jsk would look better without petticoat?

>> No.10066948

Just made my first purchase through LM - how much time should pass before I message the seller about shipping my order? I’m used to items being shipped out within a couple of days (and do the same for buyers), it’s been over a week now. I know it’s the holiday season and all, but still.

>> No.10066951

I think you can shoot a polite message to the seller just to ask for an update. Even if she only intends to ship it after NYE, she should tell you this explicitly.

>> No.10066959

What is usually in the moitie accessory lps? I've seen a lot of discussion over their dress ones but not much about the accessory pack

>> No.10066990

The ones that were on sale this year or belonged to a print that already sold out

>> No.10067448

I'm guessing this is something that can't really be avoided?

bleh. maybe i should sell it and wait for a re-release of the velvet or something

>> No.10067504

I disagree, the silhouette is already too small for that huge bonnet. If anything, she needs more petti, a different jsk if that won't fit it, or an overskirt to add volume

>> No.10067511

For Japanese 1-day circle lenses, can I pop them out of the package and put them in right away or do I need to soak them in solution first for a few hours before putting them in?

>> No.10067634

Does anyone know why Holy Lantern still goes for such a high price secondhand when it's be re-released so many times?

I don't use Japanese ones, but the western ones I have can be worn straight out of the pack

>> No.10067637

You can wear them right away.

>> No.10067647

Do they actually sell for that much or is that just the listing price?

>> No.10067649

I don't care about how it looks with the bonnet, I'm solely interested in how that JSK looks worn. That being said, I don't believe you need a big silhouette to wear a big bonnet. People used to wear them with dresses that fell straight down.

>> No.10067652

It seems for retail, that isn’t that much

>> No.10067655

Because people are still willing to pay it? Isn't that obvious?

>> No.10067852

What is the exact size of AP shoes size LL in CM? Everywhere I look people have them listed as different sizes.

>> No.10067864

Does Lief do bespoke shoes everyone?

>> No.10067898

I'm trying to get into lolita, but buying brand is a bit of a maze. What are some good resource for reviews? I'm looking at few Liz Lisa dresses as starters, but I don't know much about the quality. Thoughts?

>> No.10067908

For starters lizlisa isn't lolita at all. As far as reviews go, some people share to personal blogs/insta/facebook, or asking here on cgl or checking the archives can also work.

>> No.10067909

Firstly, liz Lisa into Lolita so there’s no point starting there. Secondly, just get a lacemarket account. And if that frightens you use wunderwelt or closet child.

>> No.10067911


>> No.10067925

I don't know about LL but AP L fits me fine at US 8. I have a hard time finding shoes that fit using the 24.5/ 25.0 type sizing, it's like they just don't fit me at any size

>> No.10067997

I got chicken stock on a dress. I've followed the wash instructions and it got rid of the rest of the unrelated spots from going about my day, but not this small yellow one. Is oxyclean safe to use? Will it work?

>> No.10068015

Does anyone actually use their novelty items? Or is just display them?

>> No.10068048

Has anyone actually ordered from devil inspired? I know there has been a bunch of efamous lolitas plugging that brand but it just seems really off to me.

Shipping is like really expensive and I kind of don't want to shell out $60 just to get scammed. Or should I just buy it from lolitawardrobe?

>> No.10068117

Young should just buy from Taobao because all those places will overcharge you

>> No.10068273
File: 68 KB, 300x400, c31509b5-020a-532e-9216-0c0ec39a84d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone else who has this jacket, are the listed measurements also wrong? Lolibrary lists a 92 bust, but it's actually much smaller than that. For reference, I have an 87cm bust and it barely buttons in the front.

I thought it was just a listing mistake but an ancient wunderwelt listing has the bust as 46cm flat, and I imagine they measure their stuff before selling (do they...?). Rip cute jacket.

>> No.10068296

Where to find good quality lace for wristcuffs?
I don't shit lol

>> No.10068333

How many centimetres smaller than the listed sizes should one generally be for moitie dresses (to feel comfortable)? Somebody told me around 4, is that correct?

>> No.10068342

Is there a guide to starting with Lolita fashion? How to measure oneself properly and how certain brands are sized? Particular tips and guidelines for how to dress yourself?
I'm a little surprised that the Lolita general doesn't have an OP with "read this first" links.

>> No.10068343

If there is no shirring yeah. You need to be a bit smaller to fit into the dress, measurements are the items size not the body that fits in it.

>> No.10068353

Try http://thelolitaguidebook.tumblr.com/

>> No.10068354

Depends on the cut, but 4cm is a decent guideline in general until you get a feel for how Moitie fits you. Ideally an 82cm bust/66cm waist will fit about any Moitie I've handled. There's pieces that go bigger of course, but there's also pieces that are tight on those measurements.

>> No.10068431

Thank you.

>> No.10068917

what kind of fabric and is it a print?

>> No.10068921

you generally don't need to worry about the quality of brand, it's pretty much always going to be significantly better quality than your average fast fashion normie stuff. sizing is more important to consider when buying, especially if you're tall, chunky or busty, as these clothes are mostly made with people who are short and have no tits in mind. You can search the name of a dress you like on lolibrary and they will often show the measurements.
if you know even the most basic moon runes, i recommend mercari or fril if/when you decide for sure you want to wear lolita regularly and need to beef up your wardrobe. it's secondhand brand directly from japan and is definitely better priced than shops like wunderwelt. you will need a shopping service to buy from mercari and fril though.
if it's all a bit too much to learn, just start with easy-to-navigate english shops like wunderwelt and lacemarket.

>> No.10068958
File: 22 KB, 250x333, IMG_7227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to receive milky Berry in white, does anyone knows how to wash it to avoid bleeding? I remember I read you have to wash it with vinegar but they didn't give instructions on how to and I don't want to ruin the dress

>> No.10068959
File: 39 KB, 300x400, 23C3F1A6-D555-45BF-9C6F-37AFD4810D24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my secondhand MM dresses are missing their neck ribbons. Where can I find ribbon with the same quality, and how do I cut and finish it?

>> No.10069182
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, 6FC5D2EB-6112-4A2C-8250-9B5EF20AEF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might not be the best place to ask, but is there any way to tell fake VW orb necklaces from the genuine ones? Couldn’t find any info on whether they’re even faked or not, let alone a guide, but I’ve seen some suspicious listings. The official website doesn’t have the style I’m looking to buy in stock, so I’d like to find one second hand.

>> No.10069809
File: 258 KB, 500x600, b425938f-158e-4d4c-bc06-c318283f2414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoe sole of these ripped off all the way to the heel. Any tips on fixing that? Would super glue work?

>> No.10069836

Superglue doesn't dry flexible and will crack under stress. I'd use shoe goo or barge cement.

>> No.10069846

Thanks anon!

>> No.10069848

>>10069836 is correct. I recommend sanding both surfaces and cleaning out as much of the old glue as you can before applying the new glue. Barge, contact cement (the kind from the hardware store), and Shoe Goo are all good, but use outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. If you have a way to clamp the soles to the uppers for several hours after gluing, you'll get better results.

>> No.10070093

Does anyone have some inspiration of gothic coords that use white blouses, or can you point me somewhere to easily find inspiration without wading through all the garbage on social media?

>> No.10070104

If you want to look at lots of coords, I like looking through Sheglit's example outfit coordinates for gothic and classic inspo.


>> No.10070112

What are some popular male jfashion trends?
>>I’m sorry, I’m new and don’t know much about jfashion

>> No.10070169


I actually don't own any of these dresses, but seeing as this question hasn't been answered, I'll give some suggestions

You can use these search words to look for the ribbons:
>double sided matte ribbon
>double sided cotton finish ribbon
>double sided matte satin ribbon

Generally you'll come across a few hits on eBay that carry something that might match. For taobao, you can search "Korean ribbon", but I'll warn you up front it's a lot of sifting through unrelated shiny ribbons.

If you need more specific info, the best ribbon I've found is from Shindo Inc. You want one of their 'satin' ribbons:

SIC-133, 147 and 160 are most likely matches (depending on which dress and which finish you'd like).

You can use a shopping service for buying from them, or you can take the code + colour and then search eBay or other online shops to see if they carry that brand of ribbon. Sometimes the brandname is shortened to "S.I.C." instead of Shindo or SIC. There are also shops on rakuten that carry their ribbons as well, just pop the product code in and you can find a few.

For cutting, sharp pair of scissors. For finishing them, look up hot knife tutorials, or "hot knife soldering fabric cut" tutorials. Actually I burn mine with either a candle (polyester ribbon) or an incense stick (cotton ribbon), but it takes a delicate touch and I've seen newbies mess this up really bad, so a hot knife/soldering iron is the better way if you're not confident with burning ribbons.

You can either leave it like that, or fold it up and stitch it again -- stitching it folded is way neater and more impressive, but again I've seen people mess this up -- your stitches need to be clean, even and straight, and with a sewing machine you'll have to putz around with some quilting methods to get the machine to not eat the ribbon.

Hope that helped a little.

>> No.10070177

Thank you so much for the detailed answer, anon!

>> No.10070185
File: 24 KB, 600x477, 075A3701-E972-4872-9D3C-774AB9DF8AD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m half Filipino and I want to try including a Filipiniana shawl or bolero made of embroidered pineapple fiber in a coord. Any suggestions for doing so without looking like one of those “ethnic lolita” messups?

>> No.10070188
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 070DB41F-12C5-4EA5-8F3F-74C81FA907E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern Filipiniana bolero looks like pic related, btw.

>> No.10070197
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 91BC9E2A-28FA-48CC-9F2A-960D620E788A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like a lacy shawl or bolero, lovely for a light coordinate. The key will be not shoehorning it but trying to make it part of the outfit. It would go great with a light colored flowery JSK for a summery feel.

>> No.10070205

Thanks for the ideas anon, and for reminding me of kagome no yume! She used to be one of my faves — is she still around?

>> No.10070225

What's the best kind of coat for europe's mediterranean winter? I'm about to move to europe and I wanted to buy a coat so I can keep wearing lolita during winter. Does AP have warm coats/capes/jackets?

>> No.10070255

Where do people get their RHS nowadays?

>> No.10070257

Sadly she's passed away last year.

>> No.10070261

Where are you from that you think Mediterranean winters will be cold? They're pretty mild and rainy, unless you're used to a super warm climate any coat that isn't super thin should suffice.

>> No.10070263


>> No.10070266

Her family wanted to keep the matter private so we don't actually know what happened. Still very sad though, she was one of my favorite lolitas too.

>> No.10070337

No one know, like >>10070266 said her family wanted to keep it private.
Even one of her best Lolita mates that inherited some of her clothing didn't get to know, she asked and their answer was 'stop being so nosy".

>> No.10070339

Can anyone confirm if switching HC jsk has shorter torso than round neckline one?

>> No.10070343

That’s terrible. I had a dream about her after reading this last night

>> No.10070345

That’s terrible. I had a dream about her after reading this last night
As much as I hope it’s not true I also hope this isn’t some weird troll flex on anon’s part

>> No.10070353

>troll flex
Are you implying we're lying to you?

>> No.10070356

Not a year ago anon, it’s been a bit.

It’s also obviously suicide, it’s the only thing ppl avoid mentioning when their family passes.

>> No.10070362

I forgot that she died. She will go down in history as the only person who got wa-lolita right.

>> No.10070395 [DELETED] 

Sorry for doubting you, but I took a 4 year hiatus starting soon before this happened and I used 4chan back in the old bad “an hero” joke days

>> No.10070397

Suicide and chronic illness mostly

>> No.10070398

Sorry for doubting you, but I took a 2 year hiatus starting soon before this happened and I used 4chan back in the old bad “an hero” joke days

>> No.10070487

There's a taobao release/ soon-to-be release that's based on ancient egyptian artwork (not the F+F one). Does anyone remember the name? i know i should have made a note and it's really bugging me.

>> No.10070490

Nvm, found it randomly in the previous thread.

>> No.10070749

They are different sizes though. It depends on the shoe. The boots and platforms tend to run larger to accommodate for thicker socks. Just check the listing and measure your foot. I've found them to be pretty accurate.

>> No.10070911

I want to make a lace market account but every time I try to sign up I get an error saying "the user you are looking for could not be found." Is this a known issue?

>> No.10070919

I live in cold-ass -30*c (-22 fahrenwhatever for you americans) weather. Are there any snow boots & winter jackets that could be considered lolita but also keep me warm in this temperature?

>> No.10070929

does anyone has experience with fixing a broken zipper on a brand dress? I have a Baby dress where the zipper unhooked, no other damages. I'm thinking of just having someone else repair it but I'm also thinking of learning how to fix it myself.

>> No.10070947
File: 46 KB, 862x209, Screenshot 2019-01-03 at 10.26.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ever going to see this package?

>> No.10070957

When does Tokyo Alice usually update?

>> No.10070960

You can track SF Express packages in the US by going to the UPS website and navigating to the "track by reference" option on the tracking page.

>> No.10070961

Where do you live that it's this miserably cold? Siberia? Fuck looking cute, I'd hibernate each winter.

>> No.10071028

2 questions about taobao
>will shopping services ship fake cream for deco? i know most services don't ship liquids and stuff but i don't know if that counts
>is there a search term for religious imagery? specifically i'm looking for accessories to coord with cecilia cross

>> No.10071048

Canada. When it gets below 30*c I'd wear a normie coat, but I'm wondering if for -20* to -30* there's a warm lolita jacket or boots.

>> No.10071067


if it's that cold i wouldn't bother, just wear a normie jacket. it's also that cold where i'm living right now and it's fucking miserable.

for boots, look for good quality leather boots. i have thrifted granny boots which have clearly lasted. Disposable footwarmers help a lot. i layer 2 pairs of thermal tights. if you have knee length boots, it won't be any issue since the petti covers the rest, but i have so many issues with my toes lolita or not so those are vital for walking longer distances in freezing shit cold.

if you insist, you can get away with using a down jacket (uniqlo has them) that you can ball up into a tiny thing, because that goes well under coats, and use the fuck out of layers, starting with an undershirt and wearing no less than 2 cardis. then top it off with a wool coat. that usually gets me to -15 burgerheit with no wind chill. with wind chill though, wow just fuck me up. stay warm my friend.

>> No.10071178


>> No.10071188

it’s cute but that type of jacket isn’t meant for cold cold weather.

>> No.10071196

cold cold weather anon here. lolita brands aren't going to make coats good enough. I wear vintage fur in the winter.

>> No.10071208


Despite the meme and OTT design I have serious doubts as to whether (or weather? aha) it actually works. I'd rather spend the $200 on a good coat from Eddie Bauer that looks like ass but prevents frostbite.

>> No.10071210

Yes it is? Korea gets pretty cold.

>> No.10071226

Not sure if you are trolling but no they don’t get that cold. I wear coats in that style when it’s like 0 to -5 and they aren’t meant for -20 weather.

>> No.10071240

Or HIV/Aids. I've known a couple people to die from their immune system being non existent because of the virus

>> No.10071258

A lot of people are super weird and secretive about TB too

>> No.10071285
File: 251 KB, 900x900, O1CN0138PNoG1ZW6HWjATNa_!!349243201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to prevent fading from strong colors?
Recently bought this dress n people in the reviews said itll fade even with cold water n salt
Had a red dress from bodyline fade before n the entire thing was ruined (even used bleach etc overnight on white parts)

>> No.10071451

I'm not, but I wore baby in -25c with no problems.

>> No.10071461

OT but I have an "embarrassing" disease too and I hope my parents will be honest about it if I die because I hate the taboo but I think they'd hide it. I kind of want to tell my lolita friends about it but we're not that close and I'm afraid things will become awkward. Nobody asked anyway..

>> No.10071528

Nah fuck being cute when you're outside in those kind of temperature. -5 is okay to be cute in layers, but -30 is cold as balls.

>> No.10071547

I feel for you, anon. That's a lot to have to deal with, and it's really hard to know what to do if you don't have the kind of relationship with your family and friends where you can talk about it. My suggestion to you would be that if you keep an up-to-date will, please add in it that you want your family to be honest about the cause of your death. It may even be worth talking to a lawyer about it. It really is important that you have your peace of mind and that your wishes be respected both in life and in death. Wishing you the best

>> No.10071805

Dumbass question and probably the wrong thread

Is there an up to date list of lolita communities worldwide?

>> No.10071807

What is it?

>> No.10071833

How reliable is MinkyShop?

>> No.10071840 [DELETED] 

Why do women feel like they're not idiots who can succeed in STEM?

>> No.10071842

What's the deal with Meta's "crown label"? Are those items different somehow?

>> No.10071843

Iirc it's their more affordable line, like IW's IW White.

>> No.10071906

Advice for someone that's 5'9 and wants to get into lolita?

>> No.10071918

Not sure if this is better for here or the cosplay Help thread since it's about conventions.

I've been an adult and for some reason it's only struck me now that I can totally fly to any convention I want now. I've only been to Ohayocon and Matsuricon in Columbus, Ohio and Gencon in Indianapolis (three guesses where I live) and am trying to decide between Anime North and Paradiso. I feel like I'll side with Anime North as I'm also an in general weeb and gamer aside from lolita and I don't wear sweet and have already visited Japan, so while Paradiso is really cool I don't feel overly excited about the guests.

But what are some other conventions around the US/Canada that have events, guests, or something for lolita? I haven't really paid attention to the past as I've just been focused on local conventions I can easily drive to.

>> No.10071921 [DELETED] 

If you're a girl over 5'7" just kill yourself.

>> No.10071923

There's a tall jfash thread going on, there may be tips for you there: >>10053820
Also, I've found that this video is pretty helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMpXGg8-HI

>> No.10071926

only if you kick the chair for me, when i try my feet are still touching the ground :/

thank you!

>> No.10072256


I thought it's the other way around? Something about it being like designers' preference (like a director's cut of a movie), so the items here have more direct input from the staff or something.

>> No.10072318

How accurate would you guys say peppermint fox's sizing is? Thinking about getting one of their packs, but I have a 71-72 cm waist.

>> No.10072321

How do you tell if you have a boobloaf going on? I feel like I do regardless of how much larger the max measurements are than my measurements.

>> No.10072323

you can tell just by looking in the mirror. some tips: if you usually wear a padded bra wear a thinner bra or discreet sports bra in lolita instead. if you're super busty you could try a binder, but make sure you find one that won't mess up your ribs and don't wear it for more than 8 hours a day.

>> No.10072338
File: 140 KB, 730x757, ebc54894a50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what blouse would look the best with halter straps? My regular collars get bulky over the knot, and high color doesn't look quite right either so maybe open neck? But I still can't decide if the wide one on the left or the completely off shoulder one on the right would look correct, or are both shit? Please help

>> No.10072366

I think you are right
Based on CL and Meta pieces I have I think you are quite wrong. The CL pieces have just as many detachable pieces as normal Meta, some have the same design, and the materials are just as high quality. The linings are the same material and full enough for the same amount of petti. For example, Night Carnival is crown label. The pinafore jsk and OP have tons of different trims, laces, and removable parts. Compare this to IW white where you see noticeably fewer pintucks, no lace or plainer lace, worse materials, and plain designs. Strawberry and Cream is another crown label release. Note that it also comes in tons of cuts and they are very detailed. The skirt had a detachable chiffon ruffle. The high waist jsk has a detachable tier of material. You can also get the mini skirt cut in addition to the regular skirt, which is exactly the same as the mini skirt designs from Meta releases like Dozing Cat

>> No.10072368

Both are shit, unfortunately it's been awhile since I noticed a square neck blouse released, but search lolibrary to see what IW and Baby square neck blouses look like and check to see if you can find one

>> No.10072387

Honestly, I find a bolero or something thrown on over works better with halter straps than a blouse.

>> No.10072477

South America, the winter here is like 27ºC we don't use coats at all

>> No.10072487

My bad, thanks for the correction!

>> No.10072626

What does 九新一 mean? Does it mean an item was worn once?

>> No.10072633

i have a large chest and i want to wear lolita but don't want to look like a fatass or i stuffed a loaf of bread in my dress. is a binder a good option ?

>> No.10072641

No. Please just wear things that fit you. You can find brand that fit or look into custom sized indie/Taobao. Plus size guides for lolita will give you a better idea where to look and what to look for.

>> No.10072648

thanks . i'm pretty average i'm not really skinny but i'm not a fatty just my chest is the large part and i've seen people use them before but didn't know if was common in the community or not

>> No.10072649

Well, what's your exact chest measurement? We can probably recommend brands that you'd fit, brands to stay away from, design aspects to look for that will indicate you'd fit, etc. I have a friend who is 120 bustcm and although she's overweight she still has quite a few options for brand and indie.

>> No.10072653

desu the last time i messured which was a few months ago it was around "94 cm
37 in" . if that helps

>> No.10072662

If you don't have a large waist-size I think it's best if you wear skirts. They're cheaper than dresses too as an added bonus.

>> No.10072682

I wouldn't say that's large at all, unless you like unshirred Gothic/classic

>> No.10072747


92cm bust checking in. Practically anything with shirring will fit.

Unshirred/fixed size is a gamble, it's not just about the bust size, but also your proportions, if you're much taller than 155~160cm, chances are you've got a longer torso, then you end up trying to squash your bust into the waist area instead of the bust area -- on someone smaller the dress just looks baggy but on a bigger gal it's a definite boobloaf. In that case I'd stick to jsks with shoulder straps that can be adjusted, so you can lower the bust point if needed.

You didn't mention your cup size. Anything bigger than B cup you'll also want to be careful with older IW dresses. Newer ones seem better but can still be tight. I find AP and Baby to be much better with how deep the bust area is, but their sizing is generally all over the place.

A sports bra will give you a more natural shape than a binder, which is meant to give a flat shape while a sports bra only pushes things together.

For bigger cup sizes, I've seen people recommend blouse + skirt, but honestly I find this kind of highlights how big your boobs are is since it shows how small your waist is compared to your bust. Personally I prefer wearing a jsk and then having the waist "float" (as in the dress waist is way too big for my actual waist). I guess ymmv though.

>> No.10072867

So I finally set up my Tenso account recently and thought I'd use it to buy stuff from the btssb winter sale basically so I could avoid having a massive £50-£60 fee slapped on top by customs and the local courier as well. Initially I read that it's fine to use a tenso address with baby but it wasn't until after I made the order that I've seen more recent accounts saying they don't accept it anymore and it's stated on the website, however I looked and couldn't find anything saying that on their webpage. It's been nearly two days now and my order is still processing- so do they accept them again or will they cancel my order?

I don't mind if they contact me to change my option to international shipping, I'll just have to suck it up and pay the extra charges when the dress gets here, but I'm worried they'll cancel the order outright.

>> No.10072884

Good ways to pose in lolita? I’m pretty new to this & always find myself not knowing how to pose in lolita or doing the same two poses.

>> No.10073109

Milkb0x’s posing video helped me become a lot more comfortable posing.

>> No.10073112


Mintkismet helped me myself if you can't get through a video


>> No.10073181
File: 116 KB, 905x428, ebc54894a502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both, and can I get your opinion once more with this knowledge applied? I'm already subconscious and new enough so I want it to look right, and I won't have enough time to order something else if its wonky. I'd get both to try, but I'm on a budget and didn't have a wig so I needed to drop money on that first

>> No.10073210

Yes. International packages take 1 to 4 weeks. It looks like it got stuck in customs and should arrive within the next week or so.
-shipped 50+ international order

AWA has a lot of lolita and j-fashion focused events/guests.
Momo-con (and maybe dragon con?) is good too, but is a very expensive area.

>> No.10073366

>I'm on a budget and didn't have a wig so I needed to drop money on that first
You absolutely did not, unless you've got no hair or something.

>> No.10073396


>didn't have a wig so I needed to drop money on that first
What's your hair situation currently? Wigs aren't a requirement in lolita.

As for your coord... IDK man. That blouse looks pretty cheap. Also, it's white, it won't match the offwhite bolero/shrug thing. Depending on if the white in the jsk is pure white or off white or beige it's kind of a crapshoot on whether it will match or not. You picked hardmode for your first coord.

>> No.10073404
File: 58 KB, 250x333, bce344ae-7a41-519b-acc9-2358aa22b9b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit hard to tell which colour you need, ideally it should match the lace at the top. Take styling inspiration from stock pictures of other IW halter neck JSKs.

>> No.10073405
File: 70 KB, 450x570, 6d97db48-fda6-54f8-81fa-8707c68070e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small pic spam incoming

>> No.10073406
File: 42 KB, 250x333, e0162871-0725-5c4b-bc63-45dfa1a2b81b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073407
File: 107 KB, 350x527, 72eb32c8-398a-59b8-9836-189a6f80a610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073508
File: 51 KB, 545x545, m78389860534_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this dress/have a link to a prior listing? Or can confirm that it really is IW? "Innocent World" and "Heart" don't bring it up on lolibrary, and that's all I really have to go off of

>> No.10073514

Looks like their Tina JSK

>> No.10073520

And for future reference, I found it by selecting brand>IW, category>JSK and colorway>blackxpink. Sometimes colorways are missing from the lolibrary entry but they're usually a pretty good bet if you want to find things, especially if they're a bit unusual.

>> No.10073550

Oh thank you!! And I'll definitely be sure to use that trick in the future, that's quite helpful

>> No.10073862

Thank you!

>> No.10073866

Thank you!!

>> No.10073934
File: 157 KB, 1079x1079, 41903808_10161008954875531_4413546704477880320_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has any one actaully ordered from canadian indie brand gloomth? theres some dress i think are cute but their photoshoots are always so poorly styled and cringey. wondering if the quality was at all good

>> No.10073936

These dresses look better than the shit they used to sell years ago but the quality and construction still looks a bit dodgy, and probably isn't worth the price. Look at the weird way the "JSK" bulges at the waist, I'm not sure what's going on there but it looks like shit.

>> No.10073938

"Gloomth & The Cult Of Melancholy,
Victorian Grunge + Modern Mourning Attire"
Holy shit I'm crying, everything is early-highschool "so randem and diff lol" aesthetic but the people behind it are clearly adults thank you so much for showing me this

>> No.10073944
File: 789 KB, 1964x1976, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure where else to put this. Any help picking out a wig and socks to match? I'm so bad with the little bits.

>> No.10073949

aw too bad, that velvet op looks great but i'm sure there's better ones elsewhere


>> No.10073972

i think brown wig and donut socks

>> No.10073985

I like the blonde wig and donut socks best.

>> No.10073991
File: 1.58 MB, 400x225, tumblr_inline_p36hm8F58a1sj38tc_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least that helped pick the socks!

>> No.10073995


I think the blonde wig would go a lot better with this than the brown/reddish one. And the donut socks.

>> No.10073998

I'm mostly goth but I have a complete weakness over Teddie bears. What are some not-too-very-sweet skirts or dresses that could work for me? I've seen British Bear and looks well enough although I could probably take a classic approach to it.

>> No.10074000

Thanks so much! I asked friends as well and they also said blonde and mentioned it matched the bear fur.

>> No.10074006
File: 42 KB, 450x570, DollMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want bear prints that work with classic, look no further than IW. Pic related might be the one print they've released that has the most potential to work in a gothic coord, if you take the "creepy doll" approach to it, but they've released many others in the past too:

>> No.10074234

This might be an odd question but how much is a long sleeve velveteen OP likely to weight? I'm consolidating stuff at my SS and want the package to be under the 2kg mark.

>> No.10074237

I'd estimate it around 1kg, maybe a bit more since velvet is quite heavy.

>> No.10074243

It really depends, the velveteen in some dresses is significantly thicker than in others. If the dress is thick and has a lot of details, additional ruffles and stuff that increases the weight.

>> No.10074246

You could get one of those bear bags from ahcahcum muchacha in black

>> No.10074260
File: 410 KB, 450x568, 2019-01-08 23_12_38-Innocent World|テディベアストーリーティアードジャンパースカート【SALE】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is currently on sale on the innocent world online store!

>> No.10074376
File: 376 KB, 750x747, 687E3AE3-7650-44D0-848F-B449B218437E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does cgl dislike wistywish? I discovered her recently (she’s pretty new anyway) and she seems like a sweet person who looks nice in sweet-classic.

>> No.10074379

Cgl doesn’t care about personality. But constant shoop is why

>> No.10074387

Constant shoop and lying about it, yeah

>> No.10074441

What does "nyart" mean?

>> No.10074446

I think she ok, her coords are often a bit nitpicky for me (I usually don't like her shoes & legwear) but I don't dislike her. So no salt from me.
I wished she didn't shoop so much either. And she shouldn't lie about it when it's so obvious. She must be very insecure.

>> No.10074454

Cgl dislikes everyone who has a lot of brand and isn't fat. They also hate fat people and itas though.

>> No.10074456

I'm Not the Anon You Replied To

>> No.10074462
File: 769 KB, 750x1000, whichprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which AP print is this?
It's a carrousel print with cats, i must own it

>> No.10074474

Are Lolita skirts/dresses designed to be worn with either a cupcake or a-line petticoat exclusively? Or can you wear either type with any dress?

>> No.10074487

Fantastic Carnival.

>> No.10074488

Fantastic Carnival.

>> No.10074506

Some dresses will look off without the right petticoat. Wearing an a line petticoat with a dress meant for cupcake may lack shape around the waist, and wearing cupcake with a dress meant for a line might look over stuffed or make you look fat.

>> No.10074510

That's the answer I needed, thanks. It does look like some dresses are tailored that way.

>> No.10074522

There are definitely a-line only dresses (cupcake won't fit), and then for true cupcake skirts they will look sad and weird with an a-line. But for many dresses, the cuts are such that you can get away with either and look good

>> No.10074542

Am I just too stupied to find it or was the feels thread deleted?

>> No.10074545

It was

>> No.10074557
File: 76 KB, 479x473, IMG_20190108_145644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this purse a bootleg/knock off of anything?

>> No.10074583

Do lolitas still blog?
As of 2019, what's the lolita blogging site?

>> No.10074593

Instagram stories are the closest you're gonna get if you wanna see how lolitas live, but lots of them are really active

>> No.10074614

Whats a lolita? Honest question

>> No.10074624

Good places to take pictures in lolita?

>> No.10074628

It's from a Taobao brand that makes lolita purses and itabags. https://shop57117395.taobao.com/

>> No.10074634

Would I have better luck selling a huge, mixed brand but mostly taobao, mori girl lot on Kei Market or eBay?

>> No.10074636

Any tips for weight loss? I have an app that counts my calories & i do short full body workouts everyday but anything tips for eating less?? The main area i need to lose is my upper arms & my chest.

>> No.10074654

Someone who wears lolita fashion, which is an alternative fashion style that originated in Japan. It takes inspiration from various vintage and antique western fashion styles from the 19th century and early 20th century, and it has various sub-styles that invoke concepts and aesthetics of gothic vampire ladies, demure Victorian maidens, or frilly princesses/magical girls.
There's more to it but that's it in a nutshell. It's just a frilly and fun fashion style.

>> No.10074655

Iirc AP has released a similar bag but I'm not 100% sure that this is a replica.

>> No.10074661

First of all, you can't spot reduce. So when you lose fat, it might happen if different area's first. As for your diet, I don't know what you eat and drink so I can't comment on that. I also don't know how much weight you need to lose. You might be better off asking this in /fit?

Dunno if this falls under tips but here's what I do.
I lost 46 kilo's, I was 99 kilo's and now 53 and current bmi = 22. Lost it with lower impact (and moderate) exercise but most of it happened in the kitchen really. It's not just counting calories, I found zigzagging them was very helpful too. I used to plateau until I started to zigzag every week. There are online zigzag tools btw, I recommend them. I also love an android app called "monitor your weight" to keep track of how much you lose over time. I upped my protein intake, but didn't go low carb. I try to eat more fermented foods (I might be a little obsessed with skyr lol) and I take pro-biotics to improve gut flora. Healthier and more sensible food/drink choices, but didn't restrict too much as I believe you can eat "bad" stuff too in moderation as it helps fight cravings. Instead of restricting myself to 3 meals a day and fighting against wanting to eat more in between I now eat 4~5 small ones which helps against those snack attacks. I use a smaller plate, instead of a large dinner plate I now use a bread or dessert plate for dinner portions. I got used to the smaller portion size quite quickly. No second helpings, and a better balance between meat, veg, rice/pasta/potato and cook from scratch as much as possible. I no longer drink carbonated drinks and I try to drink more tea or coffee instead of sugary drinks. I learned to say no more, I learned I didn't need 10 different snacks in my shopping cart. I was fat due to poor eating habits, I was a volume eater/plate cleaner (not emotional eater) but not everyone is the same. My approach may not work for everyone.
Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.10074663

There's no real way to spot lose, but working out those areas will build muscle. Short workouts are good in general, but to lose any weight you should be doing cardio and some sort of weight training. And of course, you need to eat less than you burn going throughout the day. You should lose weight at 1200~ calories and regular exercise.

>> No.10074682

More likely than not, where are buying it from? I assume taobao?
The pleather looks low-quality anyway. Personally I wouldn't buy it.

>> No.10074761

This is fantastic advice. I lost weight in a similar way.
My first action was getting a calorie tracker app. I used MyFitnessPal. I used it every day for eight months to figure out how much I was consuming. I found myself switching to lower calorie options of things just so I could have more things in a day, like two eggs and some fruit instead of pancakes for breakfast. I also stopped drinking sugary drinks. Honestly, switching to tea, non-dairy coffee drinks, and water was probably the best thing for me. I have way more energy. I can have a cookie and feel okay about it. All I have to do is keep in mind the calories I'm eating vs. expending.
Zigzagging, or restricting and then going back to your base calorie level, helps your body understand that you're not starving = helps with plateaus. I went for intermittent fasting myself, only eating within an 8 hour window. I lost 40 lb in 8 months. My BMI is now 23.6.

>> No.10074766
File: 190 KB, 1080x1080, 70031658-8D8B-47B0-BEBC-CDE9EAFBC9B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where this necklace is from? I’ve seen chokelate wear it, but couldn’t find a coord rundown. My friend loves it and I want to get it for her.

>> No.10074768

Fuck, should’ve specified - I meant the cross necklace.

>> No.10074792

Moss marchen but I think she’s stopped making these for a while now

>> No.10074809

I'd list it on Kei Market but advertise on Facebook. Kei Market doesn't seem to get a whole lot of sales, even though it's actually pretty decent.

>> No.10074844

Does anyone know of places that are good for a plus size beginner? (inb4 "lose weight": I'm on meds that prohibit me from doing so)

>> No.10074847
File: 37 KB, 746x559, fruiycafebow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fucking tiny ass head for the most part. And I recently got pic related.
It looks so fucking weird on me, so I'm thinking about getting a boater hat and pinning it to it.
I have no idea where to get an affordable quality boater hat. I see ones on ebay, but I'm apprehensive on their quality.
But I also don't want to shell out an arm and a leg for a plain ole boater hat.
I'm also looking for maybe other options to till use this bow with the rest of the set without looking ridiculous. (At least, in my opinion)
For reference, my head is slightly larger than the busts.

>> No.10074888
File: 27 KB, 450x450, cs-046a-Lolita-Wig-a_450x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As someone with a bigger head, I still have the same issue. It's not the size of your head, it's the size of your HAIR.

That's why the popular wigs are these, they have so much hair volume it's actually impossible for humans. And even then you can see in this promo pic they still teased out the tails to give even more volume. The bows look proportionate when there is a lot of hair to balance it out.

If you want to use your natural hair you might look up tutorials to tease your hair for the volume, or look into "hime hair" tutorials.

There are some plain boater hats on Aliexpress (or, you can save the pic and use image search on taobao, whichever platform you prefer).

>> No.10074900


You need to post your measurements before anyone can rec anything.

Generally if you're 155~160+cm tall, <100cm bust then you can head straight to Meta's or EE's fully shirred dresses. I'd avoid Baby, they're notorious for their fully shirred dresses being actually short and small. AP is still okay, and you might even fit into some half-shirred stuff from AP or Meta.

If you're really tall or a much bigger hamplanet then (a) accept that your size is unusual and everything is going to cost more for you to obtain, but when you resell it will cost nearly nothing, because no one else wears your size, so potentially lolita could be a bit of a black hole to piss money into, please don't whine at us for this as there's nothing we can do other than tell you to lose weight, and (b) you just might not fit into much burando, because they aren't made that big. Soufflesong and F+F, and a handful of taobao brands do custom sizing, so they can go as big as you need. The quality is a little iffy, so pick your pieces with care, at least avoid Souffflesong's printed pieces.

>> No.10074906

Thanks. I did see them on ali, but it's so hit or miss, I'm still nervous. But I did find one for $5 on ebay. It's $5 so what's the worst that will happen if it's shit. I find a better quality one.
I may also tease my hair as well under neath the boater. (Especially because I want a country look)
Luckily my jew hair is already pretty voluminous, so it will hold up pretty well once I floof it out.

>> No.10074908
File: 653 KB, 450x800, milkhowmuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do MILK accessories/socks sell for?

I got these as part of a bundle deal on Mercari. The cuff came with a tag that says it was originally 6300 yen, which seems like way too much? Both the cuff and socks are unused.

They don't fit my style at all and I wanted to get rid of them at a swap meet. I was thinking $5 for the cuff and $10 for the socks. But seeing the price tag, I feel like I'm undervaluing.

>> No.10074922


This really depends on your comm, if you have some MILK fangirls you might be able to gauge how much they're willing to pay and charge more. It's honestly not worth that much higher if you don't have MILK fangirls, or at least people who recognise the brand and are willing to pay for it.

I've seen stuff bnwt with original price tag of xxxxyen being sold for 300-500yen at closet child, in Japan. And most of it is stuff like yours, it's solidly made but you can find some cheaper dupe off Ali or taobao, so it's really only worth it to someone who wants the MILK brand name.

I'd go with the argument that the your items are solid quality since it's MILK, and they don't have to wait for a taobao or Ali order to arrive, that's worth the price to some people. Maybe you'll be able to up the price then. I'd get rid of that leather cuffs asap though, they tend to crack and peel over time, and then they're worth $0.

>> No.10074934

Thanks for the advice. I might price them a bit higher then since I'll already be telling people I'm open to offers/haggling.

I'm surprised about the cuff because it doesn't strike me as real leather, but I do intend to get rid of it at the meet, even if I only make $5. Fingers crossed someone likes MILK or muted colors.

>> No.10074971

They meant that it was pleather anon.

>> No.10074998

What kind of petti do you guys use with shorter skirts a la AP and Meta? Rolling up my normal length petti just isn't working since it lumps up right below the skirt band. Do I just need to custom order a shorter petti? What length should I request if I do so? I have enough of these that it's starting to be a problem.

>> No.10075001

I got mine from melikestea - it's a 40cm A-line petticoat, the poof monster. Measure the skirt length, and go for 5-10cm shorter - the exact length doesn't usually matter but it will depend on your hips/where your petticoat sits

>> No.10075006

>tips for eating less
Going vegan and sugar-free made me eat less

>> No.10075011

Would a beginner know what EE is

>> No.10075012

Leg Avenue pettis

>> No.10075016

Has anyone ever bought from MinkyShop?

>> No.10075034

This. I got the rec from cgl too and they are the perfect length and poof.

>> No.10075054

Thanks anons!

>> No.10075122

Yes. But that was a very long time ago (5+ years).
She was very friendly and my goods arrived just as promised.
Not sure if this answers your question?

>> No.10075127


Ah, I meant what >>10074971 said, fake leather will crack and peel really fast, so let someone else own that and they can wear it before it becomes literal trash.

Real leather doesn't go bad quite as fast so you'll be able to hold onto it for a bit if no one gives you a price you like, but I can tell from the pic alone this isn't real leather, so pretty much you should offload it real quick.

>> No.10075133


Whoops, didn't even think about that.

Meta = Metamorphose Temps de Fille (https://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/online-shop))

EE = Enchantlic Enchantilly (chantilly-mimidy.com)

AP = Angelic Pretty

Soufflesong (https://www.soufflesong.com) (https://neverlandlolita.taobao.com/))

F+F = Fanplus Friend, now rebranded as Neo Ludwig

Wunderwelt (http://wunderwelt.jp/))
Lacemarket (http://egl.circlly.com)

Reference of dress releases (for checking up measurements): https://lolibrary.org
(does not contain every dress ever, just a lot)

>> No.10075134

Taobao brands that allow custom sizing are ideal in your situation, there are several resellers that allow you to custom order it through their site or you can use a Taobao agent.
Haenuli is a Korean indie brand that is very plus size friendly and I think their stuff goes up to 4xl or something.
Japanese indie brand Physical Drop is often quite generous too, it is owned by Kuniko Kato, former designer for Metamorphose Temps de Fille.
Metamorphose is also a brand that releases lots of plus size friendly pieces and Angelic Pretty often runs large too if the piece has shirring.
Innocent World has S, M & L sizing and also great quality if I may say so.
Like >>10074900, I agree that BTSSB/AatP is probably not the best brand for you, even their shirred stuff can be rather small for plus size people.
But it really depends on the piece. Some pieces have quarter, full back or even full shirring.
But even then it doesn't always means it fits because it was never meant to stretch that far. It may look bad (especially maxing fully shirred pieces) or fit very uncomfortable.
It's best to look at the flat measurements of a garment and then compare to your measurements.
You want some comfort and breathing room I suggest that you are at least 5cm under the listed measurements, even more if it's a coat (I like 10+).

>> No.10075139

These wigs are hideously ita. Other than that your advice is good.

>> No.10075311

Thank you so much!

>> No.10075317

Any makeup tips for a lolita who has no idea where to start with makeup?
I wish my face could be cuter. I'm pale with red cheeks and I wear thick glasses that make my sleepy eyes look half their size because of the reverse magnifying glass effect of my thick lenses. Contacts and basic are not options for me, tragically.

>> No.10075329

Oh man. I half know your pain. My contact rx is -8.00 in each eye, so my glasses are even stronger than that, and they make my eyes look SOOOO tiny. It sucks, because I have issues with dry eyes so while I'm able to wear contacts, they aren't particularly comfortable.

For makeup I would just start simple. Simple dark brown/black light eyeliner, curl your eyelashes, a nice mascara. Maybe a light powder foundation like mac studio fix, or just a BB cream. You can always choose a blush and/or a highlighter. You sound cute though, I wouldn't worry too much. The biggest problem will be glasses, they tend to clash with so many things. Can you get some of those cute round rimless glasses?

>> No.10075337

My lenses are too thick and heavy for rimless glasses, according to my optometrist the last time I asked. I do my best to pick out cute, slender metal frames though.
I'll start by trying out that eye makeup, thank you.

>> No.10075652

I've just realised I gave a seller the wrong email address for my paypal invoice. Once I get the invoice via email, can I log in to paypal using a different email address to the one I gave? Or am I stuck?

>> No.10075713

You could also take it to a seamstress and have it remade into a smaller, more wearable bow (or 3)

>> No.10075726

Anyone know of a print with pugs on it? (Japanese brand, Taobao, anywhere.)

>> No.10075743

Just message the seller. You can't switch between emails, the invoice is connected to your PayPal account (email).

>> No.10075800

A friend is trying to refund me after we pooled our cash but failed to get Moitie LPs together. The PayPal is still saying pending. It has been almost a week now... Is there anything I can do to hurry the refund up?
>no shade to my friend, this isn't her fault

>> No.10075809

Thank you anon this is very helpful!

>> No.10075812

I used to be vegetarian for three years about two years ago, really considering going back to it & eventually becoming vegan. I already don’t eat any meat besides fish & eggs so cutting out those shouldn’t be too hard.

>> No.10075813

Thank you so much!

>> No.10075865
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 127706154_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often does galaxxxy update their site? I've been hoping that they might sell pic related again as I've been tracking it down for a minute. But even if not, I just want to see some new stuff for once. Their site is incredibly bare atm.

>> No.10075988

Idk any actual weightloss tips but I've been pretty obsessed with cucumbers lately and I think that's a good weightloss food(?)
Anyways people should eat more cucumbers yum yum crunchy

>> No.10076125

Can anyone with a pair of AP tights tell me how much they stretch? I am losing weight right now, but I've always had thick legs and don't want to bother buying them if they won't fit anyway.

>> No.10076143

I was looking over my Holy lantern Ivory dress and noticed some small yellow-ish stains on the top layer. I tried using some water and then I tried using a little water and baking soda, which lightened them but they are still there and I'm not sure where they came from. Is holy lantern safe to dry clean? Is there another method I should try before that? Its really my favorite dress and I would hate to not be able to get these stains out.

>> No.10076155

I *believe* some banks take ten days to transfer money back anywhere, as like a policy a thing

>> No.10076161
File: 1.26 MB, 498x278, ganbatte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with your weight loss anon!
I used to be 100 lbs heavier and I'm so glad I lost the weight

here is what I did:
-Used a bmr calculator online to figure out how many calories I burn a day at rest.
-Started keeping a diary of everything I ate
-Gave up soda and stayed away from sweetened drinks for about 2 years
-Stayed away from sugary foods
-Reduced the amount of meat I ate (instead of having meat with every meal I would only have it for one, and eat vegetarian for the rest of my meals.)
- Stuck to lean meats (ground chicken, lean beef sparingly)
-Drank a butt load of water every day
-Drank way more unsweetened tea
- cardio + light muscle workouts (mostly body weight nothing crazy)

The goal is to do it in a healthy way and to make new habits that are easy to stick too. And as long as you are eating at a caloric deficit you WILL lose weight, even if you don't work out (although you probably still should to help tone) Take it one day at a time, if its what you really want you will succeed! I believe in you Anon!

>> No.10076292

I feel like it's a cardinal sin modifying burando, even if I'm never going to resell it.

>> No.10076362

MILK fan here, and I think the prices you listed are appropriate.

MILK items tend to drop in value significantly once they hit the secondhand market aside from some select popular items. And even the those drop after a couple seasons. Just look at the prices in the online shop vs Closetchild/Wunderwelt.

The quality is nice so I buy new on occasion to support the brand, but I wouldn’t pay very much for those items secondhand. Tbh they don’t look like anything special so I can see why the seller included them for free.

>> No.10076474

is "my-lolita-dress" safe? i keep hearing differing opinions, that its safe, that it sells milanoo shit, etc. i've seen good reviews from seemingly real people on their site so i would assume it's ok, right? i haven't been in the community since '10 and i'd really like to start buying taobao indie products again. i know some are replicas, but it seems like the majority of their stuff is just being resold. thank you.

>> No.10076501

Except heartbags, they never fucking drop

>> No.10076512

MILK is such a situational brand. It just doesn't have the audience in the West and it'd just be a few girls interested in it compared to something like AP. What really sells from MILK are just specific main pieces. I've never seen huge demand from much else, except occasionally a desired coat or something.

I think those socks look new and quality, but you have to be realistic and understand a lolita would probably be buying them and they're not going to go directly with any coord or set they're doing. I think that's one of the few situations when you can price accessories higher.

>> No.10076550


Holy Lantern is flocked anon, it's supposed to be dry-cleaned with non-PCE solvents in the first place, as the cleaning label will tell you.

Sorry, no help with the stains, but just to mention it's supposed to be dry-cleaned in the first place.

>> No.10076555


How big are you? They're kind of on the small side but stretch well enough that I can use an extra pair of panties to help them stay up. I'm 163cm and 70kg. Any bigger and you may have to look into alternatives (ie- either get bigger tights, or look into turning them into thigh-highs to wear with garter belts)

>> No.10076562

Are Haenuli pieces too generous in the waist? I've heard of people swimming in them but I'm not sure if that's true anymore. Usually I'm fine with a size small but I'm on the edge of a small skirt (58~68) but might need to size up to a medium (68~78).

>> No.10076570

Gonna be doing lots of walking and I have wide ass feet. What are some comfy lolitable shoes you’d recommend? Was honestly just going to pick up Doc Mart mary janes for comfort, but they’re a little chunkier than I’d like.

>> No.10076571

5’2, 115 lbs. AP tights fit my chubby legs and are still plenty stretchy and comfy.

>> No.10076574

I'm 5'6" and weigh 125. The only thing I've struggled with of theirs is socks with gold thread due to my hiking calves. Their tights are fine.

>> No.10076593

I'm currently 5' at 135 lbs. Thanks!
Thank you!
Aw, the ones I want have gold thread I think. Maybe it won't be so bad though! I also have huge calves. Thanks!

>> No.10076700

Tights won't have gold thread, they'll have a gold screen print. That will definitely get ruined and split just like a t-shirt with a screen print. It happens to people with smaller legs eventually though, so maybe buy a pair secondhand if you're really worried about it.

>> No.10076705
File: 440 KB, 894x616, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the bag on the right for awhile, but now I'm worried it's a replica of ap's star pochette
What do you think?
If I showed up to an ap event with it, do you think it would be offensive?

>> No.10076709

AP doesn't have the sole rights to the idea of a star-shaped bag. It looks different enough to me, the edges on yours are a lot sharper.

>> No.10076749

The peices I've gotten were too loose in the waist (I'm 27in waist, 36hip) but my things are older and I've heard the torso cuts got better with her new stuff

>> No.10076827

Check fril/mercari. There are plenty for under 10k yen. The only one that’s maybe a little hard to find is the gold color.

>> No.10076838

They're generous in general, if you're on the cusp of a size go for the smaller one.

>> No.10076840 [DELETED] 

Any other gulls going through some tragedy right now? I'm literally so depressed and alone. My boyfriend hasn't called me in 6 hours.

I really want to just commit suicide. I've already taken an entire bottle of tic tacs. I really want to overdose.

Gosh, my life as a woman is so difficult.

>> No.10076842

Wow. Omigosh. Make sure you're safe.

>> No.10076861 [DELETED] 

Wow that's really hardcore. I'm a girl and my life is really difficult because sometimes I only get 20 likes on an Instagram post I make.

One night I decided to end it all and swallowed a teaspoon of baking soda. Suicide attempts are no joke and doctors should take us women and our problems seriously.

>> No.10076924

Thank you Anon. I had a hell of a time trying to find a dry cleaner that didn't use PCE solvent but I finally found one. I hope it takes care of the pale stains fingers crossed.

>> No.10076935 [DELETED] 

I wish Elongated Muskrat would set every computer that had accessed /r9k/ in the last five years to explode and send shrapnel flying everywhere if that computer then ever tried to post on a girl board

>> No.10077059

Late reply sorry
I'm 172cm and 155lbs (used to be 205 and still working on it) and I have a newer pair of their tights. I am the biggest size you should be in order to have them fit properly.

>> No.10077066

They're just a reseller. They don't vet the quality of their items. All of the brands you see represented have their own standard for quality, so research them first. Dream of Lolita is a replica brand. Other replicas will be labelled as replicas. The owner is very pleasant and easy to wrk with, but not perfect. They're a good option if you have patience for shipping and a couple extra dollars because they do mark items up, of course.

>> No.10077129

Just research the brand that the site is selling.
They have pretty solid ones like ichigo miko/ strawberry witch that's a legitimate taobao brand.
But yes, they do have replicas. Some brands like dream of lolita are mostly replica brands

>> No.10077307

Can anyone give a list of scalpers on LaceMarket? I don't want to buy from any of them and I want to make sure they're blacklisted from ever buying from me.

>> No.10077310

Thank you for replying. It helped a lot!

>> No.10077343

Are you ever scared of people thinking you're an age player because of lolita? Do you have any ill feelings for age players because of it? Every time i hear someone call their bf "daddy" or some shit I wish they would die.

>> No.10077346


this was exactly why I didn't do a modeling gig offered to me. Didn't want the stupid ass fashion name attached to my real name, especially locally. Ageplayers have ruined everything, fml.

>> No.10077363

Not really because I don't give a shit what people think about me, but I can understand why it makes you feel awful. I hate ageplayers in general though, both for claiming lolita and kawaii culture for themselves as their kink fodder, and for exposing minors to it because they can't keep their sex life where it belongs. If I see one more literal little girl claiming she's "a little", it'll be too soon.

>> No.10077372

How do you get the smell of piss and shit out of your lolita? The city has this general smell of sewage and I take public transport. I don't want to wash my brand though.

>> No.10077387

I hate age players because they love to make it public. It's got to be part of the kink to make innocent people look at it. I hate that every time I wear it, I feel like I cant say the name, and just say "Japanese fashion" instead. Some of my friends still think it's a sex thing, just that I don't participate. And most of all, I hate when they buy brand and get cum and juices all over it. How am I supposed to argue that my favorite AP dresses aren't age play just because they have toys or ponies on them, when age players get off on corrupting it? I just like cute things. It doesn't mean I'm regressing or have a daddy.

>> No.10077390
File: 356 KB, 920x730, voMi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wash ur goddamn brand u degenerate.

>> No.10077394

Cost way to much to risk it, sorry

>> No.10077403

Yet it doesn't cost too much to let it smell like literal shit?

>> No.10077413
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1522362323913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean red dye bleeding into the white??

hi wistywish


>> No.10077417

Anon, ignore them 99% chance of troll. Iirc there was some minor bullshit fb drama about some girl saying LA (?) smelled like shit and it was seeping into their brand.

That being said all y'all need to wash your damn dresses. Water is not acid and dry cleaning is not the same as tossing your brand in fire. >>10077413

>> No.10077433

Okay gulls I know this is going to sound totally stupid but hear me out. So let's say you had a dream dress that was being sold by two people. The first person is selling it for considerably more but is extremely sweet and reliable. The second seller is selling it for cheaper but is cold and has some mixed feedback. Who would you go with?

>> No.10077445

I would go for the more reliable one personally, unless the cheaper one is like way, way cheaper. But even then I'd wonder what was wrong with it to make it so much cheaper in the first place.

>> No.10077460

Would you consider a $100 difference way way cheaper? Haha. Actually the cheaper listing also comes with a small detachable part of the dress that the nice seller is missing.

>> No.10077465

>Actually the cheaper listing also comes with a small detachable part of the dress that the nice seller is missing.
Not that anon, but this point alone would sway me towards the cheaper listing.

>> No.10077483

Find out why it's cheaper. The unreliable seller could be hiding damages. You could also message the nice seller and ask for a lower price to see if they would accept it.

>> No.10077497

I'm sorry if this is too stupid, but does AP japan allow Tenso addresses? What do I put as a name? Just mine twice? I don't want to get in trouble (。•́︿•̀。)

>> No.10077518

is lolita a dead fashion? I feel like most veterans would agree

>> No.10077522


If you mean angelicpretty-onlineshop.com, yes, they do Tenso as their "international" shop.

For the name, I put mine in in katakana for the second row. You can try using your name in English letters twice, if it doesn't accept it, then run it through google translate and see if it'll translate into kana, then use that.

Having said that, it's my first time with the shop after the renewal, so I don't know if I should be giving advice lol. My order did get accepted though?

>> No.10077535

Thank you for your help!!

>> No.10077597


>> No.10077613

>How am I supposed to argue that my favorite AP dresses aren't age play when age players get off on corrupting it?
Because people sexualize everything, that doesn't mean X thing is inherently sexual and degenerate. Are feet and heels inherently sexual because some people get off to them? Obviously not, and sure sweet lolita is unusual but that doesn't mean anyone who likes it and other equally cute things, is doing it because they want to pretend to be a sexy baby or whatever. Your friends are very close minded if they don't realize this.

>> No.10077614

Most veterans would think you're an outsider normie for thinking this, because only people who don't participate in it think it's dead.

>> No.10077774
File: 212 KB, 600x337, 505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just purchased something from hanayoku ....

>> No.10077789

Lol it's more popular than ever and most veterans are aware of that.

>> No.10077791

Same (>。<)

>> No.10077818
File: 112 KB, 280x373, 76024fad-48d0-5e2a-af4f-fa805c22b714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I have the right thread, couldn't seem to find a coord help thread? Maybe I'm a moron.

Anyway- I'm looking for an underskirt for my Wonder Queen JSK. I love this dress but I'd like to elevate my coord with some pretty lace or something since the bottom hem is a bit abrupt for my taste. I really liked the LolitaWardrobe Starry Night underskirt, but I don't know if it would match the theme of WQ.

Any recs?

>> No.10077876
File: 275 KB, 1424x2048, 1540951436686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do people get frilly turtlenecks like pic related? I'm looking for something solid with decoration at the neck and sleeves, but people keep leaving them out of their outfit rundowns and I have no idea where to look.

>> No.10077892

Liz lisa tends to have frilly casual shirts like that. You could probably also find shirts like that on taoboa or aliexpress

>> No.10078214

"offbrand" Japanese brands are normally pretty feminine. But brands to look for are Liz Lisa, Emily temple cute, Shirley temple cute for ladies, axes femme, or even lower quality but still decent, ingni.

>> No.10078439

Is there a way to keep otk socks up without wearing nude tights underneath? mine always fall down and its annoying to have to keep adjusting them.

>> No.10078462
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 41bZFAG9FaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try roll on sock glue/body adhesive. This is the brand I use. It does leave some residue on the socks and your skin but it's easy to wash off with water.

>> No.10078464

New thread >>10078460