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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9985966 No.9985966 [Reply] [Original]

Now that San Japan is over, what are you looking forward to? Coming up we've got Oni-con, Anime Nomikai, Anime Dallas, ANT, etc, but I'm mostly waiting for Ikkicon.

>> No.9985967

*Nomikai Dallas woops im an idiot

>> No.9985998

I'm done for the year. All the cons listed are shit or look like first year shit shows. I'll be swinging back when A-Kon rolls on up.

>> No.9986037

Probably will go to Alamo City

>> No.9986048

Does it have actual panels or just the celebrity autographs crap?

>> No.9986548

Considerint swinging by Nomikai and Anime Dallas to see how bad they'll be. Ikkicon and ANT are still awful.

>> No.9986616

onicon for me. i go for the San Luis’s swim up bar

>> No.9986627

Considering that they are spite cons run by voice actors expect them to be awful.

>> No.9986642

Relmscon. CCTX

>> No.9986683

Why are they spite cons? Do they not get asked to be guests anymore?

>> No.9986762

its capeshit and normies, no panels, just a giant vendors alley and autographs you have to pay for

>> No.9986763

San Japan cosplay contest was a fucking joke.

>> No.9986765

I heard it was super competitive and the judges struggled with their choices but I didn’t go. What was it like?

>> No.9986768

I personally enjoyed it. I mean, there wasn't like a clear cut winner this year. A lot of people in certain categories looked pretty matched up from a basic audience perspective. I left as soon as Keiran Whatever started singing bc it was cringey as fuck.

>> No.9986817

Considering preregistering for Okashicon, currently! Depends on if I find a good job or not, though, I don’t have a steady income at all atm. I’ve heard good things about it, and the booth girls at SJ were super sweet and informative!

>> No.9986995

>Keiran Whatever
WHO IS THIS PERSON? I swear they keep popping up at every convention they go to and no one can tell me who the fuck they are. Do you just ask to be a guest at conventions and you get to be a guest?

>> No.9987024

It's a youtube star, which usually attracts younger teenagers for fans. They're probably really cheap to get as a guest which is why they're everywhere

>> No.9987027

What are we going to do in the spring? AnimeMatsuri was the biggest thing and now it's in June if you were even still going. What cons are there between March and May?

>> No.9987065

Matsuri was shit anyway. There's a bunch of small cons in spring to go to instead

>> No.9987246

Tell me what they are then. Anime cons dot com just has a big gapping hole

>> No.9987252

Author, musician, and honestly super fun to hang out with so I'm always glad when he's on the guest list desu

>> No.9987255

Skipping ANT and Ikki after last year, but giving Anime Dallas a try. They need to get their PR together or they won't have any panels in time. They only just started accepting them.

Never heard of Nomikai Dallas, it seems like another mini A-kon? Might as well try it, too!

>> No.9987286

I don't understand how these threads are always simotaniously full of people bitching about Texas cons only bringing low tier funi VA as guests and also excited to try Anime Dallas/Nomikai

Did y'all even read the about us section? Their board is just a bunch of Funi VA. I do find it interesting the number seems to have dropped. I swear when they first announced there were 4-5 board members, now there's only 2 with "more to come"

>> No.9987290

Lol I don't go for the guests. I want to cosplay and I just don't want to suffocate in crowded halls like ANT, or be kept up all night at shit hotels with no noise control like Ikki. I could care less about guest quality, the good guests are impossible to get in line to, the bad ones no one wants.

>> No.9987333

There are multiple people posting here with varying opinions. Shocking, I know. For example, I only bother with A-Kon as I only go to two cons a year (it and AX). I don't cosplay, but I care about guests and I like seeing my friends who do cosplay. They're all going to be at the big convention, so that's where I go. Someone like >>9987290 is happy doing this, too. They're willing to spend the time to try out a small convention because they don't care about guests. That's cool too. Different priorities.

>> No.9987350

>a big gapping hole
Anon, there's three listed on there for Texas Between March and May.

>> No.9987416

Popular youtube singer from Canada or Britain who knows anime so that's enough to be a guest.

>> No.9987417

I find it funny how A-Kon decided to get actually good guests once Anime Matsuri, who always got top tier guests, started burning to the ground.

>> No.9987729

What guests are you talking about? Matsuri usually got certain guests after A-kon did.

>> No.9987735

A-kon because I'm poor and can't afford anything earlier.

>> No.9987789

I wish A-Kon would release more information about next year. I'm excited and want to start planning. I hope they do something big for the big 3-0.

>> No.9987875

Not sure on anime dallas' deal but nomikai has an ex a-kon staffer whos really bitter about it.

>> No.9988029
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Okay guys, what cons should I avoid and what should I go to?

I want to try new things. A-KON is on my shit list after last year, Ikkicon hasn't been good in ages.

What's coming up that I shouldn't miss and why? I've heard just as much bad as good about ANT.

>> No.9988043

Nothing, it is all dead for now. In the RGV all we have left are small conventions in Edinburg and Pharr.

This year, Ramsey did not do his small con in the Sept-October time. Do you think he is finally done?

>> No.9988068

I think you're shit out of luck, anon. People weren't happy with animefest or san japan this year so basically all of your options are crap. I mean, I like animefest, but some people wish it was a little more eventful, and you mostly just go to san japan for the city that it's in. If you don't like a-kon, animefest, or san japan, you're just screwed. I don't know, i guess there's comic conventions and pax?

>> No.9988069

Good luck to the molesters shitshow trying to compete with everyones "Eh its the beginning of summer lets go get fucked up" Con.

>> No.9988127

I think the reason I like Ikkicon is because I don't stay in the hotel because I'm local. I know it's an unorganized as all hell but it's about the size I like and I can have fun and leave when necessary. Meeting up (and drinking) with people from here to complain is strangely really fun for me.

>> No.9988138

I miss Ikki being in the convention center. The hotel is alright but I feel super Claustrophobic somethimes

>> No.9988285

I feel exactly the same, Ikki was so much better when it was at the Hilton on sixth street because you didn't feel like you had to stay in the hotel- you could very easily go to stuff nearby that is actually open. The stuff around the Renaissance is either closed or very limited stuff that's not worth bothering with. Plus holy shit their dealer's hall/artist alley is way too tiny now.

>> No.9988548

What was wrong with Animefest? I went in 2017 and loved it. No thoughts about ANT?

>> No.9988576

You went in 2017, which was a great year. We're talking about 2018, which was...not a great year. Parking situation was bad, hotel was being remodeled and the convention did fuckall to let people know in advance, no notable guests or even that many guests in general despite Anime Fest claiming that there would be omg so many guests announced guys just wait!!, panels were really bad. Last year was also chaotic but at least the convention was fun and worth it. This year was also chaotic but not fun. It'll probably be my last year. AFest had its run.

>> No.9988577

Afest 2017 was a complete shitshow other than the musical guest which was fun

>> No.9988703

Anything in Houston that's worth it?

>> No.9988802

is realmscon worth going to if youre from San Antonio?

>> No.9989094

Its a very, very small con, but if you have friends going or you're planning on going to the beach it's worth it. I wouldn't say the con itself is worth it on it's own though, this coming from some one else who lives in San Antonio and used to go to it every year.

>> No.9989097

It sounds like going for Saturday is alright then. Do you know anything about Onicon in Galveston?

>> No.9989163

I've never been to Oni, sorry, but I've heard it's not great. Maybe others can tell you on that one.

>> No.9989166

Meh everything, beach con, sometimes smells.

>> No.9989215

Nayrt, but Anime Matsuri never had Toru Furuya or Toshio Furukawa, which A-kon did a few months ago. Then again, I only *really* care about vintage anime, and seiyuus and industry folks who did work during the 70s through the early 90s are the only guests I truly care about. Because of this, AM's guest list has always been shit quality for my preference in guests, and guests are really my only reason I go to cons ever.

>> No.9989216

2017 was super hectic. 2018 had no guests. i still like animefest but it's not a huge con and as far as huge cons go if you wanna stay in texas and you don't like a-kon you don't have much esp if you only like anime.

ANT isn't worth it. at all. 100% of people i talked to about it last year regretted buying a badge, and i've never been to a con before where that happened. so ghosting it and then fucking off to round one is the only way it can be enjoyed really.

>> No.9989225

never been to A-KON been to Onicon plenty of times and Ikkicon is a blast in my opnion

>> No.9989846
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Don't talk shit about Hiei faggot.

>> No.9989865

Oni in Galveston is the closest. The other 4 are done (though calling JFest and MGD "conventions" is a little loose). Unless there's something else I don't know about.

Oh, and if you're into video games, especially retro ones, Arcade Expo is next month. Total party con. Fun as hell.

>> No.9989880

Have there been any meet ups between Texas con goers from here? I've only seen pics from like 2015

>> No.9989922

No disrespect to either JFest nor MGD--I enjoyed both--But JFest really is that, a festival more than a con, and MGD is on the cusp of becoming a real, albeit tiny, con. Give it another year of growth and being more than one day.

>> No.9990017

Not in a long time because no one is willing to commit and schedule the things and the people that show up to them are almost always guys.

>> No.9990097

No it’s all steampunk drama and shit guests

>> No.9990098

ComicPalooza is a blast with amazing guests

>> No.9990184

If you want, there's a texas /cgl/ discord but we don't usually have formal meets i think.

>> No.9991040

NAYRT but Oni, like any other con, is what you make of it. If you have friends to hang with, it'll be fun, but objectively, it's a super small mediocre con in a fairly small convention center, not much bigger than your smaller hotel-hosted cons.

That being said, their artist alley is on con floor, which doesn't require a pass, so the gf & I ghosted it for an evening and saw all there was to see in an hour or two desu. We didn't get carded for the arcade either, but there wasn't much to it. Can't speak on dealers room quality though

Tbh, we mainly went for the weekend in Galveston

>> No.9993109

Thoughts on Ikkicon?

I lost interest ever since they changed their hotel. That first year during the switch they had absolutely nothing going on. Has it gotten better?

>> No.9993113

Only for one day if at all. Don't get a hotel. It's tiny and half of the shit is western. Not something you'd invest heavily in. Also small.

>> No.9993176

It's exactly the same as the first year it moved to the new hotel so if you didn't like it then you won't like it now.
Only difference is the hotel was finally offering cheap con specials at lunch and dinner finally.

>> No.9993353

Do you have any Winter or Spring recommendations?

>> No.9993423

I’m so fucking mad ANT is in that same shitty fucking hotel as last year. I was actually starting to really enjoy it at the Hilton and it felt like it was doing really well and growing. This Irving spot is literally the worst location, and I went to Yulecon’s first two years. Still competing for the hell of it but ANT has driven themselves into the ground.

>> No.9993432

Unfortunately, not really. For whatever reason most of the Winter and Spring cons are very small and not really worth traveling long distances for.

>> No.9993630

It's somehow completely awful and extremely entertaining.

>> No.9993690

How so?

>> No.9993743

It's unorganized. The last two years have taken hours to let guests pick up badges. The panelists are seemingly chosen at random a decent portion of them aren't really anime related. A panel that you think is interesting will likely be run by someone who's not well versed in the topic and is finished with their slides in 30 minutes. The hotel is not so great.

On the other hand, the people you meet there are, for the most part, awesome. Because you're likely going to have an hour between things you actually want to do, hang in the lobby and you'll see people dressed in shit you like and you can legitimately share common ground by stating "man, there's really nothing to do right now." Instant conversation starter. This boredom period is when people become a bit more open and receptive and begin to talk about their props, costumes, and probably wanting food or alcohol. By Saturday, it's transformed into a full party con. Better panels, (hopefully) better cosplayers appear and random people are offering you drinks or weed or just extremely complimentary of your outfit because their already under the influence of those things.

>> No.9993749

Forgive the bad grammar, I'm on mobile

>> No.9993862

ANT was never a good con, anon

>> No.9994086

Anon are you me? I swear that is my exact Ikkicon experience every year.
It's weird the con itself is bad but for whatever reason cool people and some genuinely interesting cosplays show up. I got to see some pretty neat stuff up close and actually talk to the makers about it since they weren't in a hurry to get anywhere (cause there was no where to go).

>> No.9994093

Saturday night at ikki is always surreal. I got invited to participate in a lesbian threesome last year.

>> No.9994491

And did you?

>> No.9995203

fandemic was pretty good. some nice costumes also. anyone go?

>> No.9996213


Rennaisance Hotel Ikkicon's always been the con I end up having weird sex at. First an orgy, then the woods. Confirmed party con?

>> No.9996276

I wish we could get some more idol groups to perform over here.

>> No.9996278

you must be one of the 5 people who shit everywhere about this. get your ass over to AX because no one cares.

>> No.9996284

yeah but i dont want give my money to californians

>> No.9996333

You must not live in Houston.

>> No.9996383

>supporting molestocon

>> No.9996390

No one wants to pay for idol shit in Texas ya dumb cunt. Your options are Cali or Japan.

>> No.9996398

I wasn't talking about AM, autist.

>> No.9996419

what are you talking about then?

>> No.9996431

I like the Love Notes because they're cool girls but yeah, I'm not into the idol stuff

>> No.9996455

>Thinks AM is the only thing going on in Houston
Now I know for sure you're not in Houston.

>> No.9996589

Not at all. Realmscon is small and has gotten even smaller this year. They have gone back down to hotel size and are putting all the AA workers at tables outside because they dont have space. I dont know about the game room this year but usually its just a bunch of computer screens in a dark smelly room of B.O. and the dudes who take them NEVER leave them, so you wont find anything to play unless youre lucky. Last year the dealers room had super low quality AA stuff in it to fill space because they had less than 10 vendors. (im talking those fleece square plush things and perler bead art).

If you have nothing better to do then id only recommend 1 day. Im a short drive distance and even I dont bother with the whole weekend. Youll run out of stuff to do in like 2 or 3 hours max.

>> No.9996626

Which cosplays are free(or really cheap) to go to in Houston?

>> No.9996745

Anon, I would pay many dollars for idol shit in TX because it would be so much cheaper than having to travel to LA.

I'm talking actual idols though, not this bullshit dance cover wanna be shit that is plauging us right now.

>> No.9999282

It seems Anime Matsuri is STILL the best.

>> No.9999665

>I also like bullshit promises, I don't care who they fuck over and who cares about rape-y people in charge.

>> No.9999672

hi stefan
john still hates you

>> No.9999731

Anyone else going to Nomikai Dallas next month? I know it's small, but it's only $5 and 15 mi. from my apt. I'd call it a win if I can get a few hours of entertainment out of it

>> No.9999898
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at fandemic

>> No.9999928

I was going to but i got a ticket to the yuri on ice crunchyroll thing

>> No.10000182

>a few hours of entertainment out of it

You're optimistic anon

>> No.10000339

Japan Fest in the spring is free. The small cons (Retropalooza, Arcade Expo, Magical Girl Day, etc) tend to be cheap. Trader's Village Comic Con in April is $4 per car. AM, Comicpalooza, and even Oni and Delta-H can be on the pricier side. There's been a ton of "Grand Opening" events in Houston this year that are free that have contests.

>> No.10001329


>> No.10001955

Anyone at Realmscon this weekend? Hows the new setup?

>> No.10002435

It's cramp on the 3rd floor.

Outdoor annex? You better be okay with walking in dirt.

>> No.10002455

Yeah i just went today. 3rd floor was so packed but the artist alley was better than the years before. Didnt check out the game room though. I tried to check out outside but it was so windy and the few shops out there were extremely overpriced so not worth it imo

>> No.10002532

any real info on anime Dallas? I'm going because hell 20 is 20
but I digress I want to know if it's gonna be worth staying 3 days or am I just gonna get drunk in my hotel room with my friends

>> No.10002546

No one knows jack shit like the shills who keep plugging a show with jack shit going on.

>> No.10002566

Did anyone else see that burst of drama with that con that’s scheduled during the same dates as A-Kon next year? I thought it was pretty hilarious that they got so defensive about someone being genuinely concerned about their attendance because of the scheduling conflict. I had a good chuckle when those screen caps came across my feed.

>> No.10002573

Post 'em, I wanna see.

>> No.10002735
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Gotcha, I nabbed these off a friend of a friend’s post so I don’t know who the original commenter was but the gist was a representative of the con messaged them after they commented. These are all I have, sorry! 1/-

>> No.10002737
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I’m also at the fair today so sorry for any delays in posts.

>> No.10002739
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>> No.10002741
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>> No.10002742
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>> No.10002744
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>> No.10002745
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>> No.10002746

Ah shit, that was it 7/7, my bad!

>> No.10002765

The way they're replying to valid criticism says so much about how the con will be run. I hope they know that.

>> No.10002768

I kind of want to follow it just to see it fail

>> No.10003201

This is going to be a spectacular disaster, thanks for the screen caps anon.

>> No.10003240

Houston lolita comms there is potentially going to be two meetups on the same day at the same place?

>> No.10003265

Sure looks like it. Huh.

>> No.10003375


It's a spite con run by old Akon staff. It's in the same location as mini Akon.

>> No.10003393

It looks like a fucking joke like mini Akon.

>> No.10003415

Did anyone see the Boku No hero movie in theaters here? Think Monday/Tuesday might be the last day the show it.

>> No.10003459

I saw it in San Antonio last week on they day it was subbed instead of dubbed, and was reminded why I dont do these things.

Fucking autists ruin everything.

There was literally only 2 really bad autist in the theater but they happened to sit right next to me.

>Movie starts in Japanese
>Movie says plus ultra, Autist start screaming, "OMG HES GOING TO GO ULTRA"
>Any time All Might or Deku smashes they scream along
>Every time something funny happens "OMG WHATS HAPPENING OMG LOL"
>Dramatic music starts playing

Like I know I shouldve seen this coming but holy fuck just stay home if you literally can not shut your mouth for a movie. I wanted so bad to just reach over and strangle them.

>> No.10003513

I'm kind of relieved my fianceé and I ended up not going...

>> No.10003523

Yeah I wish I had stayed home, I felt even worse because I bought tickets for me and my bf and he was in visible pain from the autists talking right next to him the whole movie.

I just wanted us to have a good time.

At least my bf said he still enjoyed the movie and at least got a story to tell his friends out of it.

>> No.10003596

Next time go to Drafthouse to get them kicked out.

>> No.10003614

Yikes anon, where did you go? I saw it dubbed at the Palladium and everyone was completely normal, not even any cosplayers.

>> No.10003693

Seconding this, that's exactly what happened when I went to see it there and the staff came over and shushed them.

>> No.10003703


Drafthouse was sold out by the time I realized there was a movie even coming out lol

I went to Santikos Bijou which I honestly thought was going to be good because they dont allow children under 12 and kids 13-17 need an adult, but I bet the teenagers acted better than my 2 adults.

>> No.10003837


Sad part is people will probably still attend. Teenagers more than likely. But the con is run by a guy who burned so many bridges with staff & volunteers at his previous con that I don't expect much in the way of organization.

For an event trying to pretend it's family friendly, maybe it would have been better to not name it after a social drinking event.

>> No.10003846

>tfw 38 and attending.
I want an excuse to cosplay, hang with friends, and buy some art alley stuff. Why does it have to be mind blowing when it's just a $5 event?

>> No.10003990

We must be critical of everything.
We bitch about everything.

>> No.10004028

I'm getting the impression that people here hate anything that isn't A-Kon.

>> No.10004029

I'm getting the impression that people here hate anything that isn't Akon.

>> No.10004202


Nah there's usually a lot of A-Kon hate, but the con season is mostly over so the general population is quiet. You'll see the bitching start a few months before the con itself because people like to bitch. They will still attend though because it's A-Kon.

>> No.10004221

I'm 35 and my cosplay group is pretty well disbanded now. The only thing bringing me back to anime cons at this point is selling in artist alley and hosting panels. As a spectator, nothing really holds my interest anymore. Doesn't help that I teach teenagers for a living either.

>> No.10004248

>going to movies to watch them
>not going to have fun with the other audience members
who does this? if you want to watch a movie in peace then download it.

>> No.10004252

That sucks, I'm sorry you've lost interest. I tend to make a few new friends at any event. Not all are like the most fun to hang out with, but meet enough people and some match up well enough. I usually cosplay with my best friend more than anything.

>> No.10004258

Theres a difference between a whole audience gasping or laughing and 2 individuals screaming throughout an entire movie.

You sound like maybe you need to stop going to movies if you dont understand that.

No one likes a person who cant shut up

>> No.10004543

>Anime North Texas 2018, November 16-18, 2018, Sheraton DFW Airport Hotel Irving, TX
>Anime Dallas 2018, November 30 - December 2, 2018, Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport

Can someone explain why there are 2 cons that are only 2 weeks and a few miles apart?

I recently moved to Irving so it's nice to have cons that basically require 0 prep/travel, but the scheduling is full retard.

>> No.10004564

Because people are retarded. There is a good amount of spite too among fractured groups.

>> No.10004566

Honestly? As someone who gave up on ANT, mostly due to how fucking crowded it is (I am not playing that game as a cosplayer, hell I couldn't even get to events on the 2nd floor last year), I'm extremely grateful for another con in the same month.

>> No.10004627

If they would kick out the assholes loitering then it wouldn't be an issue with crowds. The con is still shit anyway though

>> No.10004651

I feel u, bro. 40yo weeb here, stopped cosplaying abt 5 yrs ago, trying to wear more Jfash lately because I still luv muh fandoms and want to express myself, but the yunguns know shit about shit (while acting like they know everything), and older weebs that aren't total autists are getting harder to find. And I teach also, so my time is limited. Hard to be a grown fangirl.

>> No.10004655


Amen to that

>> No.10004865
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Looks like Animefest is cleaning house.

>> No.10004871
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List of positions

>> No.10004916

>There is a good amount of spite too among fractured groups.

Can someone explain the whole "spite-con" phenomenon that people here keep talking about?

>> No.10004936

You must be new. Spite-cons happen on a regular basis when someone pisses in another person Cheerios because they won't allow blackjack and hookers. It's not a Texas thing but there does tend to be quite a few attempted here.

>> No.10004970

So, anyone got any good volunteer horror stories for onicon or am I in the clear?

>> No.10005125
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is it just me, or does it seem like there's a lot less cons on here for 2019 so far? usually around this time the big names have already announced their next year or even the small ones have their shit up, and given there's only 5 left for 2018 (3 big names) it seems odd.

that being said, i'm moving up north from Houston and will be right next to Austin and San Antonio starting January 2019. What are some good cons up in that area to check out?

I haven't been to RTX since 2015 but I might go this year since I won't need a hotel.

>> No.10005136

to tag onto this (same anon), i've heard mixed things about PAX South. is it worth it to check out since again, no hotel fees? i've wanted to go to a PAX but unfortunately the best ones are not in the south

>> No.10005148

Maybe they're slow or holding back to announce the date.

If you want to see celebs or see AAA studios you're going to be disappointed. If you want to sit down to play games to new shit that you've never heard of then this is the right place. They don't bring the hype shit to South.

>> No.10005167

PAX South is overcrowded and boring. They focus too much on indie games and what few mainstream games they have are line capped within 30 minutes of the expo hall opening.

>> No.10005299
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yeah, unfortunately these things are what i've heard about PAX south before too.

do you guys have any other recommendations?

>> No.10005306

Anyone in South Texas have an assload of scrap metal they don't want?

>> No.10005345

Maybe keep an eye on SXSW Gaming. I went a couple years ago when it was free admission and it was pretty fun. I don't think it's free anymore, but maybe its decent for the price?

>> No.10005380

If you're only interested in big names studios, PAX South is not the PAX to attend. If you like indie or table top games, South can be fun. The programming is a little lackluster, but I still go every year because I'm more interested in seeing what smaller studios are putting out there than waiting in line for two hours to play a new Switch game for fifteen minutes. All PAXs are overcrowded, but South is nowhere near as bad as Prime or East, imo.

If social drinking is your thing, the South pub crawl is very fun and full of really friendly people. I've made lasting friendships on it every single year, and that's not something you can say about a lot of pub crawls.

>> No.10005816
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fandemic houston

>> No.10005827
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>> No.10005828

smells like a selfpost

>> No.10005843

Could she be any more tacky?

>> No.10006192

I was promised to be paid for working san japan, but its been a month now and nobody has ever gotten back with me. I know other people I worled with already recieved their pay, so I am guessing they play favorites on paying people.

>> No.10006307


Dave won't pay until you bother him enough. He likely just hopes you'll forget.

>> No.10006352

Didnt you know? The experience was your pay!

>> No.10011070

Anyone else at Nomikai?

>> No.10011085

In this rain? Hell no

>> No.10011089

The con is indoors.

>> No.10011249

I'll fight someone if my panel is overlooked for some bullshit.

>> No.10011309

Going to Anime Dallas to meet some online friends and take part in the big voice acting competition. You guys know anything about it? Details are somewhat scarce

>> No.10011325

No one knows shit.

>> No.10012234

I volunteered to run a panel but no one has gotten back to me yet. Fingers crossed, but IDK generally what the wait time is on even established cons for something like that. I wish they'd update.

>> No.10012883

You probably won’t hear until the week of at best. Might want to try and email them once a week until you hear something back.

>> No.10012902

Just letting you know, they are prioritizing voice actor ran panels than fan ran panels. I wouldn't waste anymore of your time trying to reach out. You will get rejected either way.

>> No.10012905

Which con(s) should I go to if I mainly like vidya and cosplay?

>> No.10012910

does anyone know what day(s) oni is having its musical performers? its probably saturday but i cant make it saturday...

>> No.10012914

So how was it anon? The schedule they released was pretty sad

>> No.10012950

Well it's not losing interest. The typical con stuff just gets boring after you see it multiple times. In college I went to like 5 cons a year. It's just repetitive. And given that I take an active role teaching for a living, I get a bigger thrill conducting a panel or running a convention dept or selling art than taking a more passive spectator role. And I hate to sound like a codger, but cons were way better back in the day. Less high schoolers and whatnot (thank god for Dragoncon),... making friends with people who distro'd fansub tapes and shit and discussing rare series are parts of fandom that are lost to the ages now. Hell none of my weeb students knew what visual kei was and I wept internally.

Hell yeah my fellow teacher. Definitely hard to just want to go out and express your stuff at this age and not be taken for one of the weirdos. I'm thankful people usually assume I'm mid-late 20s still. But having the attitude that we can act as mentors to the young ones makes it seem a bit less irritating. That's why I love running panels. Introducing them to great series from before they were alive, for example. But hell, go to DC or another con geared to the old folks and you'll really feel better. I never feel out of place at DC (except that I'm usually far below the usual level of intoxication).

>> No.10019624

Any other gulls going to Alamo City Con?

>> No.10019791

Yee, on saturday. At least it's not as fucking hot as last year!

>> No.10019809

Going on Sunday, couldn't get any other days off so oh well. Really weird how it's in the Alamodome now, whats up with that?

>> No.10021302

If you saw mermaid man and barnacle boy today that was me

>> No.10021508

Oh shit. Pics, please.

>> No.10021517


I'd say probably because that's just when it was convenient for them and they don't look at other events.

I'm really looking forward to Anime Dallas and ANT too!

>> No.10021529

In the Halloween thread probably, they’re at the end

>> No.10021751

So the ACCC cosplay contest MC doing blackface seems to not be going over too well.

Did anyone compete and see that?

>> No.10021796

Apparently it wasn't supposed to be blackface, the dude was some character that was supposed to look all grubby and filthy and he did a poor job of applying his makeup and it looked like blackface. I wasn't there to see it myself since I was stuck at my booth but my friend who went saw it firsthand.

>> No.10021800

He was dressed as Powerline apparently, not someone who is grubby and dirty.

>> No.10021802

Oh...oh my, well then that does sound kinda bad.
Friend that saw him up close just said that the makeup was applied very haphazardly and that it wasn't even so she thought he was supposed to look like a filthy hobo character or something. Yikes.

>> No.10021806
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The cosplay in question regarding >>10021751

>> No.10021809
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It's so bad it's impressive.

>> No.10021813
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A comparison that was posted to Facebook

>> No.10021821

>making a costume in less than an hour
Well I believe that at least.

>> No.10021864

Yeah I posted us in the halloween thread!

>> No.10022143

Unpaid bills? Can't book the venue? We don't know.

>> No.10022158

But Powerline isn't even really "black," he's a character in the Goofyverse. It's wrong on a number of levels. Smh.

>> No.10022319


Things sound like they were a real mess this year.

>> No.10023003

>this is what sjwers consider blackface now
grasping for straws

>> No.10023010

Here's your (You), now go back to your mother's basement.

>> No.10023641

Does Westboro show up to bigger conventions in Texas? I want to see if I should make a fake protest sign for Ikki

>> No.10023708

I haven't seen them, but there was an anti-abortion protester at A-kon.

>> No.10024326

Anybody know if acceptance enails are out yet for onicon?

>> No.10026231

Will ANT announce any guests that aren’t the same five local VAs? Trying to see who they’re going to attempt to have as judges for the contest, not that there’s anyone they can get that you have to impress...

>> No.10026528

That's a tall order to ask from ANT.

>> No.10027071

They listed cosplay guests on their website.

>> No.10027100

I'm not going, but I've seen my friends post their model acceptances.

>> No.10027105

Thanks anon, it’s definitely new from when I was on there the other day!

>> No.10027374

>Bitch about it on 4chan
>Suddenly appears on the website.

Oh they're on here for sure.

>> No.10027381

It was up before the anon was asking, I checked like last week.

>> No.10032236

Anyone get Ikkicon panel acceptance letters? I don't know if they're being sent out today but hopefully soon.

In other news, anyone going to Oni or planning to go to ANT or Anime Dallas? Idk what else is going on other than PAX in February

>> No.10032341

I'm honestly hoping if it doesn't come out within the next day or two I don't get accepted. I don't like throwing things together last minute and would rather just not host a panel if I'll have a few weeks to do it.

>> No.10032374

>PAX in February

Uhh, you're gonna be quite disappointed when you realize it's in January. Like it has always been.

>> No.10032397

Less than a week until ANT and they still haven't posted the fucking schedule. Pretty sure this will be its last year and they've stopped giving a fuck.

>> No.10032415

Glad I'm not going to that. Anime Dallas posted theirs today, and it's nothing special but at least they did.

>> No.10032495

I mean it's much easier to make a schedule when you have significantly less programming than any normal 3 day con. They have huge gaping holes, no panels until 2pm friday, at several points there's just 1 panel running...

>> No.10032512

How was the Tea Party at Oni-con? Worth the price? Good food?

Couldn't go, didn't have enough to drop on the ticket.

Everyone was so nice. It was fun. The prices at the dealer's room seemed better than usual con prices, at least compared to AM.

Roast was fun, glad the autist in orange was kicked out.

>> No.10032528

I don't go to PAX, and apparently the tickets aren't selling out anyway lmfao

>> No.10032615

At Oni-Con and walked in on my boyfriend getting straddled by a girl cosplaying as Vi. She looked at me and said "one girl wrecking crew"

>> No.10032797

That's no excuse. I'm starting to think ANT has no programming besides the maid café. It's 4 days until the con

>> No.10032818

According to IG they posted the schedule a few minutes ago.

>> No.10032827

Yeah, just saw it. The only thing I'm interested in is the swap meet but I don't see any details for it.

>> No.10032850

It's going to keep shrinking until they bring a lot of big name studios and guests like they do at their other conventions. The hype is gone for South. People seem to only care about East or West. It's called Pax Indie for a reason.

>> No.10032906

Anon I wasn't talking about ANT...

>> No.10032967

Just ingore it anon. Anime Dallas staff is just trying to shit on other cons

>> No.10032975 [DELETED] 

Sorry, anon, I thought you were ANT staff trying to shit on AD while procrastinating. >>10032967
Not staff for any con and both ANT and AD are both shit shows, sorry to disappoint you

>> No.10032977

>>10032906 #
Sorry, anon, I thought you were ANT staff trying to shit on AD while procrastinating.
>>10032967 #
Not staff for any con. ANT and AD are both shit shows, sorry to disappoint you

>> No.10033166
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Anyone know the Bloodborne cosplayer?

>> No.10033212

So AD advertised a formal dance, but I don't see it. I also dont see anything about the cosplay contest rules or who's running it.

>> No.10033237

Probably because they don't have anyone running it

>> No.10033250


why do you look more uncomfortable than her?

>> No.10033256

Man, you look like the warrior from Dragon Strike

>> No.10033287

Wow man you have bigger tits than she does, nice rack.

>> No.10033299

Anyone know that the "rumor" is surrounding Myka/MikoMiko Cosplay? She's been posting nonstop about how it's ruining her life but I've seen literally nothing about it so thinking it's made up for sympathy

>> No.10033317

What rumor? I know she’s obnoxious, standing next to her for about five minutes at the AKon contest last year showed me how self centered she is.

>> No.10033345

i'm trying to see if anyone knows what the rumor is because I've seen literally nothing said about her. i figure she's making it up for attention because people have quit talking about her. that's what happens when you act like you're 14 even though you're in your mid twenties

>> No.10033645 [DELETED] 

Ha! Akon basicly had a hotel of only games. I dont think they have been to akon recently

>> No.10033950
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Does anybody know why kawaiibro got arrested at OniCon last weekend? I'm a thirsty little flower and the only way to keep me alive is to water me with this tea

>> No.10033978
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>kawaiibro got arrested
it's about fucking time

>> No.10034000

Fucking finally. Does anyone know what happened? Wouldn’t be surprised if he was caught providing alcohol to minors or being a drunken idiot in public since that’s what he always does.

>> No.10034030

public intox; bottle full of vodka. has been asked multiple times not to do that at cons. wonder if he'll get banned

>> No.10034058


Any idea how bad it was? Like...everyone drinks at cons, but was it just his stupidity of having a literal vodka bottle out on the con floor, or did he do something else?

>> No.10034073

Wow it's impressive to get arrested at a con who's legacy is people getting so shitfaced they defacate on couches.

>> No.10034649
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AM is already losing guests and it's still 7 months away.
It's okay. At least there's boba.

>> No.10034724

I'm trying to get out more around the Austin area. Any suggestions for great places to eat and visit in lolita? Do you have experiences in restaurants that have made you feel good being out in fashion?

>> No.10034763

Who the fuck is boba?

>> No.10034806

Most cons do prioritize voice actor panels over fan panels but that's more about getting back their investment than anything else. Having said that, it's not a waste of time reaching out, some times you just have to bug people a ton to get an answer.

>> No.10034807

Does anyone have a link to Anime Dallas cosplay contest rules?

>> No.10034832
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Whoever they are, they're not going either.

>> No.10034877

AM is forever fucked on US guests.

>> No.10034917

That's kind of trashy. They could have told them in private.

I'm from another Southern state and don't know too much about AM drama. What have they done leading up to now to have such a shitty rep?

>> No.10034925

Checked out their twitter.. it was created today lol. Looks like boycott folks are now making fake buisnesses pages to "pull out" of AM? Talk about getting desperate.

>> No.10034929

From what I understand they ended up being taken to court over some payment issues, but ended up settling out of court for most of them.

On top of that, the CEO is African/European and not keen to American culture. He made some overly sexual jokes and references to some girls back in 2015. He made a shitty apology apology that nobody took seriously, and now there is a whole boycott movement trying to shut down the convention because of the above.

Personally I don't really care either way. But it's kind of fun to watch them at each other's throats, lol

>> No.10034939

Are you serious? It's clearly a joke.

>> No.10034943

The payment stuff would definitely spook me as a guest VA or vendor. That's a really shitty thing to have on your record as an event that relies on bringing in talent and big names.

Thanks, anon. I figured it was a scandal issue. they probably will end up cancelled by next year when popular VAs are pulling out 7 months in advance.

>> No.10034946

They will be forced to stick to Japanese guests for now on.

You can't yell Rape or Help if you don't know how in English. It's how John likes it.

>> No.10035133

No because they don't exist

>> No.10035238
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>good on average:
san japan
>"OK" tier:
Anime matsuri (DGAF about loli complaints)
>"Visit friends primarily" tier:
>"pure shit" tier
that small one in oklahoma I can't even remember
also A-Kon


>> No.10035504

San Japan used to be great, now they cater to the normies and mainly get YouTubers just to make a quick buck. They also dont care what panels they book. They stopped caring about the attendees a long time ago.

>> No.10035511

So where would Delta-H fall in your system, anon? Just out of curiosity.

>> No.10035692

Why are you including an Oklahoma con in what I'm assuming is a ranking of Texas cons?

>> No.10035716

one of the relatively few cons I have not been to, actually
Also forgot to put allcon in "OK" tier, even with it occurring near some furcon at the same time (last time I bothered to check)

I didn't like having one con alone in the category

>> No.10035718

forgot to replay to you, they all seem to be doing that nowadays, which makes me sad. They got rid of classic jap vinyl guy by the escalators, and have nothing particularly interesting for the last while.

>also all these cons need to stop with the LGBT bullshit panels, fuck right off with that shit

>> No.10035738

Well, I predict AM may sink into the shitter this year if BAM keeps scaring away all of the talent.

>> No.10036075


one can only hope

>> No.10036175


The LGBTQ+ panels can get reptative, but don't go if you don't like them? Just like any other panel you don't have an interest in?

>> No.10036259

Turns out they finally did get back to me after I poked them a few times. I'm running the swap meet. I don't really have enough experience to do something more than that. I wanted to contribute something, though. Hopefully people show up with stuff to trade. Once I inherited a swap meet on accident because nobody showed up, and I just ended up giving my crap away because I didn't want to haul it all home.

>> No.10036264

it's just annoying when these people try to shove sexuality shit into everything. They are cons for anime/etc... not some gender and sexuality fair.

>> No.10036312


You just sound a little afraid of the gays there buddy. No one is shoving anything down your throat. Are you attending these panels? I'm going with a no considering you're pretty against them. So if you aren't going them, how are they shoving anything down your throat?

I'm not a furry. Sometimes cons have panels for furries. I don't care because I don't attend them. It doesn't change my con plans at all.

Stop wasting energy on hating something like those panels. Go do your own thing at cons and have fun. Simple as that.

>> No.10036321

>Not thinking about how gay and trans characters are common in anime.

>> No.10036333

Does anyone at ANT know if you need a badge to get into Artist Alley? I'm ghosting with some friends and wanted to look at the art.

>> No.10036338

as a joke 90% of the time, mind you
because those are panels wasted on LGBT pandering and not weeb shit

>> No.10036383

Only place they were checking badges today was dealers but that’s from what my friends told me so I’m not positive.

>> No.10036384

Can't hurt to try then. Thanks, anon

>> No.10036390

I'm sorry, are you saying the same environment that bred yaoi paddles and softcore porn photos in public spaces is not shoving it in your face?

>> No.10036437
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>because those are panels wasted on LGBT pandering and not weeb shit
Hate to break it to you but as someone who has been on the board for approving panels at one of the larger cons, very few "true weeb" panels are submitted anymore. But a shitton of generic cartoon ones (like SU or Voltron), ones for furries/steam punk/general cosplay making and several lgbt ones ARE submitted. Usually any weeb ones that are even mostly decent ideas are excepted and after that other non-weeb stuff is used to fill in the blanks.
So tl;dr: You want more weeb panels at your cons? Start fucking submitting them.

>> No.10036443


No one does yaoi paddles anymore. Cons cover up porn in public these days. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.10036484
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>> No.10036506

Oh no, stupid faces. So scandalous
Go away

>> No.10036708

They aren't around because people were literally beating each other with them and cons had to ban them. Thirsty yaoi fans would see cosplayers oh their favorite "gay bois" and assault them

But yeah anime cons aren't a degenerate cesspool and we should totally cater to the people that would attack others because of gay sex fantasy.

And what do you mean cons can cover stuff up, the whole argument is they have panels about it...

>> No.10036963


Anon mentioned porn being in public places. Most cons require even AA artists cover up any adult items. Panels aren't public, and should require a badge. Not to mention ID if the panel is 18+

Yaoi paddles are a thing of the past. It's extremely rare to see them anymore. Even at cons that haven't banned them. Hell yaoi con did even have them when I attend a few years ago.

Y'all just sound homophobic as hell.

If you want more weeb panels then step up or shut up. Host them. You want something then you put in effort to get it. Simple as that.

>> No.10037000

I had a student who came to school with this shit on a jacket.

>> No.10037132

>damage controlling a joke

>> No.10037587

I'm sorry, how is the opinion that you feel like there is an oversaturation of an off topic subject matter heavily favored in programming homophobic? You going to call me anti American because I don't want Western cartoon panels too?

Your saying the reason cons have 10+ gay panels over a weekend is because no one submits anything else. I've worked events too, that's not true. It is happening because people like you who are in decision making positions want it to happen and favor the content.

>> No.10037618

Lmao can Ikkicon hurry up and announce Greg Ayres and a YouTuber with 7K subs already?

>> No.10037629

Lgbt panels make no sense at an anime con, and are often put on schedules because the person chosing panels is lbgt
It's like having a panel about being a teenager
Yes, tons of them are there.
It's not related content.
And when you find yourself going to only one panel over the weekend, but the convention has 3 or 4 panels catering to a demo with no specific connection, it can be aggravating
Yaoi panels are content and context appropriate.
A panel about shipping your favorite voltron boys is pushing it
A "lgbt in the community" panel is just to make a statement about the opinions of a con organizer, and that's never a good idea.
I wouldn't be okay with a panel about gun control at a con. It's just not relevant

>> No.10037632


If staff is choosing to have that many LGBT panels then they aren't doing a good job. Same can be said if they allow panels hosted by well known problematic people like say Jebus or something.

I can definitely see what you're saying and agree if there's THAT much focus on LGBT panels it is an issue. I just don't see if huge problem if it's like 1 (2 is ok but really stretching it imo) panel for the con weekend.

As for panels, there really does need to be more people submitting though. Otherwise, you end up with shit offerings.

>> No.10037748

>I've worked events too, that's not true. It is happening because people like you who are in decision making positions want it to happen and favor the content.
Anon I'm >>10036437 and I've only respond to what I assume was you earlier once and yeah, you're full of shit. You really should see the list of panels people submit these days, theres very little good anime content or "weeb stuff" as you put it. Most of the non-western, non lgbt crap that gets submitted? Bad trivia panels, ask so and so a question (remember these fucking awful panels?), the obligatory what is hentai or hentai for beginners at least 3 times and lets not forget all the weeb panels on shipping someone with someone and why that's not the one true ship. I shit you not.

>> No.10037749

Apparently someone who won at ANT yesterday is a sandbagger? Saw a debate pop up on my feed and wanted clarification if anyone knows anything.

>> No.10037953

>Why doesn't my panel about a hour-long discussion in shipping Deku with Yuri gets denied. OTOH a well thought out proposal about the history of sexuality in animation in how it applies to Japanese culture history gets approved. Assholes. I want to talk about what I get off to in so I deserve my panel.

>> No.10038008


Any proof or info on this?

>> No.10038028

Ayrt it was pretty vague, no names were mentioned besides that he won two pretty big awards at Matsuri? I didn’t go so I don’t know who it is but I was curious.

>> No.10038147

>>You really should see the list of panels people submit these days

I do, and I've seen quality relevant content not approved in favor of generic LGBT community bullshit.

>> No.10038153

This is based off my memory but I think the winners were:

Halloween hero academia group
Some other hero academia guy
Fire emblem
Pokemon quad suit
Dance skit
Mini Muse

Dunno if that helps narrow it down

>> No.10038194

How was ANT this year for anyone that went?

I was on the fence about going, but I ultimately decided against it because I'm a lazy cheap bastard. I'm wondering if I should be regretting it right now.

>> No.10038199


But is the host shitty? If the panelist has been a problem before then yeah cons won't take their panels.

Or are you just salty YOUR panels aren't chosen anon?

>> No.10038202

>I do
I don't believe you have, no.

>> No.10038238

Yep that's it. This is all an elaborate ruse because I'm salty my hour of content got turned down at a Chinese cartoon convention.

You don't have to, it is an anonymous image board.

>> No.10038252

Went on Saturday. There were a shitload of Danganronpa cosplayers and 90%of them were obnoxious. There was one point where several of them threw a bottle of brown liquid into the swimming pool and almost hit someone with it in the process all while screaming bloody murder at eachother. I didn't realize Danganronpa was like the Homestuck fanbase.

Aside from that it was shitty overall. Tiny AA with mediocre art and crafts and the dealer room was also small. One of the dealers had nothing but clothes for dogs with outdated fandom merch and stupid dog-related puns. The couple running the booth were morbidly obese, mid to late 50s, and brought their dog with them that clearly was an accessory and not a service animal. The maid cafe girls were all fat and tone deaf and none of the panels seemed interesting to me.

I took a break from this shitty con for a couple years to see if it would improve and it somehow got worse. I don't understand why it's still around.

You dodged a bullet not going, anon.

>> No.10038816


Well what kinds of panels do you want exactly? Obviously anything LGBT upsets you. So be specific anon. What DO you want for panels?

>> No.10039093

No, I don't want unrelated content. I've attended panels covering LGBT shit IN RELATION to the media the con is supposed to be about. They were very informative and interesting.

I don't understand why wanting panels related to the topic the convention advertises it's about is some radical homophobic stance to you but ok?

>> No.10039122


You still didn't explain what panels you want exactly.

>> No.10039160

They obviously don't have a preference, anon. They just wanted attention from bitching about nothing.

>> No.10039212

>You still didn't explain what panels you want exactly.

>Panels related to the topic the convention advertises

If you are too dumb to figure out what relevant content is then I can't help you

>> No.10039225

Sorry anon your shitty OTP Slash with gay ass shittard friends will not be happening. No one wants to see or hear gay Tumblr shit as the screams of 40 fat fucks squeal like the pigs. Cons aren't going to allow shittards like you to recreate yaoi pairings bullshit or pretend to be a 2D character as they drivel out aspie shit. It got banned for a reason.

Relevant doesn't always mean its quality. If cons didn't screen them you'd see substantially worst shit like the example above. If you demand high quality panels then tell the right people because they aren't mind readers ya dumb shit.

>> No.10039227

nayrt, but saying 'relevant content' isn't specific. You sound like you're being generic because you don't have a clue what you actually want for panels, which is why people here think you're just being a homophobic autist.

>> No.10039230

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?

I really don't understand why you can't comprehend that someone would want panels related to anime/j music/Japanese culture /Japanese media at an anime con instead on an hour long bitch fest about the troubles of no one respecting your 3 genders but I hope this spelled it out enough for you.

>> No.10039273

it was alright not great but i didnt have anything else going on. the food trucks were good but it was $10 for the cheapest stuff. check in had almost no line to get badges. i go for the gaming and it was fun.

>> No.10039276

There is always a group of annoying fucks. Narutards, Hatiala cosplayers, homestuckers, Undertale. if a fuck ton of middle school kids dress up like it then it is going to be that annoying ass group.

>> No.10039391

>that someone would want panels related to anime/j music/Japanese culture /Japanese media
ok look man, you have a few options on why you're not getting your glorious nipponese content you wont shut up about
>no one is submitting the content
this is the most likely, start submitting stuff
>a few people are submitting it but its being submitted by autists who the con ignores or the panel itself sounds boring/cringy/poorly thought out
also very likely
>a few people are submitting the content but its just not a big enough draw for the schedulers to consider it
also likely- some panel about Japan from 1400-1500 might not be as popular as the lgbt panels that trigger you so much

and the last option:
>its the con pandering to them sjws!!!
this is unlikely but lets say its true for a minute, clearly if they have several at a con or even one, it has an audience thats going to it and making it worth considering for the con. they need panels people will go to, not ones that they can point to and say "look how japanese my con is!"

at the end of the day it really doesn't matter because you crying here like a tiny pussy will change nothing, take up this matter with whatever con you're buttmad at and either complain directly to programming (most have a direct email you can contact them at) or start submitting the panels you want- "be the change you want to see" and all that

>> No.10039481

If people really wanted shitty LGBT panels at cons why does every con that saturates programming with them get complaints then? I'm not talking about 1 or 2 panels, I'm talking 10% of programming dedicated to an unrelated niche. You honestly don't believe that kind of saturation just coincidentally happens and it's not because programming staff have an agenda? What if we started seeing 10% of panels about being a furry? Or 10% of panels about being a teenager? A bunch of people at cons are also those things. Like I said way up in the thread, I've seen relevant panel about popular topics go unapproved to make way for panels that cater to LGBT.

You don't have to believe me, or even agree with me that it's a problem but you should stop tossing around the word homophobic when it's not applicable. It makes you sound like a militant gay.

>> No.10039502

Seriously. And these panel acceptance letters are taking forever. Dealers, too.

>> No.10039609


As someone who has helped with people choosing panels for a con, you are so wrong on how it works it's really hilarious.

The only "agenda" they have is to put asses in seats.

Hate to spoil your theory but I'm not LGBT or whatever. It's about understanding the attendees and what they happen to want.

I never liked Homestuck or the fans, but you better believe a Homestuck panel would be added to a schedule. Why? Because that fandom filled rooms.

I don't get why you're do salty anon. There's usually a lot of other panels to attend that aren't LGBT. You're seriously making shit up at this point.

Point out cons that have this "agenda" you're convinced of. Screen cap panel schedules to prove this theory you have.

>> No.10039619

The Anon is making shit up. If 10% of panels are about LGBT at a large anime con that'd mean there would be 10 to 20 panels spreading this agenda. A regular anime convention talked about on 4chan has around 100 to 200 panels.

I can not recall a single anime con in Texas with that many LGBT panels not related to anime. Maybe 3 at most. That's 1.5-3%.

The Anon pushing this stupid agenda is a delusional POS.

>> No.10039627


I'm assuming anon is talking about HavenCon, which was an LGBT fandom con in Austin that folded after this year's event. Even then it wasn't a huge convention and they didn't shove advertising down anyone's throat at other conventions when they handed out flyers for it.
Again, homophobe anon just wanted to bait everyone into giving him attention. Now we need a new thread

>> No.10039660

>You honestly don't believe that kind of saturation just coincidentally happens and it's not because programming staff have an agenda?
No, I don't.
>What if we started seeing 10% of panels about being a furry? Or 10% of panels about being a teenager?
We had this already when steampunk was popular, there were TONS of panels for them at Anime cons. I didn't care for steampunk so I ignored those panels and didn't cry about it on a Vietnamese basket weaving site.

What is popular with people will get panels, plain and simple. Also I'm not the one calling you a homophobe but you're working on making everyone here believe it.

>> No.10040050

I'm sure you think whatever work you've done is the end all be all. It's not. I wish everyone that worked a con made their decisions only to put asses in seats, then we might actually have some good content. Sadly cons are run by volunteers for the most part and so it's much harder to get competent people to do the work. That's how you end up with bias that is overlooked, because they are willing to do the work to get to shape the event the way they want to. I guess it's nice someone is so optimistic about the intentions of con staff, it means you haven't seen the sausage and become completely jaded yet.

>> No.10040160


So you can't provide screen caps then to prove what you're saying?

>> No.10040295

Yeah let me spend hours compiling shit for a bitchy little anon to win an internet argument. In a few years I'm sure if you keep working you'll see the issue, either that or you're biased too in which case this entire conversation is fruitless.

>> No.10040297

And when steampunk was oversaturating anime cons people bitched about that relentlessly. People still bitch about cons that kept it around. Thanks for another solid example of people wanting relevant to content.

Haven con billed itself as lgbt, if anything it's the one con I think should be able to have as much of that shit as it wants. And yet, it couldn't last more than a few years....hm

>> No.10040397


So youre talking out of your ass. Thought so.

>> No.10040477

Youre mad at San Japan aren't you anon.

>> No.10040572

Yep, I'm making it all up and spending time pretending bias exists in cons just to piss you off. It's not like you yourself could go look up every cons schedule from the last few years and visibly see the influx of LGBT content with your own eyes. Nope, I'm making it all up. It's not like the biggest anime convention in the country inexplicably had a drag queen as a billed guest. It's not like some cons are actively promoting everyone where pronoun badges. Nope, there's no oversaturation of a very small demographic at all!

>> No.10040702


Sorry your cons aren't for straight dudes anymore. Now that was some toxic culture back in the day...

>> No.10040703

So you are homophobic.

>> No.10040849

How DARE you assume anyone's gender and sexuality. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU

Yes because not wanting gay panels at an anime convention = hating all gay people and wanting them to die. It's exactly the same.

>> No.10040915


Yeah sucks when you make some generalizations don't it?

>> No.10040926

If you are trying to make some kind of point you really suck at it

>> No.10041907
File: 54 KB, 1000x500, https___cdn.evbuc.com_images_40588247_243882927298_1_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you guys are going to Anime Dallas?

I'm currently debating whether or not to buy a ticket.

>> No.10042016

Look, I know you guys are new here and only posting to advertise your shit show, but this thread is in auto sage. Go start a new one, or post in the already existing AD thread.

>> No.10042591

You're a giant faggot.

I''ve only been to about 3 cons in my entire life.

>> No.10042645

Only faggots like you are talking about AD. No one I know is going to the show as its voice actor con.

>> No.10043124

I think Ramsey is focusing on STCC. There’s always Omnicon but I think the audience has shifted.

>> No.10043170

Omnicon is deeeeeeeeeeead.

>> No.10043369 [DELETED] 

>Calling me a faggot
>Posting in a thread thats autosaging asking if anyone is going to a con that is DOA

Yes, I am the faggot here.

>> No.10043371 [DELETED] 


>Calling me a faggot
>Posting in a thread thats autosaging asking if anyone is going to a con that is DOA

Yes, I am the faggot here

>> No.10043373


>Calling me a faggot
>Posting in a thread thats autosaging asking if anyone is going to a con that is DOA

Yes, I am the faggot here

>> No.10044038

SO why the fuck is a known sexual predator, who's been banned from a majority of the lolita comms in Texas, allowed to go to Oni? Like Jesus Christ. I just saw the Lor video.

>> No.10044069
File: 166 KB, 970x542, 1538274807747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?

My death.

>> No.10045574

Wow i didn't know John went to Oni.

Elaborate? Who are you talking about?

>> No.10046887

afest 2018 was nuts, we had lsd and some girls started fucking on the bed , so much shit went down that weekend

>> No.10047692

How do you even find parties like that at conventions? Other than knowing people that host them ahead of time I can never figure out how to find these crazy convention parties I keep hearing about

>> No.10047808

You learn to talk to interesting people then gain their trust. No one is going to invite aspies and fuckbois. It helps if you can contribute drugs. If you're a freeloading dickshit you're not going to hear about it.

>> No.10047808,1 [INTERNAL] 

Lmao, I was the one who hosted the meetup you're talking about. It was a shitshow, but we were having fun at an overall awful convention. I wasn't expecting as many kids to be there, but I can't control that.

Danganronpa is definitely like Homestuck at this point, but people who are elitist about the stuff people enjoy are just as bad as people who shit on people for liking anime imo.