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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9385518 [View]
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jesus christ i'm so sorry that happened and especially about the online aspect, that's fucked and i hope that there's a hell because i want everyone who sexually abuses kids to go to it

i was raped over and over by a number of different people as a child but there was no online aspect or picture taking for me, just rape rape rape. at least as far as i know. so i can kind of relate but i obviously don't know what some of that is like

to bring it back to /cgl/ i think the reason why i love lolita so much is that i used princesses and fantasy stuff as an escape when i was a kid and now i'm able to be the person i wanted to be so badly.

>inb4 ageplayer gtfo my fashion
there's no sexual aspect of it to me, just redemption and feeling like i finally have power again. i was never able to feel pretty until this point because all i felt was dirty and now i'm able to forget about it for a little while

>> No.9349510 [View]
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>be lolita
>make friends through online comms
>they're all nice but tumblr-tier
>keep complaining about their self-diagnosed disorders and illnesses
>every other conversation turns into an oppression contest
>mfw i had cancer and still suffer pretty severe complications but i don't say anything because fuck that

i just want to talk about dresses

>> No.9304537 [View]
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on a related note

>tfw no lolita mentor/"big sister" type
i don't know, a friend who has more experience both relating to lolita and being a functioning adult. i've been into lolita for about 3 years (relatively new) and i'm socially retarded so the idea of a friend who can help me in those aspects is really nice

i've learned a lot for myself just by lurking /cgl/ and other communities and i'm doing my best on my own, but a gull can dream

>> No.9271008 [View]
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>mild but noticeable self-harm scars on wrist
>tfw they make me feel ugly no matter how pretty my coord is

Wristcuffs are a thing, but even then I'm constantly pulling them down because I'm afraid the marks will be noticeable. I feel like they immediately take me from "normal girl wearing pretty clothes" to "mentally disturbed freak dressing up to cope with her deep-set issues." I'm afraid that people notice them on a day-to-day basis and it leads them to make judgments. Especially since they're from a while ago and I don't actively seek to hurt myself anymore.

Would cover with makeup but then I risk staining longsleeved OPs and stuff. Time to look into scar lightning creme I guess. This whole movement to be proud of your scars has me feeling awful confused.

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