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>> No.8129212 [View]
File: 3 KB, 238x195, tumblr_inline_mk2xgiRYNb1roj9wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a different opinion from a male on the internet
>"you sound fat lol"

I don't know what it is. its their throw away insult every time.

am I pissed because I'm not fat?
am I pissed because they always recycle the same insult over and over again and think they've won an argument?
I don't know.

I'd be less irritated if they actually tried to make a decent argument.

i'd choose dissagreeing on the internet with the sandiest of cgl cunts than some random internet neckbeard that plays "lol you're prob fat" like a broken record player anyway.

What are your thoughts

>inb4 you sound fat our any variation of this

>> No.8059639 [View]
File: 3 KB, 238x195, tumblr_inline_mk2xgiRYNb1roj9wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita related
>Been talking to two different people about two different dresses
>feel weird buying more than one dress at once considering I'm saving up for a house
>can't find headbows for said dresses anywhere
>some troll fuck told me she had the headbows but was just playing with my heart
>will have my first ever complete set if only I can get the headbows too

Non Lolita related
>Boyfriend leans over to see what I'm doing on the computer every now and then
>Usually I'm shitposting or saying something emberassing where I can safely hide as an anon
>When I get super emberassed and fold down my screen when he looks over he gets on my case and bitches endlessly until I let him read what I'm saying
>if shitposting, he says I shouldn't be a terrible person and gets on my ass about it
>If I'm posting feels, he says "well good to know that you share those stories with the rest of 4chan and I'm not special. and you wonder why I have no interest in hearing them when you tell the rest of 4chan like this"
>I tell him time and time again that it makes me extremely uncomfortable to have him read what I say and he tells me if I didn't hide it he wouldn't care to read it at all
>If I don't let him read it he just says "you're probably talking to 4chan neckbeards and will leave me for them, its just who you are."

I fucking hate that shit. let me shitpost up r9k in peace I love fucking with them so much.
let me post my feels in a feel thread jesus.
I've tried not hiding the things that I post, and he really doesn't care about it if i don't hide it. either way, Its fucking embarrassing and a reflex to be like "oh shit" if someone looks at my screen.

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