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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>cosplay or lolita (or any other type of jfashion)?
Yes to cosplay, and big yes to jfashion.
>other hobbies/interests
anime and vidya are obvious ones. fashion in general. i'm into math quite a bit, but I'm still not that acquainted with it. I'm working through a Set Theory book and Tao's Analysis right now. I'm also into programming, circuits/technology, history and lit, mycology, botany, cooking, hunting, camping, backpacking
>fav movies/artists/vidya
Movies: Seven Samurai, Akira, EoE, Stalker, Jin Roh, Blind Beast, Blade Runner, Flesh and Blood, Pan's Labyrinth

Musical genres/artists: shoegaze and noise rock in general. Also into Swans, Fishmans, Sun City Girls, Robbie Basho, Coil, The Books

Vidya: Space Station 13, Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Darkstalkers, Umihara Kawase, Monster Hunter

Anime and Manga: Future Boy Conan, Oyasumi Punpun, Blame!, Eva, Gunbuster, FLCL, Dorohedoro, Berserk, Otoyomegatari, Aria, Kino's Journey, Texhnolyze, Fukumoto in general
>what are you looking/not looking for
Just looking for other guys to talk to about cosplay/anime and sperg out with over whatever topic. Honestly, I'm just looking for any cool dudes.

Also, I'm only looking for male friends, at the moment.
>anything about yourself you think is relevant
I'm in uni, and that's about it.
ask if interested

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