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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10337665 [View]
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I think most people find something off-putting about cosplaying as real life criminals like Nazis, serial killers, or mass shooters. I find it especially off-putting at anime conventions where it makes no sense (not that I think it would be much more welcome at a true crime event or something lmao)

Avoiding blackface is a really low bar, bud

The first amendment specifically protects the populace from the government (an armed to the teeth centralized power which can increase its power via the proliferation of certain ideas). It has absolutely nothing to do with people regulating one another's behaviors in social groups, and certainly doesn't suggest that a mass societal free-for-all is in order for Maximum Liberty. Regardless, the statement of our opinions here don't qualify as censorship, nor would a convention opting to place increased regulations on its permitted cosplays be censorship. Some of you people play it fast and fucking loose with the word censored. Get real.

I personally draw the line at straight up pornographic content and real life offensive content. The Nazi example is a good one, but there are others. If you expect for people to think you're a piece of shit for it irl, maybe don't go for it at a convention either. I do think that what a convention "should" have as far as kid friendliness/general appropriateness is highly variable and ought to be, but it should be crystal clear to anyone attending and should probably take into consideration things like how public their venue is. The main thing for me is that a ten year old girl shouldn't be able to end up at a nasty-ass MLP event intended for adults with a horsepussy fetish by total accident or something like that.

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