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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8713073 [View]
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I know your feels. Currently unemployed (but waiting to start job next month).

I spent only $20 for 3 items, though, it ain't too bad.

>> No.8533427 [View]
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>tfw no friends
My SO is my best friend and we have a mutual friend but he's mostly his. He's going to laser tag with the friend and some other people he doesn't know on Saturday (the day of the week we spend together). It's at night so it'll be my sleep time but I know that I'll probably be awake thinking about how I have no friends and oh god I'm so lonely.

In other news, I received a really nice dress from China but I have no idea where I ordered it from.

>> No.8076111 [View]
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Bhiner update. My 9 digit all numbers tracking code is apparently for USPS. They said it'll update in a few days and at this point I've got to choice but to just sit around and hope my package shows up at my door since I doubt tracking will work.

>> No.7969630 [View]
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How do I into hives treatment, seagulls? Recommended products/tricks?

This is the first time I've gotten hives this bad (all over my hips/legs), it's itchy, and I'm buying hydrocortisone today.

>> No.7690920 [View]
File: 193 KB, 480x291, tumblr_inline_n8ufadHNho1r4itqj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be internet friends with guy for 2 years
>Basically entire friendship is sexual/romantic tension
>Never met before due to distance, all opportunities to meet have gotten fucked up
>Japan Expo USA pops up, conveniently on my birthday weekend and right near where he lives
>Convince him to room with me, offer to pay for it all
>He agrees, also offers to pick me up from the airport and take me to dinner + bring me flowers since I'd be arriving on my birthday (day 0)
>Birthday/Day 0 arrives
>Head to airport, fuck up times so I have 2 hours to kill
>End up just hanging out at gate, end up chatting with another girl who's going to the same con
>Up until the minute I got on the plane, friend and I are talking about how excited we are to finally meet, etc. Says he'll meet me at the airport when my plane got in.
>Girl at gate asks if I want to split a cab to the con center, I decline since friend was picking me up
>On plane, on my way to Shitsville, California (Santa Clara)
>Plane lands, extremely excited
>Turn phone on to ask friend where I should meet him
>5 or 6 texts from him from half an hour earlier about how he got cold feet and wasn't coming
>Try not to cry because a) makeup and b) I'm in public
>Find girl from gate, ask if she still wants to split a cab
>Quiet, uncomfortable cab ride
>Split ways and decide to check out what's happening at the con center
>Literally nothing is going on, there is absolutely no reason to be there
>End up crying in a bathroom stall
>Take another cab to hotel
>Almost unable to check into hotel since it was booked under my dad's name and he wasn't there, luckily the manager was nice and let me in
>Get to hotel room, order shitty pizza and watch South Park all night
>Happy birthday, Anon-chan

We met up for about 60 seconds a couple days later, but he obviously didn't want to hang out with me so I let him go. I told him to go fuck himself a while later when he refused to say goodbye to me and we haven't talked since. Con was decent, though.

>> No.7481981 [View]
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Are you me?
I'm actually a bit skinnyfat so I'm working on losing weight/gaining muscle-- which means things will get even bigger on me.

>tops make my torso look long
>short skirts go to the knee
>'petite' sizing assumes I'm a short fat woman
>tfw unless I dish out cash for actual petite brands I will forever swim in my clothes
>mfw people complain about asian sizing yet I revel in them

>> No.7453317 [View]
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whats the biggest size bodyline shoes come in? im a size 26 or 26 1/2 on their chart. i have huge feet and i never see my size in the cute shoes! :,(

>> No.7338839 [View]
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It's not really a thing seagulls got mad about, but once upon a time I couldn't even post in a thread without the whole thread falling to shit just because I had posted. That sucked.

>> No.6434670 [View]
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>Why do you hate your appearance seagulls?
I look very derp most of the time, with blotchy skin and small eyes.
>Why do you hate your bodies so much?
My thighs are large for my frame; while my ribcage, breasts, waist and hips are all very petit, my thighs are just awkwardly big.
>Do you have self-esteem issues?
Yup! Especially when taking photographs of myself/having my picture taken. I'm extremely unphotogenic, and so when I look at pictures of myself, I end up hating myself because I'm really incredibly homely.
>Do you fear never being good enough?
I know I'm not good enough. People say I am, but honestly, I'm not worth the oxygen that I breathe.

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