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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9279947 [View]
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Reposting! I met a lot of cool people last thread, thank y'all for talking to me!

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, or just cons?
A bit of both. I prioritize lolita over any other jfash, but I also wear larme and love a lot of other styles. I cosplay very rarely, but will help the best I can if you ask me for any opinions on your cosplay! I go to cons as often as I can afford them lol
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Recent ones have been SJ, I go to most local small cons/events, Ikki, PAX. I love going through AA's and watching fashion shows, or catching any cool panels I see. I will buy brand if it happens to be at the con. My main con is San Japan though, so I know the downtown area very well and can rec cool places to eat/go during the con!
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura, Creamy Mami, BNHA, JoJo, Digimon, Free!, Oyasumi Punpun. I'm really into Yuri On Ice right now.
I don't play them often at all, the last series I invested a lot of time into was Kingdom Hearts so take what you will out of that. Rec away though!
BTSSB, AP, Cornet, MMM. My favorite prints will usually have Alice, dolls, rooms, perfume, or bunnies as the main theme.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Hestia for a couple cosplay was the most recent in years.
>Other interests
I like drawing, shopping, singing/listening to music, film discussion, hanging out in town/at cons, print/postcard collecting, itabag merch collecting, antiquing, etc. A snail mail pal would be great!
>What are you looking for?
Friends to hang out with irl, con friends, etc. I like being social. Of course I love making long distance friends too, it doesn't matter! Maybe we can meet one day.
>What are you NOT looking for?
No romance, sorry!
>Contact info
kirakiragleam @ gmail
kiragleam on ig
krispychicken on line
Drop your discord/skype if that suits you better though!

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