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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 260 KB, 730x500, deroscamlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9996283 No.9996283 [Reply] [Original]

>7 coin premine, over 1/1,000,000th times the total circulating supply, devs are literally the only ones dumping this coin
>all three of the exchanges it's on keep having their wallets break, but the funds are okay
>SouthXchange has completely disabled their wallets due to their inability to figure out what the hell is going on
>Bogdanoff going to jail for 10 years due to illicit intentions to crash the blockchain
>other devs can work easily with the main dev, so Dero will be continuing for many years to come
>community manager keeps fairly banning 4chan users from Dero's discord server
>worse marketcap than 0xBTC for all of 48 hours before 0xBTC's price plummeted due to the giant early miner premine
>devs are remaining anonymous until they incorporate
>nobody can even tell if Dero is written in Golang until they won't release their source code in the future
>chain has resisted multiple DDoS and 51% attacks
>Dero team more than willing to answer your questions politely and professionally
>website is outdated but will be updated soon
>Dero fags won't stop bugging Enigma and Monero threads which is a good thing :^)
>Atlantis testnet has over-performed what the devs were expecting
>Dero team promised that Atlantis would deliver 500 tps but does more than that
>everybody on the dev team speaks good English
>Atlantis was supposed to do 2-11 second blocktimes, and it does
>marketing is non-existent but will start shortly after the source code is released
>coin price barely remaining stable while BTC crashes straight to hell
>Atlantis fully stops ASICs which is why they're dumping right now
>"Dero" is military jargon for "Date of Estimated Return Overseas"

Is DERO the very definition of a underrated gem?

>> No.9996371

I'm amazed how well this thing has held up over the last couple of weeks.

>> No.9996401

Dero is the most communistic closed source piece of garbage I've ever used. The dev team has zero presence, no english skills and the mod team bans anybody with a hint of dev talent who actually asks real questions.

I sold all of my DERO and moved to TRTL when it was half a sat and cleaned the fuck up, now I'm sitting comfy watching it sell at 2 sat bit by bit every day. I've already turned 4.5 BTC into 16 BTC since leaving that fucking pajeet dumpster fire.

>> No.9996555


>> No.9996663
File: 103 KB, 680x350, 1526848046054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dero is one of the few coins that will be very green in the next months

>> No.9996890

Depends on whether they're actually ever gonna release atlantis..

>> No.9996984

And that's a pretty big IF.

>> No.9996993
File: 176 KB, 510x391, Risitas-y-las-paelleras-humor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moved to TRTL

>> No.9997006

And if they make the code open source.

If they deliver I'm loading up some serious bags

>> No.9997042
File: 268 KB, 1280x1078, dero_rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlantis release, source open, high profile devs reveal. This can unironically be the moon mission to escape

>> No.9997128

Same here, will buy a lot if they actually deliver.

However, im starting to doubt it a little - seems like the update is constantly postponed, and mods offer no other timeline than "soon", which I think is a little arrogant after having exceeded a deadline..

>> No.9997661

Can somebody tell me why ANY of this would even matter? They could do all of that, release a new virtual machine, AND private smart contracts by the end of JUNE, and it STILL wouldn't cause the price to move.

Without anybody even knowing what Dero is, any new exchanges, or this full-blown popped-bubble market, this thing is dead in the water regardless of how good the techology is.

>> No.9997808
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1518628638299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that Dero Atlantis will be a full replacement of Monero which has 2bils market cap.
You realize that every coin that implemented smart contracts is in top10, which is 3bils.

>muh bear market
You realize that Dero market cap is 5mils and even a fart of money from the top10 will make it moon beyond Uranos.

>> No.9997843
File: 6 KB, 250x185, 1528517488597s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ the reveal of the Devs identities will make this project buzz on social media and all crypto news sites, it will be the biggest surprise of 2018 - EVERYBODY will talk about it. => 20bil incoming
It will be the project that lifts whole crypto out of the bear market because of the extreme mooning and FOMO once it pulled a 1000x for the early investors

>> No.9997959

Dero was going to be listed on tradesatoshi but it got rejected cos it's a scam

>> No.9998034

>You realize that Dero Atlantis will be a full replacement of Monero which has 2bils market cap.

Why? How the hell can Dero's small team, lack of marketing, lack of exchanges, and lack of fanbase put it anywhere NEAR Monero's level? Enigma has everything Dero has and MORE and it's still nowhere near Monero's level.

What identities? Why would revealing a few pajeets' faces cause a coin to moon??


>> No.9998127
File: 548 KB, 800x496, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9998214


Enigma is a shit token. And yes you listed the reason why it is currently not on Moneros level. If it would have all the attention, exchanges, fanbase of Monero, it would not be 5mils. Dero has a lot of this coming, and then it won't be 5mils anymore.

The small team has done incredible things in an extremly short amount of time. Really incredible things from a tech and implementation view. There are only a handful devs in Crypto which could pull this off, think about it.

>> No.9998243

Except that there's not. There's no reason to believe the devs are anyone but nameless pajeets. They've already delayed the Atlantis mainnet launch by THREE WEEKS with STILL no end in sight.

>> No.9998272

Omg, 3 weeks! That's like a year in software dev! /s

>> No.9998294

>excuse after excuse

>> No.9998338

Lay off the crack pipe, mate.

>> No.9998354

This. Dero isn't moving anywhere in this market with a lack of exchanges and advertising.

>> No.9998384
File: 249 KB, 1680x1260, smide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your FUD won't stop it, Bogs. This is the chosen one.

>> No.9998389

It's half a year in the crypto market. Put it out quickly or get left behind, kumar. Man this thread reeks of fucking jalfrezi.

>> No.9998476

no shit, sherlock

>> No.9999502

That is a terrible photoshop, but it's no surprise considering it's promoting Dero.

>> No.9999614
File: 38 KB, 490x200, loop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a freaking loop?!

>> No.9999622
File: 70 KB, 1323x473, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That one meme video is starting to come true.





>> No.9999860

>You realize that every coin that implemented smart contracts is in top10, which is 3bils.
this is the biggest factor.

>> No.9999957

Mods have answered EVERY technical question I've seen posted. They seldom answer other types of questions however

>> No.10000119

Be prepared to pay triple for those bags

>> No.10000984
File: 146 KB, 743x419, 1529754529239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10001044
File: 465 KB, 1422x978, smiDERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dero has been blessed by him

>> No.10001545

Putting a line filter on top of it doesn't suddenly make your terrible photoshop better.

>> No.10001592


The project won't be shillable until they actually deliver the update as promised. But if they actually do, I suspect it will be much easier to spread the word about it. Im not going to tell people about it until I know for sure its not an exit scam.

>> No.10002009

Do you own any DERO?

>> No.10002026

I own close to 1k Dero, enough for solid gains if we take off but probably not enough to make it.

>> No.10002314

Around 1500, as to not care deeply about it if exit scam confirmed, and enough to make a good amount if they deliver. Why?

>> No.10002328

pretty much in the same boat as you anon. just waiting to see if its a scam or not lol. i really hope its not but idk.

>> No.10002674

Maybe it's intriguing that there's such a thing as an ethical shill.

>> No.10003256

My bet is that it'll shoot like ETH.

>> No.10003481

>Enigma has everything Dero has and MORE
Laughed hard here.
Enigma doesn't haven even a mainnet running yet. And there's the fact that dev team holds half of max supply.

>> No.10003620

Yeah, Enogma is one of many shit tokens.

>> No.10003633

>enigma has everything dero has

Are you retarded? It's vapor for now and there's nothing substantial until q4 of 2018, that shit is overpriced as it stands.

Ok fine, say enigma and dero are both at the same position in terms of development... dero is less than 5% of enigma's current market cap...you're saying that it won't grow? lmao the only way is up

>> No.10003859
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honest question, why did anybody bought while the code is not in the public and mainnet isn't out.

Seems extreme risky, why didn't or did you buy?

>> No.10003947

More risk, more reward.

>> No.10004070

This & the developers won't reveal their identities for a while to prevent it mooning too quick & soon. We're also in a bear market so there's plenty of time to buy more of this shitcoin.

>> No.10004088

because this is one of the few projects in the market that has a fair risk/reward ratio. if it does turn out to be legit then it is an easy 50x and possible 500x but if it is a scam then worst case scenario is like -30-60% since its already so low

>> No.10004342


>> No.10004449

thanks op this one was off my radar.
still sounds like a shitcoin tho.

>> No.10004527

Nothing wrong with buying a tiny stack as suicide insurance, tho.