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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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997789 No.997789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>living with mommy and daddy past the age of 18
What's wrong with Millennials?

>> No.997790

Look mom I posted it again!

>> No.997791

>Giving rent/mortgage money to the Jews
Top kek

>> No.997792

>being a miserable basement dweller

>> No.997793

>All of these people responding to bait
>Bumping it
>They probably don't even know what sage is

>> No.997796

>Being a perpetual manchild autistic virgin
>b-b-but at least i'm not giving money to le Jews!

>> No.997803

>posting threads with no benefit to be gained by it
whats wrong with OP?

>> No.997810

>Throwing away 80% of your paycheck away for the priviledge of having a 1 bdrm shithole

Well at least you have a place to fuck

>> No.997813


>> No.997815

>>Throwing away 80% of your paycheck away for the priviledge of having a 1 bdrm shithole

What kind of shit salary do you have buddy LMAO

No 1 bedroom apartment costs 80% of someone's salary.

>> No.997817

My apartment rent is only 12% of my paycheck. On the other hand, there's no point living alone in a place like SF or LA unless you're making over 50k/year

>> No.997820

>Live at home
>Currently have $430k saved
>Next year I will have enough to buy a house outright with no mortgage

>B-but you live at home you autistic man child

Ok m8

>> No.997823

Yeah I'm sure you have $430k saved at 24. And you just so happen to browse /biz/ all day long too, right?

How did you earn it literally 2 years out of school? lmao

>> No.997825

2 years? We finish highschool at 17 here.I also own appartment blocks which bring in a strong secondary income

>> No.997826

>2 years? We finish highschool at 17 here

University finishes at 22 or so.

How could you possibly have made $430k without having rich parents?

What did you to earn it?(inb4 im an app maker or day trader)

>> No.997828

I inherited apartment blocks from my father
And I started an IT contracting company at 20 >>997546

>> No.997830

Good job but isn't it time to move out now? Kind of pathetic to be earning so much money yet still living like a manchild.

>> No.997832

Houses in my area are around 360 but I didn't work so hard for so long to spend 80% of my savings on a house. Next year as I approach 600 I can buy a house comfortably

>> No.997833

There's not enough money to be made anymore.

>> No.997837

>being this delusional

>> No.997842

They're waiting on their 2 Bitcoin to make them rich.
>can you bring me a sandwich mom?
>what do you mean get a job
>this is my job. I'm posting on a business forum
>you just don't get it mom.
>mom you're just old. keep coping nocoiner

>> No.997843

>he's just t-trolling, right?

>> No.997844

Don't talk to the poor babby, (both of you)

>> No.997846

I can imagine NEETs on /biz/(among other NEETs) calling their parents "wagekeks" and "nocoiners".

Lmao what a funny thought

>> No.997866

they were raised by boomers

the real question is what the greatest generation did wrong

>> No.998042

If you aren't going to college, then I would expect you to get a job and pay rent by the end of the Summer after high school graduation. Once you find a place, I would give all of your rent money back to invest, spend on furniture, or whatever the hell you want.

>> No.998051

Not him but I make 13.5 /hr. ((Well above minimum but still fucked)) Somewhere around $830 biweekly. Rent is about $800-900/mo here in my city. Shit sucks. Include utilities and college expenses. Food. Insurance I'm lucky enough to already own a car so no payments on that shit. Whatever scraps left go to savings and investments.

You boomer faggots never have and never will have it this bad. We are paying you niggers every month and won't ever see that money myself when I'm 65

>> No.998052
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I have no reason to move out

>> No.998067

I do it to cut down expenses while flowing the additional money into stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and precious metals. Just wait and see when I own my house outright before you while you go into retirement with a mortgage, faggot.

>> No.998095

>inherited all of his money from his parents
>thinks he earned it himself
>defends living with his parents because he has savings that were an inheritance from papa
lmao, are you even trying m8?

>> No.998332


Keep working guys!

Keep consuming!

This is how we were meant to live!

>> No.998395

So, we should all play vidya 24/7 and die at 32 of acute diabetes like you?

Some of us like to be good at something, be productive. And some of us like living comfy with comfy stuff.

So thanks for the opinion, neckbeard loser. I'm sure your parents are super-proud of you.

>> No.998410

Many of my friends moved out in their gap year but i lived at home for 2 gap years and saved up enough money to buy my own apartment. Now people are paying 200% higher rent that what i spend on my apartment + the apartment did increase with $100k so ye... dahm millennials

>> No.998420

>not pooling family resources to stay ahead of the competition
Why we have so many plebs here?

>> No.998424

turned 19 a month ago, give me a break faggot, I'll move out in 2 months tops

>> No.998425

> be 20
> Have a 9-5 job making 50k and benefits
> Parents offer to let me keep living with them for $250/no rent plus groceries so I can save up for a good place instead of living in an affordable shithile
> Save 40k in one and a half years, have a 780 credit score, a nice car, and am finally starting to search for houses
> regularly bang my fuckbuddy in the room that was my bedroom when I was 3

How is this not the life?

>> No.998426

>living comfy

Pick one

>> No.998428

Keep convincing yourselves, manchildren.

>> No.998431

Only insecure faggots fall to the jewish meme.
It is cheaper and healthier to live with people that I trust and that trust me, and by living this way, the welfare of everyone involved increases.
It is one thing to leave home because your ambitions can only be fulfilled elsewhere, but to do that just because a movie told you that this is what adults do is not only childish and immature, but truly retarded.

>> No.998443


>> No.998446

I find it difficult to find a job that pays well enough to afford rent. Sure, I could take multiple lower paying jobs and work 60 hours per week. But why would I do that to myself?

>> No.998456

I'm from '95, living on my own.

The thing is, I'm a kike, renting from a Catholic.

Where did I go wrong?

>> No.998458

>It is cheaper and healthier to live with people that I trust and that trust me, and by living this way, the welfare of everyone involved increases.

Yeah I'm sure your parents don't mind a grown man, fully capable of supporting himself leeching off them into their old age.

You know this is exactly what /pol/-NEETs and /r9k/ NEETs say to themselves right?
>Oh it's ok i'm not falling for the Jew memes! Time to get back to LoL/Dota and then watch anime for 5 hours

>> No.998459

Leaving home isn't about doing what a movie told you. It's about evolution. Alphas form their own pride. Betas get kucked living under their parent's protection.

>> No.998463

>I find it difficult to find a job that pays well enough to afford rent

Well then you are a failure.

What kind of lack of skills and/or terrible degree do you have where you can't afford ~$1.5k/month for your own living expenses?

>> No.998465


Hum, so much alpha proud in these posts.

Confess little buddies, you hate your parents right?

>> No.998468

>Keep convincing yourselves, manchildren.

Poorfag logic 101

>> No.998471


I don't have a degree yet. I'm going on my last semester of CC and plan to transfer to university next year on those dank student loans.

I'd like to live by myself if I could afford it on 30-40hrs of work per week.

>> No.998481

Huh? Love my parents and appreciate everything they've done for me. Respect them enough to know that they have their own lives, and don't want their grown children living with them, even if they'll never admit it.

No parent wants to see their kid living a loser's life. Even if they can't or won't tell you to your face, you manchildren are killing them slowly every day you fail to have independent lives.

Your parents were people before they were parents. They deserve to treated as people, not as indentured caregivers.

>> No.998487


Hey it's you again!

How's the NEET life?

>> No.998491

>Respect them enough to know that they have their own lives, and don't want their grown children living with them, even if they'll never admit it.


Your parents are old, they're tired now. They have raised you spent countless dollars on you and they were expecting to get you to a reasonable age where you finish school and be able to do what they like with their lives.

Instead they get a neet manchild who plays videogames all day and posts on 4chan who they're ashamed to introduce when anyone comes over or tell about their child when asked by other parents.

>> No.998496

Hey it's another loser who attacks the messenger because he can't refute the message!

How's the retard life?

>> No.998502


This isn't the case for everyone.

My dad is poor and just got divorced. He purchased a new property with a renter and he actually wants me to live here so I can help him pay for the mortgage if need be.

On top of that, he certainly hasn't spent much money on me. I lived with my mother after they divorced and he went to prison. I only started living with him when she suicided a few years ago.

>> No.998503


> No parent wants to see their kid living a loser's life.

Top kek

>> No.998505
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Does this make me look fat?

>> No.998506

>They deserve to treated as people, not as indentured caregivers.
If they didnt want to be an indentured caregiver they shouldnt have had a kid. It's exactly what they signed up for.

>> No.998507

He never said he earned it you retard.
Your jealousy is comical.

>> No.998510

>If they didnt want to be an indentured caregiver they shouldnt have had a kid. It's exactly what they signed up for.

So if you have children you're forced to provide for them for the next 40 years, in your world?

People expect to raise children to about ~18 then help them out with Schooling and then they go on their own way of being an adult. They DON'T expect to have to provide for the next 40 years working their hand to the bone in order to support a fully grown adult who refuses to work.

>> No.998517


>> No.998523

> leeching off them
Are you projecting?
Because not only I pay more than my share of bills, but I often pay for maintenance, renovations and upgrades - which seems fair, since my parents had to pay for the house in the first place.

More projecting.
Living your parents don't mean that you are still a child - if you, as an adult, look at your parents as caregivers, the problems rests solely on you.

It looks like you all got a terrible relationship with your parents, and since they hate you and can't stomach living with such offspring, your only choice is to live alone, far from them. While that might be the case for many, only a sad cunt would think that everyone suffers such a sad relationship with their progenitors.

>> No.998531
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>Mortgage a house goy
>Get an apartment goy

You can't fool me, Landlord Shekelburg

>> No.998532

I'm not defending laziness, but we're talking about human beings here, not stock options that you can sell off at an exact price point when it's most convenient for you. Jobs are scarce, inflation is climbing, the middle class has stagnated, education is a joke, and we cant predict what the economy will be like tomorrow much less 18 years from now, but "not muh problem, get the fuck out of my house!"

Maybe I just dont understand this whole mentality of "we raised you, we love you, now get the fuck out because you've hit an arbitrary age."

If taking care of kids isnt your thing dont have kids. If you expect your kid to be wealthy and sucessful and move out at 18 you're no better than those crack addict moms who try to get their kid to be a Hollywood star. It's fucking delusional.

>> No.998548


Is it cultural?

Do USA parents legitimately hate their kids and only breed for tax breeds or by accident?

>> No.998553

It seems like conservatives have the mentality that living in poverty and working a shit job is better than staying with your parents while you get your career on track


>> No.998557

Personally I think Americans only have kids because they see them as an investment. And hope that their kid either makes it rich or will take cate of them when alzheimer's kicks in.

But I hate my parents so my perspective may be biased.

>> No.998564 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 792x354, u-s-inflation-rate-30-jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jobs are scarce
No they're not. There's a 1:1 ratio of jobs:job seekers in the U.S.
>inflation is climbing
No it's not.
>the middle class has stagnated
>No it hasn't
>education is a joke
No it's not.

Why do you lie to yourself and others? Is this a self-defense mechanism that help get through the day? Kinda sad ....

>> No.998568
File: 22 KB, 792x354, u-s-inflation-rate-30-jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jobs are scarce
No they're not. There's a 1:1 ratio of jobs:job seekers in the U.S.
>inflation is climbing
No it's not.
>the middle class has stagnated
No it hasn't
>education is a joke
No it's not.

Why do you lie to yourself and others? Is this a self-defense mechanism that help get through the day? Kinda sad ....

>> No.998571

>Maybe I just dont understand this whole mentality of "we raised you, we love you, now get the fuck out because you've hit an arbitrary age."

You missed the point completely. The point is that eventually children have gotten to a reasonable age when they are capable of living on their own, have a degree, etc and that is when they respectfully part ways from their parents.

When do you think adults should move out? 30? 40? Never? It is ridiculous to think that "lol u had kids so now u gotta take care of them until you can't physically work anymore".

>> No.998572

>There's a 1:1 ratio of jobs:job seekers in the U.S.

I'm sure McDonald's has quite a few openings :^)

>> No.998574

>It seems like conservatives have the mentality that living in poverty and working a shit job is better than staying with your parents while you get your career on track

As opposed to Liberals who study Ancient African Philosophy then "protest"(aka make threatening tweets at politicians) to waive their college debt from their $2k macbooks and $600 ray ban glasses?

>> No.998576




>> No.998577

Those are some hot opinions right there.

>> No.998584

Dude, is this really how you live your life? Making up excuses and wrapping your head in denial?

This isn't a video game, kid. This is the real world. There are no do-overs. You're fucking up your actual real life, and you don't get second chances.

>> No.998586

facts =//= opinions

Jesus, this board.

>> No.998587

>You're fucking up your actual real life, and you don't get second chances.

Nah I am doing 100% fine

>> No.998590
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nice meme

>> No.998592

>they're facts because I said them
>I ain't gotta explain shit
Nice one!

>> No.998604

>Mfw /biz/ really has come down to a bunch of NEETs roleplaying and posting in robinhood general threads and when confronted about their NEET lifestyle try to look for any and all excuses

>> No.998607


That might actually make sense.

The third case is when USA kids are treated as pets, instead of human beings. Strong degeneration, it would explain much.

>> No.998614

I've been in /biz/ for only a few days because I wanted to see what this board was about. I swear about 90% of posters here are recent high school graduates. This board is pretty pathetic. It seems that everyone here is just roleplaying as a rich person, and the people here with actual money are just here to shitpost about poor people. I would not trust any advice given by this board.

>> No.998616

>I would not trust any advice given by this board.
That is why you will never make it, m8, look at that kid that got his yacht and the other that went into Morgan. It is like you want to be poor forever.

>> No.998622

>I've been in /biz/ for only a few days because I wanted to see what this board was about. I swear about 90% of posters here are recent high school graduates

They literally are. Why do you think there is constant "I'm 18 /biz/ pls help me choose major" every single hour. And the most popular threads are robinhoodgenerals and other memes like "shit poor people do"(which is just people re-telling their lives)

>> No.998711

Well good thing my parents bought me an apartment when I was 15 :^)

>> No.998725

What if I live with my mom because she cant support herself without me? Im 18 and make 13hr fulltime while she makes 10hr part time

>> No.998730

kill your mom for being a subhuman

>> No.998740

Then I would have to take care of my younger brother alone, he's 2, I dont think I could handle that. I am thinking of becoming a real estate agent. Not sure if good idea or not but I dont have much to loose

>> No.998742

If you don't like your job, get a different one, you retarded fruitloop. Work doesn't feel like work when your passionate about it

>> No.998745

Everything you posted is a completely false. Inflation is climbing, and wages never kept up. I take it you support Donald the meme Trump.

>> No.998794

Huh? I'm a Democrat you stupid retard.

Stop getting your financial information from Facebook. You sound like a complete moron.

>> No.998823

that's it?
I have to move out and either live in shit or pay out the ass for one time moving costs then rent and utilities out of consideration for my parents?
fuck my parents

>> No.998828

Idk about millennials as a whole, but this is what I got going for me:
My family doesn't believe in allowing their children to move out until they are properly established or about to get married, etc.

It's normal for family members (in my family) to live as a collective until around 30 (When they finished college, have a good start in their career, a decent amount of savings built up) before moving out.

Seems to work out so far. No one became a NEET degenerate because of it, no drug issues, stronger family ties, stronger support network. Plus it gives us a little breathing room to work on building up side businesses to try getting further ahead.

My family has been doing this for generations here in the US. So I think that whole "take pride in being independent when you are barely an adult" thing was the reason you get born into poor families.

>What's wrong with Millennials?
From my personal experience it seems like millennials have the right idea as long as they teach it to their children, grandchildren, etc. and keep it going for generations.

>> No.998844

All the good cultures do most things this way, and even when someone leaves the nest early, they still have ties to their families - helping or being helped by them.

But of course, brainwashed murrica shows "get a $200K debt as a 18yo so you can go to college and live in a dorm, then, another $200k mortage for a shitty place that you can't afford, and don't forget the $50k for the car and other retarded stuff" as something to strive for.

>> No.998845

this is how every jewish family operates.
They also are often known to buy a home for the son when he finds a wife. A job is also often provided or "bought" with favours and gifts by the family.

You're jewish, or your family knows the same success path.

>> No.998851

This is also common among Japaneses and Italians.

>> No.998852

And the Spanish and Portuguese.
Not sure about the French, though.

>> No.998853

or greek or Asian. Almost any 1st world non-North American, non-UK family is known to care for the next gen offspring.

It's called family and love.

>> No.998858

I am pretty sure that it is true in Latin America as well, because of the colonization proccess.
Canada is a bit like the US in that aspect, though.
By the way, anon, don't use terms like 1st world in 2016, it will make you look stupid.

>> No.998860

>It's called family and love.
It's called antiquated and outdated.

If you're going to defend living with your parents in modern times, lets hear your defense of dowries and arranged marriages.

>> No.998863

Kind of like how using Faggot makes you look intolerant?

Glad I'm not a faggot.

>> No.998866

No, it is not related, gay hate is part of our human heritage, but the First-Second-Third world division not only is a recent thing, but it lost all its meaning when the entire "Second World" collapsed.

>> No.998869
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>comparing parents voluntarily allowing their kids to stay home to forced marriages and payments for marriage

>> No.998870

My family still encourages smaller debts when you are younger to build up credit for later. Like my first car was a used 02 buick that I picked up for about $5k years ago. I could've paid it off but my dad encouraged me to do a loan for better rates later in life when I needed it.

But he doesn't believe in holding heavy debt like that.

Nope, not Jewish. My family is a weird combo of Irish and Afghan, but both sides operate like this.

>Inb4 hurr ISIL mudslimes, Trumps gona stomp you out
Family is almost all non-religious btw

>> No.998871

Interesting how you kids dislike forced marriages and payments for marriage, but you'll happily defend living with mommy and daddy well into your 20's and 30's.

>> No.998872

what if you have a decent paying job and you live with your parents just to live rent free

>> No.998873

Such a weak troll.
Come back when you are over 18,

>> No.998876

That is ok, but you should help with bills and stuff.
Living with your parents is not a problem, not growing up and remaining a freeloader forever is.

>> No.998887


>posted exact same thread on /pol/ last night


It's so satisfying now that link finally resolves to an actual board.

But seriously, MOOOOOOOODS

>> No.998907


1. The job markets fucked, and will stay fucked until we regain competitive advantage relative to China and India in the globalized market place. Which means wages have to fall dramatically before there's any substantial job growth, because we aren't getting any more productive relative to them. Until that happens, there will be no mass hiring of people. And until there is mass hiring of people, there will be a large pool of unemployed millennials.

2. An explosion of low paying work and extremely high skilled specialized positions with minimal chances of medium skilled jobs requiring specialization and training. the boomers and Gen x'ers are hogging all the medium skilled jobs for themselves.