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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9973574 No.9973574 [Reply] [Original]

What sources would you recommend for a complete beginner in finance/business? Sources being, websites, books, YT channels, etc.

If you could go back to when you first started what would you tell yourself? It could be a list of things.

Have you ever been in a social situation relating to business and either handled a scenario well/poorly? What did you do well? What would you have changed?

What I mean by social situation relating to business. is for example, being in a situation where people of higher power were either testing you for personality traits such as self confidence/conscience, or noticing something about a situation and taking advantage.

Explain that experience

Be sure to judge other replies and give advice

>> No.9973640

some saice for that tummy my dude?

>> No.9973665
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>> No.9973688

Start out by reading some macro. Then some valuation and corporate fiance. You can torrent textbooks for all of it. For corporate finance anf valuation get books by Aswath Damodaran. He also has free Youtube lessons. He's great.

>> No.9973724
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>that smol demon girl
thanks boomer bro

>> No.9973725
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What is macro, is that an abbreviation for something?

>> No.9973731
File: 860 KB, 695x946, puchitomo petit tomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon
have something back
>protip the dialogue is changed

>> No.9973794

>pet succubus getting fat from too much sex

>> No.9973820
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>corporate finance anf valuation get books by Aswath Damodaran

I am looking at his works and they seem wonderful, but I am not sure how credible he is. Lots of good looking books though will look around, thanks anon

>> No.9973870
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>puchitomo petit tomo
its aight