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9971493 No.9971493 [Reply] [Original]

who /poor/ here? unironically got $4 in my bank accuount its fucking over bros cant afford to eat , still go gym but im so hungry afterwards. gonna buy some milk with this last $4 and hope to hold out.

how are my fellow poorbros doin?

>> No.9971507

Get a blanket and go into hibernation mode till you get more resources.

>> No.9971512

>buy some milk

>> No.9972249

nothing wrong with milk faggot its keepnig me alive

>> No.9972708

nigga i've been in your situation
you're better off buying something long lasting like pasta or rice and drinking tap water
or just swallow your pride and tell your friend/parents that you need to borrow some cash for groceries

>> No.9972767

drop 1k in crypto now, stop everything if you have to. move back in with your parents for 2 months just to drop at least a grand in crypto before btc hits 10k. and then when btc hits a million between 2020 and 2025 you will have 100k and a plan by then of how to deal with it

>> No.9972962

milk is not calorie dense enough per dollar spent to serve as an adequate survival ration
you are a fool for wasting your money this way if you are really in such dire straits

>> No.9973025

shutup retard, i spend $2 on milk for 1700 calories and 50g protein its the best i can get for that price

>> No.9973043

tfw btc hits 1mil on 2021 january 2 supressed by whales for the sole purpose of watching mcaffee self cannibalize

>> No.9973067

>tfw milk gives me the shits
Rice and chicken breast here.
t. $1800 (converted from local currency to USD) net worth

>> No.9973072

a $200 milk
that could have been a months worth of groceries after 2 maybe 7 years tops investment in crypto. its the poorfags stock market get in fool

>> No.9973086

Dude, don't workout if you can't nourish yourself, you'll just feel hungrier.

>> No.9973097

>unironically spends money on substance designed for a 1 ton animal.
how have you survived this longdumbass?

>> No.9973123

>calling anybody a retard
>so poor he survives on fucking milk by the gallon
good luck, moron
protip: dried lentils

>> No.9973317

1 l whole milk: ~2700 kJ, 33 g proteins, 35 g fat
250 g butter: ~7750 kJ, 2 g proteins, 208 g fat

While the second is around double in price and lacks all kinds of other nutrients too, it would be still a better choice to keep OP from starving. Obvious choice being lentils, beans and pasta of course.

>> No.9973359

buy beans

>> No.9973380

Bro go Irish and get yourself a bag of tatoes for like 2.50. Little salt and water and you will live just fine

>> No.9973394

Seriously, you all can't see the subtle milk shill?

>> No.9973416

you can live in relative good health for like $50 a month of lentils, home made hardtack, and maybe some occasional meat protein from pork shoulder

you can also dumpster dive for shittons of bread and fruits (protip: bring a bolt cutter since supermarkets lock their dumpsters these days)

>> No.9973425
File: 11 KB, 226x220, 3b421db8f84072d89b68f00969b77f3b--frogs-i-will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2400 in the bank
>700 credit card bill
>200 car payment

help. at least i get paid tonight, like a good wagie

>> No.9973426

Sleep as much as possible and don't move, everything you do is wasting energy, even thinking, and you need food to replenish that lost energy.
Don't buy milk, drink tap water.
Buy potatoes, rice, bread, some sausages and cheese.
Swallow your pride and ask relatives for money.
Grow up

>> No.9973445

I took the bait