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File: 16 KB, 226x300, tyler-durden-zero-hedge-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
996852 No.996852 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of Joe Sixpacks read zerohedge and follow their mindset of impending doom very closely. The site has been more popular than ever.

It just dawned that the people who have been reading Zerohedge in anticipation of the next crisis have been wasting their time for the past six years.

Tyler Durden dangles the carrot of crisis before readers, looking for any excuse – however small – for the market to crash. Every time the market drops >1% in a single session the zerohedge crowd is running victory lapses like they all saw it coming.

I remember the days when zerohedge provided some insightful articles on the housing bubble while most other news sources were still in denial. But now, that place has turned into a Russian propaganda tinfoil conspiracy heaven. What a shame.

Why do people still read Zerohedge?

>> No.996857

>Why do people still read Zerohedge?
ZH provides content that a lot of people find humorous and informative. ZH connects with some who are in the edgy side of finance and and whose dark financial thoughts are suppressed until ZH shines light on similar thinking. Also, Finviz runs as many articles from ZH as it does Bloomberg as "news" so a lot of ZH gets "shared".

-Submitted by a regular ZH reader

>> No.996873

Oil is bottoming
Housing is at 2007 levels
Fed rate is 0
Employment is back to 1970 participation rate
Federal debt has doubled under Obama
Christmas sales are down 10%

These are real things. Nobody in the government is addressing them. Zerohedge is that outlet.

We average a recession every 8 years, and it's been 7 since the last one and we haven't fixed what was broken from the last one. Doomsday is coming. It's just being put off as long as possible through FED printing.

We are literally in unforseen territory. We are entering the next recession with the FED rate already at 0.

>> No.996875 [DELETED] 

>We are literally in unforseen territory. We are entering the next recession with the FED rate already at 0.
Fiat bubble implosion immanent. Pepper your angus.

>> No.996876

>We are literally in unforseen territory. We are entering the next recession with the FED rate already at 0.
Fiat bubble implosion imminent. Pepper your angus.

>> No.996878

>bitcoin will go to the moon because the USD collapses

I can live with this

>> No.996879

>Oil is bottoming
U.S. economy is not very dependent on oil, unlike Brazil's or even the Russian economy, for example.

>Christmas sales are down 10%

>> No.996890

"Not many retailers reported November sales, but some who did were terrible. For example, Banana Republic reported a drop of 19% in comparable store sales. Old Navy reported -9%, Buckle -7.9% and the Gap -4% comp sales. As a counter point, there were a few bright spots. Both of L Brands two big businesses were up with Bath & Body Works reporting a comp sale increase of 7% and Victoria Secret rising 6%. I believe that coming out of November most retailers were hurting and sales were disappointing. I conclude that in November retail sales for most companies were flat to down 2%. Economists are predicting + 0.3% for November compared to + 0.1% in October."


>> No.996894

Most financial news is unrelentingly bullish. Zerohedge offers unrelentingly bearish news instead. I don't see why you can't read both and take it all with a grain of salt.

>> No.996901


I work in finance as a trader for a small European hedge fund, focus is on global macro. I know what you mean; I've messed up a few good trading opportunities because I becam too bearishly biased due to ZH.

Always keep in mind, that Tyler Durden is an alias for many different posters. Try to recognize the helpful ones, and always read them with a grain of salt.
Zerohedge material proved priceless this year when I had to hold several sales presentations, outlining the general state and direction of the world economy.

If you're looking for a really objective source of information, subscribe for the dailyshot newsletter via soberlook.com .
It's published daily (except for sundays), costs nothing, and many very high profile bankers read it.

>> No.996904


And yet even now it's recoverable simply because there is no alternative to the western economy to take it's place.
BRICS and the west are trying to strangle each other at the same time, the first one who runs out of air loses. The BRICS, Russia in particular, thinks it can outlast the west simply because it's citizens do not need such a hugely expensive standard of living to uphold it's economy, the west is more vulnerable simply because it has much more to lose and it's citizens are more likely to start harmful protests and riots when the services, pleasantries and standard of living are further compromised over a long period of time.
It's a simple war of attrition.

>> No.996906
File: 21 KB, 576x432, 1449088678105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most financial news is unrelentingly bullish

i think it's the complete opposite. media and vast majority of "analysysts" have been telling the market is overvalued past 4 years

>> No.996921
File: 61 KB, 530x600, 1443065259303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, just checked zerohedge news. is that some kind of reddit meme site or something? oh god, tha tyler guy has literally no idea what he is talking about. a quick glance and it seemed every post were braindead pretty much

>> No.996931


Discretionary is now down, just the clothing retailers. Companies in the restaurant industry saw a huge bump. People are just spending money in different sectors. Overall, spending has not decreased.