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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9967930 No.9967930 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, has anyone noticed how dead this place is now? It's as if all the normies and shills have left and only people left are cucks holding their bags and claiming the golden bull is coming any moment now. Sad!

>> No.9967951

I came back just a few days ago after a 4 month break and it's hilarious seeing how dead it is and people still shilling complete garbage scamcoins. They never learn

>> No.9967968

ugh this is embarrassing

>> No.9967976

biz is just deluded bulls and Bobo posters now

>> No.9967983

Posting has actually ramped up a bit with these last few green dildos.

>> No.9968019

Yes, yes I have. the problem is we're never going to go back to the pre-Bullrun days when /biz/ actually covered side-hustles and resume threads etc.. Those good posters like foxbro have for the most part been pushed out meanwhile we're left with redditors, Pajeets and bagholders.
Many cases. Sad.

>> No.9968025


Kek this place is full of delusion Cryptotards

>> No.9968228

post 0000001 Feb 23 22:26:25 2014
post 1000000 Dec 15 12:00:19 2015 (22 months)
post 2000000 Apr 27 17:29:39 2017 (16 months)
post 3000000 Aug 9 09:31:05 2017 (3 1/2 months)
post 4000000 Oct 22 09:25:43 2017 (2 1/2 months)
post 5000000 Dec 12 12:49:37 2017 (1 1/2 months
post 6000000 Jan 6 16:10:27 2018 (3 weeks)
post 7000000 Jan 27 14:18:45 2018 (2 weeks)
post 8000000 Feb 27 13:09:38 2018 (1 month)
post 9000000 Apr 20 06:06:31 2018 (2 months)
post 10000000 est Late June 2018 (2 months)

It's way down from dec/jan levels and half the threads are obvious flavor of the week scam coins

>> No.9968717

You dont know dead if you didn't come to biz before crypto became mainstream

>> No.9968809

I remember those days, mostly practical discussions about starting a business and other shit, its practically a different board now

>> No.9968866

I've been here from November and could agree with you, thought about same thing today.
Thing is, markets are about psychology, and this is a small, however still a representative group which shows us that burnout is almost finished, I believe somewhere in 2-6 weeks it will be over and things will go "back to normal" if there aren't yet

>> No.9968877

Ty fren.

>> No.9968878

I’m a chad trader that makes and easy 1-5% a day trading long and short against all these noobs in the market

Life is boring sitting in front of charts so I shitpost here all day .

>> No.9968883

I know what you mean thought this place is kill and the delusion is real about the golden bull thing

>> No.9968919

I agree fundamentally that I should be in control of the exchange of value. I don't want the government to be in control of finance if the technology exists for another option. I don't want Visa to tell me what I can and cannot buy. I don't want a banker to sit in between the job that I do and the fruits of my labor.

Say whatever you want about it, but whether it's bitcoin or its spiritual successor, I want the democratization of currency.

>> No.9968929

Buy when /biz/ reaches all time dead
Sell when/biz/ reaches all time high

There is some room to the bottom, we will bleed for some time until /biz/ reaches a the bottom and reversal will happen.

>> No.9968942

> be greedy when others are fearful

Weak hands have exited, bull run inbound h2

>> No.9968947

fuckkkkkkkkkkkk so we still have like another 3 years to go till everyone gets shaken out?

>> No.9969018


>> No.9969160

If you were here for last 6 months then September for you should be right around the corner
Enjoy the summer, save some cash, buy the dip, read some market books and prepare for extended takeoff to next bubble

>> No.9969162

Bull run starts tonight.

>> No.9969253
File: 2 KB, 125x65, 1529427326618s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all gonna make it

>> No.9969323


yes fren

>> No.9969329
File: 87 KB, 1080x1080, danlok_1795755834144580506_2301907894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm riding on private jets driving fast cars while you here complaining.