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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9951321 No.9951321 [Reply] [Original]

Are trades the biggest meme?

>bad for your body, useally have to be outside/in non-AC areas like attics ect. (would be very bad in the southern U.S during summer)
>no one will respect you when you tell them your job.
>only women that you can date will be dumb, ugly redneck non-virgins.
>awful pay starting out.
>by the time you're 30-32 you MIGHT make around what a fresh college graduate is making.
>can only make 100k+ USD if you work 80 hours per week and have 10+ years of experience.
>forced to work around dumb rednecks that only like beer, trucks, football.
>forced to work around violent and aggressive niggers/spics.
>majority of jobs will be automated soon.

>> No.9951686
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Still better than doing any liberal art degree and not being able to find any job.
t. history graduate

>> No.9951703

yeah trades
the worse part is being surrounded by uninteresting fat retards

>> No.9951724

All truth ITT. Romanticizing a trade job is pure cope.

>> No.9951761
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All true. Still want to be a welder because they're among the few well paid professions in my shithole country.

Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.9951788

>knowing how to build a house
>not being a panty dropper
>fixing pretty much anything yourself
Honestly, unless you are after degenerate whores, being a tradesman is pretty based but I wouldn't recommend anything but electric or carpentry, and with carpentry you should be aiming for skilled craftsman remodel type work.

>not teaching English in Asia until your debts are paid and you have some savings, fucking gaijin hunters and eating delicious cheap food on the daily
either you are really ugly or you fucked up big time bud
>muh coworkers don't watch anime, read /pol/, or play video games what will we talk about ablooblooblooo
sounds like you're a faggot honestly

>> No.9951808

Depends on the trade my man. Fitters, welders, electricians/plumbers in industrial and mining, boilermakers all pay extremely well. My friend made $110K last year as a 26 year old supervisor in a comfy ass office just because he worked 4 years as a fuckin cabinet maker apprentice and got hooked up to the JUST clothing group

>> No.9951872

I don't know about the respect.Where I live girls fucking love tradies. You're seen as an actual man that can build and fix shit with your bare fucking hands. Doesn't get more manly.

There is a shortage where I live. They will always be needed.

>> No.9951963

>>majority of jobs will be automated soon.

This is the only thing I disagree with.

Trade jobs are not being automated any time soon. Nobody is inventing robots that can climb a ladder and re-roof your house, or unclog your toilet, or climb into your attic and fix the electrical wiring.

>> No.9951982


>pay extremely well
>$110k as a 26 year old

do people really have such low expectations of themselves lmfao

>> No.9951989

I have a bad back and flat feet so let's just say that everyday is suffering. Might go back to community college to become a drafter or something

>> No.9951999

>average salary for 25-34 yr old is $40,000
>over twice the average salary is bad

>> No.9952000 [DELETED] 
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Possibly trades are ok I guess u won't get rich

>> No.9952009

>bad for your body
Not Locksmithing
Just be a locksmith if you want a trade

>> No.9952041


I plan on being the 1% of the 1%. If you're happy with being an NPC good for you

>> No.9952058

>he think using your physical body to do physical work is worst than sitting in an unnatural position while staring at a lightbulb in a artifical environment for 9 hours a day

You sound like a woman. I have degree work in finance. If i could do it all again id get a trade and start my own business.

>> No.9952072

you use /biz/, so you might as well give up on that front
not saying $110k top tier, but saying that it is a " low expectation" just outs you as a LARPing NEET
I think I have been baited to be honest, so well done to you

>> No.9952108

Ouch must suck to have a surplus of labour. In my area a plumber makes 140k a year. Electrician 120-160k a year. Carpenter 110-140k per year.
40 hour week with a half day Saturday if you want to go on a good holiday first class whenevr you want as a contractor.
Already paid a house off and have second one half paid by 30. Superannuation/401k over 100k (self managed into crypto early 2017, suck it bitch)

Hows that 1% working out for you champ? Repeat after me "w-w-would you l-l-like fries with that, sir?"
Good boy

>> No.9952509

wow you really drank the koolaid didn't you

>> No.9952615
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>happy being an npc
>being an npc

>> No.9952699

Exactly this. Also if your in th troubleshooting side of trades a robot will never be able to do it

>> No.9952794

Where the hell do you live? Do you do your own work? Own the business? Domestic electricians and shut here in Aus earn fuck all unless they own the place or work in industrial/mining or scored a real good gig

>> No.9953402

Electrician making 100k+ and only working 40hrs a week. Plus make an extra 1000 per month teaching at the union apprenticeship. Can do side work whenever I want and make 100/hr ish. On top of all that women love men that can fix things instead of having to cuck themselves by getting a real man to do it. But sure...