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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 617x347, economy-crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
993037 No.993037 [Reply] [Original]

So quantitative easing has been going on for ages, central banks are printing money like crazy, interest rates are NEGATIVE and there still isn't any real growth in the economy. Productivity isn't going up, there has just been so much money laying around and it needs to be put somewhere safe from negative rates.
That's why I have been lowering my amount of stocks and ETFs and I'm now wondering where to put that money to preserve its purchasing power.

Now next when the bond market collapses causing a massive aftershock in the stock market this bubble economy will get fucked hard as will the real economy too. Then the governments and central banks have already used their ammo as interest rates are in the negative and QE is going on. They can of course just step on the pedal but that will bring a host of other problems such as rampant inflation.

What I wonder is where to put my wealth? Gold?

>> No.993056
File: 30 KB, 480x388, gdp-forecast-2016-wells-fargo.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't any real growth in the economy

>> No.993059

Growth in GDP is not same as growth in production. If a house goes up 10 times in value it's still the same shitty house. It is very easy to raise GDP with smoke and mirrors.

>> No.993066


>> No.993068

So tell us, how you measure the real economy then?

>> No.993070


>> No.993213


>> No.993221

For real though?

>> No.993223
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>> No.993226
File: 80 KB, 1876x792, hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.993267

Lmao. If you really need to ask that question then stay off /biz/. Most of these guys are going to give you these type of retarded answers.

>> No.993272

>post chart
"retarded answers"

never change, /biz/

>> No.993276

>Post a chart that has nothing to do with Bitcoin price or mainstream use
>chart doesn't prove that Bitcoin isn't one of the worst investments you can make in the last couple years
>retarded answer
Pretty much.

>> No.993281


Nobody can predict what will happen so just stay the course of stock and bond index funds, in a proportion according to your age.

Also, don't buy any gold.

>> No.993283

>believing official government inflation statistics

>> No.993285
File: 98 KB, 1878x798, mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chart with number of transactions per day
>nothing to do with Bitcoin price or mainstream use


>> No.993290
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, 053ca482887a2f733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.993291

Number of transactions per day means nothing. Look at total transaction volume and you will see why you're an idiot.

>> No.993293
File: 108 KB, 1889x803, tv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.993299

Exactly. The first 2 charts you cherry picked to make it seem like Bitcoin is exploding out of control. It has been stagnating for years and on a general downward trend. You posted the only 2 metrics that really don't matter at all.

This chart right here ^ that you just posted is an accurate portrayal of what's really going on.

>> No.993305
File: 157 KB, 1911x907, bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general downward trend.

Maybe if I turn my monitor upside down

>> No.993309

>Thinks that slowly falling from over $1000 in 2013 to $400 today isn't downward
>thinks that a 2 year downward spiral from the ATH isn't significant
>posts a severely skewed log chart to try and hide the fact that Bitcoin price has fallen $600
Seems legit

>> No.993311
File: 138 KB, 1917x905, bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're funny anon

>> No.993314

That's good because you're hilarious. No matter how you hard you try and slice it, the facts are the facts.

>> No.993315
File: 29 KB, 292x257, 1449069305038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the facts are the facts

>> No.993319

Pretty much. Unless you have a counter-argument for >>993309? Are you saying that Bitcoin price hasn't dropped $600 over 2 years?

>> No.993321

No, it has gained $300 over 3 years.

>> No.993322

>the coming crash

stop with this meme ffs

>> No.993324

It dropped to below 400 within 2 weeks after $1000.

You really don't think it was regarded as a good place to buy at $1000, 12 months after it was $10, do you?

>> No.993329

3 years ago it was almost unknown. >>993324
Are you really going to measure the price today to when it had literally no transaction volume?

>> No.993333

>Are you really going to measure the price today to when it had literally no transaction volume?

How much transaction volume was there when it was $1k?

>> No.993337

Fuck no. I learned about it in November 2013 and have never thought it was a good buy. At $1000 I didn't think it was a good buy and when it dropped to $400 I still didn't think it was a good buy. Today it is even a worse buy because all the hype has played out.

>> No.993340
File: 142 KB, 1915x906, gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it had literally no transaction volume?

Coming from someone who actually traded then, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.993342

Now that you can measure it to. Today the transaction volume has fallen considerably. And so has the price.

>> No.993343


If people were buying buttcoins at 1k then it just goes to show how retarded the currency is.

>> No.993345
File: 161 KB, 1921x910, hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today the transaction volume has fallen considerably

I refer you to >>993311


>> No.993346

I was obviously talking to the other guy and accidentally misquoted you dunce. If you compare the transaction volume 3 years ago when it was unknown and the transaction volume today there is no comparison.

>> No.993348

>volume goes up

>bad thing

It's like you selectively hear "facts are facts" to suit your own means, and ignore everything that doesn't suit you.

>> No.993350

Why would you refer me to a chart that show price numbnuts?

>> No.993352
File: 1018 KB, 300x167, 1449279003534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know how to read volume on a chart?

>> No.993355

>volume goes up since it was was unknown
>thinks this means anything
>volume goes down after it peaked in 2013
>doesn't know this is all that matters

>> No.993357

>Transaction volume = price
Just leave the thread already lol

>> No.993358

>November 2013

So you were late to the game by 5 months. Them grapes are so sour for you.

>> No.993359

>volume goes down after it peaked in 2013

But that's categorically wrong


Okay, I genuinely think you are retarded

>> No.993362

Pretty much. Except no sour grapes. I think the people who did buy before November 2013 got really lucky and am happy for them (assuming they sold before it tanked). They rode the hype and then cashed out at the peak. Those days are far gone though.

>> No.993363

Ideally buy something with intrinsic value and diversify into several asset classes.

Don't buy bitcoin, it's a modern medium of exchange not a store of value.

Hold cash if you worry about losing money.

I like being contrarian so commodities, especially oil, look like good value to me.

>> No.993366

You were the one that posted the transaction volume chart you jackass.>>993293
Sure looks like the transaction volume is lower to me. Get a fucking clue and stop posting.

>> No.993369

Lower than what? It's peak for a week?

The past average month t/v is at an all time high

>Get a fucking clue and stop posting.

>> No.993375
File: 42 KB, 568x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre that same grumpy abusive person that posts in a few of the bitcoin threads.

Youre not funny and i think you need a break from 4chan.

>> No.993377

Lmao its peak for 3-4 month

>The past average month t/v is at an all time high
Wrong. Your guys little pump and dump isn't bad but is pathetic compared to the one in 2013.

>> No.993381

Naw I think there's a few grumpy guys in here. You're the same little shit that shills this every week though. Same bullshit different day.

>> No.993424

bitcoin precious metals, don't buy housing until the bubble bursts.

>> No.993428

Transaction volume is irrelevant, it's just the chinese exchange bots that have no trading fees swapping amongst itself.

>> No.993436

5 reasons not to buy into the bitcoin hype.
You should checkout by blog


>> No.993451

So your argument is that the transaction volume is probably much much lower. Agreed. That's sad because it's already only a fraction of PayPals total daily volume even after 6 years. To compare PayPal exploded to mainstream use after only a year. The amount of total PayPal users make total Bitcoin users seem like a little tea party among friends.

>> No.993463

You could just keep reading zerohedge.com ... but seriously, just buy some under valued foreclosures and fix them up a bit to rent. Rents won't go down in a collapse, possibly up. And if you buy right, who cares if there's another real estate pop. When it pops by more. Average down. Real estate is the best physical asset.