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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 1790x1640, easter_toad_template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9923856 No.9923856 [Reply] [Original]

>be rich
>live a lower-middle class lifestyle

>> No.9923866

Is that Pepe’s dad?

>> No.9923880

No, and it's not pepe either.

>> No.9923884

cause why do that if you've got fuck you money?
sure if you've only got like 1 or 2 mil a rich would end pretty quickly but if you have 10s or 100s of millions you may as well enjoy the fact you have so much money

>> No.9923892

Personally i dont care about money as long as i have a home,food and internet im happy. I live in a trailer on 30 acres and drive an 80s olds cutlass. Im not rich but i dont need a mansion or ferrari

>> No.9923905

There’s a reason they’re poor you know

>> No.9923908

One of the richest guys in the county i live in had a small house drove a beat up pickup and wore like overalls. And owned pretty much all the land in the county. Youd of never guessed he was a millionaire. Some people dont need to be flashy

>> No.9923929

I'm talking about "normal" tier rich (2-10 million). I'm only "very well off" (350k at 21) and the normals go into a fucking frenzy when they ask why I still drive a 2010 fiesta and I tell them because Idon't see the point of anything better.

>> No.9923944

but whats the point then?
if you're gonna live like a fucking farmhand why even have the money? It doesn't even have to be over extravagant
>normies think 350k is enough to do anything extravagant
wew lad normalfags are stupid

>> No.9923974

>>normies think 350k is enough to do anything extravagant

1) I'm a bong. Our 1% is 750k lol
2) I'm 21, and for this age I'm very, very easily a 1 percenter

>> No.9923980

who is it?

>> No.9923990

"easter/groper". I don't know the backstory

>> No.9924357

If I ever get to say 5 million bet worth, I’ll live in a typical suburban house, drive a typical German car, and live my life no differently to how I do now. Might have a small boat for summer but again, nothing extravagant.

>> No.9924406
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>>normies think 350k is enough to do anything extravagant

you're gonna have to define extravagant for me.

With 350k a year you could
- Save every penny and retire after 15 years (5.25m)
- Travel the fucking world
- Live frugally as a renter and buy a home in cash a few years later
- Have many kids without financial worry
- Dine out 3x a week at your citie's most expensive restaraunt

but im interested what you think is extravagant

>> No.9924508

His name is Easter toad, originally he was used on /int/ by Australians to banter Americans. He would be posted along with the quote "Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?" referring to the fact that Easter is not a national holiday in the United States. This became really popular on the board and man variations were created. More recently alt right Twitter rediscovered him, gave him ears and named him "groyper" after the Twitter user that posted him a lot. It always astounds me how few people know of Easter toad now and act like he is a recent phenomenon even though he goes back to at least 2013

>> No.9924546
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>obscure, forced meme started by Australians of all people
>y'all ignant

>> No.9924896

If I ever "make it" I'm just going to buy a home somewhere sunny but not crazy hot, get a nice shower set up maybe better clothes but really that's about it.

>> No.9924920

>Why does this trigger normies so much?

Because living way below your means is the ultimate way of saying "I can do whatever the FUCK I wanna do."

>> No.9924926

come to america. your country is gay and dying of aids and we want your money

>> No.9924944

Normies believe in the myth of fuck-you money. They believe that there is some magic threshold beyond which they can forever be rid of their problems.

What they don't realize is that while some problems go away as you get wealthy, you actually wind up trading one set of problems for another the richer you get. If you told them that you'd be spoiling their fantasy, and so they won't accept it. They also won't accept affluent people living in any way that doesn't fit their idea of what affluence should look like for the same reason.

>> No.9925508
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>you actually wind up trading one set of problems for another the richer you get
I agree with what you're saying for the most part but I will add a caveat. The "problems" the rich have are certainly not the same struggles poor, or even middle class people face.

When you've got fuck you money, you certainly don't worry where your next meal is coming from, having a roof over your head (poor people problems).

When you're rich, you don't have to worry about having a medical issue preventing you from making a mortgage payment (middle class problems).

>> No.9925547

When you are rich all you worry about is your portfolio.

t. Rich /biz/ anon

>> No.9925638
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>> No.9925649
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Nothing more annoying than the faggots that laughed at me when I told them about crypto in 2014 attempting to give me financial advice now that I have a large sum of money.

They don't understand a good investment when they see one and like most lottery winners would blow all their gains on retarded shit that they don't need if they were in your shoes.

They are poor because they make bad decisions.

>> No.9925687

How do lottery winners even lose their money so fast?

>> No.9925708

By doing >>9925649. They blow it all on frivolous things, buy into bad investments, or get roped into paying for everyone else. Possibly getting mugged or murdered.

>> No.9925716

How are they knowing you have that kind of money?

>> No.9925741

They buy expensive things like cars, boats, and houses that have continued maintenance expenses while frivolously spending money on other shit without having an income.

>> No.9925743
File: 6 KB, 237x233, 1527258110606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went looking for concrete examples.

>Gerald Muswagon, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, won $10 million in 1998. He bought cars for friends and family, and made his new house into a “party pad.” Eventually, he’d spent all his money and he took a minimum-wage job to support his six children and his girlfriend. In 2005, just seven years after his big win, he took his own life.

Are these people even sentient, holy shit.

>> No.9925744

>biz in ID
Listen to this man

>> No.9925766

Look up Jack Whittaker, he won $315 million and was already worth 8 figures, allegedly lost it all

>> No.9925776
File: 74 KB, 638x644, askandyeshallreceive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought cars for friends and family,
Shit like this, huge waste of money. Combined with a total lack of understanding of the tax implications...

>> No.9925793

Most recently talking with older people about phds and whether I'd need funding or not. I don't go around telling everyone.

>> No.9925819

I keep this shit to myself to be honest.
I have one expensive hobby and that's it. Well, two if you count crypto in 2018.

>> No.9925835

Thanks for the examples.
There are many reasons one can be poor. It turns out lottery winners tend to draw from the same people who are poor because of poor decision making, hence entering a lottery.
I'm not surprised, proves my
>Possibly getting mugged or murdered.
point. Lotteries paint a huge target on your back.

Truly a man aiming for the /biz/ dream.

>> No.9925858

And then was murdered, IIRC. Jack Whittaker's story is incredible sad. Already with $17m at the time of his win.


I do find it weird that some dude who was worth millions bought a lottery ticket, though. Just adds to the oddness of the whole story.

>> No.9925970

Assuming you make it big in crypto.
Do friends and family really expect you to give them free money? What the fuck.

>> No.9925997

>Lotteries paint a huge target on your back.
No, people paint huge targets on their back. I can't speak on every state, but the ones I am familiar with have the option to remain anonymous.

I think some states require a photop to get the check, which is pretty scary, but you could literally show up wearing a disguise.

People fuck themselves over because all that money doesn't allow them to think straight.

I'd almost immediately go to a lawyer at a reputable firm that deals with this kinda money, not some jr associate. Don't go to your local lawyer in podunk Mississippi because even he will try to his hands on your cash.

Go to Manhatten where those sums of money are normal. Document it. Get more than one lawyer from a different firm involved. Lock your money up for a time period so you can think about all that shit before blowing it and getting unwanted attention

>> No.9926001

You'd be surprised.

>> No.9926022

"Hey Anon, my car needs a new transmission and I don't have the cash right now to get it fixed... i really need to be able to go to work, can you spot me this week? I know you just won the lottery but that's not why i'm asking... i'm asking because you're my big brother and I will pay you back this friday when my paycheck comes through... it would mean so much to me... hey when are we going to go swimming at the lake again? Remember last summer? Hahah that was so much fun"

>> No.9926065

>No, people paint huge targets on their back. I can't speak on every state, but the ones I am familiar with have the option to remain anonymous.
Right, but lotteries still tend to draw the worst more than usual, or catalyze it.

For the more friendly ones this is something you'd see. It's like a reverse keeping up with the Joneses. If you say no they think you're a jerk and build resentment.

>> No.9926182

>lotteries still tend to draw the worst more than usual, or catalyze it.

Admittedly I can say I'd go to a lawyer and think through everything but reality would probably place me in the lottery office on the interstate going 25 over the speed limit to cash that motherfucker

>> No.9926195

*place me on the way to the lottery office

>> No.9926221

Go travelling around the world to exotic countries, go clubbing every week, buy an expensive car in the 50k range, stuff like that. That's what normies consider extravagant and think 350k is enough for it. Yes, it's enough but it's better to reinvest and turn it into a few millions because that's barely enough to buy a good house

>> No.9926225

The ones that do expect it, are the ones that you give nothing to. Whatever you give them, it will never be enough.

>> No.9926262

"Anon, come on, you walked into that kind of money! You've got millions of dollars, you can't even loan me 10 grand for my business?"

>> No.9926271

kek. At least you're honest with yourself. Personally, although I wouldn't enter a lottery for the reasons listed, if I were I would likely go into hiding or possibly suffer a nervous breakdown.

Indeed. Even then you should be careful who you give it to because they might either begin to expect it, or inform people who do expect it.

>> No.9926280

Yeah, what I'm asking you is WHAT is extravagant to you? Because I agree with the "normie definition" of extravagant.

> few millions because that's barely enough to buy a good house

250k in most major cities buys a livable home. 500k to 1m is a "good" home. Anything 1+m is extravagant

>> No.9926354
File: 43 KB, 290x290, IMG_2206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it like living in rural Virginia, Cletus?

>> No.9926366


>> No.9926412

This is unironically redpill.

>> No.9926427

You basically have to have an expensive commically big watch, some douchebag expensive oldmans cloths and a flashy car to even be considered a worthy enough of a human to be able to fuck a normie type go getter(with good looks).

I hate this shitty rpg we call live, it's such an empty rat race that revolves around trying to be on a higher social hierarchy statues then the next guy, be swole and cut, updating to a more expensive car, updating to a more desirable female, trying to get a Manson in a rich neighborhood etc etc.

>> No.9926456

What constitutes a lower middle class lifestyle?

>> No.9926491

How familiar are you with buying properties? You will never buy a $250k house in any decent city. You might buy a normal house in the countryside which might need some restoration and that's about it.
$1 million house isn't as extravagant as you think. That buys you a normal house in a city or a very good house in the countryside. Extravagant houses cost $5 millions plus.

As for what's extravagant for me is basically owning more than what I need. A flat in a city, a countryside house, a beach house, a Greek private island, a good daily drive car, a good exotic car, a small yatch, collect expensive things such as rare coins, go on peculiar adventures around the world a few times a year, etc.

>> No.9926502

Living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.9926525

...so most Americans then?

>> No.9926526

>I do find it weird that some dude who was worth millions bought a lottery ticket, though.
Because it makes sense to spend some of your already huge disposable income on a chance to 10x your wealth, even if the lottery ticket has negative EV.

>> No.9926541

OP here (ip may have changed).

By this I meant driving a 5 year old normal car (e.g. ford fiesta), dressing in value clothes, owning a cheap house/renting cheap places, however unlike lower you have a few nice quality things e.g. I have a nice laptop and bicycle.

>> No.9926544

>Be a fag.
>Be OP.

>> No.9926586

Whats the other one?

>> No.9926609

The American/European dream is dead, the middle class is literally being eradicated before our eyes and rent seeking kikes are ruining the property market and turning us into Brazil.

Soon it will be almost impossible to save up your money because the rent/mortgage will be so god high but that's ok because smartphones will be cheaper and faster and we'll all live under sharia laws.

>> No.9926682

Yup. I do help my family but it's starting to get out of hand. Every week there's some new reason they need money.
>"Oh I saw drops of water from a window when it was raining, time to re-shingle the whole roof. We gonna need money for that you know.."
>Hey brother can you lend me 20k? I need to fix my house..
I'm gonna fuck off soon and never see them again if they continue this shit. I love my family but money does change people.

>> No.9926825

What if you just put on a maximum jew persona.

>> No.9926918

Which is?