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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9916870 No.9916870 [Reply] [Original]

I studied psychology in college and I have psychoanalyzed this board.

>Sociopathic tendencies
>Survivor Bias
>Stockholm Syndrome (exclusive to Link Holders)

>> No.9916893

You forgot to include yourself: faggatry

>> No.9917027
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OP is a faggot

>> No.9917130


>> No.9917161

what's your point?

>> No.9917210

Just letting you know in case you weren't aware

>> No.9917229


>> No.9917234

What, no fucking schizophrenia?
You failed that class, didnt you?

>> No.9917246

wtf is that img real

>> No.9917272

imagine being this retarded

>> No.9917293

> I studied psychology in college

Hold on, so you actually indebted yourself for 20 years for... psychology? damn...

>> No.9917328
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imagine electing trump

>> No.9917349

no financial advice. he's strictly here psychoanalyzing the board.

>> No.9917350

>being a part of the liberal arts college
I bet you dont even have a wallet

>> No.9917438

No, I took intro to psychology and I got an A+, pal

>> No.9917490

>took intro to psychology and got an A+

>> No.9918017

class syllabus:
attendance: 60%
2 page research project: 30%
some random quiz: 10%

inb4 class average, because of retarder student athletes and URMs

>> No.9918070
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>tfw mental disorders only apply when you're wrong

>> No.9918739

Top kek

>> No.9918876

don't have to imagine that sweetie

>> No.9918958
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>> No.9919056

Buy link or stay poor

>> No.9919070

>that kerning on 'the white house washington'

>> No.9919162

This isn't much of an analysis

>> No.9919552

Normally people who go for psychology degrees are personally fucked up & want to fix themselves (have had this confirmed multiple time).

The rest of us don't find you or ourselves near as interesting as the world we live in

>> No.9920054

Psychologistfor20yearsbro here
You're very wrong faggot

>> No.9920077

so you studied a scam designed to rob people and claim you are a doctor. How in the fuck is pyschology even a science LOL, its a complete scam

>> No.9920113


>> No.9920128

My dad is the CEO of psychology, he says you are likely a faggot.

>> No.9920192
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Firstly how can you psychoanalyze a cohort composed of different individuals?
Secondly, why haven't you listed any symptoms that have lead to your diagnosis?
Thirdly, as a psychoanalyst when was the first time you had a sexual fantasy involving your mother who is the abject projection of your self-hating homosexual tendencies?

My dad knows your dad, he agrees - says OP can suck a basketball through a garden hose and has knees so calloused he doesn't even kneed kneepads

>> No.9920503
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very intredasting, OP...

>> No.9920512

do not psychoanalyze me or my frens ever again

>> No.9920735
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fixed it

>> No.9920743

Lol, sissy, we know it already. Now gtfo!

>> No.9921076

>I studied psychology in college and I have psychoanalyzed this board.

>I'm a brainlet who didn't have a personal drive to study psychology.
>I'll say that I have a college degree so it grants me authority, instead of acquiring it by explaining why it is so.


>> No.9921141

wasted fpbp

>> No.9921477

as a person who is exactly the third statement, how did you figure that out through OP's post?

>> No.9921484

Post me to reddit plz

>> No.9921508

how can OP ever recover

>> No.9922405

Ok, so you don't know anything about psychology. Thanks for letting me now

>> No.9922462


>> No.9922762

>no statistical proof
You should try and study harder faggot!

>> No.9922765
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>> No.9922767


>> No.9922803
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I'm not fucking deluded, I'm far too smart for that and I know how to manipulate the market and the players within it to make gains. We're literally all gonna make it.

>> No.9922985

You gonna be giving psychological diagnoses for free once you're out, OP?
You're not gonna make it

>> No.9923155
File: 105 KB, 638x479, FUCK OFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I studied psychology
>I have psychoanalyzed
Fuck you and your pseudoscience.

>> No.9923167

ALSO, get ready for a life full of frustration

>> No.9923201


>> No.9923341

lel back to r*ddiT OP

>> No.9923952
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>> No.9923967

I didn't study psychology and already knew this. Imagine going in debt so you can analyze a thai-ladyboy-fanboard

>> No.9923984

I'm sorry about your useless degree

>> No.9923992


We're hitting faggot levels that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.9924057

Because OP is always a faggot. I mean the desire to cause outrage through such a superficial and baseless raft of accusations that trigger only weaker minds is always indicative of self-loathing, couple the propensity of 4chinners to like traps and live (and rely) on/with momma well into their 20's, it was just a educated gamble.
OP has gone a long way to revealing more about his own self-hating ass than any of /biz/ - which considering what a bunch of materialist, thot and revenge obsessed, weak-handed, instant gratification bunch /biz/ is is really saying a lot.

>> No.9924114

It's posts like these that keep me from ending it all.

>> No.9924136

That's a lot of responsibility for a degenerate shit poster like me. I will help you through this on-schedule bear market desu

>> No.9924149

You're he hero /biz/ needs, but not the one it deserves bearman

>> No.9924197

I didnt need college to tell me that. Tard

>> No.9924233

>Stockholm Syndrome (exclusive to Link Holders)
I don't hold it anymore but I keep visiting those threads, you may be on to something there.

Also college lol

>> No.9924448
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>> No.9924520

>I studied psychology in college
So you’re unemployed