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9914578 No.9914578 [Reply] [Original]

Elon Musk goes full Hitler

Short Tesla

>> No.9914585

literally nothing wrong with saying this

>> No.9914599

Wasn't he against a few minorities?
That's exactly, completely opposite of Hitler.

>> No.9914631

>nasa is failing

if true, it'd be because it's a government agency with no profit motive.

>> No.9914660

>le ebin pretend NASA Space X rivalry

Both are fake fucking bullshit

>> No.9914663

(((they))) will play it up as racism when they point out that Tesla is not "diverse" enough

>> No.9914665

fucking based i hate modern leftist with passion

>> No.9914671

What's exactly wrong with this? Do you want people on your team with dicks and boobs or do you want someone on your team that can actually perform?

>> No.9914685


>> No.9914699
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>> No.9914712

you probably think the car in space was real

>> No.9914713

What happened to him? Did he discover /pol/? He used be a Reddit icon.

>> No.9914728

Lol pure marketing bullshit. NASA does deep space science, SpaceX deliveries cargo to LEO. No comparison.

>> No.9914736

Fake tweet you fucking morons

>> No.9914755

Just checked his twitter hoping for a shitstorm of angry SJWs. Left disappointed when I found it wasn't real

>> No.9914774


cant wait for liberals to make a big deal about this

elon is 100% with the movement

>> No.9914786


>> No.9914797

Talk about a falling knife lmao

>> No.9915179
File: 63 KB, 742x748, facts_are_leftist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously fake, he's not a brainlet like you faggots

some people seem to think he's implying that the only reason to hire a minority is because they're a minority since they obviously CANNOT be qualified for the position.

>> No.9915190


> There is a reason NASA is failing

lol Tesla is literally a Ponzi scheme right now

>> No.9915318

How is NASA failing? They're an incredible american institution.

Fuck I hate these dorks who hate on successful institutions like the post office or NASA, things that I actually like my tax dollars going to.

Musk couldn't do a fucking thing without government handouts, either. Jesus christ.

>> No.9915399

They're a hold over from the cold war and little else. Republicans virtue signal by cutting their budget and Democrats virtue signal by inflating it but no one gives it any kind of real attention or puts expectation on them to advance. Just public lip service to a mars mission that's always just around the corner.

>> No.9915585
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absolutely luv u elon

>> No.9916135

facts are leftist unless they're about IQ or gender of course

>> No.9916148
File: 114 KB, 615x615, 289C82F6-85E5-41C4-B220-82229E353045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Elon tweets out the word nigger I’ll buy 100k shares immediately

>> No.9916175


>> No.9916816

>if true
we should have a fucking moon base by now

>> No.9916881

Can't find this tweet. Is this fake?

>> No.9916907

If it's too good to be true...

>> No.9916923


>> No.9916929


>> No.9916943

In our current litigious society, he's taking risks saying things like that. I agree with him, but you know he's gonna get sued and protested for it.

The only good thing is there's no Federal or state law requiring racial or sexual gender quotas.

Yet. If Hillary had been elected, they'd be in effect already. Every day, i thank whatever the fuck is out there for Trump being elected.

>> No.9917036

Things were bleak for NASA for a while, during the beginning of Obama's term they were mostly focused on virtue-signalling how many muslims they employed, and cutting programs, but the lobbyists must have written some big checks, because he reversed himself and called for new programs. It's been getting better since, with new programs and budgets. We could put a lot more into it, and are, and they've privitized a lot of it - a lot of autists here don't know or have forgotten that Space X started because NASA was offering funds to do exactly what they're doing.

We NEED low orbit missions, with our reliance on satellite tech, and it makes more sense to have a platform to deploy, repair, and monitor up there, than trying to do it from the ground. For that reason alone, we need to invest in the ISS and the private stations that are planned.
I'm sick and fucking tired of "it's a waste, hurrr durr", when we spend so little on it, compared to the outright waste the goverment does on other things. High speed rail in CA, for instance. Or the EPA, FDA, and DEA. Hell, they could probably afford to double the NASA budget just dropping senator and congress health care plans to the next level below the Cadillac plans they get now.

>> No.9917045

isnt tesla failing

>> No.9917054
File: 16 KB, 384x384, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they employ more chinks than anyone else

>> No.9917072

Nah. NASA has a pretty healthy program underway on many fronts, you're just unaware of it because the media pays little to no attention to it. Because EBT cards are more important than science. We're making big discoveries all the time, on the planet, and off, but if you listen to the MSM, nothing of note has happened since the last moon landing.

>> No.9917085

He's not talking about Tesla.

>> No.9917198

wtf is this real

>> No.9917203

I was interviewed for Tesla, its literally the worst company going from a HR and job perspective

Someone contacted me over linkedin about a video of my work and how it could be used in Teslas products, said there was a job going in the area and maybe I could implement it as a first task

They put me through 4 shitty phone interviews which got cancelled about 10 times each. All the interviews were done by pajeets, one of them turned up 20mins late and then could only stay for 30mins, in the 3rd technical interview. None of the interviews were technical, just boring shit jumping through hoops. This for a position in R&D.

Then they made me sit a retarded engineering test with stuff on programming which I did when I was about 12.

It then took 4 weeks to reply, then they cancelled the onsite interview without notice and expect me to go back there again and act like nothing happened

If it wasn't in San Francisco and had the SJW celeb brand, they wouldn't be able to hire anyone with talent at all. Made me realise why everyone who works there was a pajeet

>> No.9917327

Tesla has never had offices in SF. Nice try, larper.

>> No.9917393

Fake and gay.

>If Elon tweets out the word nigger I’ll buy 100k shares immediately

I guess I would too since they would practically be free.

>> No.9917478
File: 349 KB, 480x360, applause4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an awesome thing to say in this day and age

>> No.9917503

Is this real?

If so, the kikes are about to go nuclear on him

>> No.9917562

yea they do retard

>> No.9917578

fake and gay.

Nasa is still 99% white men and chinks with phds from MIT and Caltech exclusively.

dont let hollywood fool you

>> No.9917651
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I never thought I'd see the day when affirmative action was not only tolerated by the left but encouraged. When a man saying he hires based on merit gets criticized for it.

>> No.9917681
File: 58 KB, 720x741, FB_IMG_1469215730162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9917727

>minorities are unqualified
And the sky is blue.

>> No.9917823

Fucking based - i've been skeptical about musk's ventures, but fuck it im buying TSLA on principle alone opening bell monday.

>> No.9917836

No they don't, retarderer. They have office in Palo Alto, and a factory in Fremont. They're at least 20 miles south from San Francisco, you fucking dense faggot.

You should go to SF, they need your cocksucking skills more than we need your lame ass larping.

>> No.9917840

Damnit fell for the fake - its still real in my heart senpai

>> No.9917878

they want a disney movie cast of characters, not the disney movie production crew for that movie.

>> No.9917905

what you don't like guns you cuck?

>> No.9918042

palo alto is in san franisco u autistic cunt

>> No.9918109

lol i cant wait to see 1984 juggle their agenda with elon musk

based elon is about to shift a paradigm

>> No.9918175


How do you think they should accomplish that with their funding being cut repeatedly?

>> No.9918189

and there nothing wrong with Hitler either
Now you get it!

>> No.9918196
File: 42 KB, 220x330, 220px-TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wondered about this. How would leftists cope if it was scientifically proven without any doubt at all that certain ethnicities or a specific gender was actually much more intellectually superior, or inferior, to others? Like if there was no doubt that certain groups were, on average, just inferior and worse? How do you discuss that and use that sort of data in a way that would allow us to move forward optimally?

Is it possible this sort of discovery could be made, but then buried/hidden as to not create political controversy? Would this be a good/bad thing?

>> No.9918457

No it's not, cocksucker. It's a completely seperate city. There are even small mountains between it and Palo Alto. Get a fucking map, stupid.

>> No.9918481

deep down leftists know that white men are superior... its why they fight us so hard

>> No.9918491

im not sure what that fucking neo nazi hipster whore “grimes” did to mr elon but i dont like it one bit i sold all my shares of tesla and will likely never support this man again because of the recent worrying tweets unbelievable

>> No.9918511

The South Africa situation must be getting to him as well.

>> No.9919039
File: 97 KB, 1334x750, 5709086F-389C-4E0E-AFC1-4145C64EB494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919560

this is what i wrote on my ethics exam a couple years ago. nothing wrong with this you fucking beta

>> No.9919599

i'd kill kikes/gooks/niggers/homos/trans/mental retards for musk. i think everyone would if it meant humanity would be better off.

>> No.9919637

>not hiring based on race
anon, I...

>> No.9919667

what can humans do that robots cant?

>> No.9919677

Media unironically redpilled him.

Man desires is to be praised and respected. Media is so corrupted and beyond it's remit, it's incapable of offering even faux-gratitude to one of the greatest men who will be forever enshrined in Humanities history.

Musk is no retard. He knows he is threading the very fate of humanity. And what does he get? He has to deal with bullshit mistruths from the media.

All they had to do was praise him. Now look what they did. Better for us.

>> No.9919681

>He doesn't know about BFR

Kek, this is why you brainlets will never make it.

>> No.9919690

>I will blindly follow a billionaire because he's so goddamn smart
he did invent subways after all.

>> No.9919725

I kept expecting this to turn into the milky way copypasta.

>> No.9919770

