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9894263 No.9894263 [Reply] [Original]

I was very lucky and fortunate to sell 45k worth of btc in december. Now i want to get back in. Wat buy?

>> No.9894373

ETC will be on coinbase.

OMG is going to fork with Cosmos.

When EOS hodlers figure out how to use their own network and elect block producers, they'll be airdropping free shit constantly. But you'll have to wait for the brainlets to sort their shit out first.

>> No.9894381

This time, buy Bitcoin.

>> No.9895310


>> No.9895348

It's too risky to buy now. Wait until there's a huge jump in volume.

>> No.9895372


>> No.9895388


>> No.9895395


>> No.9895402

> 30% BTC
> 40% ETH
> 10% OMG
> 10% ZIL

Do whatever you want with the remaining 10%

>> No.9895467

Generally speaking don't buy what people shill you and always be skeptic. Anyhow, let me shill you my bags.

>> No.9895496
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>> No.9895506
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>> No.9895528

Mostly BTC and ETH.

About 10-30% shitcoins, pick projects with good fundementals actually solving some issue instead of an improvement on a current block chain . Also stay away from marketplace coins. If the project is just about being the Uber of x it is doomed to fail.

The storage sector is an interesting one, it is the only real thing you can securely rent out on someone else's low end computer (Sia, madesaif , storj).

>> No.9895635

Bitcoin you fucking retard.
The market begins and ends with bitcoin.
If you have enough to bitcoin trade, bitcoin trade.
All the rest of this shit is just people who cant afford bitcoin
They hope their shitcoin pulls a bitcoin.
Bitcoin is king
Forever king.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is dumb or trying to jew you.


>> No.9895681

Kneepads you fucking retard.
The market begins and ends with kneepads.
If you have enough to kneepad trade, kneepad trade.
All the rest of this shit is just people who cant afford kneepads
They hope their shitcoin pulls a kneepad.
Kneepads are king
Forever king.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is dumb or trying to jew you.


>> No.9895700

Invest it all in 0xbtc

>> No.9895736

delicious. 10/10 pasta

>> No.9895747 [DELETED] 

crack you fucking retard.
The market begins and ends with crack.
If you have enough to kneepad trade, kneepad trade.
All the rest of this shit is just people who cant afford crack
They hope their shitcoin pulls a kneepad.
crack are king
Forever king.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is dumb or trying to jew you.


>> No.9895761

Put the cash away in savings and don't touch it. You will need it for your future. The key is to save, not spend.

>> No.9896211

almost anything... I'd go with like 66% neo and split the rest into dbc, xvg, and something else and then at least some link because you're stupid if you don't own at least some link

>> No.9896238

that's some communist hoarding bs. Tolive like a pleb? hell naw, enjoy the money you earn, save some, invest the rest. no need to live like a hobo, fuck that.

>> No.9896266
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>> No.9896285

This. Get your money ready in tether or true USD and once you see a clear uptrend (Not a news JUMP) then rebuy

>> No.9896301

Some of us won't enjoy anything until we're completely free. 'Good times' feel like shit when you know you could have spent your time and money better working for your future.

>> No.9896466
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Pick whatever ponzi scheme suits you. It's just derivative gambling anyway

>> No.9896528
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 0xBTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wat buy?

>> No.9896587

unironically good picks except for LINK, FUN, and BAT

>> No.9896612
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SEC regulators just said it wasn't a security.

>> No.9896613

gambling is not investing. You sound like somebody who will always be a slave to markets and debt. Meanwhile, I will have money to leave to my kids when I die.

>> No.9896640


>> No.9896676

you're like 6 months early

btc should go sideways for like at least a month or 2 before a recovery can start