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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9847148 No.9847148 [Reply] [Original]

ask a man that interned at enron as an IT guy anything

>> No.9847259

Were you there when it all came crashing down? Were there any signs on the inside that there were problems? Did you get to see the catastrophe play out to its end?

>> No.9847282

Interesting, how was it to be part of Enron in general?

>> No.9847285

Knowing what you know now, what company would you say is "the new Enron" ?

>> No.9847299

how does it feel to be a closet homosexual?

>> No.9847300


>> No.9847301

why are you not in jail you fucking scumbag

>> No.9847303

How did it help or hurt your career?

>> No.9847333

Not everybody in the damn company was in on the crime stuff. Only the upper level guys.

>> No.9847348

Did you fuck anyone there?

>> No.9847360

yeah right FUCK YOU you destryoed the economy retard

>> No.9847367

I mean, there must have been some people that were there for years and lost everything the day it fell. Did you sympathy fuck some of them?

>> No.9847392



>> No.9847623

wow ragie wagie

>> No.9847838
File: 53 KB, 640x480, DSC05808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enron did nothing wrong. They were just the Pajeet pump and dump discord of the boomer generation.

>> No.9847942

I forgot my password, can you reset it?

>> No.9848021


This. Kek speaks.

>> No.9848043

this isnt a meme, tesla is gonna belly up soon, i cant wait

>> No.9848055

>1 post by this id
move along idiots

>> No.9848634

it was like a bluepilled atmosphere. cautious happiness combined with overzealous optimism
good experience, but i never got to meet the big cheese.
i only helped with the modems and printers and banged another intern
helped, because it has an infamous feel to it, and it's a conversation piece for employers.
try re-inserting your AOL diskette

>> No.9849056

Thanks, that worked. Also the copier seems to be broken, nothing is coming out.

>> No.9849097

>banged another intern

>> No.9849348

So the auditors were in on it and there was a news article that said auditors don't have a duty to prevent fraud. KPMG themselves said detecting fraud is NOT an auditors job.

What the fuck are auditors useful for then?

Also is accounting a bullshit career?

>> No.9849361
File: 91 KB, 778x527, lou_pai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Lou Pai /our guy/?

>> No.9849384

From an accounting friend, they just help a company evade taxes as legally as possible. Then when that fails make a long paper trail.

>> No.9849391

>Then when that fails make a long paper trail.

>> No.9849464

Buy time to cover up their shady shit, it's never technically illegal that's the thing. The longer and more complex an ecosystem is the longer it's going to take an outside party to figure shit out and most importantly, the less likely you are to draw attention. Just check out what Valeant did (which was actually pretty fucking illegal though).

>> No.9849508

The Auditors were not in on it.

Audits of financial statements are planned and performed to determine if the financial statements are materially correct.

Audits are not designed to detect fraud.

Accounting career is great.

>> No.9849618

try filling it with paper
6/10 brunette from three floors below the one i was stationed at, she was doing accounting work or some shit. anal, 8 minutes, janitor's closet
i took a highschool accounting class and passed with a 105. teacher said the class we just took was just a bachelor's degree class stretched out over the period of 9 weeks.