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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9804486 No.9804486 [Reply] [Original]

Is /biz/ the normiest board on 4chan?

It seems like everyone here makes $100k per year, works 4 hours a day, is not a virgin, has a gf, goes to the gym and is fit, has a $50k crypto portfolio MINIMUM, and is generally well-adjusted

Fuck you normies. What happened to my burnout neets? REE

>> No.9804502

Yes am I'm literally Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.9804523

i dont know what your talking about ive lost 80% of my networth on bitcoin since January and ironically dont have any goals in life and might unironically end it all

>> No.9804528
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>works 4 hours a day
wagecucks can get out

>> No.9804542

it has the most outrageous larps

>> No.9804558

thats because most of us made it after the summer and december 2017 bullruns kek

>> No.9804559

why larp about making 100k a year tho

>> No.9804563

yes there are extremely succesful chad billionaires here but me just a lonely pajeet

>> No.9804574
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fuck you, I got in in October and im still down

>> No.9804579

this and it rivals /pol/ in the number of larp believers.

>> No.9804585

I make 120k a year.

>> No.9804589

/biz/ is unironically the millionaire Chad board. every other board is incel pajeets

>> No.9804601 [DELETED] 

Lemme see
>married with children
>ironpilled /fit/ezen
>$200k in crypto
>can handle social interactions and have a circle of friends

>> No.9804606

time to move on to Reddit my man.

>> No.9804625
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>> No.9804629

Yes noone here larps, we all make at least $100k per year, and we are also daytrading successfully which means our annual income is more than $300k.

>> No.9804631

biggest meme ever
i made a lot of money but not making it forever money
there are very few
majority of retardos from last year is barely breaking even
despite bullruns
don't believe these idiots here

>> No.9804656
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I make 2K a month with an average office job at a logistics company.

Also I'm single (no virgin though) unmarried, no children and 34 years old.

However I did turn 5k into 120K on the stockmarket. I'm not sure what to do with the money as I have no goals in life and I never spend anything (I buy a new pair of shoes once a year for example)

>> No.9804667 [DELETED] 
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Farewell frens
I'm going to the land of cucks and sjw

>> No.9804686


Make 100k
Work 8 hours a day
Not a virgin
Married and wife also makes 100k
Not obese but not fit either
Only 30k crypto portfolio

Just gotta save 20k more in crypto and find the time and willpower to go to the gym

>> No.9804695

everyone is a LARPing faggot on this website anon.

>> No.9804720

kys you are self tripfaggot

>> No.9804741

pick good stocks, have dividends reinvested. Hold for long term. Compounding interest is the only non lottery ticket way to wage cuck and still make it

>> No.9804776

I'm from Europe. What you are describing is a typical American thing (where companies pay out dividend every few months)

Here that's very rare. A lot of companies don't pay out dividend at all, never . or they pay dividend once a year ( 10 / 15 cent per share)

>> No.9804782

found the boomer faggot

>> No.9804808

keep gambling on shitcoins and penny stocks buddy. Let me know how that goes

>> No.9804816
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No, we're all actually the biggest NEET losers this mongolian fishing board has to offer. We're so bad that we pretend to have made it big. There's no other way.

>> No.9804822

The flaw is we everyone come from great India sirs

>> No.9804845

I make over 100k, exercise 6 times per week, have at least 50k invested in various things, but im a 26 year old khv. /biz/ is a mixed bag

>> No.9804946

No need to be jealous. Sorry that you're poor

>> No.9805037
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I make 20k a year

>> No.9805068

ffmi fagot know

>> No.9805140

>keep 100% of your earnings in the stock market
>currency crisis will literally never happen
>the (((fed))) can inject trillions into the market every day, if need be, with no downside
>your wealth will be perpetually protected
>metal is a scam

>> No.9805147

im still here. iq of 135 and probably killing myself soon.

>> No.9805226

ur right but don't talk to him it'll make you a retard

>> No.9805373

He already is, just like you.

>> No.9806076

You described me except:
> I make 200k/year
> I'm not fit (but not fat either)
> I'm not well-adjusted (but not autistic either). My sleep is really messed up and I haven't spent enough time with friends lately.

>> No.9806118
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>mfw everything you listed IRL except for my <50k portfolio
why even live