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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 730x365, google-diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9799077 No.9799077 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this word suddenly being spammed everywhere?

>> No.9799099

((you know why))

>> No.9799103


>> No.9799104


>> No.9799108

btw this isnt /pol/

>> No.9799113


>> No.9799117

this is unironically related to /biz/ as this word appears on every job post

>> No.9799202

this is true, one of the last jobs I had we had a lecture on the company's diversity policy on the first day

>> No.9799219

heh faggots. i can claim i am asian since my dad is a chink. i am 0.5 asian. 0.5 rounded up is 1. I am 100% asian.

>> No.9799226

whats up with the lineup in that pic
>cripple wamyn
>wh*te tranny
>blasphemous muslim whore
>jew grill
>trans nigger trap
>roastie toastie """""""""""christian""""""""""" whymyn
>old lady with a healthy suspicion of blacks

>> No.9799234


>> No.9799235

ancestors of my people came from asia a long time ago so i'm asian too.

>> No.9799243

>the hapa cope

>> No.9799246

it's probably meant to say they are people too.
btw the science nog got me most.

>> No.9799261

jew with the nose*

>> No.9799335



>> No.9799342

Is it me or does this image scream anti-straight white male? I'm actually an indian guy but the only reason I can imagine a christian white woman being included in this lineup is because of the women are oppressed meme. On the other hand she could have been included to make them seem less like freaks and make the image more "inclusive".

>> No.9799415

Jews unironically think the world will be like that when whitey is gone.

>> No.9799419

The Christian is clearly Asian

>> No.9799427

why are the disabled people at the edge of the group and they're not putting their hands around them? not very inclusive

>> No.9800007
File: 151 KB, 435x1264, Screenshot_20180608-183608_Clover dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that boomer

>> No.9800117
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>> No.9800222
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they just keep coming

>> No.9800230
File: 324 KB, 606x388, 1491019872583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one will stop me

>> No.9800257

Top Kek

>> No.9800264

Needs more la creatura

>> No.9800273
File: 75 KB, 577x183, 1490981402609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the future liberals want

>> No.9800297

It is just the latest ploy of jews to try to get rid of anti semitism, and of course cause a massive increase in anti semitism as a side effect.
Read culture of critique for an explanation, but the short version is that jews don't like homogeneous white christian societies because they stand out in them.
So if they destroy our identity and make us diverse and tolerant it benefits them, they think. (Of course jews can still keep their identity)
They had similar motivations for supporting marxism/communism.
And to see how well that turned out look into the Hungarian uprising of 1956 and polish political crisis 1965.
And yes, jews were getting shoa'd even after ww2, imagine that.

>> No.9800338


>> No.9800400

They let the faggot live?

>> No.9800408

Yes. (((Liberals)))

>> No.9800414

Because of the blue shirt on op picture.
Lurk /pol/ newfag.

>> No.9800428

it's just code for "short this company"

>> No.9800434

Is the jew meme real?

>> No.9800469

Needs the merchant shadow in the back

>> No.9800492

Aren't atheists diverse enough for these people?

>> No.9800495

It’s real even if the artist was a shabbos goy, (((Google))) has been completely pozzed, and the kid who drew this is no doubt a brainloaf pinched straight from shlomo’s ass.

>> No.9800503

Diversity means less whites, but different races. Liberals funny care any real diversity

>> No.9800533

because there is diversity outside of your basement

>> No.9800555
File: 126 KB, 763x534, white-slavery-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is indeed

>> No.9800597

Did you really need to add the Jew stars? Kind of obvious what’s going on without them.

>> No.9800603
File: 3 KB, 108x125, 1527827624719s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really think I made any of these?
if I was a draw fag i'd be drawing tittys not niggers eating money

>> No.9800638

Bish it’s fucking clear that this is an A Wyatt Mann comic, that was added on to by some noob who takes after Ben Garrison by labeling literally everything.

>> No.9800647 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 500x281, 1528357248880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't me fren
here have some tittys to cool off

>> No.9800976

Because white people are capable of feeling very guilty, and social justice warriors and black people who know this and are incapable of being responsible people like to exploit the shit out of this for reparations and social programs—despite white people being the most historically humane and tolerant people in the brutal history of the earth by a fucking massive landslide (as is evident by the way that slaves in western countries were treated much better on average than in the rest of the world, and contrary to popular belief were evidently both NOT worked excessively and were fed very good meals (which put most, if not all slaves in better standing than they were in in africa)), and the abolition of slavery being a very white, western phenomena for much of the world's history, both out of religious and out of humane concerns

except there wasn't much racial diversity in western nations up until recently, and now that there is western nations are going more bankrupt than ever because the majority of the increasing number of blacks and latinos simply do not want to adopt western culture but they want to feed off of the wealth and happiness and trust that it generates like parasites

>> No.9801078
File: 94 KB, 733x554, DeLn83eV0AA9noF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801307

>dat knowing smile

>> No.9801350
File: 331 KB, 900x1116, 1433299132854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the jews have given up on calling everybody a nazi.

>> No.9802194

Notice the baphomet hand signs being made in the shadows.

>> No.9802291

oh boy

>> No.9802416

i really dont fucking get it why people around here are so much into the whole anti-nigger thingy...

Sure some ethnicities/races are above avarage dumber and sometimes more dangerous than others....but i still dont fall for the "they are all like that meme"....

I live in italy and in a city which has quite a bit of immigrants + i live in a neighbourhood where there are lots of them....and let me tell you they are mostly ok....the nig-nogs that sell drugs are actually pretty nice people....i eaven talked to some of them and they are well behaved, they know very well not to "shit where they eat"...they dont cause trouble, they are just offering their goods....no different than any other merchant on the free market....also they dont make shit (its mostly students buying 5-10€ of weed) so the risk outwieghts the benefits by a lot - i would say they have a shitty job.

Banglas and pakis are hard fucking workers, they really work like fucking insane (the butcher under my house works every single fucking day from 9 to 21 without 1 single free day....ever)....they are also mostly friendly and very well behaved

Chinks dont give a fuck about getting assimilated into society and just hang with their own kind...but they offer services and work so who gives a shit...

Sandniggers (specifically north-africans) on the other side are fucking degenerates mostly...shovinistic and primitive....they really see women as objects....they are eaven worse than italians on that front....

>> No.9802432

You dropped these, sir. ( )

>> No.9802457

/BIZ/ is a /pol/ colony you nigger faggot

>> No.9802462

Asian looking man

>> No.9802473
File: 10 KB, 195x295, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is in pic related.

>> No.9802480

Im going to let you in on a secret here anon. Most here have little real world social experience and poor self esteem. This leads to them needing this mentality to feel like they are actually worth something. They sleep better at night when they can think hey atleast im better than X. its pretty sad actually

>> No.9802488

/BIZ/ isn't a colony of /pol/. More like a /g/ colony. Just like how niggers with sub 80 IQ is lowering the average intelligence of america, you /pol/ retards drove the average intelligence of this board from 120 to 90 during the December bull run.

>> No.9802495
File: 522 KB, 557x674, 1526152103412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This shit is spammed relentlessly by corporate kikes as a means to hire subpar 'people' and you think it's not relevant to a business sub?

You dense mother fucker

>> No.9802504


Posts like these give me some hope

>> No.9802512

fuck diversity
I got a phd in a in demand field, but cucks would rather hire and promote women and niggers with half my talent
I love crypto. I make 50x as much as I would in a career and it all stems from my raw talent

>> No.9802520

On the spectrum counts as diverse. Stack with INTJ for maximum social retardation and profit. Remember that people like their white males broken.

>> No.9802522


>> No.9802564

can confirm....it was really nice here up until october/novemeber

>> No.9802770

Equality of opportunity is good

Equality of outcome is horrible(what we are doing today..)

>> No.9802791

I've been living in a (((diverse))) environment for the last year at uni. My African flatmate used all my shit all the time, toilet paper, kitchen utensils etc. Another African male in a nearby house was deported back for trying to rape his female flatmate.
All the ethnicities don't mix AT ALL. They all hang out separately in their ethnic groups, eat, study and go to clubs together.
Its being forced and no race really want to mix imho.
There's no feelings of superiority, it's just all the cultures don't go together.

>> No.9803184

Diversity on its first stages are chaotic and it gives birth to a lot of hate, we have yet to see a society where diversity makes it a good place.

But it's not the first time it happened in a massive scale. Here in south America we've been mixing each other for fucking 4 centuries. Whites, blacks, natives, Asians and even some sandnigs. We have been in these chaotic landscape forever and shit is still going on.
The black gene makes us lazy and merry
The native gene makes us close to nature and our minds and bodies resilient
The white gene gives us a kind of civilization and organization enough to not fall to fucking Africa or central America levels.
The thing is, you don get anything by hating. Hate has lost its power in the modern era and even if you live hating x race, there is nothing you can achieve out of those bad emotions.
Hate takes a toll on the body, you become miserable and everything you do is futile because you are too busy hating.
But it is actually better to just go to a place you are comfortable with. If you don't like blacks go to a white countryland. If you hate whites go to Africa where most are black.
It is simple, nobody is forcing you to like x person, just go wherever you like and life becomes better

>> No.9803217

My two Nigerian housemates are clean, respectable and polite. Same for three Chinese people I lived with in the past. On the other hand, I've lived with two degenerate Irish assholes who were constantly drinking, making a mess and playing loud music. I had similar (but not as bad) problems with some Polish housemates. I've had about 8 muslim (well, I think the Iranians were non-religious) colleagues who were all very friendly and hard working. Same for my Vietnamese colleagues. I've had an Indian and a Chinese friend.

I honestly can't think of a single bad experience I've had with a non-white person. So yeah, I don't really buy the hype.
It's true in my experience that different ethnicities tend to hang out together more, but I don't find they don't mix with other groups at all, just not as much.
I'm Irish btw.

>> No.9803676

Yeah but your interactions with them probably were fairly limited simply because you didn't have anything in common.

Sure the Irish and Polish guys were assholes but they probably just though you weren't that fun. Not saying I haven't spent my time with both, they can be very rowdy.

However, go live with some American black males in a city. They have a completely different definition of the term "rowdy/"

>> No.9803945

You're living in a shared houses, with all(?) loners/randoms they are all bound to be on their best behaviour.
Which is also a forced situation too, since your cohabiting due to convenience, lack of affordable housing and work location.
I wonder how it is living with 6 Muslims, you feel like having a fry up and see how they feel about you cooking bacon and sausages in the kitchen.

>> No.9804047

Non profit groups/social workers

>> No.9804267

So, they're just hiding their true nature and forcing themselves to be on their best behaviour. OK, I'd still prefer that to living with my fellow drunken Irishmen who can't manage to achieve the same standard of behaviour.

I doubt any of the muslims I know would care about that, as long as they don't have to touch/eat it. None of them are extremists. They all happily come to our Christmas party and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Probably just taqiya though, right?

>> No.9804337


>> No.9804342

IDK, why is diversity so important over merit? What does being black or Indian actually offer to the table at a job that demands financial analysis?

>> No.9804398

>If you don't like blacks go to a white countryland. If you hate whites go to Africa where most are black.
Yeah that's fair but I think the problem is that diversity is forced in white countries and only white countries. There won't be a homeland of sorts for any ethnicity of white person if nothing changes and people just tolerate the constant influx of foreigners. Whereas there will always be an Arab, Asian, African homeland of sorts for the current trend.

>> No.9804413


>> No.9804431

>thinking pol is retarded
>pol is always right

you have to go back

>> No.9804443
File: 205 KB, 725x483, bitcoin cash so cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diversity can go choke on a dick to be honest

>> No.9804471

>let's discuss the problem with diversity in businesses
>not business related

>> No.9804483

it's currently a meme to be leftist. it'll die within time anon

>> No.9804498

I meant more open minded and accepting when talking of behaviour.
We see what happens when they congregate, they want muslim values, they have sharia courts lol. They form rape gangs of 5-80 men that target underage vulnerable white girls. Where the hell do you see this kind of behaviour, where 20 guys from the same neighbourhood that know each other personally, only in Muslim communities...
That shows to me that they see it as normal behaviour.
White pedos don't behave that way, usually it's one guy who's been doing it all his life without anyone knowing, these guys collude and do it together.

>> No.9804511

Nigger, I'm West African. I receive gibs from my employers all of the time. Sucks desu :c

>> No.9804512
File: 7 KB, 233x188, 1495138336869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(this isnt pol though)

>> No.9804516


Social Inclusion

It's what happens when you let universities run social justice classes. Cut the funding to the universities you fucking retard and shame anyone taking these Women's studies and African Studies courses.

>> No.9804537

The most accurate one

>> No.9804537,1 [INTERNAL] 
