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9775653 No.9775653 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the sentiment suddenly shift against Link? Is it manufactured? Is there anyone else still out there who believes?

>> No.9775676
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It's actually ogre
At this rate zap is gonna release their product faster than link giving them first mover advantage

>> No.9775682

The market as a whole sucks, so a project that's notoriously closed-lipped and anti-hype is going to take a particularly rough beating.

Nothing in the fundamentals have changed for Link's outlook, though. there is still a need for decentralized oracles and this project provides. Even if you don't buy any of the possible partnerships and the like, it's a hugely exciting project.

>> No.9775708

We've already market sold

>> No.9775712
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it never started. Link is a faggot token for gays that love rimming aids out of blown-out rectums.

>> No.9776099
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I don’t know what any of this means, but I do know it means dimitri roche is back from vacation making shit happen at chainlink. 1000 EOY

>> No.9776394

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of wojacks, I will fear no FUD, for you are with me; your cube and your stink, they comfort me” (Book of Sergey 23:4)

>> No.9776448

Does it provide though? I’m hearing that ZAP is already deploying their decentralized oracle problem solver. ZAP is beating them to it. Link has taken OUR money and ran. Literally gone on vacation multiple times while a hard working team at ZAP as actually been dedicated to solving oracles. Not really seeing a future in Link as they’vehad plenty of time to provide and yet here we are with nothing from them but facebook vacation photos and stupid memes.

>> No.9776487

First it was mobius. Now the next poo-project has come among us. Seriously go away. Nobody who actually understands LINK will be sold on your playskool-tier product.

>> No.9776488

amen fampai

>> No.9776525


Idk it makes no sense to me to sell in this kind of market. The company has always been tight lipped and one of many reasons I invested. Hype by developers always kills the project. Regardless, when I initially invested I knew it was a long term hold that would either go to 0 or allow me to retire 20+yrs early. In 2-3 years I'll either be laughing all the way to the bank or my laugh will be on the same path and not have changed minus a few Gs out the window. Patience motherfuckers

>> No.9776527

>When the retards slowly realize they might've been scammed
This is the DGB cinematic experience all over again, i'm loving it

>> No.9776636

At least DGB mooned

>> No.9776652

DGB holders got a 50x. We're just jealous of them.

>> No.9776671

LINK is hyped as the coin that will allow crypto and smart contracts to finally interface with legacy data and fiat systems. This was very exciting when it looked like crypto was heading to $20T by 2020, as LINK would be the coin to enable that massive growth and would enjoy a network effect unheard of ever before as every serious crypto project started interfacing with it.

But now the outlook is bearish, there is talk about an altcoin purge soon and bitcoin staying in the 6-9k channel for 2-3 years, and so in that light LINK doesn't look that exciting. Even if mainnet comes out tomorrow and works flawlessly, excitement for other crypto projects is minimal right now and so the excitement for a token that allows them to interface with the rest of the world would be minimal as well.

Analogy, there used to be big hype for segways, briefly. Like everyone would own one and walking would become obsolete. Imagine if a country said they would be revamping their entire highway and road system to accomodate segways. During the hype, that news would generate hype. If a country said they would be doing that today, they would be laughed off the face of the planet. LINK is in the weird position of developing a core, critical infrastructure/service for a technology that nobody any longer feels is the Next Big Thing. That sentiment will likely shift again sometime in the future, at which point LINK will be exciting again because crypto as a whole will be exciting.

>> No.9776705

The volume drop is really what did it. Before then you could ignore the fud, now people are thinking, "maybe it really is a shitcoin?"

>> No.9776746

wow looks much better and more polished. Fuck biz and their shitcoins.

Always wrong

>> No.9776929


Seriously though, for anyone holding LINK I'd get the fuck out while you can. You can see sentiment on biz changing and I'm pretty sure biz actually constitutes a fair portion of LINK token holders. The thing is, sentiment on here will lag behind price. Why? Because people are going to be super supportive of LINK, regardless of how they feel about it, until they dump their bags. Now once the bags are dumped they have no reason to lie to others and themselves. Until then this circlejerk will continue.. despite biztards on here starting to show clear reservations on the project.

I don't hold LINK and I don't think I ever will. There are plenty of other interesting projects you could be sinking your crypto into. Even market sentiment aside, it's been almost definitively proven that LINK is an actual shitcoin. FUD is FUD, but some of it is real (two man team, no one using the test network, sergey being an awful communicator/businessperson)

>> No.9777037

shit analogy. Crypto is not some physical tech like a segway, 3dtv, or vr headset that is manufactured and sold en masse. It is just an idea for running a global encrypted ledger. It is a working, expensive PoC. With your analogy, It would be like buying a virtual VR headset. In other words, it is even shittier than a segway, as it truly has zero real use. Until that changes, we are bear.

>> No.9777200

Just some good fud. I'm really not concerned. Watch the top wallets. We're not selling.

>> No.9777215

Never selling.

>> No.9777844

Holding since mid October. I sold today for a measily gain of $1000. 9200 stack btw

>> No.9777894

250k, I definitely habeeb

notice how the flavour of the month link killer is always changing? once launched, none of them will come close to being able to challenge link as a fully general decentralised oracle network.

>> No.9777998



unlucky stinkies