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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 200x200, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9759839 No.9759839 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this coin doing

>> No.9759867

Doing exactly what it is suppose to do. Nothing.

>> No.9760425

I just bought one will I make it?

>> No.9760725
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 111110734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shitcoin to make you feel like you're ahead of the curve, aka chinese EOS, that's it

>> No.9760828

The gas dividend system is really nice. That's about it I guess. It's a good one to HODL if you got in really early but that's about it. It's a slow centralized database basically.

>> No.9760905

Right now yes but they are slowly perfecting it while it is still centralised, if you can't see the future value of this you don't deserve it

>> No.9761040
File: 17 KB, 370x246, 1527291865313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO Foundation and COZ are meeting in Shanghai for a final push before NEP7 tokens are implemented. Once those are available and NOS and NEX are in full swing this shit will be the only competitor to ETH. But of course investors dont care because ICOs are illegal in "China" so when you see a giant green bar from $100 to $400 in one day dont be surprised, China just regulated crypto.

>> No.9761056

antshares was less than a dollar a year ago. shit already mooned.

>> No.9761068

The GAS dividend is a fucking meme. I held about 190 NEO for almost 9 months and got only couple hundred dollars worth of gas.
There are much better divided coins (Zcoin pays 3% per month)

>> No.9761144

1-block confirmations are slow? 20 seconds to transfer is slow? It is centralized

>> No.9761147

> only a couple hundred
for 190 coins


>> No.9761172

It's like a few % dividend per year. This is nothing compared to alternatives. Unless GAS/NEO price goes up.

>> No.9761188

GAS pays about 4 percent APR which is an incredible quality of life feature if you have enough

>> No.9761189

you realize most of the "dividend"-systems are only to make retards hodl while the devs dump on their heads?

>> No.9761212

>giant green bar from $100 to $400 in one day dont be surprised,

kek. just stop

>> No.9761243

EOS is western NEO. NEO has been in development longer and has an older mainnet.

>> No.9761264

Yes, but I don't mind it if it's a coin worth holding.
Whether the artificial incentive to not sell the coins makes sense economically in the long term, I'm not sure. Daytrading is quite exhausting desu.

>> No.9761278

4% barely cover inflation.
I get 3% a MONTH with Zcoin and I have been literally living off from it since January.

>> No.9761301
File: 162 KB, 800x451, neo fat stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be even more in the future. All GAS payments made on the NEO network are redistributed to bookkeepers and neo holders. I'm expecting 8-12% APR in a couple of years.

>> No.9761316

COZ just confirmed a central, modular node system where the consensus improvement is happening. Once they meet with NEO council and confirm it, NEO can start vacuuming in features from DApps that are needed on the core chain.

Figured this wouldn't be happening until 2019 but it looks like it'll be going forward by the end of Summer. So long as they don't dump NEO to reinforce NKN, NEO longs are headed for best future.

>> No.9761329


The coin is for bagholders with iron hands only

Because its the chinese ethereum and everything chinese related is gold-plated guarantee of riches beyond your wildest dreams

>> No.9761330

sure buddy, sure.

>> No.9761360


Yeah but isn't Zcoin some masternode shit? That's not even close to the same thing as NEO's dividend system.

>> No.9761363

I like ZEC. Inflation here is about 2 percent
I have a few smartcash that gets about 3 percent a month for holding and I just let it compound, so i know the feeling
I live off dividends too. NEO is my favorite coin and not burning the furniture to stay warm so to speak is a good lifestyle. I'm glad to not live off BTC or similar

>> No.9761382

After holding 200 NEO for months, I finally moved half of it into NKN. Feels good owning a coin that goes up again.

>> No.9761406

Trade for Ark and get 10%.

>> No.9761463

because it's pointless like many other shitcoins?

>> No.9761476

To run a masternode (on a VPS), you need to stake 1000 Zcoins. The blockchain uses the VPS bandwidth to run private transactions.
For that masternode holders get 15 Zcoins from each mined block (each block 1 masternode gets awarded)
This happens about every 15 days, so I get about 30 XZC a month, which is 3% a month.
I run 2 masternodes so that is 60 XZC, which even with current low prices is 1680 USD.

So if I hold 56000$ worth of Zcoin for a year, I get about 20160$.
If I hold 56000$ worth of NEO, I get 2240$.
Tell me again how good of a dividend NEO is giving. It's a fucking meme.

>> No.9761517

But will anyone ever actually use zcoin? That's a lot to stake for a project that might fold next year.

>> No.9761519

I mean yes, holding NEO is totally passive, but paying 5$ a month for a VPS isn't a huge deal.

>> No.9761528

It's one of the most promising blockchain privacy tech pioneers, I wouldn't bother with it otherwise.
You could say the same thing about NEO.

>> No.9761560
File: 576 KB, 1920x1284, NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NEO is just not much slower than advertised, the network has either had issues or been down at times during almost every ICO. Plus developers think it's a shitty platform to write smart contracts in (if you can afford to spend $10K+ for deploying one)

>> No.9761568


Says ROI is only $1100 per year

>> No.9761623

That's horse shit. This place says $8440 for 1 node:

My calulcations have been from my realistic earning so far, about 10000$ for 1 node

>> No.9761685

I can't really tell what's calculated wrong on that site, but they're saying that you get 0.11 coins daily when it's really about 0.8-1

>> No.9761936

I have thousands of transactions on the network and used to trade it fulltime. Block times are advertised at 15 seconds and are 20 seconds in reality. Are you saying that NEO takes longer than 30 seconds to transfer an asset from one wallet to another? It's 20 seconds bro.

ICOs haven't caused downtimes lately since a recent neo-core update was pushed. We'll see