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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 278x276, IMG_9626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9751633 No.9751633 [Reply] [Original]

we all used to post about pretending to buy link and over exagarating its usefulness ironically. then new fags came along and started doing it for real

>> No.9751641

Link is biz ultimate newfag decoy while we invest in real shit. Keep shilling gaiz

>> No.9751647
File: 184 KB, 1440x1080, x1080-Y1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo! we all used ta post bout pretendahng ta loot lahnk a' over exagaratahng ahts usefulnizz ahronahhaht on da hahpy. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Slap mah fro! Don't make me shank ya! den freshly smoked up fags cise along a' started doahn' aht fo' real

>> No.9751649

Dudes, please stop fudding, it is not nice to newfags. I think they deserve to buy in as well

>> No.9751653

There are now 7 FUD, 2 shill, and 2 neutral link posts in the catalog. Link is easy to filter, but instead people are fudding it. Why is this?

>> No.9751655

Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.

Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest.

Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink?

>> No.9751660

the pasta level is at pretty high as well

>> No.9751699

A discord crew is fuddin LINK up in preparation fo' a pump n' dump. They hope nuff will push so they fomo back up in n' loot they pumped bags. First, they ask fo' LINK memes all dem minutes ago ''Oh /biz/ help, I lost mah meme folda n' all mah LINK memes is gone'' n' then they start a heavy FUD campaign. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. In tha next few minutes or weeks, they will pump n' dump LINK.

>> No.9751707
File: 2.29 MB, 1536x2048, PicsArt_05-18-04.53.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ico had 32m cap. To buy presale you had to buy in chunks larger than 300 eth. Surely there were some bizraelis here. Now. When ico went live, the available market cap for purchase jumped instantly to 30million, leaving only 2mil left for purchase during the ico outside of presalers. In order to participate in the ico, you had to purchase minimum of 100 eth. This is where most of biz came into play. There were several pools being shared around etc, but they were mainly in the ico camp, not the presales. The remaining 2 mil market cap sold out in about 5 mins counting a 3 min site failure due to traffic. So, no, biz honestly does only make up probably 5 percent or so of the link holders, not counting the few large biz whales who were in presales. Actually, 95% of the circulating supply is indeed in the top 100 wallets.
What assblaster said was right, we werent meant to have this, and they want as much of it back as they can get.

>> No.9751727

(((YOU))) LOSE

>> No.9751730
File: 14 KB, 165x209, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo! yoyO Daa Icoo haD 32mmmm CaP. TA bAyy PrEsale chU Had Taa Bahzzley yNN ChuNKs largUH ThN 300 EtH. $urElee DEre WaS $um BIzrAELahs hUrr. Ah be baaad... Shahahaht, mostly, dahs aahnt nah jaahahghte. What it is, Mama! NW. WeNN ICO Wnt lahV, Da AVAahLable MaRkEttt CaPPP Fo' PurchasE jUmped InstAntLee TA 30MILLahon, bounCInnn ONleh 2Mahl Left fo'' PUrcHAse dURahNN Da ahco OuT IN Da $treetz O'' PresaLuhs. Yn OrDUh Ta ParTahcahp88 yn Da ahCO, , Chu haddd taa PURcHasee MahNahmuMM O' 1000 Eth. dahsheRE ahz wAs moSTT O' BahZ WnT Nta PlaAyy. Slap mah fro! Don' make me come ova there bitch... DEreee WaSS $evErAlllll PoOlS BEahN $HARedd Roun' ETC, like, , mostly, Butt deaYy Was MaahnleE yn Da ICo CaMp, fer shure, Nawtttt DA PrEsales. Daaaaa remaahnIn 2 Mahl MarkEt Cap $OLd OutI Yn Aboutt 555 MahnS Countahnnnn Uh 3 Mahn $ITEE fAahlur Duee ta traFFahC. $O, NaHh, bIz HoNestlee DO onlEh MaK Uhppp ProllahE 55 PerCnt Orrr $oo O'' Da Lahnkk HoLduhs, like, NAWtt CounTahn Da FEW LarGEEE Bahzz WHALes Hoo WaSSS YN PresALes fo' realz. Slap mah fro! Peep this shit! AcTuALleE, , man, , , , 95%% O' Da CahrCuLatahN $uppLeEEE Iz INDeeD YN Da Top 100 walLets. what ASSblastuh $AYss Wass rahgH', we'ssssss wernt MeaNT Ta gOts DIshEre, AN' deAyy WaNTs AAs mUcH O' It bck aAss DeaYy CaYnn GahT.

>> No.9751741


>> No.9751776

pump n dump requires volume

this coin is dead with a huge market cap while only being 3x ico price because they fucked up the token economics

>> No.9751778

>TPW you want to be racist to fit in but you're an autistic shut-in nerd and your only reference for black culture is huckleberry finn

>> No.9751782

Literally not even going to read this drivel. You have retard niggers saved on your computer and an ebonics translator. Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.9751783


Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.

Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest.

Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink?

>> No.9751801
File: 87 KB, 750x750, image-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSD2 is the primary reason I became involved with ChainLink. For context, I work in the Financial Services sector in the EMEA region, and I can tell you it is all about PSD2. In 2019, every European Financial Institution must provide API support for payment initiation and account enquiry made by the incoming onslaught of new Fintechs.

The banking landscape in Europe will change radically in a short period as Europeans begin to take advantage of the latest technology offered by Fintechs to meet their banking needs in today's world. Blockchain technology has come along at precisely the right time, and DLT has become almost as big of a buzz-word as Fintech itself. Also, in extraordinarily good timing comes ChainLink, a service that bridges the gap between Fintechs using DLT and Financial Institution APIs.

Behind the shiny new APIs lies the prize that SmartContract have evidently positioned themselves on - legacy payment systems that will accept nothing but the payment formats they were originally designed for. This format is likely to be the new (actually >15 years old) ISO 20022 XML format. Any Fintechs wishing to make use of the new APIs can bet for sure that the Banks will not be converting formats on their behalf and instead will need to submit instructions in ISO 20022 format.

>> No.9751803
File: 5 KB, 259x194, fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally noodly-not even going to riddly-read this diddily ding dong drivel! You have diddly diddly saved on your computeroo and an ebonics translatorino. Diddly yourself, diddly.

>> No.9751804
File: 3.10 MB, 1372x1347, 1449536055964-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord link? If you tell me you can have this cookie.

>> No.9751818
File: 117 KB, 1280x822, IMG_20180103_204143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through their PoC with SWIFT, ChainLink has proven themselves as being capable of not just bridging the gap, but supporting the very formats that will run the post-PSD2 banking world.

There is a lot of speculation since the PoC about a partnership with SWIFT. For me, SWIFT has already given ChainLink something very valuable; a platform on the closed stage of the Financial Services Industry. SWIFT is seen in the sector as the keeper and enforcer of best practice for financial messaging standards so when Fintechs and Banks decide which Oracle services to use, ChainLink stands poised as a service made credible by SWIFT.

It's important to note that after the introduction of PSD2 APIs, Banks and Fintechs will not require SWIFT's telecommunications to communicate and therefore can work directly with ChainLink to connect to on-chain/off-chain data.

Often people suggest firms will just build their own oracles, but the reality is Banks will not be providing this service as, unsurprisingly, they aren't going to make the job any easier for 3rd party Fintechs. Meanwhile, Fintechs are often brand new companies who are not going to be spending their start-up funds re-writing Microsoft Outlook just because they can - they will simply engage with the industry standard oracle; ChainLink.

As you can tell, I am bullish about ChainLink. Often in crypto, the old saying about how the guy selling shovels in a gold rush is the one to get rich. Well, I believe PSD2 is another gold rush and ChainLink is the first in the door selling the shovels, the diggers, and the whole wash plant.

>> No.9751844

The real insiders are buying real money (gold) before the currecy crisis hits.

The entire point of buying gold is so you have money and wealth for when fiat dies. Nobody buys gold to get back more worthless fiat.

An overnight gold revaluation is coming. Will be between 10-100k per ounce followed by a deflationary collapse where a median priced American home will be about 30k.

Unironically half the reason you are in crypto is because the dollar is dying because it isn't backed by gold and you can't make it otherwise.

You guys laugh at 10% returns by boomers... well when we had gold backing the currency and we didn't have massive inflation, and had low prices. 10% yearly returns were probably equal to 100%-200% returns in your crypto investments.

Sure in the last few years some people have made 1,000's of percent returns but that was relegated to a very tiny fraction of 1% of the entire population. Today... 200% returns are like 10% returns 60 years ago because the cost of everything is going up like crazy because gold doesn't back the currency.

You all blame the Jews for fucking up the economy and you don't realize that they are able to confiscate your wealth through inflation because the same Jews you bash have made you retarded and anti-gold. So the Jews are actually much smarter than you artists think you are.

But I can't eat muh gold.... stupid niggers

>> No.9751845

There are now 7 FUD, 2 shill, and 2 neutral link posts in the catalog. Link is easy to filter, but instead people are fudding it. Why is this?

>> No.9751861

Just curious, what are the driving points behind owning gold? Scarcity?

>> No.9751862

i still can't believe how far this has gone, we ended up destroying our own fucking board

>> No.9751866

Is gold on coinbase?

>> No.9751869

>planning to have wealth if the world ends

lol enjoy getting raped and shot for your gold on the first day

>> No.9751917


The problem with ChainLink is that they are marketing behind the scenes to just corporations.

The problem is that corporations DO NOT want a trustless decentralized Oracle. This would be too fair, corporations make money off of fucking over consumers on so many levels, ChainLink will simply put to much lower back to the people. This goes for so many other blockchain platforms. Yes I agree decentralized blockchain technologies should be the future but the 1% will never let this succeed as they will lose a lot of control.

>> No.9752058

You unironically just made the best argument for owning gold. But you are such a dumb nigger that you don't even realiZe it

>> No.9752082

ico had a cap of 32 m. To purchase a pre-sale, we had to purchase over 300 etch chunks. Certainly there were several bizelli here. REALLY? When ico survived, the value of marketable capital quickly rose to 30 million, and past the first day only ___ mil left to purchase the cave with ico. You need to purchase the Swiss Federal agency and go to ico for at least 100 euros. This is the place where most of Biz appeared. There were several pools mainly in ICO camps. The remaining market capitalization of 2 million dollars was sold out in about 5 minutes. So, to be honest, doodley-doies accounts for about 5% of the link owner. I have not counted in advance the large whales I sold for her. Infact, 95% of circulating supply systems is a top 100 purse.
I am tired of assblasteroo. I thought this was not the case?

>> No.9752086

Stupid brainwashed pajeets like you don't realie there have been countless economic calamities and gold has never lost its value.

Actually I take that back... even a pajeet knows the value of gold and that it is real money. Even starving niggers in Africa know that gold is valuable.

But your dumbass in your shitty public schools have been brainwashed bybjew propaganda to be anti gold while coming to this board and crying about the Jews because the financial situation is so fucked up.

>> No.9752101

Also you are a beta cuck pussy bitch... if someone comes to rape you and take your gold. You use your gun you stupid asshole.

You milennials are not only dumb as fuck but the biggest crop of faggot pussies in the history of humanity

>> No.9752133
File: 1.08 MB, 750x1334, 4793E5F4-C587-482B-A708-6A09981DE35F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jew will lose in the end

>> No.9752298
File: 34 KB, 591x730, 1517264399357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9752317

People unironically come to 4chan, the place that tricked kids into making mustard gas. The place that has been the cause of multiple school shootings and suicides. People come to this place and take investment advice? Honestly anyone stupud enough to fall for something like chinklink deserves to lose their money

>> No.9752335

The guys selling shovels are the people who run exchanges you brainlet.

>> No.9752388
File: 33 KB, 406x452, 1523391444652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post is so dumb
>no one wants me to have muh 10k cut of le 1 BILLION supply precious stinky linky token
>gets listed on the biggest exchange in the world for anyone around the world to buy

>> No.9752392

ayo nigga i aint tryna to fud but I got beef n shiet wit Chainlink. bruh Chainlink been on dat Ropsten for a month n erryone finna expectin deez potential partners 2 test on dat test net. Sergey and his niggas even told yall to keep an eye on dat Ropsten to see dem customerz usin the network. Nigga it finna been 3 welfare payments n the only transactions on Ropsten been deadass average peeps takin the hunnit Ropsten link from tha faucet shiet. They aint no requests fo data. shiet, as a matter of fact homie some nigga aksed Thomas why and then Thomas got scurred n made a fake ass run to show it works. Homeslice, I see Tommy's request nigga but it be da only muthafuckin one.

Why aint no niggas testing on Ropsten? Where all these niggas at dat post to be creaming they underwear at the potenshul of Chainlink huh? Deadass tha lack of sergey n his niggas talkin, no updates and no fukkin worldstar presence, increasing competition from mobius niggas all red flags up in this bitch.

Deadass do any nigga finna actually wanna use Chainlink?

>> No.9752521

When binance added link it wasn't the giant that is today. It added Link to profit from bot trading and to attract new customers. It added link without Sergey's consent because they are Chinks and only the Chink government can enforce any pressure on them. Most likely the team went to radio silence after the Ico to avoid making any fuzz about Link . Since they had an ico and US citizens were allowed they are in a sketchy legal ground. They don't want the SEC sniffing around moreso if the Swift rumors are true. Imho I think Sergey wanted Binance to delist link ASAP but didn't do anything because it would be a PR disaster with the Ico hodlers. Every exchange that added link afterwards did so without the team consent. Sergey did an ico but never wanted Link to be traded, the purpose of the ico was to distribute the token, nothing more.

>> No.9752533

link will go to .10 before 1 USD.

cap this.

>> No.9752551
File: 134 KB, 500x498, Serlina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha how's the retard now?! Checkmark, atheists.

>> No.9753307

Not if they don't know the truth from the lies... Or can't tell in their own...

>> No.9753396

>When binance added link it wasn't the giant that is today.
>It added link without Sergey's consent
you are the emblematic crayon-muncher

>> No.9753817

Nailed it!

>> No.9754651


>> No.9754843
File: 6 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo dere is now 7 FUD, 2 shill, an' 2 neutral link posts in da catalog. Link iz easy ta filter, but instead niggas is fudding it. Why iz dis here? don't make me shank ya!

>> No.9754855

Id believe this

>> No.9754915

look into the darkness long enough, and the darkness looks back