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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9750344 No.9750344 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz, what are some trading tips or things you wish you knew starting out? Or general things/crypto you want to discuss.

Day trading was the absolute WORST thing I attempted, losing over $8,000 in one day.

For me the best thing was to step back, I made my best trades in crypto when I only spent a few hours a week looking into things, then I'd make a target months away to reevaluate profit/loss.

An example is EOS, I put a good amount in it earlier during the crash this year and focused on school, recently finished finals, and the profit is there, without any of the stress of day trading or constantly checking charts. Now that school is on break I'll probably go to the gym more since I haven't done any sports or exercise since senior year of HS.

>> No.9750370

are you a girl?

>> No.9750419
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I'm a dumbass with nothing to say but bumping for interest.

>> No.9750528
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Well even if I am it doesn't matter.

Another tip I remembered, do your own research into projects that biz posts about, most are bad but some are really good, though there is usually greater risk involved.

Projects like NULS and WTC had no western communication team when they were first found, so people on biz naturally thought they were scams and avoided them, only to watch them moon later. Anyone that took the risks made lots of profit.

This was last year around the time NULS was $0.30, I bought some, it went to $1.20 and I sold, then bought again at $0.50 to sell later at $5.00 or so. Even holding through the crash would still have made you big profit.

Some examples of projects biz posted about before the hype are ADA, NULS, NEO, ETH, ARK, SKY, WTC the list goes on and is actually quite large.

>> No.9750929
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Seems like biz is slow today, oh well.

>> No.9750952
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I play my Trump card
Sodomize OP!

>> No.9751046
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My biggest tip as someone who has had good wins and bitter losses ( unfortunately I’m still at my original dollar value/fortunately I’m up .6 BTC.

Discipline is key. Sticking to your guns and being Fucking patient is huge. If you watch the charts all the time you will over-trade and lose money/gains.

There will be another opportunity, and so many times I missed key pumps because of my impatience and over thinking or overreacting.

>> No.9751253

Please post more. I just opened a paypal and am new to everything Internet money making wise. I like reading about you people to learn and work up the courage to try this out

>> No.9752025

Only thing I ever needed to win:
Open binance
Look for a coin which is down like 15 or 20 percent and has a good RSI read (oversold.) Spend about 30 mins looking to see if the coin had legitimate fud or bad news. If there is none, you buy. Wait up to a couple days till it gets back to its usual price. Sell.
Builds up the stack really quickly.

>> No.9752167

Sounds like good advice

>> No.9752883
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This works really well when the market is doing good, but I feel like in a bear market you can buy something that's down 20%, and it ends up continuing to bleed for weeks.

I think if you really want to learn, invest an amount your comfortable with into something you genuinely think is good.

If it does well you can make notes on things like when to take profits, how much to sell, how much to keep, etc. If it goes poorly you can make opposite notes, on when you should cut your losses, whether or not it was actually a good investment, etc. Building personal experience with trading will probably be better than any plain advice, it's what I should've done when I first began.

>> No.9752948

Step on my penis?

>> No.9753219

can u be my crypto gf wanna impregnate u desu

>> No.9753431

Thank you for your genuine reply.
I have been kind of fear mongered about money my whole life and people of authority in my life always tried to keep me ignorant to financial independence.
I wanted to buy Nintendo stock back when wii u was a thing cause a company like Nintendo that people worship and put to the point of putting on coffins and stuff will always come back from a dip.
I've seen my guesses be right before but I don't know how to actually purchase these things and even if I could all the years of getting my shit knocked in over asking about finances I just lock up.

>> No.9753755
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I think people of "authority" don't want financial independence for others, a financially independent society is a free society, and that is problematic for those in power.

The information is all there as far as Crypto, or even if you wanted to go more traditional with Stocks you can find stuff if you commit time to it, maybe just an hour a day studying.

As far as buying, selling, and trading Crypto, you want an account on a Fiat to Crypto exchange like Coinbase, GDAX, Gemini, etc. These are for buying big name Cryptos like BTC, ETH.

From there you'll want an account on an exchange that offers crypto to crypto trading, right now Binance is the top as far as trading volume and selection. So to trade you'll just send BTC or ETH from the first exchange to the second, then trade BTC/ETH for whichever other Crypto you're really interested in and think has potential. The process is just done in reverse for selling/cashing out.

I'd recommend using ETH for sending between exchanges, it's much faster than BTC.

And as far as being scared, everyone is scared of things, living your whole life around that fear will only lead to regret, years from now you'll really think "what if?". That's a big difference in mindsets between people, those that really get caught up in fear and those that can focus and conquer it. Good luck!

>> No.9753842

Aoi is so cute. I should get back into watching VRAINS