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9740928 No.9740928 [Reply] [Original]

I just broke up with my gf after 1 year together. She found out that I was doing crypto currency investing and kept asking me how much how much. The thing is I had accumulated these gains from before our relationship so it's my money.

She just wouldn't stop asking me how much I had made and when can I buy her things. She didn't understand that I was trying to save money for financial freedom so I could never have to work again.

Why are women so fucking stupid? Why can't they try to save money and see the long term view of things and the benefits of retiring before the age of 30? Please guys tell me I didn't make a mistake flushing a 1 year relationship down the drain.

>> No.9740935

How much did you make????

You need to give us context

>> No.9740950

There's a difference between making 200k and 2.23 million

>> No.9740952

Good 4 u OP
U made the right move

>> No.9740957


>The thing is I had accumulated these gains from before our relationship so it's my money.

ffs nigga even if you got the money whilst IN the relationship it will still be YOUR money and YOUR money only.

>Why are women so fucking stupid?

roasties gonna roast.

>Please guys tell me I didn't make a mistake flushing a 1 year relationship down the drain.

no. get red pilled, lift, bang a few sloots.

you will make it.

>> No.9740961

my dude honestly

you didnt do a mistake

not in the slightest my man
you are more of a hero than most people
fucking celebrate that.

>> No.9740968

my wife is 10k in debt, not much but i pinch pennies. if you're both not savers / on the same page or go in with completely separate finances it's going to be a fight. money's the #1 reason for fights in relationships.
i wish i knew how many women were "savers" maybe you'll find one like that.

>> No.9740971

That sucks that you had that experience with her.

>> No.9740988

It would have been cool to buy her a few nice things if she wasn't the prying type. oh well, fuck her

>> No.9740991

No he may not have... there's a difference between a bitch getting into a relationship with you because she knows your rich.... and a bitch getting into a relationship with you not knowing you are rich.

This anon sounds like he's more or less made it... and he's too much of a kike Jew to get his girlfriend a nice dress or take her in vacation.

Look dude... obviously nobody wants to date a girl who is in it for the money. And she wasn't dating you for the money cuz she didn't fucking know.

Of course any chick is going to be excited if she knows that you are in fact rich. What the fuck you expect her to do? Pretend you don't have it? The entire point of making money is to have fun. If your worth 3 million shave off 200k of it and that's more then enough to enjoy life and do nice things for a few years.

You don't have to squrrel away every fucking cent like a kike

>> No.9741004

You stupid nigger. She was in a relationship with him when she didn't know he had the money.

Anyone would be excited if they in fact find out their partner is loaded. The fact that the OP is a Jew and did nothing nice for her probably upset her more from the fact that he wasn't willing to buy her something nice.

That's what I would think if I was his bitch

>> No.9741006

fuck her off its just one woman man
theres a lot more out there, focus on you man.
by the time you have what you need, the next generation of hotties will be begging for you while the roasties your age all worn out
have some fucking perspective anon

>> No.9741032

Don't listen to this basedboy, you did good fuck her. She'll come back begging

>> No.9741035

Let me just share a funny story

>ugly dude i know from school
>made nice gains over years from a basically 0 investment
>never paid any tax
>hid it good, planned on cashing out abroad
>want a gf
>get date with ugly 18yo
>brags on first date about his nano stack
>manages to get into relationship with 18yo
>kid gf tells him to spend
>he cashes out 0.5btc
>on localbtc from big time trader
>from dude who is under investigation for money laundering
>national sensation
>dude is on tv, newspapers
>tax authorities on the localbtc dude
>"mate" never worked in his life
>where are the bitcoins from sir?

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if he gets investigated, dude owes 3x his portfolio in tax

>> No.9741038

Unironically that's not what the OP wants. He literally broke up with his girlfriend who was with him when she didn't think he had money. And you think OP is going to be happy when some bitch gets into a relationship with him because he has money?

Sounds to be like OP had a legit girlfriend....who was actually with him because she loved him. And then automatically thinks she's some hussy because she's excited that he's in fact rich.

You fucked up OP...

What is it with you idiots and your secrecy???

If I makes a few million trading crypto I'd think it be fun to tell some people... you made the right move in an unknown space and became rich. That's half the fucking fun in making it.

Your girlfriend was probably excited because you made momeyband could provide. Any bitch wants her man to provide... that's the entire fucking point of getting into a relationship

>> No.9741050

Mfw it’s 10000 xrp

>> No.9741057
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Man you are way to overly invested in this thread.
who hurt you?

>> No.9741067

This. Bitch weren't in the relationship for the dosh. Bitch probably just wanted to give OP blowjobs and fuck in exotic locations.

>be girl
>get to know bf rich
>E X T R A H O R N Y
>wants to get fucked on all continents
>wants to give blowjobs in fancy places
>bf kicks her out
>2 months later bf cruising around in sportscar with plastic Toth
>a man hating feminist was born today

>> No.9741075

You know what they says, never tell anyone about your gold or they will suck it dry and let you dead.
Dump her if she asks for short term gain.
You do the right thing for long term and we’re going to make it.

>> No.9741094


you're either a faggot with a literal cuck mindset or a roastie.

he owes her NOTHING.


OP, get reading.


>> No.9741107

>She didn't understand that I was trying to save money for financial freedom so I could never have to work again.
So why didn't you just tell her it's retirement money you fucking moron
You cryptocucks are really on top of the ball when it comes to embarrassing yourselves
At least you were smart enough to not invest in LINK like the rest of your fellow autists

>> No.9741134

You're not. I mean look at how materialistic that bitch is, You'll find better, especially when crypto booms again, and then you smear it in her face.

>> No.9741141

>so why didnt you tell her its retirement money

>She just wouldn't stop asking me how much I had made and when can I buy her things
She just wanted to blow through it all. Shes acting like it was her that made the investment, took the risk, and reaped the rewards from it.

Funny how women bitch about being equal when its convenient then you read shit like this.

>> No.9741164

What's the fucking point in being in a relationship if you can't do nice things occasionally for your girlfriend?

This guy sounds like he's fucking 24 and has more than 2 million dollars.

And this kike can't fucking buy her something nice for 2k? Or go on a vacation somewhere nice?

if the guy has 100k ok....... but it sounds like he has a lot more than that. It has nothing to do with it not being his money. But if he loves her which it sounds like he does then he should do something nice for her. And it doesn't even sound like she's saying give me all your money she just wants to know how much he's made

>> No.9741182

Why didn't you tell her lol?
Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.9741183

>What is it with you idiots and your secrecy???
Most of these people are low-test beta males and are perceived as weak by their peers. They never commanded respect in their life. When they make it with crypto, their peers go into cognitive dissonance
>this weak pathetic faggot is rich now?
their "friendships" are ruined because of this dissonance. Most of them are aware on a subconscious level this is true, so they prefer to keep it a secret. Another reason is that people will come to them to ask for money and they will be to weak to refuse. Even if they refuse, the person asking for money will get upset and another "friendship" will be ruined.

It basically all stems from the fact that they lack confidence and don't have any real friends, only acquaintances posing as friends so their relationships are not genuine.

I never let my friends or girlfriend assume they are my equals. This not only spares them of the cognitive dissonance when looking at my portfolio, but it also gets them hyped to emulate what I do and it's generally healthier for everyone.

>> No.9741189

OP will lose it all anyway. Dollar is almost fucked and he's obviously not smart enough to buy gold and silver given how bad the economy is. So the girlfriend will get the last laugh

>> No.9741199


>> No.9741225

You can't save now. Inflation is ravaging us... cost of living is skyrocketing.

Now is the time to check out of the market, bank accounts, and even crypto (except for Link) and buy gold and silver.

Jews are tapping us out with their fiat currency.

All of it is amazing to me... 330
Million Americans and almost nobody realizes you can't save and can't make it because gold doesn't back the currency anymore. It's kind of a beautfil thing in a way.

Mass brainwashing. You have to hand it to the Jews... they are good at what they do.

But I can't eat muh gold so it's useless. Lol

>> No.9741240


This desu, I actually hate cuck mindsets and personally prefer to just avoid women because they are a nightmare. BUT I’m not a hypocrite I understand that a woman’s time is her most valuable resource, women age FAST anon they want to have fun when they’re younger. If you are truly a free market capitalist you should embrace the idea that if you decide to be with a young attractive woman you got to provide certain luxuries. If that’s not worth it (I don’t think it is) then accept being single. But don’t bitch and moan that women don’t like saving and sitting at home playing Civ4 because if women were NEETs you wouldn’t like them. As a man you have to understand what makes women so attractive is their somewhat carefree attitude, their soft skin and nice hair, (and bagina obs) but it’s a balancing act. You don’t want a gold digger or some sloot looking to “have fun ;))”, but autists struggle with ambiguity so they just assume if you aren’t a dairy maid with a Protestant work ethic you must be a lazy spoilt roastie.

Yeah soz for the rant. Also I’m not defending women, just saying it is how it is. If you were a roastie and had the opportunity to find a provider you’d also try to maximise your bf gainz.

>> No.9741307

You stupid asshole nigger...

The bitch was already with him when she didn't think he was loaded.... and now you think he's gonna find some wholesome bitch next time around?

What do you think she's going to say when she finds out he is in fact rich? The same fucking thing that the girl just said that he broke up with

>> No.9741315

Did she ask you to buy stuff for her or is that what you think would of happened? You could of just said it was some small amount like 20,000 but based on this reply it sounds like you just wanted a reason to cut her loose or you wanted to overreact and be a drama queen
Women bitch about a lot of shit be you don't think men do too?
In situations like this it's better to just lie and stay humble, but at least the good news is that you are richer and free from the extra weight you supposedly were dragging around
Book a vacation, get your dick sucked by a Hispanic model have a good breakfast and go to lamb land and get yourself that lambo my boy

>> No.9741331

>If I makes a few million trading crypto I'd think it be fun to tell some people... you made the right move in an unknown space and became rich. That's half the fucking fun in making it.
That's stupid. You seek approval from outsiders. Fix your life.

>> No.9741340

Married anon here.
Just fucking lie about your net worth. Just do it. Keep your crypto and a hidden bank account or two to yourself and fucking lie. That's all you have to do.

>> No.9741345
File: 35 KB, 720x720, 1527825434377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did the right thing OP. Remember that pussy is the biggest scam. That bitch wanted to suck you dry. Quite literally...

>> No.9741348

no you didn't. i swear to god why do you faggot autists use the same tired copy pasta?? At least try to be original.

>> No.9741412

I'm not the OP you nigger
In any case it shouldn't matter how much he has. The fact of the matter is she was constantly asking him when to spend it and coming across as a literal whore.
Women are ''equal'' now, and they can afford their own things. Spending money ''just cuz you have it'' shouldnt even be an issue.
Do you feel like you have to spend money on women because shes ''rewarding'' you with sex? In that case shes doing you a favor and you have a bigger problem on your hands.

>> No.9741474

if she actually left you because you wouldn't spend money you earned by yourself / before her on random shit, then yes you did the right thing for multiple reasons

A. shes financially immature- Have a dollar spend a dollar
B. shes selfish and expects to be carried through life by others

>> No.9741477


>> No.9741542
File: 79 KB, 490x585, 1502217698364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this id

>> No.9741603

Well screw everyone who tells you otherwise .. you’ve literally unlocked her golddigger trait which she didn’t know she had .

> op just buy her expensive things

You’re a bunch of cucks who will obey what the girl says . She was happy with op in the first place . Now she’s demanding you to buy her things which were literally unnecessary for her before she knew about your crypto. When you increase some females standards like buying luxurious things she will demand more if she know you’re wealthy . And going back to cheap stuff is a nono .. like literally why should she go back to that stuff if she knows you’re wealthy

That money is all yours and only yours . She’s not your wife , you’re not paying child support ... than why should she demand your money . Just don’t be a Jew and enjoy your money .

And let me tell you you’ll see her in few weeks sucking a old wealthy cock

>> No.9741628


>> No.9741743

Most of the bitter retards here seem to be missing the point that OP's GF wasn't a gold digger, she didn't even know he was rich.

She probably just wanted to do nice things WITH OP and thought that if he was rich they could do some cool shit which i don't think is unreasonable. Why bother being in a relationship if you don't want to do shit with or for your partner. Many on this board are brainwashed by unironic misogyny specifically aimed at beta kids who were bullied in high school by women and now think that because they read some tyler durden quotes on redpill or RoK/Rationalmale that they're now experts on women but the sad reality is that they're just the extreme opposite of the "cuck" and their relationships will be unhealthy and harmful to their woman because of an unwillingness to compromise or see things from a different perspective.

If she was unironically demanding you buy her expensive things for no reason then she's a bit of a bitch, however if you're hiding over a 100k of crypto, are in your early 20's and was relatively poor beforehand along with your GF and now she was excited for seeing some return on her investment in you. Then you're as bad as her

>> No.9741783

lol 1 year isn´t even a long-term relationship
fuck that bitch

>> No.9741984

you did good op, just move on

>> No.9742072


> she wanted to have fun with op

Full kek retard . Read ops message: bombarded with questions , didn’t agree with his long term plan (which he had even before relationship) and didn’t support him in his decision, wanted him to buy her stuff , made op uncomfortable sacrificed a good relationship because she wanted money .
Ok If you think that’s not a gold digger at least you should agree she was super selfish . Op had a plan which both of them would benefit .

Stop being a white knight and use your brain and eyes instead of your dick for once

>> No.9742101

Yeah I sort of agree with some of your point but the way OP described it once the GF found out about the money she wanted him to spend it instead of asking him what he wanted to do with it or even why hes finaces are they way they are and what his plans are.

She probably wasn't a pure golddigger but OP is most likely better off without her.

>> No.9742102

woman are fucking retarded and illogical and measure the worth of someone based on how they make them feel and how shiny the rock is.

shes asking you HOWMUCH HOWMUCH REEEE not because she wants to know how much money you made, but she disdains the fact that you were hiding something from her.

She feels betrayed emotionally that someone would do that to her, so she was lashing out.

Ditch the whore, you can pay 2 of them to suck your balls once you've made it OP.

best of luck to you.

>> No.9742114
File: 122 KB, 600x591, 86B3C093-A327-4207-A66D-DB9710CF6F21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U did nothing wrong, u need to develop love for money instead of women, u will get rekd by women even if u have financial freedom

>> No.9742126

One post by this ID

Really makes me think

>> No.9742165

>White Knight.

I couldn't give a flying fuck about OP or his basic bitch. I said that she was being a bitch if she was just pushing him but you only have OP's word to go on. Most of this site are smelly neet incels with a selfish world view who care little for others. Maybe you should use your brain and eyes and read my post instead of just regurgitating whatever you hear in r/ redpill and assuming that OP is a perfect individual. I dislike women as much as most on here but have been dating enough women that I've learned things that guys do wrong also as well as women

>> No.9742186

>by the time you have what you need, the next generation of hotties will be begging for you while the roasties your age all worn out

>> No.9742208

Lol for someone who uses alot of insults you only come off as someone with a extreme fragile ego lol.

You probably are right about most of what you posted but you can't freaking explode just because someone insults you thats some snowflake shit.

You are better than that Anon.

>> No.9742347
File: 170 KB, 360x346, F7DF6ADB-029D-44C3-AB04-B20D35A643B6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you’re a dumb fuck go to reddit redpill wha wha wha

Kek from nice girl with good intentions to basic bitch .. that went so fast . Damn I would be rich with the amount salt in your but

>> No.9743109

Did you make 200k or 2 million? Big difference but still she doesn't deserve to know and you fucked up letter her find out. Cold storage your shit and shut the fuck up. Nobody is going to be proud of you.

>> No.9743295


T. Seething mgtow

>> No.9743309

You think it would be fun to tell people you made it? Like haha good on you anon???


>> No.9743612
File: 317 KB, 640x480, basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 year is lost in a relationship is nothing. Listen to this guy. As you get older, you'll always be upgrading to younger women as women age fast and lose their appeal.


There is no reason to ever let a women know how much you make, what your investments are, etc. I have $400K plus $50K left to pay off on a mortgage and my 22 year old GF is a waitress but she pays for all the utilities, groceries and eating out.

If I told her how much I had, she'd think I was rich and want nice birthday/Christmas presents, me to pay for everything, go out all the time, etc. She's a basic bitch and she'll never understand about investments and letting your money make money. I showed her Robinhood and Coinbase in early 2017 but she'd rather pay Koreans $190 to get her nails and feet done.

>> No.9743629

Because she probably didnt plan on staying with you will you could make it. Wanted to milk you while she was aroun

>> No.9743670

Lol people here falling for this incel copy pasta

>> No.9743718

You sound like an arrogant sociopath. I guaranfuckingtee everyone hates you behind your back.

>> No.9744011

You're in a good spot anon. Don't let cuckolds give you financial advice.

>> No.9744048
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I just broke up wit mah gf afta 1 year together n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch found up dat I was bustin crypto currency investin n' kept askin me how tha fuck much how tha fuck much. Da thang is I had accumulated these gains from before our relationshizzle so itz mah scrilla.

Bitch just wouldn't stop askin me how tha fuck much I had made n' when can I loot her thangs. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch didn't KNOW dat I was tryin ta save scrilla fo' financial freedom so I could never gotta work again.

Why is dem hoes so fuckin stupid, biatch? Why can't they try ta save scrilla n' peep tha long term view of thangs n' tha benefitz of retirin before tha age of 30, biatch? Please muthafuckas tell me I didn't cook up a gangbangin' fuck up flushin a 1 year relationshizzle down tha drain.

>> No.9744279
File: 642 KB, 650x2220, Women, Advertising, and Purchase Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85% of consumer purchases are made by women
Women are quite literally the good goyim consumers for our consumerist materialist system

>> No.9744317

I have a large circle of acquaintances and a small circle of friends. Some of the acquaintances might hate me behind my back, but my friends don't cause we've known each other since we were kids and know everything there is to know about each other. Also, people establish hierarchies on a subconscious level, fuckface. No need to prance around like a dumb Chad. Not only that, but people are OK with hierarchies cause that's how we evolved. The reason it doesn't make sense to you is because you're applying the shit I'm saying to your neckbeard corporate life where everyone acts fake and everyone is out to get each other. There's nothing wrong with having hierarchies as long as everyone is genuine and trust worthy.

>> No.9744356

you did the right thing! and keep it a secret from now on.

>> No.9744372

this guy gets it.

>> No.9744380

Oh look, another "I hate women" thread. Don't you cucks get tired of these threads? Just date men like the faggots you are.

>> No.9744396

>having a gf in 2018
kill yourself already faggot

>> No.9744409

THIS, this board is pathetic

>> No.9744414

Spot the subtle LINKies larping between themselves.

Pathetic group of scammers. Whole thread is them creating fake convos.

>> No.9744487
File: 127 KB, 380x400, 1517962120096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the long term view
dude, shes a woman, women are ready to "trade up" at the drop of a hat 24/7

she is seeing the long view. and in the long view shes not sure how long she can be with you before someone "better" comes along firting with her. so planning ahead, she knows that id she wants to see some of that money of yours, she has to start asking for it now.


many of the most seemingly irrational female behaviours have logical reasons that dont occur to us men because we are not so... cold as women can be. instinctually manipulative.

the shit test for example, weeds out weaker men. the only men being left are the ones who dont put up with her shit. she punishes them for not putting up with her shit, but leaves them if they do put up with it. very practical.

you can always trust a woman to do what women do. same as you can trust even the most loyal dog to eat a steak off the counter if you walk away and leave it there for a few hours.

>> No.9744552

>The entire point of making money is to have fun.
and here i am wasting my money on unfun things like rent and food. and ops got this stupid idea about investing now so he doesnt have to work as hard in the future. when really he should be blowing that money on expensive designer handbags because its so fun. $100 taken out of crypto now is $10,000 potentially within a few years, easy.

but hey, gotta get that dress. its fun!

>> No.9744601

youre going to get married, or common law marriage by default of living under the same roof for long enough, so basically, at some point, a woman is going to take half your money. unless you hide most of it. just saying. thats the harsh reality. a woman is the last person you should tell, if you have enough money she will do anything to take it, even divorcing you, even if she still loves you, because the temptation of half you stash is just too much. dont be naive

>> No.9744651

maybe he does take her out and buys her nice things now and again. youre just assuming her never does anything for her.

he doesnt want to bleed his crypto investment out on stupid shit. and likely once you start handing over money, shes not going to stop asking.

she knows, as all women do, that shes going to dump him at some point to trade up probably. she wants the money now because she doesnt know if shes still going to be there in the future. a taller and richer and more dominant masculine man might be just around the corner and she wants to be ready.

>> No.9744699

just hide it
have one trading account she knows about so youre not hiding the fact that youre into crypto, that would be exhausting having to hide yourself away every time you want to make a trade. but she only needs to know about some small dummy account with 10% of your stash.

that way she only gets 5% in the inevitable divorce if the relationship continues

>> No.9744701

You should join #TeamNeverWorkAgain:


>> No.9744798

>t. Beta

>> No.9744844

Because men get more attractive with age and women less attractive

Fucking idiot you can make as much money as you want but you’ll never fix your overly logical brain

>women are stupid
Says the dumbfuck unable to understand basic psychology

>> No.9744848

You did the right thing, OP. Years from now, you'll look back on this event and realize you dodged a bullet.

>> No.9744863

This. Money only solves problems you haven’t created yourself

>> No.9744900

>t.42yr old white male named bryan

>> No.9744927

Good anon. Procreation is for jews. Do not have Kids.
Hope you are white ;)

>> No.9745084

While I haven't "made it" and I'm still working a wage job to abuse benefits (free collage) my gf knows I made a nice amount of money with stocks and always wants to do random expensive stuff I tell her that the profits I made have already been divided between 401k contributions and reinvesting and to pull the money back now I would be murdered by taxes. But I also take her on vacation about 2-4 times a year and we still go out and celebrate our monthly anniversary

>> No.9745114

Money is not the purpose of human life.

>> No.9745168

I somewhat agree with this post

>> No.9745205

she sounds like a total bitch. just go get yourself an upgrade

>> No.9745675

monthly anniversary? lmao wtf
Holy fuck you're a cuck. I bet she suggested the monthly anniversary thing, huge red flag.

>> No.9745732

Celebrating you made it another month is bad news, dude

>> No.9745742

I like this pasta

>> No.9746748

lol, there is no hierarchy involved with real friends

>> No.9747256

Brainlet incel

>> No.9747448


>> No.9747547

Why the fuck would you dump her over that? You panicked. You clearly could have just spoken, in words, like a human being, and resolved the issue, but you threw her away because you're an inarticulate greedy loser. Have fun while she gets blacked and you have your $300 of pretend internet money, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9747633
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YOU don't perceive that there's an hierarchy because you and your group never struggled. If shit ever hits the fan, you'll see soon enough who plays what role. Modern society has pampered us and kept us safe from real trouble, hence we can have the luxury of looking at each other as equals and even pretend it's true. On a subconscious and instinctive level, the hierarchies are still there. We just don't have any reason to make them obvious when there's no trouble or danger.
I don't know why I'm even arguing with sheltered neets. Go get your tendies.

>> No.9747735

>and your group never struggled. If shit ever hits the fan, you'll see soon enough who plays what role.
What do you even mean shit hits the fan? A fight? I'm just saying with none of my friends have I felt any actual hierarchy

Kys retard

>> No.9747744

Pick a better woman next time.

>> No.9747777

>1 post by this ID
>96 replies

>> No.9747842

>ffs nigga even if you got the money whilst IN the relationship it will still be YOUR money and YOUR money only.
Try saying that to the judge at your divorce and tell me how it goes anon. Fucking delusional lmao

>> No.9747911

Good, fuck these hoes