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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9739583 No.9739583 [Reply] [Original]

Boner time is approaching

>> No.9739590

Yeah this must be why they’ve been implementing all this erc-20 shit

>> No.9739608

Anyone who thinks EOS will be added to Coinbase in the near future has actual brain damage.

>> No.9739764
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Retard doesn’t know

>> No.9739766

Fuck off sloth

>> No.9739781
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Don’t be scared

>> No.9739788

The coin will have a working product. ie: req

>> No.9739801

I think it will be added but not at least until the mainnet has been established

>> No.9739802


coinbase would not implement a placeholder ERC20 token which is due to be swapped for a soon-to-be mainnet token.

They have NO idea if they will be able to support the EOS main net. Any of these tokens which are essentially just IOU's for a potential future coin are quite literally the worst thing they could list, because they will at some unknown date become unusable.

It will never happen, it's got nothing to do with the EOS project itself, it's the simple fact that it's currently nothing more than a token waiting to be swapped for the real thing (if/when it comes).

Maybe once the main net is released coinbase will consider it, but until then they just don't know if it will be compatible with their processes.

>> No.9739815

Main net and CoinBase listing occur simultaneously. They’ve been working on it for months. Prepare thy anus

>> No.9740509

Considering the test net is barely functional and has been called out for issues (i don't buy that they've already been 'fixed' if they existed for this long), I highly doubt this.

Remember what coinbase's client base want. They want something established and reliable, a fresh out the gate mainnet that is still currently in testnet will not meet this criteria. Remember, this is NOT a shit on the EOS project, it is simply just not suitable for coinbase and their customers.

A more established ERC20 token that will STAY as an ERC20 token will likely be added, I can't speculate on exactly which one.

>> No.9740640
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EOS about to take over all of crypto.

>> No.9740711

How are EOS fags so far gone, so delusional?

>> No.9740719

Do you not understand that EOS mainnet launch has no set date?