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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 608 KB, 800x800, batttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9738994 No.9738994 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9739018
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, BATeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new meme very nice

>> No.9739037

Here. Sitting on 26k of them.

>> No.9739088

I wouldn't invest in BAT, but I'm interested in using it. It's frustrating how slow they are on everything. The browser still feels half baked, publisher acceptance has stalled, and there still are no Brave ads. I'll still buy my 5 BAT a month though, and Brave browser is still my main browser.

>> No.9739126

Hoping for coinbase this will be mai stream in like 5 nore years and unironically never be more than 1 dollar

>> No.9739409

Holy fuck Raj, you really suck at using google translate. Now go find a toilet.

>> No.9739423

V1.0 is slated for September. Brave ads, and Tor tabs will come before then. V1.0 is on par with chrome + all the added extras like tor,metamask,ads etc. Just give it some time. It might feel slow, but they are laying most of the foundation right now.

>> No.9739424

Its almost as if developing professional grade software takes a timeline that's more than a couple months. Not that big dick Eich would know anything about that.

Everyone has been spoiled in the crypto world and too often do our expectations exceed what's realistic for actual projects. Just because shitcoins can crank out roadmap goals every couple of weeks doesn't mean that they're good.

>> No.9739574

This. Look at any crypto project released in the last year, and you will see that they barely even have a functioning alpha let alone even a beta. Meanwhile Brave has a functioning Beta with a clean UI, and a few bugs, and people are calling it shit lmao. They also have 2.5m monthly ACTIVE users, while all of these pajeet scams dont have any users because the project doesnt even work, if it somewhat works the only users are the bag holders.

>> No.9739605

Well it's not like the browser was built from scratch. It is based off of chromium. The browser should be more than what it is now.

>> No.9739622

fuck you im from chile and lazy to use google translate or speel right learn spac¡nish then i learn to write english

>> No.9739660

Its based of chromium and muon. Muon has really fucked up the browser. Theres more moving parts to it than just being a chromium fork as well. There is a custom UI which includes brave payments, will include brave ads, and the browser has ad blocking built in. These things take time. Pretty sure Chrome had to go through like 4 releases in the span of 3 years despite using a ton of firefox and apple code.

>> No.9739912

BAT whale here

>> No.9739978

1.4k bat here, feels Batman. I’m slowly putting more money into this since late Feb. When BTC goes up I’m sure it’ll hit 60 cents without the Coinbase listing. With the listing, $2 isn’t out of the question. I hope I can get another 2k before the bulll

>> No.9740183
File: 1.67 MB, 1662x1041, 1525057753293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is a shit coin, name one thing substantial they've done in the past 6 months? Ill wait.

>> No.9740205

Partnered with Dow Media Group to run ad trials this quarter. The only own several media outlets one of them being the Wall Street Journal,which has a paywall that will be bypassed in the future by opting into brave ads and using BAT to purchase it.

It’s cool stay poor you fucking faggot fuck. I hope you die.

>> No.9740216

BAT actually gets used.

>> No.9740432

>2.5m users
>65,000 BAT contract wallets
>most people using brave because its better
>not bothered about crypto yet
>havent even looked at the payments
>thats because most are mobile users
>brave payments isnt on mobile yet
>people downloading because its good, imagine when crypto gets incorporated

>> No.9740471

Added Youtube & Twitch channels to the payments ledger and created a referral program.

>> No.9740655

sitting on a stack of 21k, I'm so unbelievably comfy it's ridiculous.

>> No.9740665


nobody cares, faggot

>> No.9740849

Have 2k need / want more. Cannot bring myself to sell any more Ark. Plus gambling on another small dip to put fresh fiat in. Nothing significant because I'm a poor degenerate who spends all his money on bud.