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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9715169 No.9715169 [Reply] [Original]

>potential bull run started
>coins breaking out
>some on autistic runs
hmmm what's going on with some 'good projects'

*opens REQ and LINK chart*

>up 10 SATS

*Breathes in*

>> No.9715182
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As i was saying friends, it is not FUD it is proven fact.
DAILYYYYYYY reminders these are not performance coins.

Repeat after me:
>we are the non performing bag holders
>and we will never moon

>> No.9715183

*breathes out*
its gonna be fiiiine.
its gonna be fiiiine.
just waaaaiiit..

>> No.9715187
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Don't forget fren
>Link and REQ are long term holds

>> No.9715198

Well, link has 0 hype, we will just have to be patient until mainnet.

>> No.9715206

OH WAIT i spoke too soon
Link is on a come back!!!
>up .3 %

The absolute state, ffs i feel horrible for the Link whales. I won't laugh anymore that is cruel... this is just sick

I can't even get rid of my fucking bags with low sell orders on these 2. I wish i didn't even have my insurance bags. Trump and only trump alone with a tweet to buy Link would maybe move the price 1%

>> No.9715225

It is not looking good m8
I'm not even being a troll
This coin was 1000 average BTC volume for months on end....

It is now at 40, i think the lowest on binance?
I am have come to the conclusion that all the 'insiders' and people who know Link in and out were desperate ico buyers thinking they struck gold. But waited... and waited... to never find a decent moon. Those cock roaches just shilled their bags to to unload on them

>> No.9715415

so how many do you have? :^)

>> No.9715440

Except top wallets are still hoarding and no ones dumping

>> No.9715691

i'm unironically ALL IN

50% REQ
25% LINK
25% QSP

The /biz holy trinity.

>> No.9715708

non or ur agruments make any sense if u think about it, its all speculation now, with the team releasing 0 news exept gifthub activity (they do really well btw nr 18 on activity overall) im just getting more whenever possible anon, so what they deactivated the bots, who cares.. does not change a thing about the project.

>> No.9715725

There was a solid link thread today check it out

>> No.9715737

I'm never selling my stack. I have around 20 eth I flip from alt to alt, growing it to eventually put it all into LINK again when I think I'll have a good amount. I'm at 110k now.

>> No.9715753
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You just need 1 more to complete the holy quadtrinity.

>> No.9715768


>> No.9715836

On phone now
This is op

I was making fun of Linkys earlier
But .... it is what it is
Stay stinky linkys

Do I think you are deluded and full of false hope? Yes

But I cannot hate on the determination and iron hands. I wish you guys the best

I'll keep my shit stack incase it ever, ever moves worth a sell

>> No.9716032

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

>> No.9716522

huobi volume $1m
binance volume $300k

>> No.9716533

REQ is just a front end for LINK technology