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9702425 No.9702425 [Reply] [Original]

Salesforce just bought, for $6.5 billion, Mulesoft Inc., a company that's about making APIs externally available:
This is the most expensive acquisition Salesforce has ever made. That's because they know how important APIs will be, and ChainLink is poised to connect this API economy to this emerging Smart Contract economy.

Yes, the API economy is huge and it's growing. How huge? Well, the research consulting company Ovum says that the size of the API economy is going to be 2.2 trillion dollars during 2018. There were ~15,000 public APIs available in 2016, growing by 40 new ones per day during 2015. In 2016, Netflix alone received 5 BILLION API requests PER DAY.
>An API request is equivalent to a "job" that an oracle would do.
>For comparison, Oraclize claims to do "thousands" of jobs per day. They recently surpassed half a million jobs in 1 year. That shows just how much room for growth this API/Smart Contract economy has.

If ChainLink can capture just 3% of the $2.2 TRILLION global API economy, that gives it a market cap of $66,000,000,000 - 66 BILLION. Consider that Sergey said there are 19,000 people interested in running a node: that's over 100% of the available public APIs in 2016, so 3% of the market is very conservative. Consider that Starbucks holds 40% of the market share of US coffee shops. We’re not even considering what % of the smart contract economy ChainLink can capture, for which I can't find much on predictions for its value or its current value.

Price per coin multiplied by number of coins determines market cap, so marketcap divided by number of coins gives us coin price. So if LINK captures 3% of the API economy, that gives us a price of $188

>> No.9702490
File: 414 KB, 949x854, The truth on Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good number and research.

Here's some additional info for brainlets and HODLERs alike to digest as it concerns Chainlink.

Just admit it guys, many of you fell for the FUD big time on Chainlink.

>> No.9702565


Why are you pajeets throwing out old news? Is this some attempt at a discord pump? Everyone and their mother knows about Salesforce and Mulesoft.

Next you’re gonna tell me zeppelin OS are partnered with LINK lol.

>> No.9702591

dont spoon feed the nolinkers

>> No.9702671

True stinky linkies dont shill. It seems you have weak hands op

>> No.9702898

The leader of the orthodox of Delphi has lost his way. He is now resorting to getting drunk crying about losing his farm. ChainLink is his only hope so he decided to make a sigil to impress his spiritual buddies in the group. He was so pleased with himself he got drunk and his wife wouldn't fuck him so he masturbated to the sigil and came up with this new idea for biz... don't give into this sick mans fantasies.

>> No.9702960

Just a helpful reminder for fellow stinkies that we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.9702966

This is better pasta than the usual shitposting LINK pasta. This is actually informative and could stimulate a discussion. Compared with the usual shit it’s a breath of fresh air.

>> No.9703063

fuck off dude, i need to wait a couple weeks before i can buy some more.

if someone isnt in link by now they def dont deserve to get in at these prices. can you guys just fucking chill thefuck out for a while? go outside.

>> No.9703895

Thanks for this anon, Its nice to see some stimulating discussion over the rampant 1000 EOY, DYOR stuff

>> No.9704022
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Zeppelin is partnered with link

>> No.9704060
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>> No.9704094
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>mfw if chainlink captures 15.9% of the API economy before 2019 $1000 EOY comes true

>> No.9704119


>> No.9704498
File: 58 KB, 1200x805, DYG78qDX0AM5iQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually pity those new anons that fall for this meme.

>> No.9705331

>just bought