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9699193 No.9699193 [Reply] [Original]

Will Ripple XRP break the $10 mark by the end of 2018?

>> No.9699313

No, it will likely bleed into near nothing.

Every company they integrate with will just ask for a forked chain with free ripple bucks in it on a side deal to use the tech. They will say yes, because they have no reason to push people to the currency vs just taking lump sums of Fiat.

>> No.9699332


oh my sides
XRP $10?!
holy fuck lmao

>> No.9699364

No idea. It'll go way up at some point but it's impossible for me to predict times. There are a handful of xrapid users and a fuck ton of xcurrent users. I know the /biz/ orthodoxy is that the latter will never ever ever transition into the former but I disagree. When ever big institutions start using xrapid the price of XRP will respond. It could happen in a month or in five years I'm clueless as to when the major players intend to make their moves.

>> No.9699367

anyone can fork a crypto
but not everyone can agree with you will have value
go ahead fork bitcoin
call it 4chan-coin
tell people to use your fork instead of their network see what happens

>> No.9699378
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>> No.9699385

>more than 2/3 dislikes
not impressed as that video sucks, it is full shit

>> No.9699387

Why would any company ask for a forked chain?

Nothing about that makes any sense. xrapid uses xrp but the banks don't actually have any need to hold it. And the price of xrp doesn't effect the banks at all, it could cost $1 or $100 and it wouldn't change a thing since the banks aren't holding it they are just instantly exchanging it for the desired currency

>> No.9699440

That doesn't make sense. You don't need a crypto currency at all to use xcurrent. The reason xrapid could work is that XRP would be liquid and have a public facing market. If everyone had their own chain then they'd lose that making settlement impossible. If they didn't want to use XRP they just wouldn't; there's no need for "forked chains."

>> No.9699444

the only thing I use xrp for is to send money quick as fuck, and then i have it converted into something else once its been sent.

>> No.9699492
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this is what happens when you do a shit fork

>> No.9699510

These would not be public facing chains. A bank tracking internal transactions does not give a fuck about liquidity.

Think hyperledger brainlet.

>> No.9699548

The point of XRP is to facilitate transactions between institutions. If we're taking about internal transactions why use a blockchain at all?

>> No.9699566


Wtf are you even talking about???

Banks use ripple for external cross border transaction. Not internal transactions.

You don't even understand the basic purpose behind what ripple accomplishes

>> No.9699599

Using xrapid and xrp could save banks the literal tens of trillions of dollars locked away in nostro/vostro accounts but you're to dumb to understand that

>> No.9699617

dubs says yes

>> No.9699631

I get you anon, these Ripplers are beyond stupid. Look for "colored coins" and define it and see why XRP is and will always be nothing more than a fund raiser out of your pockets. Also you dumbasses screaming "fork" don't have a fucking clue what your talking about. Look at the white paper of your own shitcoin and you'll see that "le institutions" can and will use their own tokens. XRP is a currency of last resort on the network, and even then only when accepted by all parties

>> No.9699642


Deutsche bank will be using Ripple!!!



>> No.9699685

nope not deutsche bank
>"le institutions" can and will use their own tokens.
why would a institution create their own money? why would you create your own money?
>XRP is a currency of last resort on the network
can you explain your point view?

>> No.9699696

mfw idiots think that banks and all the powerful people behind them will let some shitheads like you and your shitcoins bring them down lol. Ripple is the future settlement currency for all the banks in the world. Something like SDR.

>> No.9699713

No what you just said is false.

Xrp does not have to be accepted by both parties in the transaction because the end party does not recieve xrp. They recieve their desired curency already converted from xrp

Also no. An institution can't just fork xrp because it won't offer any of the advantages using xrp will. The same way you can't just fork bitcoin and have it be worth $7000

>> No.9699733

before having too much faith in the current banking and financial system (and ripple)

people need to watch this . it will forever change the way you think about money and finance.


>> No.9699825

i have seen this video posted a lot lately
i think most of /biz/ agrees that the way money works today is a shit system and that is the main reason we are all invested in cryptocurrencies, so you arent really showing anything new here, it shows that you are new if anything.
and if the current financial sistem fails then it would force the adoption of cryptocurrencies, making the value of cryptocurries skyrocket beyond the moon
xrp has use cases outside the banking system, it can benefit other institutions and also serve as a peer to peer cash so i dont see it going away any soon

>> No.9699853


>xrp has use cases outside the banking system

please show me in their white paper these other use cases.

and elaborate.

>> No.9699946

There's one in this thread....

>> No.9699975


So you like jokes? I'm sure you'll be laughing once you're portfolio loses more than half its value.

>> No.9699986


you totally missed the point buddy.

>> No.9699988

What do you buy/hold?
Tell us that, you fucking shill

>> No.9700013

thx just bought 30k

>> No.9700016

im just going to spoon feed you a little.
https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-handler/ xrp could serve for web payments
in this video Asheesh explains how large companies could benefit with real time payments using xrp
ripple ex cto founded a company for micropayments in xrp and interledger
since ripple are more centered in the cross border payments thing, they founded xpring that aims to fund projects

>> No.9700033

Fucking shills talk shit about ripple but won't tell us what they hold /buy

>> No.9700039

thx just bough 10k more

>> No.9700046


Cardano / Bitcoin for now.

I don't shill because these coins because they don't need to be shilled. The fundamentals work themselves out.

>> No.9700054

Yeah bitcoin is amazing. Just look what happened to the fees and transfer times a few months ago. Think it might have reached its fundemental peak there buddy

>> No.9700056


you do realize at some point in the process of processing these payments BANKS are involved?

you really are a brainlet.

>> No.9700108


still better fundamentals than ripple

By default, rippled only points to a list of only Ripple-operated validator nodes (currently 16) at https://vl.ripple.com (https://github.com/ripple/rippled/blob/develop/cfg/validators-example.txt).). Node operators would have to edit a config file to change this or choose their own list - hence only 1 entity owning consensus by default.



>> No.9700152

if banks didnt exist they wouldnt cash out the xrp into the bank, instead they would just keep it in xrp or exchange for another cryptocurrency using interledger thats all
and do you think that there exists any coin that can actually replace banks? shill it.
dont you realize that the whole system is built around banks, banks are not going anywhere at least for a bunch of decades, there wouldnt even be any gateway to crypto if banks were to disapear tomorrow.
and your cardano shit 5 tps would be the first to blow if it had to handle all that volume that banks handle every second.
no coin has the tecnology and the properties needed to replace banks.
>the tecnology that solves a problem would be useless if the problem didnt exist.
this is your shit logic

if it is centralized as you say then point out the node that controls the network in pic

>> No.9700166

>edit a config file
Wow sounds like a big technical challenge. Ripple is done for. All we have to do to fix Bitcoin is set up a multi billion dollar chip fab operation to make ASICs to compete with bitmain. That sounds way easier.

>> No.9700173

you can buy land with xrp


And this is literally just the start!

>> No.9700191

No mention of XRP usage

Asheesh talks about crossborder payments. still involving banks. shills xCurrent/xVia which does NOT utilize XRP token which you suckers are buying.


>ripple ex cto founded a company for micropayments in xrp and interledger

LOL left ripple labs shows you how much he believes in this garbage

>founded xpring that aims to fund projects
does not utilize XRP but only shills it.

hahahahha. thanks for the spoonfeeding.

>> No.9700202


Through Propy Inc accepting this garbage coin does not represent the general consensus of people who don't

>> No.9700225

>if banks didnt exist they wouldnt cash out the xrp into the bank, instead they would just keep it in xrp or exchange for another cryptocurrency using interledger thats all
>and do you think that there exists any coin that can actually replace banks? shill it.

if another crypto is faster and doesnt have it's code point to only 16 "trusted" nodes by default why the fuck would i even want to switch that crypto for ripple??

>and do you think that there exists any coin that can actually replace banks? shill it.
>dont you realize that the whole system is built around banks, banks are not going anywhere at least for a bunch of decades




>> No.9700256

left ripple labs to develop his own project using xrp
>does not utilize XRP but only shills it.
you are retarded, it is obviously aimed at xrp
>No mention of XRP usage
editors: Adrian Hope-Bailie, Ripple
it is planed to use interledger but xrp as a standard
why dont you tell us directly what do you have against xrp instead of mumbling shit and expecting to be explained how every detail of it works
it is obvious that you are extremely biased against it
>if a better crypto exists then the former becomes obsolete
no shit sherlok

>> No.9700269

just to then ignore the facts it and try to impose your shit opinions

>> No.9700293
File: 46 KB, 1048x358, 1527161809363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10$ EOY. It's not even a meme but a well-known fact in the community.

Why even ask? Join the Discord.

>> No.9700329


>Wow sounds like a big technical challenge. Ripple is done for. All we have to do to fix Bitcoin is set up a multi billion dollar chip fab operation to make ASICs to compete with bitmain. That sounds way easier.

Yes you can easily edit the file to point to other validators. but you'll be hard pressed to find many more than whats already provided to you by default.

no different than a large corporation and their own hand-picked cloud servers.


how ever instead of buying shares in a corporation. Ripple Labs is selling you useless XRP tokens that don't serve as any equity in the company, doesn't have any staking mechanisms or other incentives other than holding it and hoping it will increase in value.

hahahah you ripplets are really getting fucked hard by Garlinghouse.

I won't even feel bad for you faggots for being so damn ignorant.

>> No.9700349


>10$ EOY. It's not even a meme but a well-known fact in the community.

HAHAHAHHAH you mean get the opinion from a deluded community member who all love circle jerking each other and have nothing but confirmation bias?

great way to evaluated an investment !!

>> No.9700383


>editors: Adrian Hope-Bailie, Ripple


Showing me an article that a Ripple employee wrote doesn't mean shit about the XRP token

The article is vague and doesnt SPECIFY the use of XRP.

xVIA and xCurrent fit the description which by the way DOES NOT USE XRP THE TOKEN which you sucker fag boys buying.

it's nothing but a place holder, hot air, centralized garbage that they are dumping on you for 100% cause it cost them 0$ to come up with it.

>> No.9700407
File: 319 KB, 1698x1645, grief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourselves retards

Ripple Net / XRP is the best crypto tech to date.

2018 you're still fudding the same shit someone told you
on Japanese image-board full of basement dwellers.

>> No.9700416
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It will be anywhere between 20 and 500 dollars in years time.

You will remember this post and day because you were in fact warned.

Suicide or wealth.

Make your choice.

>> No.9700419

so are you going to say what you have against it?
or are you going to keep babling shit without actually saying nothing
yes it may or may not use xrp
is ada being used for anything?
xrp main use case is for cross border payments and all that shit that has been already explained and you answered with
>the technology that solves a problem would be useless if the problem didnt exist

>> No.9700430


I'm not sure if those are facts, or if that's just a meme.

It's hilarious and dellusional how sure you faggots think stage 4 and 5 will actually happen.

>> No.9700438


I've made my choice. and Cardano will be more valuable than centralized banker shit coin aimed to assist an already collapsing system.

>> No.9700444


I like how you shills are stealing andreas antonopolous stuff to shill ripple

Off yourselves. All of you.

>> No.9700458

>so are you going to say what you have against it?


People are conflating the numerous products made by ripple that actually DONT USE THE FUCKING TOKEN than you faggot suckers are buying.

good luck brainlets!

>> No.9700461

meanwhile cardano already lost to ethereum, and eos, neo could catch up anytime.
what is the use case for cardano, what is the vision of the coin?

>> No.9700511


I forgot that the "conceived" price and what it actually is are and what's in the code is the same thing! (sarcasm)

a majority of programmers are not technical to see the value in something in the early stages.

XRP investors are dumber than the ones who buy shit from a tv infomercial, cause they buy into the hype and all the catch phrases thrown at them than actually looking at the fucking code, know the philosphy, understand what the fuck is going on in our monetary system, etc

just a dumb bunch of cuckolds who deserve to get rekt

>> No.9700523


forgot that the "conceived" price and what it actually is are and what's in the code is the same thing! (sarcasm)

a majority of crypt investors are not programmers nor technical to see the value in something in the early stages.

XRP investors are dumber than the ones who buy shit from a tv infomercial, cause they buy into the hype and all the catch phrases thrown at them than actually looking at the fucking code, know the philosphy, understand what the fuck is going on in our monetary system, etc

just a dumb bunch of cuckolds who deserve to get rekt

>> No.9700545


there is no point of trying to have any technical discourse about its value and why it exploded to the top 10 out of nowhere.

you can go read about their consensus algorithm, and the mathematics behind it. but half the brainlets here have room temperature IQs who are incapable of comprehending any of the documentation and code they're putting out there.

>> No.9700600

if its a fucking joke then how it can handle 1500tps vs the virgin cardano 5 tps
you dont know about how consensus algorithm works, you are just spitting out your biased opinion that others have
thats just your opinion.
you act like if cardano has the best code out there, but the truth is that you dont understand shit about what you are reading and just make your opinion based on other people opinions.
also the shitcoins you are invested in is not being used by nobody.
>hurr they dont understand its value

>> No.9700612


>if its a fucking joke then how it can handle 1500tps vs the virgin cardano 5 tps

tell me again where you pulled the 5tps figure from?? FUCK OUT OF HERE FAGBOY

>> No.9700630

literally first result on google, faggot.
just deal with it, you dont know shit about the consensus algorithm and not even about your token

>> No.9700748


Cardano will make 1500 look like a joke. ever heard of RINA? learn something faggot

>> No.9700758

you are a idiot good sir. banking system has failed million times during the years but still there are banks. dont tell me you think banks will stop to exist kek

>> No.9700770

The fact we get these RIPPLE IS JEWISH BANK SHIT every day already alone means this is a great investment.

Banks arn't going anywhere.
SWIFT is old garbage. XRP will replace it.

XRP is instant, it's heavily invested by banks and silicon valley investors.

Accumulate now or cry later at 100USD.

>> No.9700794


YOU fucking idiot. I work in finance. All these cuckold politicians think they can keep raising the debt ceiling and printing money out of fucking thin air.

keep being delusional in you fantasies that a 20 TRILLION budget deficit is something sustainable.

England left the EU, next it's italy and greece,

Deutsche bank will collapse potentially triggering a world wide systemic banking collapse.

Screen cap this.

>> No.9700839

oh look another banking advisor. of course is going to collapse but in a orderly fashion just as planned. you cant build a new house before you knock the old one down. And XRP will be the reserve settlement currency replacing SDR

>> No.9700864
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>feb 2017( xrp price 0.006 usd) -XRP SCAM

>> No.9700875

The XRP interledger will connect all other ledgers, whether fiat or crypto. The interledger will be truly decentralized and not controlled by any one nation, bank, or institution, including Ripple themselves. It is something all nations can agree upon and use, as XRP transactions take 3 seconds and cost fractions of a cent. Compare to SWIFT which is expensive and takes 5 days.

Central banks will likely begin this year diversifying their foreign exchange reserve accounts with the top crypto assets. The rush for regulation is creating volatility in the first phase of the crypto market, but will allow for massive institutional money to enter during the next phase. Nothing in its digital version has failed. This will be the same with money. Fiat currencies will be replaced over time with their crypto versions.

>> No.9700882

XRP isn't going break $10 with a fucking huge supply like they have
DNR can easily break $10 considering theres only 2.5M of them around

>> No.9700914


>oh look another banking advisor
ya brainlet we actually have professional experience in making sound investment choices and are seasoned and licensed to educated others how to do the same.

>XRP will be the reserve settlement currency replacing SDR

hahahah. Speculate more faggot. no body is going to trust a centralized, severely and unevenly distributed digital asset masquerading as a blockchain controlled by a pre-determined set of 16 "trusted" nodes validating transactions for the entire network.

AFTER chaos and shit has hit the fan and people are tired of being fucked by an authoritative corporate-run government...this shitcoin would be their last choice. I can guarantee you that.

>> No.9700923
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>XRP isn't going break $0.01 with a fucking huge supply like they have

>XRP isn't going break $0.1 with a fucking huge supply like they have

>XRP isn't going break $1 with a fucking huge supply like they have

>> No.9700932


you do realize a scam can go undetected for an extended period of time. morons work day and night for the biggest shit coin of all... the dollar. which is magically printed out of thin air by the US treasury and the federal reserve.

for the first time in history you have a choice to be free but you cuckolds run back to the same system that has been fucking you deep in the ass by buying XRP

>> No.9700938

preach it brother

>> No.9700961

lol y so butthurt? XRP is going to replace SDR it is just a matter of time.

>> No.9700977
File: 35 KB, 640x896, 235FE0A7-7CED-4913-9B83-911D8CB1D8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 puts it at a 400bn Mcap you fucking twat. That’s about as big as crypto in its entirety rn. Fucking kys you retard

>> No.9700980

how is XRP the same as the dollar? there are only so much XRP in existence and they get burned every day. Totally opposite to the $

>> No.9700988

so the mcap aint going nowhere it will stay forever at 400bn

>> No.9700997

I think you’re missing the point.

>> No.9701221


in terms of who controls what is a valid transaction is or not, it's similar to government-sanctioned currencies because a small group of people say what goes down, the XRP tokens themselves are heavily concentrated with 81% of all tokens held by 100 wallets. most of which belong to Ripple members.
people need to understand the mechanics behind a digital asset and the VALIDATORS of the network, and how the network meets consensus.

>> No.9701381

Another mcap retard, anyone who presents the market cap argument should be disregarded as total noob and should KYS.

Mcap is arbitrary number that doesn't tell you shit,
it's last traded price * amount in circulation.

It doesn't tell you how much cash is in the maket.

Just simple coin base hype got the XRP to $3.7.

The absolute state of /biz/ investors blathering same FUD for years.

XRP will eat your ass.

>> No.9701407



get in or get rekt

>> No.9701608

They already are trusting ripple just look at the headlines

>> No.9701626

literally any search result you idiot

>> No.9701662

xrapid is he first to use xrp and others are following

from day one ripple has first intended to solidify itself to it's customers with more traditional processes such as xcurrent and then introduce the xrp token into service.

All seems to be going to plan and I xrp is gaining more and more adoption every week

>> No.9702580

xRapid is only click away when traditional rails are in plance like xCurrent

xRapid saves additional costs and causes the nostro / vostro accounts to be obsolete, these
accounts contain trillions of dollars sitting basically idle