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9666746 No.9666746 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here unironically reject job offers due to severe social anxiety? I’ve rejected 3 job offers so far and have been lying to my parents that it’s going badly. I just want to stay at home and NEET desu

>> No.9666765

too late. i've already forwarded this thread to your parents.
looks like someone just lost all his good boy points

>> No.9666777

No I don't get that far in the process. I do ignore phone calls and e-mails from jobs I applied for due to anxiety.

>> No.9666844

Fucking loser. Everyone gets anxiety, but if you don’t fight it, it wins. Fake it til you make it.

>> No.9666847

It'll only get worse as you isolate yourself. Even mouse get anxiety when isolated. Put yourself more in social situations to reverse this faggot

>> No.9667185

Testosterone > Weight lifting
Navy seal breathing
CBT & desensitization

Also, don't apply for shit jobs that you have no interest in. Build a skill in something you love.

>> No.9667204

Ya I never answered the calls when I was looking for a job. Thankfully crypto took off.

>> No.9667319

Some people suck at life. It's ok op

>> No.9667391
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I do this. drugs don't help either, benzos just make me tired and unmotivated.

>> No.9667428

Ive never underatood this. Sure its easier but its not longterm. Also do you really want your life decisions to be determined by fear? Dont you already have regrets in life from times when fear won? Fuck fear

>> No.9667467

This. And if the job you want isnt available? Tell them you will take a lesser position for the opportunity to wait for the one you want. If that doesnt work, tell them you will consider a 6 month unpaid internship. If youre worth anything at all, an employer will find that out before 6 months is up and you will advance.

>> No.9667516

Honestly, unless you work in a field where screwing up has real consequences, you're fucking yourself harder by being super anxious than you could ever fuck yourself by being shitty at your job.

My ex had bad anxiety. At least she was a pretty girl who had the option of noping out of the workforce. Sorry OP, but you need to man up and stop giving a shit about what other people think in social situations. I'm sorry this is probably unhelpful but you'll hate yourself down the road if you don't pull yourself together.

>> No.9667540


dubs unironically win. i had the same shit but i forced myself to do it even if i felt like i would pass out from the anxiety. the first year or so was hell but eventually i got over it. there is no other way, you have to be stronger than the anxiety. are you literally weaker than anxiety? that's what you have to ask yourself. it's the only question that matters

>> No.9667627

Red pill me on phenibut. Will it make me a normie?

>> No.9667830

For me it reduced my anxiety somewhat and made more social, i wouldnt call it life changing though, plus you cant take it everyday or you build a tolerance and iv heard the withdrawals are pretty bad. similar to benzos

>> No.9667841

Made me smirk

>> No.9668109

All the other things i listed are way more important. Phen or benzos are just temporary tools for things like interviews. You don't want to be using them regularly.

Use multiple methods simultaneously and persistently. You'll be able to change the way you think and behave.