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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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965790 No.965790 [Reply] [Original]

Who /xoma/ today?
>let the memes fulfill your dreams

>> No.965790,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are there any kind Anon's here who would be willing to fund my Youtube channel?

The money would go toward a gaming PC (I've shopped around and found one at a VERY reasonable price, good spec too!) I know this sounds like I just want to mess around sitting on my ass playing PC games all day but I genuinely have a plan made when it comes to this.

I'm well spoken (British) calm, friendly and funny, I want to set up a cross between a Let's play and a simple strategy guide style channel (using my knowledge of various games to help people get better) along with real life videos of me completing various challenges (stay the night in a haunted house etc) aswell as hosting a few twitch streams to help generate subscribers.

I'm asking for $1500 this will cover the full cost of the PC, mic and webcam.

Please email me if you would like to know more

Alternatively if you want to donate however much you feel I deserve I have a paypal, anything is appreciated.

paypal: cotton869@hotmail.com (Totally Anonymous, I won't post your email)

Any in depth questions you want to ask? please feel free to email me.

And this is NOT a troll.

>> No.965819
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buy this if you have access to the swedish stock market (it's listed on aktietorget which i guess most of you can't buy from). it will keep rising at this rate until at least november 30 and after that it won't really crash, it will probably slow down but it will still be an epic long term play.