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9646253 No.9646253 [Reply] [Original]

Life of a GPU miner over the past 6-7 months.

You can call me a larper and tell me its fantasy, but i guaranteed you i probably made more profit % wise than majority of the people here. Take this information as you will. Im going to not include all the coins i have mined because it would be over 50 shit-coins so i would only include the notable ones i've mined.

Started mining a coin called Bulwark when it was worth $1.00 with no exchange and sold this around $10-11. I've accumulated from what i recall $60,000.

Next i moved onto a coin called Bithold and accumulated $10,000 in the first week, but i decided to obtain a Masternode(huge mistake) the coin value plummeted as the market crashed and i sold at disgusting $2,000.

I remember seeing the original thread posted here about a little coined called Turtle.... Let just say i pulled out 6 figures and i let everyone how i dumped on them at around 30 sats in the main-chat and i got banned. Anyone who was their knows who this is already.

>> No.9646255

>Part 2

I then mined a coin called IPBC/TUBE i was one of the first individuals i accumulated over 70,000 and sold my first 10,000 coins for a pitiful 500 sats. i dumped the rest at 3.5k sats. i accumulated 2.5 BTC if im not mistaken. I'm unsure what the price of BTC was at this point.

I was one of the very first people in a coin called Akroma.. it was "leaked" here, but i suspect was the doing of the developers. I accumulated over 40,000 coins in the very first day. As i was the first gpu miner on it. Sold majority of my bags at $1.00-0.50 cents.

I also mined Stellite which at the time was trading at 1-2 sats? With about 6 mining rigs filled with rx 580's.
I made a nice 1.5 btc off this for 2 weeks of work with little hashpower.

While mining Stellite on my AMD's i got into a little coin called Raven with my Nvidias when it was touted as CPU mining coin. Luckily for me the unfinished GPU miner was released the very day i joined.. I remember accumulating 600-700k a day easily. After a month or two i was a raven whale with over 4 million coins. Which i dumped all at 700-800 sats.
Easy 6 figure payday.

>> No.9646285

>Part 3
I was part of Haven coin but i never really trusted it... I decided to dump this one soon as it pumped at 17k sats(big big mistake) as it went over 80k sats.. i didn't make too much gains on this, but about 3x more than i would have then if i mined ETH

Couple weeks ago i been mining a coin which im not going to name as it hasn't been shilled yet.. It has big mining players and huge twitter shills accumulating atm. The price has 10x so far Even before the price increase it was 3-4x more profitable than ETH. I sold 30% of my bags and i cashed out 20k.

Now the current coin i've been mining has just ninja released. The diff is non-existant so GPU is pointless and im CPU mining it. It has 2 very famous people attached to the project.

This all occured while BTC went from 20k to where it is now.

I accumulated a wealth of mid 6 figures in that time frame with a 60k investment on my mining operation.

>> No.9646313
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the 30% i sold that hasn't been shilled yet.

>> No.9646511

nice blog

>> No.9646542

>but i guaranteed you i

>> No.9646567

>thinking that biz can move the markets
fuck off fag

>> No.9646625

what is your rig specs?

>> No.9646626

Good job anon. I trying to get in early but haven't had much luck yet.

>> No.9646678

Is ravencoin still good coin to mine? I got in about a month ago and difficulty stayed about the same: just below 30 raven on my single 1060

>> No.9646729
File: 63 KB, 720x436, Asics-Gel-Torrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys i bought these ASICS, wat now?? how do i start mining.
the guy in the shoe store was no help.

>> No.9646751

thank you
200 gpus majority nvidia
because most ppl expect others to spoonfeed them u gotta put in the work and research and dig around
No, i don't think its profitable, but long term it has huge upsides especially if it gets introduced as a payment platform on overstock.com

Once everyone knows about said coin and the shilling starts ur already too late.

>> No.9646754


OP do you just mine coins early that have potential, if so how do you find out about them?

>> No.9646817

Wish i had heard about Akroma before, by the time i mined it the difficulty was at the highest.

>> No.9646819

I hear ya. I'm putting in the work, just cant't identify anything worth a shit in the beginning. I guess you just have to take a chance though. Although, the last 14 days I have been mining some shit worth $100 a day on my little 6x1080ti rig. So not complaining really.

>> No.9646834

Would also like to know

>> No.9646874

honestly i believe your numbers
but take a step back and look at your story
this whole jumping from utter shitcoin to shitcoin, these retarded names and useless communities
you're living in the third world just to take their money
i'm not making a moral judgement, i'm just saying no amount of money could make me want to interact with that ecosystem day in day out. it's too tiresome, as soul-sucking as a bank job
it also takes being within a specific intelligence range to work, because you're essentially pump-and-dumping. you have to be in tune with what is going to make these retards believe a shitcoin will have legs, and that becomes harder and harder the smarter you get. not calling you stupid either, you're probably 110-120 iq and superior to most people you interact with
in short, congrats but your results can't be replicated by just anyone (and that's why you're getting these kind of returns)

>> No.9647160

Yes, it is soul-sucking but as the saying goes. No pain no gain. I treat this like a job. I use alot of my free time researching and investigating day in and day out.

Honestly im not that smart. Im probably a brainlet as u can tell by my shit grammar. It's just the vast amount of experience i've obtain over the last year or so in this space. I look for certain indicators, i gauge the type of people interested in said projects. I do alot of background research of said developers(most people rarely do this), ask myself are these coins "shill-worthy", can i see whales shilling this?, are their any known twitter shills/big miners in said coin, see how people act in OTC channels, all this shit adds up.. if u got a winner on ur hand or a loser. It's honestly at this point really easy too tell 90% of the time.

>> No.9647261

With all this info, spoonfeed me on what coin should I mine now.
>b4 do your research

>> No.9647287

How much did you spend on your rig and what equipment did you use?

>> No.9647306

tl;dr, how many millions did you make from this shit?

>> No.9647307


I am mining Nimiq, am I doing good?

>> No.9647382

do your research

GTX 1070,1060 and RX 580's

I've only been mining for a year.
First 6 months = 100k(not including insane bullrun)
Last 6 months = 500kish

No, too much hype from the beginning... every pleb knew about it from the gecko you want to join coins nobody knows or heard of.

>> No.9647439

It takes so much money nowadays to buy graphics cards, especially when you need to buy a lot of them.

How are electricity prices in your country?

>> No.9647489

>from the gecko

what the FUCK

>> No.9647537

graphic cards are msrp prices again the fck u talking about

>> No.9647538

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.9647584

One of your RX 580 costs around 300 €. How many would I need again?

Even if you'd tell me to start small. Let's say you start with 3 cards. How long until you get your 900 € plus electricity back?

>> No.9647626

> 200 GPU

Ofc everyone could afford 200 gpu the first year...

Anon you were just lucky, next months we gonna probably have the biggest bearish market even worst what we got in 2014.

And worst FPGA are around the corner, it's not worth to invest in GPU farm right now.

>> No.9647627

top kek u remind me of a buddy of mine.

that all depends on you and the coin you mine.

Lucky for him i introduced him to that coin that hasn't been shilled yet and he started off with 3 1070ti's and ended up adding 3 more in the course of the month.. he made $4,000 or so. Basically paid off his rig. If you go the normie route and mine Ethereum it will take u 1 year.

>> No.9647650

Are you implying you couldn't earn a decent amount of cash with a smaller mining farm?

I have friends with just 2-3 rigs and they earned a decent amount themselves.

>> No.9647652

>hasn't been shilled yet
Everyones knows about Waltonchain, you cum guzzling faggot.

>> No.9647665

Cucks like you been stating "why mine buy btc instead" for the past year.

While u cucks lose ur shirt while btc tanks im earning more than ever.

>> No.9647671
File: 72 KB, 634x493, Nasim_Aghdam_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larp on /biz/ is getting just more and more pathetic and ridiculous. mostly pathetic.

>> No.9647678

> 2-3 rig
> decent amount

Are you living in poland or some shithole ? Maybe you don't pay any tax ?

>> No.9647680

not even close oh man.
inb4 he says aion.

heres a hint... the creator of said coin had no ico and he developed 2 mult-billionarie dollar coins circulating right now... their both top 50 coins on CMC.

>> No.9647689

don't bother looking for it on some exchange or CMC... its not on their.. cucks like u don't understand u need to get in coins before it listed anywhere or ur too late.

>> No.9647718


Mined a gem for months : DERO. already got x10 on it before the ASIC invasion.

>> No.9647721


P-please tell me what that coin is. Please.

>> No.9647764

well i congratulate you then Chadster..

u r slightly ahead of the curve.

>> No.9647792

Sounds like larimer.

>that all depends on you and the coin you mine

I know that, but on average, realistically.
I guess that, with the good coin you were talking about, when you make 4k bucks in one or two months the electricity bill is not a problem.
I was asking because where I am from mining most bigger coins like ETH is a zero sum game - because of high electricity costs.

>> No.9647802
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 3AC6833A-3CEC-4374-8CED-5F2A59C92627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh super sikret coin that doesn’t a thread on Bitcointalk, mining pools or social media accounts

>> No.9647828

No, idea what that is, but im gonna go look that up now ;)

How much are you paying for per watts?

On average for me i gain about 8x over Ethereum mining would be more but my stupidity in the first 6 months probably lowered my average.

I pay 0.07 cents per watts mostly because i don't mine in a residential area and i just decided to rent out a place. So $550 for rental, $50 for internet, 0.07c per watt.

>> No.9647860

It's the name of the BTS/EOS/STEEM developer. So I guess it was wrong.

However, the price per kWh here ranges from 0.26 to 0.3 €, sadly that's quite a lot compared to your cost.

I have a friend who was interested in mining ETH, I told him it's not worth it. Maybe I could tell him about your strategy if he wants to invest the money.

>> No.9647894

Mhh i think i just started mining this today, on a single gpu. I am late to the party, right?

>> No.9647901


P-please tell me anon.


>> No.9647913

that's fair. effort is effort indeed, and you deserve to make it so much more than the neet who passively sits on his link stack and hopes a russian backpacker will save his ass

>> No.9647925
File: 14 KB, 225x234, rock-chuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to ask a dedicated miner about Decred.

One of my Norman co-workers seems to think he's smarter than everyone in the market, and recently got some Chink clone of an S-9 ASIC miner tailored for Decred.

He claims he can make like $1500 a week running this thing.

Makes no sense, because if this were that profitable, I'd imagine every major pool and Genesis mining piling in and mining the shit out of it.

Is this a load of shit or what?

>> No.9647961

Yea, i figured that out after googling it.
He's probably not going to be interested.. Normies want passive income they don't want the work involve doing all that extra bullshit.
You must be from Cali... those rates suck.. i feel for ya man.

Ehhh theirs a decent amount of size for growth.. the big twitter shills hasn't shilled this yet.. They just been quietly accumulating so far. Must be rough with 1 gpu... knowing how difficult it is to obtain these coins.
The price could actually go down right now(it actually has), but i wouldn't worry i expect the price to rise again and then dump again once its listed on an exchange... and then after a couple of weeks a random artifical pump will occur. It always happens like clockwork.

>> No.9647972


>> No.9647983


>> No.9647985

Hey OP/anyone else making a good profit mining.

Are there any good resources (forums, blogs, books) that you'd be willing to share that talk about crypto mining?

Is it even worth getting into the game with a $2k-$3k rig, and if so, should beginners stick to basic shit like ETH or try to branch out into shitcoins?

>> No.9647997

right on the money congrats.

im off that coin now though.

like i stated in my original post.

>> No.9648004

so in order for this to be profitable, i have to move somewhere with cheap electricity?

>> No.9648011

I mined ETH for the first 4 months.. ive earned about 15-20k? I mean soon as i branched out(my first shit coin was Signatum) i made 20k in the first week... u tell me lol

>> No.9648012

How do you get into coins so early, most of /biz/ talks about coins when the ICO is over. Where do you hang out?

>> No.9648029

Yeah, I figured that shitcoins would be better due to lower difficulty. I've never mined before and I haven't been trading in months, I just want to re-acclimate to the autism without losing my shirt.

>> No.9648039

I have free electricity where I live but can't afford miners

FUCK bro

>> No.9648045
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This guy.

Well done my man.

>> No.9648059

he wont say

>> No.9648061
File: 31 KB, 830x120, fistnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fistnigger/lambolydia

>> No.9648069

also were you the one who shilled IPBC here? something about cup and handle forming?

>> No.9648089

Nope, but i did make the very first raven shill thread. Everyone ignored it :^) Then it 10x'd


>> No.9648108

im assuming he searches git up or one of the ico websites. i want to mine but im not in a position to move to a shit country where electricity is cheap

>> No.9648163

Honestly He's right I don't mine and buy coins off miners though, made $100,000 off a $5000 investment in Artax during january.

>> No.9648170

damn if you knew about raven ur an OG and a really smart dude.

>> No.9648367

The reason I've never got into the mining game is because I wrongly guessed that the ponzi that is the PoW shitcoin pump and dump cycle just couldn't keep going. I'm honestly impressed OP. How many more of these shitcoins will pump in this bear market though? Are people really buying these things? Damn, that is some top delusion but I guess they think they're getting in early.

>> No.9648492

Good thread op. I want to get into mining but it seems difficult to start up.

>> No.9648552

>paying msrp for a 2 year old card

>> No.9648723

the next coin to mine and sell is AIQ, Artiqox. You faggots heard it here first, do not say nobody warned you.

>> No.9648740

whats your opinion on 0xbtc? is it an opportunity or?

>> No.9648766

I made the same mid 6 figure pushing a bunch of mouse clicks.

mining is for blue collars

>> No.9648889
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1525257065133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much have you made so far on it and How much can one mine on a 4gb ram computer?

>> No.9649084

Is it still possible to mine coins with a shit rig? I've got some old computers (from around 2005-2008) without gpu's lying around.

>> No.9649848

can you help me please? I wanna be the part of a mining group. 20 1080ti atm but planning to expand in the future. Im pretty bad at this. I knew about raven from a guy but didnt started mining it. Still feel like shit because of this. Now Im mining some mildly profitable coin but its nothing extra.

help me master

>> No.9649910

Haven't been able to mine shit on linux, with a 1070.
What's the most retard-proof way of getting started?

>> No.9649943


Shoot me an email anon milbow@gmx.com

>> No.9650363

>I've only been mining for a year.
>First 6 months = 100k(not including insane bullrun)
>Last 6 months = 500kish
holy fucking shit teach me

>> No.9650863

Bumping for interest and to say congrats to op. I mine but only a single gpu. I wish I had the know how of where to look to make it

>> No.9650901
File: 444 KB, 1600x1200, my setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice but fuck mining shitcoins because im well into 6 figures by buying ZIL ico in december. kys

>> No.9651255

I can tell something illegal is going on in this picture

>> No.9651303

>super high block reward for first miners
>no whitepaper
yeah fuck you too

>> No.9651471

When is it best to use RX 580's vs gtx 1070 vs the gtx 1080 or is is the RX arguable the best one?

>> No.9652240
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1516299060135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual, utter clusterfuck?
kekus maximus.

>> No.9652300

sad bump, gonna miss op

>> No.9652437

Is investing in a GPU mining farm the best option? What about ASICs?

>> No.9652501

Equihash Asic coming out in June. And 11 series Nvidia card coming out on July along with Ethash Asic. Will be interesting to see how much Asic and next gen GPU are going to fuck up the mining difficulty

>> No.9652549

Hi phunk, hows it going my king?

>> No.9652609

all these idiots do is pump then dump shitcoins

this is how i know crypto will never be taken seriously in my life time.

>> No.9652816

I know, but to know which coins gonna end up on the exchanges, that is art.
so he is phunkism, right? Then I guessed right. Please tell him I wanna be his servant and drop me a mail+discord invite here dickdickersson@gmail.com

Thanks mate.

>> No.9653527

What country or area of the world are you from to get cheap electricity? I pay like 35 cents per kWh so mining isn't viable at all.

>> No.9653824

>What country or area of the world are you from to get cheap electricity?
You can get power much cheaper if you buy it as a business.