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9617893 No.9617893 [Reply] [Original]

22 year old boomer here. What coin can I buy right now to guarantee my retirement in the next 6 months?

>> No.9617941

None of them. You missed the actual moon missions, all we got left is shots at low branches in a sea of complete duds. The days of normie FOMO are over and the weak hands already moved out. There will be several years of slow decline and exit scams followed by either adoption or death. Either way adoption requires crypto to actually be treated as currency and currency requires nonvolatility.

The wild west for ICOs is over bud and you missed lamboland. I didn't, I sold. Wish I put more than 1% of my net worth in but shit I came out with an insane return.

>> No.9617953


Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.9617964
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>> No.9617968
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stocks, fellow boomer

>> No.9617975

10x $100 is insane

>> No.9617979

fucking idiot

>> No.9617995


yo brainlet you do know that there are other uses for crypto besides just currency, yes?

>> No.9618000


>> No.9618040

Hey brainlet do you understand investor sentiment and supply/demand? The FOMO is gone. The last purge was the peak with the BBT episode and the WSJ front page article in the same week. Do you actually think that wasn't planned? Then the regulation set in immediately after on a global scale. Manipulators made a fucking killing.
I made much more than that because I was in using SR before it got shit on. I'm a trust fund baby too so my 1% was probably your net worth.

>> No.9618074
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>trust fund baby

>> No.9618128

Sure sucks being worth 7 figures in your 20s. Got me.

>> No.9618133
File: 37 KB, 960x948, 32667386_1918908071462215_7445493672117796864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This garbage response right here is pretty solid proof that there are people with low double digit IQs browsing biz. Apparently there are no more moon missions, even though:
> crypto has not achieved any actual widespread adoption
> crypto has achieved the kind of explosive growth for what it is despite this
> apparently this won't happen when actual adoption occurs
When the very few coins with actual use cases achieve adoption status by big business (and then normies,) you will be looking at an industry worth trillions of dollars just for its ability to save money alone, and it will only keep growing from there.

>> No.9618150


All the money in the world won't make you less of a faggot

>> No.9618151


It would suck. No matter what you do in life, you'll always be a faggot. I hope you at least remember to give your daddy a blowjob and say thank you cuck.

>> No.9618168

there are other uses that actually could get implemented but none of them involve CUURENCY

>> No.9618199

dat poorfag cope. stay plebs.

>> No.9618224


>Be me
>Rich but insecure
>Have to brag about my trust fund babby status on the Internet to boost my ego
>When people laugh at me for never having had to work for anything in my entire life obviously it's because they're poor and not because they think I am a weak human being

>> No.9618262

You are assuming so much and so very wrong and that's why you will stay poor.
Posts like this remind me of why I'm probably in the wrong place. Completely full of projection and just enough comprehension of subject matter to make a dangerously uninformed opinion.


>> No.9618537


You still don't understand, do you? It doesn't matter what you say, you will always be a faggot.

>> No.9618599
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> no refutation to any of the points which I have raised whatsoever
> the best he could do was to accuse me of projection and having an uninformed opinion
I just can't withstand such powerful arguments. Thanks, you little investment guru - I just sold 100k because of your flawless logic.