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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9605458 No.9605458 [Reply] [Original]

There is no need to suffer unnecessarily, anon.

There is still time to get comfy

Take my hand, anon, don't be afraid.

>> No.9605509

The stinky linkies have had their time to shine, it's time for the next generation of crypto memes. They dont stand a chance against the deluded wyskies.

>> No.9605579
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We are the deluded wyskies!

Wir werden nicht verkaufen!

>> No.9605586


> deluded

If anyone’s deluded it’s the WYSkeptics. People thinking because it was shilled on /biz/ that it is doomed to pajeetdom.

Even if it’s shit, which I highly doubt, it looks enough like a winner to 10x in this space... you don’t deserve this.

>> No.9605769
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$1000 EOY check em

>> No.9605783
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I just don’t see this coin not going to 100x

>> No.9606115

Order book looks healthy. I expect a new pump soon

>> No.9606138

lmao this shit is for literal faggots from Mumbai

>> No.9606362

Yeah I know, Link is pretty bad senpai

>> No.9606385

I bought a few just in case.

>> No.9606518
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Nope. Quality Aryan engineering. Try again retard.

>> No.9606600


There’s no coin as bleakish white as this one. 17 dedicated german Devs.

>> No.9606950

lmao you faggots cant even get digits!
how the fuck do you want to repeat the greatest get ever on biz?

>> No.9606964

>Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
just bought 100k ChainLink

>> No.9607198

Shill me on WYS

>> No.9607254


Remember the pokemon go crazy?

It will be like that.

Get in now. We just hit 90k volume, so CMC coming soon. Price doubled last couple of days. Still under 10mm.

I dont care it's a shitcoin, there is money to be made when this goes viral.

>> No.9607259
File: 101 KB, 1038x539, 573C81B2-9BF7-453C-8612-FD4DE4D1BC38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all take a look into the tokenomics:

> 102 Mio supply is nothing in crypto
> 60 Mio in circulation even less
> there is a trillion dollar market to feed with those tokens
> tokens will be used as discounts on products in listed online-shops
> these tokens are given out by advertisers through the app to the user as reward for his data
> prior to that advertisers have to buy the token via an Wys-exclusive ad-platform starting from q1 2019
> You as a Hodler are the one advertisers will have to buy from

So now to the just leaked features of Wysker 2.0:

> App will be featured by Apple in the AppStore
> There will be a direct connection to social media channels like instagram where you can show the fancy stuff you‘ve discovered via the App
> There will be a totally new style of gamification implemented. You can actually level up your account through purchases
> Even you Wysker cat-avatar will be customizable to maximize individual immersion
> That gamification-factor combined with the unique UI-design will normies run nuts and addicted to discover even more awesome stuff.
> So the user-counter is gonna be explode by the end of the year

How do they achieve that?

> They’ll start their normie-and crypto-marketing campaign simultaneously with the App and Web-app release via social media, influencers on both sides and a new bounty campaign

So all in all you get one of the very few Utility tokens with actual and unique multiple-use case in a circled tokenomic system centered around an innovative app engineered by 17 dedicated german software experts at near ICO-price with a supply of 100 Mio. for a trillion dollar market. Anon, seriously it‘s a nobrainer.

>> No.9607288

>retarded life form detected

>> No.9607294



>> No.9607352
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>> No.9607413
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I'd take a 69 over dubs anyday.

>> No.9607518
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Pikachu always knew

>> No.9607912

If I ever get rich on WYS, I’m taking the secret to the grave, because you guys are all fucking faggots. I hope the lot of you get raped to death by muslims.

>> No.9607980
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Feel the love kek

>> No.9607987

hush child, its time for wysker to grow now

>> No.9608585

dumb question but i'm new to erc20 tokens. i can buy this through my nano ledger by sending my ether from the ledger to the wysker address?

>> No.9608696
File: 324 KB, 1242x1297, BA5E36A1-CCAA-4D7C-B25D-5E99202B3EB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for all the poor fools that missed wys at .04 all last week while crying that it was a scam coin.

It’s easier to be negative than it is to be positive. Don’t fall for the negativity. This coin actually has a good deal of value.

Don’t be a fool, buy wys

>> No.9608873

brainlet question here so i'm learning how to use idex. just curious what are the erc20 tokens linked to in the exchange. since it's all decentralized. if my wallet disconnects for some reason do the erc20 tokens disappear? hope that makes sense